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Today in Scientology -- September 7th *************************************************

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Scientology Today

Sep 7, 2019, 11:41:05 PM9/7/19
Today September 7th in Scientology history

Church of Scientology wins ruling on papers
September 7, 1986, Kelly Toughill, Toronto Star

In making the ruling, [Samuel Hughes] overturned the decision in 1984
by Supreme Court Justice Jean-Charles Sirois, who had granted Drapkin's
request without consulting the church, said lawyer Clayton Ruby, who
represents the church.

The church still hasn't received an answer to its petition to perform
marriages, Ruby said, adding that he next will ask the court to declare
Drapkin incapable of making an impartial decision and asking it to
appoint someone else to conduct the review.

Tags: Canada, Clayton Ruby, Marriage, Ontario


Narconon Center, Loan Probe Linked - FBI Investigating Mental Health Employee
September 7, 1989, Jim Myers, Tulsa World

Sources told the Tulsa World that FBI agents have asked questions about
the amount of time the employee has spent on state business and his
connection with the planned Narconon Chilocco New Life Treatment Center
at Newkirk.

Several weeks ago, it was learned, a federal grand jury subpoenaed
state records concerning the state employee's work schedule, mileage
and annual leave.

Specifically, a source said, FBI agents expressed interest in the state
employee's appearance along with a Health Department official, at a
public hearing on the proposed drug treatment center. A Health
Department official also was present.

Tags: Bob Macy, Ellis Edwards, FBI, Narconon, Narconon Chilocco, Oklahoma
Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Oklahoma Health
Department, Oklahoma Health Planning Commission, Robert Hoffman, Sara Pyle


Scientology's Fair Tax Plot
September 7, 2007, Bruce Bartlett, The New Republic, CBS News

The basic theological tenets of the Church of Scientology are well
known: a fanatical hatred for psychiatry coupled with a creation myth
that involves an evil alien ruler named Xenu and his sundry galactic
allies. The basic tenets of its tax policy are somewhat less familiar.
But Scientologists promulgated and, at one point, heavily promoted a
proposal that would replace all federal income taxes with a national
retail sales tax (NRST). And the theology and tax policy aren't
entirely unrelated: Xenu used phony tax inspections as a guise for
destroying his enemies.

In a strange confluence, the Scientologist proposal happens to be
nearly identical to one of the trendiest conservative tax proposals of
the year, the so-called FairTax, which has been endorsed by John McCain
and Fred Thompson, as well as second-tier presidential candidates Mike
Huckabee, Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, and Democrat Mike Gravel.
Georgians John Lindner and Saxby Chambliss have introduced FairTax
legislation in the House and Senate that would establish a 23 percent
national sales tax.

But, when you mention any hint of the nexus between Scientology and the
NRST - as I did briefly in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed - you'll
be denounced by FairTax supporters as a smear artist. This retort,
however, is simply evidence that these FairTax supporters don't know
the history of their own proposal. That's too bad. Perhaps if they
understood its origins in Scientology, they might have a greater
appreciation for its inherent flaws.

Tags: 1993, Cato Institute, Citizens for an Alternative Tax System, Cult
Awareness Network, IRS, Steve Moore, Steven Hayes


(1/5) lawyer Graham Berry talks about how Scientology abuses the US legal
September 7, 2008, AboutScientology, YouTube

Graham Berry speaks at a conference about Scientology on the 4th of
september 2008 in Hamburg.

Tags: Graham Berry, Hamburg, OT, Ursula Caberta, Video


(2/5) lawyer Graham Berry talks about how Scientology abuses the US legal
September 7, 2008, AboutScientology, YouTube

Graham Berry speaks at a conference about Scientology on the 4th of
september 2008 in Hamburg.

Tags: Graham Berry, Hamburg, OT, Ursula Caberta, Video


(5/5) lawyer Graham Berry talks about how Scientology abuses the US legal
September 7, 2008, AboutScientology, YouTube

Graham Berry speaks at a conference about Scientology on the 4th of
september 2008 in Hamburg.

Tags: Graham Berry, Hamburg, OT, Ursula Caberta, Video


20 Irreconcilable Differences
September 7, 2009, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

As more Scientologists spoke up for the defendants and their own
beliefs, the gulf between their vision of accused and that of the
plaintiffs grew ever wider.

As the testimony of the character witnesses continued, predictably
enough, an unbridgeable gulf opened up between their accounts and those
of the plaintiffs.

For their fellow Scientologists, the defendants were not the relentless
hard-sell merchants described by the former members who believed they
had been swindled.

Tags: 1978, 1996, 2007, Aude-Claire Malton, Australian Defence Force,
Catherine Picard, Celebrity Centre, Cyrille Pincanon, Dianetics, Didier
Michaux, E-meter, France, Jewish, Judge Sophie-H?l?ne Ch?teau, Olivier
Morice, Paris, Personality test, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Roger Gonnet,
Sabine Jacquart, UNADFI


David Miscavige Censors L. Ron Hubbard
September 7, 2009, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

Just read a disturbing post on Marty Rathbun's blog, an example of the
way David Miscavige has been "editing" LRH's works.

In fact, it has to do with the quote that I posted on the right-hand
sidebar about Orwell's 1984.

That quote is from the Philadelphia Doctorate Course, at least, it used
to be from the Philadelphia Doctorate Course. In Miscavige's new
edition, it's been edited out.

Tags: 1952, 1984, David Miscavige, DC, Dianetics, Freedom magazine, George
Orwell, L. Ron Hubbard, Marty Rathbun, Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Quicky


Three more out
September 7, 2009, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

Over the last two days, I have spoken with three more OTs who have
left, two OT VIIIs and one on OT VII. Same story. They were hauled in
and told to donate money to their "Ideal" Org. They couldn't afford it,
and refused. They were hauled into Ethics and given a Sec Check for
"missed withholds." After they returned home, they received an HCO
summons to "report or else." They took the "or else." Frankly, they
don't care if they are declared by David Miscavige's Brave New
Scientology. They're in good company.

Tags: David Miscavige, Ethics, OT, OT VII, OT VIII, Quicky, Sec Check


13 Senate committee backs Xenophon campaign
September 7, 2010, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

In a breakthrough for Senator Nick Xenophon's campaign against
Scientology, an Australian senate committee has backed his call for
closer monitoring of groups that enjoy tax-exempt status.

