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Today in Scientology -- October 23rd **************************

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Scientology Today

Oct 23, 2015, 1:36:36 PM10/23/15
Today October 23rd in Scientology history

The Snake in the Mailbox
October 23, 1978, TIME Magazine,9171,946091,00.html

Attorney Paul Morantz unlocked the door of his house in Los Angeles
last week and put his left hand into the mailbox. "I felt a sharp pain,
and then it felt as though my hand was in a vise," he recalls. When he
pulled his hand back, he brought with it a 4?-ft. diamondback
rattlesnake, its fangs buried near his left thumb. He managed to shake
off the snake and ran screaming to a neighbor, who applied a tourniquet
that saved Morantz from almost certain death. Fire department
paramedics chopped off the snake's head with a shovel, and discovered
that the rattles had been removed so that the snake could attack
without warning.

Tags: Charles Dederich, Dan Garrett, Jack Hurst, Joseph Musico, Lance Kenton,
Patricia Lynch, Paul Morantz, Rattlesnake, Synanon


Scientology loses bid to halt book
October 23, 1987, St. Petersburg Times

The Church of Scientology lost a bid Thursday in a British court to ban
a biography of its founder, the late science fiction author L. Ron
Hubbard. The secretive religious movement, which has a headquarters in
Clearwater, had asked the Court of Appeal for an injunction against
publication of Bare Faced Messiah by London journalist Russell Miller.
Such a ruling would have reversed a High Court decision dismissing
their application as "mischievous and misconceived."

Tags: Bare-Faced Messiah, Russell Miller, UK


Devotees mix with doubters at Scientology ceremony
October 23, 2006, Terry Kirby, The Independent

There cannot have been many such occasions when Chief Superintendent
Hurley has been greeted with such enthusiastic whooping from an
audience, his image simultaneously magnified on huge screens.

Under massive red banners hanging from the front of the building and
proclaiming DIANETICS - the underlying creed of the church - and
SCIENTOLOGY, the officer was wildly applauded when he praised the
"positive" work of its members in their anti-drugs work and their
assistance in the wake of last year's 7 July bombings.

Tags: Aftikhar Ayaz, Ian Luder, John Ritson, Kevin Hurley, UK


Let it rain: Scientology glitterati join followers to launch ?24m centre in
heart of the City
October 23, 2006, Sandra Laville, Special reports, The Guardian,,1928956,00.html

For two hours yesterday Hollywood glitz supplanted British mundanity on
the streets of London as the most senior figures within the movement
joined 5,000 members from all over the world for the opening of their
?24m "church" in the heart of the Square Mile.

Tags: Anne Archer, David Miscavige, Jenna Elfman, Kevin Hurley, UK


Battling Scientology
October 23, 2008, Chris Faraone, The Phoenix

In a world wracked with uncertainty, there is at least one thing you
can bet on: pick a fight with the Church of Scientology (CoS), and its
leaders will fight back -- always with vigor, often with a vengeance,
and sometimes with litigation that can be long and costly.

Tags: Anonymous, Boston, Gregg Housh


Isaac Hayes Leaves Nothing for Scientology
October 23, 2008, Roger Friedman, Celebrity Gossip, Fox News,2933,443714,00.html

The last will and testament of the late superstar Isaac Hayes's is
being probated right now. And guess what? Hayes left nothing to the
Church of Scientology.

This news must sting something awful, as numerous well-known
Scientologists attended not one but maybe four different funerals and
memorial services for Hayes in August after he died.

Tags: Isaac Hayes, Kelly Preston


Church of Scientology defied coroner on suicide
October 23, 2009, Sarah Elks, The Australian

THE Church of Scientology refused to provide records demanded by a
coroner investigating the death of a soldier who committed suicide two
days after finishing one of the church's intensive courses.

It emerged yesterday that the American headquarters of the church
instructed its Australian branch to send the soldier's "audit file" to
the US -- which is outside the coroner's jurisdiction -- before
warrants were issued.

Edward Alexander McBride was found electrocuted and hanged at an
Energex substation at Everton Park, in Brisbane, on February 7, 2007.
The soldier, who was based at Brisbane's Enoggera Barracks, was on
leave from the army at the time and had been doing Scientology courses
almost full-time for about a month.

