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Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?

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May 3, 2008, 8:07:40 AM5/3/08

Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain

Political Night Train is reprinting the following article in its
Liberation Theology in Kenya and the U.S. Elections

By David J. Jonsson

This is the sixth of a series of articles on The Clash of Ideologies and
Leftist/Marxist -- Islamist Alliance






May 3, 2008, 8:15:04 AM5/3/08
FACE wrote:
> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain

You racists will stop at nothing to spread these filthy
lies eh? Your hate-filled, vile spew is totally disgusting.



May 3, 2008, 8:16:49 AM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 08:15:04 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote

Explain exactly what is racist here.


May 3, 2008, 9:06:18 AM5/3/08

Are you really so dumb as to pretend that lying about Obama
isn't racist?



May 3, 2008, 9:32:34 AM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 09:06:18 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

What is the lie? Are you such a driveling dumbass as to think that
anything said about Obama that is not glowingly approving is racist?

You sound sick to me.

I see that you did NOT explain anything as being "racist". Why am I not
surprised? Give it another try.



May 3, 2008, 9:42:42 AM5/3/08
FACE wrote:
> On Sat, 03 May 2008 09:06:18 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>> FACE wrote:
>>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 08:15:04 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
>>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>>> FACE wrote:
>>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
>>>>> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain
>>>> You racists will stop at nothing to spread these filthy
>>>> lies eh? Your hate-filled, vile spew is totally disgusting.
>>> Explain exactly what is racist here.
>> Are you really so dumb as to pretend that lying about Obama
>> isn't racist?
> What is the lie? Are you such a driveling dumbass as to think that
> anything said about Obama that is not glowingly approving is racist?

Your lie is to claim that there is some sort of "nexus" between
Obama, Black Liberation Theology, Marxism and Islam. It's total
disinformation crap chanted like a mantra by hate-filled,
lying racists like you. You ARE a racist.



May 3, 2008, 10:02:40 AM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 09:42:42 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

I see that you actually have nothing at all. Claiming a relationship
between political leanings, as the author, not I, did, is not racist at
all. You show yourself to be extremely immature and incapable of
political discussion that apparently does not suit your values -- such
as they may be..........

Too bad for you, perhaps you should paddle back to the shallow end and
let the other little ones splash their water in your face........



May 3, 2008, 11:44:48 AM5/3/08

Apart from accurately stating that you are racist?

Claiming a relationship
> between political leanings, as the author, not I, did, is not racist at
> all. You show yourself to be extremely immature and incapable of
> political discussion that apparently does not suit your values -- such
> as they may be..........

No, you pitch stuff that is aimed to discredit and vilify Obama
by whatever filthy lies you can dream up. All the Neocons are
spending all their waking time on this because they know the
GOP is finished and have made a deal with Hillary to protect
their special interests and never-ending war.


Frank Lardino

May 3, 2008, 12:06:08 PM5/3/08
FACE <> wrote:
> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain
Some say that Bush is a Muslim extremist and a lover of Allah. After all,
look at what the White House website says!


In the President?s Words: Respecting Islam

The United States is a nation dedicated to religious tolerance and freedom,
and President Bush has acted to ensure that the world's Muslims know that
America appreciates and celebrates the traditions of Islam.

# "Here in the United States our Muslim citizens are making many
contributions in business, science and law, medicine and education, and in
other fields. Muslim members of our Armed Forces and of my administration are
serving their fellow Americans with distinction, upholding our nation's
ideals of liberty and justice in a world at peace."

Remarks by the President on Eid Al-Fitr
The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
December 5, 2002

# "Over the past month, Muslims have fasted, taking no food or water during
daylight hours, in order to refocus their minds on faith and redirect their
hearts to charity. Muslims worldwide have stretched out a hand of mercy to
those in need. Charity tables at which the poor can break their fast line the
streets of cities and towns. And gifts of food and clothing and money are
distributed to ensure that all share in God's abundance. Muslims often invite
members of other families to their evening iftar meals, demonstrating a
spirit of tolerance."

Remarks by the President on Eid Al-Fitr
The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
December 5, 2002

# "America treasures the relationship we have with our many Muslim friends,
and we respect the vibrant faith of Islam which inspires countless
individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality. This year, may
Eid also be a time in which we recognize the values of progress, pluralism,
and acceptance that bind us together as a Nation and a global community. By
working together to advance mutual understanding, we point the way to a
brighter future for all."

