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The Complete Detailed Racist History Of The Democrat Party

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Joe Cooper

May 8, 2017, 8:58:40 AM5/8/17
[IMAGE: Old Campaign poster]

Revisionist History Being Taught In Schools Across The Country And
Reported By The Media

Liberals love to revise American history because they are ashamed of
their past. Maybe it is time to set the record straight on things. Here
is a timeline of the two parties from beginning until now. For those of
you who may not be aware; in the year 2016 the term Liberal is synonymous
with Democrat.

The Washington Post is a perfect example of attempting to revise history
in an article that they wrote in February of 2017.

[Washington Post]

The day after Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was rebuked while making a
speech critical of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), Sen. Ted Cruz blasted
Democrats, saying their party is the one rooted in racism.

“The Democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan,” Cruz (R-Tex.) said in
an interview on Fox News on Wednesday. “You look at the most racist — you
look at the Dixiecrats, they were Democrats who imposed segregation,
imposed Jim Crow laws, who founded the Klan. The Klan was founded by a
great many Democrats.”

Cruz isn’t the first Republican to associate Democrats with the Ku Klux

[/Washington Post]

[IMAGE: Cartoon]

Of course he would not be the first Republican to have associated
Democrats with the KKK. That is historical fact which we will get into
shortly! But this is probably because the author went to a public school
where US History standards have been politicized and revised drastically.


The Framework asserts that the British-American colonies were
characterized by the development of “a rigid racial hierarchy” that was
in turn derived from “a strong belief in British racial and cultural
superiority” – and teaches that much of the rest of American history was
shaped by those beliefs.

There is much emphasis on mistreatment of slaves and native people, but
none on truly revolutionary founding principles that laid the groundwork
for the freest nation on earth (consent of the governed, development of
democratic institutions, religious liberty). World War II was a time of
racial discrimination and other inequities, not of massive sacrifice and
achievement by soldiers and civilians alike.


Now lets get into the ACTUAL History of the Democrat Party

The Birth Of The Democrat Party – Jackson To Polk

The Democratic Party officially adopted its present name during the
presidency of Andrew Jackson in the 1830s, making him the father of the
Democrat Party. Though Andrew Jackson did a few great things as president
and before, Democrats refuse to acknowledge any of them because of The
Trail of Tears. Amazingly enough however, they don’t even understand that
Andrew Jackson wasn’t president when The Trail of Tears occurred.

For those of you who don’t know about The Trail of Tears, this started a
troubling trend for the Democrat Party that they still continue to this
very day; ignoring Supreme Court rulings. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
(1831) and Worcester v. Georgia (1832); were decisions that the Supreme
Court passed down which stated that: “The native nations were sovereign
nations and did not fall under the jurisdiction of the state.” Andrew
Jackson did not care about these decisions since he signed the Indian
Removal Act in 1830, and spent the remainder of his 2 terms removing
native nations from their lands.

[IMAGE: Trivia about Andrew Jackson]

Andrew Jackson’s 2nd term Vice President, Martin Van Buren; became his
successor and the 2nd Democrat President of the United States. One of Van
Buren’s first orders as President was The Trail of Tears, NOT Andrew
Jackson. He sent 7,000 troops to Georgia to “expedite the process” and
march the remaining Cherokee holdouts the 1,200 miles to the “Indian
Territory” presently known as Oklahoma. It is also important to note that
the only other measurable thing that the 2nd Democratic President did was
oppose the slaves on the Amistad having their freedom.

The 3rd Democratic President is often referred to as the worst president,
though there are many others who also compete for this title. James Polk
is considered a bad president because he was the first president to
invade a foreign country (Mexico) for land in the Mexican American War;
now known as New Mexico, Arizona, and California. This is yet another
case that Liberals always refer to when trash talking American History.

Democrat Racism Coming Of Age – The US Civil War – Pierce To Johnson

The 4th Democratic President was Franklin Pierce. Another shining example
of Democrat racism when he signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 which
repealed the ban of slavery in the western territories. This one
occurrence, caused a political revival as Abolitionist Democrats, Whigs,
and Free Soilers all united to create the Republican Party. Franklin
Pierce in essence, was the pebble that started the landslide that soon
became the American Civil War.


The 5th Democratic President was James Buchanan, and just like his 4
predecessors, was a horrible and incredibly bigoted president. Not only
was he racist, but he also declared a war on Mormons, calling their
community a “strange system of terrorism”. He also blamed the
abolitionists for the upcoming Civil War stating; “Before many years the
abolitionists will bring war upon this land.” But didn’t do anything in
an attempt to stop it from happening, not to mention that he was very
influential in the Dred Scott Decision.

