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Today in Scientology -- November 7th ************************************************

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Scientology Today

Nov 8, 2019, 8:47:07 AM11/8/19
Today November 7th in Scientology history

CT Classic: Scientology: Religion or Racket?
November 7, 1969, Joseph Martin Hopkins, Reprint, Christianity Today

After a hurried interview with Miss Anne Ursprung, top executive of the
Founding Church, I managed an extension of time by driving her and
fellow staff member Esther Mangold to the airport to pick up a couple
of Scientologists, Leon and Mitch, who were arriving from New York. As
we returned to the city, I asked if it were true that many hippies are
interested in Scientology.


Trio arrested after wife's wrists are bound
November 7, 2002, Chris Tisch, St. Petersburg Times

Hemphill's wife said it wasn't the first time her husband had
physically abused her, Ross said. She told Ross she did not report the
previous abuse to police, but reported it to the Church of Scientology,
of which the Hemphills are members. Ross said Mrs. Hemphill told him a
Scientology counselor had been assigned to help the couple.

Church spokesman Ben Shaw said he does not know the Hemphills and knew
nothing about the incident.

Most church auditors are trained in marriage counseling for church
members, he said. Those sessions are confidential, he said.

Tags: Belleair, Ben Shaw, Daniel Ross, Dunedin, False imprisonment, Jamie
Popa, Largo, Laurie Lynn Miller, Pinellas County, Police, St. Petersburg,
Terry Hemphill


False faiths have 'their own dictionary'
November 7, 2007, Keith Collier, Baptist Press

Watchman Fellowship materials housed at Southwestern's library, in
addition to the organization's Fellowship's voluminous collection of
books, includes files, periodicals and other media that provide
original materials produced by groups such as the Church of
Scientology, the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Tags: Watchman Fellowship


Ministerial group against Plaza creche
November 7, 2007, Sonoma News

The Sonoma Valley Ministerial Association has come out against putting
the cr?che back on the Plaza.

In a statement to the Sonoma City Council, which will be debating the
issue at its meeting Wednesday evening, the ministers said they don't
believe the "display of the cr?che on the Sonoma Plaza would serve the
religious and spiritual health of the community at this time."

Tags: Donna Barton, Sonoma


The World is Watching
November 7, 2009, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

The world is watching to see how rank-and-file Scientologists react to
the growing reports of abuse, violence and criminality among
Scientology's highest echelons.

How those individual Scientologists react will determine, to a large
measure, how the subject of Scientology itself is perceived, now and in
the future.

Consider the reaction of lay Catholics in the wake of the 2002 Boston
Globe coverage of the priest abuse scandal. Parishioner meetings in the
basement of St. John the Evangelist church in Wellesley, Massachusetts,
soon expanded, thanks to the internet, to conferences of thousands ?
lay Catholics, victims of clergy sexual abuse, theologians, and priests
from around the United States and the world. The resulting
organization, Voice of the Faithful (VOTF), grew to 30,000 members
within a year and is now a strong advocate for lay oversight of their
parishes and dioceses. Their motto is "Keep the Faith, Change the

Tags: 2002, Boston Globe, Catholic, Law enforcement, Massachusetts, OT,
Paris, Quicky


Blog moderation policy
November 7, 2010, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Just after I blew RTC I spent 35 days on the road looking for a
peaceful, faraway place to settle. I wound up by the Gulf of Mexico on
the US-Mexican border. I later moved a tad north, but still in South
Texas. I travel a bit, and I always love coming home. It is not just
the ocean and the space. More important I think is the culture. You
know what a big cattle rancher or oil man calls a lowly busboy in a
taqueria down here?

He calls him "Sir." Every man initially refers to every other man as
"Sir." Everybody starts out with respect. If one demonstrate's he is
not entitled to respect, only then does he lose it. Sometimes it
doesn't take much to accomplish that. Just be a cabron (loose
translation: a prick) and see how long they keep referring to you as
"Sir." But it is easy to keep respect. All you have to do is treat
others with respect. Most folk who come here to visit remark on how
friendly people here are. I think it has to do with their cultural
upbringing and the workability of the idea of granting beingness to
others indiscriminately. Christian folk refer to it as the Golden Rule.

I read a blog post of Jeff Hawkins recently that got me thinking about
all this http://leavingscientology.wordpress.

Tags: Christian, David Miscavige, Jefferson Hawkins, Mexico, Office of
Special Affairs, OT, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Texas, WhyWeProtest


Michael Sandlofer, 1st Husband to X Factor's Stacy Francis, on Her Past, Her
Scientology, and Her Problems With The Truth
November 7, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

X Factor's Stacy Francis "I have to defend what I know. And I know how
serious domestic violence is, and I'm not with that. To be potentially
accused of that is gross."

An exclusive here at the Voice this morning. We have the first
interview with Michael Sandlofer, the first husband of X Factor
contestant Stacy Francis, 42, who has gained a large following in part
by selling a story that she suffered domestic violence from a man while
she was in her late 20s to early 30s. On Thursday, she made it plain to
The Hollywood Reporter that she was talking about Sandlofer, her first

Sandlofer tells the Voice that not only has Francis lied about domestic
violence in her relationship with him, but he says that Perez Hilton is
correct in his complaints that Francis has been untruthful about her
extensive professional singing career before she came to X Factor. We
had a conversation yesterday with Sandlofer, a music producer, who told
the Voice about his marriage to Francis, why it was annulled, and why
she then turned to Scientology, an organization she has been heavily
involved with ever since.

