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Today in Scientology -- April 23rd *****************************

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Scientology Today

Apr 23, 2017, 11:30:19 PM4/23/17
Today April 23rd in Scientology history

Court Rejects Appeal by former Member of Scientology Church of California
April 23, 1990, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) _ The Supreme Court today rejected an appeal by a
former member of the Church of Scientology of California who wanted the
church declared a phony religion.

The court, without comment, rejected an appeal by Larry Wollersheim of
Aspen, Colo.

Still pending before the justices is an appeal by the Church of
Scientology of California aimed at overturning a $2.5 million
"emotional distress" award won by Wollersheim.

Tags: 1969, 1979, 1986, Appeal, California, Church of Scientology of
California, E-meter, Lawrence Wollersheim, Lawyer, Los Angeles, Quicky


Oregon Woman Loses Appeal in Sperm-Donor Case
April 23, 1990, Associated Press

- Rejected an appeal by a former member of the Church of Scientology of
California who wanted the church declared a phony religion.

The court, without comment, rejected an appeal by Larry Wollersheim of
Aspen, Colo.

Still pending before the justices is an appeal by the Church of
Scientology of California aimed at overturning a $2.5 million
"emotional distress" award won by Wollersheim.

Tags: Church of Scientology of California, Lawrence Wollersheim, US Supreme


Scientology church on trial in Canada
April 23, 1991, W. Richard Reynolds, St. Petersburg Times

The Church of Scientology goes on trial here this morning, charged with
stealing thousands of documents from government offices and law firms.
It is the first time that a church has been put on trial in Canada.

Tags: 1983, Canada, Clayton Ruby, Lawyer, Legal, Ontario, Ontario Medical
Association, Snow White Program, Tax, Toronto


A bewildering array of jargon and terminology characterized the first ...
April 23, 1992, Bruce DeMara, Toronto Star

The opening witness, Bryan Levman, left Mr. Justice James Southey of
Ontario Court, general division, confused and frustrated as he tried to
explain the organization's complicated management structure.

Levman and four other witnesses granted immunity from prosecution are
expected to testify during the next month into allegations of illegal
activities authorized by a branch of the organization called the
Guardian's Office Worldwide.

Tags: Bryan Levman, Guardian's Office, Jane Kember, Justice James Southey,
Ontario Snow White


3 Messenger training
April 23, 2009, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

Maureen Bolstad was sent to California to be trained to work beside the
movement's founder: but she wasn't told the whole story about L. Ron

Maureen Bolstad was delighted when got the call to transfer from Flag
Land Base in Clearwater, Florida to the International Base at Hemet,

For one thing, it meant she would get to go back to her home state.
"Florida is nice for a visit, but California has always been my home."

Tags: 1970, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1986, Ashtrays, Bare-Faced Messiah, California,
Chairman of the Board, Clearwater, Commodore's Messenger Organization, David
Miscavige, Ernie Hartwell, Ethics Officer, FBI, Flag Land Base, Florida,
Hemet, Int Base, Jefferson Hawkins, Mary Sue Hubbard, Maureen Bolstad,
Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Religious Technology Center, Russell
Miller, Scientology executive, Sea Org, Snow White Program


Employees file complaints about wages
April 23, 2009, Elizabeth Willis, Battle Creek Enquirer

Connie Hobbs and Debra Mikowski have filed complaints with the Wage and
Hour Division of the state Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic
Growth this month against Narconon Freedom Center in Albion.

Christina Assante, Narconon Freedom Center senior director of
administration, is claiming Hobbs resigned without notice and was paid
in full. She also claims Mikowski resigned and was paid on Tuesday or

Tags: Albion, Christina Assante, Connie Hobbs, Debra Mikowski, Michigan,
Narconon, Narconon Freedom Center, Narconon Stonehawk East


Man Accused Of Abusing Minor At Scientology Church
April 23, 2009, KYPost

A man was arrested today accused of having sex with a teenager at the
Church of Scientology in Downtown Cincinnati.

Twenty-one-year-old Ben Kasle is charged with two counts of gross
sexual imposition.

