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"Ancient Science of Soul Travel"

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Feb 13, 2013, 8:25:45 PM2/13/13
Evidentally, one doesn't have to be a member of Eckankar to know, or speak about this.

Some examples:



Sahaji - the one higher Sanskrit [Asacer language] word for "Soul Travel" that is used, learned, and practiced in AKATHA


According to the Eckankar glossary, the term Eckankar means "Co-Worker with God".[1] Eckankar is described as "Religion of the Light and Sound of God". Eckankar has also been described as "The Ancient Science of Soul Travel," "The Religion of New Age", "The Science of Total Awareness," and "A Way of Life". The main Eckankar webside has, since 2011, changed the description from "Eckankar, the Religion of Light and Sound of God" to "Eckankar, Experience the Light and Sound of God." ECK is another word for the Holy Spirit, also known as the Audible Life Current, Life Force, or Light and Sound of God.[2]:55


Those were only a few examples. No doubt there are more. And yet, terminology has changed over the years ... where once long ago Paul Twitchell used the term bilocation. The number of people speaking on "bilocation" is enormous. Just go and search YouTube for keyword bilocation.

For me, the words "ancient" and "science" are interesting - even though those are not the most modern terms used to describe Soul Travel today.

I want to look at the history of this "ancient science", or Soul Travel as it was described in Eckankar literature.

Begin here:

"The Soul Traveler system was initiated, or was first known in our records of spiritual travels, by Zoroaster, the Persian avatar, some few hundred years before the coming of Christ." [Based on: ECKANKAR, Compiled Writings, Vol. 1 (Copyright 1975 by Gail T. Gross), by Paul Twitchell, p. 43]

"No written instructions had been put down for the followers of ECKANKAR, nor any part of it, until the sixteenth century when Kabir, the Hindu mystic poet, took it upon himself to unwrap the mysteries of the ancient science of Soul Travel." [Based on: ECKANKAR, Compiled Writings, Vol. 1 (Copyright 1975 by Gail T. Gross), by Paul Twitchell, p. 59]

"From Kabir's day those who have helped spread the doctrine of bilocation were mainly, the leader of the Sikh order, especially Nanka Guru [sic], the founder. Others have been the Sufi saints, e.g., Hafiz, Jalal din Rumi, Shamus Tabriz, and Sawan Singh, Kirpal Singh, St. Anthony of Padua, and the contemporary clergyman, Padre Pie [sic], to name a few." - September 1965 issue of Search Magazine.

"[....] The THIRD PATH is a path of BILOCATION, or that which we know as SOUL TRAVEL. ... This is an Ancient Path, which came out of the misty past. There was Many, Many Centuries ago, ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF THE TIME OF EARTH, A RELIGION THAT WAS FORMED THAT CAME OFF THE PLANET, VENUS, AND WENT DOWN THROUGH THE SPIRITUAL CITY OF AGAM DES, AND THEY CALLED IT AT THAT TIME, THE NAACAL RELIGION. Anyway, it was a religion that was formed out of the SOUL FLIGHT, which has become now as ECKANKAR today. The records of this are kept in the TWO or THREE, I believe it's TWO, very remote monasteries in TIBET, in which they have not been invaded by the Chinese yet. [....]" [Note: PT's: The Way of Eckankar Series, Lecture Two - August, 1966]

"[...] Rebazar Tarzs brought to my attention the mysterious facet of philosophy known as the ancient art of ECKANKAR - the science of Soul Travel. [... .]"

[Based on: ECKANKAR, Compiled Writings Volume 1, Paul Twitchell (Copyright 1975 by Gail T. Gross), p. 37]

"[....] In a sense, Christianity has failed mankind but it is now beginning to see light and the true teachings are gradually making headway in the west. Man hardly knew anything about Eckankar, the secret science of Soul Travel, or about Bani, until the Eshwar-Khanewale adepts started making their presence felt in the world of man. [....]" [Apparently, Shamus-i-Tabriz is the speaker.]

