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Why are aliens telling some abductees that reincarnation is a fact?

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Noah's Dove

Mar 1, 2010, 3:05:15 AM3/1/10
I came across this short article on Greys Aliens and reincarnation.
Now why would aliens tell abductees that reincarnation is a fact. Is
this more evidence that aliens are not what they appear to be. Dr.
Douglas Groothius and others point out problems with reincarnation
beliefs and how they are contradictory to the teaching of Christ and
even common sense. Many years ago, I also met a women who said she
feels she was an alien in a past life. The following
short article, notes and links will examine the ideas behind
reincarnation and problems related to it.

Gray Aliens and Reincarnation

"On the rare occasion when the Grays have deigned to hold actual
discourse with their lowly abductee, they have frequently issued the
puzzling claim that they have long known the abductee, not just in
this particular lifetime, but also prior to the abductee's birth, and/
or throughout multiple reincarnations. The gray aliens may lay
particular emphasis on this supposed fact, as if this familiarity
offers them a sort of carte blanche to do the things they do."

Reincarnation and the Message of Jesus:
by Dr. Douglas Groothuis

Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D., teaches philosophy at Denver Seminary. He
can be reached at: His website is

People have always wondered what--if anything--lies beyond the grave.
Is death the end of existence, an entry into eternity, or an
intermission between earthly lives? Some Eastern religions teach that
the soul reincarnates in many different bodies, and approximately
twenty five percent of Americans now believe it. Why are so many
people drawn to reincarnation?

Reincarnation offers hope to many. If we don't "get it right" in this
life, we have another chance the next time around. Some even consult
therapists in the hope of learning the details of their past lives
which may help them solve their present problems.

Reincarnation also claims to insure justice. We get what we deserve in
every life. Reincarnation is connected with the law of karma, which
teaches that our good and bad deeds produce good and bad results from
lifetime to lifetime. The law of karma is an unbending and impersonal
rule of the universe. By working off one's bad karma over many
lifetimes, a person can finally escape the process of rebirth and
attain enlightenment.

But can reincarnation realistically offer hope and a sense of justice
to a troubled world? Can it answer the nagging problem of death?

Even those who believe in reincarnation admit that the vast majority
of humans do not remember their previous lives. Yet how can we learn
from our past mistakes if we cannot remember them? We seem to make the
same mistakes over and over again. Given the moral failure rate of
human history, do we any have reason to hope that we will get it right
in a future lifetime?

According to reincarnation, the innocent do not suffer. All suffering
is deserved on the basis of bad karma. The baby born without legs
deserved it, as did the woman who was raped. There is no injustice--
and no forgiveness. None are innocent, and there is no grace
available. This is not good news.

The law of karma is unmerciful, yet the message of Jesus Christ is
different. He taught that no one can keep the moral law. The human
heart is impure because of wrong attitudes and actions. Wrongdoing is
an offense against a loving and absolutely good God. Yet Jesus never
spoke of reincarnation as a way out.

Jesus spoke of people receiving either eternal reward or eternal
punishment according to how they responded to him during their one
lifetime on earth (Matthew 25:31-46; see also Hebrews 9:27).
Reincarnation is out. But Jesus offered himself as the way out.

Jesus proclaimed that he came into the world "to seek and to save the
lost" (Luke 19:10). Through his ministry of teaching, preaching, and
healing, he demonstrated a sinless life and the power over death
itself by raising the dead. He said that he "did not come to be
served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mark

Jesus showed his forgiving love even on his blood stained cross. A
thief on a cross next to Jesus confessed his sin and asked Jesus to
remember him. Jesus responded, "I tell you the truth, today you will
be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). Only faith in Jesus was required
for paradise, not lifetime after lifetime of working off bad karma and
building up good karma. As Jesus announced: "For God so loved the
world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). That, indeed, is
good news--for this life and beyond.

Reincarnation Exposed

Nearly one-third of Americans now believe in Reincarnation.
Reincarnation, in its purest
form, comes to us from the Hindu religion. Today it also embraced by
most Wiccan
groups, New Agers, and others. Reincarnation teaches a birth-death-
rebirth cycle based
on a person’s Karma. A bad person will come back as a lower form. A
good person will
be reborn to a higher station in life. If perfection is ever achieved,
one may escape this
treadmill-like existence and either merge with the divine or melt into
the universe.

