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Today in Scientology -- September 14th **********************************************************

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Scientology Today

Sep 15, 2019, 9:24:30 AM9/15/19
Today September 14th in Scientology history

Judge Rules Scientology Critics Can Keep Materials But Can't Disseminate
September 14, 1995, Associated Press

DENVER (AP) _ Two men accused of stealing secrets from the Church of
Scientology and distributing them on the Internet must stop
disseminating the disputed materials at least temporarily, a judge has

U.S. District Judge John Kane Jr. on Tuesday ordered the return of
computer discs, documents and other equipment seized from the two men
by federal marshals during an Aug. 22 raid.

But the judge ruled that Larry Wollersheim and Robert Penny, both
former church members, must restrict distribution of what the church
considers copyright or trademark secrets, at least until the courts can
consider the copyright question further.

Tags: Bob Penny, Critic, Judge John Kane, Judge Leonie Brinkema, Lawrence
Wollersheim, Quicky, Tom Kelley, Washington Post


Scientologists Lose a Battle on the Internet
September 14, 1995, James Brooke, New York Times

Upholding free speech on the Internet, a Federal judge has ordered the
Church of Scientology to return computers and files seized here last
month from two men who used a computer bulletin board to disseminate
information critical of the church.

"The public interest is best served by the free exchange of ideas," the
judge, John Kane of Federal District Court, said on Tuesday in Denver.

Tags: alt.scientology.war, Bob Penny, Bridge Publications, Electronic
Frontier Foundation, FACTNet, Heber Jentzsch, Helena Kobrin, Judge John Kane,
Lawrence Wollersheim, Xenu


Swedes Halt Scientology Web Manual
September 14, 1998, Associated Press

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) _ A Swedish court on Monday ordered a man to
stop spreading a copyrighted Church of Scientology training manual on
the Internet and ordered him to pay the church more than $150,000.

The legal battle between the controversial church and Zenon Panoussis
has attracted the attention of the United States, with U.S. Trade
Representative Charlene Barshefsky saying Sweden's law on open public
records violates international copyright law.

Panoussis obtained a copy of the church's training manual in 1996 and
sent it to the Swedish Parliament. Swedish law permits the Parliament
to allow public access to documents filed with it.

Tags: 1954, 1993, 1996, Charlene Barshefsky, Intellectual property rights,
Netherlands, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Stockholm, Sweden, Tarja
Vulto, US Trade Representative, Zenon Panoussis


Will Tom Cruise's legal team quash new book?
September 14, 2006, Jeannette Walls, Gossip, MSNBC

Hollywood insiders are wondering if Tom Cruise's powerful legal team
will quash a tell-all which makes some pretty shocking insinuations
about the actor's sex life.

Porn producer Paul Barresi is writing a book, "Pellicano's Enforcer,"
about how he allegedly helped incarcerated former
private-eye-to-the-stars Anthony Pellicano protect celebs from negative

Tags: Anthony Pellicano, Bert Fields, Chad Slater, Kyle Bradford, Paul
Barresi, Tom Cruise


Protesters Hit Scientologists' 9/11 Role
September 14, 2008, Candice M. Giove, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Members of the Anonymous group said that the Church of Scientology
wasted no time getting to the dust-choked downtown streets, where they
provided provisions to the shocked, morose, grief-stricken, weary
rescue workers. But Anons said the Scientologists' motives were more
sinister. "They did this because they wanted to make money," DiMiNeo
said. "They wanted to go down there and they wanted to sell their

Tags: 2007, 9/11, Anonymous, David Miscavige, Detox, Dianetics,
Disconnection, FDNY, FDNY Medal of Valor, Fox News, Manhattan, Mental Health,
Mike Vitale, Minneapolis, National Mental Health Association, New York, New
York City, NYPD, Stephan Hittmann, The Way to Happiness, Truther, Virginia


22 The Celebrity Centre I
September 14, 2009, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

The personality test is not a major recruitment tool, 100 percent of
refund requests are granted and "hard sell" means taking care of
people, a Scientologist told the court.

"I imagine you have been well trained," said Judge Sophie-H?l?ne
Ch?teau, which appeared to be a reference to earlier testimony that
Scientologists were trained to lie in court.

Not at all, said Eric Roux: the truth was a vital part of Scientology.

Tags: 1997, Aude-Claire Malton, Celebrity Centre, Christian, Clear, Eric
Roux, France, Internal Revenue Service, IRS, Jean-Fran?ois Valli, Judge
Sophie-H?l?ne Ch?teau, Le Parisien, Paris, Personality test, Quicky, Roger
Gonnet, Telex


New French law blocks Scientology dissolution
September 14, 2009, Reuters

A new French law means the Church of Scientology cannot be dissolved in
France even if it is convicted of fraud, it has emerged during a trial
of the organisation. A prosecutor has recommended that a Paris court
dissolve the church's French branch, which has been charged with fraud
after complaints by former members who say they gave huge sums to the
church for spiritual classes and "purification packs."

Tags: France, Fraud, Georges Fenech, Jean-Luc Warsmann, Maud Coujard, Olivier
Morice, Patrick Maisonneuve


Reading Between the Lines
September 14, 2010, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

Scientologists are becoming expert in "reading between the lines" of
the letters and e-mails they receive from the Orgs. When dealing with
Scientology's doublespeak, it's best to become adept in translating it
into real-world terms.

A case in point: a recent ASHO Letter, from Jarret Rible, Bridge
Tracking Officer, forwarded to me by someone still "under the radar."

"YOU are important," the letter begins. Of course we know what that
means ? you are important to our GI. But they are not going to say that.
They are going to sound like a Tony Robbins seminar instead.
"Factually you are one of the closest to achieving the State of Clear
and then on to OT," the letter continues. "Per our records, you are not
currently receiving auditing or receiving very little auditing, which
is costing you precious time and extending the number of hours you will

Tags: ASHO, Clear, Clear Certainty Rundown, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard, Los
Angeles, OT, Quicky, Sec Check


To Tom Cruise from David Miscavige with Love
September 14, 2010, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

The following are a few shots of one of the many ostentatious gifts
David Miscavige lavished upon his idol Tom Cruise.

This is but an auxiliary office adjoining Cruise's airplane hangar.