Tags: 1996, 1997, 2000, 2004, Christian, David Miscavige, DC, Florida,
Freewinds, Hollywood, Hollywood Reporter, Jesus, Jesus Christ, John Travolta,
Karin Pouw, Los Angeles, Manhattan, Michael Sandlofer, Mike Rinder, OT VIII,
Quicky, Sherman Oaks, Stacy Francis, Tom Cruise, Twitter, Washington


Miscavige Hunkers in Bunker with G.O.
November 7, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Notes from the bunker

David Miscavige has made much of his role in disbanding Corporate
Scientology's infamous harassment arm called the Guardian's Office (GO).
In a court declaration of 17 February 2004 Miscavige swore: "When
further investigation proved the documents to be authentic, it was made
clear that we had no choice but to overthrow the GO and dismiss
everyone who had violated Church policy or the law. These activities
ultimately led to a complete disband of the GO."

The Guardian's Office purge was essential to Miscavige's power push in
the early eighties. Without it he could not have cut Scientology
Founder L Ron Hubbard's last existing communication line to the last
person with sufficient altitude and respect to actually share ideas and
perspectives with him, his wife and Scientology Controller (overseer of
Guardian's Office) Mary Sue Hubbard. In Miscavige's own words: "It must
be noted that Mary Sue Hubbard believed her position as Controller and
as the "Founder's wife" to be unassailable and beyond reproach by
anyone but Mr. Hubbard - who was not around at the time, a fact that
she was well aware of." Hence, Miscavige assailed both positions, all
justified by the alleged crimes of the GO. Crimes that Miscavige
characterized as: "There were also instances in which GO staff used
unscrupulous means to deal with people they perceived as enemies of the
Church - means that were completely against Scientology tenets and
policy, not to mention the law."

Tags: 1977, 1987, 2004, Australia, Chairman of the Board, Criminal, David
Miscavige, Guardian's Office, Inspector General, L. Ron Hubbard, Laurisse
Stuckenbrock, Legal, Linda Hamel, Mary Sue Hubbard, Mike Rinder, New York,
New Zealand, Office of Special Affairs, OSA Int, Quicky, Religious Technology
Center, Vicki Aznaran, Warren McShane


Stacy Francis singing with Tom Cruise
November 7, 2011, Tiziano Lugli, YouTube

This is the ending part of a surprise birthday party for Tom Cruise
that had taken place on the Scientology religious retreat vessel called
The Freewinds, were Stacy Francis "serenaded" Tom Cruise and his best
buddy...the cult leader David Miscavige, with his entourage.

Tags: David Miscavige, Freewinds, Quicky, Stacy Francis, Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise - Thank You
November 7, 2011, Tiziano Lugli, YouTube

This is the ending part of a surprise birthday party for Tom Cruise
that had taken place on the Scientology religious retreat vessel called
The Freewinds, were Stacy Francis "serenaded" Tom Cruise and his best
buddy...the cult leader David Miscavige, with his entourage.

Tags: David Miscavige, Freewinds, Quicky, Stacy Francis, Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise and Stacy Francis Singing Together on Scientology's Ship Freewinds
November 7, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

If you've been following along with the drama around X Factor
contestant Stacy Francis, you know that her entire past has come under
inspection as her fans and detractors have attempted to sift truth from

In particular, we have noted that Francis has been quiet about her long
membership in the church of Scientology, including her performances
aboard Scientology's Freewinds ship in 2004 at a special 40th birthday
celebration for the actor Tom Cruise. For years, videos of that
performance have been available on the Internet in which Francis
serenaded Cruise and Scientology leader David Miscavige.

Tags: 2004, Alfreddie Johnson, Celebrity Centre, David Miscavige, Freewinds,
Hollywood, Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam, Stacy Francis, Tom Cruise,


Church of Scientology to reveal ?6m plans for Birmingham mansion
November 7, 2012, Jon Griffin, Birmingham Post

The secretive Church of Scientology is to finally lift the lid on its
?6 million plans for a listed mansion in Birmingham - seven years after
targeting new headquarters in the city.

The American church, whose followers include Tom Cruise and John
Travolta, is sending a representative to brief residents in a public
consultation on the restoration of the former Pitmaston building in
Moor Green Lane, Moseley.

Tags: Birmingham, Julia Willoughby, Pitmaston building, Real estate, UK


Cover Story: Are You Human or Humanoid?
November 7, 2012, Craig Malisow, Houston Press

You may not know this, but nearly half the world's population isn't
human: they may look human, but they're another species called
"humanoid." Humanoids don't have DNA like the rest of us; they have a
Mobius strip that can create DNA. At least that's what a self-help
organization called Access Consciousness tells us in this week's cover
story. For a fee, you can wade into the Access pool of knowledge and
find out which camp you fall into. If none of this made any sense to
you, it's not because it's patently insane, it's because you're a
stupid human, and you just won't understand.

You also wouldn't understand Access's statements about how "young
children are incredibly sexy," or how your family is only any good to
you if they have money. Humanoids can understand stuff like that,
because they have achieved total awareness. And now Access's founder is
trying to spread the humanoid message to kids.

It was difficult for the Houston Press to get humanoids on the horn,
because they apparently don't like answering tough questions.

Tags: Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas, Quicky, Ricky Williams, Texas


Four More Years
November 7, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Last year I regularly referred to the 199 day siege upon our home in
Ingleside on the Bay Texas by David Miscavige and Scientology Inc. Last
month we discovered what we thought was evidence that extended that
siege to two years, see David Miscavige - Cowardice and Paranoia. We
reckoned the siege at two years because a Scientology Inc. agent
responsible for the operation of the surveillance outpost at 201
Bayshore Drive (the green house noted in the linked post above) let
slip that Scientology Inc. PI Monte Drake had leased the outpost since
November 1, 2010 (the day we moved into Casablanca across the street).
Well, further research determined that, in fact, Drake has been leasing
201 Bayshore since November 1, 2009 - one year to the day before we
moved into Casablanca. This revelation was discovered while an employee
of the cult was being interrogated about the November 1 2010 date
coincident. "No, Drake moved in a year before you moved into your
current home", was the plea in defense of David Miscavige's domestic
terrorist squads. And proof of the November 1, 2009 move-in date was
produced to divert attention from the domestic terror operations.
However, the defense turned out to be a further admission; in fact,
proof that the domestic terror siege has been in place since at least
November 1, 2009. Further inspection of 201 Bayshore Drive, Ingleside
on the Bay Texas proved that out. If you wish to follow all this, you
will need to read all the posts linked above, and then carefully watch
and listen to the following video:

Additionally, former Scientology private investigators Paul Marrick and
Greg Arnold disclosed that they arrived to Ingleside on the Bay in
February 2009 to 'case' the place in order to up the ante on the
operation that Monte Drake had already begun several months before,
(See, The Rest of the Story - Scientology Inc. Spies.) That brings us
back to late 2008 - Four Years. Since Drake has put in writing another
three year Scientology Inc. financial commitment to 201 Bayshore, we
are looking at three (and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to then
extrapolate from that commitment, Four) more years.

