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4,000-Year-Old Aryan City Discovered Near Russia-Kazakhstan Border

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Oct 5, 2010, 4:18:35 PM10/5/10


Oct 5, 2010, 4:30:51 PM10/5/10
On Oct 5, 3:18 pm, Etznab <> wrote:

This article is another version.

The place where Europe began: Spiral cities built on
remote Russian plains by swastika-painting Aryans


Oct 5, 2010, 5:02:45 PM10/5/10
On Oct 5, 4:30 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> On Oct 5, 3:18 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> >,000-Year-Old%20A...
> This article is another version.
> The place where Europe began: Spiral cities built on
> remote Russian plains by swastika-painting Aryans

very interesting, thanks for posting it~!


Oct 8, 2010, 11:38:02 AM10/8/10
On Oct 5, 3:30 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> On Oct 5, 3:18 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> >,000-Year-Old%20A...
> This article is another version.
> The place where Europe began: Spiral cities built on
> remote Russian plains by swastika-painting Aryans

Swastika City

In order to gain publicity, the early investigators
described Arkaim as "Swastika City", "Mandala City",
and "the ancient capital of early Aryan civilization, as
described in the Avesta and Vedas". The swastika
description refers to the floor plan of the site, which
(with some imagination) may appear similar to the
swastika symbol, albeit with rounded arms (similar
to the lauburu) attached to a central ring instead of
a cross.

Have yet to see illustrations for the type of swasticas
associated with that region. There are many different
forms of "swastica", however. Many with curved arms.

See Mexican No 1231

More on first part of this page.

From the Wikipedia swastica page:

The earliest consistent use of swastika motifs in the
archaeological record date to the Neolithic. The symbol
appears in the "Vinca script" of Neolithic Europe (6th to
5th millennium BC[12]).

From another page:

According to Marija Gimbutas, the Vinča culture was
part of Old Europe: a relatively homogeneous, peaceful
and matrifocal culture that occupied Europe during the
Neolithic. According to this theory its period of decline
was followed by an invasion of warlike, horse-riding Proto-
Indo-European tribes from the steppes.[7]

BTW, didn't Paul Twitchell write something about Rama,
or Ramaj, having come from Germany (Among other
places. Like Tibet.)?

"It [Eckankar] has been handed down by word of mouth
from Rama, the first known world savior, who came out of
the deep forests of northern Germany and traveled down to
Persia, where he paused long enough to give these secret
teachings to a few mystics whose descendants were to
become the followers of Zoroaster, the Persian sage.

"Rama then proceeded to India, where he settled and taught
that man could have the experience of God in his own lifetime.
[....]" [Based on: The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One (Copy-
right 1970, 1987 ECKANKAR - Third Printing - 1997, p. xii

"Among the early ECK Masters was Ramaj who came out
of the dark forest of what is now Germany, and made his way
East. He entered first into Persia and established the Magi
Order, centuries before the birth of Zoroaster, the great Persian
sage. Then he went into India and there founded the Indian
religion, which is an offshoot of ECK." [Based on: The Spiritual
Notebook, by Paul Twitchell, 10th printing 1983, p. 188]

"Rama An early world savior. He carried the message of ECK
from deep forests of Germany to India." [Based on: ECKANKAR,
The Key to Secret Worlds, Copyright 1969 by Paul Twitchell, p.

That basic "story" appeared first in the book Introduction to
Eckankar (1966), p. 8, I believe. See second page of chapter:
Ancient Theory Contests Existentialism.

In my version of that chapter, the name was spelled Rama.

Just looking at a number of different recorded history reports
and on a number of topics (possibly related) here.

On the pdf link (did it post yet?) there was discussion about
a land having many months of cold, or winter. Afghanistan &
the Hindu Kush region were mentioned as if somehow conn-
ected to a "land of the Aryans" (my words). These were, are
regions that fit the description of cold.

I'm not so certain. I can see the reasoning, but how do I know
the weather on earth 2,000 or more years ago? Was it cold only
in those mountainous regions? IMO the jury is still out concern-
ing a "homeland" for the "Aryans". Even the pdf article looked
at the subject from various angles.

