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Mar 21, 2003, 5:45:56 AM3/21/03
"Larry Pressler" <> wrote in message news:<iSqea.907$>...
> We believe that a Jewish conspiracy to control the world and destroy
> European society exists based on the following evidence:
> 1. The Jewish conspirators have created, supported, and financed numerous
> European disasters including: World War I, World War II, the Cold War, the
> Korean War, the Vietnam War, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Capitalism,
> mass immigration, affirmative action programs, big government, forced
> integration, multiracialism, liberal media, and liberal schools. These
> disasters have seriously weakened European society. Furthermore, these
> disasters were not accidental, rather they were deliberate actions committed
> by the Jewish conspirators. This conspiracy is effectively a perpetual
> Jewish war against the Europeans.
> 2. Jews have opposed Europeans throughout history. A timeline of the
> Jewish conspiracy is given in section 2 below.
> 3. Jews are raised to be pro-Jewish and anti-Gentile.
> 4. Jews have resisted assimilation with Gentiles throughout history while
> living as a minority group within Gentile society.
> 5. Judaism is an ethnic religion that is intended for Jews only.
> 6. Judaism itself is pro-Jewish and anti-Gentile.
> 7. Judaism discourages Gentiles from converting to Judaism or intermarrying
> with Jews.
> 8. Jews consider themselves to be God's Chosen People and superior to
> Gentiles, as
> described in Exodus 18.
> 9. The Jews are the only ethnic group with sufficient financial power and
> political power to effectively attack European society from within.
> 10. The Jews have been predators and parasites within European society
> throughout history.
> 11. The European people of the world have been under attack and in decline
> since World War I began in 1914 primarily due to the Jewish conspiracy.
> 12. The Jews control the banking and monetary systems.
> 13. The Jews control the media corporations in television, radio,
> publishing, and the press.
> 14. The Jews control the United States government and the European
> governments. This is called the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG).
> 15. Jews attempt to eliminate discussion of the Jewish conspiracy by
> accusing Gentiles of antisemitism, racism, persecution, and discrimination.
> They use censorship to aggressively suppress criticism of their culture.
> 16. The Jews monopolize several major industries such as oil, diamonds,
> electronics, and software.
> 17. The Jews have been allowed to live in freedom in the United States,
> Canada, Britain, Germany, France, and other European nations for hundreds of
> years. However, the Jews have waged a long term race war against their host
> nations.
> 18. The Jewish conspirators are motivated by hatred, violence, destruction,
> racism, greed, and competition.
> 19. The Jews use any and all methods to attack European society, including
> war, revolution, crime, propaganda, laws, and deception.
> 20. The evidence given above, taken together, shows that the Jewish
> Conspiracy to control the world and destroy European society does exist.
> ============
> This timeline describes the historical events of the Jewish Conspiracy over
> the past 1000 years.
> 1066 Jews enter England with the Norman Invasion and establish banks.
> 1255 Hugh of Lincoln is ritually murdered by Jews in England.
> 1290 The Jews are expelled from England by King Edward I due to their
> anti-British culture.
> 1492 Christopher Columbus discovers America.
> 1492 The Spanish Inquisition begins. The Jews are expelled from Spain.
> Some Jews, called Marranos, convert to Catholicism but secretly practice
> Judaism.
> 1620 Jewish slave traders bring slaves to America.
> 1655 Cromwell allows Jews to return to England.
> 1694 The Bank of England is established.
> 1740 Jewish slave trader Aaron Lopez brings thousands of slaves to
> America.
> 1760 The Board of Deputies of British Jews is established in Britain.
> 1770 Jewish banker Mayer Rothschild establishes a bank in Frankfurt,
> Germany. In subsequent years the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, Nathan,
> James, Salomon, Carl, and Amschel, established banks in London, Paris,
> Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples, forming an international network of banks.
> The Rothschild banks provide major loans to the governments of Europe,
> thereby gaining political power. The banks also finance European wars,
> thereby profiting from warfare. The Rothschild family is strongly
> pro-Jewish and have been major players in the ZOG conspiracy.
> 1775 The American Revolution begins. Jewish banker Haym Salomon provides
> financial support.
> 1776 The Illuminati secret society is established by Jewish agent Adam
> Weishaupt in Germany.
