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Jan 15, 2010, 9:11:57 AM1/15/10
Forwarded article from Kewal Ahluwalia

Hindu Holocaust.

When we hear the word HOLOCAUST most of us think immediately of the
Jewish people and their plight during the few years that Adolph
Hitler held the world hostage. Hitler in his attempt to create a
master race killed many Jews. The only reason this Holocaust keeps
coming up because the Jews would not let the world forget it. But
there are other atrocities committed by other dictators such as
Stalin and Idi Amin have all been forgotten, even the very recent
atrocities committed in the names of ethnic cleansic have all been
forgotten. But all these pale in comparison to what the 1000 years of
occupation of India by Mughals and Brithisher have done to Hindus.
The contemporary French writer Fran�ois Gautier has said, "The
massacres perpetuated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in
history, bigger than the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis; or the
massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the
slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading
Spanish and Portuguese." HINDU KILLERS were the Mogul Kings Mahmud
Ghazni, Mahmud Ghori, Firaz Shah Tughlaq, Shihabuddin, Aurangazeb,
Babur, Jahangir, Shah Jahan to name a few and General Reginal Dyer.
Today, with an increased awareness of minority rights, many of us are
also aware of the Holocaust of the Native American peoples under the
European invasion of the Americas.

Protestant Christians expressed their love by the rampant killing of
Native Americans, who were called not humans, but 'red Indians', and
usurping their lands and destroying their livelihood. Christians also
expressed their love in Africa by enslaving the natives, shipping
them off to plantations and were made to work like animals, calling
them, not humans, but 'Negros' or 'niggers'. In Kenya Jomo Kenyatta
stated during his Mau Mau trial, "Missionaries came to our land with
Bible in their hands, made us to pray with our eyes closed. When we
opened they had the land and we had the Bible". We still do not know
how many were killed or hanged by the then British Government. They
loved the natives of Australia and New Zealand so much that they
killed them, displaced them, enslaved them, took away their small
children and de-cultured them, calling them, not humans, but
'aboriginals'. Many also remember the genocide of the Armenian
peoples by the Turks. Even the huge loss of life and culture
sustained by the indigenous Pagan peoples of Europe has become a well
known fact.

Christian love for India was expressed in the rampant plunder of this
country. They not only enslaved the Indians, plundered the wealth,
they also appropriated the scientific advancements made by the
Indians, used that to develop their industries and economy and called
it 'industrial revolution'. Concurrently, so much love Christians
had, that they destroyed the education system that produced that
scientific knowledge, destroyed the culture that produced that
scientific knowledge, deracinated the Indians, shipped them off to
far off Caribbean's and Africa as bonded laborers calling them

Foreign invaders (Muslims and Christians) imposed their Quranic and
Biblical theory of hatred, massacre, rape and loot and enjoyed
destroying our country and identity. Here is a brief overview of the
history of the foreign invasions and occupations of India. But no one
ever seems to have even heard of the 1000 year long holocaust of
Hindus, which continues even today. Many millions of Hindu lives were
lost to the unbelievable loss of cultural and spiritual institutions,
temples and burning of scriptures by Islamic and Christian invaders
in India. Who even today and with government sanction, still seek to
finally convert every last Hindu and for the complete extinction of
the oldest religion known to mankind, Sanatan Dharm. (Hinduism)

The first of the major invasions came from Alexander of Macedonia.
His invasion of India was intended to bring Greek culture to India
and to encourage cultural exchange between the Indic and Hellenic
worlds. This invasion was mild compared to the savage invasions of
Islam, which continue even today, attempting to decimate the Indian
religions of Dharm and the Culture of India.

Just as India was about to successfully throw off the yoke of Islamic
barbarism after nearly 1000 years of slaughter, the British and
Portuguese came with their missionaries. They tried to finish what
Islam had begun, beginning centuries more of colonial strangulation
of the great Vedic Culture of India by killing millions of Indian ir-
respective of their believes (Hindus, Muslim and Sikhs and others) by
systematic starvation and other means. Hindus under went the most
Gruesome treatments, i.e. Slaughter, Rape, Torture, Destruction of
properties and Land, Murders, Arson, Conversions in the name of
Chrisantity, and atrocities of the most sadistic cruelty at the hands
of the Portuguese and X'tian Missionaries in the name of Jesus �they
were 'Epitome of Barbarism'. It was holocaust towards Hindus. This
was NOT the end, the history recalls that under the British rule over
20 millions Indians had died, many more injured and suffered in most
inhumane conditions. During The British Salt Tax at least 10 to 15
million people lost their lives let us not forget the incident of
Jallianwala Bagh (The Amritsar Massacre. This place is noted for its
most notorious massacre under British rule). On Vaisakhi day when
Brigadier General Reginald Dyer without any warning ordered his
troops to open fire on an unarmed gathering, 1,650 rounds were fired
and close to 2000 people died. A British court even exonerated Gen.
Dyer of his actions.