It was conceived, designed and constructed with slave Sea Org labor and

Tags: Ashtrays, Author Services Inc, Chairman of the Board, David Miscavige,
L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, Quicky, Sea Org, Tom Cruise


Church of Scientology denies enslavement allegations
September 14, 2011, Lateline, ABC News (Australia)

Last night Lateline revealed the allegations made by former members of
the church could breach provisions of the criminal code dealing with

Those allegations were contained in a draft report of the Fair Work
Ombudsman's inquiry into the Church of Scientology which had been
obtained by Lateline. The draft also says the Ombudsman is planning to
refer these claims to the relevant authorities.

Tags: Australia, Enslavement, Fair Work Ombudsman, False imprisonment,
Virginia Stewart


Church of Scientology faces criminal charges for underpaying workers
September 14, 2011, Bonnie Malkin, The Telegraph

In the draft copy of the ombudsman's report, which is due out later
this week in full, people working for the church tabled allegations of
false imprisonment and forced labour.

In some cases, members in the church's elite Sea Org unit, described as
the Church's "religious order", said they were made to work for up to
seven days for just $10 (?6.50), despite the Church earning millions.

Tags: Australia, Fair Work Ombudsman, Jan Eastgate, Sea Org


Mike Rinder: The Antithesis of David Miscavige
September 14, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Mike Rinder was written up today by editor in chief at the Village
Voice Tony Ortega:


Tony focuses largely on the critics of Mike.

Tags: Cockroach, David Miscavige, Germany, Kurt Weiland, Mike Rinder, Office
of Special Affairs, Quicky, Tony Ortega, Village Voice


Scientologists face low-pay accusations from Fair Work Ombudsman
September 14, 2011, Leo Shanahan, The Australian

Following allegations of Scientology employees working excessively long
hours for little pay last year, the Fair Work Ombudsman launched an
investigation into the organisation's practices.

According to the draft report from the ombudsman, obtained by the ABC's
Lateline program, some work practices may have been in breach of
criminal laws.

Tags: Australia, Fair Work Act, Fair Work Ombudsman, Sea Org


Scientology hits back over unfair pay claims
September 14, 2011, AAP, Herald Sun

A final report by the Fair Work Ombudsman is due for release later this
week, but a draft report has found some workers were paid as little as
$10 a week by the church despite it earning more than $17 million in

It contains allegations of false imprisonment and forced labour.

Tags: Australia, Fair Work Ombudsman


The Top 25 People Crippling Scientology, No. 8: Mike Rinder
September 14, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

On August 5, we started a countdown that will give credit -- or blame
-- to the people who have contributed most to the sad current state of
Scientology. From its greatest expansion in the 1980s, the church is a
shell of what it once was and is mired in countless controversies
around the world. Some of that was self-inflicted, and some of it has
come from outside. Join us now as we continue on our investigation of
those people most responsible...

The Top 25 People Crippling Scientology

#8: Mike Rinder

Tags: 1977, 1980, 2007, Australia, BBC, Bryan Seymour, California, Chicago,
Clearwater, Critic, David Miscavige, Europe, Fair Game, Fair Work Ombudsman,
FBI, Florida, Fort Harrison, Freedom magazine, Gabe Cazares, Germany,
Guardian's Office, Heber Jentzsch, Hemet, Jim Lynch, John Sweeney, Knowledge
Report, Lisa McPherson, Lisa McPherson Trust, Mark Bunker, Marty Rathbun,
Mary Sue Hubbard, Merchants of Chaos, Mike Rinder, Nancy Many, Office of
Special Affairs, Private investigator, Quicky, Robert Minton, Snow White
Program, Squirrel Busters, St. Petersburg Times, Stacy Brooks, Suppressive
Person, Telex, The Secrets of Scientology, The Truth Rundown


Yehud Residents Rail Against 'Scientology School'
September 14, 2011, David Lev, Israel National News

A school identified with the Scientology movement that was booted out
of Holon last year is moving to a new location - Yehud, says
anti-missionary organization Yad L'achim - to the consternation of
religious and secular Jews in the town. A fracas broke out last week
during a special meeting of the Yehud City Council on whether or not to
allow the school to settle in town, with dozens of residents very
loudly making their objections clear, Yad L'achim said.

Even worse, say opponents, the Atid school, organized several years ago
by parents from the Tel Aviv Scientology community to provide education
to their children based on the teachings of Scientology founder L. Ron
Hubbard, has now been recognized by the Education Ministry. The school
is now considered an "unofficial recognized school," meaning that it is
eligible for government funding and can award diplomas.

Tags: Israel, Yad L'achim


"Who Cares Bullshit" - Tom Cruise Rep
September 14, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

"Who cares bullshit" is what Tom Cruise's press rep says to Sinar
Parman's noting that the multi-millionaire utterly stiffed him. That
was after Tom's bff David Miscavige promised his bff would pay Sinar
for this five star week-long service. Sinar catered not only Tom's
wedding but the entire several day wingding surrounding it at Telluride.
"Who cares bullshit" for the Scientology monk having to incur debt
himself to service Cruise.

The story was recently carried in Business Insider, Business Insider on
Sinar Parman.

When the Huffington Post picked up on it and asked Tom Cruise for a
response, his rep (who obviously hasn't been stiffed yet herself)
responded, "You are asking about something that happened 20 years ago -
I don't know anything about this and need more time to find out. Any
reason you need to post this who cares bullshit now?"

Tags: Business Insider, David Miscavige, Huffington Post, Quicky, Sinar
Parman, Tampa Bay Times, Telluride, Tom Cruise


3 lawmakers, FEMA aide help open Scientology national office
September 14, 2012, Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner

Three House members this week helped to open the first-ever Church of
Scientology National Affairs Office in Washington, drawing politics
into the controversial movement just as a new movie inspired by church
founder L. Ron Hubbard opens.

Reps. Dan Burton, R-Ind., Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, and Danny Davis,
D-Ill., spoke at the Wednesday opening on Dupont Circle. Also joining
in the opening ceremony was Liz Gibson, a senior program manager at the
Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The church said it needs a national office due to its worldwide growth.

