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bob scofield says he is allways learking for a good deal

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bill page

May 27, 2010, 10:20:25 PM5/27/10
Subject: lol hallow stairs cool bob scofied coolFw: Re: bob scoield
needsFw: Now You See it...Books have just materialized out of thin
air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass Attachment:

hehehehe pfft poof lol cute bob scofield cool:) zero hero
fragale rock cartoons
on ABC
tv channel
Prev Next Normal view To: bill page
From: Robert Scofield
Subject: Re: MLsays for bob s to emailhim to help bill page on ml ideas
o marked cards concepts:) Fw: Re: yepmitch is right marked cards
Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:46 PM

you think he might know when the next now you see it book will be
published....for example???

----- Original Message -----
From: bill page
To: ;
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 2:11 PM
Subject: MLsays for bob s to emailhim to help bill page on ml ideas o
marked cards concepts:) Fw: Re: yepmitch is right marked cards

On May 14, 9:10am, (bill page) wrote:
> thanks mitch for the cool info i will try that i buy sharpie markers
> more then all kinds of markers i use them for writing info on whats on
> the dvd-r disc once i finialze the dvd -r disc to finilized
> ps not sure if bob scofield made any?mitch but i will let ktm motorc
> cross biker slight of hand magician, likes stage illusions, likes to
> cook, church bus driver hrt bus super viser
> bob scofield
> i use black sharpie markers the most but if i run out of black sharpie
> markers or lost the black sharpie markers i use blue sharpie markers
> bill page <> has sent you the following web link:
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Fw: Comedy Mocking Jesus Christ Attachment:
> in Christ allways fat bill page
> illusionist magician in fun
> your friendly neighbor hood spider man
> same bat time same bat
> look up trickbusters copperfield
> look up breaking the magicians code
> look up magician bill page of alt.magic
> look up all the secrets of magic revealed
> look up antigravity ufos
> look up visual stealth airplanes
> look up day time stealth airplanes
> look up adaptive camaflauge
> look up now you see me now you dont
> look up cloaking
> look up cloaking devices
> look up tokyo professor invisible coat
> look up ufo cloaking
> look up cloaking ufo
> look up nukelar ufos
> look up magics biggest secrets finale
> look up williams poundstones books
> big secrets, bigger secrets, biggest secrets
> look up war illusionist
> look up the art of war
> lookup bob laser ufo
> look up robert laser
> Save a copy of this e-mail to my Sent messages folder
> Include original e-mail message
> From: optional4
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:48 PM
> To: ;
> Subject: Comedy Central Mocking Jesus Christ
> More insults and attacks against Jesus Christ and Christians.
> Why is it that it is OK to insult, make fun of and damn
> Jesus/Christians,
> but oh no we can't say anything against the damnable Muslim hate
> and murderous religious agenda.
> Please read below and add your name to the petition.
> Thanks and God Bless!
> The Comedy Central network has a long history of denigrating
> Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. Now, they are developing
> A new series called "JC" that will openly mock Jesus and give
> Comedy Central even more time and latitude to increase their
> Attacks on a religion practiced by 80 percent of Americans.
> Just weeks ago, Comedy Central censored a depiction of the
> Prophet Mohammad after intense Muslim protest. But Christians
> Are fair game!
> I am outraged by this unabashed double standard, and I'm
> Protesting against Comedy Central and its parent company Viacom
> And their plans to air this show mocking Christians.
> I have just added my name to a Media Research Center petition,
> And I'm urging you to do the same by clicking here now:
> We cannot allow the Hollywood Elite and the left-wing media
> To continue to savage Christians. That's why I'm taking
> Action and I hope you will do the same.
> Thanks for joining with me.
> Mr. Bob Simon

Bill, if you need any help making up that marked deck, please have
your buddy _Bob Scofield_ send me an e-mail.

Save a copy of this e-mail to my Sent messages folder
Include original e-mail message

From: Robert Scofield
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:40 PM
To: bill page
Subject: Re: bob scoield needsFw: Now You See it...Books have just
materialized out of thin air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass didn't notice??? I said, ...always LURKING for a good
deal...hehehe...OK, Billy, I'm going back under the steps now...

Bob S.