God’s Word reveals that reincarnation is a deception which contradicts
both the biblical
doctrine of the Resurrection and the observable evidence. Here are
some of the many
problems with Reincarnation:

1) If Reincarnation is true, mankind should be progressing. Human
nature and conduct
should be improving. However, the truth is, moral depravity is
worsening as the Bible
anticipates (Matthew 24:12; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; etc.).

2) The vast majority of the population has no memory of their prior
lives. If we’re all a
product of previous life-cycles, why don’t we remember our previous
lives? How can we
work off bad karma if we don’t recognize our prior mistakes?

3) Though there are some who claim to recall past lives, the Bible
reveals that demons
have existed for millennia. These demons are able to place thoughts in
a person’s mind in
order to deceive (1 Chronicles 21:1; 1 Timothy 4:1-2; Revelation 12:9;
16:14; etc.).

4) If we are all being recycled, where are all the new babies coming
from? There were an
estimated 100 million souls a few thousand years ago, but today we’re
approaching 7
billion people. Reincarnation denies a Creator God, so where are all
these souls coming

5) India is the cradle of Reincarnation, yet India is one of the
world’s most woeful
nations. Though the people are intelligent and industrious, and
natural resources abound,
cows and rats eat their fill while many humans starve. Countless city
streets are awash
with filth, lined with starving beggars, and suffering is everywhere.
With thousands of
years to perfect Reincarnation, and countless gurus and holy men, why
isn’t India the
shining star of human progress and spiritual evolution?

6) Gandhi stated that Reincarnation is a burden to great to bear. He
saw the fruits of this
practice around his country. All abroad was hopelessness and

7) To break free from Reincarnation, one must live a harmless life.
You can’t even kill a
microbe. Yet our immune system kills millions each day. This means
there is no hope of
ever escaping the wheel of Karma.

8) If you see a beggar wallowing in the gutter don’t you dare help
him! He is working off
bad Karma. If you help him now, he will just have to come back in
another lifetime to
work off his bad karma all over again. This is why India had no
hospitals or charitable
institutions until the coming of Christian missionaries.

The truth is Reincarnation offers no hope, provides no answers,
ignores the clear
evidence, and contradicts our God-given conscience. It is a
demonically inspired
philosophy intended to keep its adherents slaves to sin and death.

But what does the Bible teach? God’s Word does teach that “Whatever a
man sows, that
he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7). There are repercussions to sin –
both in this life and the
next. So a believer in Christ can use the notion of bad karma as a
springboard to explain
that the penalty for sin is death and then share the true Gospel of
Jesus Christ.

The Bible completely refutes the theory of Reincarnation. Hebrews 9:27
states “It is
appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” Notice,
we only die once and
then we stand before God to be judged. And Paul writes “To be absent
from the body [is]
to be present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8). Once we die, we go
to be with the Lord
– we are not reincarnated and sent back to earth.

Scripture also affirms that once believers die, we then rise “and thus
we shall always be
with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Furthermore, remember that during Jesus’ transfiguration, Moses and
Elijah appeared as
Moses and Elijah (Mark 9:1-5). Though they had lived many centuries
earlier, they were
still Moses and Elijah – not different persons.

In addition, when Jesus ascended to heaven the angels standing by said
“This same Jesus,
who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as
you saw Him go
into heaven” (Acts 1:11). In other words, Jesus will return as Jesus
not a different

Scripture also explains that Jesus died once – never to die again
(Romans 6:9).

Throughout God’s Word, the resurrection is taught – which directly
refutes Reincarnation
(John 11:25; 1 Corinthians 15; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; etc.). Jesus’
resurrection is
testified to by Old Testament prophets and many New Testament
witnesses. The
historical and eye witness testimony for Jesus’ resurrection is
extensive and irrefutable.
In fact, after His resurrection, Jesus was seen by over 500
eyewitnesses at one time (1
Corinthians 15:6). Refer to our article on the Resurrection for more

Finally, the resurrection not only agrees with the evidence, but it
offers true hope. Jesus
promises all who will trust and follow Him: “Because I live, you will
live also” (John

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he
may die, he shall
live” (John 11:25).

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some
shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and
doctrines of devils;


Jun 2, 2010, 5:14:07 PM6/2/10
I'm afraid I can't win any argument to this question as it seems like a

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