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Today in Scientology -- June 27th ******************************************************

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Scientology Today

Jun 28, 2019, 2:13:08 PM6/28/19
Today June 27th in Scientology history

Church Seeks Influence in Schools, Business, Science
June 27, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times,0,884315,full.story

Today, Scientology executives insist that the organization is
law-abiding, that the offenders have been purged and that the church
has now entered an era in which harmony has replaced hostility.

But as the movement attempts to broaden its reach, evidence is mounting
that Hubbard's devotees are engaging in practices that, while not
unlawful, have begun to stir memories of its troubled past.

Tags: Applied Scholastics, Barbara Ayash, Bill Franks, Concerned
Businessmen's Association of America, David Singer Consultants, Detox, FASE,
Gerald Lionelli, HealthMed, Jack Dirmann, Sterling Management, The Way to
Happiness, William Marcus, WISE


Courting the Power Brokers
June 27, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times,0,3614832.story

"We need to be able to approach the right people in order to get things
done," wrote Heber Jentzsch, president of the Church of Scientology
International, in the newspaper Scientology Today. "We need to to find
out how to reach key people in the media, in government, in the control
points of society, the people who run things."

Tags: Heber Jentzsch, Religious Freedom Crusade


Foundation Funds Provide Assist to Celebrated Teacher Escalante
June 27, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times,0,3680369.story

The Scientology movement's Foundation for Advancements in Science and
Education has befriended one of America's most celebrated teachers,
Jaime Escalante of Garfield High School.

Escalante is the East Los Angeles teacher profiled in the hit 1988 film
"Stand and Deliver," which chronicled his success in teaching advanced
calculus to barrio students.

Tags: FASE


Scientology's Catholic Guilt
June 27, 2005, Fresh Intelligence, Radar Online

Before Katie Holmes' devoutly Catholic parents officially sign their
daughter over to the Church of Scientology, they might want to get in
touch with Philip J. Spickler. One of Scientology founder L. Ron
Hubbard's original disciples, Spickler is the father of Mimi Rogers,
Tom Cruise's first wife and the person responsible for recruiting him
into the cult in the mid-"80s.

Tags: Katie Holmes, Mimi Rogers, Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise discusses psychiatry, Scientology
June 27, 2005, Arts, CBC News

In that story, the magazine asked Cruise - who helped set up a tent
staffed by Scientology ministers on the War of the Worlds set - if he
sees it as his job to recruit followers for Scientology.

"I'm a helper," he replied. "For instance, I myself have helped
hundreds of people get off drugs. In Scientology, we have the only
successful drug rehabilitation program in the world. It's called

"That's not correct," the interviewer responded. "Yours is never
mentioned among the recognized detox programs. Independent experts warn
against it because it is rooted in pseudo science."

"You don't understand what I am saying. It's a statistically proven
fact that there is only one successful drug rehabilitation program in
the world. Period," Cruise said.

Tags: Brooke Shields, Matt Lauer, Narconon, Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise


Germany 1, Scientology 0
June 27, 2007, Emine Saner, The Guardian

The German government has banned the makers of a film about a failed
assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler from shooting in the country
because its lead is Tom Cruise. And Cruise, as he has ensured everyone
knows, is a Scientologist. "[The ban] is a good thing," says Antje
Blumenthal, a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician who has
campaigned against Scientology in Germany. "I don't like that whenever
Tom Cruise is written about, it always says he is a Scientologist. I am
concerned it could encourage young people to join."

Tags: Antje Blumenthal, Chick Corea, Germany, Tom Cruise, Ursula Caberta,


Church of Scientology buys Falls School Business Center
June 27, 2008, Nashville Business Journal

The Church of Scientology Religious Trust has bought the Fall School
Business Center on 8th Avenue.

The Scientology trust purchased the executive suit building at 1130 8th
Ave. S. along with adjacent properties at 1112 and 1114 8th Ave. S. for
$6 million from Fall School Associates June 26, according to records
and the Davidson County Register of Deeds.

Tags: Church of Scientology Religious Trust, Nashville, National Registry of
Historical Places, Real estate


Report lays bare the Times' bias against Scientology
June 27, 2009, Pat Harney, Letters, Tampa Bay Times

The St. Petersburg Times' June 24 editorial The abuse behind
Scientology's facade proves beyond doubt that any aura of objectivity
in the Times' so-called "special report" was illusory. The report
attempted to give the appearance of balance by quoting statements from
Church of Scientology representatives, but the editorial exposes this
exercise as a hollow pretense.

The editorial uncritically accepts as true statements from a handful of
former church staff without ever addressing their lack of credibility,
their underlying motivations and the voluminous evidence proving their
stories were false. These individuals lost their positions of authority
within the church for incompetence and for serious misconduct. Your
sources' statements to the Times plainly targeted the man who removed
them, David Miscavige.

Tags: 1973, 1975, 1980, 1993, Belleair, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Dunedin,
Flag Service Organization, Fort Harrison, Gabe Cazares, IRS, Jesus Christ,
Joanie Sigal, Joe Childs, Lisa McPherson, Lynn Irons, Rebecca Sjouwerman, Ron
Pollack, St. Petersburg Times, Tampa, Tax exempt, Thomas Tobin


Scientology, critics banned from editing Wikipedia entry
June 27, 2009,

Popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia has banned Scientology's more
vocal friends and foes from editing articles about the religion, a move
that worries some in the Internet community.

Wikipedia has blocked contributions from computers at the Church of
Scientology's Los Angeles headquarters, as well as some critics of the

Tags: Karin Pouw, Wikipedia


Slappy's Dream
June 27, 2009, TheEvilOfScientology, YouTube

We all know David Miscavige has a "thing" for Tom Cruise. Here's my
rendition of one of little Dave's dreams.

