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Bill Clinton Thinks "Russians Are Coming" Democrats Are Idiots

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Bret Cahill

Mar 13, 2017, 10:46:03 PM3/13/17
> the new party of McCartyism, the clinton led democrats,

The wet cardboard Dems are led by the 0.1% media, not Bill Clinton.

The only reason Bill got elected was because he was open minded to others besides the shill media.

The wet cardboard Dems cannot even go to the bathroom w/o being led by the 0.1% shill media.

> have tried to make it a crime to talk to russians,

Bill has never suggested the Russians were an issue.


To the contrary when HRC was having her election night meltdown Bill told HRC the same thing he told Al Gore on his election night meltdown:

"It's your own fault."

> like all demagogues, they have skeletons in their closet also: Hillary Clinton's advisers also met with Russian ambassador, Kremlin claims

But Hillary was telling Putin what Jill should have told Putin:

"Look, you cannot free trade yer carbon anymore. Dump yer extraction economy for a real economy."


> yep, the legacy media is despised,

And still in control of the Democratic Party, with the 0.1% media looking relatively better compared to tRUMP.

In fact all the peripherals of the 0.1% media, the ACLU, etc., are raking in money like you wouldn't beieve.

> the democrats are despised. the democrats had nothing to offer but more war, free trade, and the pampering of wall street.

Which is certainly better than getting tossed off Obamacare by the Repugs in exchange for empty rhetoric like you wouldn't believe:

> so knowing full well what americans faced with another clintonite in power, they were forced into voting for a t.v. pitchman, and the clintonites who think they own our vote, just can't get over it.
> News
> Hillary Clinton's advisers also met with Russian ambassador, Kremlin claims
> Nicole Rojas,International Business Times 5 hours ago
> The Russian ambassador who met with Donald Trump campaign officials also met with advisers to the Clinton campaign, the Kremlin said on Sunday (12 March). A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said the ambassador met with "people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary."
> In an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria, Dmitry Peskov said: "Well, if you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that he had lots of meetings of that kind. There are lots of specialists in politology, people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary."
> According to Peskov, it was the responsibility of Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to meet with officials in both parties to discuss "bilateral relations," The Hill reported. The Kremlin spokesman also defended the meetings and claimed they were not an attempt to interfere in the presidential election.
> He said: "He was talking about bilateral relations, about what is going on in the United States, so we have a better understanding in Moscow. This is what happens all around the world."
> "But there were no meetings about elections — electoral process ... So it you look at it with intention to demonise Russia, you would probably say that, yes, he was trying to interfere in Hillary's activities. But it would be nonsense, because this is not true," Peskov continued.
> Peskov said that Putin never publicly voiced his support for Trump but acknowledged he preferred the Republican nominee over Clinton. "You would probably recall that President Putin, during [the] election campaign, had never answered directly a question about his candidate of his support. He kept saying that he will respect a choice of American people," he said.
> "If you ask him whether he had mentioned the then-candidate Donald Trump, I will answer, yes, he had," Peskov said. The spokesmen suggested that Putin found Clinton hostile towards Russia but believed Trump was open to thawing relations between the two countries.

Bill thinks the Russians are a lame excuse and his opinion of the legacy media Dems isn't any higher than yours.

This is yet another example of where broad brush tarring turns potential allies into enemies.

Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Mar 14, 2017, 8:10:44 PM3/14/17
On Monday, March 13, 2017 at 9:46:03 PM UTC-5, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > the new party of McCartyism, the clinton led democrats,
> The wet cardboard Dems are led by the 0.1% media, not Bill Clinton.

what bill says in public, is vastly different than in private,
Clinton, like every good Democrat, campaigned publicly against the bankers: “It’s time to end the greed that consumed Wall Street and ruined our S&Ls [Savings and Loans] in the last decade,” he said.

the swindle,
But equally, he had no qualms about taking money from the financial sector. In the early months of his campaign, BusinessWeek estimated that he received $2 million of his initial $8.5 million in contributions from New York, under the care of Ken Brody.
“If I had a Ken Brody working for me in every state, I’d be like the Maytag man with nothing to do,” said Rahm Emanuel, who ran Clinton’s nationwide fundraising committee and later became Barack Obama’s chief of staff. Wealthy donors and prospective fundraisers were invited to a select series of intimate meetings with Clinton at the plush Manhattan office of the prestigious private equity firm Blackstone.

Bret Cahill

Mar 14, 2017, 8:38:55 PM3/14/17
> > > the new party of McCartyism, the clinton led democrats,

> > The wet cardboard Dems are led by the 0.1% media, not Bill Clinton.

> what bill says in public, is vastly different than in private,
> Clinton, like every good Democrat, campaigned publicly against the bankers: “It’s time to end the greed that consumed Wall Street and ruined our S&Ls [Savings and Loans] in the last decade,” he said.
> the swindle,
> But equally, he had no qualms about taking money from the financial sector.

When the media said something about this Bill swatted them down like flies:

"You are getting funded by the rich."

The media immediately STFU w/o even a wimper.

So you know the media know full well they are shills.

Anyway you know how you know tRUMP isn't in the hip pocket of Putin? It's not just the fact that nothing could shame tRUMP.

It's because Putin would be free trading carbon by now if tRUMP was the Siberian candidate.

So the legacy media Dems just look really ridiculous.

And Bill knows it.

Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Mar 15, 2017, 1:00:12 PM3/15/17
of course the legacy media is a problem, jefferson even said so(The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.)but that does not mean we will never get good leadership, or bad leadership.
billy has you so fooled, its pathetic. his swindles were actually much much larger, than anything reagan ever did. time after time billys name comes up, with the collapse of the american economy.
he sold out california to enron, you are to much of a dupe to even know that. so blubber on about trumps corruption, but i am thinking your side is hated worse. there as been no self looking inwards to see what has happened to your party, only bitching hoping something sticks to trump.
one day if your side is sick and tired of the clintonite hissy fit, you might figure this one out.
since the 1990's i have been telling your side, yes the voters do have alternatives to you, either another party, or stay at home. you believed nether, even as you lost all but six states, and completely locked out of the federal government, and out of desperation, the voters have proven this. yet you cling to the ones who did this to you.

Boris Karloff to lou constello,

"Amazing, even under hypnosis the will of an idiot to cling to life!”

> Bret Cahill

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