----- Original Message -----
From: bill page
To: ; ; ; ;
; ;
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:48 PM
Subject: bob scoield needsFw: Now You See it...Books have just
materialized out of thin air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass

Prev Next Normal view To: bill page
From: Robert Scofield
Subject: Now You See it...Books have just materialized out of thin
air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass
Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010 4:45 PM


This is just a wild idea, and I don't know for sure what they're
worth, or how they got here, but, now that I've found my two Bill Tarr
books, Now You See It, Now You Don't, etc., see how much $$$ you can get
for them online from someone (,
he-who-must-not-be-named-in-my-house!!!) and I will split it with you
fifty-fifty, for your B-Day, OK?

These guys must love books, right? ( know, real paper and ink
thingy's...) if they're anything like me...always lurking for a good
deal in the most unlikely belfries and dusty attics...hahaha!
me...nobody from nowhere...hehehehe...

Your friend,
Bob S.

----- Original Message -----
From: bill page
To: ; ;
; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 12:39 PM
Subject: mlFw: Re: Bottomless Glass

On May 12, 12:05�pm, Al Hastings <> wrote:
> I'm sorry for not listening to Leary earlier about this! �I
> it when he first mentioned it long ago, however; I tried it this
> morning for a nursing home group and it surprised me how well it gone
> over!
> I reread LATER MAGIC by Hoffmann last week and it got my creative
> juices flowing. �After my egg bag routine (I used to french
> reproduce the egg from my hat), I dropped the egg into the glass,
> cover it with a silk, steal the egg out to 'get my magic wand', put
> the wand back into the case while stealing out a fakini golf ball to
> replace in the glass for a billiard ball routine. �What a
> transition between effects!
> btw, Alan Wakeling used a golf ball in his egg bag routine and I
> disagree - it doesn't get the same reaction as a 'fragile' egg.
> Mitch, any other sources that talks about the use of the bottomless
> glass?
> -A

YES, YES, YES, by all means beg, borrow, or steal 25 TRICKS WITH A
BOTTOMLESS GLASS. It usually comes with it when you buy a new one.
Here's just one item to get you started:

Have someone take out a bill, sign it, and fold the bill. Hold out
the glass and ask them to drop the bill inside as you turn your head
away. Have them drape a fairly large silk over the glass, then seal
it with a rubberband around the rim. Place glass on table and head
for the corner to concentrate with your Dry Erase Board or mini Chalk
board. The number comes to you psychicly, you write it down and
return. Pick up the glass, have the silk and rubber band removed,
NEVER TOUCHING THE BILL, pour it out into the spectators hands. He
opens it, you turn around the Dry Erase board, IT'S A MATCH...YOU'RE A
GOD!!! Well, for several minutes anyway.

SECRET: Rather obvious when you know the MO. Hold the glass by it's
bottom, they drop the bill right into your hand. THEY drape and seal
the glass. You place it on the table as you steal away the bill. In
the corner, or simply with your back turned, you do the monkey
business. Re-fold the bill and reverse the process to return the bill
to the glass.

I'm telling you Al, this kills!!!

Nobody has a clue, even most of these "young" magicians, as that old
stuff couldn't possibly contain anything of value. LOL...what they
should be doing is pounding on my door begging me to let them photo-
copy some of these OLD instruction sheets. I've got the good stuff.

On May 13, 11:33�pm, Al Hastings <> wrote:
> At a Mike Close lecture about 10+ years ago, he used a stack and
> performed card magic like a jazz piano player. He recommended Simon
> Aaronson's book, BOUND TO PLEASE. �I got the book, large
amount of
> material, but never got to the point where I could entertain w/o
> thinking about the stack. If you don't own Harry Loryane's CLASSIC
> COLLECTION 1&2, there is a lot of good stack effects in it, however;
> anytime I see 'faro' or 'stack' I usually skip right over it. Besides,
> stacks are meant to be broken ;-)
> I agree with Mitch, unless your performing for magicians, become a
> mentalist, or position yourself memory expert, laymen don't care about
> memory feats. Nothing is more discouraging then doing an amazing
> memory feat or a difficult sleight then to have people clamor about a
> sponge ball or nudist deck routine some other magician did.
> -A

As I recall BOUND TO PLEASE even comes with a Bicycle back card with
the stack printed on the front of the card. I love Simon Aaronson's
material, but, dare I say this, I've heard from other magicians that
his lectures will put you to sleep. It's like listening to a robot
talk, they say. Memory work can be boring as hell if you can't get
the audience invested. I'm far too lazy to commit to this, and I'm
almost ashamed to admit the rise I get out of people when I use a
marked deck for the same memory stunt this guy took years to perfect.
I know, it's like finding out Ricky Jay is using a store bought
Stripper deck to accomplish what looks like decades of intense card
work, or the Moon landing was shot in a clandestine film studio. But
you know, this balsphemy might just contain more than a grain of

