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Hokey Pokey Holiday

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Tom Keske

não lida,
24 de dez. de 2009, 18:45:4624/12/2009

It seemed like another hum-drum day for the hoi polloi
and riff-raff, with a namby-pamby, effete elite of bed-wetters
locked in a see-saw battle with fat-cats, big-wigs, jet-setters,
rich-bitches and flim-flam artists, collecting signatures
at the Stop&Shop to support politicians accused of flip-flop

Indians emerged from wig-wams and tee-pees, following a pow-wow,
and started playing blackjack

Two roly-poly holy-rollers wiggle-wobbled on a teeter-totter
while a hurdy-gurdy man's chunky-monkey danced to the
tune of an accordion in the pesky keske neutrino casino

When the rag-tag revolutionaries got down to the nitty gritty
they proceeded to gang bang the true blue God Squad
like a fag hag's boy toys on Gay Day

King Kong and Wild Child headed downtown to deal with Tricky Dick
and rest of the jelly-bellied narrow arrows

They turned on the boob tube and put on a voodoo video
to watch a weird-beard spewing sing-song curse-verse
like the horrorcane winds of a twister terrornado
with a rhyme-time spine-tingle jingle jangle of hell's bells

This sort of Surround-Sound was the Zeigeist of the entire Yin-Yang
but it was a no-go for the so-so Edgar Allan Poe Show logo

Holiday fleeting greetings got lost in the snail mail
while old fuddy-duddies put on their spare pair of glasses
and sipped from soda cans with pop-top lids
and played "I Spy" with their grand-kids
who couldn't have a fluffer-nutter until they finished their green beans

Lean & mean wolves huffed and puffed and dealt low bows
and towed stolen cars to chop shops in the hot spots

The Town and Gown Theatre Culture Vultures were getting frustrated
with the hodgepodge of mumbo-jumbo gloom & doom

A mish-mash of very scary hip-hop caused a white flight brain drain

Suddenly the hocus-pocus produced a great hubbub,
and everyone was running, pell-mell, willy-nilly
and higgledy-piggledy, in a zig-zag pattern, Helter-Skelter,
doing the Hokey Pokey and commiting hari kari

It ended like Humpty-Dumpty, and so began the blame game

Although that seems pretty shitty, there must
be a phoney pony somewhere at the bottom of that vile pile,
so I hope you have a ...

Very Merry, Winter-Wonder, Hully-Gully Christmas !


Where the Hokey Pokey is a Hate Crime

Robert Degen, the man who may have written the Hokey Pokey (the
song's origins are disputed) died the other day. The Times, in
his obituary, explains why some Catholics are very, very
offended by the song:

Some Roman Catholic churchmen, meanwhile, have said that the
words "hokey pokey" derive from "hocus pocus" ? the Oxford
English Dictionary concurs ? and that the song was written by
18th-century Puritans to mock the language of the Latin Mass.
Last year the Catholic Church in Scotland, concerned that some
soccer fans were using the song as a taunt, raised the
possibility that singing it should be prosecuted as a hate crime.

Are there any persons more reliably thin-skinned than those who've
ve nursed their "God-given" victim complexes? I don't think so.
Exhibit one. Exhibit two. I could go on, you know I could, but
instead I'm going to spend a few minutes groovin' to this mad
prog-rock classic by Dutch band Focus. I'm sorry if the title
offends any Catholics.
Cynical-C Blog |

Singing The Hokey Pokey' = a Hate Crime.
Raping a child = job transfer to a brand new parish ...


At this time, not many Catholic lawyers are proposing settlement.
The Vatican has been around two-thousand years, and it's not
about to lay down its arms over a little hanky-panky in the
sacristy. Consider how the faithful, with sheeplike docility,
are still dropping money in the pot, wondering if it will be
used to pay lawyers to silence the claims of people who got a
nasty dose of bad religion, and deserve compensation. More than
anything, the scandal needs a thorough airing, and the chips
need to start falling.
Priests of Darkness Article Index

Catholic Pedophile Priests The Effect on US Society ...
Here's a story of some strange hanky-panky...


The etymology of hanky panky is controversial, but it may go
back to hoc est enim corpus meum - a phrase meaning "this is my
body", used in the Roman Catholic version of the Eucharest

Later, it seems this phrase mutated to hokey cokey and hokey
pokey - British and American names for dances that again may
have begun as satires on the Catholic Mass. Americans may
remember this:

You put your right foot in,
You put your right foot out;
You put your right foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!

What If The Hokey Pokey Is What It's All About?

Don't get me wrong, I do not miss the arguing with your sisters
or the 20 repeats of ... He knows ...


Scott Fontaine covers Fort Lewis, McChord Air Force Base, the
Washington National Guard and the veteran community.


Frank Grippe walked on stage with his M-4 rifle in hand. The
reaction of the host across the desk - a faux right-winger
wearing a camouflage suit and a fresh buzzcut - was one of
mock terror.

The crowd of hundreds of service members giggled. Grippe, the
command sergeant major for Fort Lewis-based I Corps, cracked a

Welcome to "The Colbert Report," Iraq-style. The Comedy Central
show featuring a self-important talking head - the credits
list the host as Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA - spent a
week with troops in Iraq. Many of the hundreds in the audience
are serving in Baghdad with Fort Lewis-based I Corps, which is
running daily operations of the military in Iraq.

The tour, organized by the USO, was a great distraction, Grippe
told The News Tribune by phone Friday. He and corps commander Lt.
Gen Charles Jacoby sat for interviews, and hundreds more were in
the audience for the tapings.

The host later convinced Grippe to call the service members in the audience
attention and order them to "put their right hand in." When Colbert asked
to order them to "take your right hand out," the command sergeant major's
patience seemed spent.

He stopped barking out the orders.

Cue Colbert's faux horror.
"You can't get them to do the hokey-pokey?" Colbert asked. "What
kind of commander are you?"
2. Salem Witch Museum - Salem, MA

The Salem Witch Museum is as hokey as hokey gets, but once you
embrace that, you 're going to have ...


Ain't no hokey pokey going on...it's hip surgery on October 1.
Finally!!! I'm more excited about this than I was about gastric
bypass over seven years ago! Maybe God, who, as I am beginning
to discover is more connected to my "higher self" than I ever

I'm also humbled by the fact that my life now has purpose, and
even though I've always known that, I didn't feel I could
fulfill it because of my morbid obesity

So how big was I, actually? I don't have any pictures of myself
at my very highest(serious camera ducking); I think the one I
shared in my previous blog shows me a bit under 400 lbs

Trust me--I never dressed like that. I was wearing tent dresses
and muu-muus

You already know. Michael "The King of Pop", aka "The Gloved One"
died on June 25th, 2009. If you were like me, you didn't believe
it when you heard it. I tossed off the story as another ugly
rumor about the man. In fact, I dismissed the entire cardiac
arrest report as implausible--from my point of view, only
morbidly obese or the elderly/severely ill people die from
cardiac arrest.

