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Jan 7, 2010, 6:45:19 PM1/7/10

Who's the Liar?

I was talking to my son the other day, and he mentioned something I
hadn't thought about. Well, that should be no surprise, right, as if I
could possibly think of everything?

So we were talking, and the subject of War came up, then terrorism, then
the guy who was wearing exploding underwear and tried to blow up a bunch
of innocent people in an airliner. So he asked the usual rhetorical
question, 'why would someone blow them self up to murder innocent
people?' OK, sure, maybe you're in a war, and you've got guys on their
side trying to kill you so you want to kill them first. You still
wouldn't want to blow yourself up, you'd want to blow them up and stay
alive to do it again. But suicide? Worse, suicide to kill innocent
people? Why?

Well, he mentioned the Japanese in WW2, but the Kamikaze was a soldier
trying to kill enemy solders -- not innocent civilians. So comparing the
Muslim suicide bomber with the Kamikaze bomber makes the Muslim look
insane. Either of these is nearly impossible for the western mind,
meaning Christian, to understand. I can't understand it unless I can
believe the suicide bomber as insane due to hate.

Well, this brought up the glaring difference between the Christian and
Islam religions. So we talked a moment about the founders of
Christianity and Islam, Jesus and Muhammad.

Then my son said, "You know, when someone calls you a liar, and you know
you are not lying, then you know that he is the liar."

That amazed me. Yes, I knew it, but I'd never thought of it in that
simple of a statement.

So, here's the thing: Muhammad states that Jesus is not the son of God.
Jesus says he is the son of God. Who's the liar?

There is no way around this question. One of them, Jesus or Muhammad, is
a liar.

Now if you believe Jesus' claim that he is the Son of God, then you must
believe Muhammad is the liar.

But it goes beyond that real quick.

Islam wants to destroy Israel. Why?

Islamic nations call the West (Christian Nations) "the Great Satan." Why?

Satan attempted to get Job to "curse God and die." Satan attempted to
get Pharaoh to murder Moses. Satan tried to get Herod to murder Jesus.

Satan lied to the Son of Ham, Nimrod. who became the first King of
Babel. Satan deceived many kings of the earth while God groomed His
people, until He brought His People out of Egypt by Moses. Then Satan
attempted to get other nations to destroy Israel, but God did not allow
it until Assyria carried the Ten Tribes into captivity. Then He allowed
Babylon to destroy Jerusalem. After Israel returned from Babylon, and
after Jesus lived and died as the Lamb of God, then God allowed Satan to
bring Rome to again destroy Jerusalem.

How many times has Satan made war against God's People?

If Satan has done it before, should we ignore his attempting to do it again?

Just two of many scriptural references:
Rev 12:
15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the
woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth,
and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with
the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have
the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Rev 20:
7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out
of his prison,
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four
quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle:
the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the
camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from
God out of heaven, and devoured them.

And see Daniel, and many others. Both of the above scriptures tell us
that Satan, the Dragon, will make war against God's People. Can we
ignore it?

So if Islam is calling Christian nations "the Great Satan," and we know
Christian nations are NOT lead by Satan, then what does that mean? It
means that Islam is the liar.

If Muhammad says that Jesus is not the son of God, and calls Christ the
liar, then who is the liar?

If Muhammad is the liar, then who is the god Muhammad worships?

If Islam seeks to destroy God's People, Israel, then who is the god of
Islam? Who was the god of Babel? Who was the god of Egypt? Who was the
god of Rome?


Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Terry Cross

Jan 7, 2010, 6:49:15 PM1/7/10

Because Israel "destroyed" Palestine in order to "build" Israel.
Therefore, Israel must be "destroyed" to rebuild Palestine.

Gosh, I thought even you could figure that out, Glen.


..Matt B...

Jan 7, 2010, 7:03:01 PM1/7/10

If anyone thinks Israel will go down easily they are foolish. Before
israel is destroyed the Kaaba will be a smoking hole and Mecca and
every other shrine a Islam also will be destroyed. How could they do
a Hajj with no Kaaba?

God Bless


Terry Cross

Jan 7, 2010, 7:08:38 PM1/7/10

So now it's Israel that "wants to destroy" Islam? Isn't that cute.
And the first was prima facie evidence of Islamic diabolism, while the
second is prima facie evidence that Israeli might is right.

> God Bless

You worship at the wrong altar to make those salutations.


..Matt B...