Tags: David Miscavige, Tom Cruise, Video


Agape Ministries doomsday cult given tax breaks since 2000
June 27, 2010, Miles Kemp, The Advertiser

Agape Ministries International was granted charity organisation tax
breaks from July 2000 by the Tax Office.

It was stripped of the status last month after police raided its
properties around Adelaide and seized 15 allegedly illegal firearms and
other weapons.

Tags: Agape Ministries, Australia, Australian Taxation Office, Nick Xenophon


The Bubble
June 27, 2010, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

There are several films that I think every Scientologist should see.
One of them is The Truman Show, the 1998 film starring Jim Carrey. If
you haven't seen it, rent it and I think you'll get a kick out of it.

The plot centers around a reality television show, "The Truman Show,"
whose main character, Truman Burbank, has lived his entire life since
before birth in front of the cameras for the show, though he himself is
unaware of this fact. Truman's life is filmed through thousands of
hidden cameras, 24 hours a day and broadcast live around the world.
Truman's hometown of Seahaven is a complete set built under a giant
dome and populated by the show's actors and crew, allowing full control
of every aspect of Truman's life. Everything he experiences is supplied
by the show ? his "family," his "friends," his "job," the newspapers he
reads, the TV shows he watches, and so on.

To keep Truman from discovering the false reality of his life, he is
bombarded with false news reports and advertising about how dangerous
and hostile the world is outside of Seahaven, and how good and safe it
is to stay at home. Despite all these precautions, Truman begins to
notice oddities, and his sense of "cognitive dissonance" grows,
particularly after he falls in love with an extra (not part of the
script) and she tries to tell him the truth about his life. The girl
mysteriously disappears (disconnection?).

Tags: 1998, Anonymous, Burbank, David Miscavige, Disconnection, Ethics, Jim
Carrey, L. Ron Hubbard, OT, Quicky, Sea Org


Leader of cult detained in Fiji
June 27, 2011, Verity Edwards, The Australian

"It is not our intention at this point in time to extradite Rocco Leo
from Fiji but we will reconsider that if necessary at a later date,"
Superintendent Jeffery said.

In March, Customs officers uncovered ingredients for making weapons,
instruction manuals, batons and throwing stars in a shipping container
bound for Mr Leo in Fiji.

The cult leader, 53, fled to Fiji in May last year after raids on 12
Agape Ministries properties uncovered 20 illegal guns, assault batons,
detonators, fuses and more than 65,000 rounds of ammunition.

Mr Leo had allegedly stockpiled weapons and told members they would be
used to defend themselves if needed.

Tags: Agape Ministries, Australia, Fiji, Nick Xenophon, Rocco Leo, South


Scientology Wins a Major Award! Mind Power Vindicated! (UPDATED)
June 27, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin Scared, Village Voice

The award winner! UPDATED: Hold the presses! It turns out that another
Scientology DVD also won a major award. More info after the break!

We get some complaints in our comments from Scientologists who say that
we're a little too hard on L. Ron Hubbard's globe-spanning organization.

Just to show that we know how to give credit where it is due, we are
happy and proud to pass on the information that was sent to us by Karin
Pouw, Scientology spokeswoman, in a press release last week.

Tags: 1999, Catherine Fraser, Celebrity Centre, Chile, Dianetics, Fair Game,
Golden Era, Golden Era Productions, Google, Graham Berry, Hollywood, Jesus,
Karin Pouw, New York City, OT, Quicky, Silver, The Problems of Work, Wikipedia


Scientology's 'Martin Luther' Nails Up His Disputation: Marty Rathbun's Open
Letter to his Texas Neighbors
June 27, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

At his most powerful, Rathbun says he answered only to Scientology's
ultimate leader, David Miscavige.

Rathbun was an enforcer, a fixer, someone Miscavige could turn to when
the church was in trouble. For that reason, many church critics refuse
to forgive him for his acts, even seven years after leaving the church
and becoming one of Miscavige's chief tormentors.

Tags: 1978, 2004, 2009, Anonymous, California, David Miscavige, Fair Game,
FBI, Independent, Independent Scientologists, Ingleside, Janet Reitman, Los
Angeles, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher, Private investigator,
Squirrel Busters, Texas


My Past Life in Scientology
June 27, 2012, Skip Press, Morton Report

Within minutes, I was at the Scientology "org" (their term for
organization) and Mike had disappeared. I was the only person in a back
room listening to a lecture about "Dianetics, The Modern Science of
Mental Health." Dressed in a tan corduroy suit with a yellow shirt
(they loved that color) and dark green knit tie (ditto), bearded
lecturer Bill Johonnessen explained to me the structure of the
"reactive mind." It sounded a lot like the subconscious, but who was I
to quibble, I was stoned. I listened intently and made mental notes,
only once wondering why Bill hadn't asked whether or not I was stoned.
I felt like it was obvious.

Finally he said, "So that's how it works. Any questions?"

Tags: 1972, 1973, Alabama, William Johonnesson


Scientology Inc. Phoenix Fraud
June 27, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

David Miscavige is apparently so out of touch that he thought that
sending me his absurd, hype-ridden press release on the Phoenix Idle
Morgue would have some sort of impingement on me. OSA sent it directly
to me.

Its text comes right out of the blocks with a misleading representation.
That is, it more than implies that the Phoenix organization has more
than 1,500 active participating members. In a photo of the scene its
caption reads "1,500 Scientologists and their friends"; while the press
release text calls it "1,500 Scientologists, friends and dignitaries."

Of course, Dave and OSA did not bother to mention in their press
release, nor in the email to me, where they got the several hundred
shills to bark approval at Miscavige's every shermanisn in Phoenix.
From the streets of LA, a seven hour drive from Phoenix. What follows
is only one of many slick promo pieces they sent out in advance of the
event recruiting LA area Scientologists for an all-nighter shilling
expedition to Phoenix:

Tags: David Miscavige, Fraud, Office of Special Affairs, Orange County,
Phoenix, Quicky, Tony Ortega


The Wave
June 27, 2012, David McCarthy, YouTube

administered by:

Israeli Educational Television.