Presidential Message Eid al-Fitr
December 5, 2002

# "Islam brings hope and comfort to millions of people in my country, and to
more than a billion people worldwide. Ramadan is also an occasion to remember
that Islam gave birth to a rich civilization of learning that has benefited

President's Eid al-Fitr Greeting to Muslims around the World
December 4, 2002

# "Ours is a war not against a religion, not against the Muslim faith. But
ours is a war against individuals who absolutely hate what America stands
for, and hate the freedom of the Czech Republic. And therefore, we must work
together to defend ourselves. And by remaining strong and united and tough,
we'll prevail."

Press Conference by President Bush and President Havel of Czech Republic
Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic
November 20, 2002

# "Some of the comments that have been uttered about Islam do not reflect the
sentiments of my government or the sentiments of most Americans. Islam, as
practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion, a religion
that respects others. Ours is a country based upon tolerance and we welcome
people of all faiths in America."

Remarks by President George W. Bush in a statement to reporters during a
meeting with U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan
The Oval Office, Washington, DC
November 13, 2002

# "We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on
Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's
moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us
against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."

President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

# "Islam is a vibrant faith. Millions of our fellow citizens are Muslim. We
respect the faith. We honor its traditions. Our enemy does not. Our enemy
doesn't follow the great traditions of Islam. They've hijacked a great

Remarks by President George W. Bush on U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan
Presidential Hall, Dwight David Eisenhower Executive Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
October 11, 2002

# "Islam is a faith that brings comfort to people. It inspires them to lead
lives based on honesty, and justice, and compassion."

Remarks by President George W. Bush on U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan
Presidential Hall, Dwight David Eisenhower Executive Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
October 11, 2002

# "All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true faith
-- face of Islam. Islam is a faith that brings comfort to a billion people
around the world. It's a faith that has made brothers and sisters of every
race. It's a faith based upon love, not hate."

President George W. Bush Holds Roundtable with Arab and Muslim-American
Afghanistan Embassy, Washington, D.C.
September 10, 2002

# "If liberty can blossom in the rocky soil of the West Bank and Gaza, it
will inspire millions of men and women around the globe who are equally weary
of poverty and oppression, equally entitled to the benefits of democratic
government. I have a hope for the people of Muslim countries. Your
commitments to morality, and learning, and tolerance led to great historical
achievements. And those values are alive in the Islamic world today. You have
a rich culture, and you share the aspirations of men and women in every
culture. Prosperity and freedom and dignity are not just American hopes, or
Western hopes. They are universal, human hopes. And even in the violence and
turmoil of the Middle East, America believes those hopes have the power to
transform lives and nations."

President George W. Bush Calls for New Palestinian Leadership
The Rose Garden, Washington, D.C.
June 24, 2002

# "When it comes to the common rights and needs of men and women, there is no
clash of civilizations. The requirements of freedom apply fully to Africa and
Latin America and the entire Islamic world. The peoples of the Islamic
nations want and deserve the same freedoms and opportunities as people in
every nation. And their governments should listen to their hopes."

Remarks by the President George W. Bush at the 2002 Graduation Exercise of
the United States Military Academy
West Point, New York
June 1, 2002

# "America rejects bigotry. We reject every act of hatred against people of
Arab background or Muslim faith America values and welcomes peaceful people
of all faiths -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and many others.
Every faith is practiced and protected here, because we are one country.
Every immigrant can be fully and equally American because we're one country.
Race and color should not divide us, because America is one country."

President George W. Bush Promotes Compassionate Conservatism
Parkside Hall, San Jose, California
April 30, 2002

# "We're taking action against evil people. Because this great nation of many
religions understands, our war is not against Islam, or against faith
practiced by the Muslim people. Our war is a war against evil. This is
clearly a case of good versus evil, and make no mistake about it -- good will

Remarks by the President George W. Bush at a Town Hall Meeting with Citizens
of Ontario
Ontario Convention Center, Ontario, California
January 5, 2002

# "Eid is a time of joy, after a season of fasting and prayer and reflection.
Each year, the end of Ramadan means celebration and thanksgiving for millions
of Americans. And your joy during this season enriches the life of our great
country. This year, Eid is celebrated at the same time as Hanukkah and
Advent. So it's a good time for people of these great faiths, Islam, Judaism
and Christianity, to remember how much we have in common: devotion to family,
a commitment to care for those in need, a belief in God and His justice, and
the hope for peace on earth."

