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Revealing Discourses from Joe Sykes

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Apr 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/3/99
2 Nov 1998 - 17 Jan 1999
Joe Sykes, Detractor Hero, and shining light to wannbe detractors like Sharon,
CB, arelurker, newworld, and the inimitable MAHAVAHANA wrote the following
REVEALING letters:

>On your Web page, you state:
>Eckankas a "religion" is a mixture of Hinduism, Christianity and
>Tibetan mind control, and witchcraft.
>Can you refer me to more information on Eckankar's use of Tibetan

Dear X

Thanks for your e-mail. Any occult bookshop will contain books by
Tibetans or about Tibetans that include accounts of their magic
techniques. Use of the 'third eye' (imaginative focus for the mind),
entry into the mind of another, watching a person remotely, etc - much
of it's there.

However, it is rare that any magician who publishes will publish the
more advanced methods. Those who publish are usually self-important and
want recognition. Also, he who reveals reveals his techniques for

Ecankar leaders are true magicians: they like the power too much to
reveal their methods.

Another point is that a practitioner in any field may adopt Tibetan or
other witchcraft methods and rename them. Mind control features in
Eckankar and Scientology, but renamed as mind development or 'soul
travel'. It is, however, the same area of technique: mind to mind
control from one to another. It doesn't matter, then, what the
technique is called. It is more important to recognise what it is.

In Eckankar, the mind control comes into its own only after some years
(unless the member is easy to influence), after many ritual vows of
subordination to the mind controller (the fancifully named 'living eck

Hope this helps.


Dear X

I forgot to ask: would you be willing to write me a statement of your
experiences in Eckankar? If so, please e-mail.


Dear X

Thanks for your e-mail the other day.

Would you like to e-mail me a short statement on these lines:

1 Membership dates
2 Personal background: how you got in, what was happening to you at the
time, why you left
3 Eckankar's treatment of members: mind control attacks, evil and
harmful influences through the leadership esp. Klemp
4 Details about other members/ex-members.

It can be short, but this information would be great.

I realise you might have mixed feelings, but on balance I think Eckankar
is hurting too many people (I get more and more e-mails), and are just
too bold about it. They need controlling. Getting the truth out will
weaken them, and in turn help others.

Eckankar got my website closed down, but I'm putting it back on.
Meanwhile, I've produced a booklet setting out what's on the website in
a clear format, called "What is Eckankar and what does it do to you?".
Would you like a copy/copies of the booklet to distribute to
members/ex-members? Just say the word.

I look forward to hearing from you. The short statement would be great.


Dear X

The Outfund site for ex-members of Eckankar is back on the Net at:

Plase tell everyone. It's also on other sites, but this one looks OK.
It's also to be updated.



>Have you seen these Web pages on your "alleged trauma?"

Dear X

Thanks for the e-mail. I was aware of the sites, but the report is
out of date. The case has since been appealed to the US Supreme Court.

My lawsuit in Minneapolis, similarly, will be appealed to the US Supreme
Court. It is time the authorities took a good look at cult abuse.

After Molko v Holy Spirit Association (Supreme Court of California,
1989), in which the Moonies were found to have engaged in mind control,
amounting to conduct not protected by the First Amendment, Eckankar and
its mind control is fair game. I will go on until I win.

Do you know who communicated the legal sites to my University in
England, where I have studied law? The e-mail has ended my law career,
which I started after Eckankar, because no-one will give me a reference,
and I cannot be a lawyer with the Minnesotan conviction.

Eckankar has thereby destroyed my new career. That is why I will pursue
them for the £235m I have claimed in the federal court in Minnesota to
the end. After the destruction of my career, I now also want
compensation for the amount I reasonably would have earned to the age of
70, together with damages for their attacks on me.

I would very much like to know who informed the University in the UK. I
have just one or two words to say to them.

Good to hear from you.

Bye for now
Joe Sykes

Dear X


A set of sites that Eckankar cannot destroy are being set up. Some are
in place. What you downloaded was slightly old; but you will
hear as soon as it's complete.



Dear X

Here's a book that's been printed. Please distribute to anyone who
could be helped by it.



Dear X

My site was got rid of by Eckankar, so ... it's back! Here it is -- for
you and ex-members.

Please let other people know, but they should email
for the details, otherwise I will have to put it back again.

About the court case: it's on appeal, and my case against Eckankar for
infliction of distress and defamation is also on appeal. So far
Eckankar has spent $130,000 out of the General Fund on the case, and
will have to spend at least $300,000 before paying me anything, whether
the case goes to trial in 2000 or 2001 (this depends on appeal to the US
Supreme Court on mind control as a cause of action). More details to

Keep in touch


Dear X

Thanks for your e-mail. I'm using the same message for speed.