The Third Wave was the name given by history teacher Ron Jones to an
experimental recreation of Nazi Germany which he conducted with high
school students.

Tags: 1969, California, Germany, Israel, Palo Alto, Quicky


Wilfried Handl im Interview ?ber sich, Scientology und Anonymous
June 27, 2012, MrAnonAkuma, YouTube

Anonymous Hamburg interviewt Wilfried Handl.

Er spricht ?ber seine Vergangenheit, seine Sicht der aktuellen Lage der
Scientology und ?ber die OSA.

Wir freuen uns auf weitere Interviews und interessante Reden beim
MEGARAID in Irland!

Tags: Anonymous, Hamburg, Office of Special Affairs, Quicky, Wilfried Handl


David Miscavige In His Own Words
June 27, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Dirk Niblick just put up an interesting comment quoting from "The Wake
Up Call."

For those who may not have heard of this - though if you spent any time
in the church and attended even a single event, it is hard to imagine
you have NOT - it is one of Miscavige's favorite "accomplishments."
Written after 9/11 it was intended to be the "Come to Jesus" message
for the faithful to get busy.

It was mostly written by Dan Sherman. Miscavige wanted to put out the
issue, but did not plan on writing it himself. So, he called Marc
Yager, Greg Hughes, Guillaume Lesevre, Lyman Spurlock, Ray Mithoff,
Norman Starkey and others to his 11th floor conference room in the
Hollywood Guarantee Buildiung and spent hours explaining to them what
they were to write. Of course, nothing was acceptable, and he would
spend more hours berating them for their "incompetence" in not writing
something "like he would" (he could have written the whole thing in
about 1/10th the time he took explaining, berating and J&Ding those
executives). Eventually he called in Dan Sherman to write it for him.

Tags: 9/11, Chairman of the Board, Dan Sherman, David Miscavige, Greg Hughes,
Guillaume Lesevre, Hollywood, Ideal Org, Jesus, Lyman Spurlock, Marc Yager,
Norman Starkey, OT, OT IX, Quicky, Ray Mithoff, Shermanspeak


Dutch put Narconon on Warning
June 27, 2013, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

Dutch officials have put Narconon on warning that they are under
"enhanced supervision" - and could even face closure - after spot
checks raised concerns about patient safety.1

Narconon: put

on warning Dutch health officials have put Narconon under six months of
special monitoring because of concerns about patient safety, warning
them they could face closure if they fail to make improvements.

Tags: 2008, 2009, 2012, Canada, Casualty Contact, Claudia Arcabascio, David
Love, Detox, Dutch, France, Judge Stacey Hydrick, Karin Spaink, Narconon,
Narconon Georgia, Narconon International, Netherlands, New Life
Detoxification Program, Niacin, Oklahoma, Paris, Patrick Desmond,
Purification Rundown, Quebec, Quicky, Scam, Success rate, Tony Ortega, Trois-
Rivi?res, Underground Bunker


Judge Whittemore Sets Evidentiary Hearing in Garcia Federal Fraud Lawsuit
June 27, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Judge James Whittemore has scheduled an evidentiary hearing for July 24
in Luis and Rocio Garcia's federal fraud lawsuit against the Church of

At issue will be the church's motion to disqualify the Garcias'
attorneys - Ted Babbitt and Ronald Weil - who, the church alleges,
improperly worked with Robert Johnson, an attorney who previously
represented the church in numerous matters between 1982 and 1998.

Each side has until July 18 to turn in a list of witnesses and
exhibits, and we'll be curious to see if either side plans to subpoena
Brian Culkin (pictured), whose declaration was such an important part
of the church's motion.

Tags: 1982, 1998, Brian Culkin, Florida, Florida Bar, Fraud, Freewinds, Judge
James Whittemore, Karen de la Carriere, Lawsuit, Luis and Rocio Garcia,
Quicky, Robert Johnson, Ronald Weil, Scott Campbell, Scott Pilutik, Super
Power, Ted Babbitt


Scientology Perfidy
June 27, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

The following is an excerpt from Mark Bunker's upcoming documentary
'Knowledge Report'. It is an accurate vignette of the kind of perfidy
that is common at the highest levels of corporate Scientology. Recent
events in the 'independent' field caused me to ask myself, borrowing a
phrase from the immortal Yogi Berra, "Is this deja vu all over again?"

Tags: David Miscavige, John Travolta, Knowledge Report, Mark Bunker, Quicky


The Great Decompression
June 27, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

I borrowed, or coined by inspiration, from Viktor Frankl (Man's Search
For Meaning) the idea that decompression was the first and most
important step in recovering from the Scientology experience with an
upward trajectory. Frankl ? having himself survived years of
imprisonment in Nazi concentration camps, and attempted to help others
similarly situated upon release ? noted that an adjustment period was
critical for someone coming out of a strictly controlled environment to
a relatively free society. He likened it to a deep sea diver submerged
for several hours far beneath the surface. One must bring the diver
back out from under the tremendous pressure he has adjusted to on a
gradient basis or he will suffer from Decompression Sickness, also
known as the bends. Similarly, if a person imprisoned ? even mentally -
in inhumane conditions, conditioned to think and act in super-compliant
ways while developing all manner of deceitful (albeit as justifiable as
they may be) means to survive, comes out acting like he owns earth he
is going to be in for big, ugly and possibly devastating losses.