The Kuka Uprising, a major valiant effort during the British period,
immediately after the First War of Indian Independence, to emancipate
India from the bondage of slavery from the hands of British
Imperialism crushed them and the captured and tied them in tens and
fifteens to the front of the cannons and were blown off.

India finally won her Independence in 1947. By then, so much damage
had been done that India was forced to accept partition along
religious lines and give up much of her territories to what are today
the Islamic States of Pakistan and Bangladesh. What is left of modern
India is still rife with a growing population of Muslims and the
continuing threat of Christian missionaries, openly seeking to wipe
out Hinduism, which is not only the majority religion of India , but
more than that, the Indian way of life and her very culture.

Let us not forget the famous Lord Macaulay's address to the British
Parliament on February 2, 1835:

"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have
not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief, such wealth I
have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such
caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country,
unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her
spiritual and cultural heritage, and therefore, I propose that we
replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the
Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and
greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their
native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly
dominated nation."

For more than two millennia, India has suffered one bloody invasion
after another, leaving a Holocaust of millions of lives and a
civilization and culture left in near ruins. In fact looking at it
from a global perspective we find that throughout the entire world
today India is the only surviving and functioning remnant of the
world's ancient indigenous civilizations. Hinduism is the most
ancient and only continuously surviving religion and culture that has
successfully maintained itself while so many other cultures and
civilizations have vanished. No other ancient civilization has
retained its ancient religion and culture under this onslaught.

The Hindu society still survives despite having faced so many
invasions. Why is this? Looking at it from a logical perspective we
see that there can only be one ways to explain this phenomenon. When
we go deeper into the reasons for our survival, we find that our
lifestyle, cultural traditions, family samskars, values, thinking
about the individual nature rooted in spiritual and religious
moorings has been a formidable source of power for maintaining our
traditions which has helped us in facing all the onslaughts. Majority
of the persons born in this land -- whether they are educated or
illiterate -- emulate these traditions without asking for any
scientific logic.

The ongoing attacks on India's Dharmic Soul are evidence of this. For
what other reason would the enemies of Hinduism repeatedly carry out
attacks on Mandirs and other places of worships? They obviously
recognize that these places of worships are a major obstacle to the
destruction of Hinduism and they will never succeed in its goals of
conquest. Worship or Bhakti is the foundation and the shield of India
and is also the future hope of the entire world. It will not only
survive but it will be prosperous, vibrant and continue to be the
shining light of the world.

Yunnan Misir Rome sab mit gaye jahan se
Baki hai lekin ab bhi namo nishan hamara.
Kuch baat hai ke hasti mitathi nahin hamaari
Sadion raha hai dushman dauare zaman hamara.

Courtesy. Kewal Ahluwalia.

End of forwarded article from Kewal Ahluwalia

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

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Jan 15, 2010, 2:50:21 PM1/15/10

Sudra Holocaust Museum Genocide of Dalits
in the
Indian Union (1947ff.)

The Pioneer
The Pioneer, 30 Jan. 2000 (
"... The religion based on caste system has annihilated millions of
Dalits over the centuries. About three million Dalit women have been
raped and around one million Dalits killed from the time of
Independence. This is 25 times more than number of soldiers killed
during the wars fought after independence. That is why Dalits do not
need Aryan culture or Hindu Dharma based on caste any more. ..." [Dr.

Mirza Ghalib

Jan 15, 2010, 3:47:45 PM1/15/10
On Jan 15, 11:50 am, wrote:

>    Sudra Holocaust Museum Genocide of Dalits
>    in the
>    Indian Union (1947ff.)
>    Dalits
>    The Pioneer
>    The Pioneer, 30 Jan. 2000 (
>    "... The religion based on caste system has annihilated millions of
>    Dalits over the centuries. About three million Dalit women have been
>    raped and around one million Dalits killed from the time of
>    Independence. This is 25 times more than number of soldiers killed
>    during the wars fought after independence. That is why Dalits do not
>    need Aryan culture or Hindu Dharma based on caste any more. ..." [Dr.
>    Tulsiram]

You stated the problem. Now provide what corrective action
that must be taken to remedy the situation.

