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Today in Scientology -- November 14th ****************************

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Scientology Today

Nov 14, 2015, 1:07:56 PM11/14/15
Today November 14th in Scientology history

On Scientology
November 14, 1997, John H. Zane, Letters to the Editor, International Herald Tribune

As an American lawyer living in Frankfurt, I cannot help but feel
ashamed. How can the U.S. government criticize Germany for regarding
Scientology as a business and not a as tax-exempt religion, a legal
ruling the United States held for 25 years? Could it really be possible
under U.S. immigration law that, by the mere act of not being given
tax-exempt status, German Scientologists would be allowed to seek
asylum in the United States for religious persecution? Above all, why
must Germany subscribe to the same religious definitions as the United


Church of Scientology charged in member's death
November 14, 1998, CNN

The Church of Scientology was charged by Florida prosecutors Friday in
the death of a member.

The State Attorney's office in Pinellas County filed the felony charges
after a lengthy investigation into the 1995 death of Lisa McPherson.


Hubbard's teachings guide treatment of mental illness
November 14, 1998, Thomas C. Tobin, Scientology Charged, St. Petersburg Times

The Scientologists who watched her for the next 17 days relied on the
teachings of their late founder, L. Ron Hubbard, who scorned psychiatry
and wrote that any apprentice of his mental health practices "knows
more and can do more about the mind than any psychiatrist."

Tags: Lisa McPherson, PTS


McPherson's death incites Web protests
November 14, 1998, Lucy Morgan, Scientology Charged, St. Petersburg Times

Scientology critics from Copenhagen to San Francisco walk the streets
carrying signs that question the Dec. 5, 1995, death of McPherson in
Clearwater. Some of those critics will be in Clearwater on the
anniversary of her death again this year to picket Scientology buildings.

Tags: Catarina Pamnell, Deana Holmes, Keith Henson, Lisa McPherson


Scientology charged in member's death
November 14, 1998, Thomas C. Tobin, Scientology Charged, St. Petersburg Times

The Church of Scientology in Clearwater has been charged with criminal
neglect and practicing medicine without a license in the 1995 death of
Lisa McPherson, the mentally disturbed Scientologist who turned to
outsiders for help before church officials intervened and placed her
under their care.

Tags: Alain Kartuzinski, Canada, David Minkoff, Greece, Janis Johnson, Lisa
McPherson, Mike Rinder, Sid Klein, Toronto


Foreclosure Investigation
November 14, 2007, Inside Edition

Just when she was about to give up hope, Quick received a card in the
mail from a company in Clearwater, Florida called "Foreclosure
Assistance Solutions" or "F.A.S." The card read, "We can help you get
caught up even if you do not have all the money your mortgage company
is demanding." "Call now even if you think it's too late! We can help!"
Desperate, Quick called the company.

She says a salesperson for F.A.S. told her she would have to pay them a
$1,500 dollar service fee upfront, which Quick paid with a credit card.

Tags: Aaron Frank, Foreclosure Assistance Solutions, Herb Zerden, Holly
Quick, Marc Dann


Scientology Church Takes on Carytown
November 14, 2007, Chris Dovi, Street Talk, Style Weekly

Attention Richmond, the mother ship is landing -- assuming it doesn't
get shot down by city building inspectors.

Tags: Real estate, Sylvia Stanard


Wholesale Violations of Priest-Penitent Privilege
November 14, 2010, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Since the the days of the Guardian's Office (sixties) it has been
Standard Operating Procedure for the Guardian's Office and its
successor the Office of Special Affairs to use Ethics files and
Pre-Clear folders to attack current and former members of the church of
Scientology. It is very difficult to prove since the church will not
produce those files so that someone may demonstrate where the church
obtained the information they attacked an individual with. Even if it
requires sufferring the most severe financial sanctions, the church
will not produce the files.

One way the church has gotten away with this institionalized invasion
of privacy and privilege violation for decades is by walking a tricky
little, black cat tight rope walk on the issue of Ethics files. They
have been able to successfully argue that Ethics files do not
constitute Pre-Clear files and thus aren't protected by the privilege
when called out on using confessional material against people. They go
so far as to transfer material from auditing files to ethics files in
order to cover their tracks.