Investigators say he had sex with the girl who is now 14-years-old.

Police records indicate the alleged offenses happened at the church on
Fourth Street between October 2007 and September 2008.

Tags: Ben Kasle, Cincinnati


A Resurrection Story - Michael Fairman
April 23, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

(Note: those unfamiliar with Scientology can get a very good
translation of this post at the Village Voice, http://blogs.

Resurrection refers to the literal coming back to life of the
biologically dead. - Wikipedia

First, a little context provided by the irrepressible Cowboy Poet (a
comment he made on this blog yesterday):

Tags: 1972, 1977, 1984, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009,
2010, Author Services Inc, Basics, Bridge to Total Freedom, Celebrity Centre,
Christian, David Miscavige, Dianetics, E-meter, Ethics, Field Staff Member,
Flag Land Base, Flag Service Organization, Freewinds, Golden Era Studios,
Hemet, Hollywood, Hubbard Communication Office Bulletin, Independent,
International Association of Scientologists, IRS, Jesus, L. Ron Hubbard, Los
Angeles, Mad Hatter Studios, Master at Arms, Michael Fairman, Mike Sutter,
New York City, OT, OT V, Paul Haggis, PC folders, Police, Potential Trouble
Source, Quicky, Sandcastle, Social Security, Squirrel, Suppressive Person,
Tommy Davis, Village Voice, Wikipedia


Michael Fairman, Familiar TV and Film Actor, Makes Public His Expulsion from
April 23, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

For Scientology watchers, spectacular news this morning. Familiar
television and movie character actor Michael Fairman, a longtime member
of the "church," has made public the document which declares him a
"Suppressive Person" and tosses him out of Scientology.

Like the director Paul Haggis, who also made his unhappiness with
Scientology's leadership plain, Fairman is not leaving the organization
quietly. Posting his expulsion letter at Marty Rathbun's blog, Fairman
blasts Scientology for dismissing him after he had spent years
promoting the church with work in its videos and television commercials.
Despite all that work, the SP letter vaguely accuses Fairman of
various deficiencies, such as "financial irregularities."

Tags: 1993, 1994, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2010, Author Services Inc, Blown for
Good, Bridge to Total Freedom, Celebrity Centre, Corpus Christi, Counterfeit
Dreams, David Miscavige, Flag Service Organization, Freewinds, Independent,
International Association of Scientologists, Jason Beghe, Jefferson Hawkins,
L. Ron Hubbard, Lawrence Wright, Mad Hatter Studios, Marc Headley, Marty
Rathbun, Michael Fairman, New Yorker, Office of Special Affairs, OT VII, Paul
Haggis, Police, Squirrel, Suppressive Person, Texas, Tommy Davis


Morals, Punishment, Ritual and Chaos
April 23, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

How has radical corporate Scientology gone down the chute into chaos?

An ethic, really, is different than a code. People can be beaten into
being moral but they can never be beaten into being ethical because an
ethic requires a very good estimation of force. You have to be able to
judge to be ethical. And one of the first things they tell a people
that they only want to be moral - the first thing a ruler will tell a
people that he only wants to be moral is to tell them that they mustn't
judge anything. And then he lays in a code of morals with a club, you
see, and then expects them to live up to it and punishes them if they

- L Ron Hubbard 7 November 1952

Tags: 1952, L. Ron Hubbard, Quicky


April 23, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

My latest book, an autobiographical narrative, is off to the editor. I
feel out of words at the moment. So, here's Van the man with just about
all the words (the musical accompaniment contributes mightily to his
hitting it right on the sweet spot, imho) that anybody needs:

Tags: Quicky


Newsflash: Cambridge Org is Now "Humanitarian"
April 23, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The first org in the world is now "humanitarian". What an honor! Seems
like the right amount of money can buy a status not only for anyONE but
for anyTHING. I am not sure even the Popes of the Middle Ages sold
indulgences to entire churches?

And how appropriate it is to spread the largesse so well piloted for
individuals to whole churches. No need to keep your ethics
in/train/audit or DO any humanitarian work/good deeds - just GIVE the
appropriate bribe, payment, pay off er... donation and all will be
taken care of. Then you can proudly promote your accomplishments status
for all the world to see.

