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Re: Profanation of the Sacred Mysteries

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Miguel Alberto

11. 11. 2009. 19:33:0711.11.09.
            Coincidently, I was introduced to
Dr. Grof in Prague in 1985. Then I went to his seminar in Murphys, CA,
in 1997. It is natural to some people; and, God help them in the
Twentieth Century.
            Asthmatics would get an "organic
psychosis" from the holotropic breathing of struggling to breathe, and,
if they were suspected of having an "organic psychosis" they locked up
in one of the state mental hospital gulags, and attempts were made to
erase their memories of the experience by electric shock treatments
which were delivered without anesthetic.
            It is the stimulation of the
parasympathetic nervous system that spreads the muscarinic nervous
stimulation up to awaken the brain. LSD awakens the brain by blocking
the inhibitory neurons that muscarinic stimulation overrides. Holotropic
breathing replaced LSD.
            Some people got scar tissue in their
parasympathetic nervous systems which caused the same muscarinic
stimulation. This disease was called "shamans' disease" behind the Iron
Curtain, but in the superstitious countries it was secretly considered
to be "witchcraft", but was tagged "schizophrenia".
            People like this were stigmatized as
mentally ill for the rest of their lives, and many of them are homeless
on the streets today.
            For a person to discover this
"altered consciousness" was (is) considered to be "profanation of the
sacred mysteries" not only by the freemasons, but also by the Catholic
            Believe it or not, though it is
demonstrated that the freemasons and the Catholic Church are enemies,
the freemasons work for the Catholic Church. The Crown Temple in London,
England is a regency of the Vatican.
            Homelessness has replaced the mental
hospital gulags under the belief that the forbidden information wont go
an further than the homeless community.
            The "hive" theory of network
engineering is believed in by the suppressors of these forbidden
secrets, that specialized groups will sequester information, and it will
go no further than the boundary of the group. I span all the groups and
beyond, and you can too.
            The cure for this social injustice
is to get these secrets out to everybody so that there will no longer be
any such secrets to suppress.
            Here, the cross is so prominent
among Christians and almost all of them don't know what it really means.
Don't you think they should know?


14. 11. 2009. 14:37:1214.11.09.

Didn't Grof die before you claim to have met him?

Robert Scott Martin

14. 11. 2009. 15:50:0214.11.09.
[illness as a "metaphor"]

In article <>,
Miguel Alberto <> wrote:

>Asthmatics would get an "organic psychosis" from the holotropic breathing

>of struggling to breathe, and [this] disease was called "shamans'

>disease" behind the Iron Curtain, but in the superstitious countries it
>was secretly considered to be "witchcraft", but was tagged

Thanks for your posts.

Miguel Alberto

14. 11. 2009. 21:15:0914.11.09.
Dr. Stanislav Grof is still very well and alive, and Grof
Transpersonal's address is
Dr. Grof tries to be simple with the people, so that the most
people will understand easily. He isn't as technical as I am. But, I
just have to prove the truth.
In his book, "The Adventure of Self Discovery" on pages 170 and
171 he reveals more radical ways of stimulating the muscarinic nervous
And, on page 111 he exposes the organizations who have held this
too sacred to allow the ordinary people to know these facts about their
own human bodies.
The organization whose name he didn't capitalize, probably to
avoid law suit, is the big problem in America, and THEY plan to replace
America, and our Constitution, with the North American Union, just to
save their secrets.
The solution? Make sure everybody knows these secrets so there are
no more secrets to suppress. All of us know too much already.


14. 11. 2009. 23:26:4414.11.09.
On Nov 14, 6:15 pm, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:
>       Dr. Grof tries to be simple with the people, so that the most
> people will understand easily. He isn't as technical as I am. But, I
> just have to prove the truth.

My. "Prove the truth". Prove to whom? Yourself? Or others?

>       The organization whose name he didn't capitalize, probably to
> avoid law suit,

I can see your notion of law is pretty much fantasy.

> is the big problem in America, and THEY plan to replace
> America, and our Constitution, with the North American Union, just to
> save their secrets.

Republicans? Unions? Reptilians? Goldman-Sachs? Elders of Zion?
The Illuminati? Exxon?

