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Today in Scientology -- October 9th *****************

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Scientology Today

Oct 9, 2015, 9:26:18 AM10/9/15
Today October 9th in Scientology history

Hidalgo leads rally against Scientology
October 9, 2005, IOL News

Paris - The deputy mayor of Paris led a demonstration on Saturday
outside the Paris offices of the Church of Scientology, saying she
wanted to warn parents that children and teenagers may be attracted to
such groups.

Tags: Agn?s Bron, Anne Hidalgo, France, Paris


The Unspiked Files: Death Of A Nethead
October 9, 2008, Mark Ebner, Gawker

In 1999, Rolling Stone assigned Hollywood reporter Mark Ebner to the
story of Philip Gale, an MIT prodigy born into Scientology who killed
himself on the birthday of the cult's founder. The organization sent
Rolling Stone a damning dossier on Ebner and the story was spiked.
Ebner says he was told by his assigning editor that Rolling Stone owner
Jann Wenner was close to John Travolta, one of the sect's most
prominent Hollywood supporters. Since then, the Church of Scientology
has softened in its response to critics; and internet outlets have
proven less easily browbeaten. So here -- after the jump -- is Ebner's
original piece, Death of a Nethead.

Tags: EarthLink, MIT, Philip Gale, Sky Dayton, Steven Hassan, Suicide


Daniel Mantalvo, Scientology Defector, Jailed in LA
October 9, 2010, Nate Jones, TIME NewsFeed

NewsFeed generally believes that all religions are valid and that we
should treat all of them with respect and all that liberal-arts jazz.
But this story gives us the creeps.

The latest scandal from the Church of Scientology is the tale of
19-year-old Daniel Montalvo, who allegedly ran from the Church and
found himself in jail for his efforts.

Tags: Daniel Montalvo, Marty Rathbun


It's judge vs. judge in battle over over Scientology lawyer
October 9, 2010, Thomas C. Tobin, Tampa Bay Times

Pinellas Judge Robert E. Beach has filed a motion in federal court in
Tampa saying U.S. District Judge Steven D. Merryday erred last week
when he "permanently enjoined" Beach from carrying out sanctions
against lawyer Ken Dandar, who is challenging Scientology.

Merryday's order appeared to prevent Beach, a circuit judge, from
taking even the slightest action on the issue. Now Beach is asking the
federal judge to dissolve his order, in part so Beach can do one more
thing with the case: withdraw from it.

Tags: 2015, Afghanistan, Clearwater, Cult, Daniel Ruth, Editorial, Florida,
HBO, Legal, Movie, Music, North Carolina, OT, Politics, Review, Scientology
lawyer, St. Petersburg, Steve Bousquet, Tampa, Wedding, Ybor City


Montalvo Update - The Wild, Wild West
October 9, 2010, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Daniel Montalvo continued to be under effective house arrest most of
the day. A multi-agent Radical Scientology cult private eye team has
had Daniel under surveillance full time since his release. Twice the
investigators have made aggressive moves with their vehicles toward
Daniel's friend and host Tiziano Lugli.

This evening, Tiziano and Jamie took Daniel to dinner at a cafe on
Sunset Blvd. A four car team of Radical Scientology cult investigators
leered from across the street. When they finished eating, Tiziano and
Jamie approached the PI team. As the two neared the pack of gangsters,
team leader Mike Kelly (same guy who lead the JB surveilance team at
Tiziano's this summer; and surveilled Mosey's and my arrival at LA
International the week before last) screamed like a stuck pig crying he
was fearful that Jamie and Tiziano were going to "mug" he and his three
hired thugs. Kelly slammed Tiziano's arm knocking his video camera to
the ground. Jamie called 911. Twenty LA County Sheriff's Deputies
arrived on the scene aiming shotguns at all the PIs and Tiziano and
Jamie. Tiziano and the pregnant Jamie were cuffed along with the PIs
until the watch commander arrived to sort out what was going on. When
they realized it was the Radical Scientology cult PI's at work again,
they gave Tiziano and Jamie a head start home detaining the PI's in the

When the smoke finally cleared, Daniel had vanished.

