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Sep 21, 2015, 10:37:12 PM9/21/15
Miércoles, 16 de Septiembre, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

En Fiestas de Independencia de toda nuestra hermana nación de Méjico, le pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre glorioso de su Hijo Jesucristo, que nos bendiga grandemente con su amor eterno, que siempre ha sentido no solamente por su Hijo amado, sino también por todas familias de Israel y de las naciones, y así acaricie mucho a todo Méjico. Porque todos nosotros estamos necesitados del amor de nuestro Padre celestial, que siempre ha manifestado a través de su Hijo Jesucristo, por todos los que lo aman a él y a su nombre bendito sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén, en donde la sangre de su Hijo está vertida, para que nos bendiga mucho, limpiándonos cada día por amor a él. Nosotros, pues, seguiremos orando a nuestro Padre celestial, para que derrame cada vez más, y abundantemente, del amor santísimo de su Espíritu Santo, que abunda mucho para su Hijo Jesucristo en el cielo y así también por todos sus hijos e hijas de todas las naciones, pero esta vez con mayor amor por todas nuestras familias hermanas de Méjico, y por siempre. ¡Amén!


Jacob bought Esau's birthright with a bowl of lentil soup, because he was hungry and he said that he was about to die, and so, he did not see the need to continue to be his father Isaac's firstborn or our heavenly Father's (firstborn) on earth, thus Jacob made Esau swear to him that he was truly giving-up his birthright willingly. Certainly, Jacob wanted to be our heavenly Father's firstborn on earth, because he loved his father Isaac and his mother Rebecca, given that he was a man that loved his family entirely, and so, he was ready to have a family of his own, by going out searching for the woman that will be the mother of his children.

Unexpectedly, when Rebecca found out that he was ready to start his family, because he was truly a family man, by spending his time not in the wilderness as his brother Esau, but, instead he would spend it with his mother and father at home, then, his mother objected by saying that he should look for a wife at their relative's hometown. For Rebecca and Isaac were against him to pick a wife from the Canaanite women, that was actually miles away from Paddam-aram, and that is why that Rebecca suggested that he will go to their relatives to find a wife from their daughters, because the family that he was about to start, it had to begin within their lineage only.

Then, Jacob decided that it was best to listen to his parents and go to Paddam-aram to meet his wife there, because it was not only his mother Rebecca's will but also of his father Isaac, and of our heavenly Father that was about to bless his life, with all the powers of Jerusalem's holy hill. For the reason that, the family that he was about to start with one of the daughters from his father Isaac's relative will become, in due time, a powerful nation on earth that will bless not only our heavenly Father in heaven but also bless all the families of the nations with salvation power, to escape Satan's lies and hell's torment, forever.

For the families of the nations not only needed to learn more about our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, but also how to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name throughout their days on earth, so they may not only become blessed and prosperously rich, but also eternally saved thus to enter heaven's glory forever justified. Surely, it was our heavenly Father's will that He may finally become known by every man, woman and child not only from Israel but also from the nations through His divine family, that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because as Adam emerged from His image, then he was born to become His family with children into eternity.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father purposely began His divine family in heaven's glory, by giving birth to Adam in His image, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so he may finally eat and drink from His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-body that is his sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and the atoning-blood that gives birth to His children, forever. For that was the purpose from our heavenly Father in the beginning in heaven's glory, after He had lost one-third of the angelic hosts to Lucifer, His arch enemy (Satan), and so, He was not ready to create more angels, instead, He devised to create a Greater Kingdom filled with His children, born by the Holy Spirit's divine lasting-powers.

Certainly, these are children born by the divine powers and gifts of the Holy Spirit through faith and prayer, thus to become His Son Jesus Christ's everlasting likeness of his sacred and glorified-body, living forever blessed in His holy presence in heaven's glory only to know love, service and glory to His blessed name forever into all eternity to come. Thus, these are children that have been born from our heavenly Father's image to live in the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ, by the daily power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, because as they are born from the Holy Spirit, then they will become miraculously into the creatures and human beings that are supposed to be rightfully into eternity.

For our heavenly Father has given birth to each one of us, beginning with Adam, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so he with his wife Eve may eat from the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ, because He not only wants to extent His divine family into eternity, but also manifest His glory through His children. For it is our heavenly Father's intent to manifest the greatness of divine and eternal glory through each one of His children that have been born again, by the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit thus to live in the perfect likeness of His Son Jesus Christ, but also that His great love and amazing-glories may be seeing through them, forever.