An Australian senate committee has endorsed Senator Nick Xenophon's
call for a charity commission to monitor charities and religious groups
that enjoy tax-exempt status - a keystone of his campaign against

The Senate's economics committee called for the new body to apply a
public benefit test, like the one already used in Britain and New
Zealand, to ensure that groups deserve their tax-exempt status.

Tags: Abortion, Australia, Carmel Underwood, Cult, France, James Anderson,
Kevin Rudd, Mission, Miviludes, New Zealand, Nick Xenophon, Passport, Quicky,
Tax, Tax exempt


Visiting Friends
September 7, 2010, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

I've been in LA for the last couple of days, visiting old friends and
making some new ones. Today I had lunch with a couple of old friends
from college. We had a wonderful time talking about the old "gang."
They happen to live in Silverlake, close to the Complex, so after I
said goodbye to them I headed over to see what I could see.

The place was a graveyard, of course, but there were some work crews
cleaning up and moving things, so I decided to take a walk around and
see if I could spot anyone I knew. I was walking up Catalina Street
when I saw two young women coming my way, and I stopped in my tracks.

It was Manu (Manuela) Spencer and Sam (Samantha) Pouw.

Tags: 2004, 2005, David Miscavige, Office of Special Affairs, Oregon,
Portland, Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Sea Org, Silver


First Video from Germany: Ex-Scientology Exec Marty Rathbun On Meeting with
Ursula Caberta
September 7, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Scientology watchers around the world are watching keenly for any news
out of Germany as today Marty Rathbun made his first public remarks
there in the presence of Ursula Caberta.

Quick background: Rathbun was once the second-most powerful executive
in Scientology. He left the church in 2004 and has been criticizing
Scientology leader David Miscavige on his blog since 2009. Caberta,
meanwhile, has been leading an official German government effort to
curb Scientology in that country since 1992.

As Rathbun explains in the video above (which he just posted himself),
even though he still practices Scientology independently, there's a
good reason he's now willing to help Caberta in her efforts.

Tags: 1992, 2004, 2009, Anonymous, David Miscavige, Europe, Free Zone,
Germany, Hamburg, Marty Rathbun, Quicky, Ursula Caberta


It's Safe to be a Scientologist in Germany
September 7, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Update videos courtesy of Hamburg Anons:

Incidentally, the Hamburg Anons have been nothing but helpful and

The church of Scientology's total contribution to date has been a
literal dramatization of the Spanish Inquisition which Mosey caught a
glimpse of on our way into the Ministry of the Interior:

Tags: Germany, Hamburg, Quicky


Scientology's "Lunacy" Leads to Attack on Paul Haggis's Oscar Win,
September 7, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

We noted last week how insane was the attack by Scientology's
propaganda organ, Freedom magazine, in its parody of issue of The New
Yorker and writer Lawrence Wright. We also pointed out how, in a
related video, Scientology's slander-mongers took their best shot at
director Paul Haggis, subject of Wright's epic 24,000-word article,
which described Haggis's disaffection with Scientology and his
high-profile defection in 2009.

Earlier this evening, screenwriter Skip Press offered his own thoughts
about Haggis's career and the stupidity of Scientology's attack. It's a
fascinating read, and contains several key nuggets of pure gold.

Press describes how he and Haggis, in the late 1970s, were part of a
Scientology writers' group. Press says he watched as his talented
friend paid his dues, writing for shows like Welcome Back, Kotter and
The Facts of Life -- a path Press himself was wary of.

Tags: 1970, 1975, 2009, Freedom magazine, Haiti, Hollywood, Humanitarian,
Lawrence Wright, New Yorker, Paul Haggis, Quicky, Skip Press, Zurich


The Top 25 People Crippling Scientology, No. 11: Nick Xenophon
September 7, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Nearly five years ago, Nick Xenophon, the independent federal senator
from the state of South Australia, was discussing a story with Seven
Network journalist Bryan Seymour when the topic turned to Scientology.
Seymour says that Xenophon expressed some concern about the tax breaks
given to Scientology, and said he was going to look into it further.

Boy, did he. In November, 2009, Xenophon stood up in Australia's
federal Parliament at the capital, Canberra, and detailed the shocking
stories of several Australian ex-Scientologists. He made a declaration
that day in Parliament that is still ringing in the ears of Scientology
watchers Down Under: "Scientology is not a religion. It is a criminal
organization that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs." Two
years later, Scientology in Australia is battered and bruised, and a
government decision coming in the next couple of weeks could bankrupt
the church there.

Tags: 1975, 1980, 1992, 2006, 2009, 2010, Anonymous, Australia, Australian
Federal Police, Ben Ring, Bruce Wiseman, Bryan Seymour, Canberra, Carmen
Rainer, CCHR, Charity, Clearwater, Criminon, Daniel Montalvo, David
Miscavige, Europe, FBI, Florida, Gabe Cazares, Germany, Graham Berry,
Hamburg, Harry Reid, Hemet, Human trafficking, Int Base, Jan Eastgate, Jeff
Stone, Jenna Elfman, Kelly Preston, Lee Baca, Los Angeles, Los Angeles
County, Marty Rathbun, Narconon, National Foundation for Women Legislators,
Nevada, Nick Xenophon, Paulien Lombard, Riverside County, Scarlett Hanna,
Scientology executive, Sharron Angle, South Australia, Steve Whitmore, Tax
exempt, UK, United Churches of Florida, Ursula Caberta, US State Department


Headleys' supporters rally round
September 7, 2012, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

-- UPDATE: the appeal reached its target total on Tuesday, Sept 18 --

Marc and Claire Headley have refused an offer from Scientology to
inform on fellow critics of the movement in return for having their
hefty legal costs waived - and now their supporters are rallying round.

Marc and Claire Headley, faced with a $40,000 legal bill after
unsuccessful lawsuits against Scientology, have nevertheless refused
the movement's offer to waive the fees in return for informing on
fellow critics.