A question I would ask is "What (if any) are the connections
between "Yama", "Yima" & "Ymir"?

There is a story in the pdf link I want to go back and look at.
The pdf link can be page-searched for the word yama to look
at more on the topic. Here is an example (p. 38):

Furthermore, the list is found in the context of Yima and his
creation of the underground Vara (V. 2), itself an answer to the
evil Daiva-created winter. It reminds of the position of the Vedic
god Yama, the lord of death and of the nether world of the an-
cestors, something inauspicious like everything that is concerned
with death and burial.82 Though Yima in V. 2 is not the Lord of
Death and the Nether World as he is in the Veda,83 he neverthe-
less is one who has become evil, having fallen prey to Druj (Yt.
19.33, 34, Y. 32.8, see HINTZE 1994: 36).

[the words nether world in italics]

It was somewhat confusing to me the "directions" describing
the nether world. Whether in the sky, or on the earth.

There are a number of things to consider, IMO, when looking
at the "story" for Yama according to different sources. Like,
why association with a "mountain"? Didn't I hear something
about a "mountain of Yama" someplace? Where was that?

This etymology section for Ymir could prove insightful about
the story of "Yama".

Analysis of different Indo-European tales indicate the
Proto-Indo-Europeans believed there were two progen-
itors of mankind: *Manu- ("Man"; Indic Manu; Germanic
Mannus) and *Yemo- ("Twin"), his twin brother. The
latter, like Ymir, was sacrificed and carved up by his
brother to produce mankind.[3]

Traces of this dualistic structure of (also) the Proto-Indo-
European creation myth can be found in parallel mytho-
logical entities with the same etymology, like the Indic
death deity Yama and Avestan Yima, progenitors of
mankind; of Remus (according to Jaan Puhvel), the
brother of Romulus in the story of the founding of Rome,
and Ymir. The underlying Proto-Indo-European form is
*yemo ("twin"). The corresponding Proto-Germanic
form was either *umijaz or, in better accordance with
this theory, *jumijaz (W.Meid).

Yama shares with Ymir the characteristics of being
primordial and mortal, but otherwise developed towards
a very different character, the first of mortal men and
kings who after death becomes ruler of the realm of
the dead.


I'll have to look for more information from that site
discovered near Russia. Some artwork and symbol
illustrations would be nice. If not some writings -
from about 4,000 years ago. If anybody finds them,
please add to this thread.



Oct 8, 2010, 10:18:02 AM10/8/10

Thought I posted this additional link here yesterday,
but I didn't see any post here this morning.

It's a long read & tries to pinpoint some Aryan regions
mentioned in recorded history. Illustrates similarities
between the Avesta and Rig Veda, too. IMO.

Was checking some other links and researching topic
from various angles. I was interested in the Yamna
culture and a belief that "yama" had something to do
with a "pit", or grave.

Some other links:


Oct 7, 2010, 7:37:54 PM10/7/10
On Oct 5, 4:02 pm, Kinpa <> wrote:

Starting to research and become more familiar with
this subject. Apparently, discovery and exploration
for the area began about 20 years ago.

After looking at some of the geography and related
cultures I came upon this pdf. I haven't read it all yet,
but it looks at "Aryan" history in context to regions
in the Ural area.

The Yamna culture was interesting to me, and the
word "yama" for "pit". I saw this on other sites.

In any case, I'm giving the pdf link for anybody who
wants to read more.



Oct 11, 2010, 12:26:33 PM10/11/10

Something about the swastica from other sources:



"[....] In Bonpo symbolism, the swastika or yungdrung
(g.yung-drung) corresponds to the vajra or diamond
(rdo-rje, “the king of stones”) in the Indian Buddhist
system. Both of them indicate something that is ever-
lasting, indestructible, and pure. As an adjective (g.
yung-drung) or as an adverb (g.yung-drung du) the
word means eternal, everlasting, perpetual. As die
axis mundi, this sacred mountain in the center is im-
perishable and indestructible (g.yung-drung). [....]"