Tags: Dan Burton, Danny Davis, DC, FEMA, Fraser Mansion, Ideal Org, Liz
Gibson, National Affairs Office, Sheila Jackson Lee, The Master, US House of


Deaths bring official look into drug rehab operation
September 14, 2012, Jarrel Wade, News OK

Landmeier, 27, overdosed on heroin and OxyContin in March 2008 at a
Tulsa hotel. A day earlier, she was dismissed from Narconon Arrowhead,
a state-licensed nonmedical drug detoxification facility, records show.

Landmeier's family alleges in court documents that her dismissal was
related to drugs and alcohol provided to her by Narconon staff.

"Heather believed Narconon would be the start on her road to recovery,"
said Landmeier's younger sister, Hilary Landmeier. "Our family believed
that as well. We put our trust in them. They truly made us believe that.

Tags: 2005, 2007, 2008, Abuse, Colin Henderson, Deaths, Donald Smolen, Gary
Smith, Heather Landmeier, Hilary Landmeier, Illinois, Jeffrey Dismukes, Judge
James Bland, McAlester, Narconon, Narconon Arrowhead, Narconon staff,
Oklahoma, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services,
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, Pittsburg County, Robert Murphy,
Sheila Stogsdill, Social Betterment Properties International, Stacy Murphy,


Funding for Scientologist Agent Orange treatment in question
September 14, 2012, Thanhnien News

Experts in the field have criticized the method, which involves vitamin
supplements, exercise and sauna therapy, saying it has not been vetted
scientifically. They doubt such a method, originally developed to treat
drug abuse, would help remove dioxin, the toxic chemical left behind by
Agent Orange.

David Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and the
Environment at the University at Albany, is currently conducting
research under a grant from the US Department of Defense to see if the
program is effective in reducing the symptoms of Gulf War Illness, a
disease found in American veterans of the 1990-1991 Gulf War.

"A major factor in the treatment is the use of increasing
concentrations of the Vitamin niacin, which has long been known to act
on fat stores in the body, where the dioxins are stored,"? Carpenter
told Vietweek. "The Scientologists believe that the niacin mobilizes
the contaminants from the fat store, which makes them more likely to be
excreted. The use of the sauna is to make the person sweat, and that is
supposed to help purge the chemicals out of the body."

Tags: ABLE, Agent Orange, Arnold Schecter, David Carpenter, Detox, Dioxin,
Gulf War, Hoang Manh An, Institute for Health and the Environment, Marcella
Warner, Niacin, University at Albany, University of Texas, Vietnam, Vietnam
Association for Victims of Agent Orange


How Miscavige Plans to "Clear the Planet"
September 14, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

by Mike Rinder

Here is the latest poster put out by the RCS (copyrighted to CSI who
are apparently now the main fundraisers for the IAS).

It consists entirely of a quote from Chairman Mao that perhaps is more
candid than he intended. He clearly delineates HIS strategy for
planetary clearing. It doesn't involve training or auditing or Grade
Charts or anything so messy and difficult that would require actual

Tags: Clear, Dan Sherman, David Miscavige, International Association of
Scientologists, Mike Rinder, Quicky


How Miscavige Plans to "Clear the Planet"
September 14, 2012, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

by Mike Rinder

Here is the latest poster put out by the RCS (copyrighted to CSI who
are apparently now the main fundraisers for the IAS).

It consists entirely of a quote from Chairman Mao that perhaps is more
candid than he intended. He clearly delineates HIS strategy for
planetary clearing. It doesn't involve training or auditing or Grade
Charts or anything so messy and difficult that would require actual

Tags: Clear, Dan Sherman, David Miscavige, International Association of
Scientologists, Quicky


Kyle Brennan: Arguments on appeal
September 14, 2012, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

UPDATE: On September 19 the appeal court rejected plaintiff's
application, affirming the district court's dismissal of the action.
More details at the end of this piece. -- - A lawyer for the mother of
Kyle Brennan, a vulnerable 20-year-old who died while visiting his
Scientologist father, will try today to persuade a Florida appeal court
to reinstate their wrongful death lawsuit.

The lawsuit over the death of Kyle Brennan arrives at a federal appeal
court in Florida later Friday (September 14), where lawyers on both
sides will present their arguments to the judges.

Brennan died on or around February 16, 2007, while visiting his father,
Thomas Brennan, a dedicated Scientologist, at his home in Clearwater,

Tags: 1982, 2007, 2011, Appeal, Atlanta, California, Clearwater, Clearwater
Police Department, David Miscavige, DC, Denise Miscavige Gentile, Ethics
Officer, Flag Service Organization, Florida, Gerald Gentile, Hawaii, Iowa,
Judge Steven Merryday, Kyle Brennan, Luke Lirot, Narconon, Pat Harney,
Police, Psychiatric treatment, Quicky, Suicide, Tampa, Tampa Bay Times,
Thomas Brennan, Tom Brennan, Victoria, Victoria Britton, Virginia


Scientology Watchers: A Message from Tony Ortega
September 14, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Tony O goes Clear!To the readers of this blog...

Today, Paul Thomas Anderson's movie The Master opens in a few theaters
here, and the media reaction has been electric. We've all watched as
interest in Scientology has skyrocketed this summer, and it seems to
have reached some kind of culmination this week with Anderson's movie
in theaters and Maureen Orth's story on the cover of Vanity Fair.

I've decided to take advantage of this moment to change directions.
Next week will be my last as editor of the Voice; I will be leaving to
pursue a book proposal about Scientology in its time of crisis.

Tags: 2011, Clear, Maureen Orth, NYPD, Paul Thomas Anderson, Pulitzer,
Quicky, Roy Edroso, The Master, Vanity Fair


Anonymous- The Story of the Hacktivists (Full Documentary)
September 14, 2013, TheAnonMessages, YouTube

Tags: anonymous,anonymous 2013,the anon message,official anonymous
channel,anonymous channel,anonymous today,anonymous this week,anonymous
2013 today,anonymo...

Tags: Anonymous, Documentary


Judge to rule in Narconon Arrowhead case this week
September 14, 2013, Jeanne LeFlore, McAlester News-Capital

A judge is set to rule this week if Narconon Arrowhead will have to
produce documents related to incidents of drug and alcohol use by its
staff, according to court documents.

