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Today in Scientology -- April 17th *************************************************

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Scientology Today

Apr 18, 2020, 2:20:35 PM4/18/20
Today April 17th in Scientology history

April 17, 1991, Jack Anderson, Washington Post

The Josephson Institute conducted a survey of top IRS managers and
nearly half said they would use their positions to intimidate personal
enemies. A majority said they would look the other way if they saw
wrongdoing, and many condoned lying to the news media and government
officials to protect themselves.

Sen. Steve Symms (R-Idaho) saw a copy of the survey, which had been
leaked to a group called the National Coalition of IRS Whistleblowers.
After reviewing the survey, Symms promised he would look into the
ethical climate at the IRS.

Tags: Cleveland, Coalition of IRS Whistleblowers, Ethics, Idaho, Internal
Revenue Service, IRS, Josephson Institute, Los Angeles, Quicky, Steve Symms,
US Department of Justice, West Virginia


Boston Scientology Protest 4/12/08 Band Stand Larry Brennan2
April 17, 2008, Free Press Television, YouTube

Boston Common, Part 2/2 Part'1:
com/watch?v=TXJQDOSVIgg Photos here: http://s281.photobucket.

Tags: Anonymous, Boston, Denise Brennan, Larry Brennan, Video


Boston Scientology Protest 4/12/08 Larry Brennan Part3
April 17, 2008, Free Press Television, YouTube

part3 Part 4: Photos here:

Tags: Anonymous, Boston, Denise Brennan, Larry Brennan, Video


TV actor Jason Beghe attacks Scientology in YouTube video
April 17, 2008, Veronica Schmidt, London Times

The actor, who estimates he gave the church $1 million (?500,000) over
12 years, has also given an interview to New York publication The
Village Voice, explaining the church's relationship with Hollywood

Beghe claims Scientology's fascination with celebrities is not just a
PR exercise but that the late founder L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction
writer, had made it clear he wanted celebrities recruited to the church.

If a member could recruit a celebrity, Beghe said, they were rewarded
by having the contents of their "ethics file" - the record of misdeeds
admitted during "auditing" or spiritual counselling - cleared.

Tags: Ethics file, Jason Beghe, Mark Bunker, XenuTV, YouTube


Scientology: Advanced Ability Center
April 17, 2011, Mark Bunker, YouTube

Shiona Fox-Ness' 1984 video of the AAC Santa Barbara.

Tags: 1984, Advanced Ability Center, David Mayo, Quicky, Santa Barbara,
Shiona Fox-Ness


The Anti-Immigration Crusader
April 17, 2011, Jason DeParle, New York Times

While the whole movement grew more vehement as illegal immigration
increased, Dr. Tanton seemed especially open to provocative allies and
ideas. He set off a storm of protests two decades ago with a memorandum
filled with dark warnings about the "Latin onslaught." Word soon
followed that FAIR was taking money from the Pioneer Fund, a foundation
that promoted theories of the genetic superiority of whites.

Dr. Tanton, who remains on the FAIR board, denied charges of racial
bias and donated his papers to the University of Michigan to show that
he and colleagues "are not the unsavory types sometimes alleged." They
include hundreds of private letters, some outlining his interest in
genetic differences between the races and concerns about the country's
changing ethnic mix.

Tags: Alt-Right, American Renaissance, Arizona, California, Center for
Immigration Studies, Dan Stein, Federation for American Immigration Reform,
George W. Bush, Jared Taylor, Joe Arpaio, John Tanton, Kentucky, Ku Klux
Klan, Mitch McConnell, NumbersUSA, Pioneer Fund, Roy Beck, Southern Poverty
Law Center, William Shockley


The History of Credibility Attacks Against Former Cult Members
April 17, 2011, Stephen Kent, FECRIS, University of Alberta EN.pdf

The total rejection of the 'testimonies' of former members is not
social science, and future generations of scholars will look back on
this rejection with incredulity. What should matter in the social
sciences is that researchers obtain accurate information under ethical
circumstances. Regardless of who provides it, social scientists simply
should attempt to verify its content by comparing it to information
that others provide or that the researchers obtained in other ways -- a
process called triangulation. The more that independent sources point
to the same facts, the higher the likelihood of the facts being
accurate. Rejecting former members' accounts, therefore, without
checking them is more than simply bad social science, it actually is

Tags: Academic, Apostates


CBC Montreal
April 17, 2012, Catou MacKinnon, CBC Montreal

The Mauricie and Central Quebec Health Agency says it will never grant
a Scientology-based rehab centre permission to operate. [Audio]

Tags: Narconon, Quebec


April 17, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

What's the secret of the MEST universe? That there's no secret, of
course. That would be right there in the groove with the MEST universe,
that would be the MEST universe's best trick. It makes the obvious and
hides it, because it's a crude, relatively unworkable, solid, rather
onerous sort of dopehead's dream, who wasn't too bright.

And if it's the inevitable average, brother, I don't think much of some
of the other universes that collided to make this one. Because it's
dopey, this one. It's not a bright universe. Its total value evaluation
is force. It's down on the force band. And that's silly. Because
something that's on the force band won't work. The one thing that won't
work is force. Under no circumstances has force ever worked! An idea
any day of the week can lick the pants off of force.

All these great flaming suns, all these huge inimitable expanses, all
these tremendously, tremendously cold and inhospitable spaces, all
these dead planets and dead stars, could be reduced to a pile of utter
nothingness of rubble by an idea.

Tags: 1952, L. Ron Hubbard, Quicky


Grant Cardone: Open Letter to Gov. Jerry Brown
April 17, 2012, Grant Cardone, Huffington Post

If the people of the state of California pass your proposal to raise
taxes to on the highest earners I will move my family and businesses
out of state.