I can see how I used to be like him, a lonely person in a self-
imposed, hellish prison that was constructed as a "shield"
against pain and the imagined cause of it--the outside world.
All I can say is, "there by the grace of God go I", and pray
that Michael works through his earthly sorrows in the afterlife
so he can be closer to the Almighty Creator.

Right now, I have so many wonderful memories of the hours of
pleasure Michael and his brothers have given me. It all began
when my mother came home from shopping at the McChord Air Force
Base commissary and base exchange. The year was 1969, and our
family was living in a three-bedroom, one bath home in Tacoma,
Washington. Among the bags and bags of groceries and household
supplies she bought (my parents always stocked up whenever they
shopped on-base) was a record album she picked up featuring five
extremely good-looking brothers on the cover.

The lasting memory that both my sister and I have of that
concert is not about Jermaine or Marlon (Tam's fave)--it's
Michael. The closing song was "I Wanna Be Where You Are", and MJ
belted it out--heart, mind, body and soul. He kept singing and
dancing, even when he was backstage. It was electrifying,
incredible. Pure magic.

CIA's long-lost magic manual reappears

Experiments with hallucinogenic drugs and mind control were
running in tandem with technicians developing the latest spy

But in 1953 the agency also reached out to one of the U.S.'s
greatest magicians, John Mulholland, to help it develop covert
techniques in its battle with the Russians

In the foreword, John Mc-Laughlin, deputy director of the CIA,
writes, "magic and espionage are kindred spirits."

"Just as the magician's methods must elude detection in front of
a closely attentive audience, so an intelligence officer doing
espionage work must elude close surveillance and pass messages
and material without detection.

"Mulholland's writing on delivery of pills, potions and powders
was just one example of research carried out back then in fields
as diverse as brainwashing and paranormal psychology.

What can a robot teach you?

Although I've been a software developer at Microsoft for more
than 14 years, I started life as a hardware design engineer. I
graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering and spent my
career's formative years designing mainframes

Brian's a software guy to the core, always has been and always
will be. He's been at Microsoft his whole career and speaks C#
almost as well as English. (It was Brian- and Charles Petzold, of
course- who taught me the wonders of managed code.) So it's
somewhat ironic that, between the two of us, Brian is the guy
who built a robot

This is a little embarrassing but ... how do I put this? OK,
WiMo dances the Hokey Pokey. There, I said it. Like the three
laws of robotics, this is actually a protection for humanity. If
WiMo ever evolves to the point where it can pick up a weapon and
say, "I'm sorry, Brian I'm afraid I can't do that," Brian will
respond, "WiMo, dance!" Then, after completing the Hokey Pokey,
WiMo will slink off into a corner and pretend that the whole
sordid affair never happened. Not that I'd ever suggest you
code your Windows Mobile apps to interact with the Hokey Pokey,
but the idea of being notified at certain points in a song is
pretty nifty. And the actual infrastructure that the WiMo Hokey
Pokey uncovers is really very cool.

7. Mind Control 101: Secret CIA 'magic' manual from C...

A CIA manual instructing US agents on the use of magic tricks
during the Cold War has ... The very...

On the Job: Hypnotist's work no hocus pocus - Pitt...

Once derided as something akin to magic, voodoo or astrology,
hypnosis increasingly is recognized as...


Priest pleads not guilty, police deny ethnic profiling

NEW HAVEN - The Rev. James Manship entered a not guilty plea to
misdemeanor charges in Superior Court Wednesday, and claimed his
arrest is the "tip of the toxic iceberg

The arrest report charges that Manship had "an unknown, shiny,
silver object" that he concealed by cupping it in his hand,
while he was in the store. He told police he was documenting
what they were doing, but allegedly would not say what was in
his hand, a police report says

Manship is pastor of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in New Haven

Manship should go to confession. It's not right for a priest to
shave the truth or be downright dishonest about what he was doing

Why are these folks on the New Haven Green ? What are you doing
in New Haven ? Take em all to Church ..

first start a Parade and travel down Main street East Haven.
No more wedding gifts for Hugh Keefe

No more token Irishman Lawyer, he's a puppet of a foul,corrupt
group of shysty slanderers that you can ever meet.

Does'nt this reek of the Malik Jones debacle ? not meaning his
death , but the hokey pokey things that followed

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Chacon and other business owners, all of whom immigrated from
Ecuador, demanded an apology from Gallo and an investigation
Robert Gallo: The Man That Created AIDS Video

AIDS HIV Gallo Cancer Viruses Retroviruses Bioterrorism
Healthcare CDC NCI ... The CIA, Hollywood ...


Gallo often got the question from journalists. The best, the
most ambigious answer he gave in an interview for New York
Native: -"They are homosexuals because they were the ones
exposed. Forget all the other hocus-pocus.

Why them? No one knows... it was acquired."

Gallo's fame was at a climax, when in November 1989, he was
given audience by the Pope in Rome. Between Gallo and the Pope,
there existed a personal link: Wolf Szmuness, the man who
directed the hepatite- vaccine programme in New York in 1979.
AIDS Origin: Statistics & Smoking Guns

I know a poster; he is quite pesky.
I'm afraid his name is Thomas Keske.

Ill Winde That Blows

From: "Thomas Keske"
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 20:53:48 -0500 .....

www.peskytherat.com/pesky/stories/2002/12/13/archi. ...


Roberto Calvi had been strangled by Francesco Di Carlo, the
Mafia's London based Heroin traffic manager. The order for the
murder came from Pippo Calo, the Mafia treasurer and ambassador
to Rome. Desperate to plug an increasingly large hole in his
banks books, Calvi had agreed to launder large quantities of
drugs money for the Corleone Mafia empire. Instead of laundering
Mafia money, Calvi began skimming the profits to keep his bank

Faced with certain discovery and even more certain consequences,
Calvi rushed to London to negotiate a loan from Opus Dei - a
highly secretive and fabulously wealthy Catholic faction
described by one authority as "sinister, secretive and Orwellian."
A highly credible and knowledgeable source told this writer that
Calvi met with the Treasurer of Opus Dei who had agreed to
purchase a minority stake in Calvi's Banco Ambrosiano. The deal,
had it proceeded would have provided the essential funds needed
to repay the Mafia, and stave-off an imminent investigation into
his affairs by Italy's Central bank.

Opus Dei - which translates as "God's work," had long sought to
take effective control of the Vatican. Their cause had been
advanced by the sudden death of Pope John Paul 1 and the
election of a keen supporter: Pope John Paul 11. With
Machiavellian insight, senior figures of Opus Dei reasoned that
with Calvi dead the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano would surely
follow. This, in turn, would shake loose powerful enemies inside
the Curia, opening the way for them to gain total dominance of
the Vatican. Consequently, Roberto Calvi was thrown to the

In the early 1940's, the I.G. Farben Chemical Company employed a
Polish salesman who sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in
Auschwitz. The same salesman also worked as a chemist in the
manufacture of the poison gas. This same cyanide gas along with
Zyklon B and malathion was used to exterminate millions of Jews
and other groups. Their bodies were then burned to ashes in the
ovens. After the war the salesman, fearing for his life, joined
the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in 1946.

