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Menu to run commands

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Oct 12, 2016, 2:21:46 AM10/12/16
I would like a bat menu to run commands.

I would like a list of descriptions:commands
(It doesn't have to be exactly like the above)

My list looks like this:
ShowInfo:VBoxManage showvminfo %vmname%
Create a Snapshot:VBoxManage snapshot %vmname% take
StartClient:VBoxManage startvm %vmname%
In case you need to revert back to the snapshot:VBoxManage snapshot %vmname% restore
Delete the snapshot because it uses disk space:VBoxManage snapshot %vmname% delete

I would like a menu so the user can choose a numbered item with descriptions.

1. ShowInfo
2. Create a Snapshot
3. StartClient
4. In case you need to revert back to the snapshot
5. Delete the snapshot because it uses disk space

When a number is selected the command associated with it would be run.

At the moment my bat file looks like this:

:: Start of bat file
cd "\Programs\Virtualbox"
set uuid=78e3d240-ab46-48bf-b9ef-67197c09e1b5
set vmname=Win7
ShowInfo:VBoxManage showvminfo %vmname%
Create a Snapshot:VBoxManage snapshot %vmname% take
StartClient:VBoxManage startvm %vmname%
In case you need to revert back to the snapshot:VBoxManage snapshot %vmname% restore
Delete the snapshot because it uses disk space:VBoxManage snapshot %vmname% delete
:: End of bat file

Thank you,


Oct 12, 2016, 6:13:13 AM10/12/16
On 12/10/2016 17:21, Docfxit wrote:
> I would like a bat menu to run commands.

This is an encoded BASE64 script to preserve the long lines of description
by the Author Aacini.

His menu uses an ingenious method to give a very nice input routine in a
GUI format that uses up/down arrow keys to select the menu options.

I've re-phrased a few of your menu choices to reduce the line length.
Have a look see anyway. This batch script merely creates the menu batch