Jan 7, 2010, 7:22:15 PM1/7/10
On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 16:08:38 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross
<> wrote:

>On Jan 7, 4:03嚙緘m, ..Matt B... <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 15:49:15 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross
>> <> wrote:

>> >On Jan 7, 3:45嚙緘m, glenn <> wrote:
>> >> Who's the Liar?
>> >> I was talking to my son the other day, and he mentioned something I
>> >> hadn't thought about. Well, that should be no surprise, right, as if I
>> >> could possibly think of everything?
>> >> So we were talking, and the subject of War came up, then terrorism, then
>> >> the guy who was wearing exploding underwear and tried to blow up a bunch
>> >> of innocent people in an airliner. So he asked the usual rhetorical
>> >> question, 'why would someone blow them self up to murder innocent

>> >> people?' 嚙瞌K, sure, maybe you're in a war, and you've got guys on their

>> If anyone thinks Israel will go down easily they are foolish. 嚙畿efore

>> israel is destroyed the Kaaba will be a smoking hole and Mecca and

>> every other shrine a Islam also will be destroyed. 嚙瘡ow could they do

>> a Hajj with no Kaaba?
>So now it's Israel that "wants to destroy" Islam? Isn't that cute.
>And the first was prima facie evidence of Islamic diabolism, while the
>second is prima facie evidence that Israeli might is right.

Where did I sat Israel wanted to destroy Islam. Except for the
fanatics of all sides including Christian I think the majority of
people would rather have peace. Muslims fanatics have taken to using
force and murder often lately

Thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police in Egypt on
Thursday in response to a drive-by shooting the night before that left
six Christians dead and nine wounded.

Guess to people like you it is everyone picking on the muslims.

God Bless


New Testiclemint

Jan 7, 2010, 7:49:38 PM1/7/10
Moohommit mentions jesus but jesus doesn't mention moo-moo ... it's obvious,
like all the other bLIEble rants...

OPEN a bible and *IT* will CLOSE your mind...

- AunÝie ChrisÝsÝain
- - Book Of Realizations©

Terry Cross

Jan 7, 2010, 8:22:33 PM1/7/10
On Jan 7, 4:22 pm, ..Matt B... <> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 16:08:38 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross
> <> wrote:

> >On Jan 7, 4:03 pm, ..Matt B... <> wrote:
> >> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 15:49:15 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross
> >> <> wrote:
> >> >On Jan 7, 3:45 pm, glenn <> wrote:
> >> >> Who's the Liar?
> >> >> I was talking to my son the other day, and he mentioned something I
> >> >> hadn't thought about. Well, that should be no surprise, right, as if I
> >> >> could possibly think of everything?
> >> >> So we were talking, and the subject of War came up, then terrorism, then
> >> >> the guy who was wearing exploding underwear and tried to blow up a bunch
> >> >> of innocent people in an airliner. So he asked the usual rhetorical
> >> >> question, 'why would someone blow them self up to murder innocent
> >> >> people?'  OK, sure, maybe you're in a war, and you've got guys on their
> >> If anyone thinks Israel will go down easily they are foolish.  Before

> >> israel is destroyed the Kaaba will be a smoking hole and Mecca and
> >> every other shrine a Islam also will be destroyed.  How could they do

> >> a Hajj with no Kaaba?
> >So now it's Israel that "wants to destroy" Islam?  Isn't that cute.
> >And the first was prima facie evidence of Islamic diabolism, while the
> >second is prima facie evidence that Israeli might is right.
> Where did I sat Israel wanted to destroy Islam.  

You wrote:
> >> Before

> >> israel is destroyed the Kaaba will be a smoking hole and Mecca and

> >> every other shrine a Islam also will be destroyed. How could they do

> >> a Hajj with no Kaaba?

> Except for the
> fanatics of all sides including Christian I think the majority of
> people would rather have peace.   Muslims fanatics have taken to using
> force and murder often lately

Now that the thieves have their prize, the thieves want peace? How
spiritual of them!

How about justice first, then peace.

> Thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police in Egypt on
> Thursday in response to a drive-by shooting the night before that left
> six Christians dead and nine wounded.
> Guess to people like you it is everyone picking on the muslims.

Uh, ... "thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police ...

that left six Christians dead and nine wounded."

That sounds like Christian violence, to me. Gosh knows how you find
Muslims in that story.




Jan 7, 2010, 9:41:06 PM1/7/10

Oh my golly, TCros,
I certainly want to thank you for explaining that the descendants of
Ham, the Palestinians, do NOT worship the same God as do the Children of

Oh, oh, oh, what WAS the name of that god they were worshiping?

YOU remember, don't you TC?


