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Government Shutdown

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Joe Cooper

Jan 22, 2018, 8:21:24 AM1/22/18
The Schumer shutdown of the federal government epitomizes the Democrats’
entire strategy for working with the remarkable presidency of Donald
Trump: No, No, Never-ever.

When their Party held the White House, Democrats demanded “clean”
spending bills, stripped of any unrelated issues. This more reasonable
approach has been replaced with a sleight of hand strategy of, that was
then, this is now.

A few short years ago, Senator Chuck Schumer compared the tactics he’s
using today to hostage taking. He said, “It’s sorta like this. Someone
goes into your house, takes your wife and children hostage, and then
says, let’s negotiate over the price of your house.”

The flip-flop position emanating from Schumer’s mouth today is in total
contradiction to his previous political posturing. He said so himself in
his rant from 2013. Schumer provided this example of the hostage taking
tactics he condemned back then: “You know, we could do the same thing on
immigration. We believe strongly in immigration reform. We could say,
we’re shutting down the government, we’re not gonna raise the debt
ceiling, until you pass immigration reform. It would be governmental

Today, Schumer and the Democrats are the hostage takers. They are
negotiating with the proverbial gun to the head of Republicans and the
American people. Their ransom note reads as follows: “You give us total
amnesty for DACA recipients and all illegal immigrants, no end to chain
migration or the visa lottery, no deportation of even criminal aliens
like MS-13 gang members and not one brick for a border wall or we’ll shut
down the government.”

The Schumer shutdown has dispelled any illusions about what the Democrats
stand for.

Never before in American history has a major political party put the
wants and desires of foreigners ahead of the interests of American
citizens. That tenet was formerly the platform of some far out of the
mainstream lunatic fringe third party.

This is a remarkable achievement – and it’s the only one the Democrats
can claim.

Their abject hatred of President Trump has served up to now to mask their
hatred of America itself.

But that mask has been torn away and we now see Democrats opposed to not
just the President, but American government, the American people, who
they call deplorables, and even the very idea of American sovereignty.
Worse yet they do it with no shame.

This is the bright side to the Schumer shutdown: The opposition has
dropped all pretenses. The Democrats never wanted you to know their true
agenda, but it is now out in the open, for all to see.

The Schumer shutdown will not stop America because our great country is
far more than the government. The Constitution and the rule of law still
matters to the American people. It is why they supported Trump for

Democrats are rolling the dice that the GOP will blink in the end.
Republicans usually do in these showdowns. The GOP has to stand firm this
time however. If they do not it will encourage more hostage taking by
Schumer in the future.

David A. Clarke Jr is President of DAC Enterprises and
Spokesman for America First PAC.


"[Democrats] call illegals 'DREAMers' while they call ordinary Americans
'deplorables.' No wonder Pelosi and company couldn't be happier about the
shutdown. It's obvious enough in how they chose to celebrate it in
style." (Monica Showalter)


Jan 22, 2018, 8:24:33 AM1/22/18
Joe Cooper wrote

> th

Another trump failyre

Mitchell Holman

Jan 22, 2018, 9:11:01 AM1/22/18
Joe Cooper <> wrote in

> Never before in American history has a major political party put the
> wants and desires of foreigners ahead of the interests of American
> citizens.

Never before in history has the government
be shut down when one party controls the whole

Never before in history has the government
been shut down because the president who brags
about what a great deal maker he is been unable
to negotiate a deal.

Never before in history has the government
been shut down this soon in a presidential term.


Jan 22, 2018, 10:24:17 AM1/22/18
Never before have the democrappers tried so hard to destroy what this
country was founded on.

Siri Cruise

Jan 22, 2018, 10:35:38 AM1/22/18
In article <>,
Skeeter <sk...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

> Never before have the democrappers tried so hard to destroy what this
> country was founded on.

Thank goodness Republicans have never tried to defund the government. Multiple

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
I'm saving up to buy the Donald a blue stone This post / \
from Metebelis 3. All praise the Great Don! insults Islam. Mohammed

Joe Cooper

Jan 22, 2018, 10:51:50 AM1/22/18
The Schumer shutdown has dispelled any illusions about what the Democrats
stand for.