Remarks by the President in Honor of Eid Al-Fitr
The Diplomatic Reception Room
December 17, 2001

# "The teachings of many faiths share much in common. And people of many
faiths are united in our commitments to love our families, to protect our
children, and to build a more peaceful world. In the coming year, let us
resolve to seize opportunities to work together in a spirit of friendship and
cooperation. Through our combined efforts, we can end terrorism and rid our
civilization of the damaging effects of hatred and intolerance, ultimately
achieving a brighter future for all."

President's Message for Eid al-Fitr
December 13, 2001

# "According to Muslim teachings, God first revealed His word in the Holy
Qur'an to the prophet, Muhammad, during the month of Ramadan. That word has
guided billions of believers across the centuries, and those believers built
a culture of learning and literature and science. All the world continues to
benefit from this faith and its achievements."

Remarks by the President George W. Bush At Iftaar Dinner
The State Dining Room, Washington, D.C.
November 19, 2001

# "The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as
revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of
charity, mercy, and peace."

President George W. Bush's Message for Ramadan
November 15, 2001

# "This new enemy seeks to destroy our freedom and impose its views. We value
life; the terrorists ruthlessly destroy it. We value education; the
terrorists do not believe women should be educated or should have health
care, or should leave their homes. We value the right to speak our minds; for
the terrorists, free expression can be grounds for execution. We respect
people of all faiths and welcome the free practice of religion; our enemy
wants to dictate how to think and how to worship even to their fellow

President George W. Bush Addresses the Nation
World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia
November 8, 2001

# "All of us here today understand this: We do not fight Islam, we fight
against evil."

Remarks by President George W. Bush to the Warsaw Conference on Combating
November 6, 2001

# "I have assured His Majesty that our war is against evil, not against
Islam. There are thousands of Muslims who proudly call themselves Americans,
and they know what I know -- that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and
love and compassion. The exact opposite of the teachings of the al Qaeda
organization, which is based upon evil and hate and destruction."

Remarks by President George W. Bush and His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan
The Oval Office, Washington, D.C.
September 28, 2001

# "Americans understand we fight not a religion; ours is not a campaign
against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil."

President George W. Bush Remarks by the President to Airline Employees
O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois
September 27, 2001

"The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack
Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends; it is not
our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists, and
every government that supports them."

President George W. Bush's Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the
American People
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
September 20, 2001

# "I've made it clear, Madam President, that the war against terrorism is not
a war against Muslims, nor is it a war against Arabs. It's a war against evil
people who conduct crimes against innocent people."

Remarks by President George W. Bush and President Megawati of Indonesia
The Oval Office, Washington, D.C.
September 19, 2001

# "The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam
is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They
represent evil and war."

Remarks by the President at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
September 17, 2001


May 3, 2008, 12:09:41 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 11:44:48 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

I am no racist, but you are an idiot.

> Claiming a relationship
>> between political leanings, as the author, not I, did, is not racist at
>> all. You show yourself to be extremely immature and incapable of
>> political discussion that apparently does not suit your values -- such
>> as they may be..........
>No, you pitch stuff that is aimed to discredit and vilify Obama
>by whatever filthy lies you can dream up. All the Neocons are
>spending all their waking time on this because they know the
>GOP is finished and have made a deal with Hillary to protect
>their special interests and never-ending war.

Apparently you have transcended the world of political opinion, idiot.
The world you live in must be a dull, gray place.......



May 3, 2008, 12:38:26 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 3 May 2008 12:06:08 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?, Frank
Lardino <>, wrote

>FACE <> wrote:
>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
>> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain
>Some say that Bush is a Muslim extremist and a lover of Allah. After all,
>look at what the White House website says!

Yes, i know that some say that. I don't but I think became an appeaser,
rather than what 'some' say.