Provide some factual basis for the one million figure that
you quote, other than the uttering of a certain person
named Tulsiram.

You seem to insinuate that it is the credo of Hinduism
that the dalits should be tormented. You are absolutely
wrong. For example, go to Bihar, a state that I am most
familiar with. The CM is from a 'backward' community,
as was the previous CM. An aspirant for the CM position
is a Dalit, named Paswan, who has been a central
minister for at least four terms. More than half of
Nitish Kumar's cabinet consists of 'backwards' and

What you have in mind that that the current generations
of the upper castes should be penalized for the real and
supposed sins of their ancestors. As of now they earn
their places by sheer merit, because there are no reservations
in colleges or jobs for them, whereas dalits enjoy these
privileges in direct proportion to their numbers. Instead of
inspiring the underprivileged by a positive involvement,
people like you are crybabies and rabble-rousers.


Jan 15, 2010, 5:39:19 PM1/15/10
On Jan 15, 2:50 pm, wrote:

>    Dalits
>    The Pioneer
>    The Pioneer, 30 Jan. 2000 (
>    "... The religion based on caste system has annihilated millions of
>    Dalits over the centuries. About three million Dalit women have been
>    raped and around one million Dalits killed from the time of
>    Independence. This is 25 times more than number of soldiers killed
>    during the wars fought after independence. That is why Dalits do not
>    need Aryan culture or Hindu Dharma based on caste any more. ..." [Dr.
>    Tulsiram]

You are using a christian or muslim antiHindu site full of lies.
Firstly there is nothing called dalits. The scheduled caste/st
commission said this term is misleading. Secondly sc/sts are *not
sudras*! Traditionally so called upper castes never went/go near sc/
sts. So how was there murder? Heard of untouchability?

These are political propaganda tactics to get more reservation, money
and benefits. Shame you use them

What about your threat to list murders,rapes from 1947 to 2008? I
asked you and dont tell me you did not know I challenged you


Jan 15, 2010, 5:39:56 PM1/15/10

Also Hinduism * is not based on castes*! Propaganda


Jan 16, 2010, 1:10:56 AM1/16/10

Well put, Mirza ji.

Paswan can "aspire" to be CM, but Nitish Kumar is the only one who can
deliver the goods [Paswan, beside being corrupt, is another Charan Singh
with his refrain, I want to be CM instead of the CM, which is about the
only ambition he has].

That said, I think this "dude" is a sockpuppet. Boy did he get spooked
about clicking on a Youtube link. :-)


Jan 16, 2010, 5:21:58 PM1/16/10

Dušan Vukotić

Jan 18, 2010, 5:08:04 PM1/18/10

Jan 18, 2010, 8:50:55 AM1/18/10
Ah, the non-indian jay stevens,aka dr. jai etc. is preaching again to
real indians about indian matters and how to have real indian views.

Let us help him expand his consideration of hindus, or does he not
consider the below same?

Sudra Holocaust


Jan 21, 2010, 12:36:25 PM1/21/10
thank you for presenting a hindu view by a hindu for a hindu.
unfortunatley brown kirastanistas, accustomed to doing white kirastanistas'
bidding - and thus having adversarial attitude to hindus - will most
definitley have a problem with that.

< and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20100116U426vEqTYx1xp0I5BhzU3hR@JAZ5t...

> of the Portuguese and X'tian Missionaries in the name of Jesus .they

Don H

Jan 21, 2010, 1:57:29 PM1/21/10
"harmony" <> wrote in message

# Yes, the Morally Pure are always our own noble people; compared to
Barbarian Outsiders.
As the RC Church put it "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the
Church", trying to make a virtue of evil. There was even a Jew who claimed
the Holocaust was all part of God's plan.
Hinduism is probably the last surviving polytheistic religion - the
monotheistic creeds, with their jealous god, having wiped out all others.
But let's not rave over Hinduism, as its cosmology has been superseded
by science, and its ethic is of the typical taboo kind.
Like most Established Creeds, Hinduism sanctions the Status Quo, with
the added attraction of the Caste System; if you happen to be born an
Untouchable, then you have no chance of becoming a Brahmin. Tough Luck!
Hinduism is as obsolete in the modern world as all other traditional
religions, and if it, like them, went into voluntary liquidation, the world
would be a better place.
However, the demise of all the Old Religions may only be slightly
regretted if it leaves the world to the tender mercies of Economan, the
One-Dimensional apeman to whom Profit is all that matters. At least the old
creeds were more comprehensive in ambit.
So, if modern youth is an air-head, mad about the latest pop tune and
fast cars, then he is but a product of consumer hedonism, with the
commercial ad. world to blame. If he joins the Army it is probably because
it offers a complete life-style of secure job, training, board and lodging,
etc. That he is then a trained killer, likely to return from overseas
adventures dead, is a small price to pay. At least his wife and kids will
be looked after. If merely crippled for life, then he gets a pension.
Sorry, but the Mad Ape has inherent defects, whoever and wherever He
is - and Hinduism is just another form of madness, in final analysis.
Name your gods, goddesses, and explain why you believe in them - if you
claim sanity.