@echo off
if not exist "Menu with scrolling selection.bat" (
echo creating "Menu with scrolling selection.bat"
echo byBvZmYNCnNldGxvY2FsIEVuYWJsZURlbGF5ZWRFeHBhbnNpb24NCg0KcmVtIE11
echo bHRpLWxpbmUgbWVudSB3aXRoIG9wdGlvbnMgc2VsZWN0aW9uIHZpYSBET1NLRVkN
echo CnJlbSBBbnRvbmlvIFBlcmV6IEF5YWxhDQoNCg0KcmVtIFRoZSBjcmVhdGlvbiBv
echo ZiBhIG11bHRpLWxpbmUgbWVudSB0aGF0IGFsbG93cyB0byBzZWxlY3Qgb3B0aW9u
echo cyB2aWEgYXJyb3cga2V5cyBoYXMgYmVlbiBhbiBvbGQgcmVxdWVzdCBpbiBCYXRj
echo aCBmaWxlcy4gVGhpcyB0eXBlIG9mIHNlbGVjdGlvbiBtZW51IG1heSBiZSBkZXZl
echo bG9wZWQgd2l0aCB0aGUgYWlkIG9mIGF1eGlsaWFyeSBwcm9ncmFtcywgbGlrZSBH
echo ZXRLZXkgdG8gZ2V0IHRoZSBzZWxlY3Rpb24ga2V5cyBhbmQgYSBjb21iaW5hdGlv
echo biBvZiBDdXJzb3JQb3MvQ29sb3JTaG93IHRvIGRlc2VsZWN0IHRoZSBjdXJyZW50
echo IG9wdGlvbiBhbmQgaGlnaGxpZ2h0IHRoZSBuZXcgb25lOyBob3dldmVyLCBzdWNo
echo IGEgcHJvZ3JhbSBpcyBzb21ld2hhdCBjb21wbGV4Lg0KcmVtIA0KcmVtIEkgZGV2
echo aXNlZCBhIHNpbXBsZXIgbWV0aG9kIHRvIGFjaGlldmUgc3VjaCBzZWxlY3Rpb24g
echo bWVudSB1c2luZyBET1NLRVkgcHJvZ3JhbS4gVGhpcyBET1MgY29tbWFuZCBzdG9y
echo ZSB0aGUgbGluZXMgZXhlY3V0ZWQgaW4gdGhlIGNvbW1hbmQtbGluZSAobGlrZSBp
echo bnB1dHMgdG8gU0VUIC9QIGNvbW1hbmQpIGFuZCBzdG9yZSB0aGV5IGluIGEgaGlz
echo dG9yeSB0aGF0IG1heSBiZSBkaXNwbGF5ZWQgaW4gdGhlIGZvcm0gb2YgYSBzZWxl
echo Y3Rpb24gbWVudSB3aGVuIEY3IGtleSBpcyBwcmVzc2VkLiBUaGlzIHdheSwgdGhl
echo IG1ldGhvZCBjb25zaXN0IGluOg0KcmVtIA0KcmVtICAgICBDbGVhciBwcmV2aW91
echo UCBjb21tYW5kcyB0aGF0IHJlYWQgdGhlIG1lbnUgb3B0aW9ucywgc28gdGhlIERP
echo IC9QICJPUFRJT049UHJvbXB0OiAiOyB0aGUgaW5wdXQgdG8gdGhpcyBjb21tYW5k
echo IHdpbGwgYmUgY29tcGxldGVkIHZpYSB0aGUgc2VsZWN0aW9uIG1lbnUgb2YgRE9T
echo S0VZLg0KcmVtDQpyZW0gVGhlcmUgaXMgYSBzdHJhbmdlIHBvaW50IGFib3V0IHRo
echo dGhlIGhpc3Rvcnkgb25seSB3aGVuIGl0IGlzIGV4ZWN1dGVkIHRoZSBmaXJzdCB0
echo aW1lLiBJZiBwcmV2aW91cyBwcm9ncmFtIGlzIGV4ZWN1dGVkIGEgc2Vjb25kIHRp
echo bWUgaW4gdGhlIHNhbWUgY21kLmV4ZSBzZXNzaW9uLCB0aGUgRE9TS0VZIGhpc3Rv
echo cnkgaXMgbm90IGNsZWFyZWQsIHNvIG1lbnUgb3B0aW9ucyBhcmUgd3JvbmcuIEkg
echo cmVhZCBET1NLRVkgZG9jdW1lbnRhdGlvbiBpbiBNaWNyb3NvZnQgYW5kIFNTNjQg
echo c2l0ZXMgYW5kIGRpZG4ndCBmb3VuZCBhbnkgcmVmZXJlbmNlIGFib3V0IHRoaXMg
echo cHJvYmxlbS4gSSB0ZXN0ZWQgdGhpcyBwcm9ncmFtIGluIFdpbmRvd3MgOCwgc28g
echo SSBkb24ndCBrbm93IGlmIHRoaXMgcHJvYmxlbSBhbHNvIGFwcGVhciBpbiBvdGhl
echo ciB2ZXJzaW9ucy4uLg0KcmVtIA0KcmVtIEFudG9uaW8NCg0KDQoNCnJlbSBEZWZp
echo bmUgdGhlIG9wdGlvbnMNCnNldCBudW1PcHRzPTANCmZvciAlJWEgaW4gKA0KDQoi
echo U2hvd0luZm8iDQoiQ3JlYXRlIGEgU25hcHNob3QiDQoiU3RhcnRDbGllbnQiDQoi
echo VG8gcmV2ZXJ0IGJhY2sgdG8gdGhlIHNuYXBzaG90Ig0KIkRlbGV0ZSBhbiBvdmVy
echo bHkgbGFyZ2Ugc25hcHNob3QiDQoNCikgZG8gKA0KICAgc2V0IC9BIG51bU9wdHMr
echo bnVtT3B0cys9MQ0Kc2V0ICJvcHRpb25bIW51bU9wdHMhXT1leGl0Ig0KDQpyZW0g
echo Q2xlYXIgcHJldmlvdXMgZG9za2V5IGhpc3RvcnkNCmRvc2tleSAvUkVJTlNUQUxM
echo DQpyZW0gRmlsbCBkb3NrZXkgaGlzdG9yeSB3aXRoIG1lbnUgb3B0aW9ucw0KY3Nj
echo cmlwdCAvL25vbG9nbyAvRTpKU2NyaXB0ICIlfkYwIiBFbnRlck9wdHMNCmZvciAv
echo TCAlJWkgaW4gKDEsMSwlbnVtT3B0cyUpIGRvIHNldCAvUCAidmFyPSINCg0KOm5l
echo bGVjdGlvbiBtZW51DQpjc2NyaXB0IC8vbm9sb2dvIC9FOkpTY3JpcHQgIiV+RjAi
echo DQpzZXQgL1AgInZhcj1TZWxlY3QgdGhlIGRlc2lyZWQgb3B0aW9uOiAiDQplY2hv
echo Lw0KaWYgIiV2YXIlIiBlcXUgImV4aXQiIGdvdG8gOkVPRg0KZWNobyBPcHRpb24g
echo LlNoZWxsIiksDQogICAgZW52VmFyID0gd3NoU2hlbGwuRW52aXJvbm1lbnQoIlBy
echo b2Nlc3MiKSwNCiAgICBudW1PcHRzID0gcGFyc2VJbnQoZW52VmFyKCJudW1PcHRz
echo IikpOw0KDQppZiAoIFdTY3JpcHQuQXJndW1lbnRzLkxlbmd0aCApIHsNCiAgIC8v
echo IEVudGVyIG1lbnUgb3B0aW9ucw0KICAgZm9yICggdmFyIGk9MTsgaSA8PSBudW1P
echo cHRzOyBpKysgKSB7DQogICAgICB3c2hTaGVsbC5TZW5kS2V5cyhlbnZWYXIoIm9w
echo dGlvblsiK2krIl0iKSsie0VOVEVSfSIpOw0KICAgfQ0KfSBlbHNlIHsNCiAgIC8v
echo IEVudGVyIGEgRjcgdG8gb3BlbiB0aGUgbWVudQ0KICAgd3NoU2hlbGwuU2VuZEtl
echo eXMoIntGN30iKTsNCn0NCg==
certutil /decode /f "decode.tmp" "Menu with scrolling selection.bat" >nul
del "decode.tmp"