A hearing is set for 10 a.m. Wednesday in Pittsburg County District
Court in the lawsuit against Narconon filed on behalf of a Narconon
graduate now in a vegetative state after overdosing on heroin and

Tags: Heather Landmeier, Judge James Bland, Narconon, Narconon Arrowhead,
Stacy Murphy


THE TEXAS POST-GAME REPORT: Scientology, Monique Rathbun, and Judge Dib
September 14, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We said Judge Dib Waldrip was Ricky Gervais with Colonel Sanders'
facial hair. Did we nail it or what? (Source)

After two days of live-blogging here in New Braunfels, Texas, we left
the Comal County courthouse yesterday afternoon with more questions
than answers in the harassment lawsuit brought by Monique Rathbun
against the Church of Scientology. But after our last entry in
yesterday's report, we learned some additional details about where
things stand as Judge Dib Waldrip considers a couple of motions filed
by both sides.

To review, on Thursday opening statements and testimony were presented
in a hearing to determine if a temporary restraining order that
prevents Scientology from continuing to surveil Monique Rathbun would
be converted into a temporary injunction, lasting the life of the
lawsuit. That matter was not finished at the end of the day.

Tags: 1990, 2009, 2010, Blown for Good, California, Church of Scientology
International, Comal County, Dallas, David Miscavige, Elliott Cappuccio,
George Spencer, Int Base, Jenna Elfman, Judge Dib Waldrip, Lamont Jefferson,
Leah Remini, Marc Headley, Marc Wiegand, Marty Rathbun, Monique Rathbun,
Monty Drake, New Braunfels, Private investigator, Quicky, Ray Jeffrey,
Religious Technology Center, Sea Org, Steven Gregory Sloat, Texas, Tom Cruise


Gur Finkelstein Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
September 14, 2014, Arutz Sheva

Finkelstein, who was an attorney for the Church of Scientology, also
had been alleged to have ordered the torching the Scientology building
in an effort to generate new construction work, from which he was
getting commissions by subcontractors he employed, but was acquitted on
those charges.

Tags: Gur Finkelstein, Israel


Random OTC Minutes
September 14, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Just some OT Committee Minutes for today as I am taking the weekend
with my kids and don't want to spend time putting together a posting.

I let these accumulate and then publish them sporadically. They may
contain interesting information, in all honesty I haven't even read
them. Probably the usual "wow, look how great we are doing, we had
three people on Student Hat this week" sort of stuff.

Happy reading. I am sure some of our sharp eyed commenters will pick
out some of the highlights.

Tags: 2015, Alicia Kreisberg, Atlanta, Avner Golan, Ben Ghiora, Bob Welch,
Bonita Wilson, Chairman of the Board, Charlene Thorburn, Chuck Jacobs,
Colleen Bigler, Daily News, Dali Bahat, David Campbell, David Nunez, David
Wilson, DC, Dean Glosup, Debbie Suplee, Detroit, Diane Temps, Division 1,
Division 2, Division 4, Division 6, Don Saito, Donna Greisen, Flag World
Tour, Fundraising, Geoff Levin, Golden Age of Tech, Heelah Cohen,
Humanitarian, Ideal Org, Italy, James Barber, Jill Halverson, Jill Kirsch,
John Massey, John Stout, Karen Brown, Kathie Heard, Kathy Di Galbo, Kathy
Morrill, Kathy Welch, L. Ron Hubbard, Larry Marshall, Lauren Perreau, Linda
Massey, Los Angeles, Mark Anderson, Marty Kassowitz, Mary Elizabeth, Mary
Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Megan Mitchell, Nancy Parodi, New York,
Ofrah Bahat, OT, OT Ambassador, OT Committee, OTC, Patty Reimer, Purification
Rundown, Quicky, Quinn Taufer, Raven Kane, Religious Technology Center,
Rochelle Goodrich, Rochelle Terrific, Sacramento, Scott Kreisberg, Student
Hat, Sue Kattoo, Survival Rundown, Susan Jacobs, Tamara Dahill, Teri
Novitsky, Valley Ideal Org, Vera Seidler, Vered Ziv


Scientology Sunday Funnies: Smile while you write that check, pardner!
September 14, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Our tipsters have been busy sending us Scientology's wacky fundraising
fliers and emails this week. We have a ton of them. But we did our best
to narrow it down just to the best. (And if we didn't use something you
sent in, our apologies, but we are so grateful that you sent us what
you did.)

Last night, the Silicon Valley folks held their Gladiator-themed party,
and we're looking forward to seeing photos from it soon.

But for now, we have one more promotional item for the party - a video
that must have got folks awfully pumped up to have their cash taken
from them at sword-point! And how can you go wrong with comedian Jim

Tags: CCHR, Clear, Edinburgh, Facebook, Fearless Leader, Gladiator, Google,
Jim Meskimen, John Oliver, Keith Code, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, Michael
Chiara, Office of Special Affairs, PAC Base, Psychiatry: Industry of Death,
Quicky, Silicon Valley, Sunday Funnies, Twitter, WhyWeProtest


Another rare Scientology video leaks, and this time we see its long vanished
September 14, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Your proprietor is a bit under the weather, and we're traveling, but we
didn't want to leave you without something to chew on today. Luckily
our source came through again and pointed us in the direction of yet
another Scientology video gem that has previously been unseen outside
of the church.

It's night three of the Maiden Voyage event that took place on
Scientology's private cruise ship, the Freewinds, in June 2006.
Recently, we brought you videos of the first two nights, and explained
how rare it was to get a glimpse of a Maiden Voyage shindig.

Now, we get to see night three, which was dedicated to the
International Association of Scientologists and its campaigns for 2006.
And in this case, it's not just an hour-plus of Captain David Miscavige
droning on and on. To present Scientology's anti-drug and human rights
campaigns, Miscavige brings on a couple of other people to drone on and
on. He has Gail Armstrong handle the drug program, and we'd enjoy
hearing from our insiders what they know about her. But it's the next
person that we're really interested in.

Tags: 1978, 1980, 1988, 1990, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, Church of Scientology
International, Dan Sherman, David Jentzsch, David Miscavige, Freewinds, Gail
Armstrong, Heber Jentzsch, Ideal Narconon, Int Base, International
Association of Scientologists, John Brousseau, Karen de la Carriere, Larry
Hagman, Life Improvement Center, Maiden Voyage, Mike Rinder, Nancy
Cartwright, Ojai, Personality test, Quicky, St. Petersburg, The Hole, Youth
for Human Rights International


Click Here For Commendation
September 14, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The crassness has reached new lows.