> 1789 The French Revolution begins.
> 1793 King Louis XVI of France is guillotined by the French
> Revolutionaries.
> 1805 The Napoleonic Wars begin.
> 1815 Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium. Nathan
> Rothschild receives early news of Napoleon's defeat, and manipulates the
> English bond market, acquiring English bonds at heavily discounted prices.
> 1830 The Rothschilds finance the establishment of the nation of Belgium,
> which secedes from the Netherlands.
> 1837 Benjamin Disraeli becomes the first Jewish member of parliament in
> Britain.
> 1848 Jewish politician Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto.
> 1853 The Jewish B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) organization is
> established in New York City.
> 1858 Baron Lionel de Rothschild becomes a member of parliament in Britain.
> 1859 The Rothschilds decide to support the South in the American slavery
> dispute.
> 1859 The Rothschilds finance the construction of the Suez Canal.
> 1861 The American Civil War begins, threatening to divide the USA into two
> nations. The war lasts for 4 years and causes vast destruction to the USA.
> Jewish lawyer Judah Benjamin is attorney general, secretary of war, and
> secretary of state for the Confederacy.
> 1865 President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth and a
> group of several co-conspirators. Judah Benjamin flees to England.
> 1867 Karl Marx publishes Das Kapital.
> 1868 Benjamin Disraeli becomes the first Jewish prime minister of Britain.
> 1869 Jewish banker Jay Gould attempts to corner the American gold market.
> 1870 France attacks Germany, starting the Franco-Prussian war.
> 1870 John D. Rockefeller establishes Standard Oil.
> 1871 The Rothschilds finance France's war reparations to Germany.
> 1881 Russian Czar Alexander II is assassinated by Jewish conspirators.
> 1882 Millions of East European Jews begin to immigrate to the USA.
> 1890 The Rothschilds finance Jewish colonies in Palestine.
> 1891 France and Russia form a military alliance, threatening Germany.
> 1894 Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, is convicted of
> giving secrets to Germany.
> 1896 Theodor Herzl organizes the First Zionist Congress in Basel,
> Switzerland. He proposes the creation of a Jewish nation in Palestine in
> his document The Jewish State.
> 1898 The United States goes to war with Spain over a mysterious explosion
> on the battleship Maine docked in Havana, Cuba. Jewish publisher Joseph
> Pulitzer encourages starting a war in his newspaper, New York World.
> 1899 Britain goes to war with the Dutch Boers of South Africa to capture
> the gold mines and diamond mines for the Jews. Britain detains Boer
> civilians in concentration camps. Thousands of Boer men, women, and
> children are killed.
> 1901 American President William McKinley is assassinated by Jewish radical
> Leon Czolgosz.
> 1901 The Anglo-Japanese Alliance is signed. This enables Japan to prepare
> for war with Russia.
> 1901 Rothschild partner J.P. Morgan bank establishes the United States
> Steel corporation.
> 1904-1905 Japan attacks the Russian navy at Port Arthur in China, starting
> the Russo-Japanese War. Jewish banker Jacob Schiff of New York City
> provides 200 million dollars in war loans to Japan.
> 1904 France and Britain sign the Anglo-French Entente, threatening
> Germany. France and Britain initiate secret military conferences to prepare
> for war.
> 1905 Radical Socialists, led by Jewish politicians Vladimir Lenin and Leon
> Trotsky, organize a revolution against the Russian government. The
> revolution is terminated by the government, but the government agrees to
> some concessions.
> 1905 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is received by the
> British Museum. This document, which may be authentic, describes a Jewish
> plan to destroy European civilization and rule the world. Many of the
> events described in the Protocols have subsequently occurred.
> 1905 Jewish intellectual Sigmund Freud publishes his theories on
> psychology.
> 1907 The Anglo-Russian Agreement is signed.
> 1907 The Triple Entente of France, Russia, and Britain is established.
> This alliance encircles Germany and threatens the security of Germany. The
> preconditions for World War I are now established.
> 1908 The Young Turks revolt in Turkey.
> 1909 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
> (NAACP) is established by the Jewish politicians for the African-Americans.
> 1909 British Oil booms in the Middle East.
> 1912 Woodrow Wilson is elected president of the USA. Wilson, a liberal
> Democrat, is financed by Jewish banker Bernard Baruch.
> 1913 The Federal Reserve Bank is established in the USA. Jewish banker
> Felix Warburg is the first chairman of the Federal Reserve.
> 1913 The United States imposes a tax on personal income, increasing the