Tags: 1980, 1990, 1995, 2006, 2009, A Piece of Blue Sky, Blown for Good,
California, Claire Headley, Daniel Montalvo, David Miscavige, Debbie Cook,
Hemet, Int Base, Jason Beghe, John Lindstein, Jon Atack, Karin Pouw, Marc
Headley, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Operation Clambake, Private
investigator, Quicky, Scientology lawyer, Sea Org, Tampa Bay Times, Tom
Cruise, Tony Ortega, Vanity Fair, Village Voice


Investigation Into The Death of Alexander Jentzsch
September 7, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Der Spiegel magazine in Germany has published a feature article on the
mysterious and heartbreaking case of Alexander Jentzsch: Der Spiegel.
See the German to English translation at the end of this post.*

Karen De La Carriere and I - along with appropriate law enforcement
agencies - are actively investigating the death of Alexander. There are
too many unanswered questions to let this matter rest. Scientology Inc.
has gone into full-scale cover-up mode in hiding the circumstances of
Alexander's untimely death. It has taken the following extraordinary
measures to keep the truth hidden:

a) "OT VIII" Stan Gerson is a numbered OSA agent. He is listed in the
OSA spies list maintained by OSA and published on this blog,
Scientology spy network exposed. On that list, under 'production data'
Stan is listed as 'spokesperson at events .' He is also listed as
"trusted" by OSA. Gerson was directed by OSA Int to send out a creepy
Public Relations email broadly about Alexander's funeral event at
Scientology Inc's celebrity center. The event and email were a thinly
veiled 'proof of life' photo op for the imprisoned president of church
of Scientology International (and father of Alexander) Heber Jentzsch.
The email also attempted to cover-up the plethora of questionable
circumstances surrounding Alexander's untimely death. The funeral event
itself was an attempted P.R. handling after Karen publicized that
Scientology Inc promised her that no such event would occur.

Tags: 1982, 1988, 2006, 2010, 9/11, Alexander Jentzsch, Clearwater, Daniel
Montalvo, David Lubow, David Miscavige, Disconnection, Ed Winter, Facebook,
Florida, Fort Harrison, Germany, Heber Jentzsch, Independent Scientologists,
Ingleside, John Travolta, Karen de la Carriere, Los Angeles, Mike Rinder,
Mona Botros, Office of Special Affairs, OSA Int, OT VIII, Quicky, Scientology
executive, Scientology organization, Sea Org, Spiegel, Stan Gerson, Texas,
Vicki Podberesky


Scientology detox for Vietnam war victims
September 7, 2012, Brisbane Times

Tags: Quicky


David Miscavige = L. Ron Hubbard II
September 7, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Charlie Chaplin would have had a field day with the unfolding insanity
of Radical Corporate Scientology.

David Miscavige, who, according to the church is "following in the
footsteps of founder L. Ron Hubbard" (Karin Pinocchio Pouw) is
apparently solidifying his position as "Founder II" with his imminent
GAG II release.

Clearly, GAG II is eagerly anticipated and will "follow in the
footsteps" of LRH's filmed briefing where he introduced the Grade Chart.

Tags: Audio, Chinese, Clear, David Miscavige, Dutch, Golden Age of Tech,
Japan, L. Ron Hubbard, Quicky, Russia, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course


Scientology Heresy: Jon Atack on L. Ron Hubbard's Debt to Psychiatry
September 7, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Jon Atack is the author of A Piece of Blue Sky, one of the very best
books on L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. He has a new edition of the
book for sale, and on Saturdays he's helping us sift through the
legends, myths, and contested facts about Scientology that tend to get
hashed and rehashed in books, articles, and especially on the Internet.

Jon, we have a feeling you're going to get us in a lot of trouble this
week. You've been unearthing some real gems for us recently, but in
this investigation, you've found some connections in the early writings
of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard that suggest he owes a greater
debt to some psychiatric techniques than his followers might like to
admit. We have a feeling today's comment section is going to be lively!

So what did you find, Jon?

Tags: 1945, 1950, 1951, 1957, A Piece of Blue Sky, Africa, Angry Gay Pope,
David Miscavige, DC, Dianetics, Doctor, Founding Church, Geir Isene,
Hospital, Hypnosis, J. Swift, Jon Atack, Karen de la Carriere, Mental Health,
Oakland, Quicky, Richard de Mille, Science of Survival, Spiegel, Suppressive
Person, UK, Washington, William Sargant


Escaping the Prison of Belief
September 7, 2014, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

Critical thinking and logic have radically changed my life for the
better. Unfortunately, when I bring up 'critical thinking' I notice
that some people's eyes seem to glaze over. People seem to think these
are immensely philosophical and deep subjects which only
college-educated intellectuals want to have anything to do with.

I'd like to break through that, so let's talk about something really
practical and useful, which also just happens to be the very heart and
soul of critical thinking.

I think it's safe to say that we've all fallen for some nonsense in our
lives. I dare say, most everyone probably has some part of their life
where they are being taken advantage of and they don't have a clue it's
going on. Their friends or family sadly shake their heads when they
aren't looking, hoping that somehow they will "wake up" and stop being
idiots. It could be anything from politics to religion to relationships
to diet to...whatever. And trying to "talk sense" into them goes
nowhere, right? It just makes them hold on to the nonsense even harder.
It's almost as though they are held captive in a prison of belief.

Tags: Carl Sagan, Critic, Mahatma Gandhi, OT, Pope, Quicky


Jon Zegel Talks about Scientology Tape 3
September 7, 2014, Robert Moor, YouTube

Jon Zegel was a scientology defector and somewhat involved with David
Mayo's Advanced Abilities Center. He made Three of these tapes
discussing Scientology's structure, finances and more. Then after some
issues with the "church" he released a fourth tape where he recanted
the data in the first three. The original cassettes caused quite a flap
inside Scientology when they were released. I hope you enjoy them.

