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hillary is doing so poorly, because the legacy media is kaput, and can no longer shield the clinton wings corruption: Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will Never, Ever Come To Pass

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nickname unavailable

Jan 31, 2016, 2:53:31 AM1/31/16
hillary is doing so poorly, because the legacy media is kaput, and can no longer shield the clinton wings corruption: Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will Never, Ever Come To Pass
Political Capital
Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will "Never, Ever Come To Pass"
By David Sirota @davidsirota On 01/30/16 AT 8:42 PM

Closing out her Iowa campaign, Hillary Clinton on Friday declared that the Medicare-for-all proposal pushed by her Democratic primary opponent and many liberal groups will "never, ever come to pass." The statement came weeks after a new poll showed most Americans support the idea. Her declaration was a reversal of her position two decades ago -- which came before she received millions of dollars of campaign cash from the health industry.
Clinton's comments, which were made during an appearance at Grand View University in Iowa, were aimed at Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who has long championed the kind of government administered health care system used by many major industrialized nations. Of Sanders' proposal, Clinton said on Friday: "People who have health emergencies can't wait for us to have a theoretical debate about some better idea that will never, ever come to pass." The Kaiser Family Foundation's December 2015 tracking poll found that 58 percent of Americans support expanding Medicare to cover everyone.
Clinton's slammed the push for single-payer even though some of the major labor unions supporting her campaign have long cited that goal as a top legislative priority. Her comments also contrast with what she herself said in 1994 during remarks to the Lehman Brothers Health Corporation. As CBS News notes, back then she declared that a single-payer system was all but inevitable, saying: "I believe that by the year 2000 we will have a single payer system. I don't think it's -- I don't even think it's a close call politically ... it will be such a huge popular issue in the sense of populist issue that even if it's not successful the first time, it will eventually be."
Between that declaration and her now saying single-payer can never pass, Clinton has vacuumed in roughly $13.2 million from sources in the health sector, according to data compiled by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. That includes $11.2 million from the sector when Clinton was a senator and $2 million from health industry sources during her 2016 presidential campaign. In a 2006 story about her relationship with the health industry, the New York Times noted that during her Senate reelection campaign, she was "receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from doctors, hospitals, drug manufacturers and insurers" and had become "the No. 2 recipient of donations from the industry."
Clinton and her daughter Chelsea have suggested that Sanders plan would dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which Sanders voted for. Sanders has disputed that and has also disputed that passing a single-payer system is impossible if a president pushes it.
In 2014, that view got a boost from then-Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin. He told the Hill newspaper that year that when it came to creating a Medicare-for-all system or a government-run health care option in the Affordable Care Act, "We had the votes in '09. We had a huge majority in the House, we had 60 votes in the Senate."
Democrats, however, are not expected to have such numbers in Congress after the 2016 election.
Clinton And Sanders Target Their Strongholds In Iowa FinaleHillary Clinton Endorsements 2016: Lilly Ledbetter, Equal Pay Fighter, Lends Support On Fair Pay Act Anniversary

Bret Cahill

Jan 31, 2016, 11:22:34 AM1/31/16
> hillary is doing so poorly, because the legacy media is kaput, and can no longer shield the clinton wings corruption: Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will Never, Ever Come To Pass
> Political Capital
> Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will "Never, Ever Come To Pass"
> By David Sirota @davidsirota On 01/30/16 AT 8:42 PM
> Closing out her Iowa campaign, Hillary Clinton on Friday declared that the Medicare-for-all proposal pushed by her Democratic primary opponent and many liberal groups will "never, ever come to pass." The statement came weeks after a new poll showed most Americans support the idea. Her declaration was a reversal of her position two decades ago -- which came before she received millions of dollars of campaign cash from the health industry.

Far worse than any differences with Sanders on position papers, which as stated many times, are useless, is the fact that her "campaign" is behaving just like John Kerry's.

She acts like the 0.1% media are some kind of a conduit to swing voters.

Swing voters aren't influenced by position papers on naked nazi flag burner parades or gun control.

To win in November a Democrat must spend 90% of his time on tax hikes to get the swing voters.

If Hillary does not spend more time popping the media on their fannies with tax hikes, she needs to get out of the race.

Bret Cahill


Jan 31, 2016, 1:09:54 PM1/31/16

"nickname unavailable" <> wrote in message
Practice saying "President Clinton" again for eight years

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nickname unavailable

Jan 31, 2016, 5:58:00 PM1/31/16
On Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 10:22:34 AM UTC-6, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > hillary is doing so poorly, because the legacy media is kaput, and can no longer shield the clinton wings corruption: Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will Never, Ever Come To Pass
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Political Capital
> > Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will "Never, Ever Come To Pass"
> > By David Sirota @davidsirota On 01/30/16 AT 8:42 PM
> >
> > Closing out her Iowa campaign, Hillary Clinton on Friday declared that the Medicare-for-all proposal pushed by her Democratic primary opponent and many liberal groups will "never, ever come to pass." The statement came weeks after a new poll showed most Americans support the idea. Her declaration was a reversal of her position two decades ago -- which came before she received millions of dollars of campaign cash from the health industry.
> Far worse than any differences with Sanders on position papers, which as stated many times, are useless, is the fact that her "campaign" is behaving just like John Kerry's.
> She acts like the 0.1% media are some kind of a conduit to swing voters.

remember, i said the clinton wing of the democratic party is a artificial construct of the legacy media. its all she has.