On May 12, 9:39�pm, ""
<> wrote:

> I don't think there will ever be anyone with the intense focus of Dai
> Vernon. �I often think of this when I get depressed from being
out of
> work, or because of life in general. �Things turned out just
fine for
> Mr. Vernon. �And the less I worry about things the more they
seem to
> take care of themselves. �Call it what you will, maybe it's
Zen. �Life
> is going to go on whether I'm there to worry about it or not.
> -Leary-

Allan Ackerman (I forget which of his books) stated it wouldn't have
been possible w/o a teaching job where he got to practice card magic
10 hours a day! It's all about your position in life. Derek Vernon
once stated "my father was the world's greatest card magician. As a
father, he was the world's greatest card magician."

Mitch, your a single guy with little responsibilities and and
encylopedic knowledge of magic. Get out and perform! I just learned
within the past few years that the REAL interesting secrets of magic
isn't in an obscure book. It's how to sell yourself and do gigs with

Don't worry about being an obese ogre - because I am too! (My heaviest
was 300+ pounds). You definately have the personality. Live off $4
walmart perscriptions, travel - Mark Lewis never drove a car in his
life and he is successful.

Zen Buddhist do their sand garden every morning even though it can get
destroyed in an hour or by the end of the day. They do it day in and
day out to remind them selves there are things you can't control in
life, but they still go out and do it. Even if you don't perform,
compile the mountain of info you have posted over the years and sell
it before google vanishes it into obscurity. You have more
potentional than most people I know.


There is this video on youtube of Jimmy Grippo with Orsen Wells where
he does a routine with a marked deck and card index (I'm guessing
that's how he did it) and it is the slickest best routine ever:

HEY AL THANKS FOR JARING MY MENMORY TOO:) jimmy gripo in one of my
manygenni or magic magzines that cool bob scofield gave me
it shows jimmy gripo teachayoung tennager david seth kotkin
copperfield:) cards illusion slight of hand ideas
ps lol hehehe m sister cheryl teall saw allthe vh video tapes plus
illusionplan books and genni mazines and magic magzines she put them in
plastic large and meduim cintainers with lids on them and me and her and
her children putt most of my stuff in the out side garge then put a lock
on it:)