Tags: 9/11, Daniel Montalvo, David Miscavige, Hollywood, Quicky, Tiziano Lugli


Scientology defector arrested after attempting to leave organization
October 9, 2010, Wikinews

Recent reports have emerged that a defector from the elite group within
Scientology called the Sea Org was first persuaded to travel back to a
management building for the organization in California, where he was
interrogated by an attorney for Scientology and then arrested.

Tags: Daniel Montalvo, Jason Beghe, Kendrick Moxon, Marty Rathbun, Sea Org,
Steve Whitmore, Tiziano Lugli, Tom DeVocht


The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know
October 9, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

I am in the process of having a book published by the above title. It
ought to be available at Amazon books sometime later in the week.

Here is the short description that will apear with it at Amazon:

Why Scientology must be reformed. It answers the most frequently asked
questions about Scientology today, including:

Tags: Amazon, David Miscavige, Quicky, Tom Cruise


Anonymous and Craigslist: Proof that Scientology Knows It's Under Attack
October 9, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We've been meaning to come back to the subject of Scientology and
Craigslist since our story of September 22 seemed to kick off some
interesting and frenetic activity in that sector.

Since 2009, folks at Project Chanology, the Anonymous collective that
watches Scientology like a hawk, have been making efforts to curb the
church's use of deceptive ads at Craigslist. This "Clear Craig" program
was coordinated at, but had slowed down in recent
months, as one would expect after several years of effort.

Then, a reader sent us a previously secret manual that Scientology was
using to train its "cyber dissemination" people to post ads on
Craigslist from locations around the country.

Tags: 2009, 9/11, Anonymous, Business Insider, Clear, Craigslist, Harassment,
Project Chanology, Quicky, WhyWeProtest


Cassation III: Defending the Rundown
October 9, 2013, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

Vitamins used in Scientology's Purification Rundown are no more
medicines than sweets or beauty products, a Scientology lawyer told
France's top court .

Next up for Scientology was Ma?tre Jean-Jacques Gatineau, whose job it
was to attack the convictions for illegal practice of pharmacy related
to Scientology's Purification Rundown.1

The Rundown is the controversial programme of aerobic exercise , long
sessions in a sauna and massive doses of vitamins and minerals. It w as
devised by Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Tags: 2010, Aline Fabre, Appeal, Celebrity Centre, Clear Body, Clear Mind,
David Root, Didier Michaux, France, Luxembourg, Paris, Purification Rundown,
Quicky, Scientology lawyer, UNADFI


Genius: Handle US Govt. Shutdown by Mailing Congressmen LRH Encyclopedia
October 9, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Those genius beggars are at it again.

This time the bright idea is to cash in on the government shutdown in
the US. Literally ANY excuse will do.

I am sure US Congressmen are waiting with bated breath for an
"encyclopedia" about L. Ron Hubbard to help them resolve the funding of
the government. I doubt there is a single word in any of these volumes
that addresses anything at all relevant. They are hagiographies of the
life of L. Ron Hubbard. Arguably Patrick should be promoting to send
them OEC Vol 3 - but that's no longer available because the OEC by
Miscavige decree is "flawed" and "has to be redone by me." (There is
nothing in Volume 3 that would help in fact, as the problem has nothing
to do with handling finances and everything to do with corrupt
politicians controlled by special interests).

Tags: 1952, 1959, 1971, Bridge Publications, David Miscavige, Flag Service
Organization, Humanitarian, L. Ron Hubbard, OT VII, Planetary Dissemination,
Quicky, Sea Org, The Way to Happiness


Pursuit of Understanding
October 9, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

I am introducing my recommended reading list to anyone who has attained
the Scientology state of Clear. By doing so, I am not promoting or
trying to win over anybody to a particular line of thought. Nor am I
attempting to dissuade people from continuing to worship their firmly
held religious constructs. I respect their First Amendment rights to
continue to do so. Instead, I am responding to the relative few who
have expressed genuine curiosity about from whence I have come and to
where I am going. Folks can take it or leave it, or pick and choose to
satisfy their own curiosities. And, as is their wont, Scientologists
can of course nitpick and snipe so as to kill the agent who brings news
they will likely find is anathema to their Scientology religious beliefs.

