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Hey Hyun and Yung, What Are Those Two Up To? Are They Now In Harmony With Their Father Who Is The Weirdo's Father Who Is Not As Ugly As His Children, Whatever, But He Is Ready To Kick Those Chinks Out If They Don't Repent.

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Aaron Kim

Jul 23, 2015, 4:40:41 PM7/23/15
Hey Hyun, when are you going to admit that you are really an idiot who is a little ugly hillbilly Chinese kid and you have this look in your eye that if Jesus could see your face, he would say that you have the look of a murderer and you are stupid to think that weirdo is anything but the Real Savior. Hyun is a fool to think that weirdo doesn't see himself the way someone like Hyun might see that weirdo but that weirdo is really not as smart as you think. He is so annoyed that people don't think to themselves what would happen if I did not exist? If I did not exist, if my life did not take the foreordained course that it has taken to where I am now, in other words me not using my mind I would describe it for over a year and meeting Art Bulla and being homeless in San Diego, LA, and SLC and being committed to mental hospitals and living in a board and care now, why would any of you even think that you would exist? Without that weirdo, we could not live forever and that means what is the point of being righteous which means there is no point in living, right? Why does that fucking little gook with that stupid smile on his face, Hyun, why does he think how in the world can that weirdo be anything useful but my entertainment. That weirdo is the reason why the Lord is flattered because He wants to know who in their right mind can think that the Lord was flattered by Jesus who was just a shithead the way he thinks as a person while being perfect at the same time? He was just a fool and he was never going to admit this and he hated to say this but he thought that weirdo is a sad person and it's flattering knowing that he has to suffer by not being able to think like a person and he will destroy his mind one day when he is 20 years of age and he is almost 40 now and he has to deal with the fact that he is really ugly. That weirdo wants people to know that they should never think that weirdo is anything but the Real Savior and he is glad that people know that White Guy who was once my Marred my Servant is a real saint, he is not a shithead and it is obvious why he is not a shithead, and he is so happy to be able to function and he is glad that weirdo did his best and he is glad that weirdo figured out that he is too weird for people. That White Guy who looks so handsome is glad that weirdo no longer exists and he is glad that people are now grinning thinking to themselves how in the world can you make me believe that you were once a little gook who had no personality? The truth is that White Guy is a handsome white man who loves to think like a person and he appreciates thinking intelligently when he suffered so long as this weirdo who cannot think like a person and destroyed his mind.

Who cares.


Jan 19, 2017, 1:48:11 PM1/19/17
5 詐ehold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of
the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the
heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the
earth with a curse. [Malachi 4:5-6]

1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way
before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his
temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in:
behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. [Malachi 3:1,
concerning the "messenger of the Old Covenant", the Spirit of Elias or
Elijah, that prepares the way before the Savior appearance, by making
your "Election Made Sure".]

So, to answer your question "Who cares?" The Messenger Elias (Elijah)
cares! Yes, your "Election Made Sure" is the Spirit of Elias

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is
that we are powerful [beyond] measure. It is our light, not our
darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves "Who am [I] to be,
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? We were born to make manifest
the glory of [God's Elijah] that is within us. It is not just in some
of us, it's in everyone, and, as we let our light [of Elijah] shine,
we unconsciously give other people [permission] to do the same: as we
are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates
others." [Nelson Mandela] (Name "Elijah" added by me, and 'behound'
change to 'beyond', and 'presmission' corrected spelling to

So, tell us Aaron Kim, what does it mean, "to be humbled"? Does it
mean: "to shrink"? And what does it mean to "be humble"? Does it
mean "having righteousness", knowing that you're "right with God"?

Just wondering how it all fits in your writings, since you are far too
intelligent to be workings so hard to "self shrink".

You don't have to be humbled to be humble, to become "pure in heart"
like Elijah is being humble before God. <'{{>< <G>< <X><

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