Tags: California, Jerry Brown


Pas de certification ? Narconon
April 17, 2012, Marie-?ve Bourgoing-Alarie, L'Hebdo Journal

L'Agence de la sant? et des services sociaux de la Mauricie /
Centre-du-Qu?bec n'accordera pas la certification n?cessaire ?
l'organisme Narconon de Trois-Rivi?res pour poursuivre ses activit?s.

C'est que parmi les 55 crit?res exig?s pour recevoir la certification,
Narconon devrait proc?der ? 46 correctifs de diff?rentes natures, dont
26 jug?s ? facteur de risque ?lev?.

Tags: Narconon Trois-Rivi?res, Niacin


Quebec health agency shuts down rehab centre
April 17, 2012, Catou MacKinnon, CBC Montreal

Health officials have ordered a private drug rehabilitation centre in
Trois-Rivi?res to shut its doors. The Narconon Addiction Recovery
Centre's methods are based on the theories of Scientology founder L.
Ron Hubbard. The local health agency says some of the centre's
practices posed a danger to health and safety.

Tags: Narconon, Narconon Trois-Rivi?res


How Hot Is Texas? Lukewarm It Seems....
April 17, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

One of our Special Correspondents in Texas sent in this promotion.

I have been receiving many of these sort of "Alliance" promotions,
there has been a massive international "push" over the last few weeks
to round everyone up. Some of the "alliances" are very strange - the
"Rocky Mountain Alliance" includes St. Louis (?) while Twin Cities is
"allied" with Kansas City and Flag is "allied" with Puerto Rico,
Orlando, Miami and Atlanta (Tampa Org and Flag are now considered the
same thing it seems...)

Sent out on the same day - one email reports on the massive event that
was held in Dallas - less than 30 people showed up for the "Alliance"
to watch what has been described by a number of Correspondents as a
"lame" rehash video showing Ideal Orgs and the infamous "arrows"
(signifying the creation of groups, Missions and other orgs around the
"Ideal Org"). It is just another re-edit of the same footage. And the
"Management Guest Speaker" was Mark Pisani, the "WUS Landlord". I like
Mark, I spent a lot of time with him on the RPF and interacted with him
when he was the Esates IC of the PAC Base for MANY years. But its a
stretch to promote him as someone from "International Management" (an
entity that no longer exists)...

Tags: Atlanta, Austin, Chairman of the Board, CIA, Clear, Dallas, David
Miscavige, Ideal Org, International Management, Kansas City, L. Ron Hubbard,
Lee Spiller, Miami, Mission, New Year's Eve, Orlando, PAC Base, Puerto Rico,
Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Religious Technology Center, Sita
Benetatos, St. Louis, Tampa, Texas, Twin Cities


Love in the Time of Miscavige
April 17, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

For years, she worked closely with Scientology's leaders, David and
Shelly Miscavige. And she was there when it all went wrong.

By Tony Ortega

The RTC Building at Int Base We have a very unusual story for you
today, and in order to tell it, we need to adopt some unusual

Tags: 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, Basics, California, Chairman of the
Board, Church of Spiritual Technology, Clearwater, CMO Int, David Miscavige,
Florida, Int Base, John Brousseau, Lake Arrowhead, Lisa McPherson, London,
Los Angeles, Mike Rinder, New Mexico, Quicky, Religious Technology Center,
Scientology executive, Sea Org, Sec Check, Shelly Miscavige, Suppressive
Person, The Hole, Wyoming


Per Wickstom's Best Drug Rehabilitation South Bend, IN Facility Next Door To
A Liquor Store
April 17, 2013, Miss Fortune, Glistening, Quivering Underbelly

Best Drug Rehabilitation's South Bend location is next door to a liquor

Bill's Liquor Store at 3626 E. Jefferson, and Best Drug Rehabilitation
located at 3600 East Jefferson.

Wonder if Bill's delivers?

Tags: Best Drug Rehabilitation, Choices Recovery, Indiana, Quicky, South Bend


ABLE: Association for Better Living & Educational Int'l 990's - 2001-2012
April 17, 2014, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

ABLE Gross Receipts 2012: $3,767,910 - Net Assets: $13,727,150

ABLE Gross Receipts 2011: $4,410,025 - Net Assets: $14,711,161

ABLE Gross Receipts 2010: $4,617,760 - Net Assets: $13,636,977

Tags: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
ABLE, Quicky


Leah Remini 'Fair Gamed' by Scientology? Her sister gets a visit, and Tony
Dovolani is tailed
April 17, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Leah Remini and Tony Dovolani, during their run on DWTS In her public
appearances since she left Scientology last summer, actress Leah Remini
has talked about losing many longtime friends who were ordered by the
church to "disconnect" from her and her family.

She's talked about how stunning it was to see how quickly people she'd
known for decades suddenly turn their backs on her.

Our sources told us that she was devastated by that reaction, and her
family worried that Leah might also experience Scientology's infamous
"Fair Game" operations - intimidation campaigns carried out with the
use of private investigators.

Tags: 1993, 2006, 2012, Critic, David Miscavige, Disconnection, Fair Game,
Hollywood, Jeffrey Augustine, Jenna Elfman, Jennifer Lopez, Karen de la
Carriere, Katie Holmes, Kirstie Alley, Leah Remini, Mike Bennitt, Mike
Rinder, Monique Rathbun, Private investigator, Quicky, Registrar, Robert
Almblad, San Diego, Scientology celebrity, The Hole, Tom Cruise


Surviving Scientology Radio Episode 1 - Mike Rinder
April 17, 2014, SurvivingScientology, YouTube

Jeffrey Augustine and I have just launched Surviving Scientology Radio
so we can do podcasts. Podcasts allow for in depth interviews with
people. We can also break news faster as it happens.

Mike Rinder, former spokesman for the church graces the launch with his
unique style. All radio broadcasts will also be replicated on YouTube.

In this broadcast, Mike Rinder discusses with Jeff Jillian Schlesinger,
the financial forms the Church filed with the IRS, and the Church
imploding in South Africa.

