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Native indians are treated like sub-humans by the USA ?

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jos boersema

Nov 17, 2010, 6:17:07 AM11/17/10
Then maybe that can work in favor: be declared an endangered
species ! That way you can have all the land.

When reading and listening about the plans of the USA ruling
class, about how they want to "pack & stack" all people into
tiny areas and destroy most people in the world including those
in the USA, the story about how the native Indians knocked on
the door of the united nations several times and where refused.
That a native American Indian prophet had said to be glad because
the USA was going be destroyed and none would be able to stop it.

Think about the possibility shaping up: the USA starts to herd
everyone into tiny areas, all the land is freed up and the elites
hope to roam freely there like the tyrants of old. But instead,
it all crumbles and the native Indians and who are good can take
the land back. It seemed like a completely impossible scenario
for the native Indians to get all or most of the land back, and
now it is official policy except for a small detail that is a big
questionmark whether they are going to manage that last stretch
(to rule the lands like the tyrants of old).


Nov 17, 2010, 6:39:03 AM11/17/10

Puh-lease... you've been reading too much "Prison Planet". Think
outside the 'box'. For all you know, those 'concentration camps' are
just pre-fab colonies for future mass migrations of aliens from outer
space or future time dimensions. They gotta have *somewhere* to live
before they can assimilate into earthling society, don't they??? It
wouldn't be very hospitable to make them live in their flying cars
like common transients.

jos boersema

Nov 17, 2010, 6:49:28 AM11/17/10

Ah heh, I think you are right.
There has never been a 2nd world war, the Jews where not gassed to
death by the millions, those concentration camps and pictures ? That
was all staged. Those where not real people, that was all made up.
The native indians in america where not slaughtered worse then the
jews by the nazis either, and no black slave has ever worked in the
USA unless they asked for it and enjoyed their fine labor in the
sunny south, they loved every bit of it, why else would they have

Rich and poor ? Everyone gets what they deserve, and the poor are
not really poor because they are still alive aren't they, and as
the saying goes: a mans health is his greatest wealth. So when they
are alive they still have some health left, and are therefore to be
considdered wealthy. There is no suffering, there is no tyranny.
It is peace and love on Earth, everywhere. No chinese laborer is
unhappy, they are jumping up and down at the honor of having a job.
Crime does not exist, except for a few petty thieves and small lies,
but we get that under control in the coming years no problem.

So far this insight into the world of old - wife tale. ...

Meanwhile for who dare face reality: rise up in armed revolution,
the nazis are going to get rough and the 3rd world war is on the
front burner.

jos boersema

Nov 17, 2010, 7:30:47 AM11/17/10

... and of course right on que: the ignorant people at prisonplanet
have banned me because I asked for an armed uprising to organize
itself, so that violence could be controlled. The american public
is so ignorant there is no measuring rod short enough for it.

Hence, because they will be easy meat for the plutocrats, contrary
to their own beliefs but they are divided, ignorant and conquered,
any violence they do will easily be played against them by the
experts of contra-revolution and tyranny, foreign occupation and
high technologocal war of any kinds.

Like the native prophet said: none will be able to stop the USA
being destroyed, I guess. My program could save them, but it is
not done, and they ban it because of their lacke of knowledge. This
can only mean I think that it will go 'all the way' (the wars and
the tyranny). I tried to help them as best as I could, because they
have neglected to search the peaceful way through politics, finance,
trade and truth, so now they had to rise up in arms, but they refused
that too. Now they refuse to listen. It becomes a show from Holland
now, to see how the USA descends into perhaps the worst tyranny the
world has ever seen. I can't reach these people or help them, just
as the natives never could.

The americans do deserve what they are getting, but still it would
be great if AJ can continue and remind them of their ignorance and
why it is all happening. He is just about the only American really
trying hard (although he too ignores my program, but you can't do
everything so who can blame him).

By banning me for 'inciting violence,' USA public, you banned me
for inciting peace & justice.

jos boersema

Nov 17, 2010, 8:10:08 AM11/17/10
On 2010-11-17, jos boersema <> wrote:

> By banning me for 'inciting violence,' USA public, you banned me
> for inciting peace & justice.

I litterally said, time & again: do not engage in violence, do
not start shooting people, because the elites will use that against
us. Litterally "do not engage in violence." Also I tried to have
a dialogue about their rule in the forum not to 'incite violence.'
That is how I started. Instead of simply informing me they do not
like a debate on that, they shut the account down without a word.
I call that rude. Dare I say, I call it violence.

What I am proposing is not inciting violence, but to organize a giant
peoples Militia, who'se actions are only decided at the Brigadier size
(Brigadier General, 7000+ persons). Everything possible is done
to prevent violence.

Meanwhile, all manner of rabble was talking about shooting people
dead for example if they came to their home or whatever and crashing
a bank which is senseless violence, and even attacking me for not
wanting to engage in action (because I want to organize first).

It is a hopeless brainless people, the USA.