The 6th Democratic President, Andrew Johnson, was a Democrat when he was
the Vice President of Abraham Lincoln, but ran for President under the
flag of the National Union Party. As President he was responsible for the
amazing failure of “Reconstruction” and was adamantly against any and all
civil rights legislation as you will soon see examples of. In 1868, he
was also the very first president in United States History to be
impeached! When the process started, he declared; “This is a country for
white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a
government of white men”

Who Passed The Civil Rights Laws – Democrats Or Republicans?

Keep reading - lots more:

"Lance Armstrong could have entered the women’s cycling tour as Leslie
Armstrong, taken all the drugs he wanted and still been a champion."
(Michael R. Shannon)


May 8, 2017, 4:46:36 PM5/8/17

"Liberals and respectable conservatives say there is this RACE
problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the
third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white

"The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan,
but nobody says Japan should solve this RACE problem by
bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote
with them."

"Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY
white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e.,
intermarry, with all those non-whites."

"What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem
would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were
brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?"

"How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a
RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK

"And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and
what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?"

"But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of
genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable
conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews."

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

"Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

Joe Cooper

May 8, 2017, 7:13:06 PM5/8/17
Topaz <> wrote in

> "Liberals and respectable conservatives say there is this RACE
> problem.

Which ""Liberals and respectable conservatives" say that, Alex? We don't
have a race problem, we have a fascist problem.

Buzzsaw Checkerling

May 9, 2017, 2:21:30 PM5/9/17
Clave was wrong (as usual):

> "#BeamMeUpScotty"
> <CommunityOrganizers&> wrote in
> message news:Gs0QA.3771$bP2....@fx13.iad...
> > On 05/08/2017 09:17 AM, wrote:
> > > On Monday, May 8, 2017 at 8:58:40 AM UTC-4, Joe Cooper wrote:
> > >
> > > > “The Democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan,” Cruz
> > > > (R-Tex.) said in an interview on Fox News on Wednesday.
> > >
> > > And that must explain why there are 16 times more black Democrats
> > > than Republicans in Congress - because Democrats are racists.
> > >
> > Planned Parenthood lynches little black babies inside the uterus....
> No they fucking don't.

Yes, they fucking do, moron.

> You need better tinfoil.

I don't think he'll need it. But at least he has something to put a
"Tinfoil HAT" on.

You're a headless fool.

Kermit Barron Gosnell Gosnell owned and operated the Women's Medical
Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

On May 14, 2013, Kermit Barron Gosnell was sentenced to life in prison
without the possibility of parole.

On May 15, 2013, Kermit Barron Gosnell was sentenced to life in prison
for the third child's murder.

"Known fact that Leftists hate the President of the United States;
what's not known is why they hate The United States of America."


May 12, 2017, 1:01:08 AM5/12/17

David Duke On Trump’s New Campaign Shakeup:
We’re Taking Over The Republican Party

Though in the midst of a campaign for the Senate
seat of retiring Senator David Vitter (R-Louisiana),
former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke is
holding fast to his spot as a far-right radio pundit.

Late last week, Duke and his co-host, Don Advo,
discussed the Donald Trump campaign’s hiring of
Stephen Bannon, the former executive chairman of
Breitbart, a right-wing publication, as campaign
CEO. Advo remarked that “We appear to have taken
over the Republican Party,” where “we” refers to
the white supremacist movements active on the
American right.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message
September 30, 2016

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is running
for Senate in Louisiana, and he says Donald Trump’s
popularity is helping him in the race.

“I love it,” Duke told the LA Times. “The fact
that Donald Trump’s doing so well, it proves that
I’m winning. I am winning.”

Duke also told the LA Times that Trump’s proposed
policies, like building a wall along the border
with Mexico and banning Muslims from entering the
country, show the country is open to a white power
message. “He’s talking about it in a visceral way,”
Duke said. “Donald Trump is talking implicitly.
I’m talking explicitly.”

Trump "may be the last hope for a president who would be good for white
people," remarked Jared Taylor, who runs a white nationalist website
called American Renaissance and once founded a think tank dedicated to
"scientifically" proving white superiority. Taylor told us that Trump was
the first presidential candidate from a major party ever to earn his
support because Trump "is talking about policies that would slow the
dispossession of whites. That is something that is very important to me
and to all racially conscious white people."

Trump fever quickly spread: Other extremists new to presidential politics
openly endorsed Trump, including Don Black, a former grand dragon of the
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of the neo-Nazi site Stormfront;
Rocky Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party; and Rachel Pendergraft, a
national organizer for the Knights Party, the successor to David Duke's
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Richard Spencer, an emerging leader among a
new generation of white nationalists known as the "alt right," declared
that Trump "loves white people."

President-elect Donald Trump is drawing praise from the Ku Klux Klan,
neo-Nazis and other white nationalist groups for appointing former
Breitbart executive Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist.