Tags: Australia, Edward McBride, John Lock, PC folders, Suicide, Vicki Dunstan


Closing Arguments: Scientology's Tax-Exempt Status
October 23, 2009, Nightline, ABC News

Over two days, we've examined allegations against the leader of the
Scientology church; the relationship between the church and its
celebrity members; and a belief system many critics consider bizarre.

The church vehemently denies any wrongdoing -- and defends itself as a

So tonight we ask: Should Scientology continue to enjoy tax exempt
status as an organized religion?

Tags: Taxes


Former Scientologists Level Accusations
October 23, 2009, Martin Bashir, ABC News

Some call it a manipulative cult. Others say it's a well-established
religion that helps people reach their potential.

Since its inception in the 1950s, the Church of Scientology has rarely
been far from controversy. And now the Church is under attack again.
Former senior insiders claim the Church's current leader, David
Miscavige, has created and encouraged a climate of violence within
senior staff and was frequently violent himself.

Tags: Amy Scobee, Bruce Hines, David Miscavige, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder,
Rehabilitation Project Force, Sea Org, Ted Koppel, Tom DeVocht, Tommy Davis


Casablanca Tejas, population 4
October 23, 2010, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

After watching Clint Eastwood's latest masterpiece Hereafter last night
I was inspired to open a new forum. I highly recommend Hereafter to
every Scientologist. There are many parallels in the experience of the
protagonist (Matt Damon) to Scientologists and other spiritualists who
perceive and act in the theta universe. The built-in prejudice and
violent denial reaction to matters spiritual in this civilization was
well portrayed. Doesn't exist? Then, why were Mosey and I surveilled
during the movie and all the way home? Contemplating the absurdity of
such expensive spying at such an innocuous event, made me recognize
that ultimately, this is why Miscavige spends millions in attempts to
thwart us. It is our recognition of the theta universe, our agreement
to not invalidate perception of it, and our use of Scientology to make
it more real and permanent.

Hereafter illustrates how lonely and desperate life can become for
those who recognize the spiritual in an environment that willfully
remains ignorant of it. It prompted me to realize the corporate
church's war has had its toll. When I am doing what I do for a living,
counsel Scientologists with Scientology, and I am in communication with
those people to whom I apply Scientology, magical things happen quite
routinely between us. Telepathic communications, effortless postulate
realization, premonitions of great accuracy, the power of ARC over
great distances, you name it. At bottom I attribute it to validation
through recognition of theta and the theta universe as transcendent to
the physical universe.

Most importantly, the movie artistically represented how as-isness
occurs when a person seemingly alone with what the non-spiritually
inclined write off as ethereal, nutty ideas unites with one or more
others who see what he sees.

Tags: David Miscavige, Mexico, Quicky, Texas


Corporate Scientology Targets South Park
October 23, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Stone and Parker - Targets of Corporate Scientology

The following internal Corporate Scientology memorandum is being
published as part of a series that exposes the standard operating
pattern and methodologies of the Office of Special Affairs (OSA ? the
harassment and terror network of Corporate Scientology). Hubbard once
noted the truism that that which one knows the technology of he cannot
be the adverse effect of. So it behooves those who have decided to
expose and reform the beast to know a little about the tactics it
employs to combat such efforts.

To this day OSA operates mainly on Cold War era intelligence and
propaganda techniques much like those of the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, and
STASI of the fifties and sixties. Their main activity entails stifling
criticism by an escalating gradient of techniques beginning with quiet
investigation and moving up to infiltration, identification of and use
of influential friends and contacts of the target, loud investigation,
threats, attempts to harm the target financially, intense propaganda to
discredit and ultimately, if all else fails, utter destruction of the
target through overt harassment. While in this age of information many
OSA operations result in epic failures, the well-heeled - if desperate
- cult continues to muzzle many a would-be reformer and news agency.

