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Turning Red States Marxist Red

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Joe Cooper

Dec 16, 2017, 1:24:09 PM12/16/17
The Alabama win for Barack Obama’s candidate Doug Jones confirms our
thesis that Obama is running the Democratic Party and the anti-Trump
resistance. Obama, who recently compared President Trump to Hitler,
recorded a robocall in support of the Alabama Democrat, calling him a
“fighter for equality, for progress.” His notion of progress means
suppressing the white vote and inciting black voters, who now believe by
a margin of 72 percent that Trump should be impeached.

Reports indicate that Jones’ win was the result of a surge of Democrat
voters statewide, “and specifically in African-American strongholds.” The
grassroots of the Tea Party, evangelical Christians and conservative
Catholics in Alabama couldn’t match the “Brown is the New White” strategy
of Obama’s political strategist and operative Steve Phillips. Analyst
Trevor Loudon discussed Phillips’ leftist background and association with
Obama during his talk at our November 10 conference about Obama’s plan
for a one-party socialist state.

We have studied Obama’s background, including his grooming by a hard-core
communist, and his future plans, in our books, Comrade Obama Unmasked and
Red Star Rising.

As America’s first Marxist president, his job isn’t done and he will not
rest until a complete Marxist takeover is complete. His mentor, communist
Frank Marshall Davis, taught Obama that blacks have a “reason to hate”
white people. But other minorities and constituency groups will also have
to be mobilized. Looking at what happened in both Virginia and Alabama,
where the Republicans were defeated with Obama’s help, the former
president’s return to Marxist power politics has to be seen as a
development that could not only result in the Democratic Party taking
control of Congress, but impeaching Trump.

Going forward, two black Democrats, Senators Kamala Harris and Cory
Booker, have to be considered as presidential possibilities in 2020.
Booker campaigned for Doug Jones and has praised the Phillips’s strategy
of “increasing racial and cultural diversity” as the means to power. That
means diluting and diminishing the white vote. What this entails, as
conservative writer Vic Biorseth documents, is the socially-destructive
political agenda of identity politics, in order to destroy the “original
identity” of America, based on what used to be shared values and

Booker has the added feature of appealing to the pothead vote, since he
favors drug legalization on a nationwide basis. Sadly, there are
literally millions of potheads in the U.S. today as a result of Obama’s
pro-marijuana policies. He ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to
let the states legalize and market drugs in defiance of federal anti-drug

According to government statistics, marijuana is the most commonly used
illicit drug. The estimate is that 22.2 million people have used it in
the past month. Assuming they can be mobilized and directed to the polls,
the stoners are a potential major voting bloc.

As ridiculous as it may seem, the use of drugs in the “fundamental
transformaton” of America cannot be downplayed. Obama, a member of the
marijuana-smoking “Choom Gang,” was the perfect politician to carry out
the plan of hedge fund billionaire George Soros to turn America into a
virtual narco-state. The next step, as Tina Trent outlined at our
November 10 conference, is access to LSD and other mind-bending drugs,
marketed as “medicine.” Heroin injection centers are being planned for
liberal Seattle.

Many of the stoned voters are “progressive whites,” products of the
Marxist Madrassas called colleges and universities. They damage their
brains with drugs, graduate with useless degrees and big debt, and become
cannon fodder for the revolution. The University of Maryland’s upcoming
“Trans(form)ing Queer” conference is another example of this trend. One
topic, “Sex work and sexual economies,” suggests another constituency
group for the Democratic Party—prostitutes. There is really no end to
mobilizing disaffected and alienated groups of people for special
recognition and benefits.

Having conquered Alabama, they are targeting Georgia and Texas. In fact,
left-wing journalist John Nichols has written an article, “Can Our
Revolution Build a Blue Texas?,” explaining how a “Revolutionize Texas”
campaign can change the political nature of this Republican state.

On college campuses, not surprisingly, the brainwashing is well underway.
The University of Texas in 2016 held its first annual international Black
Studies conference, “Black Matters: The Futures of Black Scholarship and
Activism,” featuring communist Angela Davis. Earlier this year Texas
State University also hosted Davis. Houston Style Magazine said her
audience consisted of “adoring students.”

