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TODAY IN HISTORY -- Actually, It Was a Pretty Slow News Day

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Apr 10, 2011, 9:38:04 AM4/10/11
April 10 in any previous year was a pretty slow day for the kind of
news that you'd want to remember years later.

About the only event of significance occurred in the middle of the
night -- the early morning -- of April 10, 1985 when the late Immanuel
Velikovsky appeared from The Great Beyond to conduct a reading of his
mastrrpiece, "Worlds in Collision," during a seance.

Velikovsky, whom many consider the greatest scientist who ever lived
except for Ed Conrad, simply read from his best-selling book and
received rave reviews before going back to wherever he came from.
":Hi. My name is Immanuel Velikovsky and I died a long time ago. And
back in 1950, when the Phillies won the pennant, my book was published
and . . .

ED CONRAD: Dr. Velikovsky, JUST read from your book, okay?.
Hmmm! Well, okay!
"In an immense universe a little globe revolves around a star; itis
the third in the row -- Mercury, Venus, Earth -- of the planetary

It is of a solid core covered over most of its surface with liquid,
and it has a gaseous envelope. Living creatures fill the liquid;
other living creatures fly in the gas; and still others creep and walk
upon the ground on the bottom of the gaseous ocean.

Man, a being of erect stature, thinks himself the prince of creation.
He felt like this long before he, by his own efforts, came to know how
to fly on wings of metal around the globe. He felt godlike long before
he could talk to his fellow-man on the other side of the globe.

Today he can see the microcosm in a drop and the elements in the
stars. He knows the laws governing the living cell with its
chromosomes, and the laws governing the macrocosm of the sun, moon,
planets and stars.

He assumes that gravitation keeps the planetary system together, man
and beast on their planet, the sea within its borders.

For millions and millions of years, he maintains, the planets have
rolled along the same paths, and their moons around them, and man in
these eons has arisen from a one-cell infusorium all the long way up
to the ladder to his status of Homo sapiens.

Is man's knowledge now nearly complete? Are only a few more steps
necessary to conquer the universe: to extract the energy of the atom
-- since these pages were written this has already been done -- to
cure cancer, to control genetics, to communicate with other planets
and learn if they have living creatures, too
Here begins Homo ignoramus. He does not know what life is or how it
came to be and whether it orginated form inorganic matter. He does NOT
KNOW know whether other planets of this sun or of other suns have life
on them, and if they have, whether the forms of life there
are like those around us, ourselves included.

He does not know how this solar system came into being, although he
has built up a few hypotheses about it. He knows only that the solar
system was constructed billions of years ago.
He does not know what this mysterious force of gravitation is that
holds him and his fellow man on the other side of the planet with
their feet on the ground, although he regards the phenomenon itself as
"the law of laws."

He does not know what the earth looks like five miles under his feet.
He does not know how mountains came into existence or what caused the
emergence of the continents, although he builds hypotheses about
these, nor does he know from where oil came -- again hypotheses.
He does not know why, only a short time ago, a thick glacial sheet
pressed upon most of Europe and North America, as he believes it did;
nor how palms could grow above the polar circle, nor how it came about
that the same fauna fill the inner lakes of the Old and the New
He does not know where the salt in the sea came from.

Although man knows that he has lived on this planet for millions of
years, he finds a recorded history of only a few thousand years. And
even these few thousand years are not sufficently well known.

Why did the Bronze Age preceed the Iron Age even though iron is more
widely distributed over the world and its manufacture is simpler than
that of the alloy of copper and tin?

By what mechanical means were structures of immense blocks built on
the high mountains of the Andes?

What caused the legend of the Flood to orginate in all the countries
of the world? Is there any adequate meaning to the term
"antediluvian"? From what experiences grew the eschatological pictures
of the end of the world?