Over time I have exchanged observations with other counselors about a
number of folks that we guided and assisted through the Scientology
Underground Railroad - or Decompression Road. One pattern we all have
observed, and taken terrible losses on, is Scientologists entering the
family of humanity with the exclusive, arrogant and judgmental
attitudes they developed to survive in Scientology culture. All of us
have expended a great deal of resource and effort in helping to clean
up messes such attitudes have created, and in getting people who
exhibit those attitudes back on their paths after the inevitable smack
downs society tends to deliver in response. For those going through
that process now, and who are discomforted absent orientation to L. Ron
Hubbard references, everything I have noted thus far in this article is
in complete accord with Scientology notions of the efficacy of tackling
problems,development and life on a gradient scale; and even the ethics
conditions formulas (see Non- Existence condition and formula).

One of the first posts on the Milestone 2/iscientology blog ? created
largely in protest of my books and this forum ? was a piece attempting
to discredit this idea of decompression as some psych-based attempt to
belittle Operating Thetans and put people at introverted effect. It
reasoned that former Sea Org members and public OTs who bought into the
idea they could use a tad of decompression as part of their gradient
entry into the community of fellow human beings were victims of an
attempt to put them at groveling effect of the psych-indoctrinated
'wog' world. By God, the MS2ers proclaimed, we need to bring society up
to our standards, Revenimus! (In keeping perhaps with the Class VIII
indoctrination, 'you are the people who own the planet' ? see Memoirs
of a Scientology Warrior). This mentality of wanting to cling to the
inside is understandable (see e.g. the films The Shawshank Redemption
and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - I know you have all seen them,
but watch them again with the Scientology experience in mind).

Tags: Class VIII, Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior, Operating Thetan, OT,
Quicky, Sea Org


Church of Scientology Corporate Structure
June 27, 2014, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

Notes on how the Church of Scientology is actually structured.

1. As previously discussed, there is no such entity as "the Church of
Scientology." This is what the Church of Scientology itself told the

The term "the Church of Scientology" is a term of convenience used to
refer to all of the separate and distinct legal corporations that are
referred to as "churches" and "organizations" within the Scientology
ecclesiastical hierarchy. Example: If you sign a contract for religious
services with the Flag Service Organization you agree to the following:

Tags: 1967, 1986, 1999, ABLE, Andy Porter, Child labor, Church of Scientology
International, Church of Scientology of California, Church of Spiritual
Technology, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Flag Land Base, Flag Service
Organization, Florida, Freewinds, Guardian's Office, International
Association of Scientologists, IRS, L. Ron Hubbard, Legal, Mission, Narconon,
New Mexico, Office of Special Affairs, OT, Potential Trouble Source, Quicky,
Rehabilitation Project Force, Religious Technology Center, RICO, Sea Org, Sec
Check, Trementina, WISE


Here's a reminder of Scientology's Cold War origins - L. Ron Hubbard on
June 27, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We have another video that you normally can only see inside a
Scientology "org." It's another "quote video" that the church uses to
convince members to purchase L. Ron Hubbard's lectures.

In this case, we have quite a doozy. It's a clip from Hubbard's
December 1956 "Washington Congress on Anti-Radiation & Confront," a set
of lectures which Bridge Publications sells for $150.

Here's how Bridge Publications summarizes the Congress...

Tags: 1956, 1957, All About Radiation, Bridge Publications, California,
Congress, DC, Florida, Golden Era Productions, Int Base, John Travolta, Jon
Stumbke, Marc Headley, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Radiation, Russia,
Stewart Williams, Tone Scale, Vance Woodward, Washington, White House


Ronit And Yossi Charny Speak Out
June 27, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

For readers of this blog who have decided scientology is not for them,
this posting will be of no or very limited interest. But for those who
still consider themselves scientologists, those who are still "on the
fence" or "under the radar" this is information that is absolutely for
you. It is FACTS about what goes on inside the church of scientology
under the guise of "bringing spiritual freedom" and "uniting families."

Ronit and Yossi sent this message out to all their contacts yesterday.
I have waited to publish this until after they sent it out in the hope
it might reach more of the people that are its intended audience before
the black PR, whispering campaign against them begins for overtly
telling their story.

Dear Friends,

Tags: 1980, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007,
2008, Australia, Basics, Cadet Org, Celebrity, Chairman of the Board, Class
VIII, Clear, Clearwater, Comm Course, Commodore's Messenger Organization,
Conditions, Debbie Cook, Dianetics, Disconnection, Division 7, E-meter,
Ethics, Europe, Field Staff Member, Flag Land Base, Flag Order, Flag Service
Organization, Florida, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, Ideal Org,
International Association of Scientologists, Israel, Jewish, L. Ron Hubbard,
Marty Rathbun, Master at Arms, Mexico, Mission, New Zealand, Office of
Special Affairs, Oregon, Org Board, OT, OT 7, OT Committee, OT IV, OT V, OT
VII, Portland, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Saint Hill Special
Briefing Course, San Francisco, Sandcastle, Sea Org, South Africa


"Scientology evicted me!" says anonymous Angry Black Man
June 27, 2015, AngryGayPope, YouTube

A long time resident of Hollywood tells the Angry Gay Pope how the
Church of Scientology systematically takes over neighborhoods. They
threw him out of his own apartment! Eventually main Sci properties,
like the Celebrity Centre, get surrounded by a ring of cult buildings
even though the structures don't say "Scientology" on them.


I lived at 1831 Bronson Avenue in an apartment building located there
from 1992 to 1998. I went through the great Northridge earthquake there.

Tags: 1992, 1996, 1998, Africa, Angry Gay Pope, Celebrity Centre, Hollywood,
Pope, Quicky


Begging From Afar
June 27, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The begging never stops, and apparently has no limit.

This little gang are children of Australian SO Members (at least two of
them are, I presume the others are too) located in Los Angeles.

