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Today in Scientology -- July 22nd ***********************************************

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Scientology Today

Jul 23, 2019, 7:49:56 AM7/23/19
Today July 22nd in Scientology history

Coming to a Screen Near You: A Guerrilla War In Cyberspace
July 22, 1996, Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ Some on the Net call it cyberspace's Vietnam.
Others prefer the analogy of the Spanish Civil War.

Whichever it is, the back-and-forth skirmishes of this guerrilla
conflict are an excellent example of the kind of vigilantism that rules
in the anarchy that is the Internet.

The battle pits the Los Angeles-based Church of Scientology against a
few loosely organized bands of free speech advocates who have taken up
what they believe to be the flag of truth.

Tags: 1991, 1995, alt.religion.scientology, First Amendment, Grady Ward,
Helena Kobrin, Intellectual property rights, Jeff Quiros, John Travolta, Los
Angeles, Quicky, Ron Newman, San Francisco, Scamizdat, Scientology lawyer,
Scott Goehring, Vietnam, Washington Post


Copyright -- or wrong?
July 22, 1999, Janelle Brown, Salon

In June, the Church of Scientology subpoenaed AT&T Corp., invoking the
Digital Millennium Copyright Act to demand that it reveal the identity
of a WorldNet subscriber who was posting excerpts from "Introduction to
Scientology Ethics" on alt.religion.scientology under the pseudonym
"Safe." Faced with the law, AT&T quickly ponied up the user
information, an act that Steele says "the fourth amendment protects
against -- it's a misuse of the civil justice system for companies to
be [defeating] anonymous speech."

Tags: alt.scientology.war, Bridge Publications, David Miscavige, DMCA,
Electronic Frontier Foundation, Helena Kobrin, James Lippard


Scientology goes visiting
July 22, 1999, Enzo Di Matteo, NOW Magazine

From the regular demos in front of the church's Yonge Street offices to
the photographing of church members and posting of their mugs on the
Internet, Hagglund has been relentless in his attempts to expose the
"truth" about the curious practice of Scientology. Behind the scenes,
he's been trying to put the kibosh on the church's controversial
efforts to win charitable status.

Tags: Al Buttnor, Canada, Gregg Hagglund


Probe opens in disappearance of papers in Scientology case
July 22, 2000, AP, New Haven Register

The dossiers, which disappeared in 1998 from the Justice Ministry, were
part of a case opened in 1990 against 16 regional Scientology leaders
for alleged fraud, illegal practice of medicine and premeditated

The case stemmed from a complaint by a former Scientologist, Juan
Esteban Cordero, who accused the Church of Scientology of "progressive
mental conditioning" that led him to spend more than $177,000 on
Scientology-related courses.

Tags: France


Exclusive: Weird Science
July 22, 2005, Laurie Hanna,

IT'S the belief system which actor Tom Cruise says has changed his life
and made him a better man.

But the controversial Church of Scientology was criticised last week
after claims it was preying on people caught up in the London bombings.

Packs of yellow-shirted believers arrived at the scenes of carnage,
offering "spiritual healing" to distraught relatives - and ?3 booklets
titled How To Improve Conditions In Life.

And yesterday 200 "volunteer ministers" were sent out across the
capital to talk to people after the latest alerts.

Tags: London, UK, Volunteer Ministers


L Ron Hubbard's Marcab Confederacy
July 22, 2008, Xenu733t, YouTube


also check out this video "L Ron Hubbard's Fifth Invader Force":

Tags: Fifth Invader Force, L. Ron Hubbard, Marcab, Quicky


Oppressed Thetans: The New "OT"
July 22, 2009, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

In HCOB 22 December 1960, O/W, A Limited Theory, LRH points out that we
use O/W as it "explains phenomena found at a low humanoid level." It is
not, he states, a senior governing law of the universe. As one moves up
the line, it drops out.

Makes sense. As one moves up to OT, one should become more and more
rational, more and more ethical. Trips to the Ethics Officer should be
less and less. And Security Checks should be fewer and fewer.

In theory. But that's not how it works, is it? In fact, it seems that
the higher you are on the Bridge, the less you are trusted. Security
Checks become more and more frequent. Anyone on OT VII, in fact, has to
go to Flag twice a year for their "6 Month Check," which includes at
least one intensive of Security Checking, often two or more, at $7,500
an intensive. Add in the bill for your 6-month C/Sing, your
Accomodations and food, and you're looking at spending $20,000 or more
twice a year.

Tags: 1960, Clearwater, Ethics Officer, Hubbard Communications Office
Bulletin, Ideal Org, International Association of Scientologists, L. Ron
Hubbard, OT, OT VII, OT VIII, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Sea Org,
Sec Check, St. Petersburg Times, The Secret, Virginia


Scientology's most dangerous enemy
July 22, 2009, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

No, it's not Anonymous. Or the Psychs. Or the Drug Companies. Or the St.
Petersburg Times.

In fact, it's an inside job.