I liked the connection with a spiral galaxy near the
bottom of that first link.

Obviously, this symbol has been around long before
its use in Germany.

Col. James Churchward described it (I believe) as a
glyph used to describe the process of creation.



Nov 30, 2010, 7:30:17 PM11/30/10
On Oct 5, 2:30 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> On Oct 5, 3:18 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> >,000-Year-Old%20A...
> This article is another version.
> The place where Europe began: Spiral cities built on
> remote Russian plains by swastika-painting Aryans

Came across this article today about the world's oldest
salt mine (4,500 B.C.). It appears to be in the neighbor-
hood of Kazakhstan (the mine is in Azerbaijan) so I'm
adding it to this thread.


This is showing there was activity around the Caspian
Sea thousands of years ago. Very interesting, IMO.

"The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in
the world and accounts for 40 to 44 percent of the total
lacustrine waters of the world.[8] The coastlines of the
Caspian are shared by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan,
Russia, and Turkmenistan. [....] Discoveries in the Huto
cave near the town of Behshahr, Mazandaran south of
the Caspian in Iran, suggest human habitation of the
area as early as 75,000 years ago.[17] [....]"


Nov 30, 2010, 7:40:57 PM11/30/10
On Nov 30, 6:30 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> On Oct 5, 2:30 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> > On Oct 5, 3:18 pm, Etznab <> wrote:
> > >,000-Year-Old%20A...
> > This article is another version.
> > The place where Europe began: Spiral cities built on
> > remote Russian plains by swastika-painting Aryans
> >
> Came across this article today about the world's oldest
> salt mine (4,500 B.C.). It appears to be in the neighbor-
> hood of Kazakhstan (the mine is in Azerbaijan) so I'm
> adding it to this thread.

> ****************************************************************
> This is showing there was activity around the Caspian
> Sea thousands of years ago. Very interesting, IMO.
> "The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in
> the world and accounts for 40 to 44 percent of the total
> lacustrine waters of the world.[8] The coastlines of the
> Caspian are shared by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan,
> Russia, and Turkmenistan. [....] Discoveries in the Huto
> cave near the town of Behshahr, Mazandaran south of
> the Caspian in Iran, suggest human habitation of the
> area as early as 75,000 years ago.[17] [....]"

That link I gave was a little weird. It didn't go to the article,
but to a page with the article (see latest news on right).

Try this link instead. I think it goes to the article page.

Message has been deleted


Dec 24, 2010, 12:24:40 AM12/24/10

not exactly related to the topic, nd yet still might be...
[b]Fossil finger bone yields genome of a previously unknown human


Dec 24, 2010, 11:00:59 AM12/24/10
> relative[/b]

Thanks for that article! An interesting one.

I believe maybe the Ainu people go back to 28,000 B.C. as
well. However, this date is not mentioned on Wikipedia for
the Ainu or the Jomon. Perhaps the "ancestors" go back to
that time?


"The first signs of occupation on the Japanese Archipelago
appeared with a Paleolithic culture around 30,000 BC, followed
from around 14,000 BC by the Jōmon period, a Mesolithic to
Neolithic semi-sedentary hunter-gatherer (possibly ancestors
of the Ainu)[18] culture of pit dwelling and a rudimentary form
of agriculture. [....]"

Isaac Asimov, in his "Chronology of the World" for the period
30,000 to 25,000 (p.21) mentions:

"Sometime before 25,000 years ago, human beings took
advantage of a low sea-level at the height of one of the periodic
glaciations to cross over into North America and into Australia.
In time, all the land was penetrated as far as Tierra del Fuego
at the southern tip of South America; and Tasmania, the island
off the southeastern coast of Australia."

I'm not sure how true, or what evidence that was based on,
but the Ainu, or their ancestors ... I wonder if related to that girl
mentioned at the link?



Dec 28, 2010, 4:23:51 PM12/28/10

on a related note, it seems that homo sapiens is older than we
previously thought...

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