Jan 7, 2010, 9:50:52 PM1/7/10
..Matt B... wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 16:08:38 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross
> <> wrote:
>> On Jan 7, 4:03 pm, ..Matt B... <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 15:49:15 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Jan 7, 3:45 pm, glenn <> wrote:
>>>>> Who's the Liar?
>>>>> I was talking to my son the other day, and he mentioned something I
>>>>> hadn't thought about. Well, that should be no surprise, right, as if I
>>>>> could possibly think of everything?
>>>>> So we were talking, and the subject of War came up, then terrorism, then
>>>>> the guy who was wearing exploding underwear and tried to blow up a bunch
>>>>> of innocent people in an airliner. So he asked the usual rhetorical
>>>>> question, 'why would someone blow them self up to murder innocent
>>>>> people?' OK, sure, maybe you're in a war, and you've got guys on their
>>> If anyone thinks Israel will go down easily they are foolish. Before

>>> israel is destroyed the Kaaba will be a smoking hole and Mecca and
>>> every other shrine a Islam also will be destroyed. How could they do

>>> a Hajj with no Kaaba?
>> So now it's Israel that "wants to destroy" Islam? Isn't that cute.
>> And the first was prima facie evidence of Islamic diabolism, while the
>> second is prima facie evidence that Israeli might is right.
> Where did I sat Israel wanted to destroy Islam.

You didn't say that, Matt, that is just TCros demonstrating how to
falsify someone's statement.

BTW, I'm sure you know, but I'll say it anyway: it's OBVIOUS that Israel
does NOT want to destroy Islam, or any Islamic nations -- because if
they did, they would already be glassed over radioactive parking lots.
They just need to wait a thousand years, then send in their marines to
paint the white lines.

The US and Russia once lived under an insane program called MAD --
Mutual Assured Destruction.

Israel and the nations around her live that reality in far more detail
and threat than ever did russia and the us.

One day Iran (or some other completely MAD government) MAY lob a missile
at Israel, and if the right (or wrong, perhaps) General is sitting at
the hot button, there will be some new parking lots in Iran (or which
ever nation acted suicidal)... but, unfortunately, Islam is KNOWN for
suicidal bombers.

> Except for the
> fanatics of all sides including Christian I think the majority of
> people would rather have peace. Muslims fanatics have taken to using
> force and murder often lately
> Thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police in Egypt on
> Thursday in response to a drive-by shooting the night before that left
> six Christians dead and nine wounded.
> Guess to people like you it is everyone picking on the muslims.



Jan 7, 2010, 9:55:44 PM1/7/10

By creative editing, TCros, you reveal that you are a liar.
When you demonstrate that you are a liar, you also demonstrate which god
you worship and serve.

But, I'm sure that doesn't surprise YOU, does it?

Tio Nyarlathotep

Jan 7, 2010, 8:10:25 PM1/7/10
glenn wrote:
> Who's the Liar

Both are liars. They claim a god that does not exist. They claim
miracles that did not happen. Both tedious holy books are contradicted
by science and common sense.

Jesus is fake. Muhammad was a liar. Both were child molesters. The Koran
and the Bible are both primitive bullshit for trashy pig bitch breeder
scum to frighten their children with. Fuck Jesus. Fuck Muhammad.

I hope this helps!


Nyarlat Hotep

Terry Cross

Jan 8, 2010, 2:45:31 AM1/8/10

I left the original text in exactly the form you published it. When
thousands of "enraged" Christians get into a riot whereby "six"
Christians are dead and "nine" are wounded, the story tells itself.

> When you demonstrate that you are a liar, you also demonstrate which god
> you worship and serve.
> But, I'm sure that doesn't surprise YOU, does it?

The truth is there, not changed. Are you lying about me being a liar?


Terry Cross

Jan 8, 2010, 2:48:35 AM1/8/10

Your remark might have substance if you worshiped only a name. Tell
me that is not so. In the Bible, one of the names of God is "El."
The Muslims worship a God called "El-ah".

Do you really believe there is so much difference?



Jan 8, 2010, 4:02:40 AM1/8/10

Your posts are a witness against you, that you are a liar.

First, I did not post the text you selectively edited, Matt did.

Second, I (or anyone else) can look at the original post by Matt, and
compare your edited version, and see that you did, in fact, falsify his

Now you claim that you left the original as -I- "published" it... ?

Here is the original post by Matt

Thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police in Egypt on
Thursday in response to a drive-by shooting the night before that left
six Christians dead and nine wounded.

End quote.

Here is Matt's post as altered by you:

Uh, ... "thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police ...
that left six Christians dead and nine wounded."

And now you write:


"When thousands of "enraged" Christians get into a riot whereby "six"
Christians are dead and "nine" are wounded, the story tells itself.

End quote.