Notice how they are already controlled by the real agent provocateurs:
the agent provocateurs have not only managed to make them do stupid
violence, but now manage to make them have prejudices against any
type of forceful but controlled proper action. They are already the
slaves, if not controlled by the left pincer attack, then by the right.
Like they are running with the idea to crash JP Morgan without a
thought, which is extremely dangerous and a form of economic terrorism,
without a 2nd thought. Despite my objections which they again put
under the stamp of 'doing nothing,' which is of course absurd. So I
object to violence, I want to organize to prevent violence and only
engage in violence against thuggery where that is really needed to
protect 2 minimum democratic rights, I object to soft economic terrorism,
they talk about shooting people dead and crashing banks mostly for
fun and getting back at their enemies, I try to ask gently if the
topic of armed uprising can be discussed and when it is an ongoing
several days discussion meaning apparently it could be discussed,
while I at the first post attempted to alert the moderator of that
forum for feed back, then they shut that account down and don't even
have a friendly word or a method to talk to them and act like normal
human beings.

The course is set.


Nov 17, 2010, 11:30:18 AM11/17/10
On Nov 17, 5:49 am, jos boersema <> wrote:

Insight eh? I'm not the one who thinks he's a messiah. Haha... i'm
fairly certain you would not have survived very long in *my world*, ya
war-mongerin' nuke-happy fruitcake.

All the so-called 'hidden' conspiracy theories in the world of 'common
knowledge' can't hold a candle to the conspiracy that's never been so
much as 'glimpsed' or even speculated upon.

(What? What? There's a conspiracy no one knows about???!?)

> Meanwhile for who dare face reality: rise up in armed revolution,
> the nazis are going to get rough and the 3rd world war is on the
> front burner.

Hut-hum... what are ya gonna do, take out yer little pea-shooter? Some
people, like you, actually *like* the idea of massive war and
bloodshed. Keeping peace in your own immediate surroundings is *lot*
harder than hastily killing people because of 'anticipation' of a war
that may or may not be on the horizon. It's called 'Jumping the Gun'
for a reason.


Nov 17, 2010, 11:41:25 AM11/17/10

> ... and of course right on que: the ignorant people at prisonplanet
> have banned me because I asked for an armed uprising to organize
> itself, so that violence could be controlled.

Gee, imagine that!

> By banning me for 'inciting violence,' USA public, you banned me
> for inciting peace & justice.

Sure, keep telling yourself that, over and over.


Nov 17, 2010, 11:43:52 AM11/17/10
On Nov 17, 7:10 am, jos boersema <> wrote:
> On 2010-11-17, jos boersema <> wrote:
> [...]
> > By banning me for 'inciting violence,' USA public, you banned me
> > for inciting peace & justice.
> I litterally said, time & again: do not engage in violence, do
> not start shooting people, because the elites will use that against
> us. Litterally "do not engage in violence." Also I tried to have
> a dialogue about their rule in the forum not to 'incite violence.'
> That is how I started. Instead of simply informing me they do not
> like a debate on that, they shut the account down without a word.
> I call that rude. Dare I say, I call it violence.

Mm-hmm... And have you conveniently forgotten that you've said USA
deserved to be nuked? I'm here to remind you: that's precisely what
you said.


Nov 17, 2010, 11:52:06 AM11/17/10

that is actually funny and made me laugh.
thank you for that

jumpybird (wonder if aliens can drink coffee)


Nov 17, 2010, 12:21:07 PM11/17/10

Thank *you*!

Making anyone laugh is one of my greatest pleasures in life. :)

brad herschel

Nov 17, 2010, 7:23:44 PM11/17/10
If Native Americans make common cause with negroes and hispanics, NA
will not


Nov 17, 2010, 7:36:46 PM11/17/10
"oldwifetale" <> wrote:

>>"jos boersema <> wrote:
>>By banning me for 'inciting violence,' USA public, you banned
>>me for inciting peace & justice.
>>I litterally said, time & again: do not engage in violence, do
>>not start shooting people, because the elites will use that against
>>us. Litterally "do not engage in violence." Also I tried to have
>>a dialogue about their rule in the forum not to 'incite violence.'
>>That is how I started. Instead of simply informing me they do not
>>like a debate on that, they shut the account down without a word.
>>I call that rude. Dare I say, I call it violence.
>Mm-hmm... And have you conveniently forgotten that you've said
>USA deserved to be nuked? I'm here to remind you: that's precisely
>what you said.

Crazy josie not only posted that, he's posted several other times inciting
and promoting violence, up to and including advocating nuking the USA and
other nations. That he can sit there and deny his own posted and archived
words directly indicates that josie is a loon with short and possibly
long-term memory loss or, a pathological liar.

Red Cloud

Nov 18, 2010, 12:49:57 AM11/18/10

USA already used nuke weapon not only once but twice before.
What is your so surprise or shocking to hear USA deserved to be
Bible and Quran both indicate "eye for an eye." So USA used nuke
weapons twice. So USA needed to to be nuked twice.