[Based on" The Tiger's Fang, by Paul Twitchell (Copyright 1967), 8th Printing - 1979, p. 125 - 3rd paragraph]

(In this version Bani changes to the ECK)

"[....] In a sense, Christianity has failed mankind, but it is now beginning to see light, and the true teachings are gradually making headway in the West. Man hardly knew anything about ECKANKAR, the secret science of Soul Travel, or about the ECK, until the Eshwar-Khanewale adepts started making their presence felt in the world of man. [....]" [Apparently, Shamus-i-Tabriz is the speaker.]

[Based on: The Tiger's Fang, by Paul Twitchell (Copyright 1967), 1969 Lancer Book version, p. 127 - 2nd paragraph]

"Paul got into his early efforts to present the teachings of ECK even before he called them ECK and Eckankar. He started with weekly lectures to small groups of fifteen to thirty people at the California Parapsychology Foundation in Southern California. In those days he referred to Soul Travel as bilocation, and it was explained as a way to reach the Supreme Oneness. He was trying to express the Sugmad, the Supreme Being, and that the way to It was through the Voice of God, which we know as ECK."

[Based on Article (Beginnings of Eckankar) @]

ECKANKAR, THE SECRET SCIENCE OF SOUL – TRAVEL: Eckankar, the ancient science of Soul Travel, is the Illuminated Way to God. Those who see and talk with God travel this ancient, secret path. Learn out-of-the-body projection by your own volition, beyond all lower planes into God's realm.
It increases spiritual awareness and insight into the spiritual worlds. Services: Bilocation-Illuminated Way Discourses (1st Series) ; Eckankar Secret Way Discourses (2nd Series); The Illuminated Way Monthly Letter; Books and Taped Lectures, Spiritual Consultation and full Akashic Life Readings.
PAUL TWITCHELL, P.O. Box 13052-XX, San Diego, California 92113, USA - Please send information on Eckankar-Secret Science of Soul Travel. - February 1967: Understanding Magazine


There was another example where I thought I saw the words soul travel in a book printed years before Eckankar was founded; thought I posted the link here but I can't seem to find it.

In any case, I probably can agree that history and stories of people traveling via "Soul Body" is somewhat ancient. It's not like Eckankar has any kind of a monopoly on the idea. Others have described this too. And when "Dream Travel" is added into the mix I believe it fair to say this has been around for ages too. Iow, there have been stories written about this kind of thing for centuries. If one is looking for the "ancient science" though, and a record of that recorded throughout history, I think one has to naturally sift the fictions from the facts in order to get the best understanding about what that ancient science truly entails.


Feb 13, 2013, 8:53:03 PM2/13/13


Feb 13, 2013, 11:03:58 PM2/13/13
Some similarity between Brown Landone Epistles and Rebazar Tarzs can be found after going to the bottom of page one for Dialogues With The Master, by Paul Twitchell, Chapter: THE TRUE REALITY (pp. 137-138) and comparing with paragraphs on p. 7 of Landone's Epistles here.

Also search for keywords "striving effort" (Landone p. 11-16 / Twitchell p. 138) & "acorn" (Landone p. V-45 / Twitchell p. 138) in both texts.

I haven't spent much time reading Landone's Epistles (the words 'soul travel' were what got my attention initially), so I am not saying those are all the similarities. Also, I haven't determined the dates when Landone wrote those Epistles. Only that he died in the middle 1940's.


Ref# 41391720-9294 (DWTM Chap. THE TRUE REALITY - Twitchell vs. Brown Landone - The Landone Epistles - confidential lessons.


Sep 4, 2017, 10:20:24 AM9/4/17
Has anybody found other similarities besides the ones I already mentioned?


Sep 4, 2017, 2:37:59 PM9/4/17
The similarities between Rebazar Tarzs (Dialogues With The Master, The True reality, p. 137) and Brown Landone appear to begin (in this instance, at least) with I Reveal, the Landone Epistles - Page V-116. There are a number of examples between the two books.

Example 1

COMMENT: Knowledge is Infinite, and MANIFESTS THROUGH all souls of earth, all souls that have ever lived on earth and continue to live after having lived on earth, and all souls that shall live on earth! - XI-116 (V-116)

[Based on: I Reveal, The Landone Epistles, Brown Landone, p. XI-116 (V-116) - 2nd-last paragraph]

COMPARE WITH *********

"[...] You know that knowledge is infinite and manifests through all Souls that have lived in the earth plane and continue to live after having lived on earth, and all Souls that shall live on earth."

