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In-Depth X-Rated Recap Of Leticia Cline's Appearance On Howard Stern Show

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Nov 27, 2007, 4:27:11 PM11/27/07
In-Depth X-Rated Recap Of Leticia Cline's Appearance On Howard Stern
Submitted by Daniel Pena on November 27, 2007 - 3:36pm.
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Thanks to for the recap

Howard said that they have this model Leticia Cline coming in next. He
said that she's in both Maxim and Playboy. Howard told her she was
really hot as soon as she came in. Leticia said that she was in Maxim
last month and she was a Hometown Hotties finalist. She ended up
losing to another hot chick that she knows.

Howard said that they sent in JD to ask her out in the green room
while she was out there. She said he did that and she thought it was a
joke. Howard said they were going to play a game with the tape. He
asked if anyone thought that she was going to give JD her phone
number. Robin said she was going to say yes to that. Howard said
there's no way that happened. Artie said he thinks that she gave him a
number. Fred said that maybe it was her agent's phone number but she
probably gave him something. Howard said there's no way he gave her
any number.

Howard said he was just going to play the tape. Gary came in and said
that they sent two guys in there, High Pitch Mike and JD. Mike went
first and pitched a show idea to her instead of asking her out. Mike
came in and said that he had 3 people telling him what to do. He said
he was told to use whatever he could to get that date.

Howard told Mike that he was supposed to just ask her out. Mike said
he did that at the end. He played the tape and you could hear Mike
talking to her about going on the show and then telling her about a TV
project that he's pitching. He told her that she might be perfect for
the show. Howard cut off the clip and Artie told him that he's just a
creepy guy. Mike said he was trying to bullshit her like he's heard
guys do. He said he had three people telling him what to do so that
didn't help either.

Howard said that JD went in and tried to get her number too. He played
the clip where he goes in and tells her that he was the one who got
the mail and forwarded it to the guys to book her for the show.
Leticia tells him how nervous she is and JD talked to her about some
of the other radio shows she's done. JD was asking her if she was
going to be back in town and then said he'd like to take her out and
get her number. She laughed and said she'd go to lunch with him. She
gave him her card with her number on it.

Artie said he knew that she thought it was a joke and she gave it to
him as a goof. Howard asked Leticia about the card and what number is
on it. Gary said that he called the number and it did ring her cell
phone so it was a legitimate number. Robin said that Howard owed her
some money but he said he never bet on it.

Leticia said that she thought it was a joke and she was just being
nice to him by giving him the number. She said that she texted KC
after that and he told her to tell everyone that she's his girlfriend.
JD said he saw the pity in her eyes and he knew that it was a joke.
Howard told him to just ask every chick for her number. He might get
some numbers that way.

Leticia said that she lives in Florida and she gets hit on quite a bit
these days. Howard said that she's really hot so he's not surprised.
He asked her if she ever has sex with girls. She said that she hasn't
but she almost got raped by a couple a few weeks ago.

Howard read that Leticia can't date black guys because her family
would freak out. She aid that's so true, she grew up in Kentucky and
they'd all freak out. She said she didn't even have any black kids in
school with her. She said she'd never be allowed to come home if she
did date a black guy. She aids that the neighbors are the ones she'd
have to worry about, her family isn't all that bad.

Howard asked if she could bring a Jew home with her. She said that
would probably be okay. Artie thought she was Jewish because her last
name was Cline. Howard said it's spelled Cline though so it's not
Jewish. She said that was her married name anyway and the guy wasn't

Howard asked Leticia if she walks around on the beach in bikinis like
she's wearing. She said that she does. Howard wondered if guys offer
to buy her stuff when she's walking around like that. She said she
never gets stuff offered to her like that.

Howard read that Leticia had a tough time with her father when she was
growing up and she once punched him out to get him away from her. She
said that he was a drunk and he used to get verbally abusive and she
had to punch him to get him away from her.

Leticia started having sex when she was 16 and she was dating a guy in
college when she was in high school. She said she likes to be choked
when she's having sex. She said that it's great for an orgasm and it's
supposed to make you cum even harder when you do that. Howard said
he's never had a chick ask him to do that. He joked that he's used
chloroform on a chick but then said that he's probably too loving.

Howard read that Leticia had dated Ian Ziering for a while. She said
that he fell in love with her too fast and wanted her to go to Cabo
with him like the day after they met.

Howard read that Leticia was an accountant for a few years. She said
she did that for a few years and just started doing the modeling thing
a few years ago. Howard said that he'd be doing his taxes all the time
if he had an accountant that looked like her. He asked her some
accounting questions and she knew what CPA meant but didn't know what
an abatement was. She said she did some property management stuff and
didn't know what that word was.

Howard asked her what a CD is. She said that she couldn't remember and
said that she never really had to do that kind of stuff. She said she
knew what a CD was but just couldn't remember it. She said she was

Howard found out that Ian got to feel up Leticia. She said that he
never got to have sex with her though. She said that she doesn't have
that many famous guys hitting on her, she spends a lot of time around
motorcycle guys and stunt riders.

Howard asked Leticia what she does with her son while she's on the
road. She said that he stays home with his father when she's out on
the road. She said that he lives with her when she's home but stays
with his dad when she's out on the road.

Gary asked Howard if they're going to get her clothes off at any
point. She said that she never said she was going to get naked. Howard
said that she has to show them something. Gary said that she has to
get down to panties and take a Sybian ride. She said that she's not
going to ride that thing. She never said that she was going to get
naked, she just wanted to come in and say hello to everyone.