They are sending this begging letter out to people all over the world
to solicit money for New Zealand's one and only small and failing org.
You would think that New Zealand, which had one of the first orgs on
earth way back in the 1950's would have another one by this time. Or
even a single mission. More than 60 years and there has been NOTHING
new in all that time.

Tags: 1950, 2007, ANZO, Australia, Basics, Cathy Grist, Colin Davie, Ideal
Org, Japan, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, New Zealand, OT, Quicky, Taiwan, Zee


Did Scientology hire the man sent to prison for hacking us? Not his job to
find out, judge said
June 27, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

As Eric Saldarriaga was leaving a ninth-floor courtroom at the old
federal court house in New York City following his sentencing
yesterday, he was in tears.

I couldn't help wincing.

I'd just been in the courtroom myself, and had testified. The document
I had read from, my "victim impact statement," was the kind of thing a
judge uses to decide how severe a crime is. Typically, a victim is
trying to convince a judge to throw the book at a defendant.

Tags: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014, Cleveland, Daniel Noble, Eric Saldarriaga, FBI,
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Judge Richard Sullivan, Judge Sullivan,
Matthew Goldstein, Mike Rinder, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New York City, New
York Times, Peter Brill, Portland, Private investigator, Queens, Quicky, Ray
Jeffrey, Scott Pilutik, Seattle, US Attorney's Office, USA, Vancouver,
Village Voice


Private investigator gets 3 months for hacking -- but won't expose clients
June 27, 2015, Richard Morgan, New York Post

A New York private investigator who hacked the e-mails of dozens of
people he was investigating got jail time - but a judge stopped short
of helping to expose the clients that hired him to do their dirty work.

Manhattan federal judge Richard Sullivan sentenced Eric Saldarriaga to
three months in jail for pilfering some 60 e-mail accounts, saying he
hoped to send a message about the seriousness of cybercrime.

"Anything less than that would lead people to think ? ahh, who cares?"
Sullivan told the courtroom on Friday.

Tags: Complex Frauds and Cybercrime Unit, Eric Saldarriaga, FBI, Judge
Richard Sullivan, New York City, Preet Bharara, Private investigator, Tony


Jesse Prince's Scientology Tales
June 27, 2016, Mark Bunker, YouTube

in 2000, former exec Jesse Prince gave us a tour of Clearwater
Scientology properties. Here Jesse talks about what was once the FB
Building but is now known as the West Coast Building.

Tags: 2000, Clearwater, Jesse Prince, Quicky, Scientology properties, West
Coast Building


Leah Remini is shooting a TV series about Scientology
June 27, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We figure it's about time that we revealed what we've known for some
time about upcoming television projects that feature Scientology,
because it's getting really interesting.

We've known for more than a year that a television series about
Scientology's disconnection policy has been in production, and that it
has run into pushback by the church. (You may remember an earlier story
about Karen de la Carriere receiving a threat letter from Scientology,
even though she's not involved in the production of the series.) We
actually know quite a bit about this series, but we've done a little
consulting work for the company producing it, and we're not at liberty
to tell you much about it.

But what's especially exciting for Scientology watchers is that the
same network is also developing another series, also about the way
Scientology rips apart families, and this one is being produced by
former Scientology celebrity Leah Remini. We broke the news in 2013
that Leah ditched Scientology, which she had grown up in. The King of
Queens actress came out with a bestselling memoir last November,
Troublemaker, with juicy anecdotes about what it was like to be a
celebrity in a celebrity-obsessed church.

Tags: 2013, David Miscavige, Disconnection, Karen de la Carriere, King of
Queens, Leah Remini, Maiden Voyage, Mark Bunker, Quicky, Scientology celebrity


Man the Scientology Battle Stations
June 27, 2016, Mark Bunker, YouTube

It's amazing the lengths Scientology will go to prevent me from getting
a tiny, little footage of their tiny, little leader, David Miscavige.

Tags: David Miscavige, Quicky


Russian security service raids dozens of Church of Scientology offices
June 27, 2016, Jennifer Newton, Daily Mail

Russian security services have raided dozens of locations across the
country linked to the Church of Scientology as part of a long running
battle between authorities and the US-based organisation.

The Federal Security Service (FSB) said officers 'conducted
simultaneous searches' at 14 addresses in Moscow and St Petersburg as
part of a probe into alleged money laundering and illegal businesses
dealings by the Church of Scientology.

Russia's justice ministry has long been pushing to prohibit the
organisation, which some countries treat as a legitimate faith but
others consider to be a cult.

Tags: 1954, 1993, European Court of Human Rights, Federal Security Service,
Hollywood, John Travolta, Moscow, Police, Quicky, RT News, Russia, Tom Cruise


Scientology Seeks Captive Converts Via Google Maps, Drug Rehab Centers
June 27, 2016, Brian Krebs, Krebs on Security

Seely said he learned that the drug rehab industry was overrun with SEO
firms when he began researching rehab centers in Seattle for a family
friend who was struggling with substance abuse and addiction issues. A
simple search on Google for "drug rehab Seattle" turned up multiple
local search results that looked promising.

One of the top three results was for a business calling itself "Drug
Rehab Seattle," and while it lists a toll-free phone number, it does
not list a physical address (NB: this is not always the case with fake
listings, which just as often claim the street address of another
legitimate business). A click on the organization's listing claims the
Web site ? a legitimate drug rehab search service. However,
the owners of say this listing is unauthorized and
unaffiliated with

As documented in this Youtube video, Seely called the toll-free number
in the Drug Rehab Seattle listing, and was transferred to a hotline
that took down his name, number and insurance information and promised
an immediate call back. Within minutes, Seely said, he received a call
from a woman who said she represented a Seattle treatment center but
was vague about the background of the organization itself. A little
digging showed that the treatment center was run by Narconon.