I recommend that these materials, minimally, be studied before
embarking on Scientology OT Levels 2 through 8. Actually, I think
anyone would gain a tremendous amount of insight by reading these books.
But, I believe this (or a comparable) recommended study is essential
to understanding from a scientific and spiritual view what it most
likely is that makes a meter read on a Clear. It also gives a much
deeper understanding of what it is that Ron Hubbard was grappling with
on the upper levels. To pursue a subject calling itself a 'science of
the mind', while subjecting oneself to religious mythological belief
constructs (as one inevitably does by running headlong into the OT
Levels of Scientology) sets up a vicious form of cognitive dissonance:
religious belief masquerading as scientific certainty. The result is
the inability to perceive as-is; defeating the entire stated purpose of
Scientology. More debilitating, Scientology at the upper levels
continues a process of self-affirmation and self-fixation that firmly
shackles an individual from rising to greater heights; locked into a
solidified ego as he or she becomes. I think this recommended study can
alleviate that dissonance, freeing an individual to continue to move on
up a little higher.

I am not creating some new study by this recommendation. I am sure
there is an infinity of gradients and steps one could, and some
certainly have, take to navigate the mire that is implanted at the
Scientology upper levels. I did not follow this recommendation. I went
through numerous other valleys and peaks along my own way. For example,
as part of my own study, I studied and evaluated what Hubbard studied
and drew from in developing Scientology; and I haven't included that
byway on this list. I reviewed my path and noted those studies I feel
were integral in understanding Scientology in the only way Hubbard
himself recommended anything could be fully understood. That is,
studied against data of comparable magnitude. When one does, I believe
one cannot help but recognize that Ron was definitely onto something in
his upper level research, but that developments in science and
consciousness far more rationally and accurately revealed what it was.
One may or may not also see in the light of this understanding, that
continued, blind adherence to mythological constructs supplied in
Scientology might be crippling of spiritual evolution.

Tags: Buddha, Clear, First Amendment, OT, Quicky


Scientology-backed Ottawa exhibit takes aim at psychiatry
October 9, 2013, CBC News

A controversial travelling exhibit denouncing psychiatry and sponsored
by a group funded by the Church of Scientology has come to Ottawa.

The Scientology-funded Citizen's Commission on Human Rights exhibit is
called Psychiatry, An Industry of Death.

Tags: Angela Ilasi, Canada, CCHR, Industry of Death, Ottawa, Simon Hatcher


Spokespuppet Tries to Handle Clearwater "Activitists" by Saying Nothing
October 9, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

See the article in the Tampa Bay Times from this afternoon. It contains
some interesting statements and non-statements,

Sockpuppet Pat Harney was despatched by Miscavige to try and calm the
rumblings of the natives. Of course, she is sent with strict orders to
say ONLY what Miscavige has told her she can disclose. So, she said the
building will be open before the end of the year. What a revelation.
But, it seems that if they want a ribbon cutting on the street, they
have to do it on a Sunday. And there are only 3 available Sundays
between now and the end of the year.

News alert: Miscavige, the rest of the world goes about its business
and really doesnt care about your pronouncements. The window of
opportunity is closing on you as you dither around.

Tags: Atlanta, Catholic, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Joe Childs, Miami,
Orlando, Pat Harney, Peter Mansell, Quicky, Tampa, Tampa Bay Times


Ryan Hamilton files two more federal lawsuits against Scientology's drug
rehab network
October 9, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

International and ABLE have already thrown in the towel on a number of
lawsuits (at least more than seven of them), and at least one of the
local facilities has entered into mediation to settle one of the suits.
None of the numerous motions to dismiss filed against Hamilton's suits
has been successful.