Now, there is a silver lining in all this sickness. That has to do with
advice that I have regularly imparted on this blog over the past three
years. That advice was predicated upon my prediction, and perception,
that David Miscavige had made a terrible misestimation. That was that
Miscavige's obsession with me was playing right into the expansion and
guaranteed survival of the independent Scientology movement. Miscavige
was so obsessed with knocking out whom he had so criminal-mindedly
labelled the kingpin (yours truly) that his micro-management compulsion
required all available OSA (Office of Special Affairs, the terror and
propaganda wing of Scientology Inc.) resources be focused upon me and
me alone. My advice was, and is, that given Miscavige's obsession, the
best thing people who were concerned about the future of Scientology
could do is to start delivering. Set up and produce to your heart's
content, knowing that Miscavige and Scientology Inc. are all tied up in
a war against an enemy he has conflated, and virtually created, as
all-powerful and all-important. What we have disclosed about the
over-the-top, spare-no-expense operations in our little hamlet over the
past three years (including the revelations about surveillance outposts
over the past month) is validation of my estimation and advice. There
has not been a single report of OSA harassment or operations against
other independents or freezoners for more than a year (but for the
perpetual infiltration attempts and whispering campaigns). The focus of
all of Miscavige Scientology Inc war resources is here. It can safely
be assumed it will remain here given recent events and the trends they

Tags: 2008, 2009, 2010, David Miscavige, Greg Arnold, Ingleside, Office of
Special Affairs, Paul Marrick, Private investigator, Quicky, Spies, Texas


FOUR MORE YEARS!...Of Inaction On Scientology?
November 7, 2012, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

President Barack Obama was reelected yesterday here in the United
States and, at nearly 2 in the morning, gave a rousing victory speech.

"You voted for action, not politics as usual," he said.

Action? Hey, we have some ideas about the kind of action the US
government could engage in during Obama's second administration.

Tags: 1993, 2010, Barack Obama, California, FBI, Graham Berry, Human
trafficking, Int Base, IRS, Quicky, Washington, White House


Analysis Versus News Versus Opinion Versus Lulz
November 7, 2013, John P. Capitalist, Reasoned.Life

As I said in my first post on this blog, I want to try to add value to
the world of Scientology activism by building a site for deep analysis,
initially my own and, over time, building a community of like-minded
folks to work together.

Why? Because analysis is the prelude to action. If you can do the

Understand the problem better

Tags: 1977, 1980, 1990, 1999, Basics, CIA, Company, David Miscavige, Detroit,
Lulz, Microsoft, Mission, New York City, Quicky, Snow White Program, Texas,
Tommy Davis, Tony Ortega, USA, Wall Street Journal, Wikipedia


Exclusive pictures of secret Californian Scientology base 'where Shelly
Miscavage lives'
November 7, 2013, Chris White, Daily Mail

MailOnline spoke exclusively to ex-Church member Dylan Gill, who
oversaw the building of the base reveals all its secrets.

Twin Peaks was built to the strict orders of the Board of Directors,
who set aside a minimum $18 million for the project, which began in
1989, and isn't even known to most Church members.

'It's kept in secrecy, almost no-one in Scientology knows the base
exists. To even get invited to the base, you've got to be in the
highest of highest ranks of Scientologists knowing the most secret of
secrets. Then there's a whole layer on top of that once you get there!'
reveals Dylan.

Tags: 1980, 1986, 1989, 2006, Angry Gay Pope, Armageddon, Arnaldo Lerma, BBC,
California, Chairman of the Board, Church of Spiritual Technology, David
Miscavige, Dylan Gill, Google, Happy Valley, Hollywood, Inspector General,
Int Base, John Travolta, King of Queens, Kirstie Alley, L. Ron Hubbard, Lake
Arrowhead, LAPD, Leah Remini, Los Angeles, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, New
Mexico, Rehabilitation Project Force, Sea Org, Sec Check, Shelly Miscavige,
Squirrel, Tom Cruise, Tony Ortega, Twin Peaks, Twitter, Vault, Wyoming


Here Are Photos of Scientology's Super Secret Armageddon Compound in Lake
November 7, 2013, Adrian Glick Kudler, Curbed LA

Both DM and TO talked to apostate Dylan Gill, who worked at the base;
he told TO that "CST Headquarters has several buildings that are used
for housing workers and for doing the work of archiving - plans for the
vaults include etching Hubbard's millions of printed words on steel
plates and storing them in titanium boxes." It also has "upscale
residences" and an exercise yard (a gyro-gym!). Work started in 1989
and was originally budgeted at $18 million, "but it cost way more,"
according to Gill, who says also that it is lousy with cameras and heat
and motion sensors.

Tags: Church of Spiritual Technology, Dylan Gill, Leah Remini, Shelly
Miscavige, Twin Peaks, Vault


Historical Stevens Building in downtown Portland sold to group eyeing hotel
November 7, 2013, Elliot Njus, Oregon Live

The nearly century-old Stevens Building in downtown Portland has
changed hands, and signs point to a possible future as a restored hotel.