Tags: Bryan Seely, FBI, Google Maps, Hawaii, John Harvey, Narconon, Narconon
International, Sacramento, Seattle


Sykes puzzled that he didn't qualify for HD70
June 27, 2016, Charlie Frago, Tampa Bay Times

Pastor Manuel Sykes wasn't going to drop out of this time. The
influential St. Petersburg Baptist minister and civil rights activist
told the Tampa Bay Times last week that nothing would dissuade him from
exiting a crowded field of Democrats vying for the nod in House
District 70.

In 2014, Sykes considered jumping in the 13th Congressional District
race before a voice mail message from the then-county party chairman --
telling Sykes he'd be "persona non grata" if he got in -- -touched off
an intraparty squabble.

"I won't be daunted this time, I'm not kissing the rings of anyone this
time," Sykes told the Times last week. He said he planned to officially
file as a Democrat by Friday's deadline.

Tags: 2014, Congress, Manuel Sykes, Quicky, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee


The Survival Rundown - The Latest Scam
June 27, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Another in the continuing series of thought provoking posts from Terra

TC's previous posts: Communication in Scientology... Or Not, Am I Still
A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That
Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization.

The Survival Rundown ? David Miscavige's Latest Scam

Tags: 1950, 1955, 1957, 1960, 1975, 1982, Ashtrays, Auditing, Chairman of the
Board, David Miscavige, DC, Dianetics, End Phenomena, Golden Age of Tech,
Greece, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, Keep Scientology Working, L.
Ron Hubbard, Marcab, Master at Arms, Mental Health, OT, OT 7, OT 8, Quicky,
Saint Hill, Scam, Sea Org, Survival Rundown, Terra Cognita


Aaron Smith-Levin: Scientology Q&A - Part 8
June 27, 2017, Growing Up In Scientology, YouTube

Tags: Aaron Smith-Levin, Quicky


June 27, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

And this is their write-up. Just sad on so many levels. Not the least
of which is that the IAS is so proud of this they turned it into a
promo piece so everyone could share this amazing success.

OMG we just did Patron with Honours.

Back story: applied for a loan, loan disapproved, banker says after a
couple of impossible solutions, by the way there is a credit card on
file here from a long time ago that's never been activated for the
exact amount you are asking for. I had no idea I even had this card. If
I get a card like this I usually bin it. We don't use CCs. To make the
cycle happen before Thursday 2pm and it's now 15 mins before shut off
point, I had to activate the card then locate the card for the ccv
number. I just thought about where I might have put this and I went
straight to it. I'd put it with other similar items. Now the card could
be run by IAS office AOSH ANZO. The card was declined so I called the
bank and the security Falcon had stopped it as they thought it was a
suspicious transaction. He said it would take another 20-30 minutes to
be reactivated. We didn't have that time. We tried the card just a few
minutes later and it went through with about a minute to spare. This
was due to having done CRRD, Super Power and L11. Tone 40 demonstrated.

Tags: AOSH ANZO, Craig Middleton, International Association of
Scientologists, Jan Middleton, Patron with Honours, Quicky, Super Power


REPORT: David Miscavige has not been to Scientology's secretive 'Int Base' in
four years
June 27, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Much of what we know about the highest echelons of the Church of
Scientology in recent years comes from a number of former high-ranking
executives who left the organization between 2004 and 2010. Those
former execs - Marty Rathbun (who left the church in 2004), Marc and
Claire Headley (2005), Amy Scobee (2005), Tom DeVocht (2005), Jeff
Hawkins (2005), Mike Rinder (2007), and John Brousseau (2010) - fueled
numerous newspapers series, television shows, and also a feature film
documentary (2015's Going Clear), which gave us our clearest view yet
of how Scientology leader David Miscavige ran the church.

We learned about "The Hole," for example, a prison for top executives
that Miscavige created at Scientology's secretive "Int Base" near
Hemet, California in 2004, when the St. Petersburg Times revealed its
existence in its 2009 series, "The Truth Rundown." After that series,
Miscavige made some changes to the Hole, something we learned from
Brousseau, who came out after the others, in 2010.

But what about since then? Ron Miscavige Sr. left the base in 2012, but
he was not a top-ranking executive, and we didn't get a lot of
information about how conditions had changed at the base from his 2016
book, Ruthless. We've been hungering for any new information about the
conditions at Int Base in more recent years. What little information we
had received suggested that since a 2009/2010 FBI investigation of
Scientology for human trafficking which was focused on the base, David
Miscavige had been placing less emphasis on the compound as its
population had shrunk.

Tags: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, Abortion,
Alaska, Amy Scobee, Aruba, Australia, Author Services Inc, Bonaire,
California, Caribbean, Census, Claire Headley, Clearwater, Cura?ao, David
Miscavige, Dutch, Escape, FBI, Florida, Freewinds, Going Clear: Scientology,
Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Hemet, Hollywood, Hollywood Boulevard,
Human trafficking, Int Base, Jefferson Hawkins, John Brousseau, Karin Pouw,
London, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Monique Rathbun, Netherlands, Perth,
Quicky, Ron Miscavige Sr, Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and
Me, Sea Org, St. Lucia, St. Petersburg Times, Steve Cannane, Texas, The Hole,
The Truth Rundown, Tom DeVocht, Venezuela, Western Australia


TONIGHT! Exposing Marty & Scientology on YouNow Live Stream
June 27, 2017, Steven Mango, YouTube

To hear me spill tea tonight about Marty Rathbun & Scientology, catch
me live on YouNow. You can interact with me and I will be answering
your burning questions! Also, I will allow special guests and
subscribers to video into my stream through the YouNow app.

Download YouNow on the App Store, find me (StevenMango) and turn on
Notifications so you will know I am going live. I will be live around
6:30-7:00PM LA start time. I will only see your comments if you are
watching through the app, not through YouTube.

Looking forward to chatting with you all then!