For there is no way possible for every man, woman and child that has been born in our heavenly Father's image to live in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of his glorified-body of the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and the atoning-blood for His perfect holiness and lasting glories to manifest in them unless they are Holy Spirit born, through prayer and faith. For it is our heavenly Father's will to see His perfection and divine holiness manifested in every man, woman and child that has been born in His image by the power of the Holy Spirit, because He not only wants His children to love and know Him everlastingly, but also to look exactly as He has been through eternity, and forevermore.

Consequently, this could only be possible in every one of His children that have believed within their heart for justice to confess with their lips for salvation His Son's anointed name, so they may become Holy Spirit born with powers and gifts, dressed everlastingly with His perfect holiness, becoming greater than His holy angels, so His glorious name may conquer new glories. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father's intention is to give birth again and again into all eternity to come in heavens' glory to more children that they will believe within their hearts for justice, confessing with their lips His Son Jesus Christ, so He may emerge from within them as the Eternal God and Father for all, forever.

For this is the divine family that our heavenly Father has started already in heaven's glory, as Adam was born from His image to live in the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ's glorified-body that has not only been Holy Spirit born from David's virgin daughter, but also fulfill forever the Ten Commandments, blessing us with richness and lasting eternal life. For this is the new angelic Kingdom that our heavenly Father is working persistently to create, since Adam and Eve were born from His image, because both of them, beginning with Adam, emerged from Him to become Holy Spirit born into His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of the glorified-body, but also He may be seen in His perfect holiness through His children.

Meaning that, it is our heavenly Father's will to become born through every one of His children that have been reborn, through faith and prayer, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so they may manifest every glory that has ever existed in Him through eternity, thus when the children are seen by others, then they will see Him as He is. That is to say, that our heavenly Father wants to be seen in every one of His children not only born from the twelve tribes of Israel but also from the families of the nations, because they are all His children that He needs to have them back to Him, but through the way, truth and life that He has personally established.

Furthermore, that is why that our heavenly Father began His divine family in heaven's glory through His Son's sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and the atoning-blood, as Adam was born in his glorified-body as God's child, by the Holy Spirit's powers, so he may be the beginning of not only His new angelic Kingdom, but also the divine-manifestation of Himself through the children. Thus, the entire human race is our heavenly Father's family living on earth these days that began from Adam and later Eve, because Adam was born in His image first for Eve to be created later from his fifth rib as he was put to sleep, so she will be the mother of nations in heaven and on earth.

That is why, that Lucifer had to destroy Adam, but it was impossible to approach him, but, through the serpent of Eden, Eve's best friend, then he was finally able to approach Adam silently, so he may eat along with his wife Eve the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for the human-body to be contaminated. Once Adam and Eve's bodies were contaminated from the forbidden fruit, then the children were contaminated forever as well, because Lucifer was looking to destroy the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that had begun to give life not only to Adam but also to his wife Eve and the children, forever, so the world of darkness may continue to grow unchecked, eternally.

Thus, Satan needed to destroy the human body of every man, woman and child through Adam and Eve, as they both ate from the forbidden fruit that not only cause them to sin against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, but also they may become reborn in the spirit of error to become his rebellious children into all eternity. And this meant not only rebellion against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also rebellions against all life, truth and justice in heavens' glory with all the angelic hosts and the families of the nations that will eventually be born on earth, for Jerusalem's holy hill to conquer new amazing glories again in the new Kingdom.

For example, if our heavenly Father can establish His glorious home-sweet-home in heaven's glory in the midst of the angelic nations, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill, for His holy name to be loved, worshipped and served everlastingly thus to conquer new glories, then He could do it on earth, starting with Israel, so His new Kingdom will grow unstoppable, forever. Meaning that, Lucifer as the adversary of God's divine family in heaven, then he knew what our Father was about to do not only with Adam and Eve and the glorified-body that they both had received from Him, born in His image to live in His Son's likeness of His glorified-body, then he needed to destroy everyone's glorified-body, starting with Adam.

Moreover, once Lucifer had destroyed Adam and Eve's glorified-bodies that they had both received from our heavenly Father, as they were born in His image, by the Holy Spirit's powers, to live in His Son's likeness of His glorified-body, then, Lucifer will not only receive power and control over Adam and the children's human bodies, but also, their possessions and richness. That is why, that once Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, then our heavenly Father not only passed judgment against them for their sin against Him and His Son, because both failed to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat the fruit of life, so they may live in lasting holiness, but also transferred them instantly to earth.

Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to transfer Adam and Eve to earth immediately, because both they had not only sinned against Him and His Son's fruit of life, by eating from the forbidden fruit, but also, they had lost control of all the glory and amazing richness that He with His Son and the Holy Spirit had granted to them abundantly. For Satan did not only want to set foot in paradise so he may continue to fight against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, because His Son is the one that bears His holy name in the perfect holiness of the atoning-blood, but also, he was looking forward to retake entirely the kingdom of heaven, as never before.

For Satan wanted desperately the glorious life that he once knew along with the angelic hosts and so, Adam and Eve were the door to return to heaven's glory with his fallen angels to do more of the wicked works, because, he had gained control of the glorified-body and taken the power and richness that also belonged to the children, forever. Furthermore, these are powerful glories and richness that no one can truly count them that legally belong to every man, woman and child not only born from the twelve tries of Israel but also from all the families of the nations, so they may live a wonderful and very rich life on earth and in heaven, forever into all eternity.

Certainly, when Lucifer was able finally to deceive Adam and Eve through the serpent of Eden, then he had placed a foothold back not only into our heavenly Father's paradise but also in the wonderful life that had been born in Adam that will learn to love, serve and glorify His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill into eternity. Thus, this meant that Lucifer was really gaining ground again against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, because he was not only taking the angelic hosts to stop loving, serving and glorifying His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, but also the children born from His Son Jesus Christ's likeness that will eventually outnumber the angelic hosts in glory.

Moreover, Satan definitely does not want to be outnumbered by our heavenly Father's children born in His image to live forever blessed in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness that is his sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and the atoning-blood, filled with everyone's eternal life and every day blessing on earth these days and in heaven's glory also, as within The New celestial Jerusalem. Certainly, it was important for Lucifer to cause Adam and Eve to sin against our heavenly Father by not eating from the fruit of life that is His Son serving the bread and wine over the Lord's Table thus to live forever in perfect holiness, but, instead, he had God's children eating from the forbidden fruit to create his world of darkness.

For this is exactly what Lucifer needed to do thus to create his world of darkness not only with his fallen angels but now with our heavenly Father's children born from His image, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live forever in His Son's perfect holiness of the glorified-body that loves, serves and exalts His holy name, into eternity. Therefore, Lucifer was very happy with his victory against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, because he had not only caused Adam and Eve to sin, by eating from the forbidden fruit that had contaminated the glorified-body of the children, but also, that his wicked name, hopefully was going to exceed that of our heavenly Father into all eternity.

For the reason that, with the fallen angels and the entire human race now in his wicked hands, because Adam and Eve had been contaminated with sin, by eating from the forbidden fruit, then the children born will be his from all the families of the nations, so his kingdom of eternal darkness will continue to exist everlastingly unchallenged, second to none. However, what Lucifer failed to understand was that our heavenly Father had the power to create a new glorified-body, greater than the first one in paradise that dressed Adam and Eve with His perfect holiness thus to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat from His Son the bread and wine that blesses the living-soul of the children, forever.

Now, since Adam and Eve had failed to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat from His Son's Righteousness, because Jesus Christ is widely known in heaven by the angel and by the nations on earth as God's Righteousness, and this is the bread and wine of his glorified-body, then, our Father had to sit with Abraham at the Table. Thus, as our heavenly Father sat down with Abraham and his 318 disciples at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ at last to extend His divine family on earth, by having His only Son born from Abraham's wife Sarah's barren-womb by the Holy Spirit as Isaac, so Jacob and the children may be born finally.

Provided that, as Isaac was born, then Jacob could be born as our heavenly Father's firstborn on earth, and so, he may at last stand at Jerusalem's holy hill to make a pact of life with His Son Jesus Christ as our Father's firstborn in heaven, so this pact will be established with the Holy Spirit for Israel to become a nation. Certainly, this is exactly what our heavenly Father was looking for in heaven's glory, as Adam became born from His image by the Holy Spirit's powers, so he may be the beginning of His divine family that was ready to populate not only paradise but also the earth and the rest of Creation, for His holy name's new glories.