The first clue is the buyer of record's name: Stevens Hotel LLC paid $4.
35 million for the building, at 812 S.W. Washington St., in a deal that
closed Oct. 21.

The Church of Scientology acquired the Stevens Building for $5.4
million in 2008 as a future Portland headquarters. But it changed
direction in 2010 and bought the Sherlock building at 309 S.W. 3rd Ave.
for its headquarters instead, and put the Stevens Building back up for

Tags: 1954, 1998, 2008, 2010, 2011, National Register of Historic Places,
Portland, Quicky, Sherlock building, Stevens Building, Washington


Scientology accused of more Clearwater code violations
November 7, 2013, Charlie Frago, Tampa Bay Times

The Church of Scientology has run afoul of city ordinances again,
prompting city officials to say that if the church doesn't begin
complying with city laws, it won't get permits for two major events
later this month and an annual New Year's celebration.

The church has installed a white privacy fence on the western and
southern boundaries of the property where it erected a massive tent for
upcoming events, effectively blocking the view of the tent property
from beachbound traffic passing by on Court Street. The church did not
obtain a required permit before putting up the fence.

Tags: 2011, Bill Horne, Clearwater, Flag Building, Golden Age of Tech, Joelle
Castelli, Keep Scientology Working, Michael Delk, New Year's Eve, Peter
Mansell, Sarah Heller, Twitter


Scientology Daily Digest: Thursday, November 7, 2013
November 7, 2013, John P. Capitalist, Reasoned.Life

Tony Ortega's Blog

Today's story was another installment in the interview series with
legendary former cult marketing exec Jefferson Hawkins. Today, the
review of Chapter 3 in the book Introduction to Scientology Ethics is
all about statistics, which is the basis for so much of the craziness
around "management tech," and, in my view, that is the craziness that
drives so many businesses owned by Scientologists into criminal or at
least incredibly short-sighted behavior. I think this one is well worth
reading, since Jeff once again does a great job presenting the subject
accessibly, and it's pretty easy to see how an already stupid idea of
Hubbard's can be taken and turned into a source of even more evil and
ineptitude than Hubbard could have ever dreamed of.

Tony also got a brief "fuck off" e-mail reply from former cult
spokesman Tommy Davis on asking Tommy for confirmation that he was in
New York (New Jersey, actually, at the CNBC studio, a place I've done
dozens of interviews myself) shepherding the chairman of his fund on a
press tour. It looks like Tommy's new title of "special assistant to
the Chairman" is real. But it raised a question for me: a chairman of a
big fund is not going to travel with an assistant he doesn't trust. And
he's not going to trust a rookie assistant unless that assistant has
already got a lot of face time with him. The only way to do that is to
live in LA. So is Tommy living in LA? And if so, is wife Jessica with
him? I seem to recall that Tommy either owns or has access to a house
in LA in addition to his place in Austin. I am not starting a rumor;
I'm just pointing out that a question worthy of further investigation
has arisen.

Tags: Allstate, Angry Gay Pope, Anonymous, Arkansas, Austin, Bauer Media,
Bauer Publishing, Blow Drill, CCHR, Church of Spiritual Technology, City of
Clearwater, Clear, Clearwater, CNBC, Craigslist, Daily Mail, David Miscavige,
Derek Bloch, Ethics, Forbes, Hemet, Hollywood Guaranty Building, Jefferson
Hawkins, Karen de la Carriere, Keep Scientology Working, Leah Remini, Marty
Rathbun, Mike Rinder, New Jersey, New York, Quicky, Radar Online, Sacramento,
Shelly Miscavige, Skip Press, Tampa Bay Times, Tent, Tom Cruise, Tommy Davis,
Tony Ortega, Twin Peaks, UK, Vanity Fair, WhyWeProtest, Zoning


Statistically Speaking: Jefferson Hawkins Takes Us Into Scientology's Numbers
November 7, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Jefferson Hawkins was once the top marketing executive for the Church
of Scientology and helped it reach its greatest extent with the famous
"volcano" TV ads in the 1980s. He's told his tale of getting into and
out of the church with his excellent books Counterfeit Dreams and
Leaving Scientology, and he's helping us understand the upside-down
world of Scientology "ethics."

Jefferson where are you taking us today?

JEFFERSON: This week we're covering Chapter 3 of Introduction to
Scientology Ethics, which deals mostly with statistics. It's a pretty
detailed description of the importance of keeping statistics, exactly
how you graph them, and how you determine statistic trends.

Tags: 1980, 1995, 2007, 2010, Allstate, Angry Gay Pope, Arnaldo Lerma,
Austin, CNBC, Colony Capital, Company, Counterfeit Dreams, David Miscavige,
Donald Myers, Ethics, Graham Berry, Hollywood Guaranty Building, Jefferson
Hawkins, Leaving Scientology, Los Angeles, Monique Rathbun, New Jersey, New
York, New York City, Pope, Quicky, Registrar, Scientology organization,
Scientology staff, Sea Org, Tom Barrack, Tommy Davis, Wall Street Journal,


The Man Who Got Me Out of Scientology
November 7, 2013, Skip Press, Morton Report

Anyone who wants to understand the devious, insane nature of the fraud
known as L. Ron Hubbard should read this book cover to cover, and
investigate all the footnotes. You will not only want Scientology ended
forever, you'll feel the same way about any similar spiritual huckster
that comes along in Hubbard's wake.

Tags: A Piece of Blue Sky, ASHO, Bill Yaude, Celebrity Centre, Chick Corea,
David Miscavige, Dead Agent, Ethics Officer, Exteriorize, Going Clear:
Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Jon Atack, Lawrence Wright,
Let's Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky: Hubbard, Dianetics and
Scientology, Nicky Hopkins, PC folders, Penny Keaton, Sea Org, Sec Check, The
Way to Happiness, War record


The Sheeple Are Hyperventilating With Hype
November 7, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Here is a random selection of recent hype from a variety of sheeple.