Tags: 1934, 1965, 1966, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1994, 2000, Aleister
Crowley, Author Services Inc, BBC, Bellevue, Boston, California, China,
Church of Spiritual Technology, Clear, CMO Int, Committee of Evidence,
Commodore's Messenger Organization, Copenhagen, Copyright, David Mayo, David
Miscavige, Denmark, Denver, Dianetics, Disconnection, Ethics, Ethics Order,
Europe, Fair Game, Finance Dictator, Free Zone, Garrison, Germany, Gerry
Armstrong, Gilman Hot Springs, Guam, Guardian's Office, High Crime,
Hollywood, Inspector General, International Justice Chief, International
Management, Interpol, IRS, Jack Horner, Jesse Prince, John Caban, John
McMaster, Jon Zegel, Judge Breckenridge, Kingsley Wimbush, Knowledge Reports,
L. Ron Hubbard, Larry Heller, Laurel Sullivan, Liechtenstein, Los Angeles,
Lyman Spurlock, Madrid, Master at Arms, Mission, Mission Network, Munich,
Norman Starkey, OT, OT Committee, OT III, OTC, Police, Potential Trouble
Source, Private investigator, Purple Heart, Quicky, Ray Mithoff, Religious
Research Foundation, Religious Technology Center, Richard Stewart, Riverside,
Robin Scott, Roger Barnes, Ron DeWolf, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San
Francisco, Santa Barbara, Scientology Missions International, Sea Org,
Seattle, Sec Check, Sequoia University, Spain, Squirrel, Squirrels,
Suppressive Person, Telex, Thomas Small, Trademark, UK, USA, Video, Virginia,
Warren McShane, Washington, Watchdog Committee, Wendell Reynolds, YMCA


Library Campaign Still Being Flogged
September 7, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Of course, there are ALWAYS one or more "campaigns" to get books into
libraries. There have been plenty of reports of people subsequently
checking the libraries and finding no or few books, return of books
from numerous libraries and copies of still wrapped books on the "10
cent table" at library "get rid of the junk we don't want" sales.

So, it is hardly a surprise to see a new campaign (this one has been
sent out again recently even though it says they are shooting to have
it "done for Maiden Voyage") for an old book that supposedly was
ALREADY in all libraries around the world when it was first published.
It has not been "revised" as it was a compilation of HCOB's to begin
with. And unless there is something I am not aware of - the only
changes in the GAG II Purif are the "standard" vitamin dispenser and
uniforms all participants are expected to wear. Nothing that appears in
CBCM even so.

But, there are some interesting things in this "new campaign."

Tags: Africa, Arkansas, Bridge Publications, CBC, Dakota, Delaware, Detox,
Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, Indiana, L. Ron Hubbard, Maiden
Voyage, Michigan, Mission, Mississippi, Narconon, New Era Publications, New
Mexico, OT, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Tennessee, Virginia


Part 2: The Epic 1990's Blowup between PR Giant Hill & Knowlton, the Church
of Scientology, and Prozac Drug Manufacturer Eli
September 7, 2014, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

In Part 1 of this series, we featured a magazine article by Patrick J.
Kiger describing The Epic 1990's Blowup between PR Giant Hill &
Knowlton, the Church of Scientology, and Prozac Drug Manufacturer Eli

The Church of Scientology filed a lawsuit against Hill & Knowlton, Eli
Lilly, et. al. However, as the case never went to the jury there are
virtually no public documents. One court document I found online offers
an extremely revealing look into the Church of Scientology and its PR

As contained in the court document posted below, the Church of
Scientology International specifically hired Hill & Knowlton to perform
the following duties:

Tags: 1950, 1957, 1969, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988,
1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, Bisceglie & Walsh, Boston, California, CCHR,
Chairman of the Board, Church of Scientology International, Company,
Congress, Cult, David Miscavige, DC, Delaware, Dianetics, Earle Cooley, Eli
Lilly, Eric Lieberman, Europe, FDA, Gerald Feffer, Heber Jentzsch, Hill &
Knowlton, Hollywood, Howard University, Indiana, Kenneth Mundy, Larry King,
Legal, Mark Butler, Mark Nelson, New York, New York City, OT, Prozac,
Psychiatric treatment, Quicky, Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky &
Lieberman, Religious Technology Center, Richard Behar, Richmond, Slate, The
Age, The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power, TIME, Time magazine, Time Warner,


Sunday Funnies: Scientology is going down in style!
September 7, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Thanks for joining us in the Bunker today for our weekly feature,
Sunday Funnies, when we take a look at the best Scientology fliers that
tipsters forwarded to us.

Once again, this week's items give us a snapshot of Scientology's
obsession with fundraising as individuals are asked to give up any
thought of themselves for the good of the group.

But hang on, what's this? Our first item, which comes to us from the
'Silicon Valley Ideal Org' push in Mountain View, California, is
somewhat out of character for your typical celebration of people who
write big checks.

Tags: Bob Twaalfhoven, California, Chautauqua, Clearwater, East Grinstead,
England, Fearless Leader, Florida, Gladiator, Ideal Org, International
Association of Scientologists, Mountain View, OT, Quicky, Saint Hill Manor,
Silicon Valley, Sunday Funnies, Sylvia Stanard, Valley Ideal Org


LAPD investigating death threats against Scientology leader
September 7, 2015, Regina F. Graham, Daily Mail

The controversial leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige,
has alleged that someone has threatened to kill him after receiving a
number of threatening telephone calls.

An unknown person kept calling the main telephone number of the group's
office in Hollywood threatening to kill Miscavige in July, according to

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) launched an investigation
after Miscavige, 55, informed officials of the alleged threats.

Tags: 1986, David Miscavige, Hollywood, If He Dies, He Dies, Jewish, LAPD,
Los Angeles, Los Angeles Times, Police, Quicky, Skype, St. Martin's Press,
Threats, TMZ, Tom Cruise


LRH Monument To Fundraising
September 7, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Laurie Webster, vampire extraordinaire has continued to haunt those she
previously bled dry for the SP Building in the hopes they have a bit
more to give.

The pitch isn't as dramatic as it was for the SP Building. She can no
longer promise that by giving money you would make planetary clearing a
reality with the release of Super Power (how is that planetary clearing
working out Laurie?). So she has a new pitch to try and get her message
heard among the demands for money for the IAS, Ideal Orgs, Planetary
Dissemination, Narconon, CCHR, Criminon, book packages, re-do of old
services and whatever else I have forgotten.

A hall so Dear Leader doesn't have to venture out and mingle with the
"wogs" at Ruth Eckerd Hall or the Shrine Auditorium in LA is going to
make it possible for the world to find out about L. Ron Hubbard's life
and legacy and the technology of Dianetics and Scientology.