Regarding my cases against Eckankar:

1 The sites about my case in the Court of Appeals, Minneapolis, (for
which thank you), are out of date. Since then the decision to keep
those convictions is on appeal.

2 The convictions were the result of a period before I left Eckankar
(9/92-6/93), when I was a prominent member in England and was selected
for promotion, which turned out to mean intense mind control attacks
(defined below, and a period after I left (6/93-7/95) when Klemp etc
inflicted mind control attacks on me to break me down and get me back.
I was so upset by the strong mind-to-mind attack from the Eckankar
leaders, that I wrote to Klemp asking him to stop it. But he handed my
letters, one of which forgave him for his abuse, to his in-house lawyer
Douglas Kunin, who tried to get the FBI to arrest me. The FBI weren't
interested. After 2 years of this, finally he got Carver County (near
the temple) to issue a warrant. He got them to agree to a statewide

When I came to LA for a vacation in November 1995 I was arrested. But
when I got to court in Carver County, they said they wanted to deport
me. I refused to be deported. Then Carver County's County Attorny,
Peter Ivy, told the court that I had a criminal record, had a gun, and
was trained in the use of a gun. I discovered Kunin had told him this.
It was completely untrue -- I am a well brought up, law-abiding
Englishman. I realised I needed a lawyer to control Eckankar. An
anti-cult organisation found a brilliant lawyer for me, but he was very
expensive. In another twist, a friend in England would only pay for the
lawyer if I could leave freely on the next flight, and be home for
Christmas. He told the lawyer to agree to my pleading guilty (the
charge was making threats, which they say my letters contained, whereas
in fact they were distressed pleas to be left alone). That's why I pled
guilty, and that's why I have been appealing it ever since.

As I left the court, I told the lawyer to appeal. Minnesota has not
wanted to give up a conviction they have obtained, and Carver County has
argued that the sentence is very small -- only that I can't come to the
US till 2005. But I don't want to have a conviction that simply arose
because Eckankar used mind control on me and made me very unhappy for a
long time, making me desperate. Legally, intent was never proven; I
was pressured into agreeing the plea; and Carver County had no
jurisdiction (only the federal authorities did, and they didn't want to
do anything).

3 As a result of the conviction, its injustice, and the appalling
treatment I got from Eckankar, I filed lawsuits in the Minneapolis and
San Francisco courts in 1996. Both actions are on appeal in the St
Louis US Court of Appeals. If I win the appeal (my cases were dismissed
by a judge in Minneapolis who had trouble grasping new law on religions
and their use of mind control, especially Molko v Holy Spirit
Association in the Supreme Court of California, 1989), there will be a
public trial in Minneapolis, in the federal court, of my complaints
against Eckankar, in 2000. I will make it a huge media event -- I think
people have had enough of nasty cults, after Waco, the California
suicides, etc etc. I will need ex-members and unhappy members of
Ecknkar to give evidence.

4 The figures of Eckankar costs and likely damages are drawn from
admissions by Eckankar attornys and calculations by Minneapolis
attornys. They are at the low end.

5. Mind control: this is the use of thought from one person to another
to control the thought life of the second person. It occurs in many
human transactions: parent-child, teacher-child, marriage (eg abused
women). The basis for it is established over a long period. In
Eckankar, it is established by: membership agreement (service to Klemp,
acceptance of his total control over one's life); repetition of basis
agreements in initiations, daily meditation/visualisation exercises,
organisational meetings, seminars, reading their books and listening to
their tapes. The basis of a cult like Eckankar is acceptance of the
leader and his chosen people as authority over one's life. It is a
giving up of one's personal authority to them. They make the big
decisions spiritually -- and one follows.

Now this opening of the mind, conscious and subconscious, to the
iinfluence and specific thoughts of Klemp/'High Initiates' opens a member
to any thought they choose to put into his mind. I have personally
caught Klemp putting a thought into my mind that was his, but was hidden
in my style of thought and even voiced like my own thoughts. Mind
control is extremely subtle -- the average member will not be aware of
the thoughts that are being put in.

Over time, the mind of the member learns a different, Eckankar thought
life -- not just the stuff put out in seminars, meetings and books, but
the personal, individual thoughts of a member. His or her own
personality is suppressed as he or she prefers the thoughts about the
appropriate things to think and do that are being sent into his or her
mind. These may be dramatic thoughts presented in dreams or meditation
experiences, with much show and flashing lights (a real circus, when one
stands back), or they may be silently presented thoughts in the personal
mental style of the member. This is not that hard to create -- after
knowing and studying a member for a few years, it's quite easy. (Many
could do it -- they're just too nice to).