> Swing voters aren't influenced by position papers on naked nazi flag burner parades or gun control.


> To win in November a Democrat must spend 90% of his time on tax hikes to get the swing voters.

and dumping free trade.

> If Hillary does not spend more time popping the media on their fannies with tax hikes, she needs to get out of the race.

she cannot pop them. how can she run against her husbands polices, and run against her financial benefactors? she will be outed as another obama.

> Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Jan 31, 2016, 6:03:12 PM1/31/16
On Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 12:09:54 PM UTC-6, Sid9 wrote:
> "nickname unavailable" wrote in message
bill clinton partnered with the chinese communist party and wall street, to strip americas middle class of its jobs and wealth, then he partnered with the privatized prison industrial complex, to jail millions of poor powerless minorities.
how is hillary going to run against that and win? if she wins, we lose. americans got burned by the train wreck in the white house, and now tens of millions of angry radicalized americans want blood. if its hillary, trump will win. if its bernie, trump may lose. if its bernie, we will win in the long run.


Jan 31, 2016, 11:11:41 PM1/31/16

"nickname unavailable" <> wrote in message
Perhaps you never heard of George W Bush and the shambles and wreckage for
President Obama to clean up?

nickname unavailable

Jan 31, 2016, 11:28:40 PM1/31/16
i do not bother with garbage, i know what he was. i also know obama had the chance, and he instead went the bill clinton route, with bills people. i predicted in march of 2009 he would be viewed as a failure, and he is.
if you think he cleaned up the mess, wait till the next one, and he will shoulder 100% of the blame.
the reason hillary is having such a hard time, is because america now knows what the words corporate democrat means.


Jan 31, 2016, 11:45:37 PM1/31/16

"nickname unavailable" <> wrote in message
Just look at where we were at the end of bush,jr's term and where we are
now. Your attack on Obama is uncalled for.

Hillary will be President Clinton for the next eight years.

Practice saying "President Clinton" for the next years.

Rudy Canoza

Feb 1, 2016, 12:14:34 AM2/1/16
Left-wing cat fight. Cool!

Bret Cahill

Feb 1, 2016, 6:23:20 AM2/1/16
> Perhaps you never heard of George W Bush and the shambles and wreckage for
> President Obama to clean up?

If the goal is to prevent GOP disasters you need to get a Democrat into the White House.

To get a Democrat into the White House you need the independent vote.

The independent vote is bored stiff with gun control and other culture wars gush hyped by the 0.1% media and Hillary.

Only a few old out of touch white Dems who never made it over the Bridge to the 21st Century still think the 0.1% media is working for anyone besides their 0.1% paymasters.

Hillary's campaign for the 0.1% media will hand the independent vote and the presidency over to tRUMP.

Polls already bear this out.

Hillary was campaigning for the 0.1% _before_ Sanders was 3 points away. This was back when her campaign felt like she had the luxury to ignore the primary and could get a head start on the general.

No Sanders supporter can deny Bill Clinton was the best we could do in 1992. The country was not ready for Sanders and Sanders knew it.

Bill Clinton played a big role setting things up _politically_ so we could get a black president a generation ahead of schedule and a host of social issue victories.

But now that the Party of Reagan is not just walking dead but 6' under dead, it's time for some economic progress to lock in the political gains.

Just as the UK gave its greatest PM the boot after WWII, the U.S. needs to do the same with the Clintons.

Bret Cahill


Feb 1, 2016, 10:06:23 AM2/1/16

"Bret Cahill" <> wrote in message
Iowa in presidential politics? Nothing, Zero, Nada

Bret Cahill

Feb 1, 2016, 11:58:59 AM2/1/16
It's your legacy media that keep hyping Iowa as the most important event in 2016.

nickname unavailable

Feb 1, 2016, 3:41:25 PM2/1/16
the real issues here is that neo-liberal democrats like bill clinton and obama, have sold out the american middle class to wall street and the chinese communist party. obama is about to sell whats left to the vietnamese communist party, and the malaysian slave state.
the neo-liberal wing, that is the third way wing, the clinton wing are stunned that bernie has raised so much money, even the GOP is paying attention, and that is why trump is pulling away from the other idiots.
by the time bernie educates the minorities in the south, that bill clinton also partnered with wall street and the privatized prison industrial complex, that has jailed millions of poor powerless minorities, so that wall street can feed on them, the south may no longer be their fire wall against bernie.
bill no longer draws much for crowds these days. a few weeks ago the third way types were hyping that hillary was bringing out her secret weapon bill. but hecklers are dogging bill about his trade polices, and his love for all things wall street, his crowds are small, polite, and quite.