> government's power and wealth.
> 1913 The Jewish Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith is established
> in New York City to oppose anti-semitism.
> 1914 Austria-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by Jewish
> student Gavrilo Princip and a group of co-conspirators. Pelley claims that
> the assassins were financed by Jewish businessman Herbert Samuel of Britain,
> owner of Shell Oil. This assassination triggers World War I in Europe.
> World War I is an unacceptable war and it starts the decline of the European
> people.
> 1914 Margaret Sanger publishes Family Limitations.
> 1915 A German submarine sinks the Lusitania.
> 1917 Under heavy pressure from the Jews and Britain, the United States
> declares war on Germany and enters World War I.
> 1917 The Balfour Declaration is announced by the British government,
> creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Declaration is in part a
> reward for Jewish support of the Allies during World War I.
> 1917 Lenin leads the Communist Revolution in Russia.
> 1918 Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family are assassinated by the
> Jewish communists Lenin, Trotsky, and Sverdlov.
> 1919 The punishing Treaty of Versailles is signed in France. The Treaty
> effectively continues the war against Germany. Jewish American banker
> Bernard Baruch imposes massive financial reparations on Germany.
> 1924 The United States Congress restricts immigration.
> 1929 The New York stock market crashes. A global economic depression
> begins.
> 1933 Adolph Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
> 1933 Jews declare international boycott of Germany.
> 1933 U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt introduces the New Deal
> socialist programs.
> 1934 Stalin launches a purge of the Communist Party in Russia.
> 1935 John Maynard Keynes proposes a new economic theory.
> 1937 Krystallnacht occurs in Germany in response to the assassination of a
> German diplomat by a Jewish assassin in Paris.
> 1939 World War II begins when Germany invades Poland and Britain and
> France subsequently declare war on Germany. World War II is an unacceptable
> war and causes massive damage to Europe.
> 1941 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The United States enters World
> War II.
> 1942 The Wannsee Conference is held in Berlin. The Nazis decide to
> imprison and expel the Jews in Germany.
> 1945 The United Nations is established in New York City.
> 1947 The Cold War between the Capitalist nations and Communist Russia
> begins.
> 1948 Israel is established in Palestine, supported by the United States
> and Britain.
> 1949 China becomes a Communist nation, led by Chairman Mao.
> 1950 The United States goes to war with Korea.
> 1953 Jewish spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed for giving
> nuclear bomb secrets to Russia.
> 1954 The U.S. Supreme Court bans racial segregation.
> 1956 Israel defeats Egypt in the Sinai Campaign.
> 1959 Fidel Castro leads the Communist revolution in Cuba, supported by
> Russia.
> 1960 The birth control pill is introduced.
> 1962 The Cuban Missile Crisis occurs.
> 1963 The United States government orders the assassination of Diem in
> Vietnam.
> 1963 American President John F. Kennedy is assassinated.
> 1963 Jewish feminist Betty Friedan publishes The Feminine Mystique.
> 1964 The U.S. Congress passes the Civil Rights Act.
> 1964 U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson proposes a Great Society.
> 1965 The US Immigration Act of 1965 is approved by Congress. This
> immigration act was developed by the Jewish politicians Senator Javitz,
> Representative Lautenberg, and Representative Cellar. It was designed to
> replace White Americans with foreigners and thereby destroy traditional
> White America.
> 1965 American President Lyndon Johnson introduces national racial
> preference laws and Affirmative Action programs.
> 1965 The Vietnam War begins when the United States sends 200,000 troops to
> Vietnam.
> 1966 The National Organization for Women is established.
> 1967 Israel defeats Arab nations in the Six Day War.
> 1968 American presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated.
> 1973 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that women have a right to abortion.
> 1973 Israel defeats Egypt and Syria in the Yom Kippur War.
> 1974 U.S. president Richard Nixon is forced to resign due to the Watergate
> scandal.
> 1975 The Vietnam War ends when the communists capture Saigon. The United
> States government brings hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese people to
> America.
> 1986 The European Union is established.
> 1991 A United Nations coalition led by the USA goes to war with Iraq.
> 1991 Communism is terminated in Russia.
> 1994 Apartheid is terminated in South Africa.