Miguel Alberto

15. 11. 2009. 06:06:4315.11.09.
The Illuminati. I have the experiences and then I try to find
theories to explain these experiences. There'd be no fuss if they
weren't suppressed information.
When the Communist Block countries found out that these things
were seriously suppressed they challenged them, and they weren't
touched, here.


15. 11. 2009. 07:47:5915.11.09.
On 15 Nov, 11:06, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:

> I have the experiences and then I try to find
> theories to explain these experiences.

The theories you are drawn towards to explain your experiences are
ones that seem to offer global explanations, so you end up thinking
there is just one overarching nemesis that is behind everything that
you can't understand and explain as individual experiences. These
global theories make everything simpler for a while, but ultimately
they just hold you back. Instead of trawling for global theories and
explanations for your experiences, why not try and understand them in
more detail as individual and unconnected events that have happened to
you. Eventually some type of global map will naturally emerge from a
set of different experiences, but if you try and grasp at one too
early, what happens is that you end up trying to fit in everyting that
has happened to you into this global map and because it isn't one that
has emerged naturally from your experiences it just won't fit. It
just won't work for you or be of any use.

Does that make sense to you?


15. 11. 2009. 08:38:0715.11.09.
On Nov 15, 3:06 am, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:
>       The Illuminati.

Oh, those old bugaboos.

> I have the experiences and then I try to find
> theories to explain these experiences.

There's more to reality testing than coming up with explanations to
account for your feelings.

> There'd be no fuss if they
> weren't suppressed information.

Information can be correct or incorrect. The lack of popularity of
certain beliefs is not necessarily a sign that nefarious forces have
conspired to suppress them. Sometimes, it's just that the beliefs are

> When the Communist Block countries found out that these things
> were seriously suppressed they challenged them, and they weren't
> touched, here.

The collapse of the Warsaw Pact was not simply a matter of challenged
beliefs in "suppressed information". It was because that they ran out
of money to keep it going.


15. 11. 2009. 08:45:1215.11.09.
On 15 Nov, 11:06, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:


by Wayne McDonald

"Successful conspiracy theories are those that to some degree empower
the believer against what are perceived as external forces that he/she
blames for some unpleasant or undesirable facet of their lives. In
addition conspiracy theories serve to absolve the individual of some
degree of self-accountability since, if the individual is being
“oppressed” by some powerful conspiracy, the individual’s efforts at
self-advancement will always be futile and thus become nothing more
than “a waste of time.”


15. 11. 2009. 09:05:2115.11.09.

ps - When I talk about a 'global' theory or explanation, I'm not
talking about a 'world' theory. :)

Miguel Alberto

16. 11. 2009. 07:01:2516.11.09.
Yes. "When promulgating your esoteric cogitations, or,
articulating your superficial sentimentalities, beware of immiscible
philosophical observations." I am often wrestling with immiscible
philosophical observations. I never get bored.

Miguel Alberto

16. 11. 2009. 07:39:0516.11.09.
As I was held a "captive audience" in an interrogation chair, THEY
stood over me and bragged all about THEIR One World Order, and how I had
a "snowball's chances" against IT. I never dreamed such a thing existed.
THEY told me themselves.
When I got free, the only theory around, anywhere close to it, was
about the Jews. I seemed to have been the first one to get the One World
Order Conspiracy Theory out. Then it spread.
There has been less success spreading the entropy production rate
analogue muscarinic stimulation secret. Look at that! I could even be
much more explicit.
It's physical intimacy has kept THEIR supreme secret better than
any of their sneakie shenanigans. But, hate is stronger than shame!
B.C., Before Computers, before the internet, that is, I use to
send reams of "crank letters" spreading THEIR secrets, and the
"conspiracy theory".
And, just like Mel Gibson in the relatively recent movie,
"Conspiracy Theory", I used to drop the letters in the mail box, sneak
away, and then run back and look in the mail box to make sure the
letters went all the way down into the mail box.
There are so many things that I did, and things that I wrote, that
ended up in movies in later years, that I tend to suspect that the movie
writers got their ideas from the government agents who had me under
Maybe, there have been a whole bunch of people doing the same
thing with me, one not knowing about the other. There was a recent
article in Scientific American in Michael Shermer's "Skeptic" column
about "agenticity". It is said that the natural tendency of "agenticity"
has evolved to promote the propagation of the species by selective
The Pastor of a Spiritualist church looked at a photograph and
said to me,"There is a spirit in here". I asked, "How do you know
that?". She pointed to a formation in the leaves that looked like a face
and said, "There. There's the spirit".