Something happened between the 'new sheriff in town' speech and the week


Governor Swill

May 3, 2008, 12:15:37 PM5/3/08
BikeFan used a stick in the sand to babble

>FACE wrote:
>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>> FACE wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 08:15:04 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
>>>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>>>> FACE wrote:
>>>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
>>>>>> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain
>>>>> You racists will stop at nothing to spread these filthy
>>>>> lies eh? Your hate-filled, vile spew is totally disgusting.
>>>> Explain exactly what is racist here.
>>> Are you really so dumb as to pretend that lying about Obama
>>> isn't racist?
>> What is the lie? Are you such a driveling dumbass as to think that
>> anything said about Obama that is not glowingly approving is racist?
>Your lie is to claim that there is some sort of "nexus" between
>Obama, Black Liberation Theology, Marxism and Islam. It's total
>disinformation crap chanted like a mantra by hate-filled,
>lying racists like you. You ARE a racist.

I certainly hope there's such a nexus in his thinking. It could prove
to be a distinct advantage in our dealings with other nations. "Know
your enemy"

We'd have a President much more capable of insight into opposing
cultural/social groups around the ever shrinking planet giving us an
advantage in dealing with them.

Shift Happens
"Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit.
Slow thinkers keep right." - Peter Principle

Governor Swill

May 3, 2008, 12:09:01 PM5/3/08
BikeFan used a stick in the sand to babble
>FACE wrote:
>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>> FACE wrote:
>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
>>>> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain
>>> You racists will stop at nothing to spread these filthy
>>> lies eh? Your hate-filled, vile spew is totally disgusting.
>> Explain exactly what is racist here.
>Are you really so dumb as to pretend that lying about Obama
>isn't racist?

Are you really so dumb as to pretend it is? When, in any campaign,
has any politician and/or his partisans NOT lied about an opposition
candidate? To state that criticism of Obama is race based alone is
it's own kind of racism.


May 3, 2008, 12:52:04 PM5/3/08

i see that you're a sexist? are you also a muslim?

tell me more about this alleged deal....

web site at - news comment service, logic, economics
energy, education, politics, etc 1,552,396 document calls in year past
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit


May 3, 2008, 12:53:19 PM5/3/08

putting you enemy in the seat of power would rather go
beyond 'knowing him or her


May 3, 2008, 12:53:55 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 12:09:01 -0400, Governor Swill
<> wrote:

>BikeFan used a stick in the sand to babble
>>FACE wrote:
>>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>>> FACE wrote:
>>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
>>>>> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain
>>>> You racists will stop at nothing to spread these filthy
>>>> lies eh? Your hate-filled, vile spew is totally disgusting.
>>> Explain exactly what is racist here.
>>Are you really so dumb as to pretend that lying about Obama
>>isn't racist?
>Are you really so dumb as to pretend it is? When, in any campaign,
>has any politician and/or his partisans NOT lied about an opposition
>candidate? To state that criticism of Obama is race based alone is
>it's own kind of racism.

just so....


May 3, 2008, 1:03:59 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 09:06:18 -0400, BikeFan
<mistontheloch!> wrote:

>Are you really so dumb as to pretend that lying about Obama
>isn't racist?

LOL, that's rich ... and worth re-posting for all to see.

Jim E

May 3, 2008, 3:05:05 PM5/3/08

"BikeFan" <mistontheloch!> wrote in message

No lies needed.
His adherence to the preaching's of that racist Rev. Wright is all we need
to know.
He is a socialist, communist, racist POS.

Jim E


May 3, 2008, 4:33:59 PM5/3/08

So you wouldn't mind your kids marrying Muslims,
blacks or Indians for example??



May 3, 2008, 4:35:00 PM5/3/08
Governor Swill wrote:
> BikeFan used a stick in the sand to babble
>> FACE wrote:
>>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>>> FACE wrote:
>>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
>>>>> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain
>>>> You racists will stop at nothing to spread these filthy
>>>> lies eh? Your hate-filled, vile spew is totally disgusting.
>>> Explain exactly what is racist here.
>> Are you really so dumb as to pretend that lying about Obama
>> isn't racist?
> Are you really so dumb as to pretend it is? When, in any campaign,
> has any politician and/or his partisans NOT lied about an opposition
> candidate? To state that criticism of Obama is race based alone is
> it's own kind of racism.

No, we can all see where you and your ilk are coming from.
You're all panicked and in a frenzy.



May 3, 2008, 4:36:04 PM5/3/08

Lie and no.

> tell me more about this alleged deal....

Rupert Murdoch met with Hillary and has backed her.
That says it all.