A man who's been working to dismantle Scientology from within for 20

Tags: 1980, 2003, Abortion, Anonymous, California, Caribbean, Clearwater, CMO
Int, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Dissemination, Egypt, Golden Era
Productions, Ideal Org, Int Base, International Association of
Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, Mission, New York Times, OT,
Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Religious Technology Center, Saint
Hill, San Jacinto, Scientology executive, Scotland, Sea Org, Sleep
deprivation, St. Petersburg Times, The Hole


Judging religion and charity
July 22, 2010, Mike Ferriss, Opinion, ABC News (Australia)

Senator Nick Xenophon's back-door approach to bring Scientology under
scrutiny through an ill-conceived Tax Amendment Bill on charities has
had the effect of alarming religious groups large and small to his
unholy crusade. Now they too could be drawn into the strange vortex
Xenophon is creating with his call for charities to be measured not
only by public benefit (which they currently already are) but also by
the criteria of detriment or harm.

Tags: Australia, Nick Xenophon


Portrait of a Sociopath
July 22, 2010, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

I have occasionally used the term sociopath to describe David Miscavige.
I use the term advisedly, not as some random insult. Mainly because
every description of a sociopath that I have read fits Miscavige to a T.

And please, don't make the mistake of saying, "oh yes, sociopath ?
that's the same as an SP. And I already know all about SPs, therefore I
don't need to learn anything further." That's known as
thought-stopping, a phenomenon that deserves its own post. One of the
biggest barriers to learning something is thinking you already know it.

In my opinion, "Suppressive Person" has always been primarily used as a
political term in Scientology. Sure, there's a list of "Characteristics
of an Anti-Social Personality" in the Ethics book, but come on, really,
when was the last time you saw someone methodically going down through
that checklist before declaring someone? And when was the last time you
saw someone declared SP who actually had a majority of those
characteristics? No, it's a way to label and isolate people who
challenge the power and authority of the Church ? and specifically
these days, David Miscavige.

Tags: Abortion, Church of Spiritual Technology, Criminal, David Miscavige,
Disconnection, Ethics, Int Base, Jennifer Linson, L. Ron Hubbard, Musical
Chairs, Potential Trouble Source, Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force,
Scientology executive, Suppressive Person


Scientology David Miscavige steals donations for masseurs TVs spas but not
for needy 1/2
July 22, 2010, midguardz, YouTube

David Miscavige has a 'very unusually close relationship' sorry
unnaturally extremely close that suggests {er almost is showing you the
murder cards at cluedo} homosexual sex with Tom Cruise knight and day !

Mike Rinder's interview is the final nail in Miscavige coffin if this
doesn't make police arrest Miscavige nothing will even if the bodies
with uncovered by a dust storm police would still be looking at their
ill gotten gains from Miscavige to be disinterested. Absolutely
disgraceful. & I think it disgraceful that Rinder is trying for a plea
bargain with the Australian govt first before he reveals his
involvement with the murders. My advice to Cruise is get yourself a
lawyer son, you're gonna need a real good one as you are an accomplice
to Miscavige's devastating crimes to humanity.

David Miscavige steals the donations meant for the poor & needy &
instead uses it on his masseurs large screen TVs first class tickets to
concerts & road tracks & of course all those lavish parties to butter
up his bum boy BBf Tom Cruise. & Cruise is just lapping it up selfishly
instead of having any moral fiber & making a complaint to the
authorities to stop Miscavige stealing from the members which is
suppose to go to charity. & the senate is still debating whether
Miscavige's church should be taxed. Are YOU FUCKING NUTSO???!!!

Tags: Australia, David Miscavige, Mike Rinder, Quicky, Tom Cruise


ID the Benchwarmers Contest
July 22, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

It seems the Creed of the Church of Scientology worked like water on
the wicked witches of the west. "OT VIII"s Allender and Ed Bryan have
not been seen since; apparently given the mushroom treatment by

Camera man Bart Parr was also subbed out today for another fellow.

Pictures of today's subs are below.

Tags: Bart Parr, David Miscavige, Ed Bryan, OT VIII, Quicky


Neil Gaiman, 7, Interviewed About Scientology by the BBC in 1968
July 22, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

It was a pamphlet, dated 1969, titled "A Report to Members of
Parliament on Scientology."

The 14-page item was published by Scientology's "World-Wide Public
Relations Bureau" at East Grinstead in Sussex. It contains the church's
responses to various objections to Scientology that had been raised by
the UK and other Commonwealth governments at the time.

