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Natalee Holloway's murderer KILLs woman AGAIN in Peru

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Jun 3, 2010, 9:10:18 AM6/3/10

Celibrating the aniversery, Natalee Holloway murderer kills
Peruvian woman Five years to the day after he killed Natalee
Holloway. - Siobhan Morrissey, Jim Wyss - 9 hours ago

Natalee Holloway's killer wanted in Peruvian woman's death
Five years after Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba, one of
the prime suspects in the case -- a young Dutch poker player --
is being accused of murdering a 21-year-old woman in Peru.

Five years to the day Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway
disappeared in Aruba, the prime suspect emerged at the center of
a grisly murder in Lima, Peru.

Peruvian Criminal Police Chief Gen. C�sar Guardia told reporters
Wednesday that they've launched an international manhunt for
Joran van der Sloot, 22, in the Sunday slaying of 21-year-old
Stephany Flores in a Lima hotel.

Van der Sloot was captured on video leaving a casino in the
Miraflores district of Lima early Sunday with the young woman,
Guardia said. Workers also saw him check into his hotel with
Flores, Guardia added.

Van der Sloot checked out Sunday, four hours after he arrived
with Flores, and fled overland to Chile on Monday, Guardia said.

According to the Peruvian newspaper El Comercio, Flores' body was
found stabbed and wrapped in a blanket in a hotel room registered
under van der Sloot's name.

Peruvian police have asked Chilean authorities to be on the
lookout for van der Sloot. Interpol has issued an international
arrest warrant for him.

The killing occurred exactly five years after the disappearance
in Aruba of Holloway. That case sparked an international search
for the Alabama teen -- who is presumed dead -- and has been
tabloid and television fodder ever since.

``I was surprised and shocked when I heard the news,'' Aruba's
chief prosecutor, Peter Blanken told The Miami Herald.

Blanken, who is leading the Holloway investigation, said it was
too soon to tell how the latest developments would affect the


The Peruvian case appears more solid, he said, because there is
significant evidence.

``There is more proof,'' he said. ``There is a body, and in Aruba
we never found a body.''

Flores' slaying on the fifth anniversary of Holloway's
disappearance is ``a dreadful coincidence,'' said Ann Angela, a
spokeswoman for the Aruban prosecutor's office.


Jun 3, 2010, 9:21:34 AM6/3/10

> Interpol has issued an international
> arrest warrant for him.

He's dust.

But until he's caught FoxNews will practically push
everything else off the screen as soon as they can
manufacture enough filler. (Just like last time!
he reported breathlessly!)

They know their viewer's and corporate sponser's values.
No doubt ratings will skyrocket.

Any bets?


Jun 3, 2010, 9:36:57 AM6/3/10


LAFFFFFINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! It's started.......

FOXNews - 4 hours ago
Van der Sloot Wanted in Peru Killing: Murderous Coincidence or
Holloway Link?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 2, 2010.
This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

> he reported breathlessly!)

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: There's breaking news tonight
about Joran van der Sloot. As you know, he is the chief suspect
in the 2005 disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway. Now,
she vanished on May 30th, 2005, during a high school trip to

And just a short time ago, van der Sloot was named the prime
suspect in the murder of a 21-year-old woman in Peru. And in a
disgusting twist,

> he reported breathlessly!)

police believe the 21-year-old was murdered on May 30th, the
five-year anniversary of Natalee's disappearance.

Joining us by phone from Peru is GRN correspondent Dan Collyns.
Dan, thank you for joining us. And take me back to about May 29th
or May 30th. How is it -- how do police believe that Joran came
in contact with this woman? And what do they know?


> he reported breathlessly!)

Well, (INAUDIBLE) General Guardia -- he's the police head of
criminal investigations in Peru -- said that this 21 --
22-year-old Dutchman was in Peru for a poker tournament. He
appears with the young woman, the victim, Stephany Flores, in a
surveillance video taken at the Lima casino in the early hours of
Sunday morning, around 5:00 AM. And the two were later seen
entering a hotel in the same district of Lima later on, the hotel
where this young man was staying, by one of its employees.

Now, witnesses in the hotel say that some four hours later, van
der Sloot traveled -- left the hotel, and according to the police
evidence, he traveled more than a thousand kilometers by bus to
Peru's southern border with Chile, where he went through
immigration without any checks and crossed into the other
country, where police believe he is at this moment, in Chile, and
perhaps trying to cross into Argentina.