Howard asked Leticia to take something off for them. She did take her
shirt off and Artie let out a ''Jesus Christ!'' when he saw her. He
also threw out a pick up line of ''I'm white...'' since she's so
against dating black guys. She said that her father doesn't hate fat
guys so that wouldn't be a problem.

Howard read that she used to sell weed when she was a kid. She said
that her grandfather used to have it on his farm and she'd go in and
steal some to sell.

Howard had Leticia stripping down piece by piece and said that she's
so hot that it must cause riots out on the beach when she's topless
down there. She also had a couple of tattoos on her that Robin pointed
out. Howard checked those out.

Howard read that Leticia claims that she's really good at phone sex.
She said that she is because she dates guys who live far away and
that's how she deals with it. She said that the guys don't really get
into it as much as she gets into it. She said she loves messing with
the guys and has fun with it.

Howard wanted to pretend that he was on the phone with her and having
phone sex with her. She played along and tried to do it for a minute
but then she started laughing and said she couldn't keep it up. She
told Howard that she was wet while he was talking to her and then
laughed. Howard told her to keep going with it and tried to keep her
going. He was doing too much talking so Robin told him to calm down.
He asked Leticia what she'd do to him and she started to get into some
dirty talk but kept laughing.

Artie joked that he came twice during that phone sex thing. Howard was
pretending that he was in her mouth and telling her that he loves that
so much. He said he wanted to be inside of her and stuff like that.
Leticia said she's never had a guy talk back to her like that before
so she didn't know what to do. Howard was still doing the phone thing
with his megaphone and told her that it seems like she hadn't wiped
very well that day. He kept it going and she pretended that she had
him in her.

Howard gave up and told JD to come in and give this a try. Artie gave
it a try first. He asked her to talk dirty to him. She said about 3
words and he made a sound like he just blew his load and told her to
get off the phone, he was going to go watch a game.

JD came in and Leticia said that she was mad at him for playing that
joke on him earlier. He walked out a few seconds later. She said that
she really thought he was a nice guy though and wasn't trying to chase
him away. Artie said she was being condescending to him and that
wasn't cool.

Leticia finally took her top off after a caller told Howard to make it
happen. She talked about some of the work she's done over the years
and Howard told her that guys must do some crazy stuff to her. He
asked her if she wanted to ride the Sybian. She said she didn't want
to do it on radio or on TV. Howard told her that there's no insertion
or anything but she said she really doesn't want to do it. She said
that she's pretty sure she'd get off instantly but she's very shy
about that.

Artie asked Leticia if she didn't want to ride it because it was
black. she didn't say and just kept going on and on about how shy she
was. Artie said that he thinks that she should either have to ride
that thing or make out with him. He told her he was going to put some
Vicks Vapo-Rub on his lips to prepare for her.

Howard asked Artie if she's a 10. He said that where he comes from,
she's an 11. Howard gave her some plugs for her web site,, and said that she's in the December issue of Maxim.
He checked out her panties again and then Artie asked her to make out
with him. She said she didn't want to do that. Howard told her she
could keep all the change she finds in his belly if she does make out
with him. Artie told her that she'd have about 8 bucks if she did

Howard took a couple of calls and let some guys comment on Leticia.
Some guys said that there have been some really big stars on that
Sybian and even Cameron Diaz had been on it (not really). She fell for
it and eventually caved in and went over to the machine to take it for
a spin.

Gary took control of the Sybian and showed her where to sit. Gary
turned on the machine and started turning it up. Leticia said that it
was going to be hard to get her off. She said it tickled so much that
she could barely sit on it. Howard told her that she's really sexy and
the noises were turning him on. He told her to stay with it as long as
she could. She said she didn't think she could take it but started
moaning and laughing at the same time. She told Gary to turn it down
but she couldn't stay on it any longer. She said that it happened and
she did have an orgasm.

Howard said that she looked shaken up. She said she was and it wasn't
such a bad ride. She was shaking after that and said her legs were
really shaky. The caller on the line told her that Cameron Diaz was
never on that thing and she said she had a feeling they were lying
about that.

The caller also suggested they put her on the tickle chair. Howard
asked her if she has to pee because they could put her in that and try
to get her to laugh so hard she'd pee. The guys immediately brought
out the tickle chair and shackled her into it. She said she likes
being tied up and she's had a guy do that to her.

Will volunteered to do the tickling. Howard had him go over and do
that while he asked her some accounting questions. He decided to skip
the questions after coming up with the idea. He told Will to just go
ahead and tickle her. Howard told her she was a bad girl and that's
why Will was going to tickle her. He started to do it and she wasn't
laughing. Will eventually found the spot and tickled her. He went at
it for a minute and had her laughing a little bit. She calmed down
again so Will had to search around for more spots with Gary helping
out. Artie went over to help but he got nothing.

Howard asked Leticia about the sexiest place she's had sex. She said
that she likes to do guys while they're driving their car. She also
said that she's had sex with only 3 guys and she's done a guy in a
movie theater. Howard said he likes that she's almost a virgin with
only 3 guys. He found out that she had sex and gave the guy oral in
the movie theater. She said that she climbed on top of the guy and
there were only like 7 people in the theater at the time. She said it
lasted maybe 6 minutes. Howard said that was a very long time to have
sex in a theater.

Howard wrapped up with Leticia and asked her a couple more questions.
He took one more call and the guy asked her if she was watching ''Beer
League'' in the theater where there were only 7 people. Artie threw in
a plug for the DVD version of the movie since the guy mentioned it.
Howard wrapped up and went to break after that.

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