16. 11. 2009. 09:01:3716.11.09.
On 16 Nov, 12:39, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:
>       As I was held a "captive audience" in an interrogation chair, THEY
> stood over me and bragged all about THEIR One World Order, and how I had
> a "snowball's chances" against IT. I never dreamed such a thing existed.
> THEY told me themselves.

Would you mind telling me more about this specific incident please?
Where were you and how did you end up in an interrogation chair? Does
the memory of the experience seem to have a dream like quality or is
your recall the exactly the same as mundane and ordinary memories you
are pretty sure happened? What did the chair look like? (I've never
seen an interrogration chair). If you were restrained then what did
the restraints look like?

I just have a hunch that if you pull back from making judgements and
conclusions about this, and just describe the sensory data you recall,
then you'll end up with a better understanding of what happen to you.

Miguel Alberto

16. 11. 2009. 09:25:1416.11.09.
It happened in the Army. It was just an ordinary chair by a table
in a room that I was orderer into for interrogation.
Detectives finally found out that I wrote the term paper that
revealed the most sensitive freemasonic secrets.
Also, the interrogators repeatedly asked me, "Where is your
shekina? Where is your Shekina?" And, I repeatedly answered, "What is a
And, that is where I found out what a shekina is. I fully reveal
the recipe in and write about
its phenomena. It probably emits a psychedelic gas from the special
enzymes that form in it acting on the ubiquitous tryptophan.
It is the mixture of "opposite polarities" suspended in a good
electrolyte, usually salt & vinegar & copper acetate. It is just left
bottled, and the entropy production rate from it bends timespace
globally (talk about global) into the Underworld in the fifth
dimensional direction, which gives the mind power to manifest
visualizations, to all the minds of all those quantumly entangled, into
reality, magick.
The "elixir" of "The Secrets of the G.'.B.'.G.'." by Frater Achad
(Stanfield Jones) which usually dies in about two weeks, when put in
this electrolyte can last for centuries.
But the "elixir" secret was let go in 1969. Vagal stimulation is
THEIR #1 secret.


16. 11. 2009. 11:40:0616.11.09.
On Nov 16, 4:39 am, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:
>       As I was held a "captive audience" in an interrogation chair, THEY
> stood over me and bragged all about THEIR One World Order, and how I had
> a "snowball's chances" against IT.

I'm reminded of the conversation between the two retired superheroes
in "The Incredibles".

Lucius: [Bob and Lucius are sitting in a parked car, reminiscing] So
now I'm in deep trouble. I mean, one more jolt of this death ray and
I'm an epitaph. Somehow I manage to find cover and what does Baron von
Ruthless do?
Bob: [laughing] He starts monologuing.
Lucius: He starts monologuing! He starts like, this prepared speech
about how *feeble* I am compared to him, how *inevitable* my defeat
is, how *the world* *will soon* *be his*, yadda yadda yadda.
Bob: Yammering.
Lucius: Yammering! I mean, the guy has me on a platter and he won't
shut up!

Monologuing. It's what all the super-villians do.

"Now that I have you helpless, Mr. Bond, let me reveal to you all my
secret plans and then walk away so you'll have time to escape and foil

>       And, just like Mel Gibson in the relatively recent movie,
> "Conspiracy Theory"

Yup, just like that. Entirely fictional and badly written.


16. 11. 2009. 12:41:1416.11.09.
On 16 Nov, 14:25, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:
>       It happened in the Army. It was just an ordinary chair by a table
> in a room that I was orderer into for interrogation.

Why were you being interrogated? Was it a training exercise in anti-
interrogation techniques? *most likely* Did you give them any cause
at the time to think you might be a sympathiser or collaborater with
'the enemy'? *far far less likely*

>       Detectives finally found out that I wrote the term paper that
> revealed the most sensitive freemasonic secrets.

You probably told them that yourself as they were breaking you down.
In the after-shock of interrogation, your small confession about
writing a term paper over masonic secrets was probably distorted in
importance. As a young man writing a paper on masonry you may have
felt a bit of a thrill? Maybe a bit of fear also? And these were
amplified as you were interrogated. These 'secrets' are actually
pretty well known, and I doubt the army gave a shit about them.