Tags: 1968, 1969, 1972, 2009, 2010, BBC, BBC Radio, Chuck Beatty, Clear,
Colin Henderson, Connecticut, David Gaiman, David Miscavige, East Grinstead,
Engrams, Facebook, Gary Smith, Grade II, Ingleside, Jeanne LeFlore, Kate
Bornstein, McAlester News-Capital, Nancy Many, Narconon, Narconon Arrowhead,
NBC, Neil Gaiman, New Yorker, Oklahoma, Patty Moher, Paulette Cooper,
Pittsburg County, Roger Weller, Stacy Murphy, Sunday Funnies, Sussex, The
Master, Tom Cruise, UK


That's How They Got Al Capone But Scientology Maybe Not
July 22, 2012, Peter J Reilly, Forbes

Many years ago, through a peculiar set of circumstances, I found myself
sitting in the waiting room of an IRS Criminal Investigation office.
When I finally went into the office it looked much like other IRS
offices I had been in, except for the big trophy ? from a pistol
shooting competition, a subtle reminder that these were accountants who
carried guns and had arrest powers. In the waiting room there had been
a poster, I think it might have been a recruiting poster, that talked
about how gangster Al Capone was finally convicted of income tax
evasion. CI takes a great deal of pride in that achievement, even
though it was accomplished by a predecessor organization , as this
video shows

That particular conviction led to a classic remark. When someone got an
audit notice, they would be ribbed by someone saying - "That's how they
got Al Capone."

Some critics of Scientology have similar hopes. They believe that
because of all Scientology's wrongdoing, the IRS should investigate the
various entities and revoke their exempt status, because it will be
determined that they are not really churches.

Tags: 1993, 1997, 1999, Catholic, Church Tax Compliance Committee, Congress,
Criminal, Critic, IRS, Jewish, Katie Holmes, Quicky, Scientology
organization, Sklar, Tax Court, Tom Cruise, Village Voice


The Great Middle Path Revisited
July 22, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

For those new to the blog, I recommend an essay I posted almost three
years ago titled The Great Middle Path redux. I discussed then the idea
that the extreme sides of the Scientology spectrum in many ways reflect
one another. The zealots on the Miscavige side and the 'critics' on the
'book burner' side nurture one another as convenient evils to make life
combative enough to be interesting.

I once heard a pundit remark that probably the most straight, truthful
news from the Middle East comes from the Al Jazeera news agency. He
reckoned that based on an objective study of international news
reportage on the region over a several year period. He cited as
corroboration for that analysis the fact that Al Jazeera was the only
news outfit in history to be bombed by both of the opposing sides of a
military conflict.

If you check out the reader reviews on Amazon books for What Is Wrong
With Scientology you will see that most who care to comment express
strong feelings one way or the other about the book. A lot of people
seem to either hate it or love it. Add to the mix both extremes of the
Scientology spectrum. On the one side are the anti-Marty sites,
authored and edited by David Miscavige. On the other side is the most
prominent and persistent of Scientology ridiculers, Tony Ortega at the
Village Voice.

Tags: Al Jazeera, Amazon, David Miscavige, Quicky, Tony Ortega, Village Voice


This Man Alleges He Was Held For Months In A Scientology 'Reform' Prison
July 22, 2012, Jim Edwards , Business Insider

Steve Hall was a member of the Church of Scientology from 1987 to 2004,
and was a marketing staffer in Scientology's international management
headquarters in Gilman Hot Springs, near Hemet, California. He wrote
the church's advertising tagline, "Know yourself, know life."

He spent years scripting speeches for Scientology leader David
Miscavige and shooting videos for its conventions. He did it all as a
volunteer, in return for room and board and a small amount of cash.

While famous Scientologists who donate their money to the church, like
Tom Cruise and John Travolta, get to live their own lives at home,
Scientologists who volunteer their labor instead can find themselves
posted full-time at the Gilman Hot Springs HQ, which is an hour's drive
through the desert from Las Vegas.

Tags: David Miscavige, Debbie Cook, Heber Jentzsch, Int Base, Janet Reitman,
John Travolta, Shelly Miscavige, Slave labor, Steve Hall, The Hole, Tom
Cruise, Tommy Davis


DISCONNECTION: A Double Dose of Scientology's Toxic Use of "Leverage"
July 22, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Lori Hodgson Leah Remini's defection from Scientology put into stark
relief one of the church's most toxic policies: Disconnection. Because
Remini and her family dared to walk away, their longtime Scientology
friends were told to cut off ties with them as quickly as possible.

The church put out a statement, denying that its members are forced to
disconnect, but we asked our readers for examples that prove the policy
is still in force and is quite common. Mike Rinder and other former
Scientology officials tell us that the church uses Disconnection as a
way to have "leverage" over its members and keep them controlled. After
we made our call for entries, we received a remarkable outpouring of
stories, but some came in later and we wanted to highlight a couple of
them today.

We're starting off with a letter from Lori Hodgson, a woman we've
written about before. The last time we checked in with her, she had
made a trip to Texas to surprise her son for Mother's Day.

Tags: 1960, 1980, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011,
Advanced Org, Angry Gay Pope, Australia, Bella Cruise, California,
Clearwater, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Disconnection, Eddie Frencher,
Facebook, Florida, Jeremy Leake, Joe Reaiche, Karen de la Carriere, Leah
Remini, London, Lori Hodgson, Los Angeles, Mike Rinder, Office of Special
Affairs, Oregon, OT, OT 7, Portland, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Sea
Org, Suppressive Person, Texas


Mike Wreggitt Speaks
July 22, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Following is a posting sent in to me by Mike Wreggitt. It falls into
the category of some of the earlier postings I called "Life Is Good."
Things have been a bit frantic with "hard news", so this is a nice
change of pace.