"Do" minimally $100 and "CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR COMMENDATION."

Those commendations must really be something.... (you can see my
version above)

Tags: John Oliver, NDA, Quicky


"South Park" 20th Anniversary- How "Shaft" Composer Isaac Hayes Really Left
the Show
September 14, 2016, Roger Friedman, Showbiz 411

What was worse was that he barely knew me. He had appeared in my
documentary, "Only the Strong Survive," released in 2003. We knew each
other very well. I was actually surprised that his Scientology minder,
Christina Kumi Kimball, with whom I had difficult encounters in the
past, let me see him backstage at BB King's. Our meeting was brief, and
Isaac said quietly that he did know me. But the light was out in his
eyes, and the situation was worrisome.

But the general consensus was that he needed the money. Without "Chef,"
Isaac's finances were severely curtailed. He had mouths to feed to home.
Plus, Scientology requires huge amounts of money, as former member,
actor Jason Beghe, has explained in this space. For Isaac to continue
in the sect, he had to come up with funds. Performing was the only way.

Tags: 2006, 2007, Christina Kumi Kimball, Comedy Central, Fox News, Isaac
Hayes, Jason Beghe, John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Matt Stone, Memphis,
Paramount, Roger Ailes, Songwriters Act, South Park, Tom Cruise, Tommy Davis,
Trapped in the Closet, Trey Parker, Viacom


DRONE FLYOVER: Scientology's secret base where David Miscavige keeps wife out
of sight
September 14, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We've written numerous times about Scientology's secretive subsidiary
called the Church of Spiritual Technology. CST has a strange mission -
to build underground vaults where L. Ron Hubbard's writings can be
stored to survive for tens of thousands of years. And CST has a
super-secret headquarters, a small mountain compound east of Los
Angeles near a place called Lake Arrowhead.

If storing Hubbard's words to survive a nuclear holocaust weren't
strange enough, what makes the CST headquarters compound particularly
interesting is that multiple lines of evidence have convinced us that
it's the place where David Miscavige has kept his wife, Shelly, out of
sight for more than a decade.

Now, for the first time, we're getting an overhead video look at the
CST compound, courtesy of the anonymous drone pilot who last week
shared with us his flyovers of the church's international management
base near Hemet, California, called "Int Base" or "Gold Base" by

Tags: 1980, 1986, 1988, 1991, 2012, Amy Scobee, Author Services Inc, Big
Blue, California, Church of Spiritual Technology, Crestline, David Miscavige,
Drone, Dylan Gill, Emily Jones, Galaxy Press, Hemet, Int Base, John Goodwin,
L. Ron Hubbard, Lake Arrowhead, Los Angeles, LRH House, Montana, New Mexico,
PAC Base, Phil Jones, Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Rim of the World,
Rimforest, Sarah Bellin, Sea Org, Shelly Miscavige, The Hole, Twin Peaks,


Narconon false claims lead to action by Consumer Affairs Victoria
September 14, 2016, Hu Flungdung, YouTube

Rehab Inc.

Tags: Consumer Affairs Victoria, Narconon, Quicky


Physically Assaulted by Scientology in Hollywood
September 14, 2016, Steven Mango, YouTube

I was physically assaulted twice in one night on Hollywood Boulevard by
a staff member of the Church of Scientology Testing Center as I was
peacefully protesting the abuse of their organization. The police got
involved and I describe the details on what happened that evening and
what is happening with the case as of late.

For more information and photos regarding this incident, please see
Tony Ortega's blog: http://tonyortega.

Please share this video and inform others about the abuse within
Scientology. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel as well.

Tags: 2012, Assault, Celebrity Centre, Facebook, Hollywood, Hollywood
Boulevard, International Association of Scientologists, Los Angeles, Tony
Ortega, Twitter, Video


Scientology Churches: Open and Welcoming. Not
September 14, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

I was recently in New York, literally across the street from St
Patrick's Cathedral. With 15 minutes to spare, I stopped in for a quick
visit in the middle of a weekday afternoon.

Literally hundreds of people were sitting on the front steps enjoying
the sunshine and doing who knows what. Inside there were probably 500 -
1000 people either sitting in the pews or walking around looking at the
architecture, taking photos and shooting videos. They did a cursory
purse inspection for women with bags (or men with backpacks) at the
door, otherwise access was unfettered and uninhibited. Nobody
approached me for money or to take a course or a personality test. The
people checking the bags were very friendly.

The building is imposing and the architecture and stained glass windows
are impressive. But so was the feeling of peace and openness.

Tags: Google, Life Improvement Center, Merchants of Chaos, New York City,
Personality test, Quicky, Seattle


Scientology Insider Dan Koon - Part 2: Ron Miscavige's book Ruthless
September 14, 2016, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

Dan Koon ghost wrote Ron Miscavige Sr.'s book Ruthless. In this
interview Dan discusses the writing and vetting process of the book and
addresses Marty Rathbun's criticisms of the book. Dan also shares
highlights of his 27 years in the Sea Org. In the forward to his
self-published book What's Wrong with Scientology? Marty Rathbun had
great things to say about Dan Koon:

Tags: Dan Koon, Marty Rathbun, Quicky, Ron Miscavige, Ron Miscavige Sr,
Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me, Sea Org


Answers to Common Scientology Questions
September 14, 2017, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

Scientology has been featured in the news and entertainment media more
than ever before in the last few years and many people have questions
about it. This video is going to answer some of the most common
questions I've seen people asking in a simple and straightforward way
using as little Scientology language as possible. If you want answers,
stay tuned.

