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God Hates the Catholic Church

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Sep 10, 2017, 11:58:33 PM9/10/17
God Hates the Catholic Church.

He knows that the Catholic church is ruled by Satan.
All Catholics will go to Hell.

Greetings True Christians!

Did you know that all the world’s Roman Catholics are headed straight
to Hell? Why? Because the Catholic Church is leading them there! The
Roman Catholic Church is Satan’s own special organization here on
Earth. It is an unChristian, ungodly organization committing ungodly
heathen acts while claiming to be acting in the name of Jesus. The
world’s Roman Catholic scumbags are nothing more than Earthly agents
of the devil.

Pope John Paul II, angel of Hell

Pope John Paul II, the Catholics’ favorite dead man in a funny phallic
hat, is burning in Hell as we speak, just like all other deceased
popes. Not only did John Paul II wear a penis shaped hat (which was
symbolic of homosexuality), but he also defended pedophiles, sold
indulgences, and generated vast amounts of wealth. The papacy is a
money-grubbing, ungodly organization that claims to provide the
infallible word of God in order to line their pockets with money that
should instead be given to the poor. In fact, the Bible tells us that
it is easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than it is
for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven, and yet the Roman
Catholic Church is one of the wealthiest organizations on the planet!
Look at some of the possessions of the Vatican:

look at that gold!

Pope Benedict, Nazi conspirator, worshiping his gold.

the pope replacing Jesus with gold.

In fact, the Roman Catholic church collects gold, jewels, and money
because they nothing more than a Satanic political organization posing
as Christian. Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? During the
Inquisition, the Catholics tortured anyone who didn’t worship in the
way they did in order to squelch dissent and quiet True Christians.
While it was good that they killed Muslims and other heathens, their
ultimate goal was to exterminate the True Christians that presented a
real threat to their power.

The Catholics, in fact, act as a global, evil Empire. George Lucas
wasn’t merely being creative when he modeled the Empire in his Star
Wars movies on the Catholic Church. In fact, the Empire from the Star
Wars movies offers a perfect illustration of how the church operates.
Look at the following images:

So we’ve proven that the Pope is a Satanic servant of the devil who
worships gold and that the Church, as a whole, is an evil global
empire. What next? Pedophilia. The Catholic Church is filled with it!
In fact, it is rumored that the last pope left the Church to escape
from the scandal caused by Church coverups of pedophilia. What did
Jesus say about people that harm children? Let’s take a look. Christ’s
answer can be found in Matthew 18:6: “But whoever causes one of these
little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to
have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in
the depth of the sea.” Since many priests are pedophiles, and many
that aren’t pedophiles are protecting those that are, this is clearly
an ungodly organization. The Catholic Church is working for the Devil,
not for Jesus!

a young child about to be molested.

Did you know that the Catholics believe that it is the job of a
priest, not of Jesus, to forgive sins? That’s right boys and girls. If
you sin as a Catholic, you are taught to go ask a priest for
forgiveness. You don’t ask God for forgiveness. You ask a crusty old
man in a black suit with a white collar to forgive you. Often that man
makes you do things to earn forgiveness. That’s probably how many
cases of pedophilia occurred. The priest probably used his power over
children to convince them to let him molest them.

Catholics don’t ask God for forgiveness for their sins. The ask this

The Catholics even believe that they are actually eating the body and
blood of Jesus during their Mass celebrations. This is as absurd as
Mormons baptizing the dead. Everyone knows that those stupid wafers
and wine aren’t really the body and blood of Jesus. They don’t change
form after the priest says his Satanic spells over them. I know this
for a fact. I’ve had a Catholic communion wafer analyzed chemically.
Guess what it is after so-called consecration by the priest? Still a
wafer. Just a wafer. These people actually believe that they are
eating the body and blood of Jesus! This is as stupid as the Native
American heathens that believed that they would receive the strength
of their enemies by consuming their dead bodies. This reeks of Pagan
foolishness, and these heathens should not be trusted.

might as well be a cookie. It’s not really Jesus that they’re eating.

It’s just a stupid cracker!

In fact, the Catholics ARE pagans! Rather than just follow the Trinity
in the traditional Christian manner, the Catholics have made false
idols out of all the saints! They worship the dead famous Catholics
that they believe to be “saints”, or people in heaven with an ability
to intervene with God for us. Now boys and girls, that’s just plain
stupid. How do the Catholics know who is a saint? The pope in the
penis shaped hat tells them!

a Catholic-pagan altar, showing how pagan the Catholics really are.

this Hindu altar looks just like the Catholic one!

In fact, the Catholic Church is nothing more than a patriarchal
power-grubbing machine designed to control people. The Bible teaches
us that we can speak directly to God. In fact, Jesus tells us this.
The Catholics, on the other hand, claim that we need to have the
saints intervene for us. Jesus taught us that we need only Him to
bring us to God. The Catholics, on the other hand, claim that people
have to have a priest pray for them and intervene. That’s just stupid
boys and girls.

Jesus is the only intervention we need between us and the Father.

In fact, the entire structure of the Roman Catholic Church is designed
to manipulate, deceive, and control people. Why, you ask? To feather
the pockets of those at the top of the power structure. That’s right.
The Roman Catholic Church is a gigantic, ungodly, Satanic pyramid
scheme. Rather than serving the sick, the needy, the poor, the
imprisoned, and all those that require our aid, the Catholics send
their money to the diocese and the Vatican to line the pockets of
their leaders. This is inherently ungodly.

Give me all your lunch money little boys, or I’ll molest you after the

Let us reject the evils of the Roman Catholic Church! As Christians,
let us declare a war on Catholicism. Let us expunge it from our midst.
Let us lead all Christians away from the Roman Catholic Church and to
Jesus the Christ. Don’t let the papist scum fool you. They don’t care
if they go to heaven. They only want your money. Reject the Catholics
and be born again in Jesus. The ONLY way to go to heaven is to be born
again in Christ. Let us reject the Catholics. Let us reject their
idolatry. Let us reject their stupid crackers. Let us reject their
made up sacraments. Let us reject the Catholic Church and embrace
Jesus! It’s time to take back the world for Jesus. It’s time to take
back Christianity for Christ.

you must be born again.

Join Martin and I in this True Christian mission. Protest outside of
your local Catholic Church today. Leave informational fliers about the
Truth of Jesus and why Catholicism is false on the dashboards of cars
in parking lots at Mass so that these people might be led to the light
of Jesus. Go to a Catholic Mass, but ask questions during the service.
Challenge the priest when he “consecrates” the cracker and wine. Ask
him how he knows that the cracker is Jesus’ body. He won’t have an
answer. In fact, he will most likely just tell you to leave.

Leave Roman Catholicism and find Jesus.

Join us in this True Christian mission! Let us take down the Catholic
Church and replace it with a True Christian Church, based on the laws
of Jesus rather than the laws of man. Roman Catholic readers? You need
to repent and leave the Church or go to Hell. I sincerely hope that
you will make the right choice.

From your friends,

Jim Solouki and Martin Baker.


Sep 11, 2017, 6:01:28 AM9/11/17
On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 22:57:59 -0400, Patrick <> wrote:

>God Hates the Catholic Church.
>He knows that the Catholic church is ruled by Satan.
>All Catholics will go to Hell.

Yet the Catholic Church is the very Church founded by Jesus Christ.

the dukester, American-American

The Catholic Church is like a thick steak, a glass of red wine
and a good cigar.

G.K. Chesterton


Sep 11, 2017, 8:09:00 AM9/11/17
Patrick <> wrote:

>God Hates the Catholic Church.

Not me.
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