One of his closest friends was Dr. Wolf Szmuness, the mastermind
behind the November/78 to October /79 and March/80 to October /
81 experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials conducted by the
Center for Disease Control in New York, San Francisco and four
other American cities that loosed the plague of AIDS upon the
American people. The salesman was ordained Poland's youngest
bishop in 1958. After a 30 day reign his predecessor was
assassinated and our ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy
as Pope John Paul II.

Speaker: Even though Pope John Paul II was an extraordinary man
of faith, vision and intellect, please indicate by the show of
hand if you still believe the Catholic Church is the Great and
Abominable Church spoken of in the Book of Mormon, the Whore of
all the Earth, and totally lacking of authority to represent God
on Earth. - 04/04/2005 - anon

Speaker: If you have posted anonymous compaints against the
Church, its teachings, its leadership and its history on the www.
exmormon.org bulletin board, please manifest by the uplifted
hand. - 04/20/2004 - Matthew

Top Caption: Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

Speaker: Everyone who's had sex with sister Crumpet, please
raise your right hand.

Bottom Caption: The day Sister Crumpet had to leave the meeting. -
04/30/2004 - Brooke

Top Caption: Having realized that he is failing entirely to
pronounce actual prophecy Hinckley improvises

Speaker: You put your right hand in... You put your right hand
out... You do the Hokey Pokey... - 04/30/2004 - Jason the Mason

Top Caption: The confessional is now open

Speaker: How many of you have abused innocent people? - 04/30/
2004 - Lady in Red

Most of us have sung it and danced to it, usually as kids and
then again, for some unknown reason, at weddings.

The words "Hokey Pokey" come from the words "hocus pocus," which
most of us know are the words you speak when you're doing magic.
The words "hocus pocus" come from the Latin phrase, Hoc est
corpus meum ? "This is my body," ? the words the priest speaks
when he or she elevates the bread during the Eucharist.

In the old days, when the priests would celebrate in great stone
cathedrals, they would turn their backs to the people, and sing
the Mass: "Hoc est corpus meum!" Their voices would reverberate
throughout the cathedrals, and as the echo moved throughout the
cathedral, what they would be signing ? "Hoc est corpus meum" ?
would sound like Hoooo-cuuussss pooooocuuuuus . . . . . . .
24. Hocus-Pocus - Product Detail

... Allakazam Hat was used to produce Basil, the Baffling Bunny,
the live rabbit who ... Now, Hocus ...

HIV & AIDS - Where have we gone wrong?

... and Gallo and their colleagues also employed sera from
rabbits which they ... 1980 "disappearanc...



Novel Endogenous Retrovirus in Rabbits Previously Reported as
Human Retrovirus

Human retrovirus 5 (HRV-5) represented a fragment of a novel
retrovirus sequence identified in human RNA and DNA preparations.
In this study, the genome of HRV-5 was cloned and sequenced and
integration sites were analyzed. Using PCR and Southern
hybridization, we showed that HRV-5 is not integrated into human
DNA. A survey of other species revealed that HRV-5 is present in
the genomic DNA of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
and belongs to an endogenous retrovirus family found in rabbits.
The presence of rabbit sequences flanking HRV-5 proviruses in
human DNA extracts suggested that rabbit DNA was present in our
human extracts

Voisset, C., Myers, R. E., Carne, A., Kellam, P., Griffiths, D.
J. (2003). Rabbit endogenous retrovirus-H encodes a functional
protease. J. Gen. Virol. 84: 215-22

Bedigian, H. G., R. R. Fox, and H. Meier. 1978. Induction of
type C RNA virus from cultured rabbit lymphosarcoma cells. J.
Virol. 27:313-319.[Abstract/Free Full Text]

Kalyanaraman, V. S., M. G. Sarngadharan, M. Robert-Guroff, I.
Miyoshi, D. Golde, and R. C. Gallo. 1982. A new subtype of human
T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV-II) associated with a T-cell variant
of hairy cell leukemia. Science 218:571-573.


If Gallo's curse works, "Rogert Ebert will be dead of prostate
cancer ... within 16 months, and my film will live far past the
biopsies that are removed from his anus," the director tells the
New York Observer. Though Ebert should know better than to
respond to Gallo, at least he doesn't let the bullying affect
his sense of humor: "It is true that I am fat," Ebert writes,
"but one day I will be thin, and he will still be the director
of 'The Brown Bunny'."
HIV & AIDS - Gallo's Humor

Today, fifteen years later, Gallo is a happy man... and he
laughs a lot... all the way to the bank...

Robert Gallo
They get into Robert Gallo, the world's foremost virologist.
Robert Gallo is a Jesuit. He's a Roma...


One of the Illuminati's fronts is the Catholic church, which the
Jesuits manage for the Illuminati

The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control
programming is that different personalities or personality parts
called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who
can take the body at different times. Let's review some
important points that were mentioned in the Vol.2 book, 'The
amnesia walls that are built by traumas, form a protective
shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out,
and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of
the time to know how their System of alters is being used. The
shield of secrecy allows cult members to live and work around
other people and remain totally undetected. The front alters can
be wonderful Christians, and the deeper alters can be the worst
type of Satanic monster imaginable--a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde effect."

Program Codes

Forced Brain Wave Activity
Frenzied State [just as it sounds]
Call-Of-Wild [survival techniques]
Hocus Pocus [magic programming]
Mass [cath. mass programming]
14. Louisiana Lingo by The Easy Traveler self-guided R...

"Louisiana Lingo" is included in our tours of Louisiana Cajun
Country. ... Voodoo - Mysterious religion...

12. NIKI HOEKY - Lyrics - International Lyrics Playgro...

... little boy Get hip to the consultation of the boolawee Umm
hmm, hmm Niki, Niki, Niki Hoeky You...


Niki Niki Niky Hoeky
Your pappy's doin' time in the pokey
Your sister's on a trip your mama got hip
Little girl you lookin' okay

Get hip to the conversation
Of the boolawee
I'm talkin' 'bout your boola
I'm talkin' 'bout your wee

Mmmm way down in Louisiana
Down in Cajun land
Folks got something goin'
Goes something like
I wants to t'tie ya puppe'tame me
Gonna dig ya on a scooby-doo
I dig ya on'a scuba-die

You oh booga-boo you little girl
Get hip to the conversation
Umm hmm, umm
Said golly golly miss Molly
Everything's copesetic now
69 Recipe

Cajun Voodoo Love Cookin' by Samantha Kaye marries two hallmarks
of Louisiana living: Voodoo and C...

28. Spokane Falls Community College > PHOTO 102 ...

... the sexual slang in Nikki Giovanni s poetry was found ...
Provides a means of increasing the vis...

9. What is a Hokie? | Virginia Tech

This is the What is a Hokie? page in the About Virginia Tech

YouTube - Hokie Pokie Pt. 1

The Marching Virginians: Hokie Pokie. 477 views. mrwaterfalls33 ?
Virginia Tech Hokie Bird perform...

