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On Thursday's Mark Levin Show

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Sep 15, 2017, 6:46:27 PM9/15/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, Where exactly does President Trump stand
on DACA and the wall today? You simply cannot grant amnesty to illegal
immigrants before addressing border security. There are consequences
that the president, his staff, and the Republicans are not considering
but Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are well aware of. This is how they
will take down red states and how they will win future elections. Also,
Republican presidents in the past have buckled to Democrat immigrations
plans repeatedly for the last 30 years. Trump had two choices either go
with the Ronald Reagan model or the Richard Nixon model. Trump is now
going with the Nixon model and some are trying to pull him back. Others
project and put blame onto people such as other Republicans. What
happened to Harry Truman’s, “the buck stops here”? After that, in 1987
Bernie Sanders said that single payer under Medicaid program would
bankrupt the nation. Canadian healthcare is lousy which is why tens of
thousands of people come to the US from Canada for it. Later, North
Korea fired an intermediate range ballistic missile over Japan which
landed in the Pacific Ocean. Nuclear weapons in South Korea should be
redeployed and deployed in Japan to encircle China and North Korea.
Also, we need to put the squeeze on the Chinese economy. We have known
since 1991 that diplomacy does not work with North Korea. In addition,
Trump needs to increase defense spending immediately and should make
his case to the American people so we can protect ourselves.

Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.


Sep 22, 2017, 7:01:08 AM9/22/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, Samantha Power, a former U.S.
ambassador to the UN, was unmasking at the rate of one person per
day in 2016. The Obama administration’s abuse of power with respect
to domestic surveillance is being exposed. We have Susan Rice
unmasking despite her argument and Power unmasking like a crazy
person. However it is much broader than Rice or Power. You would
have to be blind to not see how the Obama administration violated
our trust and the law to target people that they disagreed with.
This is not a joke but issue number one at the domestic level. The
media says that we have freedom of the press, but they and the Obama
administration are in full cover up mode. This is big and we have
barely gotten to the surface. The buck stops with Obama. After that,
your healthcare is up for debate again. The average American has no
say in how the nation’s healthcare system is going to be structured.
The truth is it is none of the government’s business. However,
Bernie Sanders is supporting single payer healthcare and under his
plan, private insurance will be eliminated and we would be stuck
with relying on the government. Later, Rick Santorum calls into talk
about the Graham-Cassidy healthcare reform bill. This is a similar
approach to welfare reform done in the 1990’s. You give states the
flexibility to fix the problem and you will drive down costs and get
innovation. For example, states can come up with different ways to
deal with preexisting conditions. In addition, America needs to deal
with North Korea and the best way to do that is through China has a
massive debt as a percentage of their economy. The U.S. ought to
treat China like Ronald Reagan treated the Soviet Union. We need to
put economic pressure on China and put nuclear warheads in South
Korea. What President Trump is doing with North Korea is more
effective than past presidents. Also, when it comes to Iran, we can
go it alone with sanctions. Iran is on its way to a nuclear weapon
under the current Iran deal. We need to delegitimize Iran and shut
off our agreement with them.


Sep 29, 2017, 7:44:08 AM9/29/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, MSNBC host Chuck Todd asserted that
Judge Roy Moore doesn’t appear to believe in the Constitution
because the Alabama GOP Senate nominee said that our rights come
from God. This just shows you the cultural rot that’s going on in
this country. America’s Founding Fathers believed that our rights
come from God and are secured, not created, by the Bill of Rights
and Constitution. The brilliance of the framers, the brilliance of
the Declaration and the Constitution are completely lost on Chuck
Todd. So anxious is Todd to demonstrate how smart he is, to try and
catch Judge Moore in some kind of a trick, a contradiction when in
fact he exposes his utter ignorance not just in American history,
but humanity. After that, we can’t get anything done while Mitch
McConnell sits as the Republican leader of the Senate. Can you name
one solid conservative who McConnell has backed in a Republican
Primary? If McConnell had it is way, we wouldn’t have Ted Cruz, Mike
Lee, or Marco Rubio. Yet he has gone all out for Lisa Murkowski and
Susan Collins and look at all the damage they have done. Also, the
NFL players kneeling don’t know why they are doing it. They just
throw around the phrase social justice or inequality. If you have
football coach who kneels on field to pray before a game, he could
be fired if he is in a school district or attacked if in the NFL.
Apparently, kneeling to pray is not free speech but kneeling to
trash the country is. We have a protest without a purpose. Later,
you have Ruth Bader Ginsburg out there pushing her conspiracy
theories which are down the line Democrat and political opinions.
Then you have Michelle Obama attacking women who voted for President
Trump as having set back women. She speaks of women who voted for
Trump as if something were wrong with them. We allow liberals like
Ginsburg and Obama to define us, and we need to push back. Finally,
Mosab Hassan Yousef spoke at the UN on Monday and the Palestinians
were visibly upset. The 1967 borders were borders for a peace
arrangement. Arab states surrounding Israel attacked Israel and the
1949 armistice lines were formed. These lines were indefensible. The
U.S. State Department are siding with the radical so-called
Palestinians. The State Department is still the Obama State
Department with Rex Tillerson at the helm.


