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Why did Prince Charles cross himself Orthodox manner ?

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N Gileff

Sep 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/10/97

Could someone please tell us why Prince Charles when laying his floral
tribute to Princess Diana, crossed himself in the Orthodox manner.

I think it is something to do with the Higher Church of England, but would
appreciate more information.

Thank you

Nick Gileff


Sep 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/11/97

In article <>, (N Gileff) writes:

>Subject: Why did Prince Charles cross himself Orthodox manner ?
>From: (N Gileff)
>Date: 10 Sep 1997 20:38:23 GMT

In my youth, making the Sign of the Cross was confined to the
Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church of England. It is more common now (as is
the use of vestments), but *always* done in the Western way, i.e., left to

Why then did Prince Charles sign himself in the Orthodox manner? I don't
know. Perhaps it was a simple "mistake", made in the emotion of the
moment. The Queen appears to be an ordinary "middle of the road" Anglican
and I have never seen her make the Sign of the Cross, so that her children
would not have been brought up to make it either. Incidentally, when the
cortage passed the waiting male mourners in the Mall, Lord Spencer made the
Sign of the Cross - but in the Western manner. I did not see the Prince do
so at that point and neither did his father.

Fr Alban.

Alfred G. Green, Jr.

Sep 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/11/97

ORTHBAR wrote:
> In article <>,
> (N Gileff) writes:
> >Subject: Why did Prince Charles cross himself Orthodox manner ?
> >From: (N Gileff)
> >Date: 10 Sep 1997 20:38:23 GMT
> >
> >
> >Could someone please tell us why Prince Charles when laying his floral
> >tribute to Princess Diana, crossed himself in the Orthodox manner.
> >
> >I think it is something to do with the Higher Church of England, but would
> >appreciate more information.
> >
> >Thank you
> >
> >Nick Gileff
> >
> In my youth, making the Sign of the Cross was confined to the
> Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church of England. It is more common now (as is
> the use of vestments), but *always* done in the Western way, i.e., left to
> right.
> Why then did Prince Charles sign himself in the Orthodox manner? I don't
> know. Perhaps it was a simple "mistake", made in the emotion of the
> moment. The Queen appears to be an ordinary "middle of the road" Anglican
> and I have never seen her make the Sign of the Cross, so that her children
> would not have been brought up to make it either.

Royal decorum dictates that the queen/king of England show no emotion,
religious or otherwide, in public.

Incidentally, when the
> cortage passed the waiting male mourners in the Mall, Lord Spencer made the
> Sign of the Cross - but in the Western manner.

Lord Spencer is a Roman Catholic, just like his mother.

I did not see the Prince do
> so at that point and neither did his father.
> Fr Alban.

| "This is the Faith of the Apostles,
||||| this is the Faith of the Fathers,
| this is the Faith of the Orthodox,
||||||||||| this is the Faith which has
| established the Universe!"
\ |
\| (The statement of the 7th Ecumenical
|\ Council, affirming the truths of the
| \ Holy Orthodox Faith, 787 A.D.)

Bob Mounger

Sep 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/11/97

ORTHBAR wrote:
> Why then did Prince Charles sign himself in the Orthodox manner? I don't
> know. Perhaps it was a simple "mistake", made in the emotion of the
> moment. The Queen appears to be an ordinary "middle of the road" Anglican
> and I have never seen her make the Sign of the Cross, so that her children
> would not have been brought up to make it either.

I didn't see any of this, but I thought that Prince Phillip was
from the Greek royal house, and I seem to remember an article
somewhere that he, at least, still attends Orthodox worship
from time to time.

What I did see on rebroadcast and was very taken by was the
Tavener piece used at the end. I would never have thought I would
live to hear an ison at the internationally televised funeral
at Westminster Abbey!

unworthy subdeacon athanasios

nick cobb

Sep 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/11/97

N Gileff wrote:

> Could someone please tell us why Prince Charles when laying his floral
> tribute to Princess Diana, crossed himself in the Orthodox manner.
> I think it is something to do with the Higher Church of England, but would
> appreciate more information.
> Thank you
> Nick Gileff


As I told you privately, Nick, the royal house of England and Russia are
blood-line connected. Not that this means the Royals of England practice
Orthodoxy, but it isn't completely foreign to them. Most importantly, Prince
Charles' father, Prince Philip, is from the Greek royal family. Prince Charles
is still very well tied to Greece in his own inner self. He has visited Mt.
Athos a number of times and monetarily supports monasteries and churches in
Greece. Could England become Orthodox? This is a start!