she is like the stories
she can not stand a messy house

On May 13, 4:51�pm, bill page <> wrote:
> i have delands automatic playing cards
> i bought at bush gardens
> williamsburg virginia
> that was called a �wizard works
> but now its called a pot of gold
> bill page <> has sent you the following web link:
> MAY 2010
> View Issue Contents
> Genii Speaks
> Editor Richard Kaufman shares his thoughts from a recent edition of
> his monthly column, 'Genii Speaks.'
> � Tricks You Can Do
> Are you new to magic? Click here to read some simple tricks that you
> can learn in only a few hours and start your journey toward becoming a
> magician
> Genii: A Retrospective By David Charvet
> � The 1930s
> When Genii burst upon the magic scene in September of 1936, Bill
> Larsen, Sr. had put his heart, soul and pocketbook at stake in much
> the same way that David did when he faced the mighty Goliath. But in
> this case, �Goliath� was John Mulholland�s
Sphinx; long-established
> independent journal of the art, brought to its zenith in the 1920s by
> Kansas City physician, Dr. Albert M. Wilson.
> Larsen, together with his close friend, T. Page Wright, were frequent
> contributors to the Sphinx when it was under Wilson�s hand.
But after
> Wilson�s death in February, 1930, Larsen watched as the
journal, in
> his opinion, deteriorated under Mulholland�s leadership, from
> factual presentation and reporting of the magician�s art, into
> glossy �Harper�s Bazaarish� (to use
Larsen�s own words) magazine.
> Certainly, in New York City, the scholarly Mulholland felt in the fall
> of 1936 that the small upstart way out on the West Coast would never
> have the impact of the venerable Sphinx. But by 1937, when Genii
> subscriptions increased and more kept coming in, John Mulholland must
> have realized that the Genii would never again be restrained in its
> bottle.
> Magic, in the 1930s had seen little change from the days of Robert-
> Houdin. Certainly, there were the large elaborate shows of Blackstone
> and Dante, and the standout smaller acts such as Cardini, Jack Gwynne,
> and Ade Duval. But these were the exceptions rather than the rule. In
> general, the amateurs and semi-pros were content in presenting the
> same magic that had entertained audiences in their
grandfather�s day.
> But Bill Larsen, in his thought-provoking editorials, always
> challenged the complacent magicians to modernize their ways of
> thinking and bags of tricks to suit the new demands of the
> entertainment buying public.
> Readers responded to Larsen�s editorials and his magazine,
with its
> qualified contributors and practical tricks; and by 1940, the
> subscriptions had blossomed to several thousand throughout the world.
> � The 1940s
> The first half of the decade of the forties found the world involved
> in war. And Genii was there every month; to bring reassuring news of
> home to magicians in the trenches, and words stateside from those on
> the front lines, whose common link was the art of magic.
> In 1942, the Larsen�s purchased Floyd Thayer�s Magic
Company. Again,
> Bill�s desire to improve the art pervaded every part of the
> He eliminated many effects from stock that he felt were antiquated in
> favor of ones more suited to a contemporary audience. But, rather than
> turn Genii into a �house organ,� the magazine remained
> independent. Bill limited the amount of advertising space given to
> Thayer�s and kept the interest of his readers foremost in his
> With the magic shop, shows, lectures, and later involvement with the
> legal profession, Larsen was finding little time for Genii; but with
> Gerrie Larsen as Business Manager and Bill as Editor of Magic, during
> the decade the magazine prospered.
> In 1941, the S.A.M. had shown their confidence by awarding Genii with
> the contract to print their M-U-M. as part of the magazine; thus
> taking away some of the Sphinx readership. Then, with the end of the
> war in 1945, many soldiers who had taken Genii with them into the
> battlefield were back home again as regular readers. And later, in
> November, 1949, Genii absorbed The Conjuror�s Magazine. All of
> things found, by the end of the decade, a boost in the popularity of
> the magazine, and because of it, the art of magic.
> � The 1950s
> The Larsens sold Thayer�s in 1950. When the Sphinx passed its
> Anniversary mark in March of 1951, Bill�s opinions of the
magazine had
> not changed from 21 years before; although possibly in the intervening
> years, they had mellowed a bit.
> Then, on July 5, 1953, Bill Larsen Sr. died suddenly at the age of
> 48.
> Many predicted it would be the end of Genii. But Gerrie, Bill Jr., and
> Milt said �No�! In stepped Bill, Jr. to take the
> When John Mulholland�s health and other pursuits caused him to
> discontinue the Sphinx in the Fall of 1953, Genii was firmly in
> control of the magic scene; although magic was having a hard time
> holding its own.
> General interest in magic had begun to decline. With the 1950s postwar
> �baby boom,� many fathers had traded their magic wands
for diaper
> pins. But subscriptions held steady, and Bill Jr. kept his
> policies in effect: honest journalism, fair reporting, excellent
> tricks and articles. They all helped keep Genii going through the lean
> years.
> � � The 1960s
> The full impact of the medium of television was being felt in the
> early 1960s. Bill and Milt both became involved in the industry. And
> out of that �box in the living room� came a new magic
superstar: Mark
> Wilson, who with his Magic Land Of Allakazam shot a dose of life into
> the art that some said was dying. And all the while, Genii was still
> there.
> Then, in 1962 a dream come true�The Academy of Magical Arts
and The
> Magic Castle! Originally an idea of Bill Sr.�s, the Academy
had first
> been formed in 1952 (at that time all Genii subscribers were
> automatically members), but the project stood dormant after his death.
> It took Bill, Jr. and Milt to bring their father�s dream to
> fruition. And again, Genii did not become just a
�mouthpiece� for the
> Academy and the Castle, but fairly gave time to all magicians and
> organizations with the betterment of magic in mind.
> � � The 1970s
> As Mark Wilson had done the decade before, in the 1970s Doug Henning
> brought a renaissance to the art with his performance in The Magic
> Show, and many network television appearances. And still, Genii was
> there, keeping pace with the times informing magicians of the current
> news and happenings. And, Bill and his bride Irene didn�t just
> for news to come to them; they searched it out. Wherever magicians
> gathered at major conventions or events around the world, Bill and
> Irene were there, too, with note pad and tape recorder in hand making
> sure Genii readers were informed readers.
> �The 1980s and 1990s
> The rebirth of the large touring illusion show of the past, modernized
> by the likes of Henning, Copperfield, Blackstone Jr., Reveen, and
> Kramien, kept magic in the minds of the theater-going public.
> Siegfried and Roy continued to thrill capacity crowds in Las Vegas.
> Magic clubs and conventions find enthusiastic attendees. And still,
> Genii was there.
> That any magazine survives, and more importantly, prospers for more
> than a half century, especially in such a closely-knit fraternity as
> the art of magic, is testimony to one thing: dedication.
> In this case, it is the dedication of the entire Larsen family to the
> art that allowed Genii to continue and grow. Scores of magazines have
> come and gone during the last fifty years. As Bill Larsen, Jr. became
> ill due to alcoholism, the editorship of Genii was taken over first by
> Dante Larsen (the son of Irene and John Daniel), and later by Erika
> Larsen. The magazine faltered and it appeared that it would end in
> 1998 when it appeared only three times.
> In October 1998, the Larsen family sold Genii, The Conjurors�
> Magazine, to a new company headed by famed author, illustrator, and
> publisher, Richard Kaufman. Since the first issue published by The
> Genii Corporation appeared in January, 1999, Genii has been on time
> every single month and grown to over 100 pages an issue with much of
> it in color.
> With a fresh start, Genii has once again become the premier magazine
> in the field of magic and has a long future ahead of it in the 21st
> century. The entire history of magic for the last three-quarters of a
> century is contained in the pages of Genii.
> IN CHRIST allways fat bill page
> illusionist magician in fun
> your friendly neighbor hood spiderman