Therefore, Israel is our heavenly Father's only Son born in the midst of the nations, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so every man, woman and child will dress with the perfect holiness of Isaac's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that will bring into the world, by the same Holy Spirit's powers, the glorified-body of the King of the Jews, for eternity. For this is the glorified-body that our heavenly Father first built with His holy hands within Sarah's barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit to give life to His Son Jesus Christ in the midst of the nations, as Isaac was born, so Isaac may be the beginning of His Son's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that will dress entirely Israel as His Son.

For Israel is our heavenly Father's only Son on earth from head to feet that dresses with the sacred-flesh, the unbroken bones and the atoning-blood that not only remove sins continually from every man, woman and child, but also it is the atoning-blood that has declared to Satan and the angel of death that he is eternal death to them, forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father had to do it this way not only because He was extending His divine family of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit into the world, beginning with Isaac, as he was born by the Holy Spirit's power through Sarah's barren-womb, but also, He was constructing His new kingdom filled with His Son's flesh and atoning-blood.

Given that, our heavenly Father, right after the angelic rebellion against His Son Jesus Christ and His holy name, then He did not want to create more angels to replace the falling ones, but now, He wanted to create more of Himself, and this is only possible through His Son and the Holy Spirit, so you may be reborn as His child. For this will be a brand new Kingdom not only of angels, archangels, cherubs, seraphs and other holy creatures from heaven above, but now, it will be an eternal Kingdom filled with human beings that have been reborn from the Holy Spirit's power to begin to live in His Son's likeness, and this is only possible, as we dress in his glorified-body.

For the reason that, this glorified-body that we all have in our Lord Jesus Christ, right now, because, he not only defeated Satan and his lies along with the angel of death and hell's torment, but also, because through this glorified-body he has pleased our heavenly Father's holy heart, by fulfilling and glorifying the Holy Spirit of the commandments, everlastingly. Furthermore, because the Holy Spirit of the commandments has been fulfilled and glorified everlasting, by His Son Jesus Christ, living in the midst of his brothers and sisters within the land of Israel, then finally we have all been justified through his glorified-body, by invoking our heavenly Father's holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, so we may all live forever justified.

For our heavenly Father had said to Adam and Eve that they will return to the dust, because they ate from the forbidden fruit, disobeying His living-word thus abandoning paradise, and so, to return to heaven's glory forever justified, then they have to invoke His holy name, so the atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill may remove sin finally to dress the glorified-body. Otherwise, they will never be able to return to heaven's glory to continue to enjoy eternal life, because they both know the wonderful feeling that there is to live eternal life without the influence of Satan's lies, curses and sin that leads to eternal death in hell's torment, and so, by receiving Jesus Christ, then they returned to eternal life instantly, forever.

Truly, because Jacob had bought Esau his twin brother birthright with a bowl of lentil soup, then he was ready to meet our Lord Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill, because he is always there to meet not only Abraham, Isaac, Jacob but also anyone else, so to make a pact of life with the Holy Spirit's gifts, for lasting daily blessings. Thus, as Jacob was on his way to meet his wife over Paddan-aram that was his father Isaac's hometown, then our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit was waiting, and so, as he arrived to the little town called Luz, then he was put to sleep over a rock that he had personally chosen from the area.

Surely, as Jacob soundly slept over the rock where he had rested his head for the night, then he began to dream with Jerusalem's holy hill, and the one speaking to him from the middle of Jacob's ladder, the tree crosses, that was ascending to heaven, it was our Lord Jesus Christ engulfed in the fire of the Holy Spirit. For Jacob was beholding Jerusalem's holy hill as the non-stop sacrifice of the King of Israel, a living-sacrifice that will later shed his atoning-blood over the most holy place in heaven's glory, where the holy angels ascend to heaven and others descend to earth, going to different places, preaching the living-word, so people may become blessed to return to eternal life.

Certainly, Jacob was astonished to witness the display of holy angels going up and down Jacob's ladder that our Lord Jesus Christ began to speak to Jacob, as God's firstborn from heaven and king of Israel on earth, forever, and he told him that the land where he was standing, it had been given to him and his children to be born. For our Lord Jesus Christ said to Jacob that he will have children, as numerous as the stars in heaven that no one could ever count them, because they are so many of them and they are lost deep into space, but, that every one of them will be born within his family that he was about to undertake.

Truthfully, this is the land of Canaan that our Lord Jesus Christ was granting to Jacob along with the children that will be so numerous that will fill the world with life, of the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and the atoning-blood of the pact of the flesh that our heavenly Father had started with his forefather Abraham, so they may become a great nation. Thus, Jacob was astonished of the great and wonderful words that were coming out to him from the middle of the three crosses, ascending into heaven's glory over Jerusalem's holy hill that he really did not say a word until he began to see how the Holy Spirit would bless with the power of the atoning-blood the multitude of the holy angels.