Thank the heavens for the genius of COB doing EXACTLY what LRH wanted!!
Three cheers for Command...

Tags: Cambridge, Canada, Chairman of the Board, Humanitarian, L. Ron Hubbard,
Pope, Quicky, Toronto


Phil Colson Speaks
April 23, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This is the first in a series of postings giving some insight into
"Life Is Good After Corporate Scientology". In this case, it also acts
as somewhat of a Declaration of Independence for Phil. He is well known
in the Denver field as you will see from his write up. Future posts
will provide updates on how life is going for some others who are well
known to many as prominent former church members. It's part of the
program to help those who are under the radar or in doubt to see that
there is life, a happier and more fulfilling life, as a former SO
member, staff member or reg bait. Mike Rinder

My name is Phil Colson I came into Scientology in 1983 my first session
in the Denver Org was a Book 1 session that blew me out for a week and
handled my major ruin in this life. This was life changing. I would
drink enough whiskey every night to put me to sleep, but it was three
months after this session that I realized I had not had a drink and did
not desire to. I was sold, Scientology works, and I am going up the
Bridge. B y 1990 I had achieved the status of OT8.

I loved the lower grades and had many wins. These were done in Denver.
I then started going to Flag. The auditing I did at Flag plus the
services there always left me with question marks. The truth is I hated
Flag and always felt rather dirty during and after my trips. I used to
tell people who I could trust, "It takes me at least 6 months to get
myself back to normal after visiting Flag."

Tags: 1983, 1990, 1996, 2011, AOLA, Auditing, Boulder, Debbie Cook, Denver,
Freewinds, Golden Age of Tech, International Association of Scientologists,
Mission, OT, Phil Colson, Potential Trouble Source, Quicky, Rehabilitation
Project Force


Church of Scientology - IRS Closing Agreement. Final Draft Leaked by the New
York Times on Dec. 30, 1997
April 23, 2014, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

Retrieved from:

Tags: 1997, IRS, New York Times, Quicky


NARCONON EXPOSED: Scientology's flagship drug rehab facility is struggling,
records show
April 23, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

The Underground Bunker has obtained internal financial records from
Scientology's flagship drug rehab facility in Oklahoma - known as
Narconon Arrowhead - which show the toll that recent deaths, multiple
lawsuits, and a drumbeat of bad press has taken on the treatment center.

At its website, Scientology says that the Narconon network has 155
centers and groups in 46 countries, but it calls Narconon Arrowhead its
"premier" facility, with a 230-patient capacity. In the late 1980s,
Scientology chose Oklahoma as the place where it wanted to set up its
largest drug rehab center as a model for the rest of the world. Located
originally on an Indian reservation in Chilocco, the center took over a
former conference center on Eufaula Lake in Southeastern Oklahoma in
2001 and was renamed Narconon Arrowhead.

The drug rehab program uses a combination of lengthy sauna treatments
and low-level Scientology training and claims success rates of 70 to 90
percent (which even its own legal affairs officer admitted in an e-mail
were based on no scientific evidence). John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and
Kirstie Alley have all praised Narconon publicly, and Cruise visited
the Narconon Arrowhead facility with Katie Holmes in 2005.

Tags: 1980, 1990, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2011, 2012, 2013, ABLE,
Atlanta, Celebrity, DEA, Eric Tenorio, Fraud, Gabriel Graves, Gary Smith,
Georgia, Hilary Holten, John Travolta, Katie Holmes, Kirstie Alley, Narconon,
Narconon Arrowhead, Narconon International, NBC, Oklahoma, Quicky, Refund,
Rock Center, Sea Org, Stacy Murphy, Success rate, Tom Cruise


April 23, 2014, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Scientology is a religion. I have seen ample evidence both from within
its organizations and from without them that scientology is workable to
the degree one believes in it. It works when one believes that it will.
It does not work when one does not believe that it will. It is just
like any other religion in that regard.