What is interesting to note about these people and their comments is
how well they duplicate what they are fed. They have been trained to
hear and see things from "authority" and then regurgitate it as if it
was their own thought.

There is not much comment required, but I, as is my wont, have included
a few:

Tags: Alex Faust, Andrea Doven, AOLA, ASHO, Basics, Birthday Game, Cause
Resurgence Rundown, Chairman of the Board, Clear, CLO WUS, David Miscavige,
Erica Newman, Facebook, Field Staff Member, Golden Age of Tech, Humanitarian,
Ideal Org, Jon Lundeen, L. Ron Hubbard, L. Ron Hubbard Way, Los Angeles, New
Year's Eve, Nick Lekas, OT, OT Committee, OT VII, OT VIII, OTC, PAC Base,
Police, Quicky, Registrar, Sandcastle, SEC, Sec Check, Shermanspeak, Super
Power, Suppressive Person, UK, Vicki Shantz


Tom Cruise: I didn't see Suri for 110 days; Scientology made Katie Holmes flee
November 7, 2013, Bill Hutchinson, New York Daily News

Tom Cruise has admitted in an explosive court deposition that actress
Katie Holmes fled their marriage to protect their daughter from

Cruise confessed that Holmes dumped him to spare their now 7-year-old
daughter, Suri, from the celebrity-centric religion, according to the
deposition, obtained by RadarOnline.

Tags: Bauer Media, Elizabeth McNamara, Katie Holmes, Suppresive Person, Tom


Updates: St. Pete's new museum, Scientologists' parties, Ehrlich's farewell
November 7, 2013, Linda F. Hersey, Creative Loafing

About 8,000 Scientologists would attend the downtown meeting from Nov.
29-Dec. 1, which will be held in a giant temporary tent already erected
off Court Street, along a route to Clearwater Beach.

The Scientologists are asking for the city to close off some streets
around the tent for their get-together.

Tags: Clearwater, Flag Building, International Association of Scientologists,
Super Power


Ideal Production
November 7, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Van Gogh may have had ideal orgs in mind....

Here are the pages of completions from the latest magazine of the
Pasadena Org.

Of course, this is one the orgs that is "Clearing LA" and making
"Planetary Clearing A Reality."

Tags: Clear, David Miscavige, Ideal Org, OT, Pasadena, Planetary Clearing,
Purification Rundown, Quicky, Sec Check


Scientologist (and Tea Partier) Brent Jones is elected to Nevada's legislature
November 7, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Our old friend Nathan Baca sent us a hot tip last night: He pointed out
that Brent Jones had defeated incumbent Democrat James Healey in
Nevada's 35th Assembly district in Tuesday's election, and no one had
really noticed that it meant a Scientologist had managed to get himself
elected to public office.

There's precedence for Scientologists to get elected. Sonny Bono, who
served as a US Representative from 1994 until his death in a skiing
accident in 1998, took Scientology courses, though he was careful to
put "Roman Catholic" on official documents.

Brent Jones was also cautious. He makes no mention of Scientology in
his official campaign bio. But there's no hiding his extensive
involvement with the organization.

Tags: 1993, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2012, Bogus, Brent Jones, Catholic, CCHR,
Clearwater, Criminon, Dan Leipold, First Amendment, Judge James Whittemore,
Luis and Rocio Garcia, Mark Bunker, Mike Rinder, Nathan Baca, Nevada, New
Times Los Angeles, Ojai, Quicky, Raul Lopez, Real Water, Republican, Ron
Russell, Sonny Bono, Tampa, The Guardian, Village Voice, Vimeo, White House,
WISE, Wise Beard Man, World Institute of Scientology Enterprises


Desperate to hurt Going Clear's Oscar chances, Scientology goes down a
dangerous path
November 7, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We're still jonesing for the next issue of Scientology's propaganda
magazine, Freedom, which completely missed putting out an issue in
October. The magazine had been chugging along with monthly issues after
it was retooled and relaunched in July 2014 with a new, very earnest
focus on issues of the day rather than goofy attacks on Scientology's

Did David Miscavige finally realize, after assembling what was probably
a very expensive staff of editors and writers pretending to be doing
actual journalism, that no one was reading this stuff? Well, we found
it really amusing, anyway. And we hope a November issue shows up.

While we were at the magazine's website, we checked to see if there was
anything new on the special page where Scientology collects its attacks
on Alex Gibney and the people in his film Going Clear. It turns out
there was yet another new video calling Gibney names and accusing his
film of ignoring Scientology's glorious expansion and good works. But
we're glad we forced ourselves to sit through the whole thing, because
in the second half, the new video goes after someone Scientology
normally pretends doesn't exist.

Tags: 1933, 1946, 1950, 1951, 1968, 1971, 2014, Alex Gibney, Bare-Faced
Messiah, Bill Franks, Clear, Cuba, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Freedom
magazine, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief,
Golden Era, Hemet, Hubbard Dianetics Foundation, Int Base, Jack Parsons,
Jeffrey Augustine, Lawrence Wright, Mary Sue Hubbard, Maryland, Pasadena,
Paulette Cooper, Quicky, Russell Miller, Sara Northrup, Sundance Film
Festival, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, UK


Swedish Cult Fiction
November 7, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Mariette's life in the church became a nightmare "I know of an
anonymous call, people want to shut me up, they said that I can not
continue to spread my " lies""

While scientology is unravelling in the face of Hurricane Leah here in
the US, a different storm is raining on scientology's tiny parade in

My old friend, Mariette Lindstein has written a book. And it is causing
quite a stir.

Tags: 2013, 2016, 2017, Critic, Cult, Dan Koon, David Miscavige, DC, Going
Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Hollywood, Int Base,
Lawrence Wright, Mariette Lindstein, Quicky, Religious Technology Center,
Sweden, The Cult on Fog Island, The Hole


Newest "Ideal Mission" is Hiding any Scientology Connection
November 7, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This is the announcement of the latest "Ideal Mission" on the website.

