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Just what do blacks want from Whites?

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May 2, 2014, 9:05:30 AM5/2/14
A tip of the do-rag goes to "yo-massa" at AFN:
Niggers have actually regressed in society behavior since being
brought here from Africa, thanks to LBJ and their entitlement
mentality and spurred on by the liberal P.C. crowd..liberals will
never admit that integration has failed miserably at a cost of
hundreds of thousands of human lives.

I still don't know what Niggers want, they have been given ever
opportunity to get an education, given special preferences in hiring,
promotions, special government programs, college choices,
scholarships, housing and everything else they have demanded for
the past 60 years! Just what to hell do they still want??

They continue to have the highest crime rate per capita of ANY race,
the most drug abuse per capita of ANY race, the most dependency on
government per capita of ANY race and the most bastarized birth rate
per capita of ANY race.......You would think by now with all the
special treatment they have received, they would at least have stopped
blaming the White man for their cultural failures and playing the race
card at ever available opportunity.

Pointing out the facts and failings of their race in public or private
will immediately get you branded as a racist, the facts be dammed!
Being branded a racist is the worst thing in the universe in the eyes
of the P.C. crowd. If you are a White public figure and get branded
a racist, your career is over, whether said in public or private! Yet
a public figure Nigger can say anything racist about Whites in public
and the P.C. crowd is completely silent.


After news broke Wednesday of the New Black Panthers calling for
the killing of white babies, more shocking audio from the group's
radio program has now surfaced. In the organization's radio opening
for August 13, they play a shocking segment from Khalid Muhammad, a
former spokesman for Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.
In it, he advocates extreme violence against white people in general,
and specifically gays, lesbians, babies, and women:

We give them 24 hours in South Africa to get out of town by sundown. I
say, if they don't get out of town, we kill the men, we kill the
women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we
kill the cripple, we kill the crazy, we kill the faggots, we kill the
lesbians, I say god dammit we kill them all.

If they are white kill 'em all. Why kill the women? Why kill the
babies? They are just innocent blue-eyed babies? Because god dammit
they are going to grow up one day to rule your babies. Kill them now.
Why kill the women in South Africa? I say kill the women because the
women are the military manufacturing center. And every nine months
they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls out from between
their legs, so shut down the military manufacturing center by killing
the white woman.

Why kill the older crackers? The old crippled crackers in South
Africa. How in the hell you think they got old? They got old
oppressing and killing black people [inaudible].

Kill 'em all. Kill the faggot. Kill the lesbian. And after you've
killed them all, I say then you go to the god damn grave, and dig 'em
up, and then kill 'em a-god-damn gain because they didn't die hard

You can see a longer version of the speech below:

(Another Example)

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May 2, 2014, 2:11:17 PM5/2/14

"GaryBaldy" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 2 May 2014 08:05:30 -0500, "Byker" <> wrote:
>>A tip of the do-rag goes to "yo-massa" at AFN:
> What is AFN ?

Once upon a time there was a great newgroup called alt.flame.niggers. It
was a great meeting place for everyone to vent their spleens after spending
years silently enduring PC bullshit from the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al
Sharpton, the NAACP, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. There was a
never-ending flame war going on between AFN and
soc.culture.african.american. At one time c.2000 AFN was the
tenth-most-visited site on Usenet.

On the AFN side you had:

Fat Elvis
Reb Biker
God Almighty
Sickle Cell
B9 Predator
Crusty Balls
Chromatic Death
Bull Connor
Tom Shelly

On the SCAA side you had:

Wayne Johnson
Derek Lawrence
Devil's Advocate
Coleman Howard
Mitchell Holman
Eugene Holman
Derek Lawrence
Extreme One
Mr. Wonderful
and many others who came and went

Reb Biker had an AFN FAQ website, and most of the photoshop goodies came to
us courtesy of Sickle Cell, B9, Diceman, and others.

Sadly, as blogs and social networks grew in popularity, more and more people
drifted away from Usenet. AFN and SCAA eventually became ghosts of their
former selves but least one of the old gang, "True," is still posting. ("The
nigger earns its name every day.").

Earthlink has made it so I can't post or view images in non-binary NG's
anymore. A lot of servers no longer carry AFN or even "alt." newsgroups.

AFN and were great forums back then. They served their
purpose in the days before blogs, social networking, and LiveLeak. Type
"Typical Nigger Behavior" into YouTube's search box and you get all kinds of
TNB videos. Stormfront, on line since 1995, is bigger and badder than ever.
What was considered outrageous and unspeakable fifteen years ago hardly
raises an eyebrow today.

Here's a Wiki look at Chimpout:

"(T)he posters spend most of their time cheering the deaths of black murder
victims (including children, regardless of innocence), obsessing over black
celebrities, posting newslinks to crime stories involving black suspects or
putting up numerous pics of scantily clad, attractive black women while
pretending to find them hideous. The forum is also noteworthy for having its
own racist vocabulary."

We at AFN truly laid the foundation for others to build on.

Way Back Jack

May 3, 2014, 9:26:53 AM5/3/14
On Fri, 2 May 2014 13:11:17 -0500, Byker wrote:

> Coleman Howard

Coleman's primary gwoop was balt.general with many X-posts to
alt.non.racism. He had a fellow Baltimorean nemesis who wore the "Bro
Jack" nym (ahem) and they flamed the hell outta each other.

Balt.general was actually taken down for awhile primarily because of these
two gents but I see it's up again.

Not sure where ol' Cole hangs out these days -- he did migrate for awhile
to motorcycle groups -- but he's in his mid 70s and may have gone to his
eternal reward.

On the other hand, he may be doing quite well healthwise. He was a fitness
nut who sent in photos of himself doing pushups with his feet elevated on
top of a mailbox, etc. I tell you, he could do more pull ups than a
orangutan when he was like 62 or so. Of course at 135 lbs (6'3") old
Coleman didn't have a lot of weight to pull up.


May 3, 2014, 7:08:09 PM5/3/14
"Way Back Jack" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 2 May 2014 13:11:17 -0500, Byker wrote:
>> Coleman Howard
> Coleman's primary gwoop was balt.general with many X-posts to
> alt.non.racism. He had a fellow Baltimorean nemesis who wore the "Bro
> Jack" nym (ahem) and they flamed the hell outta each other.

That old spook was something else. His tirades were legend ("You low lifed
bitch. My shit is better than you, and your whole family," etc.).

From 2006:
"Kevin" <> wrote in message
> Here's a memory challenge for you.
> Name at least one nigger (or sock) who has left after having
> it's ass severly kicked. I'll start it with two......
> 1. blackstar
> 2. urinal

3. McGill ("Magilla"), who was always posting afrocentric shit

4. Coleman Howard (that old nigger from balt.general was a trip!)

From 2001, when Howie was posting as "Swift Rider":
Swift Rider <> wrote in message

> First, Jasper, the bitch with the pickup, got the chain and tow link
> rammed so far up his ass, that the chain came out his mouth. He is a
> fuckin retard now.
> Second, Byker is know through out the internet as "The Bitch On A Bike"
> Byker is a fuckin faggot that rides around on a 125cc Honda thinking he is
> hot shit. Plus, Byker is known to imposter a gentleman by the name of
> Coleman E. Howard. Coleman beat Byker up so bad on the internet that Byker
> has been impostering him for over 2 years now.
> Third, Byker is nothing but a low-down-racist-motherfucker-faggot. And
> tell him that swift rider doesn't give a shit about him.

Coleman Howard by any other name is still fun to read...

Way Back Jack

May 3, 2014, 9:17:58 PM5/3/14
How well I remember the "bitch on a byke" refrain.
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