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CONSPIRACY! Hitler's UFO? No, but this was almost as good.

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JTEM is Rich and Famous

Sep 26, 2016, 1:01:50 AM9/26/16

So I'm a conspiracy theory buff. I love
conspiracy theories. Mostly because of
the way we're trained -- brainwashed --
to reject "Conspiracies" of any kind.

Why would this fascinate me so much?

Because virtually everything of any
significance occurs as a direct result
of a "Conspiracy": Two or more people
agreeing upon an outcome in advance,
and then working to bring it about.

This is just real life. Obama, for example,
had yet to even serve a single day in office
as a U.S. Senator when he first sent people
to Iowa, back in 2004, to prepare for the
2008 Presidential election...

Now SOME of the "Conspiracy" theories that
are routinely rejected as "Kooky" are
actually very likely to be true. Several such
"Conspiracies" involve Hitler and the Nazies.


If you actually bother to read the page you
need to be extra special careful, because
they're talking about two very distinct, very
different nuclear devices.

#1. your typical Mushroom-Cloud producing atomic

#2. A "Dirty bomb."

A "Dirty" bomb isn't really a nuclear weapon.
It's using conventional explosives to disperse
radioactive material (contamination) across a
wide area. There's no doubt what so ever that
the Germans were capable of this, and there is
some reason to believe that they intended to
use such weapons.

What reason? A special Nazi "Cargo" sub was
captured at the very end of the war, en route
to Japan, carry 560 kg (over 1,200 pounds) of
uranium oxide!

: Extensive exposure to any radioactive material
: poses certain health risks, and uranium and
: its ores are no exception. Breathing dust
: particulates and eating food that has come into
: contact with the oxide can cause a number of
: problems, the most immediate of which are
: breathing difficulties including lung collapse
: and organ failure.

YES! The above isn't saying that uranium oxide is
dangerous, it's saying that things that come into
contact with uranium oxide are dangerous. Damn.
That's a whole order of magnitude ABOVE

So here's your first conspiracy theory for you:

AS the Nazis had tons of these radio active

AS the Nazis were fully aware of the potential
for a "Dirty Bomb"...

AS the Nazis were even sharing this with the

THE NAZIS USED DIRTY BOMBS but the allies kept
it secret.

The Nazis used dirty bombs in Europe -- on the
U.K., the Russians, probably France and even
the United States if they could -- but to avoid
panic and to avoid being deprived of important
centers of finance & manufacturing -- the allies
kept it secret. They let people just go about
their business, soaked in radioactivity...

We have means, motive & opportunity so this
"Conspiracy theory" doesn't even rate as "Kooky."

Next, let's start here:

: ADOLF Hitler had the atom bomb first but it was
: too primitive and ungainly for aerial deployment,
: says a new book that indicates the race to split
: the atom was much closer than is believed.

Now *This* is talking about a nuclear bomb, mushroom
cloud & everything, except it wasn't exactly a bomb.
It was a nuclear pile that went critical. To give you
an idea why it couldn't be used as a bomb -- dropped
from a plane -- you should check out the first such
"Reactor" here in the United States, Chicago Pile-1:

Hitler's "Bomb" was probably something along those

NOTE: Chicago Pile-1 was the beginning of the
U.S. nuclear weapon's program. The Germans had a
major head start. The U.S. was way behind them in
at first, but even so the German "Bomb" wouldn't
be tested until late 1944, some two years AFTER


By the time Chicago Pile-1 was running the Germans
were already well ahead of us, and the Germans
would have been working for two more years before
they detonated their "Bomb."

But the "Bomb" was nothing more than a fancy,
improved nuclear pile. There was no effective
delivery system. A plane? Impossible.

Chicago Pile-1 weighed over 400 tons.

Union Pacific railroad cars, today, can only handle
143 tons of freight each!

Now the Germans had a lot of experience moving
over sized loads by rail -- check out any of the
Nazi railroad guns -- but the difference here is
that the guns never had to get close to an enemy.
In fact, because they were so large, they could
be much further away from an enemy than your
standard artillery. But a nuclear bomb is different.

See, moving a nuclear pile type bomb near the enemy
by rail, like with the big guns, means it never
leaves your own territory. Which means if you can
kill THEM with it, you're going to kill a lot more
of your own people. And leaving it behind and then
retreating, hoping to detonate it after the enemy
overruns your former position, means you risk
capture. It means you risk the enemy capturing your
secret weapon., late in the war, moving ANYTHING by rail
was a very lengthy, very dangerous process. Allied
attack planes were coming at them from all directions,
and trains had to be restricted to night & bad
weather operations, else they were very likely to
be attacked.

SHIP was another possibility, right? Ships can
move very large loads great distances. But they're
slow and vulnerable from above & below. Plus it
was extremely unlikely that an enemy was going to
grant you entry into a port. Detonating your pile
at sea would look impressive, but other than that
there would be next to zero impact.

THERE WERE several submarines that were capable of
carrying cargo in the weight range of one of these
nuclear piles. That is, assuming it wasn't much
bigger than Chicago Pile-1. One was an Italian
design R-class sub, but none survived that late in
the war. The other was the German type X, but it
would have required super-major alterations. Not
being a marine engineer, I have no idea if such
alterations were even possible.

Of course, that late in the war, German subs
were death traps. Allied anti-submarine activities
all but promised a morbid death to anyone serving
on board one. For all we know the Germans tried
several times to deliver one of their "Bombs" by
submarine, only to have them vanish beneath the
waves before they got close to a target city...

So conspiracy theory #2 isn't much of a conspiracy:

Nazi Germany detonated a nuclear "Bomb," but
it was little more than a nuclear pile, and
transport just wasn't effective. They may have
tried to deliver one by rail or sea, only to
be stopped, and they may have even tried to
detonate one (these things weren't fool proof).
But, they ended the war having achieved nothing
better than to "Bomb" one of their own islands.

NOTE: There are "Reports" which are allegedly
from eye witnesses. However, without official
verification they can't be trusted, not with
the over abundance of hoaxes out there.

If you want to judge for yourself, I suggest
doing the Google thing on the following...

Luftwaffe pilot Hans Zinsser

Italian journalist Luigi Romersa

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