14. Virginia Tech Band Does the Hokie Pokie Picture at...

Virginia Tech Band Does the Hokie Pokie. ... Many ways to
purchase your favorite Virginia Tech pic...

11. The Human Rights Issues in the Virginia LaRouche C...

The hokey diagnosis nonetheless resulted in an order for a
second psychiatric examination of Billing...


The Virginia Tech Fire Research Laboratory is currently involved
in a multi-year research project ...

Playing The Hokey Pokey Can Get You Killed During A Fire Drill

On my way down the stairs one of my residents points out there
was some smoke drifting in from the 5th floor. I stop, poke my
head in, and then that little voice goes off again

But every time students have to go outside, there is always
someone who has to be the center of attention

And then suddenly out of the great void one idiot decides to
shout, "Let's play the hokey pokey!" I won't lie; I was hoping
someone would kill him. No one cares or wants to hear what
idiotic things you have to yell during a fire drill. You know
what they do want to hear? "It's OK to go back inside." Anything
before that is just white noise. And I don't mean the kind where
the dead people speak to you.

Well, the truth is, not only are the rooms checked when the fire
alarm goes off, you can be fined a lot if they catch you in your
Captain Planet pajamas. I'll skip right over the part where you
might have a picture taken in said jammies and later find it all
over the Internet faster than you can say "Star Wars kid."

Would you believe that last February five UU ministers preached
on this very topic- the hokey pokey

We all said, there's a sermon in there somewhere, and so we
challenged one another to make a sermon out of the Hokey Pokey,
which we all did. We all shared our hokey pokey sermons with one
another and reported that our congregations thought they were
great. So, like it or not, that's what you're going to get.

In no time, the Hokey Pokey was everywhere. School yards.
Bar mitzvahs. Weddings. You name it.

As they wheeled his coffin out to the hearse, which was parked
on a hill, the undertakers lost their grip and the coffin headed
down the street, whizzing by traffic, going through red lights,
and eventually flying in the open door of a local pharmacy, and
coming to a crashing halt in front of the counter. The coffin
cover fell off and the body sat up straight in its bier. The
pharmacist leaned over the counter and asked, "Can I help you?"
And LaPrise replied, "Yeah, have you got something that will
stop this coffin?"

I actually heard this joke from the captain of the United
Airlines flight I took to Washington, D.C. last January. He was
a stand up comic on the flight intercom and entertained us with
one funny story after another. Since I knew I was slated to
preach on the hokey pokey I said to myself, "I gotta use that
joke. It's good sermon filler." So, don't blame me, blame United

Let's take a look at the hokey pokey in greater detail.
There is a sermon in here somewhere

It's a ritual now. A major tragedy occurs and immediately the
fingers of partisanship begin pointing at longtime enemies as
the culprits. Mohammed Atta, for example, wasn't a lesbian.
Still, the dust hadn't even settled in lower Manhattan when the
Rev. Jerry Falwell got on TV and blamed America's lesbians,
among others, for the collapse of the World Trade Center.

It wasn't the heterosexual nuts at the controls of United
Airlines Flight 175 or American Airlines Flight 11 who drew
Falwell's foremost condemnation -- or even the heterosexual
Osama bin Laden with his three or four wives and 10 kids.

Instead, declaring that "God will not be mocked," Falwell had an
instant list of domestic God-mockers who made God mad enough to
"lift the curtain" of protection from America, mad enough to
pull the plug on the cooks and waitresses who were starting
their day at Windows on the World on the 107th floor of the
North Tower.

"I really believe," proclaimed Falwell on the Sept. 13, 2001,
edition of The 700 Club, "that the pagans and the abortionists
and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively
trying to make an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for
the American Way -- all of them who tried to secularize America --
I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this

It's the same with Virginia Tech. Lesbians, along with some
other sexual nontraditionalists, might well have played a role
in driving poor Seung-Hui Cho over the edge, according to James

Classes hadn't even resumed on campus when Lewis, writing at The
American Thinker Web site, reported that the English Department
at Virginia Tech was "a wonder world of PC weirdness."

Citing the publications of English Department professors at
Virginia Tech, Lewis shows what Cho, a senior English major,
might have been exposed to: "Maybe he read Professor Bernice
Hausman's 'Changing Sex: Transsexualism, technology, and the
idea of gender' -- just the thing for a disoriented young male
suffering from massive culture shock on the hypersexual American

Ancient Hebrew Dancing - Ancient Hebrew Poetry

... You do the Hokey Pokey and you sovev yourself around. ...
Berkeley CA resident, g...


You put your right regel in, you put your right regel out. You
put your right regel in and you shake it all about. You do the
Hokey Pokey and you sovev yourself around. That's what it's all

The magnificent Anchor Bible Dictionary, despite its 6 volumes
and 7000+ pages, has no entry on "Dancing." It takes forever to
find other topics of great interest in ABD, such as
"undergarments" for men and women. Unless of course, you have
the electronic edition.

Their spirit will be

like a watered garden;

no longer

will they pine away;

then shall the maiden exult in dance,

the young and old together.

Jeremiah 31:12-13

The Hebrew word I translate with 'spirit'

It refers, among other things, to the temper, mood, or humor of
a person. God's will is for his people's humor to be excellent.
It will bloom and flourish like a watered garden. They will
dance to their hearts' content.

The exultant dance of young women is mentioned first. After all,
a sight of greater joy is hard to imagine. But the real test of
whether God's will is in full realization is if both young and
old and of both sexes are dancing, their spirits high. If that
is the case, if life takes on the appearance of an Irish wedding,
then you know the kingdom of God has come.

SPRING HILL - Deputies arrested the driver of the Hokey Pokey
ice cream truck Thursday on a possession of marijuana charge.

A deputy investigating a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot
of 5226 Applegate Road came across Gregory Westberry sitting in
the rear of the truck. Deputy Anthony Mazza described Westberry
in a report as having "extremely slurred speech" and dilated

Posted by ( Hattricks3 ) on 07/18/2008 at 10:43 am.

Hockey Pokey Ice Cream hense the Pokey in the name that should
tell you he's doing something illegal anyways just waiting to go
to jail.

You'd smoke pot to if you drove an ice cream truck named Hokey
Pokey for a living!!
22. Obit: Larry La Prise (Hokey Pokey/Cokey) 2003

1861-1865 - After the Civil War, the number of ice cream vendors
called Hokey- pokey men, exploded ...

46. Communists and Hokey-Pokey Are Against the Law | l...

A 1990 law, Civil Code Section 1812.97, requires locker room
operators to post ... back to the 1950s...


But what if the law someone was trying to get rid of was the one
that prohibited teachers and other public employees from being

For example, Health and Safety Code Section 114089.1(c) defines
the legal method for wrapping French bread, while Section 113968
requires all food workers to file their fingernails. The Penal
Code section on gambling, Section 330, specifically bans playing
"lansquenet" and "hokey-pokey" for money, while Section 384
makes it a misdemeanor to refuse to give up a telephone party
line in an emergency. (If you don't know what a "party line" was,
ask your grandfather.)

