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the rainbow swastika

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Jul 24, 2009, 12:29:09 PM7/24/09

Notes from the Author B"H 12/00 - Kislev 5761

This article appeared originally as "Masters of the Blinding Light: What
the Jewish People Should Know About the New Age Movement", posted to the
Web in 3/97 (Adar Bet 5757) courtesy of the Jewish Student Union,
University of Colorado.

As before, all the material in this series is drawn directly from New Age
leaders themselves, either as direct quotes or summaries from primary

News for Jews involved in New Age groups:
In a nutshell, the 'New Age' is a political/religious movement which seeks
to unite the world under the guidance of non-human spirits, in the process
singling out Judaism - and eventually the Jewish people - for destruction.
One of the "new" things about the "new" age is a human race purged of all
Jewish presence.

"That's ridiculous!..." you will automatically say. If "New Age" stands
for anything, it stands for a new era of enlightened equality for all
peoples and all religions. Are you willing to test this claim? If it's
true, then we can find New Age leaders everywhere teaching that historical
Judaism - the Judaism which survived and developed over 4000 years, known
today as "orthodox Judaism" - is as enlightened a religion as any other on
the planet, right? Oops.

"Well, okay -- there is the Jewish people, and then there's Judaism." The
fact that orthodox Judaism is targeted for elimination in the coming new
age will come as a shock to some involved in New Age groups which preach
'tolerance for all religions of the world'. Others are aware of it, but
feel that Judaism really is a separatist, arrogant religion, based on an
outmoded, narrow code called Torah which has been needlessly restricting
humanity; of course it has to go, or at least be overhauled until its
distinctives are removed. But as far as hostility toward ethnic Jewish
identity, most New Agers will say with confidence: "No way! Jews are fully
accepted in New Age circles."

If you believe this, you've been had! Two things to think about:

1. An assault on Judaism is an attempt to eliminate the Jews. At the risk
of stating the obvious, if there were no actual Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
no event in history called the Exodus; no Sinai experience, or "Promised
Land", or "chosen people"; and especially no "God of Israel" who did the
choosing and the promising... then there is no legitimate basis for
carrying on about descendants called "Jews". In this framework, Jewish
heritage can no doubt be appreciated for its edifying fables. But Jewish
heritage cannot be allowed to intrude on real-world politics, religious
consensus or social conscience -- anymore than Little Red Riding Hood can
file assault charges in a court of law against the Big Bad Wolf.

If the Jewish Bible does not chronicle a real history of the Jews, then
all that we have are people living in delusions of identity, and insisting
that the rest of the world play along. (This is exactly what New Age
architect Alice Bailey concluded.) Like a deranged individual who can't
separate fantasy from reality, the Jews are dysfunctional at best, and
possibly dangerous to themselves and others. In dealing with those who
refuse to give up the fantasy, isolation and confinement may be necessary
for the good of all.

You have just had a glimpse into the internal logic of "The Plan" (the
unassuming title New Age leaders have given their agenda). The Jewish
people, whether they know it or not, are a dysfunctional segment of
humanity. Anyone who humors them is not doing them or the world any
favors. Their rehabilitation must begin by eliminating the religion which
gave them these delusions -- a religion so powerful that it unfortunately
has infected other religions and peoples with a belief in the One G-d as
revealed to Israel.

To set things right, part of New Age "transformation of society" involves
spreading disinformation about the Jewish religion. There is no concern
here for factual accuracy. Truth is irrelevant to the art of molding
public opinion in an Entity War (as New Ager and UN leader Robert Muller
has described it). The goal behind delegitimization of this religion is to
remove its influence from other spiritual systems (especially from
Christianity, the daughter religion of Judaism and the most "corrupted" by
it). If possible, the goal is to remove Jews from its influence as well;
and those who crave to be accepted by the world will eagerly help them
trash Judaism... and their peoplehood along with it. As for Jews who
refuse to give up this "identity" delusion, The Plan has a final solution
(benevolent of course).

If you support the "progressive" idea that Jews have a future without the
"old-age" Judaism, then dare to test it. Go out and see if you can find
Jewish children raised without loyalty to Torah, who still care to
identify themselves as Jews. You will find some - but then search for
their children.... Talk to the many who have left the Jewish label behind
as irrelevant, and you will find them both intelligent and brutally
honest. They have simply faced the truth more squarely than their parents:
"the new Judaism" cannot justify itself to the next generation. (This is
not to be confused with those who reject Judaism for hypocrisy, lukewarm
worship, racial arrogance, all of which are sins against Torah - this is a
completely different issue which is legitimate and will be discussed
elsewhere. Here I mean the "new Judaism" which rejects Torah itself as the

2. The New Age is founded on spiritual racism. If you believe Jewish
people are accepted as equals in the coming Age of Aquarius, you are
uninformed concerning the doctrine of "racial karma". This is a basic
teaching of Theosophy, the mainspring of the New Age Movement, and is
expanded in the writings of Alice A. Bailey. It limits all Jews to
inferior spiritual status, regardless of their "enlightened behavior".
Never heard of it? This series of articles is dedicated to acquainting you
with this and other foundational teachings of New Age philosophy which are
"overlooked" in courses for seekers, seminars for world servers, and low-
level initiations into esoteric schools and societies. The truth of my
claims can be verified by anyone with access to the unabridged works of
key New Age leaders quoted in the series.