Red Cloud

Nov 18, 2010, 1:21:15 AM11/18/10
On Nov 17, 4:36 pm, sâr`châsm <sâr`châ> wrote:
> "oldwifetale" <> wrote:

USA used nuclear bomb twice before. What is surprised to hear your
race must
be nuked twice according to the words in Bible and Quran? Did you
forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


Nov 18, 2010, 3:11:37 AM11/18/10
"Red Cloud" <> wrote:
> "sār`chāsm" wrote:

>> "oldwifetale" wrote:
>>>"jos boersema <> wrote:
>>>By banning me for 'inciting violence,' USA public, you banned
>>>me for inciting peace & justice.
>>>I litterally said, time & again: do not engage in violence, do
>>>not start shooting people, because the elites will use that against
>>>us. Litterally "do not engage in violence." Also I tried to have
>>>a dialogue about their rule in the forum not to 'incite violence.'
>>>That is how I started. Instead of simply informing me they do not
>>>like a debate on that, they shut the account down without a word.
>>>I call that rude. Dare I say, I call it violence.
>>Mm-hmm... And have you conveniently forgotten that you've said
>>USA deserved to be nuked? I'm here to remind you: that's precisely
>>what you said.
> Crazy josie not only posted that, he's posted several other times inciting
> and promoting violence, up to and including advocating nuking the USA and
> other nations. That he can sit there and deny his own posted and archived
> words directly indicates that josie is a loon with short and possibly
> long-term memory loss or, a pathological liar.
>USA used nuclear bomb twice before.

While the difference between an atomic bomb and a nuclear bomb may be moot,
the USA used atomic bombs on two Japanese cities to force a surrender and
avoid millions more casualties on both sides, (an invasion of Japan would
have assuredly caused higher casualties than the two atomic bombs did
because the Japanese emperor enjoined / ordered all Japanese military and
citizens to oppose any such invasion). Nuclear weapons are those which use
atomic triggers to detonate.


jos boersema

Nov 18, 2010, 3:37:25 AM11/18/10
On 2010-11-18, s?r`ch?sm <s?r`ch?> wrote:
> "Red Cloud" <> wrote:

Where did I deny that I said the USA deserved to be nuked ? It
does deserve that. Where did I deny that I attempt to organize
an armed rebellion against tyranny ? I said and say that. The
USA deserves to get what it has done to other nations over the
last decades (since the 2nd world war as an Imperial power).
This seems to be the only way the USA will learn, they apparently
think that throwing a nation into chaos, murder more then a
million innocent people, bombing weddings for the outside chance
they hit one person who opposes their military occupation, they
now even kill their own journalists, have soldiers laugh and make
bets with each other whether they can kill a women who is walking
with a child 1 kilometer away and then when they actually kill
that innocent women they laugh, when confronted they kill children
for their own amuzement the USA soldiers start to chant "we love
to kill children..." ... if you think that is liberation of a
people then I would think, you go through that kind of a liberation
and see for yourselves what it is all about. Maybe that will stop it.
Crime must be stopped. You are going to be occupied by your own
criminal Government by the way, that is the trick here.

It has come out that the General who ran the WW2 armies was against
the nuclear bombs, and that Japan wanted to surrender all through
the summer - note how they did surrender after the atomic bombs
rather then fight to the death. The USA wanted to impress the world
with their power, therefore they had to stall the ending of the war
in order to throw those bombs.

Knowing what we know about the USA, the slaves they abused (the
Dutch did that too, I'm not saying the Dutch are innocent in any
way although not currently engaged in a major empire and foreign
opression much), the indians they murdered, how they laugh at and
opress their own, how they look down on people who are poor and
look up to the rich abusers, how they interpret the whole world
as a battle field between nations, how corrupt their state is,
then imho the above interpretation of history fits more closely.

On top of all that, sarcasm is here now lying that I deny the USA
deserves to be nuked. Nevertheless I don't want the USA to have
to be nuked or destroyed or violently opressed: I want you to
rise up in armed formation to defend democracy, to install justice,
and be brothers with all other nations. To end your empire, to
grant Sovereingty and much land to the native indians, to be good.


Nov 18, 2010, 10:45:05 AM11/18/10

That is the stupidest logic *ever*!!!

No one 'needs' or 'deserves' to be nuked, including our enemies. Do
you not live in the USA??? Do you think radiation would only affect
'white Americans'? If you want to base your ideology on "an eye for an
eye" retaliation, then maybe you should go back and start with Atilla
the Hun, or Vlad the Impaler. Where the hell do you draw the line?

Geez. I can't believe you said that.


Nov 18, 2010, 10:47:18 AM11/18/10
On Nov 18, 2:37 am, jos boersema <> wrote:
> On 2010-11-18, s?r`ch?sm <s?r`> wrote:

You're inciting violence - plain and simple.
That's why groups that *can* ban you, do.

Red Cloud

Nov 18, 2010, 1:14:12 PM11/18/10
On Nov 18, 12:37 am, jos boersema <> wrote:
> On 2010-11-18, s?r`ch?sm <s?r`> wrote:

Citizen of non-USA understands that Japan nuke bombing was to
impress the world with one of the deadly weapon in humankind. They
used that to scare Russia, China, European, any possible opponent.
That was the ultimate motive.
That's how USA became top of the world after WWII. They manipulated
the global monetary system and they put their currency the most
valuable global currency in the world.