Oct 6, 2017, 7:05:04 AM10/6/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, Members of the House and the Senate
have the answer to mass murder: ban bump stocks. They have a
bipartisan bill and they are going to pat themselves on the back by
banning something that most of us have never heard of. If Stephen
Paddock hadn’t had this device he would have used other devices to
slaughter as many human beings as he could. Before anybody heard of
bump stocks and other similar devices, the left was already pushing
for the evisceration of the 2nd Amendment. Bret Stephens, a pseudo
conservative, calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment entirely
and says that James Madison would agree with him. This version of
illiteracy burped up by Stephens will be used by the Left
repeatedly. After that, John Bolton calls in to talk about the Iran
Deal. What President Trump should do is decertify the Iran Deal and
walk away. Trump has certified, not once, but twice already. Only in
Washington could you get wrapped in a conundrum like this. Trump
needs to show moral leadership and do what he said in his campaign
and get out of the deal entirely. The Iranians will take full
advantage of our weak position in this deal. Why do we have to wait
for Iran to have nuclear weapons ready and pointed at us?

Peter Franks

Oct 9, 2017, 2:04:28 PM10/9/17
On 10/5/2017 6:05 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:
> On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, Members of the House and the Senate
> have the answer to mass murder: ban bump stocks. They have a
> bipartisan bill and they are going to pat themselves on the back by
> banning something that most of us have never heard of. If Stephen
> Paddock hadn’t had this device he would have used other devices to
> slaughter as many human beings as he could.


Bump-stocks weren't the cause.
Guns weren't the cause.
Bullets weren't the cause.
High hotel rooms weren't the cause.
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...

The cause was an individual named Paddock. That individual is now dead.
Physiological or mental issues (root cause) that drove him to his
actions have not yet been identified, and may never be. The root cause
should be identified if at all possible, and if identified, remedial
actions should be taken to help prevent future incidents such as this.

> Before anybody heard of
> bump stocks and other similar devices, the left was already pushing
> for the evisceration of the 2nd Amendment. Bret Stephens, a pseudo
> conservative, calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment entirely
> and says that James Madison would agree with him.

Amendment II grants nothing, so repeal retracts nothing.

Regardless of the status of Amendment II, the federal government has no
power to deprive the law abiding of their natural right of ownership.


Oct 9, 2017, 2:16:43 PM10/9/17
So true and the gun ban people would have to get an amendment to
delegate them the power to ban guns like the amendment that created

The problem with that is it can't violate our other RIGHTS and banning
guns would deny us the right to defend ourselves on a one to one
personal level and we'd have to be convicted of a crime to be forced to
submit to being a slave that is banned from self defense.

Amendment XIII
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,
shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their

That's Karma


Oct 13, 2017, 9:17:25 AM10/13/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Trump is trying to bring
down the cost and increase the options for the individual in this
country regarding healthcare. Trump is doing what he can from the
executive branch and the Obamacare statutes give him the leeway to
do so. It is precious to hear Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer attack
Trump for not going through Congress, yet they were the ones that
passed the statute allowing Trump to make the changes he did on
Thursday. The problem with healthcare is government’s iron fist and
the politicization of it by the left. What Trump is doing is a good
tiny first step and one of the few steps the President can take
unilaterally. However, the left is so obsessed with Obamacare that
even small steps to give individuals relief from the burdens of
Obamacare are opposed. After that, it looks like Trump will
decertify the Iran Deal. The next step is to kill the deal, but the
left does not want the President to take the next step to drop the
deal. They are trying to make it sound like it will result in a
catastrophe and that Trump is reckless. Trump is in no way putting
America at a greater conceivable risk by pulling out of the Iran
Deal. Also, the Harvey Weinstein scandal has helped bring to light
to the cultural rot in Hollywood. It’s bigger than Weinstein and
there has been a massive conspiracy of silence and cover-up.
Weinstein and others in Hollywood are not just creating
inappropriate or immoral behavior, it could easily be criminal
behavior. Hollywood is an industry like anything else (coal,
football, cell phones, etc.) And because the industry has been
perpetuating real, legitimate criminal conduct, there should be an
FBI unit created, at least temporarily, to investigate the
activities taking place in Hollywood.