Facts for Debunkers and Skeptics:
1. "Is this another hysterical conspiracy theory?" Your skepticism is
understandable and necessary. However, to my knowledge this is the first
conspiracy which has proudly called itself one, and gone public with
details of its agenda. The ringleaders display a confidence and an
openness that plainly says (rightly or wrongly) that no one can stop them.
What is more unsettling, they are convinced that no one in his right mind
will WANT to stop them. Not even the Jews. Their antisemitism is presented
as benevolent correction which will be embraced by the Jews themselves --
once they really understand their need. Let me be clear here: New Agers
generally do NOT hate the Jews. But this makes their Plan no less
antisemitic... and far more dangerous.

"The Rainbow Swastika" is a condensed description of the philosophy and
plans of this so-called Enlightenment - from their own sources. Everything
mentioned in this series is publicly distributed by various NA groups. You
can verify each statement for yourself. As I stated above, the material is
either directly quoted or summarized from explanations by leading New Age
spokesmen and their disciples - not what others say about them. Direct
quotes are noted with the source, and sources for my summaries can be
provided. Those sources which I know are available on the Internet are
hot-linked for your convenience. Any comments of my own or from non-NA
sources are in [brackets]. Only the last part (A Jewish Response) is
completely drawn from my own thoughts.

2. "Who's worried about a lunatic fringe group?" As you will see later,
Alice Bailey was one of the most antisemitic occultists of this century.
For those who insist that Bailey's doctrine is safely marginalized among
obscure occultists, it will come as a shock to discover that she was
indirectly awarded the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989, and that her
teachings are already incorporated in schools around the world, including
U.S. public schools (via the "Goals 2000" program). "Lunatic," perhaps.
"Fringe"? No longer. Especially not with global star Robert Muller openly
promoting her teachings.

The "Benevolent Conspiracy" (as New Age leader Marilyn Ferguson called it,
back in 1980) has been so successful that today it is the standard for
social, political and religious acceptability. It is consciously supported
by a surprising number of prominent public figures and grassroots groups
(although not all are aware of the antisemitism), and its teachings are
being unknowingly absorbed by many more. For these reasons alone, it is
urgent that we be informed about their platform.

I have heard from skeptics who don't doubt the existence of a New Age
conspiracy (benevolent or otherwise), and who recognize the danger to the
Jewish people, but who are sure that such a movement will never have the
world support to pull off its agenda. They point to the repeated
postponements of New Age predictions of a World Teacher emerging by a
certain date to guide mankind into a 'planetary (Luciferic) initiation', a
one-world government and a "new age". These delays are actually the result
of Divine veto - for now - which New Agers indirectly acknowledge and
which they unable to circumvent. To attribute these glitches to a
disorganized movement is dangerous, and ignores the fact that the growth
of New Age influence worldwide is solidifying exponentially each year.
Read before you scoff, please.

3. "You can't generalize about the New Age Movement; it's too broad and
variable for all those groups to be lumped with Alice Bailey." Whether
they name Bailey as the source for their beliefs is not important - the
test is whether they embrace her philosophy. I have yet to find a group
calling itself "New Age" that does not anticipate and welcome the demise
of the "Old Age". Most do not question who set the parameters for the
"old" which has to go, they do not presume to challenge the "Ancient
Wisdom". If they are reciting The Great Invocation, relying on spirit
guides for enlightenment, denouncing "separatism" as the world's great
evil, and/or denigrating Judaism as "an outmoded spiritual system", then
they are Bailey's disciples teaching Bailey's creeds. [For other
commonalities, see below]

Notes for Opponents of New Age Teaching:
It's a rare individual these days who does not have a friend or relative
mesmerized by the New Age light-and-love doubletalk. If you do, you know
how painful it is to watch someone close to you losing their psychological
stability, abandoning their normal responsibilities and relationships, and
slipping away into a self-absorbed quest for do-it-yourself godhood
(doomed to fail again and again). The linked information below will add to
your distress -- especially if you and/or your friend are Jewish. But you
also gain insight as to how someone could fall for such empty promises and
contradictions. That insight can give you leverage to help them get back
to solid ground. If you have faith in the G-d of Israel, you will find Him
an interested and indispensible Ally in rescuing the people you care
Even if you don't personally know someone who has been turned upside-down
by New Age thinking, if you are Jewish and/or love the Jewish people, you
have an interest in preserving the Jewish community, and in defending them
against plots to eliminate them. But you can't fight what you don't
understand. So, whatever your motivations, here are some basic facts to
equip you:

1. Different new branches, same old roots: The premises of New Age (NA
hereafter), sometimes called the New World Order, are most clearly mapped
out in a religious society called Theosophy (founded 1875 by Helena
Blavatsky), which coined many of the "code words" found in this material
and which remains a prime source for piecing together NA foundations. Most
if not all of NA concepts predate Theosophy, as its founder freely
admitted. They borrowed heavily from classical Hinduism and Tibetan
Buddhism, with large doses of Gnosticism, astrology and other occultic
power-quests. So despite the name "New" Age, we are surveying an ancient
system of worship, found in various forms around the world (Babylonian,
Egyptian, Norse, Atlantian, Pan/animist, American Indian, and other
religions dependent on enpowerment from various spirit-guides). This is
why New Age teaching is so easily adapted to so many cultures. Alice
Bailey, the next major NA leader, "channeled" the extensive directives for
the framework of the New Age -- what she called the New World Order -- and
fully subscribed to Theosophy as well.

2. Logic not required: The discerning reader will notice some NA
statements that contradict others, especially regarding good and evil,
fate and choice, equality and elitism, truth and falsehood, and the
origins of Maitreya / Lucifer. Pointing out these contradictions to hard-
core New Agers will not cause them to doubt. Since they have accepted the
Hindu worldview that truth, good and reality are whatever each finds
within himself (at any given moment), they will patiently reply that your
demand for consistency in any of these is arbitrary, unimaginative and
unnecessarily narrow. Do not expect logical analysis, empirical
observation or comparative argument to be taken seriously, as NAers
respect subjective experience only (and then only for the one who
experienced it first-hand). There are also a few contradictions about the
origin of the Jews, but interestingly there are no contradictions about
the destiny of those who insist on retaining the faith of their fathers.

3. Deliberate riddles: Public pronouncements and teachings of New Age
leaders, although usually in English, can seem like a foreign language -
recognizable terms are used in unintelligible contexts or given
contradictory associations. These are known in esoteric societies as
'blinds' or code words - riddles deliberately coded to convey still-
classified information over the heads of the uninitiated or hostile
observers. The blinds used in New Age are many, and match those used in
the occult (per Helena Blavatsky, _The Secret Doctrine_, p.435). Thus, we
on the outside can know only as much as NA spokesmen see fit to tell us;
as in all occult groups some information is presumably shared only with
top-level initiates. However, the riddles are being publicly unlocked with
increasing frequency on a voluntary basis, showing that NA sees its power
base as sufficient to withstand any hostility to its agenda. In other
cases, there are "leaks" by high-level leaders who have jumped ship,
showing that even hard-core NA loyalists are prone to disillusionment
after years of self-made reality.

4. Exploiting naive idealists: From my personal experience, I find there
is a surprising number of people applauding the "New World Order", "the
Age of Aquarius", the "new Humanity" or the "Ancient Wisdom", who are
woefully uninformed as to where all this came from and where it is
leading. This is often because they have chosen to back one attractive NA
issue without checking the foundations of the Movement, or because they
haven't checked a range of NA sources. Most of these supporters are in the
lower ranks, many of them working hard for their causes in the conviction
that NA will really make the world a better place for everyone, Jews
included. It is in the interest of the upper leadership to promote this
illusion and keep working-level New Agers from catching on to the real
agenda, since many would refuse to cooperate if they knew. Even so, there
is already enough talk about 'global purges', destined to wipe out 80% or
more of the world's population, to make it clear that not only the Jews,
but many dedicated "world servers", will be judged unfit for the New Age
once the elite power structure is in place. It takes time for these
dedicated "light-workers" to digest the fact that they are being used and
lied to, and sometimes there is a period of denial, but they deserve to
know the truth. I therefore recommend passing this information not only to
opponents of the New Age but also to its supporters -- and doubly so if
they are Jews or are married to Jews.

The series begins immediately below, with links to all the segments at the
end. Feedback, of course, is welcome and even expected - whether your
response is appreciation, doubt or outrage. My only request is that you
read everything before responding. -- HN











fun, fun;;-)))

i hadnt guessed that the jews would be just as much concerned by the new
age's agenda (one world government, religion, currency and so on) as the
christians are, but after all they're in the same boat.


Freedom Man

Jul 24, 2009, 1:57:53 PM7/24/09
See what RELIGION does to peoples' minds?

Adults no longer believe in the Tooth Fairy - but they still torture and
kill each other over ancient myths and superstitions.

"We all remember how many religious wars were fought for a religion of love
and gentleness; how many bodies were burned alive with the genuinely kind
intention of saving souls from the eternal fire of hell." --- Karl Popper

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion."
--- Robert M. Pirsig

"Religion once ruled the world. It was called the Dark Ages." --- Ruth

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." ---
Victor Stenger.

"I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Mother Goose." ---
Clarence Darrow

"As my ancestors are free from slavery, I am free from the slavery of
religion." --- Butterfly McQueen

"Faith is believing what you know ain't so." --- Mark Twain

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in
all fiction." --- Richard Dawkins

"Cult today, religion tomorrow."

The Freedom From Religion Foundation:
The Secular Coalition for America:
Secular Student Alliance:

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