Tags: Marty Rathbun, Quicky


Who Are the Groups Behind Canada's Anti-Islam Rallies?
June 27, 2017, Mack Lamoureux, Vice News

For a long time, Canada has been known as a left-wing bastion resistant
to the siren song of the far-right.

Even when we had a decade of rule by a Conservative government Canada
was viewed as this wonderful, albeit cold, land of tolerance. Now, if
you live in Canada, you'll know that's not exactly the case (nor was it
ever). Nothing showcases this more than the recent wave of
anti-Islamism, which now sees protest rallies against an entire
religion popping up on a weekly basis.

It's always the same-in one of the province's major cities a group has
shown up to preach to the crowd in regards to the threat that the
Muslim community poses to Canada either by radical Islamic terrorism,
creeping Sharia, M-103, or what have you. While the catalyst for the
rally may change, the focus remains consistent-pure, unadulterated
anti-Islamism that has been born out of a fear of Islamic terrorism or
hatred of the other.

Tags: 2014, 2015, Alberta, Calgary, Canada, Canadian Combat Coalition,
DougWiki, Europe, Facebook, Finland, Germany, Infowars, Islamophobia, Kevin
Metcalf, Muslim, Ontario, Pegida Canada, Rebel Media, Sandra Solomon, Saudi
Arabia, Soldiers of Odin, Storm Alliance, Syria, Toronto, Twitter


In the Sea Org, no one can hear you scream: Another small slice of
Scientology horror
June 27, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Sunny Pereira has another startling tale from her days in Scientology's
Sea Org today. With medical standards like these, it's a miracle there
haven't been more deaths (that we know of.)

"Oh, there you are, murderer."

She said it so nonchalantly. It was something she had been calling me
for years. It was old habit by now.

Tags: Abortion, Amy Mortland, Big Blue, Celebrity Centre, Ethics Mission,
Gene Denk, Hollywood, Hollywood Guaranty Building, Int Base, Los Angeles,
Manor Hotel, Megan Shields, Mission, Quicky, Renee Duzak, Saint Hill, Sea
Org, Shaw Health Center, Sunny Pereira


Milo wants vigilantes to start killing journalists, and he's not being
June 27, 2018, David Neiwert, Southern Poverty Law Center

Apparently, Milo Yiannopoulos didn't get the memo about the need for
civility in our discourse.

"I can't wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists
down on sight," the far-right provocateur texted a reporter for the New
York Observer this week. When the reporter inquired further,
Yiannopoulos explained that he had simply issued his "standard response
to a request for a comment."

But this wasn't simply a toss-off remark. Yiannopoulos appears to be
dead serious ? that is, he sincerely believes that right-wing assassins
should begin taking out targeted reporters. He's been saying so on a
number of forums, and it's clear that he isn't being simply "ironic" in
the classic alt-right hall-of-mirrors fashion.

Tags: 2016, 2017, Alt-Right, Andrew Anglin, Arizona, Australia, Breitbart,
BuzzFeed, Daily Stormer, Donald Trump, England, Gamergate, Hungary, Infowars,
Jewish, Los Angeles Times, Matt Pearce, Mediaite, Milo Yiannopoulos, New York
Observer, Nigel Farage, Paul Joseph Watson, Quicky, Richard Spencer, Seattle,
Twitter, UK, Violence, Washington, Will Sommer, YouTube


Ford government cuts will blow $2-billion hole in municipal budgets, Moody's
June 27, 2019, Michael Smee, CBC News

Ontario municipalities should brace for a $2-billion shock in the
decade ahead, as cuts in provincial transfers sink in, according to the
credit rating service Moody's.

The warning comes in a report released last week, and set to be
presented at Peel Region's council meeting Thursday.

Peel and the other three Greater Toronto regional councils - Halton,
York and Durham - are well-positioned to weather the storm, the report
says, because they have the healthiest reserve funds.

Tags: 2020, CBC, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Ford government, Gary Crawford,
Moody's, Ontario, Peel Region, Robert Gibson, Rod Phillips, Toronto, Waterloo


Jason Kenney's Senate elections law -- a farcical, faux exercise
June 27, 2019, David Climenhaga, blogs,

Never mind the details for a moment, this is all you really need to
know about Alberta Premier Jason Kenney's constitutionally meaningless
Senate elections law, introduced as Bill 13 in the provincial
legislature yesterday.

Kenney has presented Alberta's progressives, of whom there are many,
and the politicians they support with a wonderful opportunity to shoot
themselves in both feet in a little over two years.

On October 17, 2021 -- the day the non-binding vote required by the
Senatorial Selection Act is to take place -- we shall duly do so, I
regretfully predict.

Tags: 1980, 1989, 2006, 2012, 2014, 2021, Alberta, Calgary, Calgary Herald,
Canada, DougWiki, Globe and Mail, Jason Kenney, Ontario New Democratic Party,
Politics, Rachel Notley, Stephen Harper, United Conservative Party, Wikimedia


Premier Doug Ford minister Kinga Surma's father working as Queen's Park
political aide, sources say
June 27, 2019, Robert Benzie, Toronto Star

Embroiled in a cronyism scandal, Premier Doug Ford's government is
defending the controversial hiring of a cabinet minister's father as a
way of tapping the talent of "everyday" people.

Education Minister Stephen Lecce was dispatched by the premier's office
Thursday to defend the appointment of Associate Transportation Minister
Kinga Surma's father to a policy advisor's post as Ford copes with a
growing scandal that cost him his trusted chief of staff, Dean French.

"We had too many ivory tower people advising the former Liberal
government," Lecce told at a hastily-called late afternoon news
conference when asked about Miroslaw Surma's qualifications.