Hey, I wanted to introduce myself to the independent Scientology

My name is Mike Wreggitt. I've made a few posts a year or so ago on
Marty's blog, under my own name, but other than that I haven't been too
vocal. Also, I'm #140 on the Indie 500 list.

Tags: 1986, 2005, 2012, Denver, Dianetics, Disconnection, Freezone, Gayle
Smith, Georgia, Ingrid Smith, OT, Phoenix, Purification Rundown, Quicky,


Narconon- one year anniversary in string of deaths- investigation continues
July 22, 2013, Jeanne LeFlore, McAlester News-Capital

Today marks the first anniversary of the death of Stacy Murphy, one of
three people found dead at Narconon Arrowhead in less than a year.

In the early morning hours of July 20, 2012, Murphy, who was 20, was
found dead in a detox room at Narconon Arrowhead.

Murphy's was the third reported death at the facility within a year and
opened the door for a multi-agency investigation into her death and
that of three others.

Tags: Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor, Farley Ward, Gabriel Graves,
Gary Richardson, Gary Smith, Hillary Holten, Jason Murphey, Joel Kerns,
Kaysie Werninck, Lucas Catton, Mary Fallin, Narconon, Narconon Arrowhead,
National Association of Forensic Counselors, Oklahoma Department of Mental
Heath and Substance Abuse Services, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation,
Pittsburg County Sheriff's Office, Stacy Murphy, Stacy's Law, Tom Ivester


Flag Stats Are Going Down
July 22, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Some more "good news" from our old friend Jeff Mintz.

Here are some earlier weeks of the same stats sent out by Jeff Mintz
all under the same heading "Good News From Flag!":

W/E 3 July 14

Tags: Barbara Rubio, Clear, David Miscavige, Don Davis, Jeff Mintz, Kendrick
Moxon, Murray Marvin, OT, OT VII, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Running
Program, Super Power, Survival Rundown


J. Swift's Illustrated Guide to Scammy Church of Scientology Money Madness
July 22, 2014, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project


Tags: J. Swift, Quicky, Scam


More trouble for Scientology fundraising and recruitment in Europe
July 22, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

For today's story, we turned to our helpful translators again for
assistance with another article from the German press.

This item appeared in the weekly publication Kontext and provided some
interesting history of Scientology in Stuttgart, saying that the local
Scientologists have actually been "on the sidelines" as plans to
replace a drab, poorly situated org with a gleaming new Ideal Org in a
better location have stumbled, and part of the reason involves a
mysterious Israeli entity.

The magazine drew on information from Germany's Federal Office for the
Protection of the Constitution, which keeps a close eye on Scientology.
Earlier this month, we told you that the agency reported that
Scientology is all but dead in Berlin. But Stuttgart has remained an
area with more adherents of the organization.

Tags: 2006, 2010, 2012, Alhambra theater, Austin, Australia, Berlin, David
Miscavige, Europe, Germany, Gur Finkelstein, Ideal Org, Israel, Jaffa,
Muslim, New Zealand, Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Quicky,
San Diego, San Fernando Valley, Sea Org, Stuttgart, Tel Aviv, Yehud


How Scientology is Tom Cruise? How he put ethics 'ruthlessly' in to his own
July 22, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Aaron Smith-Levin has another clip from his YouTube project, "Growing
Up in Scientology," and this one is really something. Once again, he's
interviewed Nick Lister, who was talked about in Alex Gibney's
documentary Going Clear. Nick has some revelations about working in the
Tom Cruise household and how seriously Tom holds Scientology's concepts
of discipline, even as it applies to his own family. Aaron has supplied
us with this description of what you're going to see...

Some in the media have speculated that perhaps Tom Cruise is
considering leaving Scientology so he can spend more time with his
daughter Suri. More serious media outlets know that this is just spin.
Nick has a story which provides some new insight into just how
militantly Tom uses the policies of Scientology and to what degree the
Church of Scientology has been involved in every aspect of his life,
beyond finding him girlfriends and tricking out cars and airplane

In this video Nick describes how shortly after Tom Cruise won his IAS
Freedom Medal of Valor in 2004, Tom kicked his niece Jamie Lesavoy out
of the family (who was 14-years old at the time) for about two years
for behavior which he deemed was "unbecoming of a Scientologist and
out-PR" (creating a bad image for oneself or Scientology).

Tags: 2004, Aaron Smith-Levin, Alex Gibney, Applied Scholastics, Bennetta
Slaughter, Cass Mapother, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Freedom Medal of
Valor, Freedom Medal Winner, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the
Prison of Belief, Greg Capazorio, Growing Up In Scientology, Houston,
International Association of Scientologists, Jamie Lesavoy, Lisa McPherson,
Los Angeles, Nick Lister, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Sea Org, St.
Louis, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, Tom Cruise, YouTube


Scientology Tracker Tony Ortega in Houston to Discuss His Book, Retaliation
and the Church
July 22, 2015, Houston Press

Tony Ortega, a former editor of the Village Voice who became equally
well known for his relentless pursuit of the Church of Scientology and
its inner workings is in Houston today to talk about his research and
to promote his book The Unbreakable Miss Lovely about Paulette Cooper,
a critic of the church.