May 3, 2008, 4:36:46 PM5/3/08

Post the whole thing then and don't just cherry pick the
bits that give you a hard on.



May 3, 2008, 4:37:27 PM5/3/08

More lies. How can you sleep at night knowing there is no truth in you?



May 3, 2008, 4:49:40 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 16:33:59 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

You wouldn't hesitate in completely changing the subject would you?
Let me refresh your memory, the subject is: "Re: Black Liberation

Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?"

That is the original question and apparently is something which you are
incapable of coherently discussing.

Isn't it?



May 3, 2008, 4:53:55 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 16:35:00 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote

>Governor Swill wrote:

The only ones panicked and frenzied around here is demonstrably you and
your fellow travelers who are apparently scared to death to see any
question of your messiah see the light of day.

Was Barack Obama a member of this church which promoted black liberation
theology for 20 years?


Jim E

May 3, 2008, 5:11:35 PM5/3/08

"BikeFan" <mistontheloch!> wrote in message

Your assertion being FALSE Like a baby

Jim E


May 3, 2008, 5:13:27 PM5/3/08

of course you're a are criticising hillary....

>> tell me more about this alleged deal....
>Rupert Murdoch met with Hillary and has backed her.
>That says it all.

i s-e-e-e-e-e-e


May 3, 2008, 5:47:04 PM5/3/08

No answer or no chance of kids?



May 3, 2008, 5:49:29 PM5/3/08

I'll make my choice when I see what his presidential team/VP looks
like. Not a minute before. My Messiah goes by the JC handle BTW.
So no panic there, just an observer wanting the best person to win,
not some special interest whore of either sex.


Frank Lardino

May 3, 2008, 6:02:04 PM5/3/08
It sure is rich. Especially since everyone agrees that Obama is nothing more
than racist nigger filth who belongs out in the fields picking cotton and
being whipped by the Massa. His middle name is proof that he's a Muslim
terrorist who wants kill American men and rape our women. Conservative
political analyst, Fox News' Hal Turner says that Obama belongs in prison
where he will have no right to contact with the outside world.

Obama has no chance because if there's two things that the American people
fear, it's niggers and Muslims.

Leftists are freedom hating fascists who we need to round up before the
election. They're out to destroy everything Bush has built and ruin his

What America needs is a nigger free policy for government.


May 3, 2008, 6:22:14 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 17:47:04 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote

>FACE wrote:
>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 16:33:59 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote

<big snip>

>>>> I am no racist, but you are an idiot.
>>> So you wouldn't mind your kids marrying Muslims,
>>> blacks or Indians for example??
>> You wouldn't hesitate in completely changing the subject would you?
>No answer or no chance of kids?

You wouldn't hesitate in completely changing the subject would you?

You are scattered, incoherent and playing to form here, trying to answer
questions with questions when things don't go your way.

What an idiot you are.



May 3, 2008, 6:26:37 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 17:49:29 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

>>Was Barack Obama a member of this church which promoted black liberation
>>theology for 20 years?


>I'll make my choice when I see what his presidential team/VP looks
>like. Not a minute before. My Messiah goes by the JC handle BTW.
>So no panic there, just an observer wanting the best person to win,
>not some special interest whore of either sex.

It is obvious that you are an Obamaton. Did you participate in the "How
did you come to Obama" campaign on the website a while back?
Even many sane democrat pundits were uncomfortable with that cult

So, Was Barack Obama a member of this church which promoted black


May 3, 2008, 6:59:04 PM5/3/08
FACE wrote:
> On Sat, 03 May 2008 17:47:04 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>> FACE wrote:
>>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 16:33:59 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
>>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
> <big snip>
>>>>> I am no racist, but you are an idiot.
>>>> So you wouldn't mind your kids marrying Muslims,
>>>> blacks or Indians for example??
>>> You wouldn't hesitate in completely changing the subject would you?
>> No answer or no chance of kids?
> You wouldn't hesitate in completely changing the subject would you?
> You are scattered, incoherent and playing to form here, trying to answer
> questions with questions when things don't go your way.
> What an idiot you are.

So you are a massive racist.



May 3, 2008, 7:00:15 PM5/3/08

No, racist, I did not.
How you doing with that question on whether you're ok
with your kids dating or marrying blacks, muslims or indians?