What sort of thoughts are silently presented? One big one is that I am
not adequate as I am; I must devote myself to Eckankar practices
(meditation, volunteering); I must put my attention on Eckankar, not on
myself. Another is that x bit of my personality is bad (or, it all is).
I must push it away, see it in terms of reincarnation, as a fixed and
bad fact, and cover it over with Eckankar experiences.

The result is disastrous: a conflict in the subconscious mind between
the Eckankar personality and the real, suppressed one. That's why many
have mental breakdowns, break up in disabling fear, etc. It's hardly
surprising, really.

I hope this is clear. Margaret Singer's "Cults in our midst" says much
the same. But after 14 years in Eckankar, and 5 1/2 out of it, I know
my analysis is right.

You are welcome to e-mail me withe more questions. What is your
position re Eckankar?

With best wishes


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Apr 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/3/99
Psycho-Stevens again.

Tell you what, fruit loop, if you like, I can photocopy my driver's license
and fax it to the BC board of education along with an explanation of why I'm
sending it, if you like, to prove once and for all that I am not Joe Sykes.
That's assuming, of course, that they haven't drummed your sorry ass out of
there yet. For God's sake, Buttwad, I *don't* believe in witchcraft, I am
*not* a law student, and I have a *totally* different writing style.

I am completely serious when I say that you're obviously suffering from a
severe mental disorder. You desperately need to seek help, and I honestly
pity the poor parents who unknowningly send their children to a psychopath
like you to be "educated".

Now, why don't you do what's best for you and run along again, you sick,
sick little man.


Apr 4, 1999, 4:00:00 AM4/4/99
In article <7e55rl$bom$>,

Dear Mr. Revealer,

I don't recall a mention of your name in the previous post. However, now that
you mention it, there is a curious similarity of opinion between you and the
esteemed Mr. Sykes regarding the successorship of Sri Harold Klemp as eith
Peter Skelsky or Phil Morimitsu. Here is a samply of Mr. Sykes writing style:

What is Eckankar

and what do they do to you?

An Information Booklet

What is Eckankar
and what happens if you join it?

The Eckankar 'temple' in Minneapolis:
a base for destroying lives

What is Eckankar, a Californian religious cult now based in Minneapolis, doing
to its members and ex-members?

This booklet sets out to expose the truth behind its well-polished literature
and public claims: broken lives, mental illness, bankruptcy and ruthless abuse
and harassment of rebels.

A mind control cult

Eckankar is a California mind control cult, based in the suburbs of
Minneapolis, Minnesota. The cult attracts people, usually vulnerable through
emotional problems, with glossy ads promising 'spiritual freedom', 'ancient
wisdom', and 'God-realisation'.

Particularly vulnerable are people with emotional problems. They believe the
hype, hand over money, and sign a membership form handing over their lives to
'the Living Eck Master', the Eckankar 'spiritual leader'.

Giving up your personal authority

New members go through a carefully organised procedure of vows, initiations
and agreements.

With each ritual members give up a bit more of their right to control their
own life, by vowing to put their lives in the hands of the 'spiritual
leader'. Members are told to concentrate on a mental image of the leader, and
to imagine him appearing to them and talking to them.

In the process a member opens his mind completely to the leader, enabling the
leader and his 'high initiates' to establish a powerful mind control over the

Your personality is submerged by a false one

Eckankar insists on a member replacing his personal interests and
characteristics with approved ways to live life: cult activities, raising
money, even appropriate dress and pursuits. These may be communicated to the
member directly, or hinted at subtly. The pressure is much the same for

The cult also that requires members to focus on 'higher' personal
characteristics: unconditional love to all, balanced by a clear understanding
of their unspiritual condition.

This means you make a show of loving people, while feeling intolerance and

The psychological result: a member's original personality is submerged,
covered by an Eckankar false personality.

Eckankar goes further than most cults in this, setting up unattainable
standards ('God realisation is the goal, but it is achieved only at the '14th
initiation' and 'soul' cannot reach in most cases beyond the '9th'
initiation!) and attacking members for not making the grade.

This harsh standard enables 'high initiates' to gain an ever deeper influence
over the minds of members. Put another way, the Eckankar leaders set about
destroying a member's mental independence in order to achieve total control
over his life.