That is why, that Jacob desired the same blessings that the Holy Spirit was granting to the holy angels, as they were going up and down Jacob's ladder that he exclaimed, by saying: This is an awesome place to behold, This is the House of God, and an open Gate to heaven's glory, and no one ever told me about it. Moreover, as Jacob had said these words that were truly a prayer unto the Holy Spirit, then he said, by looking up to God: if you feed me, dress me, and you make sure that I make it safe and sound to my father Isaac's relative hometown within Paddan-aram, then, you will be my God and savior forever on earth and in heaven.

Then, as soon as Jacob finished this prayer that he had to say before the Holy Spirit in our heavenly Father's and of His Son's presence, instantly he awoke from his dream with a joyful heart, because our Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit had blessed him not only with lands but also with children to inhabit them, forever. Surely, Jacob was so-elated that he blessed and poured olive oil over the rock thus to anointed where he had rested his head, because in the dream he saw the atoning-blood spilled over the holy ground around of the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory, and so, he knelt before it to anoint it, wishing that he will take it with him, forever.

Unquestionably, he did, for our heavenly Father's purpose was that he will make his pact with the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem's holy hill within his heart and mind, because he was not only going to be called Jacob but also Israel, because now His glorious home-sweet-home is sealed with an eternal pact within his heart, mind, flesh, blood and human spirit. In other words, our heavenly Father changed Jacob's name to Israel because he had received and established an eternal pact with the Holy Spirit that will fail to end on earth and in eternity, so the children may not only be born from Jerusalem's holy hill, by the Holy Spirit, but also to love, serve and glorify His name over it, forever.

For this is a pact with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that will not only erase sins from every man, woman and child but also dress them with the glorified-body from the King of the Jews, the Son of David, because he will defeat Satan's lies, curses, infirmities, death and hell's torment, forever, by declaring; Death, I am your death! What's more, because our Lord Jesus Christ declared these powerful words against the angel of death and then Satan's entire kingdom lost all power to continue to destroy humankind, since he started in paradise by killing Adam and Eve with his lies that emerged from the serpent's mouth that caused them to eat from the forbidden fruit, thus abandoning eternal life unexpectedly.

Therefore, as Adam and Eve descended to earth, because our heavenly Father had said that they will return to the dust, then this was not for them to be destroyed forever in hell's torment, or end up in The Valley of the Dried Bones (Ezekiel 37), but someday to receive the glorified-body to return to paradise forever justified filled with eternal life. That is the only reason that our heavenly Father allowed them to return to the dust, because in paradise no one can die much less lose all glory and power to Satan, since Satan was now claiming that all things belong to him, due to sin, and so, Adam with Eve return to the dust, to dress with the glorified-body sometime soon.

Surely, this was something that it had to take place over Jerusalem's holy hill, where our heavenly Father had promised not only to meet Abraham with Isaac and later Jacob with Israel, but also every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations along with the holy angels that blesses them with the holy name and the anointed word. For the reason that, every holy angel that had ever descended from our heavenly Father over Jerusalem's holy hill, it was to deliver His personal love with His holy name and living word to every man, woman and child that had learned to love, serves and worships Him in their homes and hometowns, as well.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father's holy angels have always been very busy in reaching out the lost souls of men throughout the families of the nations, so they may invoke our heavenly Father's holy name, for His Son's atoning-blood to wash them clean from sin instantly thus to have their names written in the book of life. For Jerusalem's holy hill, it is not only our heavenly Father's home-sweet-home in heaven and on earth, but also it is the place where the non-stop sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood still is fresh for every one within Israel and the families of the nations to receive forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity and lasting salvation to enter heaven's glory anytime.

Thus, our heavenly Father did not want to strike a pact with Jacob over Mount Moriah or over any other mountaintop as Mount Sinai with Moses, for example, but (this pact) with Jacob had to be with the Holy Spirit and in his mind and living heart, so his living-soul and that of his children will receive Jerusalem's holy hill, by default. For this is the pact with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that really started to manifest on earth and within Jacob's mind, heart, soul, body and human spirit, because our heavenly Father was sealing Jerusalem's holy hill within the inner-being of every one of the children to be born in future generations, constructing and developing our Father's dream nation of Israel, forever.