> 1994 California voters pass Proposition 187 to restrict government aid to
> illegal immigrants.
> 1995 Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by Jewish right
> wing student Yigal Amir.
> 1998 The United States and its allies bomb Iraq.
> 1999 The United States and its allies bomb Serbia.
> 2000 American President Bill Clinton declares in the State of the Union
> address that European Americans will be a minority group within 50 years.
> This drastic change is due to mass immigration imposed by ZOG.
> 2000 European Americans become a minority in California due to mass
> immigration.
> 2000 Jewish senator Joe Lieberman is selected as the American Democratic
> vice presidential candidate.
> 2000 Jews and Palestines battle each other in Israel.
> 2001 Jewish politicians and journalists criticize Senator John Ashcroft
> for his religious beliefs and conservatism, implying that he is a racist.
> 2001 Jewish Hollywood releases more television shows and movies that
> promote interracial couples, such as "The West Wing" and "Save the Last
> Dance".
> 2001 Holocaust Day is observed on January 27 in Britain in an attempt to
> legitimize the Holocaust industry.
> 2001 Jewish servant President Bill Clinton leaves office, and is replaced
> by Jewish servant President George W. Bush.
> 2001 The Jewish Conspiracy continues without substantial resistance.
> ============
> * Madeline Albright, secretary of state, USA
> * Leo Moritz Amery, politician, Britain
> * Bernard Baruch (1870-1965), banker, USA
> * Menachim Begin (1913-1992), politician, Israel
> * Judah Benjamin (1810-1880), Confederate politician, USA
> * David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973), politician, Israel
> * Theodor Bethmann-Hollweg, WWI foreign minister, Germany
> * Leon Blum (1872-1950), politician, France
> * Franz Boas (1880-1940), sociologist, USA
> * Barbara Boxer (1940), senator, USA
> * Louis Brandeis (1856-1941), judge, USA
> * Edgar Bronfman (1929), distiller, Canada
> * Emanuel Cellar (1900-1970), congressman, USA
> * Winston Churchill, prime minister, war monger, Britain
> * Andre Citroen (1879-1935), industrialist, France
> * Leon Czolgosz (1880-1902), assassin, USA
> * Isaac Da Costa, slave trader, Britain, USA
> * Alan Dershowitz (1938), lawyer, USA
> * Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), prime minister, Britain
> * Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), officer, France
> * Felix Frankfurter (1882-1965), judge, USA
> * Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), psychologist, Austria
> * Betty Friedan (1921), feminist, USA
> * Milton Friedman (1912), economist, USA
> * Goldman, banker, USA
> * Samuel Gompers (1850-1924), labor organizer, USA
> * Alan Greenspan (1930), banker, USA
> * Joseph Hertz (1872-1946), rabbi, South Africa
> * Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), politician, Austria
> * Jacob Javits, senator, USA
> * Henry Kissinger (1923), politician, USA
> * Irving Krystol, politician, USA
> * Bill Krystol (1940), politician, USA
> * Frank Lautenberg, senator, USA
> * Hebert Lehman (1878-1963), banker, USA
> * Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), politician, Russia
> * Joseph Lieberman (1930), senator, USA
> * Aaron Lopez, slave trader, Portugal
> * Karl Marx (1818-1883), politician, Germany
> * Louis Mayer (1885-1957), film maker, USA
> * Doris Meissner (1940), immigration director, USA
> * Howard Metzenbaum (1920), senator, USA
> * Moses Montefiore (1784-1885), businessman, Britain
> * Henry Morgenthau, Sr. politician, USA
> * Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (1891-1967), politician, USA
> * Adolph Ochs (1858-1935), newspaper publisher, USA
> * Oppenheim, diamond dealer, South Africa
> * William Paley (1901-1990), television executive, USA
> * Gavrilo Princip (1895-1917), assassin, Serbia
> * Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president, war monger, USA
> * Theodore Roosevelt, president, USA
> * Julius Rosenberg, spy, USA
> * Ethel Rosenberg, spy, USA
> * Mayer Rothschild (1743-1812), banker, Germany
> * Amshel Rothschild, banker, Germany
> * Nathan Rothschild, banker, Britain
> * James Rothschild, banker, France
> * Salomon Rothschild, banker, Austria
> * Carl Rothschild, banker, Italy
> * Rubin, banker, USA
> * Herbert Samuel, oil producer, Britain
> * David Sarnoff (1891-1971), radio executive, USA
> * Sassoon family, merchants, Britain
> * Jacob Schiff (1847-1920), banker, USA
> * Charles Schumer (1940), senator, USA
> * Bugsy Segal, organized crime boss, USA
> * Arial Sharon (1929), military leader, Israel
> * George Soros (1930), banker, Hungary
> * Arlen Specter (1930), senator, USA
> * Jack Straw (1940), politician, Britain
> * Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), politician, Russia
> * Paul Volker (1920), banker, USA
> * Felix Warburg (1871-1937), banker, USA
> * Max Warburg, banker, Germany
