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New York Teen Nigger burns White Russian CBSnews

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Jan 21, 2017, 7:35:34 PM1/21/17
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A Brooklyn man fell asleep on the subway, only to wake up engulfed in flames, and police say it was no accident.

“Over here, the skin is gone,” victim Piotr Olszewski told CBS2’s Brian Conybeare in an exclusive interview.

NIGGERS be fucking liars n evil. shtye fuckers.

Jan 24, 2017, 4:07:31 PM1/24/17
Comey Central Calls on Liberals to rape a 10 year-old Male child, Barron Trump. #semiticcontrolled television worldwide! update, comedy central proclaimed it suspended the people but in reality they just move to an office down the hall. in reality the semitic Jews there gave these haters and vicious animals Jew crap 'pats on the back' and secret bonuses.


German Jews are not white ,they are yellowish not white people. they are cross mixed NAZI.

Television: MSNBC SNL Saturday Night suspends, also, SNL writer: Katie Rich (Nuccio DiNuzzo / TNS) for mocking and belittling white white boy Barron Trump. Los Angeles TIMES

Obama ran something called export the white jobs and bring in browny.

semitic Jew preppers will be targeted by asteroids. Just a heads up on your immediate future.

NAZIJEWS all over Googleplus
#cia has a 500 manned #fakenews creation syndicate. idiots. their channels are Fox ( except hannity and shapiro), MSNBC, CBS, ABC, GMA, NPR, KPFK, CNN, 10,000 local affiliates owned by 2 corpos that hate white. U be a NAZI and side with #CIA

#celebrities are the enemies of our world. Inclusive and violent warmongering Jew crap that call on coloreds to kill all whites because they are mentally ill as a species . I need a home, not laughs you hater or nonhuman beings.

Jews are buying up Hawaii for just the jew filth on earth.

Israel has been caught running for three years under Obama Christian Genocide. Caught on film too.

what looks like a NAZI and talks like a NAZI?

#semitiic filth ( insert) is a #ashkaNAZI #dna #semitic who stole or robbed #snapchat from white boy cofounder and today announced #whitegenocide will be performed as privileged for the filthy yellow bigot. #fakenews #even #speigelfakeperson to the lake of fire, 1,000 years.
#reveolution pre examination of our problems. #arcmichael #01232017ad #bookoflife
more proof that jews or #semitic = brown or yellow people are robbers and liars about it. #avarice is a jewish condition. It must be destroyed if #Earth is to survive.

NAACP r #terrorists , they lie
#niggers started slavery slavery + #capitalism. Samdniggers Timbuktu niggers run capitalism since 4,000 BC. Stop ur lies filthy r the #evil on earth, #noord #white did not run slavery. U lie and must die 4 your #hate #murder and #slavery of us 4 u
7,000 years #bookoflife #arcmichael #race #racism
Voodoo ≡ Liberals & means antiwhite

#liberalism is a religion of #whitegenocide it is scientific and documented worldwide.

New York Black dude lites on fire a white white dude while sleeping, engulfed in flames. Why Nigges be fucking liars and evil jungle animals. Niggers beating to death white boys at America in January 2017A.D.

national geographic Niggers are anti democrat by culture.

Hip ⁄ Hop ↔ Voodoo which ≡ Godless or Paganite Baal ≈ South Africa eons ago. Alt–Left or Liberal means Anti white or Anti Christian or Anti white Islam or Anti White Buddhist or Antiwhtie Yawehnite . etc... Monotheistic influenced.

#black started #capitalism over 7,000 years ago at africa selling black babies to rich blacks and rich browns. #civilrights #africanhistory #history #slaveryhistory #bondage #capitalism #bookoflife #arcmichael #01182017ad
nothing has changed, they continue to kill, murder, beat, bash and lie about this to keep up their violent nigger #capitalist ways.

Evolutionary Niggers and Afro Haters

Niggers started and run 7,000+ years of slavery; ∃ ancient Œ Dark Equatorial skinned Brown genomically replicate social inequality » Capitalism ∝ Slavery → Blacks are Browns as they call themselves at America and western controlled by Jew Semiticdna geo⊕sphere–appendages — generations further back in time √ they lie because niggers lie and say white Scot and Irish started it at Massachusetts .


#african #brown created #capitalism not white white people.
Красивый кот


DNC Hacks google plus post Page

NIGGERS RUN Slavery of nigger sold to niggers for 7,000 plus years. Niggers lie; Jews lie and use American slavery as a way to kill, harm and hurt the masses of innocents because niggers be lazy bullies and big bodied bullshyte.

My school makes CERN on table tops. The Same way we discovered ( two white people) Plutonium, Neptunium, Californium, etc… the first transmutational element<s> PU, 1938 on the main UC Berkeley Campus.. Polonium is 1998 A.D. PO (84).

FakeBook Semitic white Arab Mark Zukerburg builds massive wall around 700 hectares of prime Hawaiian island lands. the people call him a NEO Colonialist

ARC 01 21 st 2017 A.D. 1: 40ish am PST.