Bill, did you and Bob Scofield ever make up one of my marked decks? I
posted the secret here in the group several years ago. It's designed
for magicians as the marks are more in the center of the card,
whereras marked cards for gamblers are usually in the upper left hand
corner of both ends. All you need are a red or blue fine point
Sharpie marker and a deck of red or blue Bicycle cards. You can mark
a deck in about 15 minutes and the marks are all but invisible. I
used to sell these at the swap meet for $20 to $30 per deck. Hand
marked cards are usually more expensive than factory marked cards.
I'm working on a way to apply the Deland marked deck system to a
Bicycle deck using a single key card. I've always liked the Deland
deck but it's so well known that you can't even use it to perform
simple magic tricks-- I think every kid in the world has had a Deland
deck at one time or another.

bill page <> has sent you the following web link:
To:,,, Cc:
Subject: Fw: Comedy Mocking Jesus Christ Attachment:

in Christ allways fat bill page
illusionist magician in fun
your friendly neighbor hood spider man
same bat time same bat channel

look up trickbusters copperfield
look up breaking the magicians code
look up magician bill page of alt.magic
look up all the secrets of magic revealed
look up antigravity ufos
look up visual stealth airplanes
look up day time stealth airplanes
look up adaptive camaflauge
look up now you see me now you dont
look up cloaking
look up cloaking devices
look up tokyo professor invisible coat
look up ufo cloaking
look up cloaking ufo
look up nukelar ufos
look up magics biggest secrets finale revealed
look up williams poundstones books
big secrets, bigger secrets, biggest secrets
look up war illusionist
look up the art of war
lookup bob laser ufo
look up robert laser ufo

Save a copy of this e-mail to my Sent messages folder
Include original e-mail message

From: optional4
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:48 PM
To: ;
Subject: Comedy Central Mocking Jesus Christ

More insults and attacks against Jesus Christ and Christians.

Why is it that it is OK to insult, make fun of and damn
but oh no we can't say anything against the damnable Muslim hate
and murderous religious agenda.

Please read below and add your name to the petition.
Thanks and God Bless!

The Comedy Central network has a long history of denigrating
Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. Now, they are developing
A new series called "JC" that will openly mock Jesus and give
Comedy Central even more time and latitude to increase their
Attacks on a religion practiced by 80 percent of Americans.

Just weeks ago, Comedy Central censored a depiction of the
Prophet Mohammad after intense Muslim protest. But Christians
Are fair game!

I am outraged by this unabashed double standard, and I'm
Protesting against Comedy Central and its parent company Viacom
And their plans to air this show mocking Christians.

I have just added my name to a Media Research Center petition,
And I'm urging you to do the same by clicking here now:

We cannot allow the Hollywood Elite and the left-wing media
To continue to savage Christians. That's why I'm taking
Action and I hope you will do the same.

Thanks for joining with me.

Mr. Bob Simon

look up NASA did we really land on the real moon?

From: Robert Scofield
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 4:45 PM
To: bill page
Subject: Now You See it...Books have just materialized out of thin
air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass


This is just a wild idea, and I don't know for sure what they're
worth, or how they got here, but, now that I've found my two Bill Tarr
books, Now You See It, Now You Don't, etc., see how much $$$ you can get
for them online from someone (,
he-who-must-not-be-named-in-my-house!!!) and I will split it with you
fifty-fifty, for your B-Day, OK?