Now, Stephany Flores's body was found earlier today, Wednesday,
face down in the hotel room, with abrasions on her face and body,
signs of trauma, the police say. She was clothed. There were
signs of a struggle. But the police say at the moment, they're
awaiting autopsy results for the exact details of her death.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there any indication, since Joran van der Sloot
left that room on 9:00 AM on Sunday until this morning, when her
body was found -- did anyone at all say that she had been seen
leaving the room?

COLLYNS: No, no indications whatsoever. In fact, her father,
who's a well-known businessman here in Peru -- he's actually a
circus impresario and a former racing car driver -- Ricardo
Flores -- announced that his daughter was missing on the Sunday.
She was a young woman of 21 years old. She'd been out with
friends on Saturday night. And apparently, she dropped them home
at about 2:30 in the morning, before returning to the casino,
where she met up with van der Sloot, only to leave a few hours

He says that he -- in television interviews in Peru here, he says
that they had had an argument perhaps, that she was a young woman
going out with her friends late at night and he was a protective
father. And of course, he's very angry now that the prime suspect
in her murder is a man that he believes should not be free,
should not had been free to be able to do this.

And this actually comes on the evening of the wake which is being
held for this victim, Stephany Flores. It's being held in
Santissimo Nombre (ph) de Jesus church here, near the family
home, and is being attended by many of Stephany's young friends
and her family.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there -- so the last known place of Joran van
der Sloot is when he made a crossing from Peru into Chile.
There's been no other sighting of him that you know of. He hasn't
been spotted going into Argentina. The last you can confirm is
going into Chile.

COLLYNS: Yes, that's the last sighting and that's the last
records which the Peruvian authorities have of him. Now, the
Dutch government has announced that Interpol has issued an
international arrest warrant for van der Sloot. The embassy --
the Dutch embassy here in Lima would not comment further on the
case. But the Chilean authorities have been alerted, and of
course, Interpol, as well, and that they will clearly be watching
the border with Argentina to see if any crossing attempt is made
by van der Sloot.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dan, thank you.




Jun 3, 2010, 9:51:50 AM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 6:10 am, (Crash!) wrote:
> Celibrating the aniversery, Natalee Holloway murderer kills
> Peruvian woman Five years to the day after he killed Natalee
> Holloway.

There was some GOP scandal going on at that time ("where's WMDs?" "Abu
Graib" or the usual...), right?

How much you want to bet that woman would be alive if Fox "News"
hadn't been constantly tipping der Sloot off to the police's
activities? They blagged on that case constantly, as a distraction for
GOP depredations...

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Jun 3, 2010, 10:23:29 AM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 7:17 am, "Knifefight Afterdance" <>

> > There was some GOP scandal going on at that time ("where's WMDs?" "Abu
> > Graib" or the usual...), right?
> > How much you want to bet that woman would be alive if Fox "News"
> > hadn't been constantly tipping der Sloot off to the police's
> > activities? They blagged on that case constantly, as a distraction for
> > GOP depredations...

> WOW!
> There have been stupid posts on this board in the past.

Not the only one that FNC has killed over the years, one way or


Jun 3, 2010, 10:25:15 AM6/3/10

> in,
> On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 13:21:34 GMT, Crash! said:
> >
> > > Interpol has issued an international
> > > arrest warrant for him.
> >
> > He's dust.
> >
> > But until he's caught FoxNews will practically push
> > everything else off the screen as soon as they can
> > manufacture enough filler. (Just like last time!
> > he reported breathlessly!)
> >
> > They know their viewer's and corporate sponser's values.
> > No doubt ratings will skyrocket.
> >
> > Any bets?
> LAFFFFFINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! It's started.......
> FOXNews - 4 hours ago
> Van der Sloot Wanted in Peru Killing: Murderous Coincidence or
> Holloway Link?

Compare that *tabloid* headline with the real service's.
Google Results about 669 for
holloway Peruvian OR Peru

Holloway suspect sought in Peru murder case -- Newsday

Chile police hunt Dutchman sought in Peru killing --The
Associated Press

Holloway suspect wanted in the murder case of Peru
-- World Report Now

Holloway Suspect sought in Peruvian Murder Case -- MSMDC News

Holloway Suspect Sought in Peru Killing: Was Set to Play in
Poker Tour ... -- Before It's News

Holloway Suspect Sought in Peru Murder -- KOLO

Search for Van Der Sloot Focused in Chile --
The Associated Press - 3 hours ago

...and so forth.

