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The Left Is Rotting From Within

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Joe Cooper

Jun 15, 2017, 2:42:43 PM6/15/17
There is great evil afoot in this country. The left is imploding before
our very eyes. But it is a rot from within, and it is self-imposed. The
Democrat Party has no substantive platform any longer other than
obstruction, “resist,” foul-mouthed vulgarity, violence, anger, and
excessive whining.

This rot is manifesting itself in some very public displays:

Campus snowflakes are working overtime at colleges and universities
across the country to shut down speech. They are rioting, destroying
property, and openly fighting professors whose curriculum offends their
sense of social justice. If that isn’t enough scurrilous behavior, these
pathetic snowflakes are now demanding racially segregated graduation
ceremonies, dormitories, and white students and professors are told to
leave campuses for a “day without whites.” I remember when desegregation
was worth marching for.

The barbaric Kathy Griffin video of the nasty comedian holding a mock
bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump, was not “over the top”
as she and many claimed; her stunt mimicked radical Islamic terrorists’
videos of decapitations of Americans and Christians.

The New York Public Theater’s new Free Shakespeare in the Park production
of “Julius Caesar” depicts the assassination of a Trump-like Julius
Caesar. The story’s assassination scene, which is the main focus of the
controversy, featured the Senators turning on Trump/Caesar, stabbing him
until he dies in a bloody death scene. The sadistic audience gave a
standing ovation.

House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) was shot Wednesday along
with a Congressional aide, a lobbyist and two Capitol Police officers, by
James T. Hodgkinson, who opened fire on Republican members of Congress at
a baseball field, near Washington, D.C. Hodgkinson’s social media posts
show his obsessive anger with President Trump and staunch support of Sen.
Bernie Sanders. Hodgkinson sent letters to his local newspaper as a
political activist very angry with U.S. policies and the tax system. The
shooting of Steve Scalise is about leftist terrorism.

Following Hodgkinson’s shooting of Rep. Scalise, New York Rep. Claudia
Tenney received a threat, warning her “one down, 216 to go.” Other
Republicans in Congress reported receiving calls from vile activists who
said they were glad about the shooting, and hope there are more.

Virginia Governor and Democrat operative Terrry McCauliffe went off on
gun owners after the DC shooting. McCauliffe said: “I have long
advocated, this is not what today is about, but there are too many guns
on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I’ve
long talked about this.” McCauliffe repeated the ’93 million’ figure
several times before correcting the number down to ’93 a day.’

Has-been Madonna claimed at a protest that she might blow up the White
House. “Actress” Ashley Judd had the most bizarre rant on the same
protest stage: “I’m not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite
sex symbol, your wet dreams infused with your own genes.”

A CNN anchor called President Trump a “piece of sh*t” on the air.

Disgraced journalist Kurt Eichenwald wished death on Republican members
of Congress and their families for repealing Obamacare. Eichenwald writes
for Vanity Fair, Newsweek and MSNBC.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews says the Trump family reminds him of the Imperial
Russian Romanov family, executed by Bolshevik revolutionaries in 1917.
Trump Derangement Syndrome apparently encourages fantasies about

A columnist for The Washington Post observed that not long ago that
assassinations often put an end to unhappy eras.

Once reputable news outlets (New York Times, Washington Post) are making
up ‘news’ stories, citing fake White House sources.

Richard Gere, George Clooney, Chelsea Handler, Alec Baldwin, Cher and
other leftist Hollywood has-beens are coming out of the woodwork to share
their disgusting, horrific opinions of Trump, in pathetic attempts to
revive stagnant careers. Recently, Handler said, “now we have a new
president whose name is Donald Putin Trump, who the majority of Americans
think is a yuge f*cktard.”

The left frequently compares Trump to Hitler or a “dictator.” As World
Net Daily writer David Kupelian recently reported, “The Washington Post
spent 2016 explicitly and continually comparing Donald J. Trump to one of
history’s most evil and universally reviled genocidal monsters.” He
documented this last October in “5 Washington Post writers liken Trump to

As for accusations of Trump being an “unhinged dictator,” do these
ignorant imbeciles mean dictators like Robert Mugabe, Hugo Chavez, Idi
Amin or Vladimir Lenin? Those dictators who slaughtered and deliberately
starved millions of innocent people?