Tags: CCHR, Clearwater, Criminon, Dianetics, Fundraising, Ideal Org,
International Association of Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard, Lauri Webster,
Massimo Sgolastra, Narconon, Planetary Dissemination, Quicky, Ruth Eckerd
Hall, Shermanspeak, Shrine Auditorium, Super Power


TEN YEARS GONE: Shelly Miscavige, the wife Scientology's leader wants us to
September 7, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

It was late summer 2005. That much our sources agree on. It might have
been late August, or it might have been early September. But it was a
full ten years ago, say our eyewitness sources, that Shelly Miscavige

When we started writing about Shelly and her strange situation, back in
2012, there was some confusion about the timing of her disappearance.
But since then we developed new sources who were at Int Base and
personally saw the events leading up to Shelly's sudden departure. And
those sources are sure of one thing: It was ten years ago, they tell us.

Ten years ago.

Tags: 1983, 1985, 1994, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2012, 2013, Africa, Andre Dawson,
Apollo, Barney Barnett, Basics, Bolivar, Building 50, Chairman of the Board,
Church of Spiritual Technology, Claire Headley, CMO Int, Crestline, David
Miscavige, Hemet, Int Base, Jefferson Hawkins, Jennifer Linson, Karen de la
Carriere, L. Ron Hubbard, Lake Arrowhead, LAPD, Las Vegas, Leah Remini,
London, Los Angeles, Marc Headley, Mark Fisher, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder,
Org Board, Person, Police, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Rim of the
World, Rimforest, Scientology executive, Sea Org, Sec Check, Shelly
Miscavige, Suppressive Person, The Hole, Tom Cruise, Tom DeVocht, Twin Peaks,
Vanity Fair, Vault


Freewinds Desperation
September 7, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Things are desperate aboard the Moneywinds it seems.

All those spectacular seminars by the world's most voracious "FSM's" do
not appear to be doing the trick. Nor the "how to make money" seminars
from CO FSSO and her crew who cannot generate enough income to buy the
fuel to sail out of port.

So, they are trying to get people there with give-aways. It tells you
everything you need to know about the state of the "Top of the Bridge"
of scientology that they have to try and entice people to get others to
arrive - with a SPECIAL AWARD for OT VIIIs that can be conned into
going to the ship to the do the PURIF and OBJECTIVES.

Tags: 1988, Chairman of the Board, CIA, Field Staff Member, Flag Ship Service
Organization, Freewinds, Indianapolis, Maiden Voyage, OT, OT VIII, Quicky


'I was harassed by Scientology'
September 7, 2016, Emma Reynolds,

DAVID* was 17 and living in Brisbane when he saw an advert for a
personality test and thought it might help improve his job prospects.

It was only when he went inside what looked like a "dingy and
dilapidated" office block that he realised he was in the Church of

A naturally curious teenager who liked science and "weird stuff", David
took the test and was told - like most people who try the 200-question
Oxford Capacity Analysis - the religion could help him improve as a

"I found the multiple choice questions quite odd and began to want
out," he told "They went through the results and said how
dianetics could help the various aspects of my life. They kept it going
for a fairly uncomfortable amount of time.

Tags: 1978, 2000, 7 News, Academic, Atlanta, Australia, Basel, Bogot?,
Brisbane, Budapest, California, Chatswood, Colombia, Daily Telegraph, David
Miscavige, Dianetics, E-meter, Europe, Harlem, Hollywood, John Travolta, L.
Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, Milan, New Zealand, Oxford Capacity Analysis,
Personality test, Quicky, Scientology Media Productions, Switzerland, Sydney,
Taiwan, Tokyo, Tom Cruise, Tony Ortega, Touch Assist


Scientology's secret sites: The Bunker premieres drone footage never before
seen of 'Int Base'
September 7, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Recently, the Underground Bunker was contacted by an anonymous source
who said he had something rather spectacular he wanted to share with
our readers. We were stunned when we saw what he was talking about. He
has made super-high-quality films of Scientology facilities, using a 4K
camera mounted on a drone.

You have never seen Scientology's secretive compounds like this. Our
source says that he complied with local laws when he made these videos,
but we have a feeling Scientology will be contacting YouTube to try
have these films taken down. So while they're available, please give
them a good look.

Today, we're embedding two flyovers of Scientology's 500-acre
international management headquarters near Hemet, California. Known as
"Int Base" to Scientologists, it's also called "Gold" or "Gold Base"
because it houses the studios of Golden Era Productions, where
Scientology makes its films.

Tags: 1983, 2001, 2004, 2005, Basics, Bluebird, Bonnie View, Boy Scout,
Building 50, California, Church of Spiritual Technology, David Miscavige,
Gilman Hot Springs, Golden Era Productions, Hemet, Int Base, L. Ron Hubbard,
Las Vegas, Marc Headley, Massacre Canyon, Mike Rinder, Quicky, Religious
Technology Center, Sea Org, Star of California, Suppressive Person, The Hole,
Tom Cruise, Tom DeVocht, YouTube


Forced to open its books, one overseas Scientology rehab shows that business
is grim
September 7, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

One of the tough things about reporting on the Church of Scientology is
that its tax-exempt status allows it to hide much of its financial
information from the public. In some countries, however, Scientology
and its front groups have to open their books. Among them is the
Netherlands, where once again we're getting a look at the annual
financial report from the Narconon drug rehab center there. And just
like last year, we've asked our resident money man, John P. Capitalist,
to go over the numbers...

I've taken a preliminary look at the 2016 Narconon Netherlands (NN NL)
financial statements just filed with the Dutch government. I welcome
additional perspective from the several Dutch activists who keep an eye
on such things, including TrevAnon and scamofscientology.

Revenue & Expenses

Tags: 2014, 2015, 2016, Bridge to Total Freedom, Chris Shelton, Christian,
David Miscavige, Dutch, Kim Poff, License, Narconon, Narconon Arrowhead,
Netherlands, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OT, OT III, OT VIII, Quicky, Rachel
Bussett, Scientology operation, Scientology organization, Xenu


Scientology's Bridge to Nowhere: Part 2
September 7, 2017, Chris Shelton, YouTube

In this video I breakdown the specific steps of the upper-half of
Scientology's Bridge to Total Freedom, developed by L Ron Hubbard in
the mid-1960s and representing the steps every Scientologist takes in
their supposed journey to spiritual immortality.