Tags: 1991, 2000, 2003, 2006, Author Services Inc, Catholic, Christian, CIA,
Comedy Central, David Goodman, DC, Eric Sherman, FBI, Gawker, HBO, Huffington
Post, Jesus, John Stamos, Lloyd Kaufman, Matt Stone, Matthew Prager, Office
of Special Affairs, Quicky, Rebecca Romijn, South Park, Trey Parker, TV
Guide, Village Voice, Yahoo News


Did the Scientology Police Investigate South Park's Creators?
October 23, 2011, Lauri Apple, Gawker

Apparently so: Ex-Scientologist Marty Rathbun has posted on his website
the contents of a Scientology-penned document discussing an
investigation into the private lives of South Park creators Matt Stone
and Trey Parker conducted back in 2006-not long after the controversial
Scientology-mocking SP episode "Trapped in the Closet" appeared on the
teevee. The Scientological spy memo-brought to our attention by the
Village Voice-is just "one of a trove" of docs that Rathbun plans to
reveal about the investigation, which involved rooting through Stone
and Parker's garbage (scary), using public records to turn up info on
John "America's Uncle" Stamos and other friends (creepy), and deploying
Tom Cruise to break into their homes, jump up and down on their
couches, and shake loose all of the deep, dark secrets stuck between
the cushions (terrifying). [Village Voice, Marty Rathbun's Website.
Image via AP]

Tags: Marty Rathbun, Matt Stone, South Park, Trey Parker


Scientology Targeted South Park's Parker and Stone in Investigation (UPDATED)
October 23, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

"These connections are being PRC'd," reads the document, and Rathbun
explains that the acronym stands for "public records check."
Scientology's standard procedure would be to put its private eyes on a
complete check of these people and their property, legal, and other
public records. If they owed taxes, or had been in messy divorces, or
had been arrested, Scientology would soon know about it.

"There are some strings that will be pulled on the PRC on Stone," the
document reads, suggesting that investigators had already found
something about Matt Stone in public records that would make him

Tags: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, David Goodman, David Miscavige, Eric Sherman,
John Stamos, Lloyd Kaufman, Mark Ebner, Marty Rathbun, Matt Stone, Matthew
Prager, Office of Special Affairs, Public records check, Rebecca Romijn,
South Park, Texas, Trey Parker


British Newspaper The Sun Sneaks Reporter into Scientology Annual Gala!
October 23, 2012, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We have to hand it to reporter Amy Jones of The Sun - she really punked
Scientology leader David Miscavige and his obsession with security.

Late Monday night, the British newspaper published Jones's account of
walking into Scientology's big annual gala which takes place in the UK
each October to celebrate the International Association of
Scientologists. The big IAS party is one of half a dozen major events
put on by the church at different places around the world, and they all
feature Miscavige on stage, feeding thousands of followers a lot of
hard-to-believe assertions about Scientology's expansion around the

We've reported on leaked videos of past IAS and other events. But for
her story, Jones managed to get inside and watch this IAS party while
it was going on, and was never challenged by Scientology's legendarily
tight security.

Tags: Chill EB, David Miscavige, International Association of Scientologists,
Quicky, Sea Org, The Sun, UK


Narconon Arrowhead gives presentation at local school
October 23, 2012, Jeanne LeFlore, McAlester News-Capital

Narconon Arrowhead representatives gave a Red Ribbon Week presentation
to students Canadian High School on Monday and are hoping to give a
presentation at the McAlester Boys and Girls Club this week, according
John Bitinas, public relations spokesman for Narconon Arrowhead.

Tags: Bud Rattan, John Bitinas, Narconon, Narconon Arrowhead, Niko Bain,


Robillards Declare Independence
October 23, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher


My name is Pierre Robillard, and I've been a scientologist since

1968. I was on staff from 1969-1993, with the exception of three years

Tags: 1963, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983,
1984, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1998, Basics, Boston,
Chairman of the Board, Clear, DEA, Debbie Cook, England, Fire, Hubbard
Communication Office Bulletin, Ideal Org, International Association of
Scientologists, Kitchener, L. Ron Hubbard, London, Mission, Montreal,
Narconon, Office of Special Affairs, OT, OT V, Pat Broeker, Potential Trouble
Source, Quebec, Quicky, Saint Hill, Sea Org, SEC, Sec Check, Toronto


LIVE FROM LOS ANGELES: Summary Judgment Hearing in DeCrescenzo Forced-
Abortion Lawsuit
October 23, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We're in Los Angeles this morning for a crucial hearing in Laura
DeCrescenzo's lawsuit against the Church of Scientology. DeCrescenzo is
suing over the abuse she says she suffered while a member of
Scientology's "Sea Org," including, she alleges, being forced to have
an abortion by the church at 17.