Power is the goal of the Eckankar leaders. Power over the mind of members.
Eckankar also wants power over a member's purse: but to them that is a small
gain compared to absolute power over the mind a member. By controlling a
member's mind, Eckankar leaders influence his emotions and spirit.

Look at it another way: Eckankar is in the business of capturing souls for
evil. Their work is the exercise of evil.

The results of Eckankar's mind control

No surprises about what happens. Many members break down, fall into
psychotic states or a fear and distress that disables them. A member may
think he is the reincarnation of Jesus, or other famous people. These people
live wretched, disoriented, broken lives.

Examples of lives ruined by Eckankar

Here are some examples of those lives.

Example 1:

A young man from Minneapolis was told by Harold Klemp, who claims to the
cult's "spiritual leader", to move to a far-flung state. Mr Klemp
communicated with the young man by "soul travel", a mind control technique
that boils down to telepathy.

A series of vows, initiations, and regular visualisations of Mr Klemp make it
easy for Mr Klemp and his senior members to communicate directly, mind to mind
with members (details below). Sounds weird, but they do it.

When the young man got to the far-flung state, Mr Klemp told him he was the
reincarnation of Jesus, and would be the future leader of Eckankar. That is a
common prediction in Eckankar.

After a few months of Klemp's mind-to-mind influence the young man's mind
collapsed. He had lengthy treatment, a including sophisticated deprogramming
method. He is still in a bad way. Eckankar's response? They write to him
and contact him regularly, inviting him to return!

Example 2:

2 17 year old San Francisco Bay Area kids commit suicide. The suicide note
states the following: Harold Klemp told them, "It is your time to go".

Being faithful, naturally they committed suicide.

Example 3:

A 23 year old computer programmer joined Eckankar in New York. Her sister
had just died, and she was vulnerable to talk about the after-life. She went
to an Eckankar meeting postered to be about the after-life. She joined, and
then took a programming job at Eckankar's headquarters at 3001 Louisiana
Drive, New Hope.

After a few days, she began having nightmares. She kept dreaming that leading
members of Eckankar wanted to kill her.

One day as she was driving on a Minneapolis freeway she had a clear sense of
Mr Klemp talking to her. Mr Klemp told her to drive into cars in another
lane. The programmer just managed to control herself enough to stop an

Eckankar leaders including Mr Klemp then directed so much pressure at her on a
daily basis that she left. She required treatment over a long period for PSTD
(post traumatic stress syndrome).

Want to hear more? Here's another couple of cases.

Example 4:

A 19 year old English girl met a senior member of Eckankar and they had a
relationship. He had been a member for 25 years.

Within a few months, he had done the following to her: he got her to give him
money till she was runnning out, and then he tried to get her to transfer her
house to him.

The girl fled. Using Eckankar's powerful mind to mind control
techniques the senior member went after her and caused her a serious mental
breakdown. She was committed to a mental hospital in 1993. She is still in

Example 5:

An English member was told by Mr Klemp using "soul travel" that he, too, was
to be the next leader of Eckankar. The member was disbelieving.

Mr Klemp replied by imposing a daily living nightmare of mind control on the
member. A form of punishment crossed with encouragement , you could say.

The nightmare included sleep deprivation, pain when he tried to eat,
appearances of demonic creatures, attacks to his mind whenever he went to
have exercise -- you name it, Klemp did it.

The member left Eckankar in terror after nine months. He lived in fear of
Klemp and Eckankar for two years, and is now suing Eckankar in the federal
court in Minneapolis for $235m for psychiatric injury.

Example 6:

A young man, after a few years of membership, left and sent another ex-member
a message on the Internet. The message said: "Eckankar has taken everything.
My wife, my job, my home, my money. I have nothing left. My life is

These a few insights from many into what Eckankar is doing in Minneapolis,
its center for international operations. What do you think of Eckankar's
behaviour? It is happening around you.


What can you do about Eckankar?

This booklet gives suggestions, along with the addresses of Eckankar's offices
and senior members. Don't let this destructive cult walk all over the
inhabitants of Minneapolis. Take action.

Want to make a legal protest?

Let's say you want to protest about Eckankar's ruination of defenceless lives.
How do you go about it?

You can file lawsuits, write letters and telephone Eckankar and its senior
members, write letters and telephone the Mayor, local politicians, judges,
anyone who can make something happen.


You can mount a protest outside an Eckankar center or house of a senior
member. You can write to them, and to local authorities, local politicians,
judges. You can write letters to newspapers. You can write to Congress.