Tags: 1960, Audio, Bridge to Total Freedom, L. Ron Hubbard, Quicky,
Scientology: A to Xenu


Scientology's Bridge to Nowhere: Part 2
September 7, 2017, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

This is the second part of my breakdown of Scientology's Bridge to
Total Freedom, otherwise known as the Grade Chart. This is L. Ron
Hubbard's step-by-step guide to spiritual freedom and personal
immortality, or at least that's what he said it is. What it actually
represents is a one-size-fits-all guide to an increasingly more
expensive series of training and counselling services which result in a
person having spent hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars
to end up pretty much exactly where they started. I don't mean that no
one ever gets anything from doing Scientology services. That would not
be true. What I mean is that Scientologists these days are literally
being made to re-do Bridge steps they've already paid for and
completed, sometimes more than once.

In my own case, I was officially involved with Scientology for 27 years.
I received thousands of hours of auditing and training. I made it to
the state of Clear in the early 1990s but didn't really move much on
the Grade Chart after that. The day I left the Sea Org at the end of
2012, I was told that I had been sent back down to the bottom of the
Bridge because it turns out I had not standardly completed any of the
steps I'd done. In other words, every auditing service I'd received had
somehow been so badly performed on me that it was impossible for me to
really be Clear or even be done with my Grades or the Objectives or the
Purification Rundown. So my next step would be to re-start the whole
thing with the Purification Rundown.

I was not alone in this. Almost every Scientologist who had attained
the state of Clear was told that a review had been done and it turned
out they were not really Clear so they had to re-do many of the actions
they'd already done to get back to Clear, at their own expense, of
course. Then it turned out that everyone's Objectives hadn't been done
right and people were sent wholesale back down to that step at the
bottom of the Grade Chart. Then it turned out that actually, it wasn't
just the Objectives but the Purification Rundown that was also not done
right so everyone had to re-do that.

Tags: 1950, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2005, 2006,
2007, 2012, Apollo, Auditing, Australia, Author Services Inc, Bridge to Total
Freedom, California, Caribbean, Case Supervisor, Class V, Class VI, Class
VIII, Clear, Clearwater, Copenhagen, David Miscavige, Denmark, Dianetics,
Drug Rundown, East Grinstead, England, Flag Service Organization, Florida,
Freewinds, Grade Chart, Interiorization Rundown, International Association of
Scientologists, Los Angeles, LSD, OT, OT III, OT IV, OT IX, OT V, OT VII, OT
VIII, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Rundowns, Saint Hill, Saint Hill Manor,
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, Scientology organization, Scientology
staff, Sea Org, South Park, Student Hat, Sydney, Teegeeack, Truth Revealed,


Scientology's Response to S2 Special Episode 1
September 7, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

As has become usual now, BEFORE the show finished airing scientology
had a new webpage up attacking the contributors, and deployed their
twitter and Facebook bots to announce to the world that the people who
appeared on the show were some very bad hombres.

Of course, nothing to respond to the CONTENTS of the show. That would
not be scientology.

Strictly ad hominem.

Tags: Bruce Hines, Critic, David Miscavige, Facebook, Leah Remini, Marty
Rathbun, OT, Portland, Quicky, Ronit Charny, Sea Org, Vicki Marshall, Yossi


Another life connected to Scientology ends in despair, as so many do
September 7, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

In what is becoming an all-too frequent occurrence, we have another
Scientology-related suicide to tell you about today. And this one
connects to another one we told you about earlier.

In 2014, we told you about Tayler Tweed, a talented 27-year-old who
ended her life after spending several months posting her doubts about
Scientology and the difficulty it was creating in her family. Tayler
became the subject of an episode of A&E's Leah Remini: Scientology and
the Aftermath which revealed that one of her close friends was Lauren
Haggis, daughter to Oscar-winning director Paul Haggis, who was also,
like Leah, known for leaving Scientology. In the episode, Lauren read
from heartbreaking messages written by Tayler that documented the
torment she was in as she tried to deal with depression as a
second-generation Scientologist.

Scientology struck back at Leah's show with video of Tayler's mother,
Cathy Tweed, taking shots at this website and Leah's show. We didn't
hear, however, from Tayler's father, a man named William J. Newman who
had long been estranged from Tayler's mother.

Tags: 2013, 2014, A&E, Cartagena, Cathy Tweed, Clearwater, Colombia, David
Miscavige, Dianetics, Facebook, Florida, Freewinds, International Association
of Scientologists, Jeffrey Augustine, Lauren Haggis, Leah Remini, Michigan,
OT, OT 7, Paul Haggis, Pope, Robert Dam, Scientology and the Aftermath, Sec
Check, Source magazine, Stella Dur?n, Tayler Tweed, The Defector, Troy
VanAntwerp, William Newman


Former Scientology OT Robert Dam, Author of The Defector.
September 7, 2018, SurvivingScientology, YouTube

Robert Dam joined Scientology when he was a young man with dreams of
being a professional musician. He soon joined Scientology staff and his
dreams of music soon disappeared under the heavy demands of statistics.
Robert worked as a body router and held other positions as a staff

When Robert finished his staff contract he went into the printing
business with a fellow Scientologist. Soon, the two were printing all
of the magazines for Scientology Europe. This was profitable and
allowed Robert to go up his Bridge and onto the OT levels.

Robert figured out an ingenious solution that saved Scientology
hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on costs related to getting
its magazines delivered. But then there was a problem. Robert solved it
but he was nevertheless blamed for crashing all of Scientology's stats
on the European Continent.

Tags: Amazon, Europe, Inspector General, Marty Rathbun, OT, Quicky, Religious
Technology Center, Robert Dam, Scientology staff, Sec Check, The Defector


I knew Brett Kavanaugh during his years as a Republican operative. Don't let
him sit on the Supreme Court.
September 7, 2018, David Brock, NBC News

Call it Kavanaugh's cabal: There was his colleague on the Starr
investigation, Alex Azar, now the Secretary of Health and Human
Services. Mark Paoletta is now chief counsel to Vice President Mike
Pence; House anti-Clinton gumshoe Barbara Comstock is now a Republican
member of Congress. Future Fox News personalities Laura Ingraham and
Tucker Carlson were there with Ann Coulter, now a best-selling author,
and internet provocateur Matt Drudge.