bill clintons partnering up with the chinese communist party is the policy that just keeps on giving: Manufacturing, once the backbone of mid-level employment, continued to decline in 2015. The Bureau of Labor Statistics determined that 18% of all displaced workers in 2011-13 were in manufacturing.

bill clinton and obama have been a gigantic wrecking ball to the american middle class. do we really need another clinton type in office?
Our Jobs Are Disappearing
By Paul Buchheit -
February 1, 2016

We can't wait around for a 19th-century recovery. We need a new paradigm. We need guaranteed jobs.
Americans are feeling the impoverishing effects of the shift from middle-income to low-income jobs. The disappearance -- or, more accurately, downsizing -- of living-wage jobs is documented by numerous reports that reveal the suddenness and the extent of this affront to middle America.
First, the Neoliberal Explanation: It's Not Really Happening
Business writer Robert Samuelson calls the post-recession low-wage recovery a "myth." To support his claim he cites a study from the Economic Policy Institute which, according to Samuelson, proves that "the economy's employment profile -- the split between high- and low-paying jobs -- hasn't changed much since the recession or, indeed, the turn of the century."
But the EPI analysis is based on average wages within industries, rather than on the median, which reflects unequal growth. If the median had kept up with the average over the past 15 years, the current median wage would be $1/hour higher, or about $2,000 per year. The employment profile has actually changed a great deal since the year 2000.
There's more. The EPI analyst claims that "jobs are being added relatively in proportion to their share." But she only considers one year's data, after much of the damage had already been done. Even so, the EPI figures show that the percentage of middle-wage jobs added in 2014 was 6.3 percent less than the overall percentage of middle-wage jobs (42.7% to 40%) -- a rather dramatic change for a single year.
The Painful Evidence: Middle Class Jobs Are Disappearing
The Wall Street Journal, reporting on a Georgetown University study, concludes that "many middle-wage occupations, those with average earnings between $32,000 and $53,000, have collapsed." Collapsed. High-wage occupations in technology, medicine, and finance are booming, and so are low-wage occupations in food service, retail, and personal care. But middle-income positions are fading away. The only one of the eight fastest-growing occupations that pays over $32,000 per year is nursing.
Manufacturing, once the backbone of mid-level employment, continued to decline in 2015. The Bureau of Labor Statistics determined that 18 percent of all displaced workers in 2011-13 were in manufacturing.
The evidence keeps accumulating. A US Mayors study found that 'recovery' jobs pay 23 percent less than the jobs they replaced. The National Employment Law Project estimates that low-wage jobs accounted for 22 percent of job losses but 44 percent of subsequent job gains. Business Insider, Huffington Post, and the Wall Street Journal all concur: the unemployment rate is remaining low because of low-paying jobs.
About That Unemployment Rate
The true unemployment rate, if discouraged and part-time workers are included, is double that of the official rate. It's probably much worse. Alliance for a Just Society estimates that there are 7 job seekers for every $15/hour job opening.
No, This is Not Your 19th Century Textile Economy
Some analysts use simplistic comparisons with ages-old economies to assure us that everyone will eventually get a good job. The Atlantic spouts: "The job market defied doomsayers in those earlier times, and according to the most frequently reported jobs numbers, it has so far done the same in our own time." Economist Dean Baker rants about robots: "Large numbers of elite thinkers are running around terrified that we will have millions of people who have no work because the robots have eliminated the need for their labor...We have been seeing workers displaced by technology for centuries, this is what productivity growth is."
But there are two differences now: (1) In the past technology created middle-class jobs, manufacturing jobs, white-collar jobs, HIGHER-PAYING jobs. Now the jobs are at the extremes, either high-level or low-level, with tech-related jobs on the higher end and service-related jobs on the lower end. And (2) Globalization has outsourced middle-income jobs, not only from rich to poor countries, but also from one developing nation to another, as, for example, from China to Vietnam.
The World Economic Forum suggests that we're "on the cusp of a Fourth Industrial Revolution" in which "smart systems" in our homes, factories, farms, and entire cities will help get our work done.
We can't wait around for a 19th-century recovery. We need a new paradigm. We need guaranteed jobs. We need a guaranteed income to ensure that the benefits of 60 years of U.S. prosperity go to all Americans, not just to the few who know how to redistribute the nation's wealth.

Bret Cahill

Feb 2, 2016, 12:04:31 AM2/2/16
What's really deserves comment is the long steady rise of Sanders in the polls.

The only way that can be possible is it takes some time, not a lot of time, _some_ time to get his message out.

Anyone who can think of why this rise is stoppable needs to post the scenario.

Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Feb 2, 2016, 1:51:26 AM2/2/16
he really embarrassed her tonight, and you are right, bernie needs to turn up the heat a bit.

> Bret Cahill

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