The hearing comes less than two weeks after DeCrescenzo filed explosive
new evidence gleaned from thousands of pages of documents that
Scientology was forced to turn over after the church appealed all the
way to Supreme Court to try and keep the material hidden. Please see
our story about the contents of those files, which describe Laura's
struggles as a homesick 12-year-old working 98-hour weeks for pennies
an hour.

There were also documents which bolstered Laura's assertion that the
church knew that she had not wanted an abortion when she found out she
was pregnant in February 1996. She was told by supervising Sea Org
officials that she needed to do what was best for "the greatest good
for the greatest number of dynamics," and she felt pressured to
terminate the pregnancy.

Tags: 1996, 2004, 2008, 2009, Abortion, David Miscavige, Judge Ronald
Sohigian, Laura DeCrescenzo, Lawsuit, Leah Remini, London, Los Angeles,
Monique Rathbun, New York, Quicky, Sea Org, Sydney, Tommy Davis


Status, Status and More Status
October 23, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

They are at it again. MEGA status is the latest term to enter the
Scientology dictionary - you know the dictionaries that Voldemort
announced in 2001 (or maybe before?) that are STILL not complete and

This now joins the other coined terms of late in the world of the RCS:

Humanitarian - someone who went into debt to give money to buy MEST for
those not in need

Tags: 2001, Basics, Claire Taylor, Command Intention, David Miscavige,
Humanitarian, International Association of Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard,
OT, Platinum Meritorious, Quicky, Sea Org, Super Power Building


Drug rehab centre based on teachings of scientology to open in Heathfield
October 23, 2014, Kent and Sussex Courier

A DRUG rehabilitation group offering counselling based on the
controversial teachings of the Church of Scientology is to move its UK
base to Heathfield.

Narconon, which up until now has operated mainly out of the United
States, promotes the theories of Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard and
has been widelycriticised by mainstream medicine.

Tags: Heathfield, Narconon, Narconon UK, Sheila MacLean, UK


L. Ron Hubbard explains to a friend the real reason he wrote 'Dianetics'
October 23, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Forrest Ackerman In Russell Miller's 1987 book Bare-Faced Messiah - the
best book ever written about Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard -
there's a letter that Hubbard wrote to his friend Forrest Ackerman that
Miller mentions briefly.

It was only recently, however, that we looked at the entire letter and
realized how much Miller had left out of his book about it. In some
ways, the 1949 letter is one of the most remarkable windows into what
kind of a man Hubbard was, and we're surprised it isn't quoted more

In early 1949, Hubbard was working on what would become in May of 1950
his book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. He would
eventually get a lot of support on that project from his friends in
science fiction, including John W. Campbell, editor of Astounding
Science Fiction, who published a version of the material, "Dianetics:
The Evolution of a Science" in Astounding's May 1950 edition.

Tags: 1949, 1950, 1961, 1980, 1987, Aberree, Arthur Burks, Astounding Science
Fiction, Audio, Bare-Faced Messiah, Catholic, Dianetics, Excalibur, Forrest
Ackerman, Georgia, Gerry Armstrong, Humanitarian, John W. Campbell, L. Ron
Hubbard, Omar Garrison, Russell Miller, Sara Northrup


Moving Casey Kasem from a home to a hospital worsened his condition, doctor
October 23, 2014, John Schreiber, My News LA

A doctor who cared for Casey Kasem during his final days in Washington
state believes moving the radio icon from a home to a hospital, where
he died June 15, only made his condition worse, court papers show.