Here is the Mission's website that has NO MENTION of scientology - it
is called the "Orange County Life Improvement Center":

Even when you click on "Counseling" this is what you see:

Tags: Life Improvement Center, Mission, Orange County, OT, Quicky, South
Coast Mission


On the ballot tomorrow: The former lawman who let Scientology's drug horror
clinic off the hook
November 7, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We are so glad this election season is finally almost over. But before
you go to the polls tomorrow, we wanted to bring up one local race that
has a connection to stories we've done in the past.

In 2013, we were paying a lot of attention to Scientology's flagship
drug rehab center in Oklahoma known as Narconon Arrowhead. Three
patients died at the facility in a nine month period, including
20-year-old Stacy Dawn Murphy, who died of an overdose on July 19, 2012.

Those deaths sparked numerous investigations at the local and state
level, and by 2013 we were getting pretty impatient for some results
from those probes. On the state level, an investigation that resulted
in recommendations that Narconon Arrowhead should be shut down instead
turned into a major debacle as state officials allegedly admitted that
they were too afraid to take on Scientology and fired the investigators
who had recommended closing the center.

And criminal investigations of the deaths by the local sheriff, Joel
Kerns, and local district attorney also seemed to go nowhere.

Tags: 1967, 1975, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2012, 2013, Apollo, Bob Duggan,
Brice Taylor, CIA, Colin Henderson, eBay, Edinburgh, Graham Berry, Hana
Whitfield, Joel Kerns, Narconon, Narconon Arrowhead, New Times Los Angeles,
Oklahoma, Oklahoma Senate, Operation Clambake, Phoenix New Times, Pittsburg
County, Republican, Robert Murphy, Royal Scotman, Spies, Stacy Murphy, Texas,
Tory Christman, Tulsa World


Examining Scientology's Claims of Victimhood
November 7, 2017, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

A Lavish Banquet at Scientology's Celebrity Centre in Hollywood. This
doesn't look like persecution.

In a previous article we reported on journalist Alexandra Bruell's
exceedingly sloppy work in her Wall Street Journal article on
Scientology. Essentially, Bruell uncritically repeated Scientology's
undocumented claims of persecution arising from Leah Remini's
Emmy-winning show Scientology and the Aftermath. As we noted in our
previous article:

Without bothering to substantiate even one of Scientology's claims, WSJ
columnist Alexandra Bruell uncritically quoted this bit of Scientology

Tags: 2014, 2016, 9/11, A&E, Alexandra Bruell, California, Celebrity Centre,
City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida, Florida State University, Google,
Hollywood, Human trafficking, Hungary, Inurement, Israel, Jeff Wasel, Jewish,
Leah Remini, London, London School of Economics, Los Angeles, Muslim, New
Religious Movement, Quicky, Scientology and the Aftermath, Sea Org, Southern
Poverty Law Center, STAND, Wall Street Journal


More on The Aftermath and Scientology Smears
November 7, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It


While we await the season finale episode tonight, which I hope you will
find to be one of the best, I wanted to further address the smears
leveled at Chantal and Sherry. (BTW there are 3 more specials coming

As has been my practice, I generally put some sort of response to the
smears scientology publishes on the contributors to The Aftermath.

Tags: 1989, AOLA, Arizona, Chantal Dodson, Clearwater, Ethics, Ethics
Officer, Europe, FBI, Johnny Hillman, L. Ron Hubbard, Leah Remini, Martin
Luther King, Michael Graves, New York, OT, OT VII, OT VIII, Quicky,
Rehabilitation Project Force, Sea Org, Sherry Ollins, TIME, Washington


Offshore cash helped fund Steve Bannon's attacks on Hillary Clinton
November 7, 2017, Jon Swaine, The Guardian

Eighteen months before guiding Donald Trump to election victory, Steve
Bannon delivered the opening shot in the ruthless Republican campaign
to paint their Democratic opponent as corrupt.

The future White House chief strategist produced a book in May 2015
accusing Hillary Clinton of trading favours for donations to her
charitable foundation. Its questionable central charge, on the sale of
a uranium company to Russia, recently became the subject of a House
inquiry and feverish talk on conservative media.

But the financial arrangements of another foundation, which bankrolled
Bannon's creation of the book, Clinton Cash, have received less scrutiny.

Tags: 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, Apple,
Arizona, Bahamas, BBC, Breitbart, Cayman Islands, Chicago, Citizens United,
David Cay Johnston, Diana Mercer, Donald Trump, Editorial, Egypt, Facebook,
FBI, Federalist Society, Florida, Georgia, Government Accountability
Institute, Heritage Foundation, Hillary Clinton, IBM, Internal Revenue
Service, IRS, Journalist, London, Long Island, Make America Number 1,
Manhattan, Maryland, Medallion Capital Investments, Media Research Center,
Mercer Family Foundation, Michigan, Milo Yiannopoulos, New York, North
Carolina, Oregon, Paris, Passport, Peter Schweizer, Phoenix, Quicky, Rebekah
Mercer, Renaissance Technologies, Republican, Robert Mercer, Russia, Steve
Bannon, Tax, Ted Cruz, Twitter, UK, Vladimir Putin, Westminster, White House,
Young Americas Foundation


Tonight on 'Leah Remini': 'I just walked away from Scientology after seeing
Leah's show'
November 7, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Leah Remini's A&E series ends its "regular" second season of episodes
tonight with a dramatic and deeply satisfying segment as Chantal
Dodson's mother, Ramina Nunnelee, reveals that she has walked away from
Scientology as a result of Leah's show.