If students at major Texas universities are giving a black communist a
sympathetic or adoring reception, you know that “Red State” Texas may be
turning not only blue but into a kind of “red” that conservative
Republicans may not anticipate.

Remember that Trump won Texas in the 2016 presidential race by only nine
points. He had won Alabama by about 28 points.

It seems clear that since Trump’s amazing victory, Obama has outsmarted
Stephen Bannon and the Republican Party every step of the way.

Alarmed by political developments, former Republican House Speaker and
Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich says the GOP is on the “edge of
disaster” and that avoiding a Democratic wave election in 2018 “requires
action now.”

But it may be too late for a strategy to derail Special Counsel Robert S.
Mueller’s campaign to impeach Trump by charging him with obstruction of
justice. Gingrich had praised Mueller’s appointment but now questions his

The new Gingrich book is titled Understanding Trump.It’s too bad he
didn’t understand what Mueller was up to. Obama and his comrades in the
Department of Justice surely do.


"The Marxists, communists and fascists of the Democrat Party have
launched a strategy of deception, projection, and a new generation of
brown shirts who fanatically believe that their violence is honorable,
and necessary, to save America from some kind of a Fourth Reich
perpetrated by the GOP." (Douglas Gibbs )


Dec 16, 2017, 2:35:06 PM12/16/17
On 12/16/2017 01:24 PM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> The Alabama win for Barack Obama’s candidate Doug Jones confirms our
> thesis that Obama is running the Democratic Party and the anti-Trump
> resistance. Obama, who recently compared President Trump to Hitler,
> recorded a robocall in support of the Alabama Democrat, calling him a
> “fighter for equality, for progress.” His notion of progress means
> suppressing the white vote and inciting black voters, who now believe by
> a margin of 72 percent that Trump should be impeached.
> Reports indicate that Jones’ win was the result of a surge of Democrat
> voters statewide, “and specifically in African-American strongholds.” The
> grassroots of the Tea Party, evangelical Christians and conservative
> Catholics in Alabama couldn’t match the “Brown is the New White” strategy
> of Obama’s political strategist and operative Steve Phillips. Analyst
> Trevor Loudon discussed Phillips’ leftist background and association with
> Obama during his talk at our November 10 conference about Obama’s plan
> for a one-party socialist state.

Isn't there about 50% of the "brown vote" also felon votes as so many
blacks have been made felons by Liberals and their Liberal regulations
and laws.... and being as they're normally lower than 50% of the
population in total then around half being Felons that can't vote....
wouldn't make the actual black vote end up around 7% and at least less
than 15% of the population

That would mean that getting every black voter out shouldn't have been
able to change the look of the election more than 3% or 4% or tops at 7%

or there about

Which means that the white Republican voters had to stay home in numbers
of 3% to 7% to allow the Democrat to win?

This isn't so much a democrat success as it was another *McConnell*
*Republican* *failure* , because the Republicans abandoned Roy Moore and
now if ROY MOORE isn't sent to prison it sort of means that McConnell
needs to be run out of town on a rail for prematurely abandoning the
election and the Republicans for his Democrat pals that he seems to love
so much.

McConnell's cut and run tactics were either cowardice or he really does
like the *REAL CHILD PREDATORS* which are the Democrats and the
McConnell establishment Republicans who now support ABORTION.

That's Karma

The *REAL CHILD PREDATORS* are the Democrats and McConnell Republicans
who support ABORTION.


Dec 17, 2017, 11:02:55 AM12/17/17
On 12/16/2017 1:24 PM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> The Alabama win for candidate Doug Jones confirms

The complete and total rejection of the Trump/Bannon agenda.


Dec 17, 2017, 10:55:19 PM12/17/17
Yeah, that damn Trump is undoing all the good that Barry did for this
country such as ......

(cricket chirp .... chirp ..... chirp.....)


Dec 17, 2017, 10:58:23 PM12/17/17
I mean, well, you know, he...

Man I din't do nuffin.

That's Karma

105 - Every American will be relying on government teats to give them
everything they are allowed and nothing they want. Enjoy your soylent green.


Dec 18, 2017, 2:49:09 PM12/18/17
To begin with it's 1/50 of the nation and 1/100 of the Senate....

They can't reject anything for the entire NATION.

That's Karma

20 - Socialism is a virtual world that we create. It's as real as living
in a video game.
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