And so on. Government Code Section 50081.2 gives local agencies
the right to provide police helicopter crews with fireproof
underwear, although why they need a law to do that isn't clear.
A 1990 law, Civil Code Section 1812.97, requires locker room
operators to post signs in 10-point bold type warning that
steroids can cause premature balding and unwanted breast
development in men.

And then there are the laws scattered throughout the code books
that were designed to root out communists.

The laws date back to the 1950s, when the Cold War was at its
height and there were concerns - justified in some cases,
unjustified in others - about totalitarian communist
infiltration of American society. One result was state laws
prohibiting public employees from being members of the Communist
Party or communist "front" organizations and requiring so-called
"loyalty oaths" from groups wanting to use school facilities

Lowenthal's bill, SB 1322, would delete or amend various old
sections of the state Education and Government codes that allow
a teacher or other public employee to be fired for being a
"knowing member" of the Communist Party, and would scrap the
loyalty oath provisions. However, state employees could still be
fired for belonging to any group that advocates the violent
overthrow of the state or federal government.

Maybe they should take a look at the law against hokey-pokey.

To realize that the Arundel hands are just stone is to mark the
different territories of romance and reality. ("I have always
believed that beauty is beauty, truth truth," Larkin once
remarked, "that is not all ye know on earth nor all ye need to
know.") What Larkin finds questionable about this sculpture?or
about the shock it provokes?is its remove from the world we make
our homes in. Indeed, Larkin measures the passage of time by
degrees of irrelevance. Once powerful, the couple is now totally
passive; their clothes and stately armor look hokey

in "An unarmorial age"; their bodies are merely "a trough / Of
smoke in slow suspended skeins / Above their scrap of history."
Today, "Only an attitude remains":


National Security Agency (NSA) Celebrates Anne Arundel County
Proclamation Naming November 4, 2002 "NSA Day"


Its directors are rarely spotted in public and its employees
hold some of the nation's top secrets. Its headquarters are
protected by armed guards. And the sensitive mission of the
National Security Agency, nicknamed "No Such Agency," is to
protect the nation from foreign spies while gathering its own

So it was a bit unusual to have not one, but three top NSA
officials at the opening of the Anne Arundel County Chesapeake
Innovation Center
15. National Security Agency (NSA) Headquarters

Fort George G. Meade MD, 20755 Anne Arundel County: Visitor Info:
NSA Headquarters is located on Rou...


Philip Larkin: "An Arundel Tomb"
Does a notoriously grumpy poet believe in everlasting love?
by Jeremy Axelrod

The last line of "An Arundel Tomb" is among the most quoted in
all of Larkin: "What will survive of us is love." Its popularity
can seem ironic. Larkin is mainly known for the dry eloquence of
his gloom, and for the sly precision of his phrasing. A line so
keen on love looks odd, even mawkish, coming from Larkin, for
whom starry-eyed imagery, as he wrote in "Sad Steps," was "High
and preposterous and separate." Yet "An Arundel Tomb" is not a
sentimental poem; it is about what sentimentality looks like the
morning after


The lesbianism of Philip Larkin.

And it is hard to approach the work of Philip Larkin (1922-1985)--
considered by many the greatest English poet of the second half
of the twentieth century--without acknowledging his particular
brand of sexual eccentricity.

Pious readers will already be spluttering: how presumptuous to '
label' someone else's sexual inclinations!

Would life be better if Wilde had not raised the issue of
Shakespeare's sexuality in "In Praise of Mr. W. H."? If Freud
had not explored the homoerotic themes he found in the works of
Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci?

Sugar and Spice (a set of fey sapphic poems modeled--with
suitable languor--on the "Femmes damnees" poems in Baudelaire's
Les fleurs du mal); Ante Meri-dien (a fragment of autobiography
in which Brunette reminisces about her Cornish childhood in the
blowsy shemale manner of Daphne du Maurier

Conservative poetry lovers have been displeased by the whole

Great Conservative Think Tanks: Many With Education Scholars

Cato Institute
Heartland Institute
Heritage Foundation

Links to Education Policy Organizations that are not Left-leaning

Hoover Institute
Conservative Catholic Colleges
Ave Maria University
Belmont Abbey College
Benedictine College
Christendom College
Franciscan University
Magdalen College
Mount St. Mary's University
Southern Catholic College
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts
Thomas Aquinas College
University of Dallas
Wyoming Catholic College

Nikki Giovanni's Violent "Poetry"

Thanks to the commenter in the "Bad Poetry" post below who sent
me the terrific link to "The Professor of Hate" article by Steve
Sailor on Nikki Giovanni that appears in Front Page Magazine.

I question how Virginia Tech can award a woman who has written
this type of hate trash "University Distinguished Professor"
status, considering that she only has a B.A. and that much of
the critical praise for her came from her lesbian lover Virginia
Fowler (fashion note: the loose ties are getting really old),
who pushed Virginia Tech to hire her

I was told in a polite email response that I was virtually the
only one not to like the poem. Here is her response:

I am responding to you as an alumnus. I am sorry that you do
not like Nikki Giovanni's poem. By a margin of about 250:1
according to responses that have come to the English
Department, most people are grateful for its words of courage
and hope.

Not everyone can like every poem, and I respect that

Carolyn Rude
Professor and Chair
Department of English (0112)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg VA 24061

If the margin of people claiming to like Nikki Giovanni's poem
is 250:1, then the professors in Blacksburg are really living a
sheltered life. We need to let ourselves be heard.
Please email Dr. Rude at Caroly...@vt.edu

Here is another "poem" written shortly after the massacre. It is
just as good (so to speak) as Nikki Giovanni's "poem" and it is
by none other than the Termagant Rosie O'Donnell. (termagant n 1.
a violent, turbulent, or brawling woman. 2. (cap.) a mythical
deity, understood in the Middle Ages to be worshiped by the
Mohammedans, represented in some morality plays, etc., as a
violent overbearing personage.)

Actually, I would consider Rosie's poem to be far superior to
Nikki's because while both poems are incredibly narcissistic,
Nikki's shows no talent, structure, or originality, whereas
Rosie's is deliriously bad in the sense that Plan Nine From
Outer Space becomes a very good movie because of its sheer

Great Cultural Blogs

American Papist
Bonfire of the Vanities
Debbie Schlussel
Domentico Bettinelli Jr.
Domine, Da Mihi Hanc Aquam!
Hot Air
If Flannery Had a Blog
Kansas City Catholic
Little Green Footballs
Michelle Malkin
Novus Motus Liturgicus
Sake White
St. Fiacre's Garden
Sunlit Uplands
The Hermeneutic of Continuity
The Roving Medievalist
Victor Davis Hanson

Latina Latinae Gratia
Bad Poetry
Reminiscing about Virginia Tech
Into Great Silence
Why Liberals Dislike No Child Left Behind
Liberal Narcissism
Easter Triduum
Bilingual Education: Bad Idea
What is No Child Left Behind?
Today's Catholic Education

Catholic Teacher Musings
Bad Haiku Festival

It's been sitting there
In the drawer for a while...now
too old to re-gift

So here's the lesson
If you want to re-gift it....
Don't dilly dally

London and some other parts of Britain, hokey-pokey was a term
for ice-cream deriving from the mystifying (to non-Italian
speakers) calls of the Italian street vendors with no hocus
pocus about it at all!). The accompanying dance could easily
have been just one of many popular circle dances.