But let's deal first with that programming note, because we know it's
confusing, and confusing viewers is what A&E seems best at. Besides
moving the series an hour later, to 10pm, in the middle of the season,
A&E has always counted episodes in a confusing way. Ten "regular"
episodes were filmed for the second season, as well as four "special"

Only nine of the regular episodes are airing because, as we revealed
last week, one of the regular episodes featured three of the women who
are accusing Scientology actor Danny Masterson of rape. The LAPD began
investigating those claims a year ago, and in April the Los Angeles
District Attorney's office got involved, but it still has not made a
decision whether to file charges. The DA's office asked Leah not to air
the episode as long as they were still investigating, and Leah asked
A&E to respect that request. So by calling tonight's show the season
"finale," it suggests that A&E has given up on the notion of airing the
Masterson episode.

Tags: 2015, A&E, Alex Gibney, Bruce Hines, Chantal Dodson, Danny Masterson,
Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, HBO, Jeffrey
Augustine, LAPD, Leah Remini, Los Angeles, Mat Pesch, Mirriam Francis, Ramina
Nunnelee, Reddit, Sherry Ollins, Vicki Marshall


Here's an example of how Scientology's 'disconnection' is designed to eat
away at you
November 7, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We've written several times about Carol Nyburg. Many ex-Scientologists
remember her as the friendly accommodations registrar at the Flag Land
Base - it was Carol's job to get you placed in the right rooms when you
came for an extended stay at Scientology's spiritual mecca.

Like so many others, however, she was subjected to abuse as a Sea Org
member and became disillusioned with leader David Miscavige. After 26
years in the Sea Org, Carol left, and was then declared a "suppressive
person" - an enemy of the church.

One of the most difficult things about being declared for Carol was
that her two children reacted to it in starkly different ways. Her son,
Jeff, had also left the Sea Org and Scientology, but when his father
asked him to cut off contact with Carol or risk being declared himself,
he refused and stayed in touch with her.

Tags: 1997, 2004, 2012, 2016, Cadet Org, Carol Nyburg, Catherine Fraser, Chad
Bianco, Christian, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Disconnection, Flag Land
Base, Girl Scouts, Int Base, Muriel Dufresne, Republican, Riverside County,
Russ Bogh, Sea Org, Stan Sniff, Suppressive Person


Illusions as Reality: Why Some People Just Cannot be Reached
November 7, 2018, Chris Shelton, YouTube

Have you ever had a really hard time getting through to someone?

Have you engaged with people on social media or in real life about
something that was important to you, about which you knew a lot, but
you simply could not budge the other person no matter what you said or
did? Let's talk about why it's so hard to talk to some people, why no
matter what you say or how you say it, there is nothing you are able to
do to crack them or even get them to acknowledge the things you said.

Video on denialism:

Tags: Audio, Quicky, Scientology: A to Xenu


The Braun Noser's Ode
November 7, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This is a sad indication of the level of fawning praise those inside
the bubble heap on David Miscavige.

They are so deluded they eagerly lap up his bs and believe he is
leading them into a "golden age" of scientology ascendancy on earth.
They think under his guidance scientology is being accepted everywhere
and is expanding like never before. Truly it is the Emperor's New
Clothes syndrome. Nobody wants to say it out loud - instead they praise
his wonderful garments. I think some of them truly don't even see he is
naked because they don't want to look.

Instead, they believe that it will somehow bring them to a state of
spiritual freedom to fall over themselves in adoring the one True Leader.

Tags: Ad Vulto, David Miscavige, Quicky


Alberta private member's bill to reopen debate on physician conscience rights
November 7, 2019, Canadian Press, Calgary Herald

EDMONTON - Alberta politicians are to debate the role of conscience
rights and the responsibilities of physicians asked to assist or advise
on abortions, contraception or medically assisted deaths.

United Conservative backbencher Dan Williams is to introduce Thursday a
private member's bill to reassert the Charter-protected freedom of
conscience and religion for health providers.

Williams says the bill is in response to an Appeal Court of Ontario
ruling this spring.

Tags: Abortion, Alberta, Appeal, Canadian Physicians for Life, Catholic, Dan
Williams, DougWiki, Jason Kenney, March for Life, New Democratic Party,
Ontario, United Conservative Party


Auditor corrects Ford on size of Liberal budget deficit
November 7, 2019, Robert Benzie, Toronto Star

On Thursday, Ford claimed his Progressive Conservatives "inherited a
$15-billion disaster" from the previous Liberal government they
defeated in June 2018.

The premier added that "we confirmed it with the auditor general, with
third-party validation through an auditing firm, we confirmed it with
the finance minister, the president of the treasury, and we all agreed."

But auditor general Bonnie Lysyk always maintained the provincial
deficit that year was at most $11.7 billion.

Tags: 2015, 2018, Andrea Horwath, Bonnie Lysyk, Doug Ford, DougWiki, John
Fraser, Kathleen Wynne, Ontario, Ontario New Democratic Party, Ontario Public
Service Employees' Union Pension Plan, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan,
Politics, Progressive Conservative, Queen's Park, Rod Phillips, Twitter


Doug Ford government puts Ontario's water up for grabs
November 7, 2019, Mike Balkwill, Now Magazine

Already, Nestl? Waters Canada has permission to extract 4.7 million
litres of water a day at wells in Hillsburgh and Aberfoyle in
Wellington County. The company has applied to renew those permits,
while it extracts water without the consent of Six Nations, on whose
territory it operates, and despite public opposition from several
Indigenous organizations.

Nestl? also has a licence to produce more than 3 billion,
500-millilitre plastic bottles every year, at least half of which wind
up in landfill or litter in the county. For the second year in a row,
Greenpeace recently reported that Nestl? and Tim Hortons are the top
companies behind branded plastic bottles, coffee cups, lids and other
plastic waste collected in shoreline cleanups across Canada.