The Humanists of Houston are sponsoring the talk at the Fox and Hound,
11470 Westheimer, at 7 pm today. Ortega, who's now with TheLipTV, says
Cooper who wrote one of the first books critical of Scientology in 1971
was spied upon by the Church which sued her repeatedly in the years
that followed.

Ortega has himself experienced some of the the church's retaliatory
tactics. "The New York Times recently confirmed that the Church of
Scientology was behind an illegal hacking attack that sent a private
investigator to prison, and that I was one of the targets of those
attacks. Scientology could not have more succinctly proved the point of
my book, that it has always engaged in dirty tricks against the people
it considers enemies, and always will," he says.

Tags: Alex Gibney, Fair Game, HBO, Paulette Cooper, The Unbreakable Miss
Lovely, TheLipTV, Tony Ortega


Anti-drugs campaign is Scientology in disguise: spies
July 22, 2016, The Local

While the slogan may seem innocuous enough, it is believed to be a
cover for the local branch of the Church of Scientology.

Unlike the US, Germany does not recognize Scientology as a religion; it
has instead been regarded as an 'anti-constitutional sect' in Germany
since 1997, and is observed by the Federal Office for the Protection of
the Constitution, Germany's domestic security agency.

For this reason, the group - which has come under fire for
controversial beliefs such as rejecting psychiatry and for harassment
of critics - often operates under different names in Germany.

Tags: Germany, Hamburg, Office for the Protection of the Constitution


Regraded Being
July 22, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


Was it something we said? Scientology wants Cindy Plahuta's letter in fraud
lawsuit struck
July 22, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

(Cindy Plahuta's letter didn't sit well with Scientology attorney Wally

On Wednesday, we revealed that Tampa federal Judge James D. Whittemore
had put two letters into the court file of the federal fraud lawsuit
filed by California residents Luis and Rocio Garcia against the Church
of Scientology.

The two letters, sent independently by former Scientology members Cindy
Plahuta of Colorado and Marcel Wenger of Switzerland, explained to
Judge Whittemore that when they tried to communicate with Scientology
about the arbitration process that the church was insisting the Garcias
need to go through in lieu of their lawsuit, they received no replies -
and they said it was further proof that the arbitration system doesn't
really exist, is mentioned in contracts signed by church members as a
sham, and that the court is being lied to.

Tags: California, Cindy Plahuta, Colorado, First Amendment, Garcia v.
Scientology, Harlem, Judge James Whittemore, Luis and Rocio Garcia, Marcel
Wenger, Switzerland, Tampa, Wally Pope


Clearwater: The Aftermath
July 22, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Leah and I wanted to clear the air about the planned episode of
Aftermath focusing on Clearwater.

We were very excited about shooting this as there is an amazing story
to be told about the history of scientology in Clearwater, from the
earliest days all the way to the present.

Unfortunately, circumstances beyond our control conspired to make it
impossible for Leah and me to put together the show in the way we had
intended. If you know anything about us, you would know we do not like
to compromise when it comes to trying to do justice to stories that
need to be told.

Tags: Calvary Baptist, Clearwater, Quicky, Willy Rice


Critical Q&A #118
July 22, 2017, Chris Shelton, YouTube

The show where I answer your questions. Please leave any comments or
feedback in the comments section here below. I see everything and want
to hear from you.

My Critical Picture channel:


Tags: Audio, Critic, Quicky, Scientology: A to Xenu


Help Me Take Down Scientology & Revoke Tax Exemption
July 22, 2017, Steven Mango, YouTube

As a former Scientologist, my goal is to bring awareness to the abuses
of this dangerous organization. I work tirelessly to expose the crimes
of Scientology and I help others everyday who are victims. I am working
on many big projects this year, including a book and two documentaries,
to shed light on what really happens inside Scientology. As one person
with a camera and a YouTube channel, I have simply run out of resources
to tackle this massive criminal enterprise on my own. I have started a
Patreon page to receive monthly pledges so I can have the ability to
fund projects to take down Scientology and to hopefully aid in revoking
their tax exemption. This video will explain in detail how I plan on
doing so and how you can help. I also am offering some amazing
giveaways, meet ups with me in Los Angeles, and other one of a kind
rewards to those who join my Patreon. Thank you for all your support!



Tags: 2012, Amazon, Celebrity Centre, Church of Scientology of California,
CIA, Facebook, Hollywood, International Association of Scientologists, Los
Angeles, Quicky, Tax exempt, Twitter


It was a Scientologist knocking at my door
July 22, 2017, Growing Up In Scientology, YouTube

Sue Minkoff knocked on my door...