Tell these people what Eckankar did to you or to your loved one, or even what
you have heard about. Don't let them get away with it.


You can sue Eckankar, Harold Klemp, and the senior members and other Eckankar
members in the county and federal (United States District Court) for:


Getting donations by promising (eg) spiritual freedom, then taking over a
member's mind and inducing psychiatric injuries in him

Undue influence

Using mind to mind influence, set up by Eckankar's visualisation exercises, to
extract donations and voluntary services

Breach of trust

Breaking the relationship of trust agreed in the Deed of Trust and in the
religion-member relationship of trust impliedly agreed on taking out
membership. Examples of breaches: psychiatric injury, fraud, undue influence
for extraction of donations.

Breach of fiduciary duty

The trustees on the Board of Trustees of Eckankar owe a duty based on their
position of responsibility to the Board to not cause members any harm. So any
trustee, and any staff responsible to them as employees of the Eckankar Trust,
is in breach of fiduciary duty through the causing of psychiatric injuries to
members, etc.

Infliction of distress to the extent of psychiatric injury

The most serious. The damaging of a member's mind, maybe permanently if the
member is not conscious of all the conditioning imposed on him. Caused by
the use of "soul travel" visualisations of Mr Klemp and other leaders, which
allows those men to influence the member's mind and introduce terror.

Infliction of emotional and mental distress

You can sue in state courts, in your local district court, or in the federal
court. As Eckankar claims protection by the Constitution's First Amendment
for its actions, the federal court is the natural place to sue the cult.
Appeals go ultimately to the United States Supreme Court. Addresses of
courts are in the telephone book, or you can find them on the Internet (try

It is sensible to avoid claims that enable Eckankar to use the First
Amendment easily. There is no point attacking its religious claims, eg that
it is a fraud based on the theft of other religions. That is of course
interesting and educational (as it is demonstably true), but will get

Eckankar's vulnerability is to tort and breach of trust actions: for
psychiatric injury, breach of trust, as listed above.

You can probably rely on the fact that Eckankar will lie, or seek to
misdirect, or ignore your claims. Pursue your claims boldly, and don't stop.

Eckankar and its leaders

What is Eckankar's legal status?

Eckankar is registered in California as a religion, specifically as a
non-profit corporation of the religious type.

Its registration at Sacramento is: Californian non-profit corporation No
C0734414. Eckankar is also registered to do business in Minnesota as a
foreign corporation in Minnesota, at 3001 Louisiana Avenue North, New Hope,
Minnesota 55427.

Eckankar's claim to this status, which means paying no taxes, is based on its
Articles of Incorporation. Eckankar needs permission from the State of
California each year to continue as a non-profit corporation.

Addresses of Eckankar leaders

If you want to make a legal protest to Eckankar leaders, here's who to

Harold John Klemp

Address: c/o Eckankar, 3001 Louisiana Avenue North, New Hope, Minnesota 55427.
The current leader. Married to Joan Tilton-Cross Klemp. But he doesn't want
anyone to know where is. (No records, no cars, no trace).

Philip Morimitsu

Future leader. Address: c/o his sister, Carol, at 9635 Stagecoach Pass, Apt
28, Eden Prairie, Minneapolis, MN 55347, tel: (612) 943 0959.

Mary Carroll Moore

Klemp's editor. Address: 423 Mill Street, Excelsior, Minneapolis, MN 55331.
Just up the road from the temple (Mill Street turns into Powers Boulevard).

Douglas Kunin

Eckankar's legal eagle. Address: 5650 Zealand Avenue, #8, New Hope, MN

John Heyl

Head of "spiritual services", but no use to Eckankar's victims. Address: 7572
Zinnia Way, Osseo, Minneapolis, MN 55331.

Other employees

Addresses: New Hope headquarters - 3001 Louisiana Avenue North, New Hope, MN
55427; temple - Temple of Eck, Powers Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minneapolis

Employees include: Susan Alexander (seminar manager), Jassie Kurr (admin),
Peter Skelskey ('President' and effective marketing manager).

Ex-members talk

Here are some detailed statements from ex-members of Eckankar for you to think

1 An American woman

A computer programmer at Eckankar in the early 1990s, this woman left after
two years in a state of distress and fear. She had to be treated for Post
Traumatic Stress Syndrome for a long period.

As part of legal proceedings, she made the following statement:

"I first encountered Eckankar after graduating from New York City University
in computer science in the mid-1980s. I went to a workshop run by Eckankar.
My sister had just been killed in a train accident and I was interested in
philosophy and life after death. The workshop was about life after death.