Dr. Donald Sharman said in a letter prepared on behalf of Kasem's widow
that her husband would have been better off returning home to
Silverdale, Wash., rather than being kept at St. Anthony Hospital in
Gig Harbor.

Tags: Casey Kasem, Donald Sharman, Jean Kasem, Judge Daniel Murphy, Judge
Lesley Green, Kerri Kasem, Samuel Ingham


Scientology wants Mike Rinder's affidavit struck from the record
October 23, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

A week ago, we told you that in their fraud lawsuit, Luis and Rocio
Garcia had filed an affidavit by former Scientology spokesman Mike
Rinder to convince Tampa federal Judge James A. Whittemore that the
church's internal arbitration rules were a sham.

It turns out Scientology wasn't very happy about that.

The church has filed a motion to strike Rinder's affidavit, and they're
referring back to an earlier attempt by Scientology to have the
attorneys for the Garcias disqualified. Although rare in most
litigation, for Scientology it's a standard part of its playbook - to
try and get a plaintiff's attorneys disqualified by making various
allegations about breached confidentiality or other supposed ethical

Tags: Garcia v. Scientology, Judge James Whittemore, Luis and Rocio Garcia,
Mike Rinder, Rocio Garcia, Tampa, Ted Babbitt


The Core of Scientology is Its Malicious System of Sham Contracts
October 23, 2014, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

As reported by Tony Ortega, the Church of Scientology has moved to
strike the affidavit of Mike Rinder in the Garcia case.

Essentially, the Church of Scientology wants to prevent the Garcia's
from using Rinder's specific knowledge that Scientology created sham
legal documents designed to deter and defeat refund requests from
Scientologists who request refunds.

As we noted in our earlier blog entry, the entire purpose of
Scientology contracts is to legally cripple its own members:

Tags: Church of Scientology International, Church of Spiritual Technology,
David Miscavige, IRS, Legal, Mike Rinder, Quicky, Refund, Religious
Technology Center, Scientology lawyer, Sea Org, Tony Ortega, Xenu


Thursday Funnies - Deep Fried Kool Aid
October 23, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

IAS Feedback

They are pulling out all the stops to try and convince people to show
up to the local re-airings of the decidedly underwhelming earth shaking
IAS 30th Anniversary event.

But they are REALLY out of touch with their public. A "testimonial"
from a medic at the tent or "local shop owner" isn't going to convince
a member of the IAS to show up. And I guarantee that if anyone who is
NOT a member shows up, they will not be allowed into this event for
fear that they are really a bitter defrocked apostate in disguise sent
from the fringes of the internet.

Tags: 2000, Australia, Brandy Harrison, Columbus, David Miscavige, Ideal Org,
International Association of Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard, Mission,
Mississippi, Mountain View, OT, Peter Schless, Quicky, Regraded Being,
Religious Technology Center, Rena Weinberg, Silicon Valley, Thursday Funnies


Regraded Being
October 23, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


The technology of 'ruining' people: Jefferson Hawkins on Scientology's
opening pitch
October 23, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Jefferson Hawkins was once the top marketing executive for the Church
of Scientology and helped it reach its greatest extent with the famous
"volcano" TV ads in the 1980s. He's told his tale of getting into and
out of the church with his excellent books Counterfeit Dreams and
Leaving Scientology, and he's previous written a series about
Scientology "ethics" for the Underground Bunker.

This is the first of what I hope to be a series of articles on
Scientology's marketing, advertising and recruitment techniques. As
most people know, I was a key player for many years in Scientology's
marketing and advertising efforts. My hope is that by unpacking some of
Scientology's recruitment techniques, I can give a peek "behind the
curtain" and help lessen their effectiveness.

Scientology is essentially about manipulation, and that begins right at
street level, with "finding a ruin." When I was a Scientologist, I
heard some of the top Scientology disseminators routinely refer to this
step as "ruining" a person. That's right, they would actually talk
about "ruining" people.

Tags: 1950, 1952, 1959, 1965, 1980, 2008, Bridge to Total Freedom,
Counterfeit Dreams, Dianetics, Jefferson Hawkins, Kaja Ballo, Leaving
Scientology, Personality Test, Quicky, Ruin, Stress Test


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