Nov 18, 2010, 1:21:32 PM11/18/10
"jos batshitcrazy" <> wrote:
> "sār`chāsm" wrote:

>> "Red Cloud" wrote:
>>> "sār`chāsm" wrote:
>>>> "oldwifetale" wrote:

Since your admission is tantamount to talking about 'bombs' and 'hijacking'
at airports, you should have no problem with "Jos Boersema", (or, your
actual identity), being put on a no-fly and terrorist watch lists.

>Where did I deny that I attempt to organize an armed rebellion
>against tyranny ? I said and say that.

"So I object to violence, I want to organize to prevent violence and only
engage in violence against thuggery where that is really needed ..."

>The USA deserves to get what it has done to other nations over the
>last decades

The USA has not "nuked" any nation within the last decades. Actively
advocating that another "deserves" to be "nuked" could be seen as an act of

>It has come out that the General who ran the WW2 armies was against
>the nuclear bombs

No nuclear bombs were used against Japan; you must be lying about the two
atomic weapons used instead.

>and that Japan wanted to surrender all through the summer

This is an outright fabrication; the Japanese Emperor was committed by
'honor' to order his troops and people not to surrender but, to fight to the
death of the last man.

>- note how they did surrender after the atomic bombs rather then
>fight to the death.

That's why the US president authorized the use of those atomic weapons, (and
now they're atomic, rather than nuclear, huh?); to force such a surrender in
light of the Japanese commitment to fight to an honorable death. There was
no honor seen in having every Japanese city atomized, (they had no idea that
those two atomic bombs were all the US military had at the time).

> [...]

>On top of all that, sarcasm is here now lying that I deny the USA
>deserves to be nuked.

Actually, "oldwifetale" had asked if you'd "conveniently forgotten that

you've said USA deserved to be nuked? I'm here to remind you: that's

precisely what you said." I haven't looked up the posts where you wrote
that but, I can if rubbing your nose in your own mess would do any good.

>Nevertheless I don't want the USA to have to be nuked or destroyed
>or violently opressed: I want you to rise up in armed formation

That "rise up in armed formation" bit is what we're talking about when it is
asserted that you are inciting violence, you idiot lunatic.


Red Cloud

Nov 18, 2010, 1:53:03 PM11/18/10
On Nov 18, 7:45 am, oldwifetale <> wrote:
> On Nov 17, 11:49 pm, Red Cloud <> wrote:
> > On Nov 17, 8:43 am, oldwifetale <> wrote:
> > > On Nov 17, 7:10 am, jos boersema <> wrote:
> > > > On 2010-11-17, jos boersema <> wrote:
> > > > [...]
> > > > > By banning me for 'inciting violence,' USA public, you banned me
> > > > > for inciting peace & justice.
> > > > I litterally said, time & again: do not engage in violence, do
> > > > not start shooting people, because the elites will use that against
> > > > us. Litterally "do not engage in violence." Also I tried to have
> > > > a dialogue about their rule in the forum not to 'incite violence.'
> > > > That is how I started. Instead of simply informing me they do not
> > > > like a debate on that, they shut the account down without a word.
> > > > I call that rude. Dare I say, I call it violence.
> > > Mm-hmm... And have you conveniently forgotten that you've said USA
> > > deserved to be nuked? I'm here to remind you: that's precisely what
> > > you said.
> > USA already used nuke weapon not only once but twice before.
> >  What is your so surprise or shocking to hear  USA deserved to be
> > nuked.
> >  Bible and Quran both indicate   "eye for an eye."   So USA used nuke
> > weapons twice. So USA needed to to be nuked   twice.
> That is the stupidest logic *ever*!!!

Then how will they pay the price of using nuclear bomb? They got
away with it.
NO NEVER! Don't you undestand Bible, Quran, Tibetan Buddhist all
indicated the the same outcome you can't get away with like using
nuclear bomb.

> No one 'needs' or 'deserves' to be nuked, including our enemies. Do
> you not live in the USA??? Do you think radiation would only affect
> 'white Americans'? If you want to base your ideology on "an eye for an
> eye" retaliation, then maybe you should go back and start with Atilla
> the Hun, or Vlad the Impaler. Where the hell do you draw the line?

Hun did not use nuke. Hun was just another ancient warriors. They
only got bow and arrow. How do you commit massacre with bow and

There is a clear difference between ancient tradition warfare and
the modern warfare in nuclear age. No wonder why the 20th century
was the bloodiest
history. WWI and WWII combined two wars caused the largest number
of massacre in human history. You can't compare WWII with Hun's type
ancient warfare. You just don't get it. WHY???

Do you have to be so naive? You don't understand the impact of
using nuclear weapons did you? Do you know what Albert Einstein
said about using nuclear bomb and why he was adamantly against it?


Nov 18, 2010, 5:37:19 PM11/18/10

Japan and the US have resolved their conflicts, and are now close
allies. So who are you to speak for Japan, in terms of today's
generation paying for the acts of a previous generation during
wartime? Does Japan, as a nation, base its international relations on
Tibetan teachings, the Bible, or the Koran?