"Very soon after joining I felt as if I was put under hypnotic spells by
Eckankar and its leader Harold Klemp. I did things I would never have
normally have done, including putting my life in jeopardy.

"I had no history of mental illness, and there had been no mental illness,
abuse or alcoholism in my family.

"One day I heard Harold Klemp, using 'soul travel', tell me to go for a walk
in Central Park in New York at midnight. Central Park is well known for
being dangerous at night, particularly for women. I was also 22 years old
and attractive.

"I went for the walk. I heard Klemp tell me I could not be harmed or hurt,
and because I was under the influence of Klemp's mind control, I believed it.
I would never have taken that chance if I had not been.

"Once I joined, I did not talk to my family or friends. Eckankar members told
me my family were the Devil, and I should not see them.

"Eckankar members told me Beatles records and other rock and roll records
were evil, and I threw away 500 records. They told me not to wear black,
only cream, white, light colours. I threw away 80% of my wardrobe, and I
replaced it with what Eckankar members considered OK. They also told me not
to watch TV news, or read newspapers, or read non-Eckankar books, for the
first two years of membership.

"In Fall 1989 I was employed as a systems analyst by Eckankar at its
Minneapolis headquarters. I was employed there until 6 August 1991. While I
was employed there I had a relationship with the caretaker of the Eckankar
temple at Powers Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minneapolis.

"After being employed by Eckankar for a few months, I began having nightmares
in which I awoke frightened. That happened at home, but also when I spent
the night at the temple. I kept dreaming that Eckankar's leaders were trying
to kill me. I awoke in terror, screaming out loud.

"I also had nightmares of running away and escaping from senior Eckankar
members, particularly Harold Klemp, Peter Skelskey, Douglas Kunin, and Jack
Heyl. This continued when I left Eckankar.

"I became more and more afraid while working for Eckankar. My stomach seemed
to be full of fear. Before I joined I was never afraid.

"One day I was driving in Minneapolis. I heard Klemp tell me to drive the car
on the other side of the road. I started to do it. I realised what I was
doing, then got back on the road.

"Harold Klemp wrote a book, "Child in the Wilderness", in which he wrote how
before he became spiritual leader of Eckankar he was influenced in his dreams
and had many mental attacks. He experienced the same sort of attacks and
influence as me. He ended up in a mental institution.

"People in the Eckankar office seem to share one identity, and are afraid to
talk to one another. Documents in the waste basket have to be shredded three
times a day. You have to get permission from the front desk to leave the
building, including to go to your car. I would say the staff from the top
down were paranoid, ruled by terror.

"I have worked in large organisations, such as Equitable Life and Arthur Young
in New York City, and I have never seen such behaviour or management to
employees, and such fear.

"After I left Eckankar in August 1991, I asked Margaret Singer, an expert on
mind control employed in the Patti Hearst case and the author of "Cults in
our midst" for help. She recommended a psychiatrist who diagnosed me as
having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of my membership of

"There are a number of ex-members of Eckankar who have had similar or worse

2 An Ex-member on the Internet

This is a letter written by an ex-member to a well-known critic of Eckankar,
David Lane, and published on Mr Lane's websites.


"Dear David

"Doubts about Eckankar

"This is what I'd like to get across to anyone considering the path of
Eckankar. I lost faith and left his deceptively mild cult.

"All should be forewarned that threats about what happens to those who leave
Eckankar are usually discovered after receiving initiation. What a convenient
time to be told!

"There is, in fact, a discourse [Eckankar publication] that informs the
student about what happens to the unfortunates who leave Eckankar. That in
itself is rather rude but the discourse goes on to say that "[Klemp] will say
nothing to the student who decides to leave, he says nothing about the great
misery and unbearable sorrows that await him now that he's without God's

"I will be working to help others break away from the mind control and
eventuallly work openly to assist them in the readjustment to a more normal
life away from fantasy inner masters and bogus threats.

A Very Grateful Ex-eckist!"

3 Raphael, ex-member on the Internet

Another ex-member, Raphael, discusses Eckankar's threats at one of Mr Lane's

Source: Mr Raphael can be contacted by
e-mail at

Raphael writes there:

"Eckankar, under the direction of Harold Klemp, publishes disseminates and
supports threats of dire consequences for those who do not believe, and who
may wish to leave the the group.