May 3, 2008, 7:13:27 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 18:59:04 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

You are a fucking idiot and a queer and a nazi and a communist and a
racist and a baby-killer and a baby-fucker and a father fucker and are
incapable of rationally discussing a subject.


May 3, 2008, 7:13:51 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 19:00:15 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

You are a fucking idiot and a queer and a nazi and a communist and a


May 3, 2008, 7:14:26 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 18:59:04 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:


May 3, 2008, 7:14:31 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 19:00:15 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

You are a fucking idiot and a queer and a nazi and a communist and a

Shock & Aww Shucks

May 3, 2008, 7:49:10 PM5/3/08
Frank Lardino couldn't step out of the Spin Zone and wrote while

>FACE <> wrote:
>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
>> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain

>Some say that Bush is a Muslim extremist and a lover of Allah. After all,
>look at what the White House website says!
Why did you make your whole reply about Islam?

The linked article links Black Liberation Theology with Marxism and
Islam. It ties in Marxism because of its roots in South American
Christians who believed in the social struggle amongst the classes
which is Marxist in origin. Black Liberation Theology is the theology
of Elijah Mohammed, founder of the Nation of Islam. United Trinity and
the Nation of Islam are related since they were both founded on Black
Liberation Theology.

Hillary Clinton will be making her first ever appearance
on Bill O’Reilly’s show "The O’Reilly Factor." Hillary
should do well because she has years of experience
yelling, "Shut up, Bill."


May 3, 2008, 10:09:45 PM5/3/08

Now now, don't get hysterical. Your racism can be cured.
You just need to spend a few days adrift on a raft with
people of other races who share their food with you.



May 3, 2008, 10:11:00 PM5/3/08
Hmm, yes well, you're not doing well on addressing the question about
whether you'd boot your kids or grandkids for "miscegenation".



May 3, 2008, 10:24:18 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:09:45 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, BikeFan
<mistontheloch!>, wrote

You're a really sick motherfucker.


May 3, 2008, 10:27:53 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:11:00 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, , BikeFan
<mistontheloch!>, wrote

You are one sick motherfucker.


May 3, 2008, 10:35:16 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:09:45 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, , BikeFan
<mistontheloch!>, wrote

Asshole, you have proved that you can't even discuss the subject.

You are one sick mother fucker and whatever you get, you deserve.

I see that this nym "BikeFan <mistontheloch!>" has existed
for at most, 1 month and a coupla days. That says you are probably a
nym shifting ass who is so roundly despised that you have to keep
shifting nyms to get around killfiles.

What a creep you are. How does all this set with you, fucker?

I hope in the spirit it is meant.




May 3, 2008, 10:35:46 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:11:00 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, , BikeFan


May 3, 2008, 11:16:58 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 16:33:59 -0400, in alt.politics.democrats, ,
BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote

>FACE wrote:
>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 11:44:48 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>> FACE wrote:

>>>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 09:42:42 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
>>>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>>>> FACE wrote:

>>>>>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 09:06:18 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

>>>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
>>>>>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>>>>>> FACE wrote:

>>>>>>>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 08:15:04 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:

>>>>>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?,
>>>>>>>> BikeFan <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>>>>>>>>> FACE wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam - Is Obama The Nexus?
>>>>>>>>>> Posted on March 26, 2008 by politicalnighttrain
>>>>>>>>> You racists will stop at nothing to spread these filthy
>>>>>>>>> lies eh? Your hate-filled, vile spew is totally disgusting.
>>>>>>>> Explain exactly what is racist here.
>>>>>>> Are you really so dumb as to pretend that lying about Obama
>>>>>>> isn't racist?

>>>>>> What is the lie? Are you such a driveling dumbass as to think that
>>>>>> anything said about Obama that is not glowingly approving is racist?
>>>>> Your lie is to claim that there is some sort of "nexus" between
>>>>> Obama, Black Liberation Theology, Marxism and Islam. It's total
>>>>> disinformation crap chanted like a mantra by hate-filled,
>>>>> lying racists like you. You ARE a racist.
>>>> I see that you actually have nothing at all.
>>> Apart from accurately stating that you are racist?

>> I am no racist, but you are an idiot.
>So you wouldn't mind your kids marrying Muslims,
>blacks or Indians for example??

Your silly question has nothing at all to do with the subject. You are
incapable of addressing the subject.