Well, David Miscavige's latest Golden Boy, the Church of Scientology
International's International spokesperson, may have just done the
world a tremendous favor. While under oath this summer in the Headley
cases he made a big mistake by speaking the truth in an unguarded
moment. Please read this carefully:

Tags: Church of Scientology International, Clear, David Miscavige, Ethics
file, Guardian's Office, Office of Special Affairs, Quicky


"Pure and Simple Blackmail"
November 14, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Reference: The Money Machine, St Petersburg Times.

Tony Ortega at the Village Voice weighed in on the Money Machine series
in the St Petersburg Times, Scientology's Sale Pitch: "Pure and Simple
Blackmail." Tony made some interesting observations. One in particular
deserves highlighting:

One of the most frequent questions we get about Scientology from people
we meet is some variation of this: "You've written that the church is
actually pretty small and losing people every day. So where is all this
money coming from for new buildings?"

Tags: Blackmail, David Miscavige, Joe Childs, Quicky, St Petersburg Times,
Tom Tobin, Tony Ortega, Truth Rundown, Village Voice


Carisa Marion Goes To Bat For You
November 14, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Hello Everybody!

There's a lot more to the story than what was in the St Pete Times.
I'll be doing a free workshop at the upcoming Freezone convention in
Vegas on how to get your money back, not just the paperwork, releases
and how to get those right, but the strategies as well. I also have the
lines with the attorneys in Florida whether you are suing or not. (do
not sign a gag order, period, call me if you need help now on a cycle)
It took me 9 months and 16 days. When you see what really went down you
won't believe it.

I am certain it was my KR on Tommy Davis and Int Execs that got him put
away. It got me months of "2 on 1" meetings with OSA, being refused
service for 8 months unless I would change my mind. I assigned Int
Execs treason for the lies and alteration of the most basic Scientology
tech exposed in that interview by the very guys claiming to be "keeping
the tech pure". That was after I was going through hell for my KR on
the gross revisions of the FPRD. As soon as I figure out how to do a
blog I'll have it all online. : )

Tags: Carisa Marion, Florida, Freezone, L. Ron Hubbard, Office of Special
Affairs, Quicky, Tommy Davis


Church of Scientology opens in Malvern
November 14, 2011, Mersiha Gadzo, Toronto Observer

An organization that has drawn protests in other parts of Toronto has
launched a location in Scarborough.

On Nov. 12, Scarborough's first and Toronto's fourth Church of
Scientology opened at Neilson Road and McLevin Avenue in the Malvern
area. It joins churches on Yonge Street and Broadview Avenue.

Tags: Bal Balkissoon, Dentist, Malvern, Pat Felske, Saroma Baillie, Sheridan
Cyrus, Toronto


David Miscavige is Basically Obsessed
November 14, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

See the latest video on the St Petersburg Times website, part of the
ongoing Money Machine series: Luis Garcia and Synthia Fagen speak out
in Basically Obsessed.

Tags: David Miscavige, Luis Garcia, Quicky, St Petersburg Times, Synthia Fagen


Pervasive pitch: Scientology book and lecture series, 'The Basics,' unleashes
a sales frenzy
November 14, 2011, Tampa Bay Times

Tom Cruise applauded vigorously as Scientology leader David Miscavige
strode to center stage at Clearwater's Ruth Eckerd Hall. John Travolta
and Kelly Preston beamed from the front row.

The date was June 30, 2007. Behind the cluster of stars, a capacity
crowd of Scientologists looked on in anticipation. This was to be a
grand night.

Over the next three hours, Miscavige explained why.

Tags: 1950, 1976, 2007, 2008, Aruba, Basics, Bob Adams, Bridge to Total
Freedom, Chicago, Church of Scientology International, Clearwater, David
Miscavige, Denmark, Ethics officer, Fort Harrison, Freewinds, Germany,
Hollywood, Ideal Org, International Association of Scientologists, Irvine,
James R. Lewis, Jamie Sorrentini, John Travolta, Karin Pouw, Karla Zamudio,
Kelly Preston, Lisa Hamilton, Los Angeles, Luis Garcia, Miami, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, Norway, Operating Thetan, OT, OT VIII, Paris, Quicky, Rocio
Garcia, Ruth Eckerd Hall, Scientology staff, Sea Org, Sharron Weber, St.
Petersburg Times, Suzanne Working, Synthia Fagen, Tampa, Tom Cruise


Scientology's Sales Pitch: "Pure and Simple Blackmail"
November 14, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

The previous day, the SP Times duo had introduced us to Hy Levy, a
fomerly successful "registrar" who brought in hundreds of thousands of
dollars to Scientology each and every week by convincing church members
to max out their credit cards, pull from their 401Ks, and draw from
equity on their houses.