I have previously discussed the cognitive dissonance set in place by
scientology's insistence upon being considered religion and science at
once; a feature that results in scientologists' apparent inability to
differentiate belief from demonstrable certainty. Beyond that
particular feature scientology ought not be that difficult to get over.

I no longer wish to debate with religionists over their firmly held
beliefs. The majority of them find some level of comfort and security
in keeping their beliefs undisturbed. The better part of the rest seem
to only get from such discussions some argumentation with which to
triumphantly declare, 'aha, it is a fraud!'; further motivation for
continuing to beset themselves with it.

Tags: Quicky


Scientology, its wealth and assets and its TAX documents ~~ Truth revealed
April 23, 2014, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

This video discusses the recently revealed Church of Scientology
990-T's. (*Tax documents) In essence, the Church is wealthy and has no
financial emergency. The Church's endless fundraising will never stop
because the very structure of the Church of Scientology is based on the
greedy grab for money each and every week. Stats are due at 2:00 PM on
Thursday and the money had better be there or else! The Church of
Scientology is all about the endless accumulation of money for its own
sake. How is this endless fundraising in any way in the public interest?

See the tax forms here ~~

Tags: Quicky, Tax


The Golden Age Of Admin Is Coming!!
April 23, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The OT Committee blabberfests provide some interesting insight into the
bubble. Usually we see stats reflecting the real scene, often they give
us an idea of what the attention is on (it's invariably MONEY), and
sometimes they slip up by announcing "future plans."

Of course, the impending Golden Age of Admin is no surprise. But this
is the first "official" mention of it.

There's not much left to turn into a "Golden Age" - and it's a good one
as all previous failures can be blamed on the "lack of standard Admin
Tech." Of course no "ideal org" is going to make it as the OEC has been
squirrel since the day LRH wrote it. And it has taken Dear Leader,
D/Source For Lost Tech, to straighten it all out.

Tags: 2001, Angie Blankenship, Avner Golan, Barbados, Basics, Ben Ghiora, Bo
Ellison, Bob Brooks, Bob Welch, Bobbi Kassowitz, Bonita Wilson, Carol
Loweree, Carroll Loweree, Charlene Thorburn, Clear, Congress, David
Miscavige, David Wilson, Dean Glosup, Debbie Suplee, Diane Temps, Dianetics,
Division 6, Drug Free Marshals, Freewinds, Greg Wilhere, Hagit Ron, Ideal
Org, Jennifer Jacobson, Jennifer Linson, John Cumming, Karen Brown, Kathie
Heard, Kathy Di Galbo, Kathy Morrill, Kathy Welch, Keep Scientology Working,
L. Ron Hubbard, Larry Marshall, Lauren Perreau, Linda Massey, Liz Baybak, Los
Angeles, Marc Yager, Mark Ingber, Marty Kassowitz, Mary Ann O'Donnell, Mary
Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, OT, OT Committee, OTC, Quicky, Quinn
Taufer, Ralph Temps, St. Kitts, Tamara Dahill, Truth About Drugs, Valley
Ideal Org, Vered Ziv


The OTC Minutes Witch-hunt
April 23, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The witch-hunt to curtail the "leaks" from the OTC Minutes continues.

I've heard that several org websites and mailing lists - often hosted
by normal web hosting companies, and paid for by the orgs - are being
abruptly shut down and moved to (where their mailing
lists can be easily monitored and culled of those whose fealty to Dear
Leader is in question), often with no forewarning.

They are sending out OTC Minutes with little changes in them to each
person so they can try and nail down who is sending them out. But
that's pretty obvious as when they come in from different people they
are each a bit different. So, I mix them up a little more and add in a
few more changes and mix them up a bit. It's like playing whack a mole.

Tags: AMA, Carol Gulasa, Clearwater Community Volunteers, David Miscavige,
Flag Service Organization, Freewinds, Ideal Org, International Association of
Scientologists, Jack Dirmann, Jim Bridgeforth, Kaye Champagne, Kyra Delaware,
L. Ron Hubbard, Michael Chan, Narconon Arrowhead, Org Board, OT, OT
Committee, OT VII, OT VIII, OTC, Peggy Patrick, Quicky, Sue Young, Sunday
service, Super Power, Survival Rundown, Susan Moore, Tampa, The Way to
Happiness, Tony Ortega, Truth About Drugs, Volunteer Ministers


The OTC Punctuation School
April 23, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Someone recently commented about the inability of Scientologists to use
correct punctuation.

