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Jews and Patriotism

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Feb 15, 2016, 10:09:52 PM2/15/16
We hear a lot of statements to the effect of that Jews have too much power, or even that the Jews control America.

My response is that, in a place that does not discriminate against them, people who are willing to pursue education and to work hard rise to the top; and that is what we see with American Jewry.

Do Jews have a lot of voice in the American media? Yes; because they are good at it. Do Jews have a strong presence on Wall Street, in Hollywood, in the academia? Yes; because they are good at it. Their accomplishments should be respected rather than demonized. America owes a lot to the Jews; and it is especially in times like these that it is important that this be pointed out.

As to the other claim - that Jews are in control - the response is that, if that had been the case, then the people saying such things would be facing a firing squad. That they are instead free to spread their propaganda shows either that Jews are not in control, or that the Jews are so good that they would even let live the people who wish them dead.

When one reads Nazi or otherwise anti-Jewish rants, one finds any number of ridiculous claims, probably the biggest of which being that there is effectively a Jewish conspiracy to control the world. Had there been such a conspiracy, I would have a long time ago been invited to be its member. There is no such conspiracy; Jews differ from one another vastly, with Orthodox Jews acting like Muslims, conservative Jews acting like the Americans, and reform Jews acting like the French. Jews fight with one another about all sorts of things, and liberal American Jews and orthodox Israeli Jews have a lot of disagreement with one another. There is no Jewish conspiracy. There is a sense of identity with one's people; which Anglo-Saxon people, Greek people, Hindu people and all sorts of other people have as well. Jews would fight one another, but they would also stick up for one another. And that is something from which other people of all races stand to learn.

There is a vast difference between identifying with one's people and having some kind of a conspiracy to control the world. There is benign patriotism and malignant patriotism. The first seeks the well-being of one's own people; the other seeks the destruction of someone else. The two must at all times be distinguished from one another. The first results in peaceful, prosperous, livable societies. The second results in rape and pillage. An Anglo-Saxon man who truly is patriotic will seek the well-being of his own people, not the destruction of others.

The Jews that I know do in fact practice benign patriotism. They seek the well-being of Jewish people; they also seek well-being of the rest of the world. They want to see other people do well; and that is especially the case with people - such as Africans and Native Americans - who have been historically disadvantaged. This stance - seeking well-being for one's own people and seeking well-being for other people - I regard as the definition of true good. The person benefits his own people; he also benefits others. Humanity blossoms through both mechanisms.

The more non-Jewish people adopt the same perspective, the better will be their effect on the world. Benevolence is not limited to the Jews; and a Christian or a Muslim person who is truly benevolent stands a lot to gain from this mentality. Embrace benign patriotism; reject malignant patriotism. And as a result of that see your people grow in liberty and prosperity while having respect of the rest of the world.


Feb 16, 2016, 4:50:59 PM2/16/16

Here is a quote from a very pro-Jewish book that was first
published in 1925. The book is "Stranger than Fiction" by Lewis

"The Jews had become the money lenders of Europe for quite
evident reasons. The Church sternly forbade all Christians to engage
in the pursuit...
"So the Jews became the money lenders of Europe. They developed
a great shrewdness and cunning in the one and only field of
opportunity left open to them. And with their shrewdness and cunning
they developed a certain cruelty and greed. That was natural. The
world was cruel to them, so when the chance was theirs, they were
cruel in return..."

The money system we have today is called the debt-money
system. It is evil and needs to be replaced. The only way money comes
into existence today is when it is borrowed. There is no freely
existing money supply, but only borrowed money that needs to be paid
back to bankers with interest. If all the money that was owed to
bankers was ever paid back there would be no money left in circulation
and this would be a great depression. What makes matters even worse is
that when money is created only the principle of the loan is created.
The money needed to pay the interest is never created. For this reason
it is impossible to pay back the principle plus the interest on all of
the loans that make up our money supply. The extra amount of money
needed to pay the interest was never created and does not exist.

The United States government borrows money from the Federal
Reserve Bank. This bank is not federal but owned by private
stockholders. It is in the business section of the phone book, not the
government section. Other banks also create the money in our money
supply. They are allowed to loan out much more money then they
actually have. Thus they create new money. No one else is allowed to
create money, only bankers have this privilege. All of our money is
debt-money and it is all owed back to bankers, plus the interest.

In the U.S.A. money is created by the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing which is a unit of the treasury, but the orders to print come
from the Federal Reserve Banks. The money is created for and owned by
the banks. And the Federal Reserve Banks are not Federal, in spite of
the name. Privately owned commercial banks own the stock of the
Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Banks give the newly
created money to the government in exchange for government bonds. To
simplify: The United States does not make its own money. Bankers
create the money and loan it to the United States with an interest

The book War Cycles Peace Cycles puts it this way:

"If there is only $10 in existence, and you lend it to someone
under the condition that he repay $11, and if he agrees to this, he
has agreed to the impossible."

The book The Struggle for World Power put it this way:

"The Bank of England... was the first payment institution which
was legally empowered to issue state-authorized paper currency and ,
therefore, the Government itself became its debtor. Thus the State not
only renounced its monopoly on monetary emission, but also agreed to
borrow the privately-created money from the bankers...Not only the
thing being done, but even the very name was a deliberate fraud and
deception to conceal the essence of the deed. To create money out of
nothing is to make valid and effective claim on all goods and services
for no return, which is fraud and theft, made worse by the
circumstances that the money is lent out at follows that
those who have the power to 'create' out of nothing all the money in
each country and the whole world and lend it as stated, have total
power over all states, parties, firms, radio, press, individuals and
so on. Therefore the power of Parliament in general, and especially
with regard to money, is non-existent, and all the true sovereignty is
in the hands of those private individuals who issue all money"
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