My old man said "Follow the van,
And don't dilly dally on the way".
Off went the van wiv me 'ome packed in it,
I followed on wiv me old cock linnet.
But I dillied and dallied, dallied and I dillied
Lost me way and don't know where to roam.
Well you can't trust a special like the old time coppers
When you can't find your way 'ome

. . .

Dilly-dally - be distracted by the devil (divil-dally)
Cock linnet - false preacher
Old time copper - Catholic priest

We agonize over the meanings of this doggerel. Kids just do the
frickin' Hokey Pokey.

* Let it be known, from here on out, that I want a New Theme
Song for my weekly appearances on the fine Hugh Hewitt show.

They've been using Lindsay Buckingham's "Trouble," which is all
well and good, and I thank Generalissimo for that. But last
weekend at a used record store I picked up a few cheap 80s
compilation disks. One had "My Future's So Bright" by Timbuk 3,
which had 2 members and 1 hit. It's one smokin' tune, and all
the more enjoyable because it was probably meant as an
indictment of the very group of people who adopted it as their
theme song. It's just dripping with contempt: "I'm studying
nuclear science, I love my classes / I got a crazy teacher, he
wears dark glasses / things are going great, and they're only
getting better / I'm doin' all right, gettin' good grades / The
future's so bright I gotta wear shades."


These are the researchers who changed the Ivory Tower and
are now changing the world. By Rachel Pepper
Honorable Mentions

Nikki Giovanni,
Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State

Award-winning poet Nikki Giovanni wrote an ode to hip hop,
titled "It's Not a Just Situation," that will be published in an
accompanying booklet for the exhibition as well as displayed in
the gallery. Brooklyn, N.Y.-based artist Shinique Smith will
interpret the poem and create an installation in the same
gallery that will include an audio component.

Award Winning Poet Nikki Giovanni Had Virginia Tech Killer
Removed from Class

Famed poet Nikki Giovanni was so troubled by Cho Seung-Hui's
behavior that she had him removed him from her poetry class.

Giovanni's memory of Mewtwo had not been erased when the clones
flew off to find a new, peaceful home elsewhere. Thus the Boss
Rocket still grudgingly remembered Mewtwo's existence, and
sought to regain control over the genetic Pokemon. Enlisting the
help of Agent 009 Domino, Giovanni located Mewtwo's whereabouts
and sent the TR Attack Squad to capture Mewtwo and his cloned
friends. Giovanni had built a new device that would contain
Mewtwo's energy and sap his will, until the Boss was in complete
control of the creature once again.

Voldemort, who tampered with her memories, framed Hokey for her
murder. She did not deny the accusation and was convicted for
accidental murder, later to die due to mental anguish induced by
the Dementors in Azkaban.

Hokey was introduced when Dumbledore shows Harry the memory he
got from the house elf on the Pensieve


Virginia TECH - student decapitates other student with knife in
campus cafe

well what a coincidence, a student has a row with another
student and decapitates him in a university campus cafe with a
kitchen knife

the same place as the Cho mind control patsy committed the
massacre (with or without help) and of coruse the point being
that they are so near to the Butt Mountain DARPA underground
research centre - thought to include much research into mind
control techniques stretching back 40 years to MK Ultra days.
Would it be too much to wonder if this new killer was also a
mind control slave?

What's up with foreign nationals killing people on US campuses?

Gang Lu(Chinese)- Iowa 1990 killed 5 people in the physics
department. Was working on grant from NASA. His work on plasma
went to DARPA and NASA.

Andreas Drexler(German)-Indiana 1991. Drove from Stanford to
Indiana and shot an ex girlfriend and another before running
into the night and killing himself in someone's yard. Drexler
pretty much wrote the original MURPHI computer language. He was
working on a grant from the Office of Naval Intelligence. After
his death, Stanford and DARPA kept his work for themselves.

Peter O.(Sudanese)-Shot three people at the Appalachian School
of Law in Virginia. He was disarmed by students who owned
sidearms. He killed one of Clinton's ex-attorney generals, who
was an expert on election law. He was on medication, and was a
patient at the same hospital Cho went to. This patsy is still
alive, and claims that his lawyer is involved in a CIA plot to
silence him.

Cho(Korean)- We all know the story. Like Drexler he started
with an ex girlfriend and her friend. Like Gang Lu he sent his
side of the story to the media. Like Drexler, he shot himself
in the head as authorities closed in.

All of them were loners, and they all had emotional problems.
Two of them were brilliant, and their work was under the control
of intelligence agencies. It was subsequently stolen after
their death. Peter O. killed an expert of election law and a
political insider. This was one of the people with clout who
was pressuring the government concerning the 2000 election.
Another critic of the computer voting scams is David Dill...one
of the people who worked with Andreas Drexler at Stanford. Cho
just seems to be a stooge for the gun grabber movement.
Virginia Tech's DARPA Grand Challenge Team

Follows the team as they convert a Club Car XRT 1500 into an
unmanned ground vehicle for the Grand C...

www.me.vt.edu/grandchallenge [Fo

25-year-old Hiayang Zhu has made an appearance before a judge in
Montgomery County.

The international graduate student is charged with first degree
murder in the death of Xin Yang, a 22-year-old graduate student.
Virginia Tech say both are from China.

At a news conference late Thursday morning, Virginia Tech
leaders and Police investigators say Yang and Zhu were having
coffee at the Au Bon Pain cafe inside the Graduate Life Center
at Donaldson Brown, when the attack happened. Police say Zhu
decapitated Yang with a large kitchen knife.


Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order, Political Analysis,
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I have measured out my life in coffee spoons, said J. Alfred
Prufrock, or rather, T.S. Eliot, his creator. That line has
always really struck a chord with me. Even though I drink tea.
But it's the same thing. Fill kettle. Kettle on. Mug out.
Tea bag in. Water in. Milk in. Tea bag out. Do the hokey-pokey
and turn yourself about. Smash the kitchen up with a sledgehammer
and run screaming naked through David Jones's cosmetics hall.

Aaaah, I feel better now.

I'm not even a commuter with a boring job, who has to get the
same train every morning in the same suit, but I still feel this
way and I know I'm not alone here on Planet Tedium. A friend of
mine at university said he wanted to invent a machine that would
trim his hair, cut his toenails and floss his teeth in a set-up
similar to Woody Allen's orgasmatron. You'd just step in, push
the button, the machine would do the work and out you'd pop,


The book's pretty good, but I'm especially taken with the title
of a picture book I came across today:

This is a Poem that Heals Fish


Harriet the Spy: Lesbian Role Model? (NPR)


The Hello Experiment, in which a group of artists attempt to
sculpt Lionel Richie's head while blindfolded


Can't write sestinas (me neither)? For their next issue only,
McSweeney's is calling for senryu and pantoums.