At one time or another, each of them partied at my Georgetown townhouse
amid much booze and a thick air of cigar smoke.

In a rough division of labor, Kavanaugh played the role of lawyer - one
of the sharp young minds recruited by the Federalist Society to
infiltrate the federal judiciary with true believers. Through that
network, Kavanaugh was mentored by D.C. Appeals Court Judge Laurence
Silberman, known among his colleagues for planting leaks in the press
for partisan advantage.

Tags: Alex Azar, Ann Coulter, Barbara Comstock, Bill Clinton, Brett
Kavanaugh, Federalist Society, George Conway, Hillary Clinton, Judge Laurence
Silberman, Kellyanne Conway, Laura Ingraham, Mark Paoletta, Matt Drudge, Mike
Pence, Republican, Scaife Foundations, Ted Olson, Tucker Carlson, US Senate,
US Supreme Court


Meet the most unlikely member of Doug Ford's cabinet
September 7, 2018, Steve Palkin, TVO

When Doug Ford's government was sworn in at the end of June, I watched
as a parade of mostly rookie cabinet ministers read the oath of office.

Having seen dozens of these kinds of ceremonies, I immediately started
wondering which ministers in this Progressive Conservative government -
the first in 15 years - would make for the most interesting stories.

There were some obvious choices. Caroline Mulroney, Laurie Scott, and
John Yakabuski were all second-generation politicians. Plus, Yakabuski
had spent his entire 15-year career as an MPP on the opposition
benches, never getting a sniff of the government side. His father,
Paul, had almost exactly the opposite experience: 24 years at Queen's
Park with only two years in opposition.

Tags: 2010, 2016, Andrea Horwath, Caroline Mulroney, Christine Elliott,
Congress, Doug Ford, DougWiki, John Yakabuski, Laurie Scott, Mark Saunders,
Michael Tibollo, New Democratic Party, Ontario New Democratic Party,
Progressive Conservative, Queen's Park, Rob Ford, Toronto, University of
Southern California, Vic Fedeli


Mysterious Scientology Kiosk Found in Hollywood LAPD Office
September 7, 2018, Utah Outcasts, YouTube

I mean it's Hollywood, so there's lots of suspects as to who could have
installed a giant kiosk in a police station without any paperwork or
knowledge of how it got there.

SEND US THERE: https://www.gofundme.

Email: mai...@utahoutcasts.comVoicemail/SMS line: 347-669-3377

Tags: Facebook, Hollywood, LAPD, OT, Quicky, Twitter, Utah, WISE


Regraded Being
September 7, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


Scientology Operative Exploiting the "National Association of Commissions for
Women" to Attack Leah Remini's Show Scientology and the Aftermath
September 7, 2018, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

The red arrow points to Scientology Operative Taryn Teutsch who
attended the recent NACW 2018 conference in Los Angeles. Taryn is now
using photos from the conference on Twitter to imply that NACW supports
her baseless Fair Game attacks against her father Mike Rinder.

Taryn Teutsch, a member of Scientology's Sea Org, is exploiting the
prestigious National Association of Commissions for Women (NACW) in an
attempt to gain legitimacy for her attacks against Leah Remini's
Emmy-winning A&E show Scientology and the Aftermath.

The goal of Scientology operative Teutsch is to get her father Mike
Rinder fired from Leah Remini's show. Mike was the third-highest
ranking official in Scientology for three decades before he escaped and
began speaking out. Mike's expertise gained from serving in Scientology
at the highest levels is a key part of what makes Leah's show
incredibly powerful, accurate, and insightful.

Tags: A&E, Apollo, Bomb threat, Catherine Bernardini, David Miscavige, Fair
Game, Fake, FBI, Gretchen Carlson, Jackie Lacey, Leah Remini, Leila Grace
Foundation, Los Angeles, Mary Sue Hubbard, Mike Rinder, National Association
of Commissions for Women, Paulette Cooper, Quicky, Scientology and the
Aftermath, Scientology TV, Sea Org, Sexual assault, Shelly Miscavige, Snow
White Program, Suppressive Person, Taryn Rinder, Twitter, YWCA


After sexual harassment problem of the past, Conservatives work to raise
party standards
September 7, 2019, Joanna Smith, National Observer

The Conservative Party of Canada is putting the final touches on an
anti-harassment policy that's to apply to candidates in the October

The party promised a code of conduct for its candidates in response to
a report on how former Conservative MP Rick Dykstra remained on the
ballot in 2015 even after party insiders - including former prime
minister Stephen Harper - learned he had earlier been accused of sexual

Dykstra, who represented the southern Ontario riding of St. Catharines
for nearly a decade, has denied doing anything wrong.

Tags: 2015, 2018, Conservative Party of Canada, Cory Hann, DougWiki, Ontario,
Ottawa, Police, Progressive Conservative, Ray Novak, Rick Dykstra, Sexual
assault, St. Catharines, Stephen Harper, Toronto


Andrew Scheer Has Accused Trudeau Of 'Personal Attacks' But Canadians Aren't
September 7, 2019, Helena Hanson, Narcity

Canadians on social media are calling out Andrew Scheer for his
'obsession with Trudeau' once again this weekend, after the
Conservative Party leader tweeted that Justin Trudeau has been focused
on "personal attacks" during the election campaign. Within minutes of
Scheer's tweet, hundreds of Canadians responded to accuse him of
hypocrisy, arguing that Scheer is constantly trash-talking Trudeau on
his social media channels.

In a tweet on Friday evening, Andrew Scheer wrote, "While Justin
Trudeau is focused on personal attacks, I'm focused on you and the
things I can do to help make your life more affordable."

The tweet included a 30-second video of Andrew Scheer, seeming to make
a dig at Trudeau. The Conservative leader opened by saying, "Justin
Trudeau is at it again." Before adding, "He's launching personal
attacks and making things up that aren't true. He did it to Jody Wilson
Reybold, now he's doing it to me."