Hi, my name is Chris Shelton and I was an active Scientologist for 27
years. For the past three years I've been making YouTube videos about
Scientology, critical thinking and other destructive cults as well. I
also host a weekly Q&A show where I have answered hundreds of different
Scientology-related questions. Over the past few years, Scientology has
been a point of intense interest for a growing number of people who
have come to learn about it from the HBO documentary Going Clear:
Scientology and the Prison of Belief and more recently from Leah
Remini's A&E series Scientology and the Aftermath. In social media
forums, on Twitter, Reddit and on Facebook, I continually see people
asking fairly simple questions about Scientology and I understand why
they don't find the answers using Google. If you aren't already
familiar with the various blogs, websites and chat forums where this
sort of thing is talked about, it can look very confusing to someone
who is newly dipping their toe in the Scientology pool. So the purpose
of this video is to give you straightforward answers to some of the
most commonly asked questions. Of course, these answers are from my onw
knowledge and experience with Scientology and I admit that I am not
unbiased. I experienced a great deal of mental and physical abuse in
Scientology and it's not something that I advocate for or endorse.
There are others who may have other information and experience. I'm not
trying to put myself out there as the be-all-end-all on this subject
but I did get a chance in my life to study and experience a great deal
of Scientology behind the scenes and I try to bring all of that into my

In the description section below on my YouTube channel, I've listed out
each question I'm answering in this video along with the time code link
for where that answer starts. If you want to just see the answer to a
specific question, just use the link to jump to that point in the video.
Alright, let's get started.

Tags: 1948, 1950, 1954, 1967, 1969, 1977, 1980, 1991, 1998, 2005, 2015, A&E,
Amazon, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association,
California, CCHR, Church of Spiritual Technology, Citizens Commission for
Human Rights, Congress, Critic, David Miscavige, Denver, Dianetics, Facebook,
FBI, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, Google, HBO, IRS, IRS
Commissioner, John Oliver, Leah Remini, London, Mental Health, New York,
North Korea, Perth, Quicky, Reddit, Riverside County, Scientology and the
Aftermath, Scientology: A to Xenu, Sea Org, Shelly Miscavige, Tax exempt,
Twitter, Xenu, YouTube


Answers to Common Scientology Questions
September 14, 2017, Chris Shelton, YouTube

With more and more people becoming interested in Scientology and
voicing the same questions over and over again, I have made this video
to address those common questions.

2:42 What is Scientology?

6:08 What is Dianetics?

Tags: Audio, Dianetics, FBI, Quicky, Scientology: A to Xenu, Tax exempt


Human Rights In The Sea Org
September 14, 2017, Peter Nyiri, The Sea Organization


Cockroach: Scn slang derog A person who is attacking Scientology,
especially in a demonstration on the street with signs. More generally
anyone who opposes Scientology. Refers to a "lower lifeform" that is
not "advanced enough" to see the "higher purpose" of Scientology.

Human Rights

Tags: Amazon, Clearwater, Cockroach, Command Intention, Court of Ethics,
Ethics, Facebook, Fair Game, Human trafficking, Knowledge Report, Passport,
Rehabilitation Project Force, Religious Technology Center, Sea Org, Youth for
Human Rights International


Is Ohio's newest legislator a Scientologist? 'I had him on the cans,' says
our man in Cincy
September 14, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Yesterday, a pretty minor political story - the appointment of a
Republican township trustee to an open seat in the state House of of
Representatives - blew up into something more, thanks to the Church of
Scientology and a notorious alt-right figure.

Here's the skinny: A man named George Lang is a trustee of the
60,000-population township of West Chester, north of Cincinnati, and he
was selected on Monday to be the newest member of Ohio's House to
replace another legislator who resigned a few months into her third term.

Earlier, the Butler County Republican Party had recommended Lang as
their choice to fill the seat because he had a track record as an
effective fundraiser.

Tags: 2005, 2012, Andrei Organ, Buddhist, Chris Shelton, Cincinnati,
Dianetics, E-meter, Facebook, Florence, George Lang, Ideal Org, Kentucky,
Kevin Johnson, Life Repair, Miami, Mike Cernovich, Ohio, Pizzagate,
Purification Rundown, Republican, Sacramento


Scientology's Response to Episode 5
September 14, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Time to take a look at the weekly "response" from scientology to The
Aftermath's latest episode.

It is of course as pathetic as all their previous efforts because they
cannot address the FACTS, so they exclusively deal in ad hominem
attacks pursuant to scientology policy.

I will endeavor to bring some semblance of truth to the stream of lies
they put forth about JB and Jackson. Scientology is wearing a trail
into the carpet - everyone is a bad person, they are all "low-level"
nobodies, they all have "confessions" that "prove" they are liars,
cheats and thieves and not a single person was in a position to know
anything ever.

Tags: 2010, Angie Blankenship, Clear, CMO Int, Corpus Christi, David
Miscavige, Freewinds, Gary Morehead, Golden Era Productions, Hemet, John
Brousseau, L. Ron Hubbard, Leah Remini, Los Angeles, Mark Ingber, Marty
Rathbun, Mike Sutter, Mission, New Yorker, North Korea, OT, Paul Kellerhaus,
Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Riverside County Sheriff, Sea Org, Tampa
Bay Times, Texas, Tom Cruise, Tommy Davis, Tony Ortega, Warren McShane,
Wendell Reynolds


Auckland rate-payers funding controversial Scientology Church tours
September 14, 2018, Melissa Davies, MSN News

The Church of Scientology is opening its doors as part of a heritage
festival, but an ex-member fears there's an agenda behind the gesture.

The Church is one of many buildings involved in the Auckland Council
heritage festival from the end of this month.

Ex-scientologist Glenda Smith used to do a PR for the Church and says
it's part of a plan to counter the perception of secretive practices
and allegations of international human rights abuses, which the church

"Opening their doors to the public like this for the heritage festival
is an agenda to gain public acceptability," Ms Smith says.

Tags: Auckland, Auckland Org, Glenda Smith, New Zealand, Shilpa Bavisha, Tom


Jesse Prince, witness to Scientology's ugliest behavior, spills it all in new
September 14, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

About halfway through Jesse Prince's book, The Expert Witness: My Life
at the Top of Scientology, it suddenly dawned on us why we were
enjoying it so much - this, we realized, was the book Marty Rathbun
should have written years ago.

In 2013, Rathbun, who was once the second-highest ranking official in
Scientology and was known as David Miscavige's scary enforcer,
published a book he called Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior. In that
book, Rathbun described his efforts in the 1980s as part of the
"All-Clear Program," which worked to clear away the legal problems
keeping Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard from emerging from seclusion.

The problem, as we saw it, was that thirty years later Rathbun still
saw himself as the hero of that narrative. His book tried to convince
readers that he and others were doing righteous work as they tried to
destroy Scientology's enemies.