Today, we meet some of those church members who gave and gave and gave,
particularly after Scientology leader David Miscavige put out new
versions of L. Ron Hubbard's books in 2007.

Tags: 2006, 2007, Academic, Basics, Blackmail, Bob Adams, Brian Culkin,
California, Clear, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Hy Levy, Ideal Org,
International Association of Scientologists, Joe Childs, Lisa Hamilton, Luis
Garcia, Mark Miglio, Orange County, OT VII, Rocio Garcia, Sea Org, St.
Petersburg Times, Super Power, Thomas Tobin, Tom Tobin


SP Times Puts Ethics In on "church" of Scientology
November 14, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Please see the latest stories in the Money Machine series in the St
Petersburg Times.

Since I know most of the particulars of the stories covered, what I
find most fascinating are the church's responses. Read the story on
Roccio and Luis Garcia, Scientology Couple Who Gave $1.3: Church
mission 'has been corrupted.'

Here is the totality of the church's response to their devastating

Tags: 1950, Basics, Carisa Marion, David Miscavige, Ethics, IRS, Luis Garcia,
Quicky, St Petersburg Times


Lawrence Wright's Book on Scientology - Going Clear - Hits Bookstores January
November 14, 2012, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Lawrence Wright [Credit: Jana Birchum] Big news for Scientology
watchers: Alfred A. Knopf announced today that it will be releasing
Lawrence Wright's highly anticipated book about Scientology on January
17, which is a couple of months earlier than we had heard it would

Jenna Miscavige Hill's tell-all, meanwhile, appears to have been moved
back to February, a month later than had previously been announced.

After the jump, we have the full press release from Knopf about
Wright's book.

Tags: 2008, 2011, 2013, Apostate, Audio, David Miscavige, Going Clear:
Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Hollywood, Jenna Miscavige
Hill, John Travolta, Lawrence Wright, New Yorker, Nightline, Paul Haggis,
Pulitzer Prize, Quicky, Random House, Tom Cruise


Swifter and Slower Ways
November 14, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

From Thomas Cleary's The Zen Reader:

Worldly afflictions are as extensive as an ocean, noisy and clamorous;
but they all arise from the thoughts in your own mind. When not a
single thought is conceived, you are liberated from them all.

Since it depends on one's own self, how hard could it be? Attaining
Buddhahood shouldn't even take a finger snap.

Tags: Buddha, Clear, Quicky


A look at what's inside Scientology's long-delayed Flag Building
November 14, 2013, Joe Childs, Tampa Bay Times

The Church of Scientology has purchased and remodeled dozens of
buildings since it established its spiritual headquarters here 37 years
ago. This weekend, it will open yet another.

But this one - a seven-story behemoth with more than 300,000 square
feet - is being touted by the church as a game changer.

Tags: 1970, 1998, 2011, Cause Resurgence Rundown, Clearwater, Flag Building,
Flag Land Base, Florida, Irvine, Karin Pouw, Luis Garcia, Pam Dubov,
Scientology organization, Super Power, Tampa, Ybor City


A Timeless Moment in Wholetrack History. Huh?
November 14, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Facebook Police Chief and ex-SO, Jojo Zawawi reveals some interesting
facts in her latest posting on the Facebook "Scientologists" group.

Apparently her effort is to "D/A" the spoof email that was sent out by
thetaburst informing one and all that the dates of the events may change.