First, Matt's post does not say the Christians "got into a riot," it
says they clashed with police.
Second, it does not say "a riot whereby 6 are dead and 9 are wounded."

The "story which tells its self," TC, is the story whereby you
demonstrate that you are a liar.

Now TC, are you honest enough, or intelligent enough, to tell our
readers what part of Matt's post you omitted to falsify it?

Shall I give you a hint?
TCross omitted:
" response to a drive-by shooting the night before that left
six Christians dead and nine wounded..."

TC, it was the drive by shooting that left 6 dead and 9 wounded.

Matt even gave the link, and you obviously refused to do any
investigation -- and simply proceeded to falsify the truth in order to
engage in your lies and false accusations.

Not only are you a liar, TCross, but you are now a convicted liar, and I
will no longer entertain your lies, or throw pearl to you.

Terry Cross

Jan 8, 2010, 4:37:20 AM1/8/10

I did not write that you "posted" it. I wrote that you "published" it
-- when you quoted it in your message. Try to keep up, Glenn.

> Second, I (or anyone else) can look at the original post by Matt, and
> compare your edited version, and see that you did, in fact, falsify his
> post.

Good. Let them do so.



Jan 8, 2010, 5:50:40 AM1/8/10
On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 23:45:31 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross
<> wrote:

> On Jan 7, 6:55�pm, glenn <> wrote:

> [...]

> > By creative editing, TCros, you reveal that you are a liar.
> I left the original text in exactly the form you published it. When
> thousands of "enraged" Christians get into a riot whereby "six"
> Christians are dead and "nine" are wounded, the story tells itself.

Actually, Terry, you didn't leave the original text in the exact
form it was quoted the first time. Here's what was originally
posted that you responded to that shows it was a drive by
shooting the night before by Muslims which left the six
Christians dead - it was not until the next day there was a clash
with police, and no one died because of that clash.

MattB wrote:
> Thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police in Egypt on
> Thursday in response to a drive-by shooting the night before that left
> six Christians dead and nine wounded.

Then you, Terry, edit it in the following way:

> Uh, ... "thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police ...
> that left six Christians dead and nine wounded."
> That sounds like Christian violence, to me. �Gosh knows how you find
> Muslims in that story.

All this answers your own question:

> The truth is there, not changed. Are you lying about me being a liar?

The truth was changed by you, Terry.

Meanwhile the truth remains that Muslims murdered six Christians
in a drive-by shooting, as told in the article, that you also
seem intent on defending/hiding.


Jan 8, 2010, 12:21:44 PM1/8/10
On Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:10:25 -0600, Tio Nyarlathotep
<> wrote:

>glenn wrote:
>> Who's the Liar
>Both are liars. They claim a god that does not exist. They claim
>miracles that did not happen.

They do???

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI

..Matt B...

Jan 8, 2010, 2:31:02 PM1/8/10
On Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:50:52 -0800, glenn <>

Yes they do. I think the Arab governments think if they hide behind
terrorist groups they are safe. That is wishful thinking.

>One day Iran (or some other completely MAD government) MAY lob a missile
> at Israel, and if the right (or wrong, perhaps) General is sitting at
>the hot button, there will be some new parking lots in Iran (or which
>ever nation acted suicidal)... but, unfortunately, Islam is KNOWN for
>suicidal bombers.

Yes they kill thier own children everyday. I know many muslims and
they are good people it is the extremist that are the problem. We
need to start charging the clerics that promote this terrorism as
accomplishes. England radicalizes many muslims.

God Bless


Terry Cross

Jan 8, 2010, 2:54:45 PM1/8/10
On Jan 8, 2:50 am, gabriel <> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 23:45:31 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross

Wrong. I changed neither the "truth" nor the text. I added an edited
version to show the source of my comments, but the original unedited
text was also included my post.

> Meanwhile the truth remains that Muslims murdered six Christians
> in a drive-by shooting, as told in the article, that you also
> seem intent on defending/hiding.

Aw gosh, and we are to believe that story started with no precursor.
Just as they always tell the stories in Israel: Everything done by
the Palestinians is unprovoked out-of-the-blue violence. Everything
done by the Jews is retaliation, even when they retaliate 100 to one.
And we are supposed to forget the whole story begins with Jews
invading Palestine with violence.

Your story says that Christians went into such a frenzy, they rioted
and killed and wounded a bunch of Christians. I must ask you, if the
lives and health of 15 Christians are so meaningless, why do they care
that Muslims killed six of them?

Christians killed six Christians. Muslims killed six Christians.
Which is the the worst crime?

Muslims killed six Christians -- was it a gangland killing? A drug
pusher's assassination? A political event?