[Based on: "Rebazar Tarzs" in Dialogues With The Master, by Paul Twitchell, Eighth Printing - 1983, p. 137 [THE TRUE REALITY]

Example 2

"This reveals the mystic truth, that you can now have whatsoever your soul desires; you can demonstrate it now, because whatsoever you want already exists.

[Based on: I Reveal, The Landone Epistles, Brown Landone, p. I-7]

COMPARE WITH *********

"This reveals the mystic truth that you can now have whatever Soul desires in the spiritual world, for whatever you want already exists for you."

[Based on: "Rebazar Tarzs" in Dialogues With The Master, by Paul Twitchell, Eighth Printing - 1983, pp. 137-138 [THE TRUE REALITY]

Example 3

"Whatever you want is already prepared for you, but so long as you bind yourself by your conscious mind's limitations - you will fail to get beyond those limitations. [...] True time is eternal; all that exists is ever present.

[Based on: I Reveal, The Landone Epistles, Brown Landone, p. I-7]

COMPARE WITH *********

"So whatever you desire spiritually is already prepared for you, but as long as you bind yourself by your conscious mind's limitation, you will fail to get beyond these limitations. True time is eternal and all that exists is ever present."

[Based on: "Rebazar Tarzs" in Dialogues With The Master, by Paul Twitchell, Eighth Printing - 1983, p. 138 [THE TRUE REALITY]

Example 4:

"The soul never needs to make a striving effort, in order to expand its consciousness, anywhere. II-16 (V-16)
"The soul never needs to struggle to enfold all its wants."

[Based on: I Reveal, The Landone Epistles, Brown Landone, p. II-16 (V-16)

COMPARE WITH *********

"Soul never needs to make a striving effort in order to expand Its consciousness anywhere. Soul never needs to struggle to unfold all of Its wants. It has within Itself whatever is needed in the spiritual world."

[Based on: "Rebazar Tarzs" in Dialogues With The Master, by Paul Twitchell, Eighth Printing - 1983, p. 138 [THE TRUE REALITY]

Example 5:

(Not yet found complete online illustration for this example. Consult with book for the full context.)

[Based on: I Reveal, The Landone Epistles, Brown Landone, p. II-45 (V-45)

COMPARE WITH *********

"Then look at it this way. The awakening of knowledge within one is essential, like the awakening of that which has been evolved into an acorn, so that it may come forth in magnificence as the oak tree."

[Based on: "Rebazar Tarzs" in Dialogues With The Master, by Paul Twitchell, Eighth Printing - 1983, p. 138 [THE TRUE REALITY]


Now look at page I-12, 2nd-last paragraph here.


"You shall NOT reveal to anyone - not even to intimate friends or members of the family - what is written on pages 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11: [... .]"

And Paul Twitchell had Rebazar Tarzs "revealing" to him parts of what Brown Landone wrote on page 7 and others?


Given all the examples to date - between "Rebazar Tarzs" and various authors and books (many a part of Paul Twitchell's "recommended reading list") - I suspect a different scenario than the popular scenario of Rebazar Tarzs dictating to Paul Twitchell. Rather, I suspect Paul Twitchell going through numerous books looking for passages to fill his own books and writing materials. And I suspect Paul Twitchell knowingly giving credit to the name Rebazar Tarzs instead of the book, or the author who created and wrote the texts originally. Iow, I suspect Paul Twitchell and Eckankar using the name Rebazar Tarzs (or, in other examples another Eck master's name) to supplant the original source that Paul Twitchell was privy to.

If true, and if provably true beyond a doubt, I suspect this is more than simply plagiarism and literary theft. I think it is a concerted and group effort at having created and sustained (in spite of criticisms, questions and personal letters over many years) pseudo man (and woman)-made history and religion!

The fact that people have time and time again tried to detract from the subject of Who? What? Was / Is Rebazar Tarzs really? suggests to me that some people can't handle the truth, or the facts concerning passages between Rebazar Tarzs vs, a good number of "New Age", "New Thought" and other authors.

Iow, the popular fifty years already-established version of Rebazar Tarzs in the minds and imaginations of many readers does not very well mesh with the version of Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell copying, paraphrasing and plagiarizing the creative works of numerous people.