Tags: 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2013, 2016,
Advanced Ability Center, Anne Archer, Australia, Beck Hansen, Boston,
California, Catherine Bell, Clear, Copenhagen, Dallas, David Mayo, David
Miscavige, Facebook, Fair Game, Florida, Fort Harrison, Guardian's Office,
Ideal Org, Jesse Prince, Jon Zegel, Lawrence Wright, Leah Remini, Lisa
McPherson, Lisa McPherson Trust, Marc Yager, Marty Rathbun, Memoirs of a
Scientology Warrior, Mike Rinder, Office of Special Affairs, Oregon, Pat
Broeker, Portland, Quicky, Ray Mithoff, Robert Minton, Robin Scott, San
Diego, Santa Barbara, Scientology and the Aftermath, Scotland, Sea Org, Steve
Pfauth, Sydney, The Expert Witness


Regraded Being
September 14, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


September 14, 2018, rick danger, YouTube

Vulture Ministers prepare to exploit Hurricane Florence

Tags: Hurricane Florence, Quicky, Volunteer Ministers, Vulture


Andrew Scheer on defensive as Liberals raise questions about Justina McCaffrey
September 14, 2019, Mia Rabson, Canadian Press, CTV News

KANATA, Ont. -- Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer was left to defend
another of his would-be MPs on Saturday after two Liberal cabinet
ministers posted a video they argued shows the star candidate has a
close friendship with a far-right political activist banned from
Facebook for spreading hate.

Justina McCaffrey, a well-known Ottawa wedding dress designer,
introduced Scheer outside her suburban campaign office and hugged him
as he stepped off his tour bus with his family in tow.

But before the event was over, McCaffrey jumped into a car and refused
to answer questions from reporters. Her campaign barbecue continued
with Scheer posing for selfies and shaking hands with supporters
despite her absence.

Tags: 2013, 2016, 2017, Andrew Scheer, Anti-semitism, Charlottesville,
Conservative Party of Canada, DougWiki, Facebook, Faith Goldy, Ghada Melek,
Hassan Guillet, Israel, Justin Trudeau, Justina McCaffrey, Maryam Monsef,
Melanie Joly, Mississauga-Streetsville, Montreal, Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec,
Sun News Network, Toronto, Twitter, Winnipeg


Andrew Scheer Plays Beer Pong & Burns Professors In Newest Ad Campaign
September 14, 2019, Lisa Belmonte, Narcity

There's been yet another surge of backlash against the federal
Conservatives. The Conservatives are coming after university professors
for their opposed left-wing beliefs in new posters being handed out to
university students. Andrew Scheer's left-wing volunteer posters were
meant to be funny but it missed the mark with most Canadians.
Especially when the poster features a photo of Scheer playing beer pong.

The Conservative Party has been handing out flyers to students on at
least one university campus in Toronto this week. The handouts read:
"Because you can only hear the same left wing talking points from your
professors so many times."

Scheer denies that this was an attack against professors or an attempt
to regulate who universities can or can't hire.

Tags: Academic, Andrew Scheer, Canada, Conservative Party of Canada, CTV
News, DougWiki, Toronto, Twitter


Andrew Scheer's newest problem: old video of Faith Goldy lavishly praising
Justina McCaffrey
September 14, 2019, Charlie Smith, Georgia Straight

If you don't know any of the names in the headline above, let me offer
a quick synopsis.

Andrew Scheer is leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. He hopes
to become prime minister after the October 21 election.

Faith Goldy is a far-right media commentator, failed candidate for
mayor of Toronto, and a person who's been banned from Facebook for
allegedly spreading hate.

Goldy managed to get fired from Ezra Levant's Rebel Media after
appearing on a podcast on the Nazi-sympathizing website, the Daily

And according to an old video that recently surfaced, Goldy's good
friend is Justina McCaffrey. She's a well-known wedding-dress designer
and the Conservative candidate in Kanata-Carleton.

Tags: 2013, Andrew Scheer, Cameron Ogilvie, Canada, CBC, Conservative Party
of Canada, Daily Stormer, DougWiki, Ezra Levant, Facebook, Faith Goldy,
Federal election, Justina McCaffrey, Kanata-Carleton, Manitoba, Muslim, Rebel
Media, Toronto


Canada Election 2019: Why Doug Ford doesn't want Andrew Scheer to win
September 14, 2019, Enzo DiMatteo, Now Magazine

Scheer was campaigning in Ford's backyard in Etobicoke yesterday and
there was no sign of the premier. The scene was repeated at Scheer's
next campaign stop in Brampton, where Ford turned the tide for the PCs
during the 2018 provincial election.

Ford is already messing with Scheer's chances in a big way in Ontario.
The chaos of cuts he's unleashed on the province has seen to that.

Until Doug started slashing with reckless abandon, Scheer was ahead of
Justin Trudeau in Ontario. Now he's behind, by how much depends on
which polls you believe.

Tags: 2018, Andrew Scheer, Brad Blair, Brampton, Canada, DoesWiki, Doug Ford,
Etobicoke, Federal election, Justin Trudeau, Ontario, Ontario Provincial
Police, Patrick Brown, Ron Taverner, Toronto


Did Maxime Bernier just fire a People's Party of Canada candidate to assist a
Conservative anti-abortionist?
September 14, 2019, Charlie Smith, Georgia Straight

Even though Brian Misera's candidacy with the People's Party of Canada
has been revoked, he's still saying positive things about his party.

"I just want to state for the record that the PPC attracts by and large
great people who love Canada," the party's former standard bearer in
Coquitlam?Port Coquitlam tweeted. "It was so nice to not be judged as a
white male, but accepted as a proud Canadian.

"Don't believe me?" he continued. "Go meet your candidates and speak
with them."

Misera was bounced after asking People's Party of Canada Leader Maxime
Bernier to disassociate the party from far-right groups.