> > No one 'needs' or 'deserves' to be nuked, including our enemies. Do
> > you not live in the USA??? Do you think radiation would only affect
> > 'white Americans'? If you want to base your ideology on "an eye for an
> > eye" retaliation, then maybe you should go back and start with Atilla
> > the Hun, or Vlad the Impaler. Where the hell do you draw the line?
> Hun did not use nuke. Hun was just another ancient warriors. They
> only got bow and arrow. How do you commit massacre with bow and
> arrow?

Ask Genghis Khan! How many were massacred? What qualifies it? The
point is: we do not inflict retaliation upon the descendants of people
who we feel 'wronged' us. We do not now go to Germany and gather up
the innocent descendants of all who participated in the Jewish
Holocaust in order to retaliate in like manner. Were you alive during
the days of Pearl Harbor? No, and neither was i. What exactly *is* it
that either you or i or even Obama are "getting away with"?

Your ideas are purely destructive, leaning toward what can only be
never-ending wars, widespread violence and intolerance. We have more
powerful weapons now than Atomic Bombs. So does Russia, and India, and
a significant number of other nations (and groups) around the world.
At any moment, any of these nations including the US could have used
their weapons, but haven't. What does that tell you? Responsible
nations with nuclear warheads do *not* want to use them - but having
them is a deterrent against their enemies using them. Once technology
advances to this point, there is no turning back. Why do you think
nuclear treaties are so important?

Why do you think radical or enemy nations having nuclear power is
considered unacceptable?

It doesn't matter if it was arrows *then* or nuclear weapons *now* -
it is only a measure of who has the greatest power to do the greatest
harm. To me, it is a horrific and terrible thing to wish nuclear war
on any nation's people, whether or not it seems to you or anyone else
that it's 'deserved'.

> There is a clear difference between ancient tradition warfare and
> the modern warfare in nuclear age. No wonder why the 20th century
> was the bloodiest
> history. WWI and WWII combined two wars caused the largest number
> of massacre in human history. You can't compare WWII with Hun's type
> ancient warfare. You just don't get it. WHY???
> Do you have to be so naive? You don't understand the impact of
> using nuclear weapons did you? Do you know what Albert Einstein
> said about using nuclear bomb and why he was adamantly against it?

Then why aren't YOU?

Red Cloud

Nov 19, 2010, 3:33:04 AM11/19/10

Using nuclear bomb is the global issue for humane concern. Not just

> > > No one 'needs' or 'deserves' to be nuked, including our enemies. Do
> > > you not live in the USA??? Do you think radiation would only affect
> > > 'white Americans'? If you want to base your ideology on "an eye for an
> > > eye" retaliation, then maybe you should go back and start with Atilla
> > > the Hun, or Vlad the Impaler. Where the hell do you draw the line?
> >  Hun did not use nuke. Hun was just another ancient warriors.  They
> > only got bow and arrow.   How do you commit massacre with bow and
> > arrow?
> Ask Genghis Khan! How many were massacred? What qualifies it? The
> point is: we do not inflict retaliation upon the descendants of people
> who we feel 'wronged' us. We do not now go to Germany and gather up
> the innocent descendants of all who participated in the Jewish
> Holocaust in order to retaliate in like manner. Were you alive during
> the days of Pearl Harbor? No, and neither was i. What exactly *is* it
> that either you or i or even Obama are "getting away with"?

Nothing compare to using nuclear bombs. Those two nukes was the
Next nuke will be bigger and result in far more genocidal because
human being
has desire to make more powerful nuke bomb.

> Your ideas are purely destructive, leaning toward what can only be
> never-ending wars, widespread violence and intolerance. We have more
> powerful weapons now than Atomic Bombs. So does Russia, and India, and
> a significant number of other nations (and groups) around the world.
> At any moment, any of these nations including the US could have used
> their weapons, but haven't. What does that tell you? Responsible
> nations with nuclear warheads do *not* want to use them - but having
> them is a deterrent against their enemies using them. Once technology
> advances to this point, there is no turning back. Why do you think
> nuclear treaties are so important?

See you just defend the need for the using nuclear weapon. And thanks
to the
two bombs drop on Japan, the world is capable to understand how
dangerous it is.
Hey without using on japan, nobody would understand how horrible the
of nuke explosion on human population. Thanks to USA. They showed the
Your perfect excuse for USA using nuke weapons.

> Why do you think radical or enemy nations having nuclear power  is
> considered unacceptable?

They need nuke weapon because USA has its own and more powerful
And USA indeed shown to the world they have the capability to use
bomb on human population. Do you think the enemy of the USA would not
USA's capable to use nuclear bomb? Hiroshima and Nagasaki do prove
capability... And USA indeed has stockpiled the most powerful
nuclear bomb
in the world.

> It doesn't matter if it was arrows *then* or nuclear weapons *now* -
> it is only a measure of who has the greatest power to do the greatest
> harm. To me, it is a horrific and terrible thing to wish nuclear war
> on any nation's people, whether or not it seems to you or anyone else
> that it's 'deserved'.