Tags: Quicky, Sue Minkoff


Janis Grady's new book on life in Scientology: Jon Atack's take, and an
July 22, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Jon Atack is the author of A Piece of Blue Sky, one of the very best
books on L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. For more than three years he's
been helping us sift through the legends, myths, and contested facts
about Scientology that tend to get hashed and rehashed in books,
articles, and especially on the Internet. Today, he's introducing a new
book he wants you to be aware of.

Janis Gillham Grady's Commodore's Messenger: A Child Adrift in the
Scientology Sea Organization is a vital addition to the history of

The three Gillham children were the founding members of the Commodore's
Messenger Organization. As Janis says, "As a child of 11, in January
1968, I arrived on the Scientology ship, the Royal Scotman where I
became an original Commodore's Messenger for L. Ron Hubbard. Over the
next 11 years I spent six hours or more a day with L. Ron Hubbard,
until December of 1979, when shortly after, Hubbard went into 'hiding'
with fellow Commodore's Messengers, Annie and Pat Broeker."

Tags: 1950, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1979, A Piece of Blue Sky, Annie Broeker,
Australia, Avon River, Berlin, Celebrity Centre, Clearing Course, Cockroach,
Commodore's Messenger Organization, Commodore's Messenger: A Child Adrift in
the Scientology Sea Organization, Company, Dianetics, Dianetics in Limbo,
Doctor, England, Fair Game, France, Haskell Cooke, Helen O'Brien, Janis
Gillham, Jon Atack, L. Ron Hubbard, Las Palmas, Mary Sue Hubbard, Mexico,
Muslim, Orders of the Day, Pat Broeker, Quicky, Royal Scotman, Sea Org, Steve
Cannane, Suzette Hubbard, Terri Gillham, Victoria, Xenu, Yvonne Jentzsch


Marty Rathbun: Message to OSA Staffers
July 22, 2017, J. Swift, YouTube

Marty Rathbun: Message to OSA Staffers

Tags: Marty Rathbun, Office of Special Affairs, Quicky


A tale of two cities: Scientology courts pols and police in one place, acts
sneaky in another
July 22, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Rod Keller compares Scientology's approach in two very different places
where it plans to "expand" in the near future...

According to L. Ron Hubbard policy, Scientology's "fourth dynamic"
campaigns are intended to "safepoint" an area in order to establish a
Scientology organization there. But two examples will illustrate how
irrelevant safepointing actually is.

This week it was announced that the Detroit Ideal Org will open later
this year. Staff are being recruited, they will go to Los Angeles for
training, and David Miscavige will pull the ribbon at the opening
ceremony, all this without any significant safepointing. Social media
is full of photos of Detroit fundraising activities but not of
distribution of literature from the front groups The Way to Happiness
or Foundation for a Drug Free World.

Tags: 2011, 2014, 2017, Bernard Fialkoff, Bienvenido Flores, Caribbean,
Clearwater, David Miscavige, Detroit, Diana Pedroni, Dominican Republic, Enid
Gil, Facebook, Field Staff Member, Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Freedom
Medal, Haiti, Ideal Org, Los Angeles, Miami, Omar Urbaez, Personal
Efficiency, Police, Queens, Quicky, Rod Keller, Safe Point, Santo Domingo,
Scientology organization, The Way to Happiness


Betsy Steg Life After Scientology Episode 18
July 22, 2018, Ron Miscavige, YouTube

"Ron Miscavige Life After Scientology" will explore Ron's time with the
Church of Scientology and expose information that the Church does not
want you to know.

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Tags: Betsy Steg, David Miscavige, Facebook, Quicky, Twitter


Critical Q&A #169
July 22, 2018, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left for me in the
comment sections of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I take up are:

(1) When you were on staff in Santa Barbara, did you ever come across
or hear anything about, David Mayo and the Advanced Ability Center? Or
was it fair-gamed out of existence before you arrived on the scene?

(2) Whether it is the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Jesus Christ,
Buddha, or Muhammad, all major religions have a code of moral conduct.
What exactly is Scientology's code of moral conduct for its followers?

Tags: Aaron Smith-Levin, Advanced Ability Center, Aftermath Foundation,
Buddha, Critic, David Mayo, Jesus Christ, L. Ron Hubbard, Muhammad, Nathan
Rich, Quicky, Ron Miscavige Sr, Santa Barbara, Sea Org


Looking for ex-Sea Org Victims
July 22, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

I have been speaking with people about the Sea Org's practices and
about a possible lawsuit against scientology alleging abuses of Sea Org

I am particularly interested in anyone brought into the U.S. by the
Church of Scientology on a visa, and then brought to a Sea Org base
where they lived and worked for little or no pay.

I am looking for people who have left the Sea Org in the last ten
years, and particularly people who feel they had a hard time leaving
due to physical or psychological coercion.