Apparently, this may be some sort of fundamentalist disease.

Just for a laugh, one of our special correspondents sent this in. These
guys are really over the top on apostrophes.

Tags: OTC, Quicky


Going Clear Parody - Improv Comedy
April 23, 2015, The STATION by MAKER, YouTube

Subscribe to The STATION by MAKER:

Going Clear: Improv and the Prison of Yes Anding. L. Ron Hubbard's got
nothing on Harolds.


Tags: Facebook, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of
Belief, Movie, Music, Quicky, Twitter


See 'Going Clear' star Hana Whitfield describe L. Ron Hubbard in a leaked
1997 interview
April 23, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Hana Eltringham Whitfield was one of the stars of Alex Gibney's
documentary about Scientology, Going Clear. Her memories as the captain
of L. Ron Hubbard's flagship as he ran Scientology from sea in late
1960s and early 1970s was one of the highlights of the film. Now, we
have a leak from a previous documentary, UK Channel 4's excellent 1997
Secret Lives - L. Ron Hubbard, which featured Hana prominently.

Here, for the first time, is a much more complete version of her
interview, just one of many outtakes from the 1997 documentary that a
source has been making available for us.

Previous segments that we've released from the Secret Lives files have
featured Hubbard's literary agent, Forrest Ackerman; his press
assistant and lover, Barbara Klowden; one of Hubbard's fellow science
fiction colleagues, Arthur Jean Cox; the former mayor of Clearwater,
Florida, Gabe Cazares; Hubbard's former medical officer, Jim Dincalci;
archivist Gerry Armstrong; former Los Angeles Times reporter and
postwar Hubbard roommate, Nieson Himmel; Washington State
Representative Robert MacDonald Ford, who knew Hubbard and his first
wife well; Robert Vaughn Young, who had been Scientology's spokesman;
and Mike Goldstein, who had been appointed Hubbard's finance "dictator."

Tags: 1960, 1968, 1970, 1974, 1975, 1997, Alex Gibney, Amazon, Apollo, Arthur
Jean Cox, Australia, Barbara Klowden, Canada, Center for Inquiry, Channel 4,
Class VI, Clearwater, Corfu, Costa Mesa, DC, Florida, Forrest Ackerman, Gabe
Cazares, Gerry Armstrong, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief,
Greece, Hana Whitfield, Hollywood, Jamie DeWolf, Jim Dincalci, Los Angeles,
Los Angeles Times, Mike Goldstein, New York City, Nieson Himmel, Orange
County, Paulette Cooper, Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Robert Ford,
Robert Vaughn Young, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Sea Org, Secret
Lives, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, UK, Washington


Thursday Funnies
April 23, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Basel a Bust

They sent out their first promo piece on Monday - for an event on

They are already hitting people up for MORE money, even before it's

Tags: AOLA, Applied Scholastics, Basel, Boston, Celebrity, Clear, Colorado,
Denver, Ethics, Field Staff Member, Freedom Medal Winner, Harlem, Idaho,
Inglewood, International Association of Scientologists, Jackson Wyan, Malmo,
Michael Chan, Michael Lewis, Moonies, Nashville, Nebraska, Office of Special
Affairs, Oklahoma, Orange County, OT, OTC, Pasadena, Photoshop, Quicky,
Rafferty Pendery, Regraded Being, Rick Pendery, South Dakota, Stockholm,
Student Hat, Thursday Funnies, Utah, Vicki Shantz, Wedding, Wyoming, Zurich


It Didn't Take Long: Seismic Fundraising
April 23, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Of course, it didn't take long for the pitches for money for the
earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador to appear.

I have received a few of them, each pretty much repeating what is said

Scientology (particularly the IAS) is the poster child for disaster
capitalism ( defined as: the practice of generating profits based on
the occurrence of a disaster). Note: it is PROFITS, not just revenue or
income. If the money was SPENT on what it was collected for, it would
not be profit.