You just proved that USA has the most powerful nuke weapon as they
want to show the world they want the greatest power and the most
powerful nation.
Their stockpiled nuked bombs proved that...

> > There is a clear difference between ancient  tradition warfare and
> > the  modern warfare in nuclear age.   No wonder why the 20th century
> > was the bloodiest
> > history. WWI and WWII   combined two wars caused the largest number
> > of  massacre in human history. You can't compare WWII with  Hun's type
> > ancient warfare.  You just don't get it. WHY???
> > Do you have to be so naive?  You don't understand the  impact of
> > using nuclear weapons did you?    Do you know  what Albert Einstein
> > said about using nuclear bomb and why he was adamantly against it?
> Then why aren't YOU?

See you can't achieve peace by using nuclear bomb. Einstein was
worrying about the human being consciousness has opened for using
nuclear bombs. USA indeed
shown to the world it was not mistake to use nuclear weapon. No matter
bad they consider Japan is as "typical White American propaganda",
using nuclear bomb on any human population has opened up the next
brutal way to commit
mass killing. That had what Einstein worrying about, not just about
peace. You
only concern about peace. Einstein was concerned about human
consciousness has opened to the idea of using nuclear bomb. I don't
think you are capable to
understand that...


Nov 19, 2010, 8:59:09 AM11/19/10

> > Once technology
> > advances to this point, there is no turning back. Why do you think
> > nuclear treaties are so important?
>  See you just defend the need for the using nuclear weapon. And thanks
> to the
> two bombs drop on Japan, the world is capable to understand how
> dangerous it is.
> Hey without using on japan, nobody would understand how horrible the
> outcome
> of  nuke explosion on human population. Thanks to USA. They showed the
> world.

Atomic or nuclear weapons did not have to be 'used' for people to know
the horror. I don't know about you, but i am not that stupid. A
description of the aftermath and ultimate damage can be found in any
library, based on scientific knowledge. In fact, my generation grew up
with this knowledge, and a natural fear of what a nuclear weapon could
do - both immediately and long-term.

> Your perfect excuse for  USA using nuke weapons.

Bulloney. I didn't defend the need for using nuclear weapons, nor was
i 'excusing' the use of nuclear weapons. Absolutely the opposite. What
i am saying, basically, is that they exist. Once something is brought
into existence, or made known, how are you going to make it un-exist
as if it never did? Also it is a power, and is like any other power on
any scale. People in the USA have the right to bear arms -
automatically that provides them with 'power', but that does *not*
mean that a person has the right to go shooting people for any reason
other than to defend themselves from harm.

In the case of nuclear weapons, either all nuclear weapons must be
abolished, or else there must be international treaties based on the
consensual agreement that nuclear weapons are never to be used except
to defend against such an attack. But abolishing nuclear weapons is,
as i was saying previously, not very practical if the goal is to
prevent a nuclear attack from ever happening. It is the large scale
equivalent of disarming the common citizenry, preventing them from
being able to defend themselves against violence. There will always be
a 'black market' for weaponry so that guns and other weapons end up in
the 'wrong hands'. And in the case of nuclear weaponry, there will
always be the 'knowledge' and those who would utilize that knowledge
outside the law or outside any treaty agreement - it's too late to
turn back the clock on 'knowledge' and advanced technology.

So that's not an answer; it's defining a conundrum.

But you or Jos or anyone else spouting off that a nation 'needs' or
'deserves' to be nuked in order to balance some crazy cosmic scale of
justice is irresponsible at *best*, and dangerous to everyone at

Words have power too, you know!!

Red Cloud

Nov 20, 2010, 12:58:19 AM11/20/10

I learn from you it's easy to defend for the nation stockpiled
largest amount of nuclear bombs in the world. Actually it's so
easy . All you need is playing
blaming game. Blame terrorist. Blame Iran. Blame other nations North
Korea and India. Blame other, except of course, your nation. I
mean oh my Jesus, Allah,
Buddha ---> Your nation is only nation ever used nuclear bomb against
human population!

Q: Why US is still stockpiled the largest number of nuclear bombs?
A: Terrorist, Iran, North Korea, etc. USA is all innocent!


Nov 20, 2010, 7:08:59 AM11/20/10

> Q:   Why US is still stockpiled the largest number of  nuclear bombs?
> A:    Terrorist, Iran, North Korea,  etc.    USA is all innocent!

Q & A
What do you think USA should do?
Divvy em up among the groups you listed???

We've had nuclear weapons for many years since WWll, and haven't
utilized them. Do you think the groups you listed would show the same
restraint? If the decision for them to have nuclear weapons was
entirely on your shoulders - it wouldn't be a minor decision, would
it? It could have very dire consequences for you and yours, couldn't
it? If a leader of any one of those groups followed your own ideology
of 'future justice' - your existence could be over very quickly - am i
right? Your relative 'innocence' would be of no concern, as you would
simply be in the 'wrong place' at the 'wrong time'. To me, the stance
you and Jos are taking looks like a form of insanity because of the
ultimate consequences. Your stance is suicidal in part, and his is
fully homicidal.

Personally i would not admire those traits in a true leader.