For everyone, within this pact of our heavenly Father's family with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will be of the children to be born in the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ's pristine life, restoring life not only to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill, as he is nailed to the cross, but also to the children everywhere, forever. For this is our heavenly Father's divine family of His only Son and of the Holy Spirit that gave birth initially, after the angelic rebellion, to Adam and Eve not only to restore the holy places where the one-third of the fallen angels had lived, but also, to create a Kingdom of Himself, filled with His lasting Righteousness and never-ending glories.

Definitely, these are glories and Righteousness that will never turn against Him in heaven's glory, as Lucifer and his one-third of fallen angels did, but the children that have been born from Him, through the Holy Spirit, will be as faithful and Righteous as His only Son is forever into all eternity to come, for His entire unfailing-love to prevail, everlastingly. That is why, that our heavenly Father is sending His holy angels in great numbers towards you just as He did with the ancients, as Jacob cried out with a loud voice within his heart and mind, by saying: This is an awesome place, the House of God, and Gate to heaven, and no one ever dare to tell me about it.

Startlingly, Jacob had to cry out this way, within his heart and mind, as he was dreaming with our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because he saw the holy angels doing the evangelical work, as they would go up and down Jacob's ladder to take the holy name and the living-word into the hearts of people throughout the nations. Furthermore, Jacob had never heard about Jerusalem's holy hill much less see it and live it intensely, as he did in his mind and heart, it was because no one was allowed to preach to him the wonderful glories of our heavenly Father's home-sweet-home, except His Son Jesus Christ as the firstborn from heaven above, and Jacob God's firstborn on earth.

That is to say, that only our Lord Jesus Christ could manifest to Jacob not only Jerusalem's holy hill but also of the amazing daily glories of the angelical hosts, as they are displayed and blessed by the Holy Spirit, so Jacob may desire abundantly the blessings from the Holy Spirit for his children to be born yet in future generations. Thus, the Holy Spirit not only became the God of Jacob but also of his children to be born by the millions in future generations to come, for the nation of Israel to become our heavenly Father only Son's colossal sacred-body, as his firstborn in heaven and on earth, as every one within Israel is born in the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood.

Besides, since everyone within Israel is born in the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, then our heavenly Father can see His children from Israel and everywhere around the world that had cling themselves to this pact of the flesh and of the atoning-blood, for blessing to pour upon their lives, as the angels receive their daily blessing. For our heavenly Father has made Israel, the body of Israel that is, the living presence of His Son Jesus Christ's glorified-body filled with the atoning-blood and the holy name that lives in perfect holiness forever into all eternity, so He may see His divine family of two, the Son and the Holy Spirit into one colossal nation of priests.

For our heavenly Father has said to Israel, if you really love and obey me, then you will be my especial nation not only here on earth but also in heaven's glory, because you are an extension of my only Son and of the Holy Spirit, and so, you are forever a nation of priests onto me thus to do my will. That is why, that when Balak the Moabite King called Balaam to curse Israel, because Israel invaded his territory in great numbers and the livestock that could be seen everywhere even from great distances, then Balaam came to curse Israel from the mountaintops with sacrifices and recitations, but our heavenly Father blessed Israel instead.

Besides, as Balaam called our heavenly Father to curse Israel, because everyone knew that whenever he prayed to curse anyone then that one, family or nation was cursed with his prayers over the sacrifices that he will would normally set up, but our heavenly Father will hear Balaam's prayer only to say: I see no iniquity in Israel but only everlasting holiness. Now, our heavenly Father, whenever He will look from heaven to Israel then He will see always the perfection that He personally knows from His Son Jesus Christ's glorified-body of the sacred-flesh and of the atoning-blood that He could only love, bless and care for him always, and so, Balaam's prayers and curses over Israel came to nothing, forever.

Instead, what Balaam did was bless with powerful blessings the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ that was truly the body of Isaac that had not only become Jacob, but also the great nation of the twelve tribes of Israel, filled with lasting holiness that blesses our heavenly Father's holy heart. And so, Israel it is fundamentally the continuation of our heavenly Father's image in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of the glorified-body that is the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that fills us with the pristine life, as we are born again by the power of the Holy Spirit that gave birth to Isaac and to the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ!