Tags: Charity, IRS, Jeffrey Augustine, Jillian Schlesinger, Mike Rinder,
Quicky, South Africa, Tax


The OTC Security Hammer Is Dropping
April 17, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Apparently hushmail didnt solve the problem, so now they have a new
message right at the top of the OTC minutes:

Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All
members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone
else for any reason.

Apparently there are all sorts of measures being taken to try to stem
the flow of information outside the bubble. One might ask why that is
of such concern. Of course it is merely information they WANT to impart
to the "OTC members" - if it is true, how could it be so damaging? But
that is like asking why if you are opening a building that you hope to
get new people to come into, don't you allow them to the opening?

Tags: Avner Golan, Barbados, Bo Ellison, Bob Brooks, Bob Welch, Bobbi
Kassowitz, Carol Loweree, Carroll Loweree, Charlene Thorburn, Claire Taylor,
Clear, David Wilson, Dean Glosup, Dianetics, Division 1, Division 2, Division
4, Division 6, Drug Free Marshals, Freewinds, Inglewood, Jennifer Jacobson,
Karen Brown, Kathie Heard, Kathy Di Galbo, Kathy Morrill, Kathy Welch, Lauren
Perreau, Linda Massey, Los Angeles, Mark Anderson, Marty Kassowitz, Mary Ann
O'Donnell, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Mission, Office of
Special Affairs, Orange County, OT, OT Ambassador, OT Committee, OTC, PAC
Base, Pasadena, Quicky, Ralph Temps, Sally Jensen, Scott Kreisberg, St.
Kitts, Tamara Dahill, Vered Ziv


Is France dropping its anti-Scientology fervor because Tom Cruise is just too
April 17, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We have another report today from our man in Paris, British journalist
Jonny Jacobsen. Recently, he wrote here about a Scientologist's 2006
suicide in France that prosecutors were trying to pin on Scientology
itself. But an inability to track down three key witnesses had
jeopardized the state's investigation. Later, at his own website, Jonny
summarized information that he'd received about the possible location
of at least one of those witnesses.

While that case stalls, an important thing to keep in mind is that
Scientology was declared a fraud in France after years of investigation
and a prosecution that reached the country's highest court. Part of the
reason that the fraud case stayed alive over such a long period was
through the hard work of government-sponsored anticult organizations.
And French lawmakers told Jonny that once the case was upheld, one more
prosecution of Scientology could lead to the church being dissolved in
France. In other words, the country has long been hostile territory for
Scientology, with the potential to permanently boot the organization
from its shores.

Or is it? Jonny's new report suggests that things are changing, and a
new press article suggests that France is reversing course. Fill us in
on the details, Jonny...

Tags: 2004, 2006, 2011, 2012, Amique Kelly, Australia, Catherine Picard,
Celebrity Centre, Cult, Danielle Ambert, ?lise Godeau, Emmanuel Fansten,
France, Freeloader Debt, Freewinds, Galaxy Press, Georges Fenech, Gloria
Lopez, Jonny Jacobsen, Los Angeles Times, Lucas Burel, Marisol Touraine,
Missing documents, Miviludes, Nick Xenophon, Nicolas Sarkozy, Paris, Sea Org,
Serge Blisko, Tom Cruise, UNADFI


Paul Haggis Claims a Scientology Spy Posed as a Time Magazine Reporter
Requesting an Interview
April 17, 2015, Natalie Stone, Hollywood Reporter

Paul Haggis is alleging that a Church of Scientology spy posed as a
Time magazine reporter in an effort to get a one-on-one interview with

On April 7, Haggis received an email requesting an interview from Mark
Webber, who claimed to be writing an article for Time magazine. In the
email, reprinted below. Webber said he was speaking with numerous
directors for a "golden age of film" article and referenced Crash,
Haggis' Oscar-winning film.

Tags: 2009, Amnesty International, Anthony Building, David Miscavige, Freedom
magazine, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Greg
Wilhere, Hollywood, John Travolta, Los Angeles, Mark Webber, New Yorker, Paul
Haggis, Police, Steven Spielberg, Tax, Time magazine, Tom Cruise, Tommy
Davis, Village Voice, Yahoo


Scientology Hubbard Hype
April 17, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This, as usual, is all hype.

Somehow they slide in that LA has been "enjoying record levels of
reduced crime" - as if this had ANYTHING to do with L. Ron Hubbard or
the Way to Happiness. There isn't even a WTH campaign being run in LA....

So, next time someone claims crime has been falling in an area "thanks
to WTH" you can point to LA where there are "record levels of reduced
crime" (whatever that means) WITHOUT the WTH.

Tags: Comedy Central, LAPD, Los Angeles, Quicky, Shermanspeak, Stephen Colbert


Secrets of the Scientologists: Why people do horrible things for belief
April 17, 2015, Darragh McNicholas, Salon

In the language of the Mafia, says Gourevitch, "a person who has become
invested in the logic and practices of the gang is said to be owned by
it." When Jason Beghe, an actor and ex-Scientologist featured in "Going
Clear," describes the strange sensation of self-policing - "the best
traps are when you get a guy to keep himself in jail" - he sounds
remarkably like Nyilinkwara. Once a person has acted on a belief, they
don't need to be continually pressured. Ex-Scientologists who alleged
that they were placed in "The Hole," a holding facility in California
where upper-level church members were held and beaten, found themselves
actually fighting to stay there. If the FBI came to rescue them from
what some described as a "prison camp," says one of the captives, Tom
De Vocht, they would have responded: "We're doing this voluntarily. We
like living in these conditions."

Tags: David Miscavige, FBI, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of
Belief, Jason Beghe, L. Ron Hubbard, Lawrence Wright, Marty Rathbun, Paul
Haggis, Sara Northrup, Spanky Taylor, The Hole, Tom Cruise, Tom DeVocht, Tony
Ortega, Xenu


(VIDEO) Critical Q&A #53
April 17, 2016, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

The show where I answer your questions. Please leave any comments or
feedback in the comments section here below. I see everything and want
to hear from you.