> Van der Sloot Wanted in Peru Killing: Murderous Coincidence or
> Holloway Link?
> FOXNews - 4 hours ago

> > ....he reported breathlessly!)

any questions?

smutt butt

Jun 3, 2010, 10:42:32 AM6/3/10

You have some serious issues.

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Jun 3, 2010, 1:46:43 PM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 10:36 am, wrote:
> On 3 Jun 2010 18:30:50 +0200, "Knifefight Afterdance"
> <> wrote:
> >The sad thing is, this asshhole is too much of an asshole to even know
> >that he's mentally derange
> But not as many as those who consider faux snooze a legitimate
> purveyor of information....

The very definition of a wingnut - someone willing to be distracted
from accounts of the Bushies running a death camp in Iraq, just to
watch the story of only one of the tens of thousands of murders that
occur every year... the one with a blonde bimbo.


Jun 3, 2010, 2:03:11 PM6/3/10
smutt butt <> wrote:

>Phlip <> wrote:
>> "Knifefight Afterdance" <> wrote:
>> > > There was some GOP scandal going on at that time ("where's WMDs?" "Abu
>> > > Graib" or the usual...), right?
>> > > How much you want to bet that woman would be alive if Fox "News"
>> > > hadn't been constantly tipping der Sloot off to the police's
>> > > activities? They blagged on that case constantly, as a distraction for
>> > > GOP depredations...
>> > WOW!
>> > There have been stupid posts on this board in the past.
>> Not the only one that FNC has killed over the years, one way or
>> another!
>You have some serious issues.

Phlop reminds me of Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I can easily
imagine him attacking George W with a fire ax.

5483 Dead, 616 since 1/20/09

Jun 3, 2010, 3:27:15 PM6/3/10

There are hundreds of millions of people who would like to attack
George W. with a fire ax. Why single out Phlip?


Jun 3, 2010, 3:31:26 PM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 12:27 pm, "5483 Dead, 616 since 1/20/09"
<> wrote:

> There are hundreds of millions of people who would like to attack
> George W. with a fire ax.  Why single out Phlip?

I don't want to do that! Giving him a Facebook account is punishment
enough for his crimes!


Jun 3, 2010, 3:56:34 PM6/3/10

Losers always try to blame their failures on somebody else...

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Jun 3, 2010, 5:00:53 PM6/3/10
On Jun 1, 3:41 pm, Mr.B1ack <> wrote:

> (Crash!) wrote:
> >Celibrating the aniversery, Natalee Holloway murderer kills
> >Peruvian woman Five years to the day after he killed Natalee
> >Holloway.
>    ALLEGEDLY kills .....
>    I think that this guy will get blamed
>    for ANYTHING bad that happens within
>    a ten-mile circle around him ... sort
>    of a Dutch 'OJ' figure.

Hmmmm, I see, you're a supporter/defender of sex tourism, child
pornography, and now serial killers.....

No wonder you support teabaggettes and Sarah Palin

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Jun 3, 2010, 5:50:35 PM6/3/10

On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 15:41:33 -0400, Mr.B1ack said:

> (Crash!) wrote:
> >
> >Celibrating the aniversery, Natalee Holloway murderer kills
> >Peruvian woman Five years to the day after he killed Natalee
> >Holloway.
> ALLEGEDLY kills .....

The punk bashed her brains in
and skipped town.
Are you stoooopid?

> I think that this guy will get blamed
> for ANYTHING bad that happens within
> a ten-mile circle around him ... sort
> of a Dutch 'OJ' figure.

Life is so unfair for murderering punks!


Jun 3, 2010, 6:07:24 PM6/3/10

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 14:00:53 -0700 (PDT), liberal said:

> On Jun 1, 3:41=A0pm, Mr.B1ack <> wrote:
> > (Crash!) wrote:
> >
> > >Celibrating the aniversery, Natalee Holloway murderer kills
> > >Peruvian woman Five years to the day after he killed Natalee
> > >Holloway.
> >
> > =A0 =A0ALLEGEDLY kills .....
> >
> > =A0 =A0I think that this guy will get blamed
> > =A0 =A0for ANYTHING bad that happens within
> > =A0 =A0a ten-mile circle around him ... sort
> > =A0 =A0of a Dutch 'OJ' figure.

> Hmmmm, I see, you're a supporter/defender of sex tourism, child
> pornography, and now serial killers.....

Is he really!?

> No wonder you support teabaggettes and Sarah Palin

Yup. (I presume he's a Republican't or some such.)
That's the mushy-headed kind of thinking that
can't tell official jury instructions from reality
and real-word descision-making that allows those guys
to also swallow the equally unreal official GOP talking points.
Any bombastic soundsgoodism will do, particularly a feelsgoodism.
These tailwaggers will swallow, in fact NEED to
swallow anything that feels Establishment.