Oct 12, 2016, 12:56:09 PM10/12/16
This is a really nice menu. I'm impressed. :-)

Where do I put the commands to run when a menu item is selected?

Thank you,


Oct 12, 2016, 8:46:39 PM10/12/16
On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 3:13:13 AM UTC-7, foxidrive wrote:
> On 12/10/2016 17:21, Docfxit wrote:
> > I would like a bat menu to run commands.
> This is an encoded BASE64 script to preserve the long lines of description
> by the Author Aacini.
> His menu uses an ingenious method to give a very nice input routine in a
> GUI format that uses up/down arrow keys to select the menu options.
> I've re-phrased a few of your menu choices to reduce the line length.
> Have a look see anyway. This batch script merely creates the menu batch
> script.

I can imagine how it might work, but it won't work for me (Win 7 Pro 64).
I only see the line in all caps and then the line that says enter your
choice, but the choices don't show up.

Simpler is better.

1 - - - ShowInfo
2 - - - Create a Snapshot
3 - - - StartClient
4 - - - To revert back to the snapshot
5 - - - Delete an overly large snapshot
Your choice? 5
You selected Delete an overly large snapshot.

>listfile \cmd\demo\menu3247.cmd
==========begin \cmd\demo\menu3247.cmd ==========
0001. @echo off
0002. set/a n=1
0003. for %%e in (
0004. "ShowInfo"
0005. "Create a Snapshot"
0006. "StartClient"
0007. "To revert back to the snapshot"
0008. "Delete an overly large snapshot"
0009. ) do call :CHOICE %%e
0010. :ASK
0011. set "pick="
0012. set /p pick="Your choice? "
0013. if not defined pick goto :EOF
0014. if not defined choice.%pick% (
0015. echo/Invalid choice.
0016. goto :ASK
0017. )
0018. echo/You selected !choice.%pick%!.
0019. goto :EOF
0020. :CHOICE
0021. set choice.%n%=%~1
0022. echo/%n% - - - %~1
0023. set/a n+=1
0024. goto :EOF
==========end \cmd\demo\menu3247.cmd ==========

Phil Robyn


Oct 13, 2016, 12:10:23 AM10/13/16
On 13/10/2016 11:46, wrote:
>> This is an encoded BASE64 script to preserve the long lines of description
>> by the Author Aacini.
>> His menu uses an ingenious method to give a very nice input routine in a
>> GUI format that uses up/down arrow keys to select the menu options.
> I can imagine how it might work, but it won't work for me (Win 7 Pro 64).
> I only see the line in all caps and then the line that says enter your
> choice, but the choices don't show up.

Hi Phil,

Could it be that DOSKEY.EXE or is missing from your path for some reason?
Or CSCRIPT.EXE is disabled?

Docfxit Wrote

> This is a really nice menu. I'm impressed.
> Where do I put the commands to run when a menu item is selected?

There are various ways to implement your choices and I can't advise you on
that as your task isn't clear.