Sep 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/12/97

In article <>, (MATOOSHKA) writes:

>Who then in the late Princess Diana's family is Roman Catholic and Eastern
>Orthodox, and who is not? I know that the heir to the British throne cannot
>marry a Roman Catholic, so I know Princess Diana was not RC.

The Spencer family is Anglican, but the Princess's mother converted to
Rome within the last year or two. It is said that her brother is also a
Catholic. If so, then he appears to be in the throes of a torrid divorce
in South Africa.

As far as I know, none of the Spencer family are Orthodox, including the
Princess herself.

Fr Alban.

nick cobb

Sep 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/12/97

Actually, one of the twelve apostles actually made it to England and preached Christ to
the peoples there and died there. If England weren't so far removed from the Eastern Roman
Empire, chances are, Orthodoxy and Byzantium would have had a stronger influence. As it
would be, the Roman Church and Western influence prevailed.

Alfred G. Green, Jr.

Sep 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/13/97

Which apostle, Nick?


Lew Whitaker

Sep 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/13/97

On Sat, 13 Sep 1997 09:17:42 -0700, "Alfred G. Green, Jr."
<> wrote:

>nick cobb wrote:
>> Actually, one of the twelve apostles actually made it to England and preached Christ to
>> the peoples there and died there. If England weren't so far removed from the Eastern Roman
>> Empire, chances are, Orthodoxy and Byzantium would have had a stronger influence. As it
>> would be, the Roman Church and Western influence prevailed.
>Which apostle, Nick?

According to tradition, it was St Joseph of Aramathea who evangelized
the British peoples. He was not, of course, one of the Apostles.

nick cobb

Sep 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/13/97

Alfred G. Green, Jr. wrote:

> nick cobb wrote:
> >
> > Actually, one of the twelve apostles actually made it to England and preached Christ to
> > the peoples there and died there. If England weren't so far removed from the Eastern Roman
> > Empire, chances are, Orthodoxy and Byzantium would have had a stronger influence. As it
> > would be, the Roman Church and Western influence prevailed.
> Which apostle, Nick?
> Al

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I stand corrected! Not one of the twelve Apostles of Christ, but one of the "disciples" of
Christ who followed Him and knew Him (a secret disciple). In the broad sense, apostle, from the
Greek "apostolos" or "messanger," Joseph of Arimathea was truly this. Also, interesting to note,
it was around his cult that the Holy Grail idea developed in English literature and connection
with King Arthur.

JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA: Little did Joseph know that his own tomb would become the Holy Sepulchre.
Joseph not only buried Jesus in his tomb, he later became a missionary to England. He was a
member of the Sanhedrin, which was the highest court of the Jewish nation, as well as their
supreme religious council. This group voted to put Jesus to death. Joseph, however, abstained
from voting. He was chained and imprisoned for burying Jesus. However, Jesus appeared to him
after His burial, and so Joseph believed. He was released from prison and exiled from Jeruselem.
He traveled with the Apostle Philip and many other apostles to England, winning converts along
the way. They were all thrown into prison by the chief, who would only release them if they
remained in one area, a reservation, of his choosing. It was swampland, which the Christians all
drained and made habitable. The area is now known as Glastonbury. They built a chapel to the
Archangel Gabriel, and Joseph is buried in Avlon.