As Limbaugh used to say;
I tell you EVERYTHING you NEED to think.
...and he does.

The Establishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Establishment is a term used to refer to the traditional
ruling class elite and the structures of society that they
control. The term can be used to describe specific entrenched
elite structures in specific institutions, but is usually
informal in application.
For example, candidates for political office are often said to
have to impress the "party establishment" in order to win
....He defined that network of prominent, well-connected people
as "the Establishment", explaining:
"By the 'Establishment', I do not only mean the centres of
official power—though they are certainly part of it—but rather
the whole matrix of official and social relations within which
power is exercised. The exercise of power... cannot be understood
unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially."[1] . ...

...poor tailwagging lemmings.....

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Message has been deleted
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Jun 5, 2010, 1:43:49 PM6/5/10
On Jun 2, 4:17 pm, Mr.B1ack <> wrote:
> (Crash!) wrote:
> > in,
> >  On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 15:41:33 -0400, Mr.B1ack said:
> >> (Crash!) wrote:
> >> >Celibrating the aniversery, Natalee Holloway murderer kills
> >> >Peruvian woman Five years to the day after he killed Natalee
> >> >Holloway.
> >>    ALLEGEDLY kills .....
> >Horseshit.
> >The punk bashed her brains in
> >and skipped town.
> >Are you stoooopid?
>    You definitely live in the wrong country ....
>    you'd be much happier in one without all that
>    'due process' and 'presumption of innocence'
>    crap in the constitution.

Ummmm, clearly you're a fucking moron. "Presumption of Innocence" only
applies to a trial itself. The jury is required (as best it can,
despite any opinions) to hold to concept that the prosecution must
*PROVE* guilt, and not the defense *PROVE* (ala Perry Mason)
innocence. See, this is why OJ got off on the murders of of ex-wife
and Goldman. The jury came to the Constitutionally correct conclusion:
the prosecution failed to prove Simpson guilty. Every rational legal
expert agrees on that point....regardless of their personal opinion
whether Simpson actually committed the murders. Why do you think the
two prosecutors are no longer in the District Attorneys office....THEY

Outside a courtroom, citizens are allowed to hold any opinion they

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Jun 7, 2010, 4:23:52 PM6/7/10
On Jun 3, 3:50 pm, Mr.B1ack <> wrote:

> liberal <> wrote:
> >On Jun 2, 4:17 pm, Mr.B1ack <> wrote:
> >> (Crash!) wrote:
> >> > in,
> >> >  On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 15:41:33 -0400, Mr.B1ack said:
> >> >> (Crash!) wrote:
> >> >> >Celibrating the aniversery, Natalee Holloway murderer kills
> >> >> >Peruvian woman Five years to the day after he killed Natalee
> >> >> >Holloway.
> >> >>    ALLEGEDLY kills .....
> >> >Horseshit.
> >> >The punk bashed her brains in
> >> >and skipped town.
> >> >Are you stoooopid?
> >>    You definitely live in the wrong country ....
> >>    you'd be much happier in one without all that
> >>    'due process' and 'presumption of innocence'
> >>    crap in the constitution.
> >Ummmm, clearly you're a fucking moron. "Presumption of Innocence" only
> >applies to a trial itself.
>    Trial ??? He don't need no steeknin' TRIAL !
>    You've already declared him guilty and trashed

No. I assume he's guilty. Big difference.

>    someone who said "Whoa ... WAIT a sec !".

No. I trashed your misunderstanding of what "presumption of innocence"
means. Big difference.

>    Go play with your little lynch-mob friends

Ohhh, lordy....I ain't no you are.

>    now and let the grown-ups deal with this.

Oops, you just defined yourself as ineligible to sit on any jury, or
whatever you meant by "deal with this"....a reichtard kangaroo court,

BTW, hotel camera footage shows Van Der Sloot entering his hotel room
with the victim. And leaving it several hours later. No other person
entered the room until a hotel worker entered the room and found the
body. You think Spiderman did it by crawling up the side of the hotel?
Oh, and exactly when did Van Der Sloot cross the border of Peru into
Chile? Before or after the woman's body was discovered?

Lastly, Americans are unlikely to be called to jury duty in Peru. So
our opinions won't affect the Peruvian legal process. (Guess a little
detail like that goes over your head by a few miles.)

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