But she also reveals some other interesting news:

Tags: Ayal Lindeman, Chairman of the Board, Cornerstone, Facebook,
Humanitarian, International Association of Scientologists, Jojo Zawawi, Marty
Rathbun, Mission, OT, Philippines, Police, Quicky, Tony Ortega, Volunteer


Demolition Proposed for Mid-Century Office Tower at 10 St Mary
November 14, 2013, Daniel Rotsztain, Urban Toronto

Across the street is another loss for Toronto mid-century modernism.
Though not being demolished, the Church of Scientology building is
undergoing a massive renovation, including a colourful PostModern
recladding that has upset many as a major departure from the building's
Modernist purity.

Tags: Toronto


It's NOT About The Money.... Really.
November 14, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

More tidbits from inside the bubble.

This is an interesting preview of GAG II and gives an indication about
how He plans to spin it.

1. We collected "everything LRH ever said or wrote" - for about the
fourth time. Same line that was used when the "LRH originals project"
was done so it could all be put on titanium plates. Then it was stated
for the first set of Tech Vols. Again for the second set of tech vols.
For the "new" OEC. For the Basics. For GAT. For the "Golden Age of
Knowledge." etc etc etc This is pretty much expected - after all, He
has positioned Himself as D/Source For Lost Tech.

Tags: Basics, CCHR, Chairman of the Board, David Miscavige, Golden Age of
Knowledge, Ideal Org, International Association of Scientologists, L. Ron
Hubbard, Narconon, OT, Quicky


Jefferson Hawkins Drops In To See What Condition Our Scientology Condition Is
November 14, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Jefferson Hawkins was once the top marketing executive for the Church
of Scientology and helped it reach its greatest extent with the famous
"volcano" TV ads in the 1980s. He's told his tale of getting into and
out of the church with his excellent books Counterfeit Dreams and
Leaving Scientology, and he's helping us understand the upside-down
world of Scientology "ethics."

So tell us, Jeff, where are you taking us this time?

JEFFERSON: This week we're taking up Chapters 4 and 5 of Introduction
to Scientology Ethics, which cover Hubbard's "Ethics Conditions."

Tags: 1965, 1967, 1968, 1980, Apollo, Clear, Combating Cult Mind Control,
Conditions, Counterfeit Dreams, David Miscavige, Ethics, Int Base, Jefferson
Hawkins, Karen de la Carriere, Knowledge Reports, Leaving Scientology,
Quicky, Robert Lifton, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, Sea Org, Steve
Hassan, Super Power Building, The Hole


New Shots from Inside Ft Harrison and The Oak Coven
November 14, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

One of our Special Correspondents sent in these photos of the SP
Building this morning.

It's looking like all will be ready to roll for the momentous occasion.

It's going to take a mighty big pair of scissors to cut that ribbon....

Tags: Flag Service Organization, Oak Cove, Quicky


The Hype Ratchets Up
November 14, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

A small selection of a few of the emails received by one person
YESTERDAY and some key pull quotes.

It's just like they do on movie posters, except these are all about a
movie nobody has SEEN.

Imagine you heard someone saying this sort of stuff about a movie that
they had not yet see, you would think the people saying them were
barking mad.

Tags: 1986, 1993, Andrea Doven, AOLA, ASHO, Auditing, Author Services Inc,
Basics, Cause Resurgence Rundown, Clear, Clear Certainty Rundown, Field Staff
Member, Golden Age of Tech, Ideal Org, International Association of
Scientologists, IRS, Jive Aces, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, Mission, NDA,
Nick Lekas, OT, OT Committee, PAC Base, Portland, Quicky, San Francisco,
Shrine Auditorium, Super Power, TIME


Big Expansion News -- Another Org Closes
November 14, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Monumental, earth-shaking good news was announced at SH Graduation last
Friday night.

AOSHUK and SH Fdn have been combined into one org! Yaaay.

See the feeble attempt to spin this below.