Jan 21, 2010, 2:32:14 PM1/21/10

"Don H" <> wrote in message

you are not very bright. you wouldn't be a language major, would you?

yoga, vegetarian diet, meditation, ayurveda, sound family values, dharma are
well backed by science, and finding greater acceptace, specially among the
educated around the world. no wonder the newsweek just ran an article saying
americans are now "hindus".

in other words, mono madness of killing the dissenters and heathens is gone
for ever. this is just the beginning.

in india the 3mc*2 states of bengal and kerala do very poorly although they
have the most diploma-paper holders of any state, showing their pepole can
spell english words, whcih they mistake for education. the real reason is
they mistake the ability to spell english words for real education. by hindu
standards they are least educated because their exclusive english education
from early childhood removes them from dharma.

Jan 21, 2010, 2:37:40 PM1/21/10

Sudra Holocaust Museum Genocide of Dalits.

To whic a contribution was made:

"thank you for presenting a hindu view by a hindu for a hindu.
unfortunatley brown kirastanistas, accustomed to doing white
kirastanistas' bidding - and thus having adversarial attitude to hindus
- will most definitley have a problem with that."

Note, the term "hindu" was used, not "indian".

Jay stevens,aka dr. jai etc. is not indian. He is an american and
lifelong resident and citizen of that country.

He loves preaching to real indians and hindus sitting thousands of km
away about how to be real indians and hindus.

He is an adult convert to hinduism.

He speaks no language of india but english, despite his claims of having
many. He refuses a call from a real indian to confirm.

His "dr." and indian sounding name are self awarded to attract real
indians to his astrology business.

Most real indians know his fraud but allow it to pass because they think
him a useful idiot.


Jan 21, 2010, 3:16:28 PM1/21/10

It does not matter whether Dr. Jai Maharaj is an Indian or not. What
matters here is whether or not he is a Hindu - and he is.

Jan 21, 2010, 3:34:07 PM1/21/10
> Most real indians know his fraud but allow it to pass because they
> him a useful idiot.

"It does not matter whether Dr. Jai Maharaj is an Indian or not. What
matters here is whether or not he is a Hindu - and he is."

Exactly, thank you for the confirmation.

Do you care that it might reflect very poorly upon real indians and
hindus that his web image is complete fraud?

What does it reflect upon hindus that falsehoods should be accepted,
even if he is a useful fool because he posts what some like?

If falsehoods are to be accepted so easily, what are readers to think
about any comments related to hindus they might encounter when offered
by a hindu?

P. Rajah

Jan 21, 2010, 4:17:46 PM1/21/10
fanabba wrote:

> It does not matter whether Dr. Jai Maharaj is an Indian or not. What
> matters here is whether or not he is a Hindu - and he is.

He is not. It's a sorry reflection on your ideas of what a Hindu is if
you think that Jay Stevens Maharaj embodies them.


Feb 22, 2010, 5:38:04 PM2/22/10
In article <4b58abbf$0$12426$>,
"harmony" <> posted:

> "Don H" <> wrote in message
> news:ts16n.2550$

> > "harmony" <> wrote in message
> > news:4b58909a$0$12440$
> >> thank you for presenting a hindu view by a hindu for a hindu.
> >> unfortunatley brown kirastanistas, accustomed to doing white
> > kirastanistas'
> >> bidding - and thus having adversarial attitude to hindus - will most
> >> definitley have a problem with that.

> >> Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:

So true, so true.


Feb 22, 2010, 5:43:55 PM2/22/10
In article <>,
fanabba <> posted:
> It does not matter whether Dr. Jai Maharaj is an Indian or not. What
> matters here is whether or not he is a Hindu - and he is.

Dhanyavaad. I am a Bharatiya -- born in U.P. in a Hindu family, and
raised there and in Dillee.

Me, ...again!

May 24, 2010, 6:15:59 PM5/24/10

>>>>> The contemporary French writer François Gautier has said, "The

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