Tags: 1980, 2015, Earthquake, Ecuador, Fundraising, Herbalife, Independent,
International Association of Scientologists, Japan, Los Angeles, New York,
Quicky, Red Cross


Why Scientology's inability to pay its tax bill in Montreal is not a sign
that it's struggling
April 23, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

There was some interesting news out of Montreal yesterday regarding
Scientology's empty and derelict "Ideal Org" project there. For those
joining us recently, the "Ideal Org" program is church leader David
Miscavige's desperate attempt to give the impression that Scientology
is not shrinking rapidly by opening new, unneeded churches in cities
around the world and calling it "expansion."

Beginning in 2002, he's been pushing local members to donate money in
order to purchase buildings for the program. But after many of the
cities complied and purchased historic buildings in the period 2005 to
2007, they were tapped out and couldn't raise the millions more that it
takes to renovate these historical structures to turn them into
gleaming "Ideal Orgs." In cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, Kansas
City, and Detroit, Scientology owns an eyesore that sits, year after
year, rotting away, racking up code violations.

But at least, in those cities, Scientology isn't racking up tax bills.
Tax exemption for churches is so absolute in America, there's no
property tax on empty buildings that an organization like Scientology
owns, even if it's not being used at all.

Tags: 2002, 2005, 2007, 2014, Canada, CBC, Charity, Chicago, Clearwater,
Connor Cruise, David Miscavige, Detroit, Ethan McKinley, Fort Harrison, Ideal
Org, Kansas City, Marc Headley, Mike Rinder, Montreal, Philadelphia, Proprty
tax, Quicky, Tom Cruise


Anonymous Berlin - 22. April 2017 (Chanology Germany)
April 23, 2017, RemouladeICI, YouTube

Anonymous Berlin - 22. April 2017 (Chanology Germany)

Anonymous Berlin protesting the cult of Scientology

The Cake is back!

Tags: Anonymous, Berlin, Germany, Quicky


Clearing the planet in striking distance
April 23, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Ideal Orgs are leading the way

The endless stream of unreal babbling that comes out of the bubble is

Here is a new one that just came in.

Tags: Andres Rodriguez, Case Supervisor, Clear, Ideal Org, Inglewood, Quicky


Critical Q&A #105
April 23, 2017, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

The weekly show where I answer questions from viewers left in the
comments of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email to This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) What is your opinion of Paul Thomas Anderson's film The Master? Do
you think it accurately portrays Scientology at that formative time?


Tags: 1996, 2016, Critic, David Miscavige, L. Ron Hubbard, Lisa McPherson,
Panama, Paul Thomas Anderson, Pope, Quicky, The Master, Tom Cruise, Xenu


Scientology loves to gladhand Florida politicians, even though it usually has
little effect
April 23, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Rod Keller continues to keep an eye on Scientology's sneaky front
groups. He has another dispatch for us on how the church is trying to
influence Florida legislatoin...

This week Florida Scientologists were flooded with requests from two
front groups to contact their senators and representatives regarding a
number of bills being considered to modify the Baker Act. The act
allows qualified doctors, nurses and police to bring a person they
believe is a danger to themselves or others for involuntary psychiatric

As we reported in February, Scientology is lobbying the legislature
against allowing advanced registered nurse practitioners to initiate a
Baker Act examination. Now they have found a proposal they support -
requiring examination of children to be done faster, and establishing a
panel to study why so many people are given a Baker Act examination in
Florida. Scientology supports any action to curtail psychiatry, and
opposes any expansion.

Tags: Baker Act, Barbara Watson, CCHR, Chris Latvala, Clearwater, Dennis
Westhoff, Denver, Diane Stein, Evan Jenne, Flag Land Base, Florida,
Gainesville, Galaxy Press, Gracia Bennish, Hollywood, International
Association of Scientologists, Keith Perry, Miami, Quicky, Rod Keller,
Tallahassee, Victor Torres, Youth for Human Rights International


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April 23 in Scientlology web page:
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