These guys must love books, right? ( know, real paper and ink
thingy's...) if they're anything like me...always lurking for a good
deal in the most unlikely belfries and dusty attics...hahaha!
me...nobody from nowhere...hehehehe...

Your friend,
Bob S.

----- Original Message -----
From: bill page
To: ; ;
; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 12:39 PM
Subject: mlFw: Re: Bottomless Glass

On May 12, 12:05�pm, Al Hastings <> wrote:
> I'm sorry for not listening to Leary earlier about this! �I
> it when he first mentioned it long ago, however; I tried it this
> morning for a nursing home group and it surprised me how well it gone
> over!
> I reread LATER MAGIC by Hoffmann last week and it got my creative
> juices flowing. �After my egg bag routine (I used to french
> reproduce the egg from my hat), I dropped the egg into the glass,
> cover it with a silk, steal the egg out to 'get my magic wand', put
> the wand back into the case while stealing out a fakini golf ball to
> replace in the glass for a billiard ball routine. �What a
> transition between effects!
> btw, Alan Wakeling used a golf ball in his egg bag routine and I
> disagree - it doesn't get the same reaction as a 'fragile' egg.
> Mitch, any other sources that talks about the use of the bottomless
> glass?
> -A

YES, YES, YES, by all means beg, borrow, or steal 25 TRICKS WITH A
BOTTOMLESS GLASS. It usually comes with it when you buy a new one.
Here's just one item to get you started:

Have someone take out a bill, sign it, and fold the bill. Hold out
the glass and ask them to drop the bill inside as you turn your head
away. Have them drape a fairly large silk over the glass, then seal
it with a rubberband around the rim. Place glass on table and head
for the corner to concentrate with your Dry Erase Board or mini Chalk
board. The number comes to you psychicly, you write it down and
return. Pick up the glass, have the silk and rubber band removed,
NEVER TOUCHING THE BILL, pour it out into the spectators hands. He
opens it, you turn around the Dry Erase board, IT'S A MATCH...YOU'RE A
GOD!!! Well, for several minutes anyway.

SECRET: Rather obvious when you know the MO. Hold the glass by it's
bottom, they drop the bill right into your hand. THEY drape and seal
the glass. You place it on the table as you steal away the bill. In
the corner, or simply with your back turned, you do the monkey
business. Re-fold the bill and reverse the process to return the bill
to the glass.

I'm telling you Al, this kills!!!

Nobody has a clue, even most of these "young" magicians, as that old
stuff couldn't possibly contain anything of value. LOL...what they
should be doing is pounding on my door begging me to let them photo-
copy some of these OLD instruction sheets. I've got the good stuff.

On May 13, 11:33�pm, Al Hastings <> wrote:
> At a Mike Close lecture about 10+ years ago, he used a stack and
> performed card magic like a jazz piano player. He recommended Simon
> Aaronson's book, BOUND TO PLEASE. �I got the book, large
amount of
> material, but never got to the point where I could entertain w/o
> thinking about the stack. If you don't own Harry Loryane's CLASSIC
> COLLECTION 1&2, there is a lot of good stack effects in it, however;
> anytime I see 'faro' or 'stack' I usually skip right over it. Besides,
> stacks are meant to be broken ;-)
> I agree with Mitch, unless your performing for magicians, become a
> mentalist, or position yourself memory expert, laymen don't care about
> memory feats. Nothing is more discouraging then doing an amazing
> memory feat or a difficult sleight then to have people clamor about a
> sponge ball or nudist deck routine some other magician did.
> -A

As I recall BOUND TO PLEASE even comes with a Bicycle back card with
the stack printed on the front of the card. I love Simon Aaronson's
material, but, dare I say this, I've heard from other magicians that
his lectures will put you to sleep. It's like listening to a robot
talk, they say. Memory work can be boring as hell if you can't get
the audience invested. I'm far too lazy to commit to this, and I'm
almost ashamed to admit the rise I get out of people when I use a
marked deck for the same memory stunt this guy took years to perfect.
I know, it's like finding out Ricky Jay is using a store bought
Stripper deck to accomplish what looks like decades of intense card
work, or the Moon landing was shot in a clandestine film studio. But
you know, this balsphemy might just contain more than a grain of

On May 12, 9:39�pm, ""
<> wrote:

> I don't think there will ever be anyone with the intense focus of Dai
> Vernon. �I often think of this when I get depressed from being
out of
> work, or because of life in general. �Things turned out just
fine for
> Mr. Vernon. �And the less I worry about things the more they
seem to
> take care of themselves. �Call it what you will, maybe it's
Zen. �Life
> is going to go on whether I'm there to worry about it or not.
> -Leary-

Allan Ackerman (I forget which of his books) stated it wouldn't have
been possible w/o a teaching job where he got to practice card magic
10 hours a day! It's all about your position in life. Derek Vernon
once stated "my father was the world's greatest card magician. As a
father, he was the world's greatest card magician."