Link to CFI booksigning event:

(1) I notice in these conversations with your mom that your mother's
language is still laced with 'Scientologese' even though she has been
away from the church for a long while. I don't get the impression that
she has a tendency towards identifying as an 'Indie Scientologist' who
may still embrace some Scientology principles and she certainly doesn't
seem to want anything to do with the official Church of Scientology.

Tags: Critic, England, Europe, Mormon, Quicky, Sea Org, Tom Cruise


Louis Theroux's 'My Scientology Movie' at Tribeca today, & more in our social
media review
April 17, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Finally, America gets its first look at Louis Theroux's very funny
film, My Scientology Movie, when it premieres this evening at the
Tribeca Film Festival in New York.

We were fortunate enough to be present when the movie had its worldwide
premiere at the London Film Festival last September, and we'll be at
tonight's screening as well. We're sure it will generate just as many
belly laughs from the New York audience as it did in Leicester Square.
We'll try to snap a photo or two with Louis and John Dower and Simon
Chinn, the film's director and producer. Until then, please enjoy Rod
Keller's weekly Scientology social media review!

After renovations, Community Learning Center re-opened on Fort Harrison
Ave. in Clearwater, Florida with a celebration yesterday. The Applied
Scholastics school concentrates on tutoring at-risk youth using L. Ron
Hubbard's "study tech."

Tags: 1982, 2010, Applied Scholastics, Atlanta, Battlefield Earth, Bernard
Fialkoff, California, CCHR, Celebrity Centre, Clearwater, Community Learning
Center, Consumer Energy Solutions, Dan Feel Roberts, Darryl Meadows, Don
Bessee, FDA, Florida, Fort Harrison, Foundation for a Drug-Free World,
Freedom Medal Winner, Galaxy Press, Hollywood, Ideal Org, Ivan Arjona Pelado,
Jake Isham, John Dower, John Redman, London, Los Angeles, Louis Theroux, Lynn
Posyton, Madrid, Marijuana, Mario Chirinos, Mike Klagenberg, Movie, My
Scientology Movie, New York, Nic Wozniak, Patrick Clouden, Quicky, Rod
Keller, Sacramento, Safe Point, Simon Chinn, Suawek Wheeler, Tonie
Pepperstreet, University of California, Venezuela, Zsuzsanna Ban


Running Program BS
April 17, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

They are going all out to hype the Running Program in the latest
edition of Source mag.

It begins with the full page shot of the "Indoctrination" pack -
conspicuously labeled "CONFIDENTIAL."

First, if they converted the "LRH advice" into an "HCOB" then this huge
binder contains 3 pages. There is only one document that describes the
Running Program. It was handed out in a file folder to those of us who
were assigning to "running around the pole" full time back in the days
when there was still a running track at the Gold base. This "pack" is a
single issue. I am sure it has ballooned with glossaries, indexes and
pages off descriptions about running shoes and how to wash your shorts
and t-shirts.

Tags: Cause Resurgence Rundown, Clear, Genetic Entity, Hubbard Communications
Office Bulletin, Int Base, L. Ron Hubbard, Marcia Johanson, OT, OT III,
Quicky, Rudi Marshalian, Running Program, Sea Org


Aaron Smith-Levin: Scientology Q&A - Part 3
April 17, 2017, Growing Up In Scientology, YouTube

Questions discussed (in this order):

-- Does encouraging someone to "drop their body" mean asking someone
to commit suicide?

-- How do Scientologists try and ensure they are reborn into a
Scientology family?

Tags: Aaron Smith-Levin, Clear, Freewinds, OT, OT 8, Quicky, Sea Org, Xenu


Before Scientology's Xenu was a genocidal galactic overlord, he was a ...
April 17, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

This doesn't happen every day: A tipster recently pointed us to
something buried in a 1958 L. Ron Hubbard lecture that really knocked
us for a loop. And so we showed it to half a dozen of the best experts
we know on the subject, and not only had none of them noticed the item
before, most of them admitted they were stumped about it.

What was it that had us puzzled? It turns out that Hubbard mentioned
the name "Xenu" ten years before that word became such a famous part of
Scientology's secret lore.

Even if you're the most casual Scientology watcher, you've no doubt
heard of Xenu. Hubbard famously described him in a February 1968
handwritten document for the "OT 3" auditing level, and then in more
detail several months later in a taped lecture in which he said the
name "could be spelled X-e-m-u." Nine years later, Xenu became one of
the main characters in "Revolt in the Stars," a screenplay Hubbard
wrote while he was hiding in Sparks, Nevada from process servers and
the FBI.

Tags: 1958, 1968, 1972, 1977, 1980, 1986, 1990, 2005, Aaron Smith-Levin,
Bruce Hines, Celebrity Centre, Clearing Course, Clearwater Sun, Coachman
Park, Comedy Central, Dan Koon, DC, Denver, E-meter, FBI, Fort Harrison,
Jefferson Hawkins, Jon Atack, Los Angeles Times, Marcab, OT, OT 7, Religious
Technology Center, Revolt in the Stars, Robert Kaufman, South Park, Sparks,
Nevada, Sunny Pereira, Teegeeack, Trapped in the Closet, Washington, Xenu


Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard and 'Mount Xenu,' 1958
April 17, 2017, Tony Ortega, YouTube

Please see our story on this lecture excerpt: http://tonyortega.

Tags: 1958, L. Ron Hubbard, Quicky, Xenu


Valley Files Big Fail
April 17, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tell us it ain't so...