>       Also, the interrogators repeatedly asked me, "Where is your
> shekina? Where is your Shekina?" And, I repeatedly answered, "What is a
> shekina?"

Perhaps muslim terrorists who have captured soldiers and interrogated
them in the past, have assumed they were Jewish? Maybe that's why this
type of questioning was directed at you. A Shekina is just the jewish
version of a female god.

To break a person down and make them compliant, you have to attack and
undermine thier belief systems. That's part and parcel of anti-
interrogation training. Perhaps you were being tested for promotion?
If you had a strong emotional reaction to freemasonary then they would
have focused on that. If you thought that aliens were probably
wandering the earth like secret hobo's then they would have used
that. They would have used anything to break down the walls in your
mind - including presenting you with plausable but false material on
something fantasic like Ufo's, documents perporting to be from a one
world order, various religious 'secrets' and giving you LSD and other
drugs (which if you were captured would certainly have happened to

The reason I'm thinking you were being tested, is that you're a
reasonably intelligent guy, certainly imaginative and very curious,
and I'm guessing you have a strong sense of responsibility that's part
and parcel of your character. Intelligence and imagination is useful
in officers but the drawbacks are that they are more easily broken
down in interrogation. Everyone breaks during interrogation sooner or
later though, so try not to hang on to bad feelings about that. You
should give yourself a break and forgive yourself. You didn't fail.

Whatever happened in that room was pure bullshit. Don't let what
happened in that room make bullshit of the rest of your life. Try and
put it behind you now. Put the bullshit back in the box (leave it in
the room in the past) and walk away. There's really no point in
hanging onto it, is there?


16. 11. 2009. 13:45:2216.11.09.
On 16 Nov, 17:41, Alrah <> wrote:

> Whatever happened in that room was pure bullshit.  Don't let what
> happened in that room make bullshit of the rest of your life.  Try and
> put it behind you now.  Put the bullshit back in the box (leave it in
> the room in the past) and walk away.  There's really no point in
> hanging onto it, is there?

Actually - I've reconsidered my position on that.

Anyone who has went through a terrible experience like this can learn
a great deal from it, much of which can be made into positive
strengths in everyday life, if they can be safely placed into

Miguel Alberto

17. 11. 2009. 06:57:0017.11.09.
Back in high school I wrote that term paper and got a grade of 98%
for it. The teacher of that class sold that term paper in the term paper
black market.
It finally came to the attention of some freemason and detectives
were sent out to hunt down the author of that term paper.
After graduation, and after I had joined the Army, THEY found me,
and zeroed in on me. Back then, the freemasons were powerful in the
Armed Forces, and THEY felt that this soldier was expendable. THEY
ruined my military career.
After interrogation, where they gloated at THEIR world power and
jeered at my helplessness, I was locked up in a locked mental ward in
Valley Forge Army Hospital where I was given the "Clockwork Orange
treatment with massive doses of LSD, to teach me a lesson.
To erase my memory THEY gave me 71 electric shock treatments
without anesthetics. Why the odd number? One day THEY gave me two in one
day. The semantic memory is much more durable that the episodic memory,
THEY didn't know that back then. I have been defying THEM ever since.
The feeling here was never fear, or whatever else has been
imagined. The feeling here is hate! This is the most intense gut hatred
in American history!


17. 11. 2009. 07:55:4317.11.09.
On 17 Nov, 11:57, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:

>       The feeling here was never fear, or whatever else has been
> imagined. The feeling here is hate! This is the most intense gut hatred
> in American history!

Well - better out than kept in. Like farting.

Thanks for being so honest about your feelings.

Hate is a really horrible feeling isn't it? It plays havick with your
digestion for a start. And hate has an obsessive quality to it. I
take it you would rather not feel this hate?

What will it take to make this hate go away do you think?