Tags: 1969, 1980, 2003, Alabama, AOSHUK, Applied Scholastics, Argentina,
Arkansas, Barcelona, Brazil, Cambridge, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia,
Copenhagen, Czech Republic, Dakota, Dallas, David Miscavige, Delaware,
Denmark, Dianetics, Ecuador, Freedom Medal, Freedom Medal Winner, Georgia,
Greece, Haiti, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Indonesia, International Association
of Scientologists, Iowa, Japan, Kansas, Kazakhstan, Kentucky, Kitchener, L.
Ron Hubbard, London, Louisiana, Malaysia, Maryland, Mexico, Michigan,
Mission, Mississippi, Montana, Moscow, NDA, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico,
Nigeria, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oslo, OT, Pakistan, Pennsylvania, Peru,
Philippines, Poland, Portland, Quicky, Russia, Saint Hill, Silicon Valley,
South Africa, Taiwan, Tel Aviv, Thailand, Tokyo, Tsunami, UK, Ukraine, Utah,
Venezuela, Virginia, Volunteer Ministers, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Zimbabwe


Classic Scientology shenanigans as class action lawsuit is filed against
legal opponent NAFC
November 14, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Wasn't it just yesterday we made the point that Scientology is
incapable of evolving into a more benign form?

For you connoisseurs of classic Scientology legal chicanery, you're
going to love the full body and complex flavors of this vintage.

Yesterday, the National Association of Forensic Counselors filed a
pointed response to Scientology leader David Miscavige's motion to
dismiss himself from the NAFC's massive 82-defendant federal lawsuit
against the church and its drug rehab network, Narconon.

Tags: 1972, 2004, 2005, 2012, 2013, ABLE, California, California Department
of Alcohol and Drug Programs, California Department of Education, California
Healthy Kids Resource Center, Carr v. NAFC, Certified Chemical Dependency
Counselor, Clark Carr, CNN, David Keesling, David Miscavige, DC, Eric
Tenorio, Gary Smith, Georgia, Jeffrey Riffer, Karla Taylor, Los Angeles
Superior Court, Lucas Catton, NAFC v. Scientology, Nanette Asimov, Narconon,
Narconon Arrowhead, Narconon Drug Abuse Prevention Program, Narconon
International, National Association of Forensic Counselors, NDA, Oklahoma,
San Francisco Chronicle, Sea Org, Stacy Murphy, Vanity Fair


Jeffrey Augustine: Just a friendly reminder - Scientology prices are
November 14, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Frequent contributor Jeffrey Augustine is back with another look at
Scientology and money. Recently, the Netherlands upheld a legal
decision to deny Scientology tax exempt status, and one of the reasons
given was that it made no sense to the Dutch that a "church" would be
charging such exorbitant rates. Can you imagine a court in the US
similarly making such an obvious conclusion? Anyway, that gave us the
excuse to remind people just what Scientology charges for its services.
Take it away, Jeff...

For the Church of Scientology, the year 2015 has proven to be a monster
earthquake that generated a tsunami of entheta. The major shocks of
that temblor include:

- HBO's Going Clear and its subsequent three-Emmy sweep

Tags: 1990, 2001, 2006, 2007, Afghanistan, Alex Hageli, Basel, Belgium,
Bridge to Total Freedom, Chairman of the Board, Clearwater, Clearwater
police, Darth Xander, David Miscavige, Dutch, Facebook, First Amendment, Flag
Land Base, Florida, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, HBO,
Illinois, Iraq, Jeffrey Augustine, Leah Remini, Lisa McPherson Trust, London,
Louis Theroux, Mark Bunker, Mat Pesch, Monique Rathbun, My Scientology Movie,
Narconon, Netherlands, Nigeria, Operating Thetan, OT, OT 7, Paris, Quicky,
Robert Minton, Sec Check, Syria, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, Truth Rundown,


Wise Getting In On The Boogie Man Pitch
November 14, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

It is a time honored tradition that creating enemies and instilling
fear is an effective method of fundraising.

It's much easier to get money by preaching hellfire and brimstone than
to appeal to people's benevolence to support the good works you do.
It's the difference between the TV evangelist and the Salvation Army.
Per capita the TV evangelist extracts orders of magnitude more from
their marks.

Scientology has refined this technique and employs it from someone's
first contact to their last dollar. Imagine if you had no "Ruin" and
were not convinced you had a reactive mind ravaging you, or body
thetans making you insane. It would be very difficult to extract hard
earned dollars with the promise they would be vanquished.

Tags: 1956, 2012, California, Christian, France, International Association of
Scientologists, Organization, OT, Paris, Quicky, Ruin, Russia, Salvation
Army, Texas, WISE


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