The Eck Satsang Discourses, Third Series, 1971, page 1:

'Anyone who breaks away from the Eck [sic] after receiving initiation into Eck
will have to go through many future lives until he meets the Eck Master again,
accepts him as the Mahanta, the living Eck master, and surrenders to him

'He punishes himself. Those who indulge their whims and try to turn their
unhappiness into complaints about the Eck master soon find themselves in
certain circumstances which only add to their troubles in life. The Eck
ceases to operate in their lives, for one thing. This brings about a misery
which few, if any understand; they seem to think that the responsibility lies
outside themselves.

'The individual becomes like a vegetable. This is a simile for one without
vitality in his actions and deeds, whose thinking is dulled, and who is not
mentally alert at all. In other words, he is like an inanimate element of
life, a vegetable, a piece of mineral, a rock, or something with hardly any
emotions or thinking ability left.

'This vegetable state also occurs if one should have the initiation in
Eckankar and break off to join another group, regardlees of whether it is a
psychic, religious, or philosophical organization.' "

4 A young English woman

Another young woman met and had a relationship with a senior member of
Eckankar, a "high initiate", with 25 years of membership. That senior member
did the following to her:

(1) Influenced her to read Eckankar's books and use their techniques of
visualisation of Mr Klemp;

(2) Influenced her to give him her money;

(3) Influenced her almost to the point of giving him her house.

The woman ran from this man when he tried to get her to give him the house.
When she did so, he attacked her mind with such violence that she was soon
certified insane. She was put in a mental hospital for a period. For a
period after that she was reliant on psychiatric drugs.

5 An English man

English, a member of Eckankar for thirteen years, he left in June 1993. From
September 1992 Mr Klemp targeted him for violent mind control. The most
violent, cruel mind control in Eckankar comes, as you would expect, from the

Mr Klemp told the member using his mind control and telepathic techniques
that he would be a leader in October 1991. The member was sceptical, and
mistrustful of Mr Klemp. Mr Klemp appeared often to the member using his
telepathic techniques, and induced in him hallucinations of creatures, spells
on objects, a desire for suicide, fear of being killed by members of
Eckankar, among many others. At the same time, Mr Klemp told the member
clearly that these would stop if he obeyed Eckankar.

The member ran in terror and exhaustion from Eckankar in June 1993. A
Nigerian member, Ebenezer Egunjobi, told him when he learned of his plans to
leave, "You will meet a quick death". Despite the death threat, and many
other threats from Mr Klemp ("You will die", "You have cancer", "your brother
will commit suicide", etc), the now ex-member refused to return to the cult.

Mr Klemp kept up the pressure on the ex-member by his ability to attack the
ex-member's mind, established over 13 years' of membership. As a result, the
ex-member lived in fear, under constant mind to mind attack, for the period
1993 - 1995.

6 Male ex-member

In response to a website exposing Eckankar's methods, an ex-member sent the
following e-mail:

"All of the things you wrote about on the web page have already happened to me

"But you have to realize that the people you accuse of doing it ( black
magic) have no idea that they are being used, because their images are being
used by a higher, but evil power.

"For instance, I knew what Harold looked like, but they was a time when I
didn't know what his voice sounded like. As soon as he sent an audio tape to
me through the mail, I knew what his voice sounded like.

"Shortly thereafter, the attacks started, just like the ones you wrote about
on your webpage."

7 Female ex-member

A very distressed ex-member made this statement:

"I've just left Eckankar. I think I need some help.

"I've been in Eckankar for almost 15 years. How I got into it was, well,
right before … before I even knew or believed that black magic was real. .
.well, I was involved with one … and I didn't know … and I was hypnotized and
controlled and it was so horrible that I look back now and can't believe it
was real, that it happened …but it did.

"I only survived because I believe God was with me, and for the love of my

"And shortly after he [the black magician] left my home … that was when I had
the dream of Harold. At the time I thought it was God … but now that I am out
of Eckankar … and can see that and other dreams clearly … well the first dream
of Harold was in a dark place, and I didn't want to be there …very dark, but I
thought it was Heaven or something. And that's why I joined Eckankar … to be
safe …for the Master's protection from these

"I don't know what's happening to me now …whether it's psychic attack or
what. … I am a very sane and stable person, believe it or not …in spite of
these strange things that I know about & try not to think about. I am
mentally fine I think. . .but I'm not sure, I'm not sure …

"I am afraid not only for myself. . .but for others. … Because I believe,
strongly believe, that Eckankar is also threatening a friend, someone I care
about deeply … and I saw this before I'd even heard about anything connecting
Eckankar with mind control and black magic … and I was afraid … and I'm
scared to death right now.

"Can you help me? Please?"