Miguel Alberto

17. 11. 2009. 10:20:2117.11.09.
Hate feels much better than fear. And, when you have been mowed
under and blocked by this social system, that's the best there is. And
hate, which is sustained anger, diminishes pain.
Personally, I feel, to my bones, that indulging in this hate,
which I am right now, is the second greatest pleasure in the world.
It's no sin to hate groups, organizations, societies, or
suprasocietal systems. The fallen angels incarnate in these living
systems to be their deciders.
THEY are the group spirits of these "higher" living systems. The
Greek word for group spirit is "demon". It comes from the Greek root
"dem" from which we also get the word democracy. We can hate demons with
all our guts!
Each one of us is the decider of our personal organism. We are not
to hate our fellow organisms. We are to "love our neighbors as
ourselves". If we don't forgive any person, we will not be forgiven,
therefore, we will not be saved.
There was a freemason who married into to my family just to get
me. He failed, and got silently kicked out of the lodge for failing to
get me. After I became a Christian I totally forgave him. And, I took
good care of him as he died of terminal cancer.
There has been a skepticism in here that would be expected of a
science group. But, the legal system has made it a felony for even a
couple to conspire to commit a misdemeanor.
Why the fuss? Esoterically, it is believed that a group even
composed of just two incarnates a group spirit, a demon of superhuman
intelligence; and, the nature of the demon to incarnate is determined by
the nature of the mutual intent. Now, that's magick.


17. 11. 2009. 14:58:1717.11.09.

You know... I sometimes think the difference between the purely
enlightened and the pure psychopath is love.


17. 11. 2009. 22:00:4517.11.09.
On Nov 17, 7:20 am, (Miguel Alberto) wrote:
>       Hate feels much better than fear.

And destroys you all the more quickly.


18. 11. 2009. 17:01:2518.11.09.


2. 12. 2009. 18:06:352.12.09. (Miguel Alberto) writes:

-- To the tune of "Eleanor Rigby"
Steve Jackson, Joe Vail, Creede Lambard

They put a thing made of tinfoil on top of my door...
What is it for?
Shooting a ray at my cornflakes to make them turn green...
What does it mean?
The Illuminati... They're watching me, I know.
The Illuminati... They're everywhere I go.

Doing unspeakable things in the night to a cow...
Where are they now?
Sent an impostor in place of the Popsicle man...
What is their plan?
The Illuminati... They're watching me, I know.
The Illuminati... They're everywhere I go.

They cancelled Star Trek, The Fonz, and My Mother, the Car...
Are they bizarre?
You can't escape them;
Even if you take a plane to Nepal or Peru...
They'll be there, too...
The Illuminati... They're watching me, I know.
The Illuminati... They're everywhere I go.

I know that they know all about me...
They know that I know all about them...

Hide their assassins' instructions in newspaper text...
Who will be next?
They're all around us...
Underline every third word in the Times and you'll see...
How can it be?
The Illuminati... They're watching me, I know.
The Illuminati... They're everywhere I go.

They're in the attic and the cellar...
Bigger than Hunt or Rockefeller...

Go through my garbage and count all the pop bottles there...
Why do they care?
They're out to get me...
They're fluoridating my water from their UFO...
What do they know?
The Illuminati... They're everywhere, I see.
The Illuminati... And no one knows but me.


3. 12. 2009. 04:29:033.12.09.
On 2 Dec, 23:06, HG <> wrote:


24. 6. 2017. 12:52:0124.6.17.
The most suppressed secret in history has been some knowledge about our own bodies. Excitation of the parasympathetic nervous system, also called the “muscarinic” nervous system, overrides the brain’s inhibitory neurons thereby awakening the brain to more that the normal 10% brain use. LSD does the same thing by blocking seratonin, the neurotransmitter of the brain’s inhibitory neurons. The largest nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system are the left and right vagus nerves. The vagal trunk emerges from the brain through the nasal pharynx, divides into the left and right vagus nerves, which descend into the lower body of flesh, not through the spine. Plexuses of the parasympathetic nervous system branch out from these vagus nerves. When these plexuses and nerves are stimulated the stimulation spreads to the brain causing more than 10% brain use. All this can be simply printed on one bumper sticker, “Vagal stimulation is as effective as LSD”. To put in contemporary terms, the mental effects of the “choking game” are not caused by oxygen content, they are caused by vagal stimulation. In 1959 an expelled lodge member told my friend and I all the secrets. The lodge uses Biblical symbolism. They represent the human body by the Temple of Solomon. The Holy of Holies represents the nasal pharynx through which the vagal trunk emerges into the lower body. The letter G secretly represents the Hebrew word “gorun”, throat. The compass represents a circle, the square represents a line, the combination represents squeezing a circle into a line, the quadrature of the circle. In 1962 I wrote this and lesser secrets in a term paper I titled “Superstition in America”. I got a 98% for it, and graduated with honors. Later, the instructor of that class sold that term paper in the term paper black market, the wrong people read it, and detectives were sent out to hunt me down. I found out that Ben Franklin invented the modern mental health system to imprison all those suspected of knowing this knowledge about their own bodies. In the Twentieth Century twenty five million Americans were locked up in the mental hospital gulags. That was one quarter of the American population. There are three depths of psychedelic experience. Perinatal matrix one, 10% to 20% brain use, is heavenly. Perinatal matrix two, 20% to 50% brain use is frighteningly powerful. From 20% to 30% brain use, what ever is artistically symbolized will become your reality, by the strong thought drawing you to the probability timeline where what you vividly symbolize is your reality. From 30% to 40% brain use, what ever you write will become your reality. From 40% to 50% brain use, what ever you say will become your reality. “If you have the faith of a mustard seed and say to this mountain move, it shall be moved”. You go to the probability time line where the mountain is elsewhere. But, from 50% to 100% brain use, every thought manifests as your reality. Who can handle that? Soon, one wishes one were someone else, and, one body switches into that someone else who probably only has the normal 10% brain use. But, it not being one’s own body, when that body sleeps or dies it’s off to another body; and this body switching backward and forward in time goes on for a duration of about a hundred years. Of course, with this one suffers everyone’s sufferings. Perinatal matrix three is used as a punishment. LSD was used for this, but some effects of LSD have been found to be permanent, so, recently “waterboarding” has been used to inflict this “Clockwork Orange” treatment. As it stands today, Dr. Stanislav Grof’s “Holotropic Breathing” increases the percentage of brain use, and, of course, the “choking game” causes increases of the percentage of brain use, but, the actual cause, vagal stimulation, has not been admitted to. Also, recently even percentages of brain use are being denied and are called mythical. They just wont let it all go, and allow all human beings the right to know these certain things about our own bodies. For the American way it is advisable to spread this knowledge.

31. 7. 2017. 08:01:1031.7.17.
Energy is eternally conscious by its creations, differentiations, which are inevitabilities. The infinitesimal point nothingness, . , is rastered by time into timespace, U , which exerting its oneness in one direction, / , stirs closed circuitry, O , that all going the same way, vO^XvO^, clashes, X (a Big Bang), that forces confluency, = , whereby individual circuits undifferentiate back into nonexistence. In the one substance, energy, motion, differentiation, can only be in closed circuitry, that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind. Our being is a closed circuit, of the one substance, energy, in the one substance, energy, called a magnetic flux, maintained in the arising reticular formation of the medula oblongata of our brains by substance P neurons, pain neurons. The latest research has shown that the closed circuit that constitutes our self is only one of the magnetic circuits of the iron of a cytchrome on one neuron in the arising reticular formation of our medulla oblongata. Each magnetic circuit on each cytochrome of these neurons is a person just as much as you are. That means that there are billions of individualities in our brain alone. You could totally undifferentiate back into nonexistence, which is the complete satisfaction of all desires, known in the East as "nirvana", and the billions of other circuits would continue just as if you still existed. Each of these billions of selves still have the memories you had and all the same equipment. Undifferentiation takes place by being pushed by repelling circuits into confluent circuits. Total undifferentiation takes place when the Planck's volumes of both circuits align, and all is pushing for that. The magnetic circuits of the iron of the cytochromes that are the motors of the doors of every cell are, outwardly, counterclockwise in males, and, clockwise in females. But, when a cell dies and decomposes the other side of the circuit, which is flowing the other way is exposed to go confluent with your opposite flow. Counterclockwise and clockwise are the basic polarities of the universe. Confluence to undifferentiation is their cancellation back into nonexistence, both losing their individualities. The remaining new circuit, composed of the totally undifferentiated circuits, is a new entity that has been called a "magickal child". What happened to Frater Achad's book, "The Secrets of the G.'.B.'.G.'."? That is only the secondary secret. The supreme grand secret is "Vagal stimulation is as effective as LSD".
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