May 20, 2018, 7:08:37 PM5/20/18
On Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 10:00:00 AM UTC+3, ORTHBAR wrote:
> In article <>,
> (N Gileff) writes:
> >Subject: Why did Prince Charles cross himself Orthodox manner ?
> >From: (N Gileff)
> >Date: 10 Sep 1997 20:38:23 GMT
> >
> >
> >Could someone please tell us why Prince Charles when laying his floral
> >tribute to Princess Diana, crossed himself in the Orthodox manner.
> >
> >I think it is something to do with the Higher Church of England, but would
> >appreciate more information.
> >
> >Thank you
> >
> >Nick Gileff
> >
> In my youth, making the Sign of the Cross was confined to the
> Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church of England. It is more common now (as is
> the use of vestments), but *always* done in the Western way, i.e., left to
> right.
> Why then did Prince Charles sign himself in the Orthodox manner? I don't
> know. Perhaps it was a simple "mistake", made in the emotion of the
> moment. The Queen appears to be an ordinary "middle of the road" Anglican
> and I have never seen her make the Sign of the Cross, so that her children
> would not have been brought up to make it either. Incidentally, when the
> cortage passed the waiting male mourners in the Mall, Lord Spencer made the
> Sign of the Cross - but in the Western manner. I did not see the Prince do
> so at that point and neither did his father.
> Fr Alban.

Very poor "analysis"

Feb 22, 2019, 2:55:53 PM2/22/19
On Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 8:00:00 AM UTC+1, N Gileff wrote:
> Could someone please tell us why Prince Charles when laying his floral
> tribute to Princess Diana, crossed himself in the Orthodox manner.
> I think it is something to do with the Higher Church of England, but would
> appreciate more information.
> Thank you
> Nick Gileff

The most obvious reason would be, and I don't know how could you not see it, because Charles is half Greek, since father Philip (real full name is Philippos) came from the Greek royal family as Prince of Greece son of Prince Andreas, and was (till he married Elizabeth) Greek Orthodox Christian. I wouldn't be surprised if Charles became privately Greek Orthodox too.

Feb 22, 2019, 2:59:02 PM2/22/19
On Friday, September 12, 1997 at 8:00:00 AM UTC+1, nick cobb wrote:
> Actually, one of the twelve apostles actually made it to England and preached Christ to
> the peoples there and died there. If England weren't so far removed from the Eastern Roman
> Empire, chances are, Orthodoxy and Byzantium would have had a stronger influence. As it
> would be, the Roman Church and Western influence prevailed.

Exactly. Most obvious reason is because Charles is half Greek (as are Anne, Edward and Andrew), since his dad Philip and his grandad Andreas of Greece were Greek.

I am

Feb 22, 2019, 3:44:47 PM2/22/19
Plus Prince Charles is heavily into mysticism.
I am not ashamed of the Gospel

Fr Paul W

Feb 23, 2019, 7:46:10 AM2/23/19
Not so much "mysticism" as Orthodox spirituality. He travels at l;east once a year to Mt Athos for retreat and has taken Prine's William and Harry on a number of occasions.
He is a great defender of Orthodoxy and the Churches of the Middle East as can be seen by an event each year in London.
The Prince's School of Traditional Arts includes Icon painting as part of it's accadmeic program with Aidan Hart being one of the heads of department.
In short Prince Charles I am pretty sure has at the least an abiding and deep love of Orthodoxy.
Fr paul

I am

Feb 23, 2019, 1:17:08 PM2/23/19
When I said mysticism I was speaking of the stars, and those involved
with those "arts". Much like Nancy Reagan was purportedly involved
with. It was at that time that there were news articles on it. I
haven't heard much about it since that time.


Feb 23, 2019, 1:46:42 PM2/23/19

>>In short Prince Charles I am pretty sure has at the least an abiding and=
> deep love of Orthodoxy.
>>Fr paul
Our guest led by a spirit of generosity offers:

>When I said mysticism I was speaking of the stars, and those involved
>with those "arts". Much like Nancy Reagan was purportedly involved
>with. It was at that time that there were news articles on it. I
>haven't heard much about it since that time.

Or is that a spirit of gossip and slander from decades ago and a failing

Our guest says he doesn't refuse requests to answer questions. Can he
please provide evidence of his assertion?

In the meatime, he can meditate upon this page:

'32 Top Bible Verses About Gossip'
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