Thus, Israel is our heavenly Father's family that started with His image to take on His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of the glorified-body that not only has fulfilled and glorified everlastingly the Holy Spirit of the commandments in heaven's glory with the angelic hosts but also within Israel on earth, so the families of the nations may become saved with eternal life. That is to say, also that regardless as where you may be in this world these days, you can very well invoke our heavenly Father's holy name that is nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve as the King of the Jews in Hebrew, Aramaic and Latin, so you may receive your glorified-body instantly to enter heaven's glory forever saved.

For it is our heavenly Father's will that you may be washed clean from sin, by invoking His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, because as you may invoke His glorious name then His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood will wash you clean from sin thus restoring you into the holiness that you were born from our heavenly Father in the beginning. That is the power of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to wash you clean from the power of sin thus to restore your living-soul to the hour you were born in our heavenly Father's image to live forever in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of his eternal Righteousness in heaven's glory, so you may finally enjoy life without Satan's lies.

Because, it is Satan's lies that have not only killed your loved ones and friends from old but also you and your loved ones today, including those that will come, and so, you will be finally restored to the glorious perfection of lasting holiness that you were born from our heavenly Father's image only to know love, virtue, prosperity and lasting happiness. Meaning that, our heavenly Father will see you restored to the glorified-body from which you were initially born from His image, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness that is also the glorified-body, but this glorified-body comes to you with the Holy Spirit of the commandments fulfilled and with greater glories than ever.

That is why, that you need to ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill to invoke our heavenly Father's holy name, and as you may begin to ascend, then the Holy Spirit along with the holy angels will help you to get up there, so you are not alone until you get where our Father will meet you in person thus to bless you powerfully. And the blessings that our heavenly Father has conquered through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are so enormous and mind boggling that you will fail to understand them, because, they are not for you to understand them but to accept as they begin to touch and develop in and around you, so you may see His amazing glory.

It is as His holy name, for instance, you will fail to understand it, because you are not ready to understand it, but only to receive it by faith, so you may glorify it over Jerusalem's holy hill, where His Son shed the atoning-blood to remove sin, so you may invoke it with the perfect holiness that you are required to have. Indeed, your life will never be the same again, because once the atoning-blood shed to the ground before the cross has cleansed you from sin, then you will live your life liberated from Satan's sin, curses, darkness, and the constant threat of death in hell's torment, since now the Holy Spirit of the holy name lives in you with amazing powers.

Thus, it is important for you to seek our heavenly Father's blessing upon you, and this is the life that He has granted you to possess already over Jerusalem's holy hill, because it is here where Satan was defeated, as his glorified-body, prepared for Adam and Eve, finally it was nailed to you, so you may live everlastingly blessed in heaven's glory. That is why, that Jacob sought after to take on the birthright of his brother Esau, because, although both were born twins, but Esau was the one that emerged from Rebecca's womb first, however with a bowl of lentil soup he asked Esau to sell it to him, and he got it, so he may get Jerusalem's holy hill for Israel.

Provided that, with Esau's birthright, then he was able to have our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit ready to meet him over Jerusalem's holy hill as he lied sleep over the rock that the Lord Jesus Christ began to speak to him, so he may establish a pact of life with the Holy Spirit that will never end. And this is the Holy Spirit's pact that started with Jacob that it is knocking on your heart's door, so you may open for Jerusalem's holy hill to run nice and smoothly within you, because you will love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father's holy name over it, so He may descend into you thus to bless you with wonderful daily miracles.

Indeed, these are miracles that you need every day on earth and in heaven's glory, because you need to be blessed by our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, since you are His divine family that has emerged from His image by the Holy Spirit's gifts to live in the glorified-body that will only love, serve and exalt Him everlastingly. For this is the glorified-life that really knows and loves you just as much as our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit love you along with the angelic hosts from heaven above that you will begin to experience all kinds of blessings from heaven's glory that you will fail to understand them, because they are so-powerful, enriching you every day.

You will certainly be filled with our heavenly Father's unfailing-love that you will begin to love in a way that you have never loved yourself and your loved ones, including your friends that you will begin to see your enemies in a different perspective that you have never known before, causing you to love them. And you will learn to love your enemies, because our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit also loves them as much as they love you, since they emerged from our heavenly Father's image to live in His Son's likeness of the glorified-body that will live forevermore as God's firstborn, filled with amazing richness, blessing your heart's everlasting-happiness.

Daily, you need to ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill within your heart, because our heavenly Father purposely established His holy mountain within Jacob's heart and mind, so He may be so close to you, as from inside your heart, so you may invoke His holy name for doors of richness to open for you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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