“Perhaps The Donald is for real,” Rocky Suhayda, chairman of the American
Nazi Party, told CNN in an segment that included interviews with several
white nationalists.

Trump’s hiring of Bannon has drawn bitter criticism from Democrats, but
white nationalists believe it’s evidence the president-elect intends to
live up to his campaign promises to deport illegal immigrants and build a
wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

David Duke, a former KKK leader who lost his Senate bid last week in
Louisiana, called Bannon’s hiring an “excellent” decision.

The Ku Klux Klan has announced it plans to hold a rally in North Carolina
in response to Donald Trump's election as president.


May 12, 2017, 4:47:11 PM5/12/17
On Thu, 11 May 2017 23:01:09 -0600, Gronk <inva...@invalid.invalid>

>the white supremacist movements active on the
>American right.

THE ENEMIES of White people around the world have a pathological
love affair with the term 'White supremacist' whenever they report
on or describe White people who act in a collective manner, no
matter how benign, on behalf of their own group interests..
However, the same people who decry 'White supremacism' seem to have a
difficult time describing the actions of non-Whites acting on behalf
of their group interests, often violently, as supremacists of any
And never mind the fact that most so-called White supremacists
simply work to promote separate living space and political
independence from Jewish or other non-White influence.
All right then, I have a question for you about this 'White
supremacism': where is it? Where is this so-called White
supremacism? Have you seen it?

Far too many White people in America and around the world are
race-mixing and aborting themselves out of existence. Our
politicians are allowing record Third World immigration into our
White ancestral homelands. Our White corporate 'free traders' and
White globalists continue to impoverish us as they send our jobs
overseas, and our White politicians send our White soldiers to die
in a senseless war in Iraq for Israel, soldiers who will never sire
another generation of their own kind.

Does that sound like 'White supremacism'?
We continue to allow the media masters to produce their filth,
surpassing each other in obscenity as they abuse our people in print
and on screen. Does that sound like White supremacy?
Ubiquitous misinformation in the media and in the schools has made
too many of us ashamed of our nature and our traditions; our
accomplishments, we are told, belong to the entire world. Even most
Whites-who know they're being lied to-are still too scared to
organize for our common good, because Jewish supremacists such as
the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, their
allies in the media, and their lapdog politicians attack any who
try to stand up to them; even as Jews and other non-Whites are
encouraged, even paid, to organize.

How "supreme" is that, my friends?
If you recall, the recent demonstrations of Mestizo invaders across
America bore a simple message: 'We claim your land! We claim your
jobs! We want your women! We demand your future! If you don't hand
us America, then you are racist pigs!'
Where was the massive so-called White supremacist backlash to these
invaders? Where was the White resistance to this clear and present
danger to our posterity? With the exception of the street activism
of National Vanguard members and supporters and a few other stalwart
patriots, I didn't see it. Did you?

So, where were all the White people during these Mestizo
demonstrations? Well, my guess is they were figuring out how they're
going to pay their next tax bill; working longer hours for less and
less inflation-reduced take-home pay; shopping at yet another new
Wal-Mart for the only kind of goods many can afford, Chinese junk;
watching ball games; attending yet another anti-White motion
picture, and so on. Some are blind, happily embracing their lives as
the new peons in a multiracial America, while others know something
is wrong, but haven't yet figured it out. Some know exactly what is
happening, but are afraid to say anything, falsely believing they
are all alone in their beliefs.
Fear is the dominant note in this funeral march.

Everywhere our borders have been opened and the
new elite teaches our children that intermarriage is good and
desirable. Everywhere the new elite teaches our children that to
defend our genetic heritage is the very definition of evil. The end
result, if trends continue, will be genocide.

There is no fortress against this persistent onslaught. There are no
mighty gates on the horizon swinging open to offer us sanctuary. The
Other is in every city, every county, every town, every hamlet now.
The Opponent continues to work overtime to convince us all that
White racial consciousness is "evil," because they know that we are
the only real obstacle to their malevolent plans for a global
plantation. They are the real supremacists. Not us.

History has set a task for us. It is to dispel the fog of fear that
immobilizes the sleeping White giant of our people. It is to change
the now-dominant note of fear to one of determination. It is to turn
that funeral march into a march of triumph.
National Vanguard. Our time has come and our time is now.

I'm Frank Roman. Thank you for listening and I shall speak with you

Joe Cooper

May 12, 2017, 5:22:00 PM5/12/17
Topaz <> wrote in

> And never mind the fact that most so-called White supremacists
> simply work to promote separate living space and political
> independence from Jewish or other non-White influence.

Are you afraid of the big, bad JOOS, Alex? Is that how you demonstrate your
<cough><cough> "supremacy"?

"The only people who can't recognize that our nation has a 'smug liberal'
problem are smug liberals." (David French)
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