Tags: Quicky, Sea Org


Boris Johnson should learn Canada's proroguing lessons
July 22, 2019, Errol Mendes, Opinion, Globe and Mail

This potential crisis echoes a similar event in Canada, a 2008-09
constitutional dispute. The opposition parties, having a majority of
seats, intended to defeat the Conservative minority government on a
non-confidence motion and establish a minority coalition government.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, seeking to ignore the will of the House
of Commons, went to Governor-General Micha?lle Jean and asked for

Several of Canada's leading constitutional experts, along with Liberal
opposition leader St?phane Dion, who would have been the coalition's
putative prime minister, warned that such a prorogation would be a blow
to parliamentary democracy. He and other experts warned that granting
the prorogation would set a precedent for future abuses of power. After
a two-hour-plus meeting between Mr. Harper and Ms. Jean, who also
sought advice from a constitutional expert, she granted the prorogation
on the condition that Parliament reconvene earlier than usual, on Jan.
26, 2009.

My main opposition to the prorogation in 2008 was that the precedent
could also be used to avoid other troublesome issues that a prime
minister may face in the House of Commons. That prediction came to pass
with Mr. Harper's second undemocratic prorogation on Dec. 30, 2009.
That early decision to shut down Parliament was to avoid the continuing
scrutiny of a House committee over the transfer of Afghan detainees in

Tags: 2008, 2009, Afghanistan, Boris Johnson, Brexit, Canada, DougWiki,
European Union, Governor-General, House of Commons, Prorogue, Stephen Harper,
Theresa May, University of Ottawa


Dean French drops libel lawsuit against MPP Randy Hillier
July 22, 2019, Robert Benzie, Toronto Star

Dean French, the controversial former chief of staff to Premier Doug
Ford, has withdrawn his $100,000 libel and slander lawsuit against MPP
Randy Hillier. French, who resigned June 21 amid a cronyism scandal,
had launched the legal action against the maverick Independent MPP in
April after a Twitter post from Hillier.

As first disclosed by the Star, the two sides had been in negotiations
for weeks to resolve the matter, which was a source of embarrassment to
the premier because of the optics of a political staffer suing an
elected official over a tweet.

Asked Monday for a statement on the end of the legal tussle, a Ford
aide said "the premier's office has no comment."

Tags: 2018, Alberta, Asher Honickman, Dean French, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Gavin
Tighe, Lawyer, Ontario, Ontario Provincial Police, Patronage, Progressive
Conservative, Queen's Park, Randy Hillier, SLAPP, Twitter, United
Conservative Party


Doug Ford revamps campaign team after 'French connection' cronyism scandal
July 22, 2019, Robert Benzie, Toronto Star

Premier Doug Ford has revamped his re-election campaign team, enlisting
respected Progressive Conservative veterans and injecting new blood in
the wake of the "French connection" cronyism scandal. "I am writing
today to inform you about the newly formed leader's advisory council on
election readiness," Ford wrote in an email to riding association
presidents and other officials on Friday.

"The council will replace the former election readiness committee," he
said, referring to the smaller group unveiled Jan. 22 that included
Dean French, his then chief of staff. French submitted his resignation
on June 21 amid the patronage controversy that has cost seven
appointees their jobs, including him. Among them were plum postings to
family and friends. Read more:


Tags: 2018, Brian Patterson, Caroline Mulroney, Chris Froggatt, Christine
Elliott, Dean French, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Ernie Eves, Ginny Roth, Jason
Lietaer, John Baird, Kory Teneycke, Kristin Rushowy, Loyalist Public Affairs,
Melanie Paradis, Melissa Lantsman, Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ontario,
patronage, PC Ontario Fund, Progressive Conservative, Queen's Park, Rubicon
Strategy, Saskatoon, Simone Daniels, Steve Clark, Tony Miele, Twitter


Doug Ford's 'dial-a-premier' never worked
July 22, 2019, Editorial, Toronto Star

Ontario Premier Doug Ford seems to really like the idea that he can
make a big difference. Not by directing policy as the head of the
largest provincial government, mind you, but individually through a
personal connection.

He once answered the concerns of the Black community by noting that he
brings Black kids to his cottage. And until this week the premier
routinely handed out his cell phone number and urged people with issues
to call him.

The premier learned this just-call-me form of governing from his
brother Rob, the late Toronto mayor.

Tags: Doug Ford, DougWiki, Etobicoke North, Green Party, Mike Schreiner,
Ontario, Rob Ford, Toronto


Jason Kenney declares war on environmentalists
July 22, 2019, Tristan Hughes, Now Magazine

Alongside the recent surge in environmental activism in Canada and
growing public concern over the effects of climate change, a potent
countervailing force is emerging under recently elected premier Jason
Kenney in Alberta: a pro-pipeline police state.

Alberta's United Conservative government is already aggressively
restricting political discourse to guard the fossil fuel industry's
privileges. Kenney has launched a $30 million "war room" tasked with
silencing "the green left" and what he has elsewhere referred to as
"foreign-funded radicals." His government has also announced a $2.5
million inquiry into an alleged "foreign-funded defamation campaign"
against Alberta oil.