Before Doug Marman wrote his books and tried to spell out the "whole" truth, Did he seriously consider sharing all of the examples that he and Harold Klemp found after getting their hands on Paul Twitchell's personal library and files - what have you - previously in the possession of Darwin Gross?

I saw a different picture. I saw something like Doug Marman as a big black paint brush trying to paint over the name David Lane and the findings of same! A lot of those same findings are raising their heads like super weeds that cannot be put down, or covered up. Moreover, Many, many more things have been found since David entered relative retirement. Additionally, a good number of things remain still to be found and publicly pointed out because very few (if any) sources I know about are actively researching the evidence and following where it leads.

How many more sources did Paul Twitchell, or Eckankar use and credit to the name Rebazar Tarzs? With the effect of knowingly making more animate and real in the minds of others a particular "version" of Rebazar Tarzs? Furthermore, How many other so-called spiritual leaders and spin-off (from Eckankar) paths have been knowingly repeating the actions of Paul Twitchell and Eckankar by using the name Rebazar Tarzs as "source" for multiple copied, paraphrased and / or plagiarized texts?


Sep 4, 2017, 2:52:45 PM9/4/17
Throughout the years, during my research, I have spent little time trying to "sell" the Eckankar writings but more time focusing on where did those writings come from. Iow, my opinion of the writings (regardless of origin) was not very much shared because more important for me became the spiritual exercise of the actual truth. Of following the truth and where that truth leads. I have always felt this was the "TRUMP" card in Eckankar and in other religions. That if I were to really become devout and religious on any path it would mean respecting the truth and holding it in high esteem above that of pseudo man, or woman-made history and religion often corrupted and filled with fictions, half-truth and complete lies!

The latter is what, IMHO, makes the world a living Hell. Plain and simple. And even as a member of Eckankar I would rather have the truth and make that a part of Eckankar than to knowingly feed other people fictions, half-truths and lies.

I have spoken :)

Henosis Sage

Sep 4, 2017, 7:55:02 PM9/4/17
RE : "suggests to me that some people can't handle the truth"

More like 99% of people can't handle the truth - in and out of eckankar.

RE: "I saw something like Doug Marman as a big black paint brush trying to paint over the name David Lane and the findings of same!"

Yes. Doug Marman is like the guy in the CIA/NSA with big black texta covering up so called "national security" facts from the public when releasing FOIA documents.

I have zero respect for the guy and utterly deny his reputation as a purveyor of "truth" ... he is a liar who spread gross disinformation to people about Eckankar and Twitchell, and Darwin Gross and Harold Klemp. Marman is an incompetent "historian" and a fool of a man. IMO.

Because indeed those 3 plus Marman and many others along the way have MADE "the world a living Hell" for tens of thousands of people across 50 years plus. "Plain and simple!!!!!!!"

Good work Etznab with Landone well done, keep speaking truth to power and all those misled by the Pied Pipers of this "hell of a world". (sheesh)

Henosis Sage

Sep 4, 2017, 8:01:41 PM9/4/17

A River in Egypt on September 4, 2017 at 5:00 pm said:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Still you have seen no “plagiarisms” in DWTM Doug? No intentional manipulation of hundreds of thosuands of people over the years nor any lies ever told by Twitchell Doug?

RE : “suggests to me that some people can’t handle the truth”

More like 99% of people can’t handle the truth – in and out of eckankar.

RE: “I saw something like Doug Marman as a big black paint brush trying to paint over the name David Lane and the findings of same!”

Yes. Doug Marman is like the guy in the CIA/NSA with big black texta covering up so called “national security” facts from the public when releasing FOIA documents.

I have zero respect for the guy and utterly deny his reputation as a purveyor of “truth” … he is a liar who spread gross disinformation to people about Eckankar and Twitchell, and Darwin Gross and Harold Klemp.

Marman is an incompetent “historian” and a fool of a man. IMO.

Because indeed those 3 plus Marman and many others along the way have MADE “the world a living Hell” for tens of thousands of people across 50 years plus. “Plain and simple!!!!!!!”

Good work Etznab with Landone, well done, keep speaking truth to power and all those misled by the Pied Pipers of this “hell of a world”. (sheesh)
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