> * Casper Weinberger (1920), politician, USA
> * Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952), politician, Britain, Israel
> * Paul Wellstone (1950), senator, USA
> * Woodrow Wilson, president, war monger, USA
> * Stephen Wise (1874-1949), rabbi, USA
> ============
> The Jews own and/or control many large corporations that you may want to
> boycott or avoid, including:
> * Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
> * DeBeers Diamond Syndicate
> * Dell Computers
> * Disney and the American Broadcasting Company
> * Goldman - Sachs investment bank
> * Lehman Brothers investment bank
> * McDonald's Restaurants
> * Metro Goldwyn Mayer motion picture studio
> * Microsoft
> * National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
> * The New York Times newspaper
> * Paramount motion picture studio
> * Salomon Brothers Investment Bank
> * Viacom-MTV
> ============
> Most Jews avoid revealing their ethnicity to Gentiles. This deception
> allows them to blend into Gentile society without being considered
> foreigners. This deception is a form of fraud that should be considered
> illegal. Secret Jews are also called crypto-Jews. In many notable cases,
> secret Jews have reached the highest levels of power in European society.
> Some examples are given below:
> * Madeline Albright, secretary of state, USA
> * Leo Moritz Amery, half Jew, friend of Churchill, Britain
> * Winston Churchill, half Jew on mother's side, politician and war monger,
> Britain
> * Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Rosenfeld), president and war monger, USA
> * Theodore Roosevelt, president, USA
> * Harry Truman, president, USA
> * Woodrow Wilson, president and war monger, USA
> ============
> Several Jews are involved in organized crime, including prostitution,
> pornography, drugs, smuggling, slavery, gambling, murder for hire, and
> racketeering. Some examples are:
> * Albert Anastasia, leader of Murder, Inc.
> * Lepke Buchalter
> * Buggsy Goldstein
> * Aaron Lopez, slave trader
> * Meyer Lansky
> * Abe Reles
> * Arnold Rothstein, the Moses of the underworld
> * Dutch Schultz
> * Jacob Shapiro
> * Bugsy Siegal, founder of Las Vegas
> * Harry Strauss, murderer
> * Mendy Weiss
> * Charlie Workman, murderer
> Source: Tough Jews by Rich Cohen (1998)
> ============
> 1. The European people must terminate the Jewish Conspiracy immediately to
> ensure their survival and prosperity.
> 2. The Jewish conspirators should confess to the Jewish Conspiracy and
> negotiate for reparations.
> ============
> 1. Jewish History in 100 Nutshells by Pasachoff and Littman (1995)
> 2. Jewish History and Culture by Rabbi Blech (1999)
> 3. A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson (1987)
> 4. Jewish Power by Goldberg
> 5. Judaism by Pilkington (1995)
> 6. The Rothschilds by Morton (1961)
> 7. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1905)
> 8. World History from 1500
> 9. What Everyone Should Know about the 20th Century
> 10. How the First World War Began by McCullough (1999)
> 11. World War I by Marshall
> 12. World War II by Sulzberber
> 13. The Creature from Jekyll Island by Griffin
> 14. The International Jew by Ford
> 15. Nicholas and Alexandra by Massie
> 16. The King James Bible
> 16. In Retrospect by McNamara
> 17. A Republic, not an Empire by Pat Buchanan
> 18. The Great Betrayal by Pat Buchanan
> 19. Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow
> 20. The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels
> 21. Das Kapital by Karl Marx
> 22. The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time by Vankin and Whalen
> 23. American History by Axelrod (1996)
> 24. Modern European History by Barber
> 25. Churchill's War by David Irving
> 26. The Civil War by Catton
> 27. Chutzpah by Dershowitz
> 28. Anthropology and Modern Life by Boas
> 29. Others Unknown: The United States vs. Tim McVeigh by Stephen Jones
> 30. Day of Deceit: The Attack on Pearl Harbor by Stinnett
> 31. Secrets of the Temple: The Federal Reserve System by xxx
> 32. Tough Jews by Rich Cohen (1998)
> 33. The Rothschilds by Niall Ferguson (1999)
> ============

Once again gentiles will die for Jewish interests.



Mar 21, 2003, 7:39:50 AM3/21/03
WOW!!! Did you get these fine insights from Mien Kamph?


"Wes" <> wrote in message


Mar 21, 2003, 2:13:32 PM3/21/03

Tica <> wrote in message

> WOW!!! Did you get these fine insights from Mien Kamph?

Mein Kamph is teddy bear stuff compared to the sheer evil
of your filthy Talmud.

At least it did not describe gentile children as "animals"
or little girls as whores from birth.

When the world has finished with your diversionary tactic
in Iraq - it is going to have to deal with Israel and the Zionists
pick pockets who stole our governments and armed forces
to run their dirty little war.

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