Interesting: "Babies See Pure Color, but Adults Peer Through
Prism of Language" at Wired: "When infant eyes absorb a world of
virgin visions, colors are processed purely, in a pre-linguistic
parts of the brain. As adults, colors are processed in the brain'
s language centers, refracted by the concepts we have for them."


Customer (male, mid-late 60s) at my library today, to me: Do you
have any videos that show how to do the Hokey Pokey?

Me (searching): Hmm, doesn't look like we have any videos. We
have CDs with the song on it, and the lyrics describe how to do

Customer: I have the song on CD. I just wanted to see how to do

Me: Well, the lyrics kind of tell how to do it--you know, "You
put your left foot in, you put your left foot out..."

Customer: I wanted to see what it looks like.

Me: [seeing no real choice, obliges]

3.03.2008 at 7:08 PM

2 Responses to "This is a Poem that Heals Fish" (Leave A Comment)

Officially says
12:41 AM

I love the Hokey Pokey story! Hope you don't mind my quoting it
on my silly new blog: officiallyawesome.com


Noam D. Elkies points out that the related phrase orky porky
dominorky shows up in the last line of the University of
Redlands school cheer, which is charmingly titled Och Tamale.
With the help of one Jameson Marvin this phrase found its way
from California to Harvard, and now the line horcty porcty
dominorky appears as part of a choral warmup exercise.

Posted by: Zsa Zsa at March 1, 2006 10:19 AM
"I support Stem Cell research, but only for hair replacement!"

Posted by: radio free fred at March 1, 2006 10:36 AM

You put your right foot in. You put your right foot out. You put
your right foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey
pokey and you turn it all around. That's what it's all about!...
Same with the abortion issue!

Posted by: Zsa Zsa at March 1, 2006 10:44 AM
"Calm down or I won't tell the Rat joke!"

Posted by: radio free fred at March 1, 2006 10:57 AM
"Scalia is my name not a skin condition!"

Posted by: Maggie at March 1, 2006 05:28 PM

Just an aside, I listened to the entire speech by Scalia at AEI
and it was phenomenol. And afterwards during his Q&A a bunch of
A-hole punk college kids heckled him and would not shut up about
Iraq and Cheney. It was so sad. Dude is a genius.

Posted by: Justin B at March 1, 2006 06:24 PM

Posted by: SgtFluffy at March 1, 2006 10:36 PM
Now I will show you my Jazz Hands!...

Posted by: SgtFluffy at March 1, 2006 10:36 PM

Posted by: SgtFluffy at March 1, 2006 10:38 PM

"Justice Scalia. You've hunted with the Vice-President. What do
you remember of your experience?"


Scalia Outraged By Student's Offensive Question About Cameras

Joshua Norton says at 10:51 am, February 5th, 2009

- ReplyThe fact that she didn't follow it up by pointing at his
haircut and laughing proves that she has remarkable restraint.

I wonder if they teach big words like "vitiate" at the
Holy Roller Law School and Storm Door Co.

Histories of ages past
Unenlightened shadows cast
Down through all eternity
The crying of humanity

'Tis then when the hurdy gurdy man
Comes singing songs of love
Then when the hurdy gurdy man
Comes singing songs of love

Hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy gurdy he sang
Here comes the roly-poly man
He's singing songs of love
Roly poly, roly poly, roly poly poly he sang
Hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy gurdy he sang
Hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy gurdy he sang
Roly poly, roly poly, roly poly poly he sang
35. Ann Coulter - Salon.com

... midway by the entrance of Fox's chatty, roly-poly dark lord,
Roger Ailes himself. ... What of th...

Karl Rove Enjoys "Snatch and Grab" Video at Annual...

Jan 2, 2009 ... Juvenile larfs aside, Rove is a vile scumbag and
his roly-poly delight at the fact...

3. Is 'roly poly' a nickname for Rush Limbaugh? - Dem...

Is 'roly poly' a nickname for Rush Limbaugh? ... Site search,
Web search. Is ' roly poly' a nicknam...


In remembrance of "Sammy," the intelligent pink-eyed
representative of a persecuted (but irrepressible race. An
affectionate little friend. And a most accomplished thief!

The Roly-Poly Pudding

Ribby and Tabitha searched and searched. They both heard a
curious roly-poly noise under the attic floor. But there was
nothing to be seen.

They returned to the kitchen. "Here's one of your kittens at
least," said Ribby, dragging Moppet out of the flour barrel.

They shook the flour off her and set her down on the kitchen
floor. She seemed to be in a terrible fright.

"Oh! Mother, Mother," said Moppet, "there's been an old woman
rat in the kitchen, and she's stolen some of the dough!"

"Oh! Mother, Mother, there has been an old man rat in the dairy--
a dreadful 'normous big rat, Mother; and he's stolen a pat of
butter and the rolling-pin."

As for Farmer Potatoes, he has been driven nearly distracted.
There are rats, and rats, and rats in his barn! They eat up the
chicken food, and steal the oats and bran, and make holes in the
meal bags.


Scalia looks like he's one plate of pasta fagioli away...
from a MAJOR heart attack. Serious.

Top Chef Las Vegas: Bachelor/Ette party is a battle of the
brothers ? Eating L.A. The second episode of "Top Chef: Las
Vegas" was calculated to up the stakes, as they say in Vegas,
pitting brother against brother and pissing off the gay chefs
with a wedding-themed challenge.Chef Todd English, he of the
movie star chin, was the guest judge. The Quickfire challenge
was selected ...

Rich's Pasta Fagioli con Salcicce ? Foodie In Disguise Top Chef
has been in my brain. Do you remember Richard Sweeney from last
season of Top Chef? Richard lives in San Diego and I had the
opportunity to meet Richard and his fellow Top Chef teammate
Jamie Lauren today. We were corresponding yesterday and he had a
recipe for a Pasta Fagioli on his...
RESTAURANT REVIEW: Brio Tuscan Grille - Neon - Rev...

No, not minestrone, or Italian wedding, or pasta e fagioli, the
unholy trinity that taxes the imagin...


Romano writes about the Italian wedding, informing readers that
the Chicken Dance, Hokey Pokey, and conga lines are things an
attendee can't escape or talk his way out of. "You're in. It's
over," he writes. "You better have a strong bladder, because
you're going to be cha-cha-ing until the song is done."


Maria Grazia's Pasta e Fagioli

This recipe for a famous main-dish thick Italian soup, is from
our hosts, Marcello and Raffa, who'll guide us through Emilia-
Romagna on Passionate Italy with CD this December 19-26, 2005.
You may have heard of this soup, without knowing you did, for it
was popularized under its colloquial affectionate name, "pasta
fazool", in the song "That's Amore", by Dean Martin (see below).