The article you quote is significantly short on facts and details. I
point out the goofiness: Christians kill six Christians by rioting and
battling the police. Wake up.


..Matt B...

Jan 8, 2010, 2:56:43 PM1/8/10

Thieves well yes I guess since that land was originally called Canaan
guess both the Jews and the Palestinians are thieves The Arabs took
over Israel in about 636 AD before that for a while it belonged to
Rome from about 330 AD maybe we should give it back to them.

That little peace of land has belonged to so many different peoples
that how do we decide now to whom it belongs?

Lets face facts going into a school and killing children is not going
to get them a state even with the United nations human right
department now supporting terrorism.

>> Thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police in Egypt on
>> Thursday in response to a drive-by shooting the night before that left
>> six Christians dead and nine wounded.
>> Guess to people like you it is everyone picking on the muslims.
>Uh, ... "thousands of enraged Christians clashed with the police ...
>that left six Christians dead and nine wounded."

Cut and paste job. Hmmmmm I almost forgot who I was talking to.

>That sounds like Christian violence, to me. Gosh knows how you find
>Muslims in that story.

Terry did you even read the article. Here it is in video maybe you
will understand it better.


again we see big brave muslim men attacking children in a drive by

Terry did you clap your hands at the thought of those children that
died in 9/11.

God Bless



..Matt B...

Jan 8, 2010, 3:03:44 PM1/8/10

Terry it was a drive by shooting by cowards. They were muslim here is
a short video.


Like normal they attack children.

Here is more details

""In Egypt, seven Coptic Christians were murdered yesterday by a
Muslim gunman as they filed out of a midnight mass in the southern
town of Nag Hamadi. In Pakistan, more than 100 Christian homes were
ransacked by a Muslim mob last July in the village of Bahmaniwala. In
Iraq that same month, seven Christian churches were bombed in Baghdad
and Mosul in the space of three days.""

If you can't use truth to make your point you have lost already and
your support of terrorism won't win anything.

You need facts.

God Bless


Terry Cross

Jan 8, 2010, 3:24:11 PM1/8/10
On Jan 7, 6:50 pm, glenn <> wrote:
> ..Matt B... wrote:
> > On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 16:08:38 -0800 (PST), Terry Cross

You think Israel always does exactly what it wants, with no shame? Is
that your assertion?

Israel is a client state, heavily dependent on tribute and foreign aid
from the US and Europe. Without that continuous child support, Israel
would collapse, and no arsenal of nuclear bombs or atomic tantrum
would fix that. Therefore, Israel is also dependent on world opinion
and is required to observe some appearance of human decency, even when
it really wants to act like an atomic suicide bomber in Sbarros.


..Matt B...

Jan 8, 2010, 4:36:29 PM1/8/10

I think Humas is also dependant on Aid. I think Israel is being kind
if someone had in their charter my complete destruction I would not do
much for them either. If someone shoots at me I shoot back. That's
life in the real world.

""The US is set to offer more than $900m to help rebuild Gaza
following Israel's military assault on the Palestinian territory,
officials say.""


"'International donors are set to pledge at least $3bn (�2.1bn) in aid
to the Palestinian Authority today mainly to rebuild Gaza, while
shunning the battered territory's Islamist Hamas rulers. ""

Yes Humas can kill at will, use human shield and get away with it
because the United Nations Human Rights commission is biased toward

God Bless


Tio Nyarlathotep

Jan 8, 2010, 11:58:51 AM1/8/10

> Meanwhile the truth remains that Muslims murdered six Christians
> in a drive-by shooting, as told in the article, that you also
> seem intent on defending/hiding.

Trash on trash violence. A pox on both their houses!

..Matt B...

Jan 8, 2010, 4:47:54 PM1/8/10

Here is some more muslim terrorists for you to support

Attackers fire bombed three churches in the southeast Asian nation of
Malaysia overnight, assaults that come amid widespread Muslim ire over
a court ruling that allowed Christians to use the word Allah as a term
for God.



Jan 9, 2010, 1:50:35 AM1/9/10

In the ideology, yes. Islam promotes a worldwide genocide of
It divides the world into Dar Islam and Dar al-Harb. It specifically
Jews for genocide.



Jan 9, 2010, 1:52:36 AM1/9/10
On Jan 7, 3:49 pm, Terry Cross <> wrote:

> Because Israel "destroyed" Palestine in order to "build" Israel.
> Therefore, Israel must be "destroyed" to rebuild Palestine.
> Gosh, I thought even you could figure that out, Glen.
> TCross

The party platforms of Hamas and Fata call for the total
destruction of Israel. Israelis don't seem to agree
w/this position, although I can't imagine why.

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