At the corporate level, Nestl?'s record of questionable behaviour where
it bottles water at 100 plants around the world illustrates why the
Council of Canadians' Maude Barlow calls the multinational a "water

Tags: 2016, 2020, Canada, Council of Canadians, Doug Ford, DougWiki,
Environmental, Florida, Ford government, France, Greenpeace, Guelph,
Hamilton, Indigenous, Lobbyist, Maine, Nestl?, Ontario, Toronto, Waterloo,
Wellington County


Failure to woo Ontario's Red Tories will sink Andrew Scheer's leadership
November 7, 2019, Thomas Walkom, Toronto Star

Ontario is Andrew Scheer's Achilles heel. The Conservative leader
cannot win the next election without gaining significantly more support
from voters in Canada's largest province. Unless he dramatically
changes his approach, he is unlikely to get it.

This is the sobering reality that faces members of the Conservative
Party as they mull over their leader's future.

That Scheer is in trouble is obvious. Following a marathon seven-hour
caucus meeting Wednesday, Conservative MPs and Senators mouthed the
usual bromides about party unity. But as Scheer spoke to reporters, his
deer-in-the-headlights demeanour told it all: The party is anything but

Tags: Abortion, Andrew Scheer, Calgary, Canada, Carbon tax, Climate change,
Conservative Party of Canada, Critic, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Environmental,
Federal election, Justin Trudeau, Ontario, Ottawa, Politics, Progressive
Conservative, Quebec, Toronto


Ford Government Seeks Praise For Not Making All Of The Dangerous Cuts It
Planned On Making
November 7, 2019, PressProgress

Whereas its 2018 Fall Economic statement laid the ground for deep cuts,
its 2019 statement offers "investments." But those investments
generally don't make up for the previous cuts.

For example, the statement promises $637 million in additional funding
for children and social services. But that follows Ford's budget
cutting $1.3 billion from the ministry responsible for delivering those
social services.

Within that, the 2019 statement promises a $310 million "investment" in
social assistance.The statement reads this will go to "continuing
support" for the Transition Child Benefit and not proceeding with
social assistance clawbacks proposed late last year. Advocates warned
repeatedly both proposed changes would drive significant increases in

Tags: 2018, 2020, Autism, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Ford cuts, Ford government,
Ontario, Review, Toronto, Transition Child Benefit


How the Ford government's budget update sticks with austerity
November 7, 2019, Mike Crawley, CBC News

The fiscal tally of all that listening is found in the pages of
Phillips's fall economic statement. The document accounts for the
government's recent backtracks, updating the budget from the $163.4
billion spending plan tabled in April by Vic Fedeli, whom Ford dumped
as finance minister two months later.

The fall economic statement is part of the Ford government's attempts
to portray itself as new and improved, striking a new tone, turning
over a new leaf. The budget update tries to do this by highlighting the
spending cuts on which the government reversed course and recasting
them as spending increases.

Technically, it's true the PCs are increasing program spending by $1.3
billion from the April budget. In reality, this is simply putting some
spending cuts that didn't happen back on the government's books.

Tags: 2018, Andrea Horwath, Canadian Press, CBC, Chris Young, Doug Ford,
DougWiki, Ford government, John Fraser, Ontario, Ontario Health, Ontario New
Democratic Party, Politics, Rod Phillips, Vic Fedeli


Legislature passes Ford government's bill to cap public sector wage increases
November 7, 2019, CBC News

Reaction was swift from four of the province's education unions - all
of them currently in negotiations with the government for new
collective agreements.

In a written statement released not long after the vote, the Elementary
Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO), the Association des
enseignantes et enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), the Ontario
English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA), and the Ontario
Secondary School Teachers' Federation condemned the legislation and
announced they're preparing a court challenge to the bill.

"The Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act
tramples on collective bargaining rights and targets public sector
workers with unfair austerity measures for the next three years," the
statement reads.

Tags: 2018, Catholic, DougWiki, Education cuts, Elementary Teachers'
Federation of Ontario, Ford government, Hospital, Ontario, Ontario Public
Service, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, Peter Bethlenfalvy


Ontario MPPs pass Coteau's motion affirming religious freedoms in response to
Quebec's Bill 21
November 7, 2019, CBC News

The Ontario Legislature on Thursday passed a motion from Michael
Coteau, Liberal MPP for Don Valley East, affirming the province's
support of religious diversity in response to Quebec's Bill 21.

Coteau placed the motion before the province's elected representatives
on Thursday afternoon, asking them to affirm their support for
religious diversity.

"I am pleased that all parties could come together to affirm that
Ontario is a place that values diversity and stands united in support
of our rights and freedoms," said Coteau.

Tags: CBC, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Don Valley East, DougWiki,
Fran?ois Legault, Manitoba, Michael Coteau, Mike Crawley, Ontario, Ontario
Liberal, Ontario MPP, Quebec


Scientology proudly now displaying miserable secret deal it offered
Clearwater leaders
November 7, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We've been looking a little more closely at the special "Clearwater
edition" of Freedom magazine that recently came out after Freedom had
not put out a new issue for a year.

It's quite obvious that the new issue was thrown together to counter
the brilliant Tampa Bay Times investigation of October 20 which
revealed that once again the Church of Scientology has pulled off a
surreptitious and underhanded takeover of the Florida beach city's
dormant downtown.

In a classic example of disinformation, Scientology's longtime
propaganda magazine featured a story by editor John Sugg that smeared
the Times and its reporter, Tracey McManus, blaming the newspaper for
the city's inability to revive a downtown that Scientology has had a
stranglehold on since its first secret takeover in 1975.

Tags: 1959, 1975, 1995, 2011, 2013, 2017, Berlin, Clearwater, Crete, David
Gentile, David Miscavige, Easter, Europe, Flag Land Base, Florida, Fort
Harrison, Freedom magazine, Ideal Org, Japan, Jeffrey Augustine, John Sugg,
Joy Villa, Lisa McPherson, New York, Oak Cove, Ponzi scheme, Russia, Tampa
Bay Times, Thorsten Overgaard, Tracey McManus


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