When the moon hits your eye
like a big pizza pie
That's amore
When the world seems to shine
like you've had too much wine
That's amore

When the stars make you drool
just like Y pasta fazool
That's amore

Bells will ring,
ting-a-ling-a ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling And you'll sing,
"Vita bella." Hearts will play

tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella

10. timBoucher " Manson's Helter Skelter Apocalypse

In particular, he believed in something he called "Helter
Skelter. ... I'd read "Helter Skelter" and...

35. A bankrupt Christmas for KB Toys - Capital (Annapo...

... reducing prices on hot toys like Hokey Pokey Elmo in October,
several weeks ... moved to Glen Bu...

Romney's 'Flip, Flop, Flip' - Fact Checker

Dec 20, 2007 ... Mitt Romney has now executed an Olympic-caliber
double flip-flop with a gold meda...

Washed up flip-flops get underfoot on Africa's coast...

The once-pristine Nyongo Sharif beach along Kenya's northern
coast, near the border with Somalia, se...

Teetering on the Brink of Disaster: The NeoCons' D...

Apr 9, 2007 ... Teetering on the Brink of Disaster: The NeoCons'
Decision to ... the world is witn...

9. 44 - Palin Must Save Her Yahoo E-Mails, Judge Rule...

Social Security tottering on the brink. Banks taken over to
avoid a complete ..... The ruling cam...

ENVIRONMENT: Amazon Teetering on the Edge - IPS ip...

ENVIRONMENT: Amazon Teetering on the Edge By Mario Osava* ....
CLIMATE CHANGE: Angry Greenhouse Ga...

Article: Indicators Forecast A Tottering Economy -...

Register today for a free trial, credit card req'd. Find The
Boston Globe articles plus many other a...

Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > Teetering on the brin...

Teetering on the brink of a nuclear dark age. ASK THIS | October
16, 2006 ... and detonation of nu...

28. CIA Mind-Controlled Slaves - Pravda.Ru

This story is typical of the treatment inflicted on CIA Mind-
Controlled Slaves. BREAKING NEWS ... So...

HistoryBuff.com -- History Library -- Southampton ...

Nat Turner was born a slave in Virginia in 1800 and grew to
become a slave preacher. Gradually he ...

Chapter 1 The Selection and Preparation of The Vic...

Mind-controlled slaves are created for different purposes,
hierarchy or non-hierarchy purposes. The ...

37. "Ismail Ax" and the Latest Mind-Controlled Assassi...

Red Ice Creations - Explore - Observe - Be Here (K)Now ... http://


Daniel Pagner attempts to bring this historic event to life in
Ol' Prophet Nat. His narrator, a collector of old books, comes
across a family Bible in which Turner, while hidden in the
Virginia swamps, wrote his story. The premise is slightly hokey
but Ol' Prophet Nat still effectively recreates Nat Turner and
his uprising. The flimsy, grimy old cabins; the hot days and
long hours; the bleeding black flesh and a community's
collective fear and anger are all described in stunning detail.
Africans in America/Part 3/The Richmond <I>Enquire...

Virginia, 30 August 1831 ; ... A fanatic preacher by the name of
Nat Turner (Gen. Nat Turner) who ...


The War That Never Ends
Viruses and Germs vs. Humans
By: Harry G. Haberman

This is a story of fantasy and hard cold facts beginning with a
pizza party given by the "Big Fat Cat" prima donna of the
microbe family.

The party was given in honor of Albus, the Colonel's offspring.
Guests were the Streptococci, Pnemococci, Gonococci,
Meningococci, Diphtheria, E. Coli, Typhoid, Dysentery, Tetanus
and Botulinum. TB used a cellphone to call in sick, because a
human he had infected with TB returned the favor as a carrier
and infected TB with Tuberculosis.

Music suddenly split the air with Beethoven's 3rd Sonato in Asia
Minor. The Dayton Place Hot Tomato Philharmonic Orchestra revved
it up while the microbes did the 'Hokey Pokey' and the intricate '
Two Step'.

The young bacteria went to school to learn about epidemics.

If you are a high school or college student and are interested
in or are studying in the area of science you should definitely
read this book. You could use it for help in writing reports and
to become informed about epidemics which attack everyone.

Lines on the antiquity of microbes

Had 'em.

Broken rhyme - a favourite of Tom Lehrer's - is the device of
splitting a word between lines in order to manufacture a rhyme
e.g. (my own example!) Unless you let me split interpol-ate

I'll find no rhymes for purple. (though Roger Miller in his song
Dang me had the chutzpah to rhyme purple with maple surple

A wrenched rhyme is one where the poet is blatantly cheating,
usually for comic effect e.g. Tom Lehrer's outrageous use of
Harvard and discovered at the end of The Elements. Whether a
rhyme appears wrenched or not will sometimes depend on how
closely the reader's dialect matches the poet's e.g. when Ogden
Nash rhymes turtle with fertile

Nat Turner's real name was Nathan Tunica. the Tunica and the
Washitaw own there own nation and was never a part of the United
States. Their names were change from Tunica to Turner and from
Washitaw to Washington. Nat Turner's father's name was Henry
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Well the article was pretty funny, much like the propaganda that
Harper spouts here at home. ... AID...


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That any intelligent, reasoning, civilized people could see Nat
Turner as anything more than an ante-bellum Charles Manson is
both incredible and disturbing. Anyone finding anything heroic
to celebrate about Nat Turner and his psychotic murder rampage
should seek counseling. You have serious issues

I think Nat Turner uprising was righteous, in his ordained
mission to "wake the dead" in the "valley of the dry bones" and
to awake European Americans to their false image of the "happy
slave and benign master."
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What if the hokey-pokey; Is all it really is about? What if life
is just a cosmic joke; Like spiders...


If Yoko Ono married Sonny Bono, she'd be Yoko Ono Bono. ...
her existence, diddle, doodle, hokey-pok...


Popular as the song is, its authorship has long been in dispute,
with the credit usually going to Larry LaPrise, who as part of a
musical group, the Ram Trio, is said to have created it in Sun
Valley, Idaho, as a novelty number to entertain vacationing

Working as a full-time musician before World War II, Mr. Degen
played guitar and banjo with different bands in clubs and
restaurants and at parties in and around Scranton. For a while
in the 1920s he belonged to the Scranton Sirens, a jazz ensemble
that at one time featured both Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. He was
not a full-time composer and did not copyright any other songs,
his son said, adding that his father wrote "The Hokey Pokey
Dance" with a musician friend, Joe Brier, while playing for the
summer at a resort near the Delaware Water Gap.

In any case the song and dance became a popular phenomenon in
the United States after the LaPrise version, arranged for a big
band, was recorded by Ray Anthony and his orchestra and released
in 1953 as the B side of another novelty song, "Bunny Hop."

Title: Hokey Pokey

It's always difficult to bring sad news, but you should know...

There was a great loss today in the entertainment world. The man
who wrote the song "Hokey Pokey" died. What was really horrible
is that they had trouble keeping the body in the casket. They'd
put his left leg in and ... well, you know the rest.

This joke is from the collection at www.usaone.net/jokenet

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