Tags: Andrew Scheer, Conservative Party of Canada, DougWiki, Federal
election, Justin Trudeau, RCMP, SNC Lavalin, Twitter


Anxiety writ large as Ottawa suffers pre-election jitters
September 7, 2019, Christian Paas-Lang, National Observer

A campaign that could start at any time and a debate schedule that is
itself the subject of debate intensified pre-election jitters in Ottawa
going into the weekend.

Observers are keenly monitoring the schedules and public appearances of
MPs, the governor general and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discern
when the election call is coming.

The prime minister may be considering the implications of a strong
storm striking Atlantic Canada, the Manitoba election Sept. 10, and the
state of the shadow-campaigning already happening across the country.

Tags: Andrew Scheer, Canada, Chrystia Freeland, DougWiki, Elizabeth May,
Filomena Tassi, Jagmeet Singh, Julie Payette, Justin Trudeau, Manitoba,
Maxime Bernier, Munk Debates, New Democratic Party, Ottawa, Paul Wells,
Quebec, Rideau Hall, Rudyard Griffiths


I wouldn't suggest you eat here, but I doubt there's a better place to drop
acid: Camelot Castle reviewed
September 7, 2019, Tanya Gold, Spectator

The Camelot Castle Hotel is a pebble-dashed late-Victorian excrescence
on a cliff. It overlooks the ruins of Tintagel Castle. A baby-blue
Rolls-Royce Wraith and a floral Aston Martin are parked outside. They
are the owners' cars. Everyone else is in a banger. This hotel played
the lunatic asylum in the 1979 Dracula starring Frank Langella, and
this is more apt than you can know.

Inside there is faded Victorian grandeur mashed with Arthurian legend
mashed with Kazakh oil baron chic mashed with three-star hotel in
fading south coast resort. There is sinister tiling, dark wood, fraying
carpets, staff dressed for serving tea at some ghostly parallel
Claridge's and, from every window, the sea. It is so disorientating - I
am used to smooth, grey, efficient hotels - the result is thrilling. It
is so weird, like tumbling into cinema. What might happen at the
Overlook - I mean the Camelot Castle - Hotel?

The owners are the artist Ted Stourton and John Mappin of the Queen's
jewellers, who is, among other things, a fanatical Donald Trump fan.
Mappin was interviewed by Cornwall Live, and he said that the helipad
at the Camelot Castle Hotel was always waiting for Donald Trump, which
seems like a terrible fate for any helipad. Stourton's 'abstract
Realist' art, meanwhile, is everywhere: splattered on walls, reproduced
in books bound with gaffer tape and detailed in leaflets calling him
'more prolific than Picasso'. There is a lot of bitching about
Stourton's art on the Camelot Castle Hotel TripAdvisor page, which is a
work of art in itself. Some guests clearly consider themselves
hostages; others are dazzled. The lobby, meanwhile, is decorated with
photographs of Mappin attending film premieres and stalking famous
'friends of Camelot'. Al Pacino stares out, sun-burnt and confused.
Guests struggle to drag cases through revolving doors. They read
leaflets about Mappin's inspirational texts. He is into 'spiritual
technology' - scientology. They stare at Stourton's exploding floral
paintings with furrowed brows.

Tags: 1979, Camelot Castle, Cornwall, Donald Trump, English Heritage, John
Mappin, New York City, Quicky, Ted Stourton, TripAdvisor, Victoria, White


More filmmakers who are helping out Scientology with its TV network
September 7, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

(Oh, Emma, say it isn't so.)

In January, we talked to J.R. Biersmith, one of the filmmakers who had
agreed to allow the Church of Scientology to show their movies on the
"Documentary Showcase" at the Scientology TV network on DirecTV.

Biersmith's 2017 film, Men in the Arena, about Somalian soccer players,
was quite good. But we asked him why he would want to help out
Scientology TV by letting it show the movie. "When it comes to
documentaries, getting your story out there is not easy. And when you
have a new cable station coming on, you have to give it a thought," he
told us.

Tags: 1929, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Anthony
Bonello, Austria, British Columbia, Canada, Dalai Lama, Dawn Gifford Engle,
DirecTV, Documentary, Enbridge, Environmental, Gottfried Helnwein, Holocaust,
Israel, Kenya, Lisa Kirk Colburn, Massachusetts, Mexico, Paul Blavin, Phillip
Baribeau, Quicky, Scientology Media Productions, Scientology TV, Somalia,
South Africa, Sunset Boulevard, Tel Aviv


Threats, abuse move from online to real world, McKenna now requires security
September 7, 2019, Mia Rabson, Canadian Press, CTV News

Much has been written about the online abuse and threatening behaviour
politicians -- especially female politicians -- and others in the
public eye face every day. But McKenna says as the heat around climate
change continues to grow, that abuse is going from anonymous online
vitriol to terrifying in-person verbal assaults.

The incident at the movie theatre is just one of several times her kids
have been with her when someone in public began to yell at her. She has
been called the C-word, a traitor, an enemy and a "communist piece of
garbage." Her family's safety has been threatened more than once. Some
people have wished she and her children will get fatal diseases. She
has received sexualized messages so hateful they could be enough to
make even the hardest of hearts skip a beat.

"Tick Tock, Barbie B........," one read.

Tags: 2017, Alberta, Canada, Canadian Press, Catherine Abreu, Catherine
McKenna, Climate Action Network, Climate change, Climate Justice Edmonton,
Donald Trump, DougWiki, Edmonton, Emma Jackson, Environmental, Gerry Ritz,
Greta Thunberg, Jason Kenney, Maxime Bernier, People's Party of Canada,
Samantha Peck, Sonya Savage, Threats, Twitter, Tzeporah Berman, United
Conservative Party


Thursday Funnies
September 7, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Thursday Funnies on Saturday. A bit delayed due to the Mark Bunker
announcement on Thursday.

Anniversary of what?

Their "anniversary" of making the OT levels available in Australia is
celebrated by flying in two full time fundraisers to talk about money.

Tags: Australia, California, Clear, Columbus, Facebook, Field Staff Member,
Florida, Freewinds, International Association of Scientologists, Ireland,
London, Mark Bunker, Orange County, OT, Quicky, Sea Org, Thursday Funnies,


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