Summary of ex-members' experiences

These and other ex-members learned that Klemp, an expert in mind control, can
introduce an image of himself into the member's mind, and appear to speak to

But Klemp and the expert Eckankar leader can do much more than that, with this
open door to the member. He can put thoughts into the member's mind that the
member believes are his (the member's).

He can cause the member to do irrational and even self-destructive acts that
otherwise that person would not do. These include suicide.

When a member leaves, Klemp retains his mind control connection. He can cause
destructive thoughts in the ex-member's mind.

Klemp has boasted publicly of how he used this method, in thoughts and in
nighttime dreams, to break the will of a woman who left and joined the
Lutheran Church. After she fell apart, lost her job, lost her husband, she
went back.

It is usually said that you have to throw out any object you have of the cult
you have been in, and start a new life. With Eckankar, who use the control of
the mind to control members, it is not so easy.

You have to recognise the thoughts that come to you to control you as not
yours, and reject each of them. You have to break every illusion and false
thought you have believed in the period of your membership. Otherwise you
have no real hope of personal freedom.

No ex-member should underestimate the determination and cruelty of Klemp and
his inner group. They do not like to lose one member, and do not care how
much pain they inflict on that person to make them come back.

But, with determination, you can get away from their devouring and destructive

Websites you can look at

You can find information on victims and critics of Eckankar websites like:

You can e-mail any information or questions to:

Published by OUT, BM 36, London WC1N 3XX, England.

Copyright OUT 1998.

Apr 4, 1999, 4:00:00 AM4/4/99
In article <7e55rl$bom$>,
"Revealer" <> wrote:

> Psycho-Stevens [the cloner] again.

I second that emotion.

Tis' "clearer than the noonday."

Jul 10, 2017, 2:06:08 PM7/10/17


Jul 11, 2017, 4:12:26 AM7/11/17
eckincorporation refresh course:

Two month is enough fot soul-ravel.


Jul 12, 2017, 8:28:53 AM7/12/17
To me, it looks like the REAL message here is about liberty and pursuit of the imagination. In other words someone, or some group took the liberty to create so many fictions and pass them off (for whatever reason(s) as non-fiction. And as a result other people and groups (maybe a little like like money see, monkey do)did the same. This use of man (and woman)-made fiction and religion is not a subject foreign to the writings and teachings that Paul Twitchell shared with his wife when he initially began to educate her via a series of letters; letters that amounted to perhaps one ever day for a few years.

For many, many years people have complained about the plagiarisms, the fictions and the yarns spun by the founder of Eckankar and some of his successors. Since the current leader of Eckankar has claimed (in so many words) to infrequently use the Internet it doesn't mean (IMHO) he is like totally unaware of the controversy. Even if he hasn't read every single complaint and post (I haven't) publicly shared here on a.r.e. alone I think it fair to say he knew that many people were not happy with what some other people did; and / or continue to do. I don't think any supposed leader of any religion can effectively control every member against their wills. They might be able to remove them and / or get them excommunicated from the organization. They might be able to try and influence the minds and thoughts of a congregation in some way, but never can a single person pull the wool over the eyes of everybody and keep it there. I doubt that every patriotic American would surrender their rights to be dumbed down by any crafty pseudo man (or woman)-made history and religion. If the trends are any indication I would bet that people are more inclined to challenge a lie and than to swallow it whole. Whether these are the "little white lies" of lawyers from the camps of Harold, Duane, or any other confidant of a "Rebazar Tarzs" who may never have been a real live living person, but a fictional character and figment of the imagination used to create more than one modern-day religion.

Is imagination the message here? And liberty to pursue the imagination even at the cost of truth and justice, etc.? How many other imaginary people and things will be spawned when liberty is afforded to do so. I've seen it here on a.r.e. My point is that imagination has two sides and goes both ways. Imagination of others is often exploited by liars and / or criminals trying to mislead and / or throw people off their track. For Rebazar Tarzs a "track" of many, many words now exist. A number of them mirroring sentences, paragraphs and chapters from books by other people credited to an Eck Master, or someone else instead. Is this a legal thing to be encouraged? To take the creations and / or the beliefs and facts illustrated by others and paraphrase, copy edit them and assign the origin to a fictional character; one that can be manipulated by the user?

Maybe the puppet is working the puppeteers instead of the other way around. In other words, perhaps people are being played by their own imaginations and imaginary characters? That could be called some kind of "condition" I reckon. One that is not generally considered to be contagious. I would beg to differ. And suspect that mind-control can be passed from one person to another.


Jul 12, 2017, 8:33:49 AM7/12/17
... can be passed from dummies to dummies :)
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