You add your code before the "@end" line and below the "goto nextOpt"
command. The code below in paragraphs 1 and 3 is inside the existing script.

You can list a single command after the "if" compares below and I think
you'll be able to work out what you need to do from that - but I've shown a
method using subroutines below.


if "%var%" equ "exit" goto :EOF
echo Option selected: "%var%"

if "%var%" equ "ShowInfo" your command here or call :routine1
if "%var%" equ "Create a Snapshot" as above
if "%var%" equ "StartClient" as above
if "%var%" equ "To revert back to the snapshot" as above
if "%var%" equ "Delete an overly large snapshot" as above

goto nextOpt

blah blah
goto :EOF

blah blah
goto :EOF

blah blah
goto :EOF

blah blah
goto :EOF

blah blah
goto :EOF


Oct 13, 2016, 3:11:25 AM10/13/16
On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 9:10:23 PM UTC-7, foxidrive wrote:
> On 13/10/2016 11:46, wrote:
> >>
> >> This is an encoded BASE64 script to preserve the long lines of description
> >> by the Author Aacini.
> >>
> >> His menu uses an ingenious method to give a very nice input routine in a
> >> GUI format that uses up/down arrow keys to select the menu options.
> >
> > I can imagine how it might work, but it won't work for me (Win 7 Pro 64).
> > I only see the line in all caps and then the line that says enter your
> > choice, but the choices don't show up.
> Hi Phil,
> Could it be that DOSKEY.EXE or is missing from your path for some reason?
> Or CSCRIPT.EXE is disabled?

I will start over tomorrow. Maybe I made a typo or something.

I do the same thing with Wylbur to change the font for vDOS. Build the
executable on the fly, based on the list of .ttf fonts installed, then
put the list on the screen, line with the current font highlighted in
a different color, up- or down-arrow to select (the highlighting moves
up or down), then F3 to change the font to whatever is highlighted.
I would even post the code but the lines are too long and a few of them
would wrap.


Oct 13, 2016, 12:18:49 PM10/13/16
It's working really great. Very nice menu.

There is only one thing I don't understand.
This equation:
if "%var%" equ "ShowInfo " call :routine1
won't test as true unless there is a space after ShowInfo
There is no space when the menu gets created:
for %%a in (

"Create a Snapshot"
"To revert back to the snapshot"
"Delete an overly large snapshot"

) do (
set /A numOpts+=1
set "option[!numOpts!]=%%~a "
set /A numOpts+=1
set "option[!numOpts!]=exit"

Thank you very much,


Oct 13, 2016, 8:22:12 PM10/13/16
On 14/10/2016 03:18, Docfxit wrote:
> It's working really great. Very nice menu.
> There is only one thing I don't understand.
> This equation:
> if "%var%" equ "ShowInfo " call :routine1
> won't test as true unless there is a space after ShowInfo
> There is no space when the menu gets created:

> set "option[!numOpts!]=%%~a "

It's useful that you posted that line, coz the space is after the %%a and I
introduced it by accident when editing.

Take it out and it should solve that.

Nate S

Oct 14, 2016, 5:24:44 AM10/14/16
This is a cool batch file.

How could I make the default option on first run 0 instead of exit?

Oct 14, 2016, 3:17:12 PM10/14/16
On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 9:10:23 PM UTC-7, foxidrive wrote:
> On 13/10/2016 11:46, wrote:
> >>
> >> This is an encoded BASE64 script to preserve the long lines of description
> >> by the Author Aacini.
> >>
> >> His menu uses an ingenious method to give a very nice input routine in a
> >> GUI format that uses up/down arrow keys to select the menu options.
> >
> > I can imagine how it might work, but it won't work for me (Win 7 Pro 64).
> > I only see the line in all caps and then the line that says enter your
> > choice, but the choices don't show up.
> Hi Phil,
> Could it be that DOSKEY.EXE or is missing from your path for some reason?
> Or CSCRIPT.EXE is disabled?

OK, I started over from the beginning. I repasted my original copy of your
file to create 'Menu with scrolling selection.bat' and saved it as file
xMakeBat.cmd in a directory named \Sandbox. I executed xMakeBat and the
file 'Menu with scrolling selection.bat' was created.

DOSKEY.EXE is in the path.
CSCRIPT.EXE is in the path. (I assume it is not disabled. How does one
disable it?)

When I run 'Menu ... .bat', all I see are these lines:


Select the desired option:

If I enter something, then it says,

Option selected: "(whatever I entered)"

and the only way out is CTRL-C. But at no time are any options ever

Chalk it up to some obscure difference between Win7Pro64 and later versions?