Tags: 2016, Chicago, Dallas, Dean French, Democracy Watch, Doug Ford,
DougWiki, Duff Conacher, Earl Provost, England, Etobicoke Centre, Ford
government, Gavin Tighe, iPolitics, J. David Wake, Jag Badwal, Jim Wilson,
Katherine Pal, Kayla Iafelice, Kinga Surma, Lisa Thompson, London, Miroslaw
Surma, New York, Newstalk, Ontario, Ontario Liberal, Ottawa, Poland,
Progressive Conservative, Queen's Park, Rob Ford, Taylor Shields, Texas, Todd
Smith, Twitter, Tyler Albrecht, Vic Fedeli


Premier Ford 'disappointed' by appointments personally tied to ex-chief of
staff: minister
June 27, 2019, Canadian Press, Global News

TORONTO ? An Ontario cabinet minister says Premier Doug Ford is
disappointed that a series of provincial appointees were found to have
personal ties to his ex-chief of staff.

Ford has ordered a review of all pending government appointments after
Dean French resigned following news that appointees to two foreign
posts were personally connected to him, and just hours after another
connection was revealed.

Opposition parties are calling for the review to be done outside the
premier's office, such as by the integrity commissioner or a
legislative committee.

Tags: Dean French, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Ford government, Lisa Thompson,


Project Veritas' YouTube sting was deeply misleading - and successful
June 27, 2019, Casey Newton, The Verge

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has been on a tear against Google
lately, with the most recent salvo coming this Monday. Like most of
O'Keefe's work, it's deceptively edited and doesn't add up to much, but
he managed to catch one executive in a pretty poor choice of words. In
a hidden camera conversation with Jen Gennai, Google's Head of
Responsible Innovation, the executive is caught saying the following:

Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love
her but she's very misguided, like that will not make it better it will
make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don't have the
same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next
Trump situation, it's like a small company cannot do that.

If you substitute "Cambridge Analytica" for "Trump Situation," it's
more or less the argument Facebook and Google have been using to fend
off antitrust proposals all year. But if you're inclined to think the
whole media is biased against the president, it was exactly what you'd
been waiting to hear. When the video was pulled off YouTube for
"privacy violations" the next day, it only fueled the paranoia.

Tags: 1973, 2015, 2017, Alex Jones, Alt-Right, Amazon, Apple, Breitbart,
California, Cambridge Analytica, Charlottesville, Chicago, Chinese, Congress,
Democratic National Committee, Department of Homeland Security, Donald Trump,
Dutch, Elizabeth Warren, Facebook, Federal Trade Commission, Google, Hillary
Clinton, James O'Keefe, LGBTQ, Mark Zuckerberg, Medium, Oregon, Police, Pride
Parade, Project Veritas, ProPublica, Reddit, Republican, Russell Brand, San
Francisco, Seth Rich, Steven Crowder, Ted Cruz, Threats, Twitter, Unite the
Right, US Department of Justice, Visa, WhatsApp, White supremacist, Will
Sommer, YouTube


Scientology's Address Management Director Claims An Active Mailing List of 3.
5 Million Names
June 27, 2019, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

Joel Beaton, Address Management Director for the Church of Scientology
International states in an interview that the Church's active mailing
list contains "about 3.5 million active names." This video is posted at
What They Think, a premiere printing industry website. The article is
dated June 26, 2019.

Tags: Church of Scientology International, Joel Beaton, Quicky


Thursday Funnies
June 27, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Ugliest poster ever?

There have been a LOT of these things over the years.

This one struck me as particularly hideous.

Tags: Africa, Atlanta, Australia, Columbus, Company, Dan Sherman, Denver,
Detroit, Facebook, Fred Shaw, Hollywood, Jesse Stevenson, John Falle, Kansas
City, Lisa McPherson, London, Maiden Voyage, Nelson Mandela, Org Board, OT,
Phoenix, Plymouth, Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Religious Technology
Center, Rikke Jensen, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Seattle, Stairway to Heaven,
Thursday Funnies, Twitter


Tommy Davis is tying the knot in Morocco, and we didn't get an invite
June 27, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We still get asked often about Scientology's former spokesman Tommy
Davis, and so we try to give an occasional update about him. This time,
we have some happy news.

Tommy is getting married to Egyptian actress Maie Ibrahim in Morocco,
and we want to extend the happy couple our congratulations.

Tommy somehow forgot to include our invitation, but we're not entirely
surprised by that. In our last email exchange with him, the son of
actress Anne Archer called us an "asshat" and told us never to contact
him again.

Tags: 2000, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, ABC, Anne Archer,
Austin, Australia, BBC, Colony Capital, David Miscavige, Egypt, Facebook,
Fair Game, Hollywood, James Packer, Jessica Feshbach, John Sweeney, Los
Angeles, Mariah Carey, Martin Bashir, Mike Rinder, Morocco, New Delhi,
Quicky, Sea Org, Steve Cannane, Tom Barrack, Tom Cruise, Tommy Davis, William


Tory MPP Kinga Surma's dad landed policy job in minister's office: sources
June 27, 2019, Marieke Walsh, iPolitics

TORONTO-Ontario MPP Kinga Surma's father scored a job in Premier Doug
Ford's government after the spring 2018 election, according to sources
in the Progressive Conservative Party.

Surma, who has been in the premier's inner circle since the two worked
at Toronto City Hall, was appointed associate transportation minister
in a cabinet shuffle last week.

According to the government's directory, Miroslaw Surma is a policy
advisor in the minister of economic development's office. Several
conservative sources told iPolitics he is Surma's dad.

Tags: 2018, Canada, Dean French, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Easter, Etobicoke
Centre, Etobicoke North, Europe, Globe and Mail, Katherine Pal, Kayla
Iafelice, Kinga Surma, LinkedIn, Membership, Miroslaw Surma, National Post,
Ontario MPP, Progressive Conservative, Toronto, Toronto Star


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June 27 in Scientlology web page:
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