Red Cloud

Nov 21, 2010, 2:05:22 AM11/21/10
On Nov 20, 4:08 am, oldwifetale <> wrote:
> > Q:   Why US is still stockpiled the largest number of  nuclear bombs?
> > A:    Terrorist, Iran, North Korea,  etc.    USA is all innocent!
> Q & A
> What do you think USA should do?

Hahahaha.... Are you ask me you idiot?

> Divvy em up among the groups you listed???
> We've had nuclear weapons for many years since WWll, and haven't
> utilized them. Do you think the groups you listed would show the same

Utilized what? Pwhahha...... You expect USA to use nuclear bomb on
population? Pwhahaha...You insane American-born idiot.

Are you playing whitetrash role model? I guess that's your culture.

> restraint? If the decision for them to have nuclear weapons was
> entirely on your shoulders - it wouldn't be a minor decision, would

Show me the fact when did American enemy ( Islamic terrorist ) ever
used nuclear bomb? pwahhh...sound like you are not afraid of using
nuclear bomb. Hey today nuclear bombs are thousand time more
powerful than two bomb drop on Japan.

> it? It could have very dire consequences for you and yours, couldn't
> it? If a leader of any one of those groups followed your own ideology
> of 'future justice' - your existence could be over very quickly - am i
> right? Your relative 'innocence' would be of no concern, as you would

Wow... You sound like a FBI agent or spy?

> simply be in the 'wrong place' at the 'wrong time'. To me, the stance
> you and Jos are taking looks like a form of insanity because of the
> ultimate consequences. Your stance is suicidal in part, and his is
> fully homicidal.
> Personally i would not admire those traits in a true leader.

What you've proved yourself is you are whitetrash crazy insane.


Nov 21, 2010, 6:58:42 AM11/21/10

> What you've  proved yourself is  you are whitetrash crazy insane.

Yep, i guess that's our world nowadays - you and Jos saying a nation
needs nuked, and you're 'normal'. Me saying all the reasons it would
be wrong, and i'm 'crazy'.

My sister says that empathy in the world is going away. See a dying
man on the street, and twitter it. Get your ipod, take a picture. Be
the first to get it on youtube.

You're so 'connected'.
(You're so disconnected.)


Nov 21, 2010, 7:44:26 AM11/21/10
On Nov 21, 1:05 am, Red Cloud <> wrote:
> On Nov 20, 4:08 am, oldwifetale <> wrote:
> > > Q:   Why US is still stockpiled the largest number of  nuclear bombs?
> > > A:    Terrorist, Iran, North Korea,  etc.    USA is all innocent!
> > Q & A
> > What do you think USA should do?
> Hahahaha.... Are you ask me you idiot?

I know; of all people.

> > Divvy em up among the groups you listed???
> > We've had nuclear weapons for many years since WWll, and haven't
> > utilized them. Do you think the groups you listed would show the same
> Utilized what?  Pwhahha...... You expect USA to use nuclear bomb on
> human
> population?   Pwhahaha...You insane American-born idiot.
> Are you playing whitetrash role model? I guess that's your culture.

I'm failing to see your rationale. Q&A: Did i say i expected USA to
use it? No, i did not.

> > restraint? If the decision for them to have nuclear weapons was
> > entirely on your shoulders - it wouldn't be a minor decision, would
> Show me  the fact when did American enemy ( Islamic terrorist ) ever
> used nuclear bomb?   pwahhh...sound like you are not afraid of using
> nuclear bomb. Hey  today nuclear  bombs are thousand time more
> powerful than two bomb drop on Japan.

That's right. So who's the idiot *now*, dumbass? Are you saying you
don't think terrorists would use them if they could? Is it because...
terrorists are so kind and compassionate?

> > it? It could have very dire consequences for you and yours, couldn't
> > it? If a leader of any one of those groups followed your own ideology
> > of 'future justice' - your existence could be over very quickly - am i
> > right? Your relative 'innocence' would be of no concern, as you would
> Wow...   You sound like a FBI agent or spy?

Sometimes i almost wish i was - it would serve you right. But i
suppose you just slipped that in there because you *think* it's
pushing my buttons: Moniacal-style. Not anymore. There's no further
damage that can be done with that, so frankly, my dear, i don't give a
shit. I'll say what i want, and stay true to my own moral compass.
Sorry to disappoint.


Nov 21, 2010, 12:17:26 PM11/21/10
"Red Cloud" <> racially slurred:

>Are you playing whitetrash role model? I guess that's your culture.
>What you've proved yourself is you are whitetrash crazy insane.

What you've proved yourself to be is inherently racist. A pattern has
formed; your ancestors weren't indigenous to this continent - they've
spawned xenophobic bigots who falsely claim it while hiding like cowards
behind racism. Apparently, this is a refuge of the incompetent; being so
blinded by their own prejudice against 'whites' that they cannot see that it
isn't being returned in kind here.