Phil R.


Oct 15, 2016, 4:15:50 AM10/15/16
On 15/10/2016 06:17, wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 9:10:23 PM UTC-7, foxidrive wrote:
>> On 13/10/2016 11:46, wrote:
>>>> This is an encoded BASE64 script to preserve the long lines of description
>>>> by the Author Aacini.
>> Hi Phil,
>> Could it be that DOSKEY.EXE or is missing from your path for some reason?
>> Or CSCRIPT.EXE is disabled?
> OK, I started over from the beginning. I repasted my original copy of your
> file to create 'Menu with scrolling selection.bat' and saved it as file
> xMakeBat.cmd in a directory named \Sandbox. I executed xMakeBat and the
> file 'Menu with scrolling selection.bat' was created.
> DOSKEY.EXE is in the path.
> CSCRIPT.EXE is in the path. (I assume it is not disabled. How does one
> disable it?)
> When I run 'Menu ... .bat', all I see are these lines:
> Select the desired option:
> If I enter something, then it says,
> Option selected: "(whatever I entered)"

What you should see is a white 'popup' sort of box with purple menu choices
over the cmd window and a highlighted bar that goes up and down using the
arrow keys.

You've done the right things but open a cmd prompt and type

cscript /?
doskey /?

It's not likely to be a compatibility issue.

Kerr Mudd-John

Oct 15, 2016, 10:12:47 AM10/15/16
On Sat, 15 Oct 2016 09:15:47 +0100, foxidrive <foxi...@server.invalid>
I get the same (lack of popup) W XP3. cscript 5.7 doskey (came with XP)

Hmmm worked on closing the cmd prompt & rerunning!

Bah, and indeed, Humbug


Oct 15, 2016, 11:21:37 AM10/15/16
On 16/10/2016 01:12, Kerr Mudd-John wrote:

>> You've done the right things but open a cmd prompt and type
>> cscript /?
>> doskey /?
>> It's not likely to be a compatibility issue.
> I get the same (lack of popup) W XP3. cscript 5.7 doskey (came with XP)
> Hmmm worked on closing the cmd prompt & rerunning!

Does it do the same thing if you reboot and try the script again??


Oct 15, 2016, 11:25:44 AM10/15/16
On 14/10/2016 20:24, Nate S wrote:
>>> It's working really great. Very nice menu.
> This is a cool batch file.
> How could I make the default option on first run 0 instead of exit?

In the menu choices place the "Exit" option as the last one in the list.

They are ordered as they are placed in the batch file.

I'm in the process of improving the layout and documented text in the script.
Aacini is the author of the script and he lives on as well
as other batch forums.

Oct 15, 2016, 3:44:35 PM10/15/16
Yes, I understood that I should see what one sees when one presses <F7> in a
console session window; ordinarily, the console command stack would be shown,
but this program replaces the console command stack with the menu options.
I get all that. But that doesn't happen when I run the program on my machine.

cscript /? and doskey /? produce all the expected information.

Phil R.


Oct 15, 2016, 7:12:17 PM10/15/16
On 16/10/2016 06:44, wrote:
> Yes, I understood that I should see what one sees when one presses <F7> in a
> console session window; ordinarily, the console command stack would be shown,
> but this program replaces the console command stack with the menu options.
> I get all that. But that doesn't happen when I run the program on my machine.
> cscript /? and doskey /? produce all the expected information.
> --
> Phil R.

You're a clever bloke Phil and I know your name from many many years ago
and your high level of capability in batch scripting.

So how come it doesn't work?

My first guess is that cscript may be locked down in your group policy or
another security restriction. It works here in Win7 just fine.

Are you able to run another cscript batch file to see how that works?

Oct 15, 2016, 8:09:58 PM10/15/16
I think maybe it's because the cscript ENGINE is JSCRIPT in this case. I bet
I did disable that at some point. A long time ago. I'm not on any office
network or subject to any group policy, it's just me and Comcast. I'll look
around for some cscript test files....

Phil R.

Kerr Mudd-John

Oct 16, 2016, 6:13:33 AM10/16/16
On Sat, 15 Oct 2016 16:21:35 +0100, foxidrive <foxi...@server.invalid>
Sorry, I mostly just Hibernate.

Perhaps it's something nasty I've been running in my cmd box. (e.g. my own
us->uk key swapper)
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