You didn't get the FILING DONE??? OMG! After 20 years of begging,
scratching and trying, using the most advanced administrative
techniques ever developed on this planet, you could not get the filing

Why didn't you allocate like $40,000 out of the $40 million you raised
to pay some people minimum wage to do the filing? There are tons of
people, including a lot of needy scientologists, who would have done it.

Tags: Central Files, Quicky


CCHR Fund Raising
April 17, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

I have often commented about scientology being masters of disaster
capitalism - taking advantage of any disaster or tragedy as a reason to
collect more money.

And here is the latest. Cashing in on the tragedy of mass school

Let's begin with a fundamental: because two things are connected does
not mean one is causative.

Tags: CCHR, Quicky


Church of Scientology Forgotten Canadian Headquarters
April 17, 2018, Freaktography, YouTube

Filmed with a Nikon D7500

Amazon Link -

Also some clips filmed with a GoPro Hero5

Tags: 2000, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2016, Amazon, AOSH Canada, Cult, John Travolta,
Ontario, Quicky, Tom Cruise


More proof that L. Ron Hubbard really did want Scientologists to consider him
the Antichrist
April 17, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Last night, we heard from our old friend Steve Hall after he read our
interview with Justin Craig, who claims to be the returned L. Ron
Hubbard. During our interview, Craig/LRH denied that the infamous
"Original OT 8" materials were genuine.

Several years ago we came to the opposite conclusion, that the
notorious document, which was used briefly by the Church of Scientology
in 1988 before being abandoned, was actually intended by Scientology
founder L. Ron Hubbard to be a shocking revelation to his followers
that he considered himself the Antichrist. The church has called the
document a hoax. But was it? Hall sent us this stunning account of how
he ran into that document while he was working at Scientology's
secretive Int Base near Hemet, California - and that he also witnessed
another contested work by Hubbard, the "Affirmations." We knew you'd
want to see his recollections!

Tony, I read your post about the new LRH criminal/con man hoping to
pick up where the original LRH criminal/con man left off. Oh boy.

Tags: 1940, 1988, 1990, 2000, Affirmations, Andy Lenarchic, Building 50,
California, Chairman of the Board, Chicago, Chicago Fire, Christian Stolte,
CMO Int, Commodore's Messenger Organization, Completed Staff Work, Dallas,
Dan Sherman, David Miscavige, DC, Guillaume Lesevre, Hemet, Int Base, Jesus,
Justin Craig, L. Ron Hubbard, Lucifer, Marc Yager, OT, OT 8, Quicky,
Rehabilitation Project Force, Religious Technology Center, Scientology
organization, Sea Org, Shermanspeak, Steve Hall, The Hole


Canada, your Islamophobia is showing
April 17, 2019, Ishmael N. Daro, Now Magazine

The resurgence in the last few years of far-right forces across the
so-called Western world should alarm everyone, but it's no surprise
that so much of the dehumanizing War on Terror language about Muslims
and Islam has become a part of the white supremacist and white
nationalist world view.

As far-right politicians have gained power in Europe and the Americas,
they have been largely united in their antipathy toward Muslims,
particularly refugees fleeing instability and violence in the Middle
East and North Africa.

Anti-immigrant attitudes were key to the "Leave" side winning the
Brexit vote in 2016, with right-wing leader Nigel Farage parading a
billboard around the country that depicted a long line of refugees as a
threat pushing Britain toward its "breaking point."

And the same U.S. president who said "some very fine people" were among
the fascists marching in Charlottesville continues to maintain a Muslim

Tags: 2006, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 9/11, Africa, Brexit, Calgary, Canada,
CBC, Charleston, Charlottesville, Christchurch, Christopher Caldwell,
Congress, Democracy Now!, Europe, Ezra Levant, Facebook, Faith Goldy,
Ferguson, Financial Times, Iran, Islamophobia, John Carpay, Justice Centre
for Constitutional Freedoms, Mark Steyn, Muhammad, Muslim, Nathan Phillips
Square, National Post, Neil Macdonald, New Zealand, Niall Ferguson, Nigel
Farage, Pew Research Center, Pittsburgh, Quebec, Quebec City, Quicky, Rebel
Media, Saudi Arabia, Toronto, White supremacist


How Big is "St Hill Size"
April 17, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

There is a lot of mention of "St Hill Size" in scientology. It is one
of the great catchphrases that motivates the sheeple "We are going St
Hill Size," heard almost as often as "We are Clearing the planet" (but
not as often as "will that be cash or check?").

But what exactly does St Hill Size mean and why is it important?

St Hill is the name of the estate in Sussex, England that L. Ron
Hubbard bought in 1959 and converted into the international
headquarters of scientology. There were "difficulties" in the US and he
decided the UK was a safer operating climate. That lasted for a few
years until he was refused a visa extension. He abandoned the UK and
tried to set up in Rhodesia as the reincarnation of Cecil Rhodes which
didn't go well. He then took to sea to be "fabian" in international
waters away from the "control" of any "wog" government. That was the
birth of the Sea Organization.

Tags: 1959, 1982, 1983, 1988, 2003, 2010, Advanced Org, AOLA, AOSHUK, Apollo,
Birthday Game, Boston, Cecil Rhodes, Central Files, Clear, Committee of
Evidence, David Miscavige, DC, England, Facebook, False Purpose Rundown,
Freewinds, Guillaume Lesevre, Hamburg, Ideal Org, L. Ron Hubbard, Marty
Rathbun, Mary Sue Hubbard, Milano, Munich, Orange County, OT, OT IX, OT VIII,
Rehabilitation Project Force, Rhodesia, Sam Domingo, Sea Org, Stuttgart,
Suppressive Person, Sussex, Twitter, UK, Universe Corps


Passing bread around and not painting eggs: It's Easter the Jehovah's
Witnesses way!
April 17, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We noticed Jehovah's Witnesses making preparations for this important
week in the Christian world, and so we thought we'd ask ex-JW activist
Lloyd Evans some stupid questions about what's going on.