Oct 20, 2017, 7:31:28 AM10/20/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, John Kelly spent a lot of time
talking about the President’s call to the widow of a brave hero
killed in Niger and the politicization surrounding it. There is no
way that President Trump called to be disrespectful. The left wing
Frederica Wilson, who hates the military, created a phony scandal
and the media ran with it. You can criticize Trump for some things
but this is not one of them. While the vast majority of Americans
cherish these young people who have died in the line of duty, there
are a percentage among us who just don’t care. To them it’s all
about politics, power and redistribution. To the left nothing is
sacred except the left. After that, George W. Bush’s speech was an
attack on those of us who support securing the border. At no time
during Barack Obama’s wrecking ball years did Bush give a speech
like one he gave on Thursday. Why was he silent then? In addition,
we are not nativists, but Americans who just want the law enforced
effectively. It is unfortunate that we have past Republican
presidents and candidates who do not understand conservatism.
Otherwise they would object to lawlessness in immigration and in all
areas. It is not healthy for a country to have endless immigration
without assimilation. Our schools don’t teach assimilation, but they
trash our history just like the media and politicians do. Finally,
John Solomon calls in to discuss his breaking story that Bill
Clinton sought the State Department’s permission to meet with a
Russian nuclear official during the Obama uranium decision.


Oct 27, 2017, 12:42:54 PM10/27/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, Democratic Party Chair Tom Perez
dismissed the Clinton, DNC, Russia collusion story as a case of
opposition research. The Democrats have been hammering and lecturing
Republicans on supposed Russian collusion for months, but now that
the Clinton campaign and DNC are involved, working with the Russians
to change the outcome of an election is just opposition research?
The fact of the matter is, like it or not, the Democrats, were in
bed with the Kremlin. Not only were they seeking dirt on President
Trump, they were happy to concoct dirt on him and to spread it as
fast as they could. In addition, people are claiming they did not
know about the details of this dossier. It is simply not believable
that Hillary Clinton, her senior staffers and the chairman of the
DNC did not know about this. After that, when did the Obama
administration begin investigating Trump and upon what evidence were
these investigations based? Whose orders did the Obama
administration act upon to begin this investigation? Later, Tom
Perez, says the Electoral College is not a creation of the
Constitution. This is an effort mostly by the left to eviscerate the
Electoral College through the popular vote. We have a man who runs
the Democrat party who clearly does not understand the Constitution.
The left wants to rig the system, destroy the Republicanism in the
Republic, and make it impossible for a Republican to ever win again.
Finally, former NPR CEO, Ken Stern calls in to talk about his new
book, Republican Like Me.

Governor Swill

Oct 29, 2017, 12:23:16 PM10/29/17
On Thu, 19 Oct 2017 Ubiquitous wrote:

>On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, John Kelly spent a lot of time
>talking about the President’s call to the widow of a brave hero
>killed in Niger and the politicization surrounding it. There is no
>way that President Trump called to be disrespectful. The left wing
>Frederica Wilson, who hates the military, created a phony scandal
>and the media ran with it. You can criticize Trump for some things
>but this is not one of them.

Sure it is. Trump told another self aggrandizing lie. To wit, that
he was the first President to call gold star widows.

Trump is an asshole. A liar, cheat and generally worthless fool who
won't keep his promises.

"Bungled collusion is still collusion." -- Charles Krauthammer.


Nov 3, 2017, 11:37:09 AM11/3/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, The Republican tax reform plan is 85%
good but the whole theory behind it is somewhat schizophrenic. There
are tax cuts, but the elimination of some tax deductions and tax
credits are effectively a tax increase for some people. There should
be no increase in taxes for anybody. One thing this does not do,
which the Democrats are saying, it doesn’t give the rich a damn
thing. But the Republicans are sounding like good little Marxists.
They’re worried about class warfare rather than slashing taxes
across the board. In addition, John Solomon calls in to talk about
the Uranium One Deal. One of the main talking points of the
Democrats is that after they approved Uranium One, no uranium left
U.S. soil. However, the uranium was sent through the back door to
Canada and made its way to Russia. Also, what did Robert Mueller do
about this as he was FBI Director during the time of this deal? The
FBI won’t say what Mueller knew when which is incredible. Later,
Attorney’s for Paul Manafort defended him on Thursday as a
successful international consultant who has done nothing wrong and
poses no threat to fleeing the country. Now Robert Mueller is going
after Manafort’s insurance policy. They want to bankrupt him and
Rick Gates and try to drain their incomes. What Mueller is doing is
completely out of control and grotesque.