Red Cloud

Nov 21, 2010, 2:14:07 PM11/21/10
On Nov 21, 9:17 am, sâr`châsm <sâr`châ> wrote:
> "Red Cloud" <> racially slurred:

Hey stupid American-born idiot.. You can't understand the
between mother nature and human being.. Why don't you go to
Northern land
where my mongol-Siberian ancestor survived and sustain life and try
yourself if
you can survive in that cold harsh environment? You won't last 2
They survived they became Eskimo. They became Inuit. They became Sami.
No other race tried that. Probably Viking tried that it was too cold
for them and
so they made U-turn to Europe. If Viking did survived they
probably became indigenous or even Indian. Too bad they could not
stand cold and harsh environment. Same story in Scandinavia and
Russia where White people could not survived in Northern territory
so Mongol-Siberian basically inhabited the area where they became the
indigenous. And they made the migration to less
cold south where they became Siberian Indians.

Imagine White Indian! It's not impossible! This is not about race or
any ethnicity.
The mother earth is able to bleed White race into Indian or native
only if they
harmonized with mother earth.


Nov 21, 2010, 4:52:50 PM11/21/10
"Red Cloud" <> babbled:
> "sār`chāsm" wrote:
>>"Red Cloud" racially slurred:

>Are you playing whitetrash role model? I guess that's your culture.
>What you've proved yourself is you are whitetrash crazy insane.
> What you've proved yourself to be is inherently racist. A pattern has
> formed; your ancestors weren't indigenous to this continent - they've
> spawned xenophobic bigots who falsely claim it while hiding like cowards
> behind racism. Apparently, this is a refuge of the incompetent; being so
> blinded by their own prejudice against 'whites' that they cannot see that
> it isn't being returned in kind here.
>Hey stupid American-born idiot..

Hey, illiterate racist ...

>White people could not survived in Northern territory

What nonsense. Scandinavians are "white people" and they survive well in
"northern" territories such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Poland and
Finland, you racist idiot.

>so Mongol-Siberian basically inhabited the area where they
>became the indigenous.

If they can 'become' indigenous by inhabiting / colonizing an area they
migrated to, so can others - like lighter-skinned peoples. It either works
both ways or, is an invalid premise.

>And they made the migration to less cold south where they
>became Siberian Indians.

So, they're not indigenous to Siberia either; thus invalidating such claims
of being so.

>Imagine White Indian! It's not impossible! This is not about race
>or any ethnicity.

You're the one of the bigoted ones making anti-white racist slurs, so it is
about "race" for the ones doing so. Additionally, there were "white" tribes
of lighter-skinned peoples throughout history, (the Germanic tribes, Picts,
etc.). This is supported fact which completely negates your prejudiced
beliefs, you fucking illiterate idiot.


Nov 23, 2010, 8:47:12 PM11/23/10
On Nov 21, 6:44 am, oldwifetale <> wrote:
> On Nov 21, 1:05 am, Red Cloud <> wrote:
> > On Nov 20, 4:08 am, oldwifetale <> wrote:
> > > > Q:   Why US is still stockpiled the largest number of  nuclear bombs?
> > > > A:    Terrorist, Iran, North Korea,  etc.    USA is all innocent!


> > > We've had nuclear weapons for many years since WWll, and haven't
> > > utilized them. Do you think the groups you listed would show the same
> > Utilized what?  Pwhahha...... You expect USA to use nuclear bomb on
> > human
> > population?   Pwhahaha...You insane American-born idiot.
> > Are you playing whitetrash role model? I guess that's your culture.
> I'm failing to see your rationale. Q&A: Did i say i expected USA to
> use it? No, i did not.
> > > restraint? If the decision for them to have nuclear weapons was
> > > entirely on your shoulders - it wouldn't be a minor decision, would
> > Show me  the fact when did American enemy ( Islamic terrorist ) ever
> > used nuclear bomb?   pwahhh...sound like you are not afraid of using
> > nuclear bomb. Hey  today nuclear  bombs are thousand time more
> > powerful than two bomb drop on Japan.
> That's right. So who's the idiot *now*, dumbass? Are you saying you
> don't think terrorists would use them if they could? Is it because...
> terrorists are so kind and compassionate?

We have this discussion, and next thing ya know...

So what were you saying?
We must have been disconnected.

Dis, the prefix.
Dis, Lord of the Underworld
Disney World, some place in Florida
Disney Land, some place in California
Southeast, Southwest - Northeast, Northwest
Diagonal cross:
If world EV3NTs don't make your head spin
i don't know what would.
And i don't want to talk about nukes anymore!


Alice Hoffman, an old favorite.
I've been reading her books again:
The Third Angel
The Ice Queen

Her stories are both mundane and mythological.
Light and dark and dusk and twilight.

Nobody's gonna 'act' on crazy talk.
Nobody's gonna give it credence.
Nobody in their right mind.

Based on that alone, you should rethink Usenet, and how it's been


Dec 3, 2010, 9:18:54 AM12/3/10

> ******************************************************
> So what were you saying?
> We must have been disconnected.
> Dis, the prefix.
> Dis, Lord of the Underworld
> Disney World, some place in Florida
> Disney Land, some place in California
> Southeast, Southwest - Northeast, Northwest

It was just a 'feeling'.

0 new messages