The Bunker: Can you give us a beginner's guide to Holy Week for
Jehovah's Witnesses? They don't celebrate Easter, right?

Lloyd: Correct. Rather than celebrating Easter, Jehovah's Witnesses
commemorate the Lord's Evening Meal with a rather silly ceremony known
as "the memorial." It mostly involves 8.5 million Jehovah's Witnesses
not partaking of the "emblems" (the bread and the wine) but instead
passing them to each other. Only those who consider themselves
heaven-bound (part of the 144,000 "anointed") are allowed to partake.
These latter ones numbered 19,521 at the last count.'Advertisement

Tags: Christian, Christmas, Easter, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus, Jewish, Lloyd
Evans, Quicky


Spyentology: For Scientology, operating as an intelligence agency is a
religious mandate
April 17, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Chris Owen is back with another insightful dive into Scientology history...

There's so much going on with Scientology - from missing wives to
dubious financial dealings, broken families and allegations of abuse -
that it sometimes seems like it has distilled every type of dysfunction
and mismanagement into one rackety organisation. Scientology's
controversies aren't unique; many other faith groups have their own
scandals, as the Catholics, Baptists and Jehovah's Witnesses can
testify. But there is one aspect of Scientology that is genuinely close
to being unique.

In my research, I've identified only three contemporary faith groups
which have a dedicated covert intelligence organisation. (By this I
mean an internal organisation which is explictly modelled on a state
intelligence agency, using specially trained staff as professional
intelligence officers who carry out intelligence practices and
procedures against external targets.)

Tags: 1942, 1950, 1959, 1960, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1977, 1980, 1982,
1990, 1995, Art of War, Aum Shinrikyo, Australia, Better Business Bureau,
Catholic, Catholic Church, Chris Owen, CIA, Daily Mail, David Miscavige,
Dianetics, Egypt, England, Fair Game, FBI, Fletcher Prouty, GoFundMe, Greece,
Guardian's Office, Hubbard Communications Office, Iraq, Japan, Jehovah's
Witnesses, Jewish, John Foster, Jon Atack, Law enforcement, London, Los
Angeles, Manual of Justice, Medical, Mediterranean, Morocco, Moscow, National
Archive, Office of Special Affairs, Ontario Provincial Police, Ontario Snow
White, Operation Freakout, Paulette Cooper, Police, Quicky, Saint Hill Manor,
Secret Service, Snow White Program, Soviet Union, Sun Tzu, Sweden, Syria, The
Unbreakable Miss Lovely, Toronto, UK, US Navy, US State Department,
Washington, World Federation of Mental Health, Xenu


Tony Ortega: Scientology deception and financial fraud spelled out in
incredible legal letter
April 17, 2019, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

Tony Ortega recently published an extraordinary letter. Written by Los
Angeles attorney Graham Berry to long-time Scientology attorney
Kendrick Moxon, the letter concerns Sean Henderson who became yet
another victim of Scientology's ongoing credit card and loan scheme.

In this scheme Scientology is targeting older people who were once in
the Church of Scientology but left decades ago. Once these people are
contacted, Scientology salespeople offer them the inducement of a free
airplane ticket and hotel accommodations to come to Los Angeles and
talk to the Church of Scientology. These inducements are a pretext;
once these people arrive in Los Angeles they are pressured by
Scientology salespeople to go into heavy credit card and loan debt for
Scientology courses and products.

The techniques used in credit card/loan scheme reveal that Scientology
salespeople appear to have expert knowledge of how to manipulate
certain credit unions, credit card companies, and banks in order to
instantly get their victims approved for large lines of credit. Once
approved, these lines of credited are instantly transferred into
Scientology's bank accounts. The net effect of this predatory - and
likely criminal - financial scheme is to saddle older people with heavy
debt at high rates of interest.

Tags: 1992, 1993, 2016, 2018, California, Clear, Conditions, Credit card
fraud, Elder abuse, E-meter, Equifax, Ethics, Ethics Officer, Golden Age of
Tech, Graham Berry, Hawaii, Hollywood, IRS, Kendrick Moxon, Knowledge Report,
Knowledge Reports, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Org, OCA, Oxford Capacity
Analysis, Registrar, Religious Technology Center, Scientology celebrity, Sean
Henderson, Tony Ortega


A DeVos-linked group helped promote the right-wing "Operation Gridlock"
tantrum in Michigan.
April 17, 2020, Edwin Rios, Mother Jones

For indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis and more,
subscribe to Mother Jones' newsletters

Earlier this week, hundreds of demonstrators blocked the streets of
Lansing, Michigan, and defied an executive order from Democratic Gov.
Gretchen Whitmer to shelter in place to combat the spread of the

The protest, known as "Operation Gridlock," featured a fair share of
MAGA hats, Trump flags, at least one Confederate flag, chants of "Lock
her up!" in reference to Whitmer, and far-right groups from the Proud
Boys to the Michigan Liberty Militia. They clogged up the streets
outside the state Capitol and defied Whitmer's ban on public gatherings.

Tags: 2012, 2014, Amway, Betsy DeVos, Coronavirus, Dark Right, Detroit,
Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Donald Trump, Facebook, Greg McNeilly,
Gretchen Whitmer, Lansing, Las Vegas, Michigan, Michigan Conservative
Coalition, Michigan Freedom Fund, Michigan Liberty Militia, Operation
Gridlock, Proud Boys, Republican, Republican National Committee, Sheldon
Adelson, Texas


Conservative group linked to DeVos family organizes protest of coronavirus
restrictions in Michigan
April 17, 2020, Igor Derysh, Raw Story

Protesters rallied around the country this week against stay-at-home
orders forcing nonessential businesses to shut down, but Michigan's
governor warned that they may have backfired by creating "a need to
lengthen" the lockdowns.

