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If you ever wondered why I think it’s a moral obligation to pay as little taxes as possible, this is it.

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New York Libertarians

Jan 1, 2019, 12:59:16 AM1/1/19


Jan 1, 2019, 5:36:38 PM1/1/19
More of the same Lie-bertarian click bait spam dump of some off topic
uncommented bullshit from the alt-right propaganda outlet called
'sovereignman' ===> flushed!

Only Usenet illiterate idiots would fall for that.

And this was brought to you again by this community hating disgruntled,
white,aging and Alzheimer ridden upper-middle-class, conservative-
capitalist-neo-lie-beral-neo-lie-bertarian wealth-addicted, ego-maniac
and utterly sociopathic Google Groups wanker.

Apparently he is now starting this new year with full on alt-right
capitalist lie-bertarian grinch and hate propaganda!

Yes, thinking people all note what the US capitalist conservative lie-
bertarians are all about:

They demand the political codification of inequality and want to cement a
status quo of all the riches enjoyed by the top 10% of wealth hoarding
social leeches while the rest of the population has nothing. they don't
even recognise the existence of society as a hole and the community they
live in.
Social Darwinism set into praxis!

$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

*Til the Last Hemlock Dies*
*Why I Hate Libertarians.*


"In my personal experience I have found Libertarians to be greedy, self-
centered, totally self-interested assholes. Their motto can be summed up

“I’ve got mine (or I soon will have), everyone else go fuck themselves.”

"You can count on a Libertarian to be relatively stupid, but at the same
time think of himself as very far above the average in intelligence. In
fact, though, Libertarians are stupid on a level that is almost singular
for such a group. Which is why, I suppose, so many identify themselves as
Libertarians—there’s certainly no shortage of stupid people in the USA.

Among the many negative things one can always count on a Libertarian to
do is to come down on virtually every political and social and economic
decision on the side of corporate interests and of the rich. In a truly
twisted way, Libertarians are the modern equivalent of the Victorian era
royalists. In those days, it was supposed that there must be a reason for
everything. That said, then there was certainly a good reason why the
masses were ruled over by royalty. The reason being that royalty were put
in their positions by divine intervention, so it must therefore be a very
good thing. Our modern-day version of the royalists are Libertarians.
There must be a good reason why the rich are rich, and that reason being—
in a nutshell—that the rich “deserve” to be rich; the reason generally
given as by virtue of hard work or quick wit (a Darwinian reason, if you
will). Therefore, leave them alone and allow them to continue to be rich
and to gather about them still more riches. For the sake of all that is
worthwhile (I would have said “God”, but Libertarians by and large claim
not to believe in “God”), don’t regulate the rich and the corporations
they own and control, for to do so would be to interfere with the natural
right of the rich to be rich.

Libertarians are so fucking stupid. The only thing at which they are good
is in knowing the hand that feeds them. Some Libertarians—such as a
certain mildly talented comic book artist—find themselves growing richer
the more they kiss the asses of those at the top. By praising the rich
and defending the rich and the status quo at every opportunity, they are
rewarded in relation to how much they have done for the very rich that

In brief, Libertarians have about them the two traits that I find most
loathsome in the human race: selfishness and stupidity. In the 1930s we
would have found them rallying around such political filth as Benito
Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, and Francisco Franco. Then, as now, they would
justify their poisonous ideas and decisions as being the most logical.
Just look to see what racist, nationalist bastards around whom they now
gather for a look into the very diseased minds of these idiots.

Libertarians—what a bunch of stinking morons."

$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

If this GG-wanker doesn't pay his taxes than should stop driving on our
roads, stop using our water and sewers, stop walking through our parks,
in fact stop doing anything that was invented & build and is maintained
by public hand.
The GG-wanker *ROT* at home marinated in his own excrement!
In fact, the creep should stop using our air, our space and our sunshine!

:P :P :P :P :P :P

Ördög (Your newsgroup Devil in service of maintaining sanity in Usenet)
*What's wrong with libertarianism*
"That perfect liberty they sigh for-- the liberty of making slaves of
other people--
Jefferson never thought of; their own father never thought of; they never
thought of themselves, a year ago."
~ Abraham Lincoln ~
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