May 4, 2008, 8:41:50 AM5/4/08
On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:35:16 -0400, FACE <>

>On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:09:45 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, , BikeFan
><mistontheloch!>, wrote
>Asshole, you have proved that you can't even discuss the subject.
>You are one sick mother fucker and whatever you get, you deserve.
>I see that this nym "BikeFan <mistontheloch!>" has existed
>for at most, 1 month and a coupla days. That says you are probably a
>nym shifting ass who is so roundly despised that you have to keep
>shifting nyms to get around killfiles.

it's the same empty head who ran away a couple of weeks back....


May 4, 2008, 8:45:35 AM5/4/08
abelard wrote:
> On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:35:16 -0400, FACE <>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:09:45 -0400, in uk.politics.misc, , BikeFan
>> <mistontheloch!>, wrote
>> Asshole, you have proved that you can't even discuss the subject.
>> You are one sick mother fucker and whatever you get, you deserve.
>> I see that this nym "BikeFan <mistontheloch!>" has existed
>> for at most, 1 month and a coupla days. That says you are probably a
>> nym shifting ass who is so roundly despised that you have to keep
>> shifting nyms to get around killfiles.
> it's the same empty head who ran away a couple of weeks back....



May 4, 2008, 8:51:28 AM5/4/08
Shock & Aww Shucks <> wrote:
> The linked article links Black Liberation Theology with Marxism and
> Islam. It ties in Marxism because of its roots in South American
> Christians who believed in the social struggle amongst the classes
> which is Marxist in origin. Black Liberation Theology is the theology
> of Elijah Mohammed, founder of the Nation of Islam. United Trinity and
> the Nation of Islam are related since they were both founded on Black
> Liberation Theology.
So what your really saying is that you're just another racist who believes
that black people are inferior and belong as slaves, working picking cotton
and doing all the other hard labor that lazy, white people like you avoid.

Typical rightist. Lazy white people like you are the reason why America has
fallen so far, so fast. You're not even real capitalists, you simply pay it
lip service by calling your selves capitalist.


May 4, 2008, 9:11:43 AM5/4/08
On Sun, 04 May 2008 14:41:50 +0200, in uk.politics.misc, abelard
<>, wrote

>On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:35:16 -0400, FACE <>


>>I see that this nym "BikeFan <mistontheloch!>" has existed
>>for at most, 1 month and a coupla days. That says you are probably a
>>nym shifting ass who is so roundly despised that you have to keep
>>shifting nyms to get around killfiles.
>it's the same empty head who ran away a couple of weeks back....

He is definitely a sick one.



May 4, 2008, 9:16:50 AM5/4/08
On Sun, 04 May 2008 09:11:43 -0400, FACE <>

he lives in a cocoa tin and screams his racism and sexism at the walls

the amusement lasts a few posts whence he runs off and changes his
nym again...



May 4, 2008, 12:59:10 PM5/4/08
abelard wrote:
> On Sun, 04 May 2008 09:11:43 -0400, FACE <>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 04 May 2008 14:41:50 +0200, in uk.politics.misc, abelard
>> <>, wrote
>>> On Sat, 03 May 2008 22:35:16 -0400, FACE <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I see that this nym "BikeFan <mistontheloch!>" has existed
>>>> for at most, 1 month and a coupla days. That says you are probably a
>>>> nym shifting ass who is so roundly despised that you have to keep
>>>> shifting nyms to get around killfiles.
>>> it's the same empty head who ran away a couple of weeks back....
>> He is definitely a sick one.
> he lives in a cocoa tin and screams his racism and sexism at the walls
> the amusement lasts a few posts whence he runs off and changes his
> nym again...

Hmm yes, I have been using mistontheloch for quite some time.
Look it up. You guys are the real racists though and
neither of you or any of your fellows would tolerate
your kids marrying outside of your religion and ethnic
group right? You would disown them instead, correct?



May 4, 2008, 1:04:08 PM5/4/08

your racism and sexism is manifest...
stop trying to distract won't work....


May 4, 2008, 2:45:15 PM5/4/08
Thats your rebuttal???




May 4, 2008, 3:23:00 PM5/4/08
On Sun, 04 May 2008 14:45:15 -0400, BikeFan
<mistontheloch!> wrote:

you're still not distracting attention from your racism
and sexism...
you're not even managing to distract attention from your
total inability to give an account of yourself involving
some modicum of substance or intelligence

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