Nov 3, 2017, 1:29:34 PM11/3/17
On 11/02/2017 09:05 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:
> On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, The Republican tax reform plan is 85%
> good but the whole theory behind it is somewhat schizophrenic. There
> are tax cuts, but the elimination of some tax deductions and tax
> credits are effectively a tax increase for some people. There should
> be no increase in taxes for anybody.

They are shifting taxes which is always the case.

If you have no increase then it's an increase on the next generation
that will be forced to pay a tax to pay the debt.

They need to cut social programs and cut taxes the same amount, that
will increase GDP. Shifting taxes will maybe create some better
efficiency but in the end, what it was supposed be was a net ZERO
increase and thereby it will be a net zero cut. Tax cuts that shift
taxes is OK but it won't get us out of this stagnation funk.

That's Karma


Nov 10, 2017, 6:25:57 PM11/10/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Whether innocent or guilty the
problem with the Roy Moore accusation is that there is no way to
resolve the issue one month before the election. The timing of this
makes it impossible to sort through the facts and find the truth.
Also, the Washington Post reported that the 4 women didn’t come
forward, the Washington Post found them. This whole thing doesn’t
smell right. This story was planted and perfectly timed in their
hopes to doom Moore’s campaign. We don’t know anything more than
what the Washington Post has told us. How did the Post even know
there were 4 women, who they were, and how to contact them? You
don’t just hear that, especially since the women didn’t know each
other. The Post was fed this information by someone or some group.
Also, Mitch McConnell is asking Roy Moore to step aside if he is
guilty of the accusations against him. You have Bob Menendez a
sitting U.S. Senator who is on trial for corruption charges. Why is
it that Republicans don’t demand his resignation? Isn’t it amazing
that Republicans knew what to say right on cue? They are ready to
recruit Luther Strange as a write-in guy. Meanwhile, President Trump
is playing nice with China. If China is cheating on trade that is on
them, not on America. Even more than that, they are seizing the
South China Sea. We can’t expect help from China when they built up
the North Koreans, their missiles, and nukes. What we need to do is
help arm South Korea and Japan with nuclear missiles. Later, is Paul
Ryan becoming Bernie Sanders? Paul Ryan is afraid of giving tax cuts
across the board and instead promotes class warfare. Now Ryan
considers deductions the same as tax loopholes. Ryan sounds worse
than John Boehner and is picking winners and losers. Ryan has the
gall to say that the Republican tax cuts are going to be bigger and
better than Ronald Reagan’s 1986 tax cuts which is false. This is
the incoherence of the Republican Party and why they lose elections.
It is pathetic that Ryan and Republicans will not support


Nov 17, 2017, 7:06:58 AM11/17/17
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Sen Al Franken is being accused of
kissing and groping Leeanne Tweeden. There is first hand evidence in
a photograph of Franken sexually harassing her which is repulsive.
Meanwhile, Roy Moore denies all allegations against him and disputes
that a note alleged to be written by him in a yearbook was actually
written by him. Gloria Allred is saying that a writing expert will
not be allowed to look at the yearbook until there is a
congressional hearing. Why doesn’t she just allow the yearbook to be
analyzed by writing experts? In the case of Franken there is
actually photographic evidence of assault. McConnell insisted that
Moore is to be expelled from the Senate if he was to win. Why isn’t
Franken being expelled from the U.S. Senate if this is the standard?
The evidence is overwhelming that Franken assaulted Tweeden while
she was asleep on a plane. Why the double standard from McConnell
and the Senate? They are instituting really important sexual
harassment training yet won’t expel Franken. The best the Senate and
McConnell can do is refer this case to the Senate Ethics Committee.
An allegation was made, evidence was obtained and an apology was
offered. Franken should resign. Also, McConnell and Cory Gardner do
not want the people of Alabama to make their own decision. The
people of Alabama are intelligent and will decide who their
representative will be. After that, the Republican tax bill was
passed in the House. The problem is not with the corporate tax but
with what is going to happen to individuals in this country. On the
individual side it is an absolute mess with personal exemptions and
certain deductions being eliminated. They should have just had cut
taxes across the board. Later, Bret Stephens is engaging in
character assassination by saying that Steve Bannon is bad for the
Jews, which is false because Bannon is pro-Israel and pro-Jew.

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