Tags: 2005, 2011, 2015, 2017, Abortion, Alissa Golob, Amnesty International,
Andrew Scheer, Anti-abortion, Brian Misera, Canada, Catholic, Christian,
Coquitlam, DougWiki, Facebook, Green Party, Harper government, James Moore,
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, Maxime Bernier, Michelle Rempel, Nelly Shin, New
Democratic Party, Nicholas Insley, Ontario, Oxford, People's Party of Canada,
Quebec, Rebel Media, RightNow, SNC Lavalin, Stephen Harper, Transphobia,


Liberals trying to distract by tweeting 2013 video of candidate with Faith
Goldy: Scheer
September 14, 2019, Mia Rabson, Canadian Press, Global News

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer was left to defend another of his
would-be MPs on Saturday after two Liberal cabinet ministers posted a
video they argued shows the star candidate has a close friendship with
a far-right political activist banned from Facebook for spreading hate.

Justina McCaffrey, a well-known Ottawa wedding dress designer,
introduced Scheer outside her suburban campaign office and hugged him
as he stepped off his tour bus with his family in tow.

But before the event was over, McCaffrey jumped into a car and refused
to answer questions from reporters. Her campaign barbecue continued
with Scheer posing for selfies and shaking hands with supporters
despite her absence.

Tags: 2013, 2016, 2017, Abortion, Andrew Scheer, Anti-semitism, Canada,
Charlottesville, Conservative Party of Canada, DougWiki, Facebook, Faith
Goldy, Ghada Melek, Hassan Guillet, Israel, Justin Trudeau, Justina
McCaffrey, Maryam Monsef, Melanie Joly, Mississauga-Streetsville, Montreal,
Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec, Rebel Media, Sun News Network, Toronto, Twitter,


Mark 'Wise Beard Man' Bunker: His Scientology-protesting past and political
September 14, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

When we asked readers for their favorite moment of the third season of
Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, the overwhelming winner was
Mark Bunker's hilarious and frightening stroll to a Clearwater Park
when he, Leah, and Mike Rinder were swarmed by Clearwater police.

Apparently there's nothing that strikes fear in the Church of
Scientology like these three walking around free in downtown
Clearwater, and it was really something to see the local police jumping
at Scientology's beck and call, acting like Bunker's presence in a
public park was worthy of a four-car response.

Well, as funny and instructive as that moment was, it's helped launch
Bunker on his newest venture, running for Clearwater's city council.
Chris Shelton interviewed him in a lengthy video we have for you today,
asking Bunker about his past with the Lisa McPherson Trust and his
reasons for wanting to be elected in Scientology's spiritual mecca.

Tags: 1955, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, Australia, Ayn Rand, Brendan
Tighe, Canada, Chris Shelton, Clay Irwin, Clearwater, Clearwater Police
Department, David Miscavige, Estates Project Force, Europe, Flag Land Base,
Hollywood Guaranty Building, Int Base, Leah Remini, Lisa McPherson Trust, Los
Angeles, Lucky Anchor, Mark Bunker, Mike Rinder, Paul Burkhart, Peter Nyiri,
Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Scientology and the Aftermath, Sea Org,
UK, Wise Beard Man


Poster Vilifying 'Left Wing' Profs Meant To Be Funny, Scheer Says
September 14, 2019, Mia Rabson, Canadian Press, Huffington Post

He said when he was at school he remembers campus Conservative clubs
running club recruitment drives saying people should join up to "annoy
your professor."

But the poster was not amusing to David Robinson, executive director of
the Canadian Association of University Teachers, who called it a "very
misplaced and mistaken view" of campuses and said it does a disservice
to schools and professors.

"There's a Conservative message going out that somehow colleges and
university are these indoctrination centres, that they're more like
campuses in Paris in 1968 than they are currently," said Robinson.
"They are diverse, certainly schools of business and economics are not
overrun by left-wing thinkers or liberal leftists."

Tags: 1968, 2007, 2017, 2018, Abortion, Alberta, Andrew Scheer, Campus
recruitment, Canadian Association of University Teachers, Canadian Press,
Climate change, Dalton McGuinty, David Robinson, Doug Ford, DougWiki,
Etobicoke, Jason Kenney, Justin Trudeau, Kathleen Wynne, Michael Conlon,
Mississauga, Ontario, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty
Associations, Paris, Toronto


Sensibly Speaking Podcast #210: Mark Bunker Takes on Clearwater Scientology
September 14, 2019, Chris Shelton, YouTube

This week I am joined by Wise Beard Man himself, Mark Bunker, to
discuss his bid for Clearwater's city council as well as his history
with Scientology including his days with the Lisa McPherson Trust.

#MarkBunker #Scientology #ChrisShelton

The Great Courses Plus link:

Tags: AMA, Audio, CIA, Clearwater, Lisa McPherson Trust, Mark Bunker, OT,
Patreon, PayPal, Quicky, Scientology: A to Xenu, Wise Beard Man


St Hill is booming I tell you, booming
September 14, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Here is some new hype from the original St Hill (and now home to the
infamous IAS "Eunuch Man" statue):

Dear Xxxxxx,

I wanted to inform you of the great expansion that is happening at
Saint Hill right now.

Tags: Birmingham, Clear, Dublin, Facebook, International Association of
Scientologists, London, OT, OT III, OT VII, Quicky, Saint Hill, Sea Org, Solo
NOTs, Twitter


Tory candidate Scheer defended deemed 'extremely controversial and
problematic' in 2016 vetting report
September 14, 2019, Rachel Aiello, CTV News

OTTAWA - A candidate running for Andrew Scheer's Conservatives was
deemed by the party's provincial counterpart to be "extremely
controversial and problematic" and accused of promoting online
conspiracy theories, according to a past vetting report obtained by CTV

Ghada Melek, the federal candidate for Mississauga-Streetsville -- who
Scheer has attended events with and spent part his first week of the
election campaign defending -- was given a "strict red light"
recommendation in 2016 when she was looking to run for the Ontario
Progressive Conservatives.

"This recommendation is a strict red light. There are many
anti-gay/LGBT and even sterilization posts that make this candidate
extremely controversial and problematic," said an email attached to the
2016 vetting report and sent to the Ontario PC party leadership.

Tags: 2016, 2018, Abortion, Andrew Scheer, Canada, Catholic, Christian,
Conservative Party of Canada, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Egypt, Federal election,
Ghada Melek, LGBTQ, Mississauga-Streetsville, National Council of Canadian
Muslims, Ontario, Patrick Brown, Progressive Conservative, Twitter


Today in Scientlology web page:
September 14 in Scientlology web page:
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