Kenney's militaristic language to paint environmentalists as
counter-insurgents is the ideal pretext for curtailing freedoms. Oil's
oligarchy has corroded democracy in the province. Now Kenney is further
consolidating Alberta's democratic deficit.

Tags: Alberta, Andrew Scheer, Canada, Climate change, CSIS, DougWiki,
Environmental, Jason Kenney, New Democratic Party, RCMP, Trudeau government,
United Conservative Party


Liberals accuse Scheer of Food Guide 'misinformation,' deny politicizing issue
July 22, 2019, Rachel Aiello, CTV News

OTTAWA ? Federal Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor is accusing
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer of spreading "misinformation" about
the Canada Food Guide.

Responding to Scheer's comments, that he would review the new version
of Canada's Food Guide if he becomes prime minister, Petitpas Taylor
defended the work her government did to update the document and took
aim at what she said was Conservative politicians wanting to "impose
their ideology instead of relying on facts.

Speaking at the Dairy Farmers of Canada annual meeting in Saskatoon
last week, Scheer said he would give the new Food Guide a new look
because he thinks it is "not based on sound science." He also went on
to say at the industry gathering that he believes chocolate milk
"saved" his son's life, as a picky eater.

Tags: 2010, 2016, 2021, Andrew Scheer, Canada, Census, Dairy Farmers of
Canada, DougWiki, Food Guide, Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Justin Trudeau, Pierre
Poilievre, Saskatoon, Stephen Harper


Ontario Line would run on just 3 kilometres of city's relief line route,
confidential plans show
July 22, 2019, Ben Spurr, Toronto Star

Councillor Paula Fletcher (Ward 14, Toronto-Danforth) said the
province's decision to change the route so significantly from the
city's proposal would result in "a major setback."

"The relief line was practically shovel ready ... This is a brand new
kettle of fish," said Fletcher, who represents a ward that would be
served by both the city's and province's version of the plan.

"This is a dog's breakfast, changing in midstream. It sets us back many

Tags: 2020, Adelaide, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Easter, Environmental, Ford
government, GO Transit, Metrolinx, Ontario Line, Ontario Place, Ontario
Science Centre, Progressive Conservative, Toronto, TTC, Twitter


Sudden change in Maiden Voyage events in Los Angeles a clue to Ideal Org
July 22, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

One of our most reliable Los Angeles area correspondents, who has
gotten into numerous Scientology events and reported on them for us,
told us that they were struck by a sudden change in plans that they
found pretty significant.

This is their report. We'd like to hear from our veterans about whether
they agree this is a surprising change, and if they agree with our
correspondent's analysis. Here's their dispatch?

"This a new development. I heard about it earlier this week, but waited
to send it to you until I got the confirming promotional flier. Such a
last-minute change for a Maiden Voyage Event at PAC Base is

Tags: 2016, Canada, David Miscavige, Ideal Org, Kansas City, Los Angeles,
Maiden Voyage, Mike Rinder, PAC Base, Scientology staff, Sea Org, USA


The premier who promised to cut waste is building a bigger empire
July 22, 2019, Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star

Or has he? Let's dig a little deeper into the premier who once vowed to
"Stop the gravy train" but got caught licking his chops - and now
claims to have cleaned up his act.

The scandal erupted last month when four cronies were posted as the
province's trade envoys abroad. Two of them were personal pals of Dean
French, the premier's longtime comrade-in-arms and chief of staff
(until French took the fall for the fiasco).

The new agent-general for New York turned out to be a 20-something
lacrosse player named Tyler Albrecht - a pal of French's
lacrosse-playing son. The London plum went to Taylor Shields, a cousin
of French's wife.

Tags: 1960, 1980, 1993, Chicago, China, Dallas, Dalton McGuinty, David
MacNaughton, Dean French, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Earl Provost, France,
Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Ian Todd, Indonesia, Jag Badwal, Kathleen Wynne,
London, Milan, New Delhi, New Democratic Party, New York, Nova Scotia,
Ontario, Ontario New Democratic Party, Paris, Patronage, Progressive
Conservative, Quebec, Rob Ford, Taylor Shields, Tokyo, Toronto, Twitter,
Tyler Albrecht, Washington


Where do the federal parties stand on basic and applied research?
July 22, 2019, Mark Lautens, Toronto Star

It's about 90 days until the federal election and so far the science
community and voters alike remain in the dark as to how the
Conservatives, NDP and Greens will support Canadian science.

The Liberals, in contrast, can point to Budget 2018 where they made big
investments in research. Look for them to argue there are still three
years to run in their five-year commitment, and proclaim they are
steadily undoing the harm done by the Conservatives under Stephen Harper.

Just one problem: The Liberal investments in research operating grants
and personnel will end up well short of the levels recommended in a
2017 report the government itself commissioned. And those spending
targets weren't pie-in-the-sky. They were simply designed to restore
inflation-adjusted funding to levels per researcher that prevailed in

Tags: 2006, 2017, 2018, Canada, Congress, DougWiki, Federal election,
Germany, National Institutes of Health, New Democratic Party, Ottawa, Stephen


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