So he keeps on filing them. In the 23rd suit, Michigan resident Deanna
Tetreau was looking for a rehab facility for her daughter Jennifer
Henning in January when she came across a website that claimed to be an
independent referral service. It connected her with a Narconon Fresh
Start representative, Josh Penn, who made the usual representations:
That the Narconon program was scientifically proven, that it was drug
counseling under the supervision of medical personnel, and that it had
a success rate over 70 percent.

Tags: A Life Worth Living, ABLE, Angelo Amato, Ben Levy, Branden Chavez,
California, Charis Yates, Christy Courson, Christy Estrada, Colorado,
Conditions, Dean Pugh, Deanna Tetreau, East Grinstead, Emily Brown, England,
Ethics, Fort Collins, Georgia, Henning v. Narconon, Illinois, Jack Welch,
James Ramirez, Jana Martin, Jason McClure, Jennifer Henning, Jered Mowery,
Jilliene Winchell, Josh Penn, Ken Vairo, Las Vegas, Lauren Geanacopulos,
Linda Keller, Linda Phillips, Michael Tarr, Michigan, Narconon, Narconon
Fresh Start, Narconon International, Nevada, Niacin, Nikki Mott, Oklahoma,
Potential Trouble Source, Robin Jones, Ryan Hamilton, Sea Org, Sean
O'Connell, Success rate, Sunshine Summit Lodge, Suppressive Person, Tone
Scale, Training Routines, Tyler Matthys, Vairo v. Narconon, Warner Springs,
Watsonville, West Sussex


Thursday Funnies
October 9, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Nation of Islam taking over Tampa Org?

This is the latest news from the Tampa model ideal org's St Petersburg
"Life Improvement Center."

For those of you who do not live in the area, St Petersburg is NOT
Harlem or South Central LA.

Tags: Basics, Celebrity Centre, Chairman of the Board, Clear, DEA, Freedom
Medal Winner, Golden Age of Tech, Harlem, Ideal Org, International
Association of Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Gatos, Mountain View,
Nation of Islam, OT, Quicky, Regraded Being, Religious Technology Center, San
Francisco, Silicon Valley, Tampa, Thursday Funnies


Regraded Being
October 9, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


The Scientology-Ireland connection that propelled Cathriona White to Hollywood
October 9, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

[The Helnweins. L to R: Cyril, Renate, Wolfgang Amadeus, Ali Elvis
(sitting), Gottfried, and Mercedes. Photo for the New York Times by
Kenneth O Halloran.]

In 2009, Cathriona White emigrated from Ireland to Los Angeles. We've
reported that once she was there, a group of young Scientologists
welcomed her into the fold and encouraged her to begin courses at the
Hollywood Celebrity Centre.

But from the beginning, our sources were telling us that it wasn't an
accident that Cat fell in with the Hollywood group. Something had
happened in Ireland that convinced her to go, and helped her gain
entree to the California clique.

Tags: 1972, 1983, 1990, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, Allison Hope Weiner, Australia, Beck
Hansen, Beth Reisgraf, California, Cathriona White, Celebrity Centre,
Christopher Masterson, County Tipperary, Cyril Helnwein, Danny Masterson,
David Miscavige, Dublin, East Grinstead, England, Freewinds, Germany,
Gottfried Helnwein, Hollywood, Ireland, Isabella Cruise, Jason Lee, Jenna
Elfman, Jenny Burpee, Jim Carrey, John F. Kennedy, Laura Prepon, Leah Remini,
Los Angeles, Marissa Ribisi, Mark Burton, Melissa Paris, Mercedes Helnwein,
Michael Pe?a, New York Times, Purif, Quicky, Scientology celebrity, Sea Org,
Tiber McCormick, Tipperary, Travis Case, Valeska Paris, Village Voice


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