In this work, of which the present book is the first part, some of
these questions will be answered, but only at the cost of giving up
certain notions now regarded as sacred laws in science -- the millions
of years of the present constitution of the solar system and the
harmonious revolution of the earth -- with all their implications as
regards the theory of evolution . . ."
INTERRUPTION: Mr. Conrad, Are you still here?
ED CONRAD: Yes, Dr. Velikovsky!.
IMMANUEL: My eyes are really tired and my feet are getting sore. So
I'm going to stop. Anyway, I think your friends should buy the damn
book. All they want is soethin' for nothin'. free. I'm NOT Bill Gates,
you know. After all. I have bills to pay . .
"We can forgive a child who is afraid
of the dark. The real tragedy of life
is when men are afraid of the light."
-- Plato
this is a brief list of persons and/or institutions that attended the
seance.and have Twittered to say they're going to rush out to buy the
Muammar Gaddafi
Gilbert "Quack Quack" Gottfried
Charlie Sheen
Lindsay Lohan
GWB, Crawford, Texas (name withheld by request)
Richard (Don't Call ME a Dick) Cheney
Roger Ailes
Vito Corleone
Stephen Hawking
Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Bernie Madoff
Billo Reilly (Or is it Bill O'Reilly ?)
Ann "Douche Bag" Coulter
Glenn Beck
Sean "Ins" Hannity
David Iain Greig and The Boys at talk,origins
Lady Gaga
Sonia of Operation Repo
Christie O'Donnell
The Darwin great-great grandkids
Richard Dawkins
Wall Street Industrial Averages
Smithsonian Institution
Penn State University
60 Minutes
Amerigo Vespucci
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins University
Joe Stalin
University of California-Berkeley
Al Einstein
Al Qaeda Al-Qaeda al-Qaida al-Qa'ida
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Liz Taylor
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Sheriff Dengle -- Reno 911 Police Dept.
American Association of Anatomists
American Anthropological Association
U.S. Today
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Medical Association
Zinkag 41 (Autonomus Unit Zinkag 41, brood assemblage Delta 64)
American Museum of Natural History
The Good Shepherd
American Civil Liberties Union ACLU
Liz Cheney
American Society for Investigative Pathology
The Smithsonian Institution
American Society of Human Genetics
National Enquirer
Geological Society of America
L'Osservatore Romano
The Stooge Brothers - Manny, Moe and Shemp
Paleontological Research Institute (PRI)
Billy "Never Call Me Willie" Graham
Federation of American Scientists
The Residents of Fargo, ND
Science Nature Omni Penthouse magazines
Smithsonian Custodial Employees (Local 666)
Sarah Palin
New England Journal of Medicine
Paul PZ Myers University of Minnesota
Michelle Malkin
Geraldo Rivera
The Good Samaritan
British Petroleum BP
Larry King (But you can call me "The")
Pope Benedict XVI c/o The Vatican
Wayne Clough -- Secretary of Smithsonian
The Girls at Mustang Ranch
Sen. John Boner
The Estate of the Leakey Family
American Board of Forensic Anthropology
American Journal of Pathology
Rudy Giuliani
Michele Bachmann
American Medical Association
American Society for Investigative Pathology
Tokyo Rose
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Father Guido Sarducci
Mother Teresa
Association for Molecular Pathology
Isaac Newton
College of American Pathologists
Satchel Paige
Viagra Mfg.Co.
Cornell University Medical College
Wall Street bankers
Gen Omar Bradley (Ret.)
Forensic Files
International Academy of Pathology
Rupert Murdoch
U.S. Geological Survey
Taliban Federation
Predators Socety -- Chris Hansen CEO
Fox News
New England Journal of Medicine
Opponents of Intelligent Design
Julian Assange
Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Tiger Woods
Institute of Human Origins
The Warner Brothers
Society for Medical Anthropology
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
American Journal of Pathology
Alexander Emmanuel "A-Rod" Rodriguez
Donald Rumsfeld
American Society of Primatologists
Orly Taitz
National Primate Association
La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles
Oral Roberts
British Petroleum BP
Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center
Gorilla Foundation
The Banana Republic
Fidel Castro
AAA (Amalgamated Atheists of America)
Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales, founder of Wikipedia
Chris Matthews
Rachel Maddow
Google Technicians
Michael Moore
Red Skelton
Bill Maher and His Whole Family
Oliver Stone
Smithsonian Snack Shop staff
Time Magazine
President Obama
Anderson Cooper
Pamela Anderson
New York Times
New York Daily News
New York Post
New York Daily Mirror
Washington Insider
Benny Hill
Philadephia Inquirer
The Nation
Meet the Press
David Gregory
eBay Stores
Rosie O'Donnell
To Catch a Predator on American Idol
National Enquirer
National Lampoon
Washington Post
Sean Penn
Wall Street Journal
Deepwater Horizon
The View
Jeff Rense
U.S. News and World Report
60 Minutes
Roswell (N.M.) Chamber of Commerce
Arianna Huffington
David Letterman
Charles Manson
Ed Conrad
Matthew Mark Luke and Jack

Henry Hager

Apr 11, 2011, 3:21:24 PM4/11/11
Think of all the movie royalties Velikovsky's heirs could be
collecting from just about every space-sci-fi flick made since 1950
that includes planets and shit smashing into each other.

Intellectual property ...


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