Protesters in at least six states planned to protest restrictions aimed
at containing the spread of the new coronavirus this week. In Michigan,
a conservative group linked to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' family
organized "Operation Gridlock" to protest restrictions on nonessential
businesses and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's recent order barring travel
between homes. The state is among the hardest-hit by the coronavirus
pandemic, reporting more than 27,000 confirmed cases and 1,909 deaths.

Some protesters, several of whom wore pro-Trump gear, gathered on the
capitol steps as many remained in their cars. Demonstrators chanted
"recall Whitmer" and "lock her up," a chant normally usually used by
Trump supporters in reference to his 2016 Democratic rival Hillary

Tags: 2016, ABC, ABC News, Betsy DeVos, Columbus Dispatch, Coronavirus, Dark
Right, Donald Trump, Gretchen Whitmer, Hillary Clinton, Kentucky, KSL,
Michigan, Michigan Freedom Fund, MSNBC, North Carolina, Ohio, Operation
Gridlock, Police, Republican, USA, Utah, Virginia


Devos-Funded Group Organizes Protest Against Michigan Governor's Stay-at-Home
April 17, 2020, Alex Kotch, PRWatch

A political group heavily funded by the family of Education Secretary
Betsy DeVos organized a raucous rally against Michigan Governor
Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home order on Wednesday. Roughly 3,000
conservatives, including members of the Proud Boys hate group and
Confederate flag-waving right-wingers, descended on the state Capitol.
Most participants did not wear protective masks or observe social
distancing recommendations.

The protest was organized by the DeVos-funded nonprofit Michigan
Freedom Fund (MFF) and a far-right organization called the Michigan
Conservative Coalition.

Just one day earlier, Whitmer had thanked Amway and the DeVos family,
which owns the company, for donating personal protective equipment
(PPE) to state hospitals. "Amway has really stepped up to help keep
Kent County families and health care workers safe during this time,"
Whitmer said. The day before that, Whitmer called out the DeVoses for
funding MFF as it promoted the protest.

Tags: 1990, 2001, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Alt-Right, Amway, Appeal, Betsy
DeVos, Charlottesville, Coronavirus, Dark Right, Detroit Free Press, Dick
DeVos, Donald Trump, Facebook, Great Lakes Education Project, Greg McNeilly,
Gretchen Whitmer, Kentucky, Lansing, Masks, Matt Bevin, Michigan, Michigan
Conservative Coalition, Michigan Freedom Fund, Michigan Freedom Network,
North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Operation Gridlock, Police, Proud Boys,
Republican, Southern Poverty Law Center, Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, Unite
the Right, Virginia, Washington Post


Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz: TV dolts adding to the problems with having a TV
April 17, 2020, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

The most dangerous place in the country at the present moment isn't a
nursing home but rather the space between 'Dr. Phil' and any running
television camera.

It's easy to dismiss Phil McGraw as a manipulative hack but realize
that his insatiable appetite for ratings has made him the wealthiest
daytime television personality behind a trail of severely broken people.
He's influential and people, mainly elderly people, perceive him as
having expertise. He's not a physician but he gets endless mileage from
the confusion engendered by employing his clinical psychology PhD.

If Trump is a poor person's idea of a rich person, Dr. Phil is a
mentally unstable person's idea of a well person. The blame for both
misconceptions can be laid at television's feet, and not only Fox News.

Tags: Coronavirus, Dark Right, Fox News, Mehmet Oz, Phil McGraw, Scott
Pilutik, Twitter


Michigan Gov: 'Better To Be Six Feet Apart Right Now Than Six Feet Under'
April 17, 2020, Cristina Cabrera, Talking Points Memo

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) dug in her heels on Friday on her
stay-at-home order that has sparked protests from right-wingers in her

"You know, I can take it. If it makes people feel better to take their
frustrations out on me, that's fine," she told "Good Morning America"
anchor George Stephanopoulos. "All I ask is let's not get overly
political here. Let's focus on the public health."

The governor recognized that her order comes with a price as people get
laid off and children are prevented from going to school, but also that
the order was necessary to protect Michiganders from the COVID-19

Tags: Betsy DeVos, Coronavirus, Dark Right, Donald Trump, Gretchen Whitmer,
Lansing, Michigan, Michigan Conservative Coalition, Michigan Freedom Fund


New amended complaint packs a wallop in Miami Scientology child sex assault
April 17, 2020, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Just days before a major showdown hearing was scheduled for April 20
(and was likely to be put back for the pandemic), "Jane Doe" has filed
a new amended complaint in her lawsuit against the Church of
Scientology and its leader David Miscavige that will upend scheduling
in the case.

The new complaint admits that some seven months after the lawsuit was
initially filed, Jane Doe's attorneys have still not been able to
locate Miscavige to serve him, saying that he has "concealed his
whereabouts and evaded service." But because Miscavige operates in
Florida through his various Scientology enterprises, he can be sued
there with the Florida secretary of state becoming his agent for
service, they claim.

The new complaint then spends a lot more time than before compiling
evidence that Miscavige operates Scientology in Florida in major ways,
which is an answer to what has been Scientology's biggest complaint
about this lawsuit: That it was filed in the wrong place.

Tags: 1962, 1994, 2018, Caracas, Chairman of the Board, Church of Scientology
International, Clearwater, Clearwater Academy, David Miscavige, Downtown
Development Board, Fair Game, False imprisonment, Flag Service Organization,
Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Hubbard Communications Office, Ideal Org,
Kaohsiung, Mark Bunker, Miami, Orlando, Religious Technology Center, RICO,
Scientology organization, Sea Org, Sexual assault, Suppressive Person,
Taiwan, Tampa, Venezuela


Parishioner of Louisiana Church That Defied Virus Lockdown Dies From COVID-
19, But Pastor Claims It's a Lie
April 17, 2020, Rachel Olding, Daily Beast

A parishioner who regularly attended services at a Louisiana
mega-church that has made national headlines for defying
social-distancing orders has died from coronavirus complications-but
the church's pastor claims it's all a lie.