Mitch, your a single guy with little responsibilities and and
encylopedic knowledge of magic. Get out and perform! I just learned
within the past few years that the REAL interesting secrets of magic
isn't in an obscure book. It's how to sell yourself and do gigs with

Don't worry about being an obese ogre - because I am too! (My heaviest
was 300+ pounds). You definately have the personality. Live off $4
walmart perscriptions, travel - Mark Lewis never drove a car in his
life and he is successful.

Zen Buddhist do their sand garden every morning even though it can get
destroyed in an hour or by the end of the day. They do it day in and
day out to remind them selves there are things you can't control in
life, but they still go out and do it. Even if you don't perform,
compile the mountain of info you have posted over the years and sell
it before google vanishes it into obscurity. You have more
potentional than most people I know.


There is this video on youtube of Jimmy Grippo with Orsen Wells where
he does a routine with a marked deck and card index (I'm guessing
that's how he did it) and it is the slickest best routine ever:

HEY AL THANKS FOR JARING MY MENMORY TOO:) jimmy gripo in one of my
manygenni or magic magzines that cool bob scofield gave me
it shows jimmy gripo teachayoung tennager david seth kotkin
copperfield:) cards illusion slight of hand ideas
ps lol hehehe m sister cheryl teall saw allthe vh video tapes plus
illusionplan books and genni mazines and magic magzines she put them in
plastic large and meduim cintainers with lids on them and me and her and
her children putt most of my stuff in the out side garge then put a lock
on it:)