Falcon Lake, ZAPADA tX Bush Mafia NAZI Jew crime portal. #spook Illegal drug ⊥ human trafficking: $ Billions and Billions of dollars. Mafioso NAZI payouts and rent paid to part semitic dna mixed bosses.

AFGHANISTAN 1970s Prosperous, employment excellent, western civilization‚ discoes and skirts for citizens: US Marshall Law Extension to ME. They made all US Tupperware ™ or knock-offs; meaning all plastic dishware and cupboard storage plastics were manufactured there and the Arabs living for generations in Afghanistan were living like New York , U.S.A. citizens. Anti– Christ Bush took control from Nixon, who Dullas’ had secretly handed off too at #WaterGate; Thus inheriting the #deepstate or #shadowgovernment then the Navel Intel of World War II ( radar, DARPA, top level science) and before Edward Snowden revealed to the World the N.S.A. or National Security Agency. At Cal‚ in the restrictive World War II archives‚ I received documents and hints and this lead me to the N.S.A. act of 1947 A.D., which I have several pages and histories on these things. Nixon told Roger Stone who got a dose of Polonium the first week of January of 2017 A.D. to his face, they were friends and worked together, George Herbert Walker Bush was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Afghanistan 2‚001 Opium Global Production @ 17%
Afghanistan 2‚002 — 2‚016 A.D. Opium Global Production @ 90%

— Arc Michael

The N.S.A. Act Also updated and improved the F.B.I. but also limited it to only domestic activities. This allowed the new Central Intelligence Agency act clandestine as all three presidents since its creation to the assassination all publically called for its demise.

Codepink = #code = #whitegenocide

On Energy Coal creates 100000000% less bad carbon than Obozo's clown's methane program, of clean energy. stupid people on earth!

Code #spook #codepink = #swampeople

90% of our 17 #intel agencies are #Semitic and #antiwhite DNA. 99.5% of all #ISIS members are Semitic and antiwhite #DNA. see any connection?

90% of our 17 #intel agencies are #Semitic and #antiwhite DNA. 99.5% of all #ISIS members are Semitic and antiwhite #DNA. see any connection?

#bookoflife #arcmichael #01072017ad

Archangel Michael March 24 1999 created, Studio City - North Hollywood.
Tartarie Orthography
the earliest western civilization sources spelt Mongal‚ not Mongol.


lateribus aquilonis

‡…† also Gog and Magog. The prophet Ezekiel spoke of these as coming out of the lateribus aquilonis in the latter days, and it is certain that they had emerged from those parts. — dec 20 2009, "Basic astrological understanding in mid-sixteenth century"., Arc Michael cf., John of Pian de Carpine’s Primo quidem dicemus de terra, secundo de hominibus, tertio de ritu. The same can be said of C. de Bridia’s Hystoria Tartarorum. Gunar Freibergs’ (Ph. D. Stanford) research and analysis of principled work into the origins of the author of Descripciones Terrarm, intends Jacek (“Jacko”) Odrowạż (c. 1183-1257), posthumously known as St. Hyacinth was the author. University of California, at Berkeley; undergrad Hist. dept. Honors, post eye damage, and part of a larger, Private Paper.

Hystoria Tartarorum

Descripciones terrarum

posita est terra Tartarorum ubi oriens iungitur aquiloni, habens contiguum mare oceanum aquilonis, et appellatur Moal (2) quod de viris Mongalis (6)

et protenditur inter orientem solsticii estiualis latera aquilonis eiusdem partes ubi Mongal terra Tartarorum sita est (2)



Ibidem, 1, 29.

Ibidem, loc, cit.
nostra Occidentalis Ecclesia

identifying historical Gog and Magog


V.LIIII. la grand Tartarie [l.1, syl. 5-10], and in Nostradamus sixteenth — φ moi Μ