Never before in American history has a major political party put the wants
and desires of foreigners ahead of the interests of American citizens.

--Sheriff David Clarke (Ret.)


Jan 22, 2018, 10:51:53 AM1/22/18
And the President now says that McConnell should use the nuclear option
to stop the Democrats from shutting down the nation for 600,000 illegal
aliens. Just to refuse building a wall which is Trumps mandate, so the
Democrats can continue to create more "Dreamers".

That's Karma

*Apologize for being Democrats*
Obama should apologize for cutting $2.5 billion for veterans, while
adding over $4 billion to the budget for the importing of Syrian
migrants into the USA. Every veteran in America is owed an apology.

Joe Cooper

Jan 22, 2018, 10:55:21 AM1/22/18
#BeamMeUpScotty <> wrote in news:rMn9C.117473

> And the President now says that McConnell should use the nuclear option
> to stop the Democrats from shutting down the nation for 600,000 illegal
> aliens. Just to refuse building a wall which is Trumps mandate, so the
> Democrats can continue to create more "Dreamers".

Actually, DACA really covers over THREE MILLION illegals - all of whom the
Democrats consider far more important than citizens, poor children and the


Jan 22, 2018, 12:24:16 PM1/22/18
On Mon, 22 Jan 2018 07:35:36 -0800, Siri Cruise <>

>In article <>,
> Skeeter <sk...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> Never before have the democrappers tried so hard to destroy what this
>> country was founded on.
>Thank goodness Republicans have never tried to defund the government. Multiple

All you libbys can do is bring up the past issues of ammo.


Jan 22, 2018, 1:58:25 PM1/22/18
On 01/22/2018 10:55 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> #BeamMeUpScotty <> wrote in news:rMn9C.117473
> $kr1....@fx01.iad:
>> And the President now says that McConnell should use the nuclear option
>> to stop the Democrats from shutting down the nation for 600,000 illegal
>> aliens. Just to refuse building a wall which is Trumps mandate, so the
>> Democrats can continue to create more "Dreamers".
> Actually, DACA really covers over THREE MILLION illegals - all of whom the
> Democrats consider far more important than citizens, poor children and the
> military.
Yes but the 3 million more are due to chain linked family migration of
relatives of the DACA illegal aliens.... so first we need to stop Chain
Migration then stop more DACA from happening with a wall. Then figure
out if any of the original DACA get to stay after we get Democrats to
capitulate to all the other immigration demands.

It's pretty obvious that *Democrats Immigration policies have failed*
so like Obama said let them that were driving go ride in the back since
the Democrats drove that bus half way over the cliff.... They should
sit back and shut their pie hole.

That's Karma

What difference "at this point" does it make?


Jan 22, 2018, 3:39:04 PM1/22/18
On Mon, 22 Jan 2018 13:58:22 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty wrote:

> It's pretty obvious that *Democrats Immigration policies have failed*

No they haven't. They're racking up record numbers of the underclass and
votes of course. They have been wildly successful.

A fucked-up America is a small price to pay when one's goal is power.


Jan 22, 2018, 4:13:16 PM1/22/18
Well, you got me on that.... perspective is everything.

That's Karma

151 - Because in Liberalism the truth can only have a negative impact.

Siri Cruise

Jan 22, 2018, 6:43:22 PM1/22/18
In article <>,
What about Bill Clinton? What about Benghazi? What about Uranium One?

Joe Cooper

Jan 24, 2018, 11:31:15 AM1/24/18
#BeamMeUpScotty <> wrote in news:jvq9C.147925

> Yes but the 3 million more are due to chain linked family migration of
> relatives of the DACA illegal aliens.... so first we need to stop Chain
> Migration then stop more DACA from happening with a wall. Then figure
> out if any of the original DACA get to stay after we get Democrats to
> capitulate to all the other immigration demands.

On average, each legalized colonizer brings in TEN relatives via chain
migration. Ten x 3 million = 30 million new Democrats

"[Democrats] call illegals 'DREAMers' while they call ordinary Americans
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