Tony Spell, the pastor of Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, was
issued a misdemeanor summons last month for repeatedly violating a
state ban on large gatherings amid the coronavirus pandemic. Despite
the charges, he has continued to hold services including an Easter
Sunday gathering that he claimed 1,345 people attended.

He previously claimed that his church was not at risk of being infected
because coronavirus was "politically motivated." Ahead of his Easter
service, he told Reuters: "Satan and a virus will not stop us... God
will shield us from all harm and sickness. We are not afraid."

Tags: Alabama, Baton Rouge, Coronavirus, Dark Right, Easter, Facebook,
Hospital, Jesus, Life Tabernacle, Life Tabernacle Church, Louisiana, Paris,
Police, Reuters, Roy Moore, TMZ, Tony Spell, White House (Trump)


The College Fix Was Founded To Fight Culture Wars On Campus. But Its Biggest
Hit Is About The Coronavirus
April 17, 2020, Jane Lytvynenko, Buzzfeed News

On April 7, the College Fix, a news and opinion website that normally
publishes stories about politics and college life, ran a story titled
"Epidemiologist: Coronavirus Could Be 'Exterminated' If Lockdowns Were
Lifted." The most popular story ever published by the College Fix, it
received over 1.7 million Facebook likes, shares, and comments,
according to social media tracking tool BuzzSumo.

The article cited an academic arguing for "herd immunity," the idea
that ending the lockdowns will result in people becoming immune to the
virus after contracting it, which is heavily contested by

The College Fix is a conservative publication featuring both student
and nonstudent writers based in Hillsdale, Michigan, and overseen by
the nonprofit Student Free Press Association. Rick DeVos, the son of
Betsy DeVos, sits on the Fix's board.

Tags: 1998, 2018, Betsy DeVos, BuzzFeed, China, Coronavirus, Cult, Daniel
Payne, Dark Right, Facebook, Fox News, Knut Wittkowski, Mark Levin, Michigan,
New York, Rick DeVos, Rockefeller University, South Korea, The College Fix,
UK, YouTube


The rightwing groups behind wave of protests against Covid-19 restrictions
April 17, 2020, Jason Wilson, The Guardian

A wave of planned anti-lockdown demonstrations that have broken out
around the country to protest the efforts of state governments to
combat the coronavirus pandemic with business closures and stay-at-home
orders have included far-right groups as well as more mainstream

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to
speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting
rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia
groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other
elements of the radical right.

On Wednesday in Lansing, Michigan, a protest put together by two
Republican-connected not-for-profits was explicitly devised to cause
gridlock in the city, and for a time blocked the entrance to a local

It was organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, which Michigan
state corporate filings show has also operated under the name of
Michigan Trump Republicans. It was also heavily promoted by the
Michigan Freedom Fund, a group linked to Trump cabinet member Betsy

Tags: 2016, Alt-Right, Ammon Bundy, Anti-vaxx, Betsy DeVos, Boise, Boston,
Castle Rock Foundation, Coronavirus, Dark Right, Diego Rodriguez, Donors
Capital Fund, Easter, Facebook, Freedom Foundation, Idaho, Idaho Freedom
Foundation, Joey Gibson, Ken Peters, Kentucky, Koch Bro, Lansing, Matt Shea,
Michigan, Michigan Conservative Coalition, Michigan Freedom Fund, Michigan
Liberty Militia, Mindy Robinson, New Zealand, Ohio, Oregon, Phil Robinson,
Proud Boys, Republican, Richmond, Seattle, Spokane, Trevor Loudon, Twitter,
Tyler Miller, Virginia, Washington, White nationalism


Trump breaks with his own guidelines to back conservative anti-quarantine
April 17, 2020, Quint Forgey, Politico

Asked about his tweets at Friday's White House press briefing and
whether those states should lift their stay-at-home orders, Trump said,
"No, but elements of what they've done are too much. ... It's too tough.

Earlier in the briefing, Trump said certain states are going to "come
online" "sooner rather than later."

The president's remarks and social media posts come as some
conservative groups have grown increasingly frustrated with the local
directives that have slammed the brakes on the U.S. economy, the
strength of which had been a key selling point of Trump's reelection

Tags: 2017, Abortion, Austin, Charlottesville, Chuck Schumer, Coronavirus,
Dark Right, Greg Abbott, Gretchen Whitmer, Jay Inslee, Michigan, Mike Pence,
Minnesota, MSNBC, Nancy Pelosi, New York, Ralph Northam, Republican, Texas,
Twitter, Unite the Right, Virginia, Washington, White House (Trump), White


'We're not New York': Trump supporters among groups protesting stay-at-home
April 17, 2020, Associated Press, CBC News

While many Americans are filled with fear, Melissa Ackison says the
coronavirus pandemic has filled her with anger. The stay-at-home orders
are government overreach, the conservative Ohio state Senate candidate
says, and she believes the labelling of some workers as "essential" is

"It enrages something inside of you," said Ackison, who was among those
who protested Gov. Mike DeWine's orders at the statehouse in Columbus
with her 10-year-old son. She has "no fear whatsoever" of contracting
the virus, she said Thursday, dismissing it as hype.

In places like Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia, supporters of U.S.
President Donald Trump, small-government supporters, anti-vaccine
advocates and gun-rights backers have united behind a deep suspicion of
efforts to shut down daily life to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Tags: 2006, 2016, 2018, Alex Jones, Austin, Betsy DeVos, Columbus, Columbus
Dispatch, Coronavirus, Dark Right, Dick DeVos, Donald Trump, Facebook, Greg
McNeilly, Gretchen Whitmer, Infowars, Lansing, Medical, Michigan, Michigan
Conservative Coalition, Michigan Freedom Fund, Minnesota, New York, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Republican, Reuters, Richmond, Tea Party, Texas,


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