Politicians Going Nuts

Democrat Rep. Brad Sherman, D-Calif., compared President Trump to ISIS,
the Islamic State terrorist group, during remarks on the House floor in

Amid Rep. Maxine Waters’ many television interview calls for impeachment
of President Trump, Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, and Rep. Brad Sherman, D-
Calif., announced their plan to file articles of impeachment of Trump.
Sherman said Trump should be impeached for interfering in the FBI
investigation of Russian influence on the 2016 election.

California gubernatorial candidates Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and former
state superintendent of public instruction Delaine Eastin, said they
believed Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against Trump.
Both are tossing a little red meat to potential voters, while trying to
sound more radically left than the other Democrat candidates.

Whether you love Trump or despise him, grounds for impeachment don’t
include accusations of being a bombastic jerk.

Speaking to a group of New York Democrats, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
dropped a couple of F-Bombs “Has he kept his promises?” Gillibrand asked
the audience rhetorically. “No. F*** no.” Stay classy, Kirsten.

At the California Democrats State Party Convention in May, outgoing party
chairman John Burton led the party faithful in an eloquent chant: “F**K
DONALD TRUMP!,” while raising middle fingers in the air. Rep. Nancy
Pelosi was photographed in the front row laughing. Stay Classy, Grandma

At the same Dem convention, DNC honcho Tom Perez opened with, “We have a
president …. I don’t know who it is, Putin, or Trump,” Perez said.
‘They’re in a bromance. This is really weird.”

Gov. Jerry Brown and the California legislative Democrats are
deliberately defying President Trump’s executive order on illegal
immigrants, and fast-tracking ‘sanctuary state’ bills. Defying Trump’s
plan to overturn Obamacare, Brown and Democrats are also pushing through
at record speed a single-payer health care bill, without a funding
source. And they’ve vowed to adopt all of the EPA climate change
regulations the Trump administration revokes.

Continued below...
Following the shooting in Washington DC Wednesday, Markos Moulitsas, the
co-founder of the vile left-wing websites Vox and Daily Kos, immediately
blamed Republicans for the attempted assassination and mass murder.
“Republicans are getting what they want,” Moulitsas wrote on Twitter,
responding to an old tweet from Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul that quoted Fox
News contributor Judge Andrew Napolitano saying, “Why do we have a Second
Amendment? It’s not to shoot deer. It’s to shoot at the government when
it becomes tyrannical!”

The Democrat Party’s agenda is entirely consistent with all leftists’
agenda. Imagine if Hillary was in power. Imagine US citizens disarmed.

Now would be a very good time for the left to stop ginning up ANTIFA
thugs and encouraging political violence. Now would be a good time for
Hollywood leftists to shut up and read a book before speaking publicly

Mock presidential assassinations, mock beheadings, and talk of
impeachment need to stop. More good Americans need to speak out and tell
the left how repugnant and traitorous they are.

There is great evil afoot in this country.


"A lot of people may mouth agreement, but I suspect many even of these
know leftism is largely a virtue-signaling, power-grabbing scam." (Andrew


Jun 18, 2017, 1:41:23 PM6/18/17
"Joe Cooper" wrote in message
> There is great evil afoot in this country. The left is imploding before
> our very eyes. But it is a rot from within, and it is self-imposed. The
> Democrat Party has no substantive platform any longer other than
> obstruction, “resist,” foul-mouthed vulgarity, violence, anger, and
> excessive whining.
> Source:

It was inevitable, my fellow Americans:

masturbating each other

Jun 19, 2017, 4:44:16 PM6/19/17
On Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 11:42:43 AM UTC-7, Joe Cooper wrote:
> There is great evil afoot in this country. The left is imploding before
> our very eyes. But it is a rot from within, and it is self-imposed.

Yup........... you're wrong again. If nothing else, you're consistently wrong.

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