Rich Altleft AntiWhite Activist

Vocal Anti White Semitic DNAers who run or tacitly run #whitegenocide & $ amounts as of 2016 A.D.
Lawrence Ellison: Oracle $28 billion
Mark Zukerburg < fake name he is semitic > : Fakebook. He ran two ISIS anti white websites by NSA privileged for three years and got $9 Billion in 2012 by Obama, just to run NSA code. His worth is near $60 U.S. Billion Dollars. .
Michael Bloomberg a former mayor of New York City ≡ $18 Billion . Lives on private off—USA lands because he hates living near Americans. He is semitic antiwhite genocider.
Sergey Brin: Google $17.5 billion ⟨ Semitic migrant from Russia⟩. Stanford: Larry Page and he developed Google back in 1998. declared.
Larry Page: Google ( also known as Lawrence Page) ≡ Semitic DNA. $17.5 billion. declared.
Steven Ballmer: Microsoft ≡ Semitic DNA.WASA. $14.5 billion and met William Gates at Harvard.
George Soros: ⌈ Soros György ⌉ Soros Fund Management, Open Society Institute $14 billion ( minus $7 billion given to @whitegenocide projects).
Michael Dell: Dell Computers ≡ Semitic DNA.$13.5 billion.
Mikhail Fridman: Alfa Group ≡ Semitic DNA. originates from Ukrain, many semitics cross breeds. $12.7 billion, considered to be the third riches man in Russia spheres of influence.
John Paulson: Paulson & Co. ≡ Semitic DNA.; stock market gambling racket. legal too by USArabian fakegov laws. $12 billion.
Roman Abramovich: Millhouse LLC, Chelsea Football Club , born in Lithuania ; $11.2 billion; steal manufacturing and toys. Light ≡ Semitic DNA
Ronald Perelman: MacAndrews & Forbes Incorporated ; MacAndrews & Forbes Incorporated makes biotech and war weapons for jew greed. He has so much money they brag that death work gets one $11 billion dollars.
Carl Icahn: Icahn Enterprises, Federal-Mogul; New York City, landowner and locomotive and saftey parts, government $10.5 billion
George Kaiser: Kaiser-Francis ≡ Semitic DNA; Oil Company; parents are former #NAZI who fled to America, Tulsa, Oklahoma — oil wars profits—. $10 billion.
Serge Dassault: Dassault Group , Serge Dassault is the heir of the Dassault Group, which is an aviation company based in France. He is an Semiticophile.. Israel’s go to guy $7.6 billion.
Leonard “Len” Blavatnik is the owner of a conglomerate company called Access industries. ≡ Semitic DNA, He was born in the Ukraine and raised in Russia, but he is an American businessman. He was a metal trader before he started his company. Len Blavatnik is 59 years old and he has a net worth of $15.3 billion as of March 2016.
Sammy Ofer: ≡ Semitic DNA, Various: Israel Chemicals, Royal Caribbean International, ZIM, Oil Refineries Ltd, Israel Corporation, Tower Semiconductor, and Bank Mizrahi-Tfahot. His net worth was $6.5 billion.
Bankster Families
Joseph Safra: Safra Group Bankster family, ≡ Semitic DNA: born in Aleppo, Syria, and grew up in Beirut, Lebanon. He and his family moved to Brazil in 1952. His family has been in the banking industry since the time of the Ottoman Turks’ rule. $17 billion.
James Simons: Renaissance Technologies: Renaissance Technologies LLC, ≡ Semitic DNA an investment management firm hedge fund manager that means to steal the poor's money $16.5 billion
David and Simon Reuben are brothers who fled Israel in 1948 and went to London, where they set up a land grabbing buisness for jew power $13.1 billion ≡ Semitic DNA. one has light eyes.
Philip Green is the CEO of Arcadia Group; UK ≡ Semitic DNA; retail buisnesses $6.2 billion.
Steven A. Cohen is a hedge fund manager, ≡ Semitic DNA & located at Stamford, Connecticut. $13 billion as of Sep 2016. Point72 Asset Management, S.A.C. Capital Advisors.
Viktor Vekselberg: Renova Group, light ≡ Semitic DNA; born in Ukraine after Moongalis Semitic takeover , $13.6 billion according to Forbes, Russian conglamorate, raw materials, aluminum business.
Alexander Abramov: Industrial Magnate , ≡ Semitic DNA; $4.3 billion, according to Forbes. steel and raw materials He amassed the largest steel and iron business back in 1998 .
Ira Leon Rennert: ≡ Semitic DNA; Renco Ira Rennert is an American businessman and financial investor. He controls one of America’s largest privately held industrial empires. $6.5 billion, started by securities brokerage . He is a personal friend of the notorious Ponzi scheme king Bernie Madoff.
The Honourable Sir Michael David Kadoorie, GBS, ≡ Semitic DNA; & he is a business executive. He is the sixth wealthiest person in Hong Kong as of March 2011, and his family’s worth is believed to be $9.5 billion

Entertainment and Music
David Geffen: Geffen Records, DCG Records, DreamWorks SKG, music and entertainment; $5 billion. Steven Spielberg one of the three Dreamwork partners has $3 Billion in his bank.
Vacation Businesses
Sheldon Adelson ≡ Semitic DNA; Las Vegas Sands, Israel Hayom, Las Vegas Review Journal $29.2 billion
Water Management
German Khan: Alfa Group : ≡ Semitic DNA; Advisory Committee of Rosvodokanal a water management facility, Ukrainian Jew who is the co-owner of Alfa Group, $9.5 billion
Alt. Energy Management
Eli Broad: KB Home and SunAmerica, part of the solar power fraud hiests . ≡ Semitic DNA; $7.4 billion. created two giant fleecing companies in a short span, recently.
Dorothea Steinbruch: Vicunha Group , Dorothea Steinbruch is the CEO of a large textile company known as the Vicunha Group. Her company is based in Brazil. $5.5 billion. ≡ Semitic DNA.
Isak Andic: Mango , Turkey to Spain semitic white 25% and above semitic; . ≡ Semitic DNA. $4.8 billion and holds the largest in texttile company Mango.
source of human data here

Jan 26, 2017, 8:02:37 AM1/26/17
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