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"Sen. Teddy Kennedy accused Reagan nominee Robert Bork of trying to murder women, segregate blacks, institute a police state and censor speech - everything short of driving a woman into a lake! - within an hour of Reagan's announcing Bork's nomination."

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Jul 16, 2009, 6:07:21 AM7/16/09
"Sen. Teddy Kennedy accused Reagan nominee Robert Bork of trying to murder
women, segregate blacks, institute a police state and censor speech -
everything short of driving a woman into a lake! - within an hour of
Reagan's announcing Bork's nomination."

Dems to GOP nominee: Will the defendant please rise?
Ann Coulter

Posted: July 15, 2009
6:08 pm Eastern

� 2009

Every time a Democrat senator has talked during the Senate hearings on
Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor this week, I felt lousy about my
country. Not for the usual reasons when a Democrat talks, but because
Democrats revel in telling us what a racist country this is.

Interestingly, the Democrats' examples of ethnic prejudice did not include
Clarence Thomas, whose nomination hearings began with the Democrats saying,
"You may now uncuff the defendant."

Their examples did not include Miguel Estrada, the brilliant
Harvard-educated lawyer who was blocked from an appellate court judgeship by
Senate Democrats expressly on the grounds that he is a Hispanic - as stated
in Democratic staff memos that became public.

No, they had to go back to Roger Taney - confirmed in 1836 - who was
allegedly attacked for being a Catholic (and who authored the Dred Scott
decision), and Louis Brandeis - confirmed in 1916 - allegedly a victim of

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Indeed, Sen. Patrick Leahy lied about Estrada's nomination, blaming it on
Republicans: "He was not given a hearing when the Republicans were in
charge. He was given a hearing when the Democrats were in charge."

The Republicans were "in charge" for precisely 14 days between Estrada's
nomination on May 9, 2001, and May 24, 2001, when Sen. Jim Jeffords switched
parties, giving Democrats control of the Senate. The Democrats then refused
to hold a hearing on Estrada's nomination for approximately 480 days,
shortly before the 2002 election.

Even after Republicans won back a narrow majority in 2003, Estrada was
blocked "by an extraordinary filibuster mounted by Senate Democrats" - as
the New York Times put it.

Memos from the Democratic staff of the Judiciary Committee were later
unearthed, revealing that they considered Estrada "especially dangerous" -
as stated in a memo by a Sen. Dick Durbin staffer - because "he is Latino
and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court

Sandy Berger wasn't available to steal back the memos, so Durbin ordered
Capitol Police to seize the documents from Senate computer servers and lock
them in a police vault.

Led by Sens. Leahy and Chuck Schumer, Democrats ferociously opposed Estrada,
who would have been the first Hispanic to sit on the influential U.S. Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. They were so determined to
keep him off the Supreme Court that Leahy and Schumer introduced legislation
at one point to construct a fence around Estrada's house.

In frustration, Estrada finally withdrew his name on Sept. 5, 2003.

At the time, liberal historian David Garrow predicted that if the Democrats
blocked Estrada, they would be "handing Bush a campaign issue to use in the
Hispanic community."

Alas, today Democrats can't really place Estrada - James Carville confuses
him with that other Hispanic, Alberto Gonzales. On MSNBC they laugh about
his obscurity, asking if he was the cop on "CHiPs." They also can't recall
the name "Anita Hill." Nor can anyone remember African-American Janice
Rogers Brown or what the Democrats did to her.

Only the indignities suffered by Justices Taney and Brandeis still burn in
liberal hearts!

So when Republicans treat Sotomayor with respect and Sen. Lindsey Graham
says his "hope" is that "if we ever get a conservative president and they
nominate someone who has an equal passion on the other side, that we will
not forget this moment," I think it's a lovely speech.

It might even persuade me if I were born yesterday.

But Democrats treat judicial nominations like war - while Republicans keep
being gracious, hoping Democrats will learn by example.

Sen. Teddy Kennedy accused Reagan nominee Robert Bork of trying to murder
women, segregate blacks, institute a police state and censor speech -
everything short of driving a woman into a lake! - within an hour of
Reagan's announcing Bork's nomination.

To defend "the right to privacy," liberals investigated Bork's video
rentals. (Alfred Hitchcock, the Marx Brothers' movies and "Ruthless
People" - the last one supposedly a primer for dealing with the Democrats.)

Liberals unleashed scorned woman Anita Hill against Clarence Thomas in the
11th hour of his hearings to accuse him of sexual harassment - charges that
were believed by no one who knew both Thomas and Hill, or by the vast
majority of Americans watching the hearings.

But when the tables were turned and Bill Clinton nominated left-wing
extremist/ACLU lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Republicans lavished her with
praise and voted overwhelmingly to confirm her, in a 96-to-3 vote. (Poor
Ruth. If Sotomayor is confirmed, Ginsburg will no longer be known as "the
hot one in the robe.")

The next Clinton nominee, Stephen Breyer, was also treated gallantly - no
video rental records or perjurious testimony was adduced against him - and
confirmed in an 87-to-9 vote.

As Mrs. Sam Alito can attest, the magnanimity was not returned to Bush's
Supreme Court nominees. She was driven from the hearings in tears by the
Democrats' vicious attacks on her husband's character. The great "uniter"
Barack Obama voted against both nominees.

Even Justice Ginsburg recently remarked to the New York Times that her and
Justice Breyer's hearings were "unusual" in how "civil" they were.

Hmmm, why might that be?

To the extent that the Sotomayor hearings have been less than civil, it is,
again, liberals who have made it so, launching personal attacks against the
ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Jeff Sessions, and even
the fireman whose complaint started the Ricci case.

But it was a nice speech.

Frank Pittel

Jul 16, 2009, 11:36:11 AM7/16/09
What's wrong with that? After all Bork was nominated by Reagan so of course
the looney tune brain dead lying fascist loser lib dems had to hate him and
tell lies about him.

In CB <> wrote:
: "Sen. Teddy Kennedy accused Reagan nominee Robert Bork of trying to murder

: women, segregate blacks, institute a police state and censor speech -
: everything short of driving a woman into a lake! - within an hour of
: Reagan's announcing Bork's nomination."

: Dems to GOP nominee: Will the defendant please rise?
: Ann Coulter

: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Posted: July 15, 2009
: 6:08 pm Eastern

: ? 2009



Keep working millions on welfare depend on you

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