or something like that...this song is stuck in my head but i do not know
what is the title and i want the lyrics badly. i also know that this song is
like a name game and a women sings this song. thanks in advance..
The name game
Shirley Shirley Bo Birley
Bonana Fanna Fo Firley
Fe Fi Mo Mirley
Lincoln Lincoln Bo Bincoln
Bonana Fanna Fo Fincoln
Fe Fi Mo Mincoln
Come on everybody
I say now let's play a game
I betcha I could make a rhyme
Out of anybody's name
The first letter of the name
I treat it like it wasn't there
But a B or an F
Or an M will appear
And then I say Bo, add a B
Then I say the name
Then Bonana Fanna and a Fo
Then I say the name again with an F very plain
Then a Fe Fi and a Mo
Then I say the name again with an M this time
And there isn't any name that I can't rhyme
Arnold Arnold Bo Barnold
Bonana Fanna Fo Farnold
Fe Fi Mo Marnold
But if the first two letters are ever the same,
Drop them both then say the name
Like Bob Bob drop the B's Bo Ob
Or Fred Fred drop the F's Fo Red
Or Mary Mary drop the M's Mo Ary
That's the only rule that is contrary
Now say Bo (Bo!)
Now Tony with a B (Bony!)
Then Bonana Fanna and Fo (Bonana Fanna Fo!)
Then you say the name again with an F very plain (Fony!)
Then a Fe Fi and a Mo (Fe Fi Mo)
Then you say the name again with an M this time (Mony!)
And there isn't any name that you can't rhyme
Everybody do Tony
Tony Tony Bo Bony
Bonana Fanna Fo Fony
Fe Fi Mo Mony
Pretty good. Let's do Billy
Billy Billy Bo Illy
Bonana Fanna Fo Filly
Fe Fi Mo Milly
Very good. Let's do Marsha
Marsha Marsha Bo Barsha
Bonana Fanna Fo Farsha
Fe Fi Mo Arsha
A little trick with Nick
Nick Nick Bo Bick
Bonana Fanna Fo Fick
Fe Fi Mo Mick
The name game!
In article <83dfou$qc3$1...@coco.singnet.com.sg>,
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Before you buy.
Here's a javascript version to keep everyone amused!!
(Lincoln Chase, Shirley Ellis)
Album: The Very Best Of Shirley Ellis 1964
The name game
Come on everybody
I say now let´s play a game
I betcha´ I could make a rhyme
Out of anybody´s name
The first letter of the name
I treat it like it wasn´t there
But a B or an F or an M will appear
And then I say Bo add a B
Then I say the name and Banana-Fanna
An a Fo
And then I say the name again with an F
Very plain
And a Fe-Fi and a Mo
And then I say the name again with an M
This time
And there isn´t any name that I can´t rhyme
Arnold-Arnold-Bo-Barnold-Bonana-Fanna-Fo Farnold
Fe-Fi-Mo Marnold
But if the first two letters are ever the same
I drop them both and say the name like:
Bob-Bob drop the B´s Bo-Ob-Ob
Fred-Fred drop the F´s for red
Or Mary-Mary drop the M´s Mo-ary
That´s the only rule that is contrary
Now say Bo! (Bo!)
Now Tony with a B (Bony!)
Then Bonona-Fanna andFo (Bonana-Fanna-Fo)
Then you say the name again
With an F very plain (Fony)
Then a Fe-Fi and a Mo (Fe-Fi and a Mo)
Then you say the name again
With an M this time (Mony)
And there isn´t any name that you can´t rhyme
Everybody do Tony!
Pretty good, let´s do Billy!
Very good, now let´s do Marsha!
Alittle trick with Nic!
(The name game)
(Instrumental to end)
from alt.music.lyrics archives at deja.com
**********FROM ARCHIVES*************
From: child...@aol.com (Childuf60s)
Subject: Re: Name Game
Date: 04 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
Name Game
Shirley Ellis
The name game: Shirley!
Shirley, Shirley, bobirley, banana, fana, fofirly, fee fi momirly,
Lincoln, Lincoln, bobincoln, banana, fana, fofincoln, fee fi momincoln,
Come on everybody,
I say now let's play a game.
I betcha I can make a rhyme
out of anybody's name.
The first letter of the name
you treat it like it wasn't there.
But a "B" or an "F"
or and"M" will appear.
Then I say "Bo",
add a "b" then I say the name,
Then "Banana fana" and a "Fo",
and then I say the name again
with an "F" very plain,
Then a "Fee, fi" and a "Mo"
and then I say the name again
with an "M" this time,
And there isn't any name that I can't rhyme.
Arnold, Arnold, bobarnold, banana, fana, fofarnold, fee fi momarnold,
But if the first two letters are ever the same,
then drop them both then say the name
Like a Bob,
Bob, drop the "B's" Bo-ob.
Fred, drop the "F's", Fo-red.
Or Mary,
Mary, drop the "M's" Mo-ary.
That's the only rule that is contrary.
Bo, now Tony with a B,
now banana fana and a fo.
And now you say the name again with an "F" very plain.
then a fee, fi and mo,
And then you say the name again
with an M this time.
And there isn't any name
that you can't rhyme.
Tony, Tony, bobony, banana fana fofony, fee fi momony, Tony.
Let's do Billy!
Billy, Billy, bo-illy, banana fana fofilly, fee fi momilly,Billy.
Let's do Marsha!
Marsha, Marsha, bobarsha, bnana fana fofarsha, fee fi mo-arsha, Marsha.
Little trick with Nick!
Nick, Nick, bobick, banana fana fofick, fee fi momick, Nick.
The name game!
*********END ARCHIVES**********
Apt. 228B
we were singing this once in the car my nephew said to us
"I'm NOT singing CHUCK"
"Hid in the reeds are eyes that peek,
voices I don't understand.
Flamingos fly endlessly,
To the silent sky"
> "tony tony fo feni banana fana fo ferno fi fi mo tony"
> or something like that...this song is stuck in my head but i do not know
> what is the title and i want the lyrics badly. i also know that this song is
> like a name game and a women sings this song. thanks in advance..
The song is called "The Name Game."
It takes any name, and expands on it thusly:
Billy, Biilly,
banana fo filly,
Fee fi fo milly,
Charlie, Charlie,
Banana fo farly,
Fe fi fo marly,
There are lyrics for the intro and bridge.
Idon't know that artist or the date.
NOTE: "From" address is deliberately wrong.
My correct e-mail address is:
desalvio["AT" SYMBOL]monitor.net