she is like the stories
she can not stand a messy house

On May 13, 4:51�pm, bill page <> wrote:
> i have delands automatic playing cards
> i bought at bush gardens
> williamsburg virginia
> that was called a �wizard works
> but now its called a pot of gold
> bill page <> has sent you the following web link:
> MAY 2010
> View Issue Contents
> Genii Speaks
> Editor Richard Kaufman shares his thoughts from a recent edition of
> his monthly column, 'Genii Speaks.'
> � Tricks You Can Do
> Are you new to magic? Click here to read some simple tricks that you
> can learn in only a few hours and start your journey toward becoming a
> magician
> Genii: A Retrospective By David Charvet
> � The 1930s
> When Genii burst upon the magic scene in September of 1936, Bill
> Larsen, Sr. had put his heart, soul and pocketbook at stake in much
> the same way that David did when he faced the mighty Goliath. But in
> this case, �Goliath� was John Mulholland�s
Sphinx; long-established
> independent journal of the art, brought to its zenith in the 1920s by
> Kansas City physician, Dr. Albert M. Wilson.
> Larsen, together with his close friend, T. Page Wright, were frequent
> contributors to the Sphinx when it was under Wilson�s hand.
But after
> Wilson�s death in February, 1930, Larsen watched as the
journal, in
> his opinion, deteriorated under Mulholland�s leadership, from
> factual presentation and reporting of the magician�s art, into
> glossy �Harper�s Bazaarish� (to use
Larsen�s own words) magazine.
> Certainly, in New York City, the scholarly Mulholland felt in the fall
> of 1936 that the small upstart way out on the West Coast would never
> have the impact of the venerable Sphinx. But by 1937, when Genii
> subscriptions increased and more kept coming in, John Mulholland must
> have realized that the Genii would never again be restrained in its
> bottle.
> Magic, in the 1930s had seen little change from the days of Robert-
> Houdin. Certainly, there were the large elaborate shows of Blackstone
> and Dante, and the standout smaller acts such as Cardini, Jack Gwynne,
> and Ade Duval. But these were the exceptions rather than the rule. In
> general, the amateurs and semi-pros were content in presenting the
> same magic that had entertained audiences in their
grandfather�s day.
> But Bill Larsen, in his thought-provoking editorials, always
> challenged the complacent magicians to modernize their ways of
> thinking and bags of tricks to suit the new demands of the
> entertainment buying public.
> Readers responded to Larsen�s editorials and his magazine,
with its
> qualified contributors and practical tricks; and by 1940, the
> subscriptions had blossomed to several thousand throughout the world.
> � The 1940s
> The first half of the decade of the forties found the world involved
> in war. And Genii was there every month; to bring reassuring news of
> home to magicians in the trenches, and words stateside from those on
> the front lines, whose common link was the art of magic.
> In 1942, the Larsen�s purchased Floyd Thayer�s Magic
Company. Again,
> Bill�s desire to improve the art pervaded every part of the
> He eliminated many effects from stock that he felt were antiquated in
> favor of ones more suited to a contemporary audience. But, rather than
> turn Genii into a �house organ,� the magazine remained
> independent. Bill limited the amount of advertising space given to
> Thayer�s and kept the interest of his readers foremost in his
> With the magic shop, shows, lectures, and later involvement with the
> legal profession, Larsen was finding little time for Genii; but with
> Gerrie Larsen as Business Manager and Bill as Editor of Magic, during
> the decade the magazine prospered.
> In 1941, the S.A.M. had shown their confidence by awarding Genii with
> the contract to print their M-U-M. as part of the magazine; thus
> taking away some of the Sphinx readership. Then, with the end of the
> war in 1945, many soldiers who had taken Genii with them into the
> battlefield were back home again as regular readers. And later, in
> November, 1949, Genii absorbed The Conjuror�s Magazine. All of
> things found, by the end of the decade, a boost in the popularity of
> the magazine, and because of it, the art of magic.
> � The 1950s
> The Larsens sold Thayer�s in 1950. When the Sphinx passed its
> Anniversary mark in March of 1951, Bill�s opinions of the
magazine had
> not changed from 21 years before; although possibly in the intervening
> years, they had mellowed a bit.
> Then, on July 5, 1953, Bill Larsen Sr. died suddenly at the age of
> 48.
> Many predicted it would be the end of Genii. But Gerrie, Bill Jr., and
> Milt said �No�! In stepped Bill, Jr. to take the
> When John Mulholland�s health and other pursuits caused him to
> discontinue the Sphinx in the Fall of 1953, Genii was firmly in
> control of the magic scene; although magic was having a hard time
> holding its own.
> General interest in magic had begun to decline. With the 1950s postwar
> �baby boom,� many fathers had traded their magic wands
for diaper
> pins. But subscriptions held steady, and Bill Jr. kept his
> policies in effect: honest journalism, fair reporting, excellent
> tricks and articles. They all helped keep Genii going through the lean
> years.
> � � The 1960s
> The full impact of the medium of television was being felt in the
> early 1960s. Bill and Milt both became involved in the industry. And
> out of that �box in the living room� came a new magic
superstar: Mark
> Wilson, who with his Magic Land Of Allakazam shot a dose of life into
> the art that some said was dying. And all the while, Genii was still
> there.
> Then, in 1962 a dream come true�The Academy of Magical Arts
and The
> Magic Castle! Originally an idea of Bill Sr.�s, the Academy
had first
> been formed in 1952 (at that time all Genii subscribers were
> automatically members), but the project stood dormant after his death.
> It took Bill, Jr. and Milt to bring their father�s dream to
> fruition. And again, Genii did not become just a
�mouthpiece� for the
> Academy and the Castle, but fairly gave time to all magicians and
> organizations with the betterment of magic in mind.
> � � The 1970s
> As Mark Wilson had done the decade before, in the 1970s Doug Henning
> brought a renaissance to the art with his performance in The Magic
> Show, and many network television appearances. And still, Genii was
> there, keeping pace with the times informing magicians of the current
> news and happenings. And, Bill and his bride Irene didn�t just
> for news to come to them; they searched it out. Wherever magicians
> gathered at major conventions or events around the world, Bill and
> Irene were there, too, with note pad and tape recorder in hand making
> sure Genii readers were informed readers.
> �The 1980s and 1990s
> The rebirth of the large touring illusion show of the past, modernized
> by the likes of Henning, Copperfield, Blackstone Jr., Reveen, and
> Kramien, kept magic in the minds of the theater-going public.
> Siegfried and Roy continued to thrill capacity crowds in Las Vegas.
> Magic clubs and conventions find enthusiastic attendees. And still,
> Genii was there.
> That any magazine survives, and more importantly, prospers for more
> than a half century, especially in such a closely-knit fraternity as
> the art of magic, is testimony to one thing: dedication.
> In this case, it is the dedication of the entire Larsen family to the
> art that allowed Genii to continue and grow. Scores of magazines have
> come and gone during the last fifty years. As Bill Larsen, Jr. became
> ill due to alcoholism, the editorship of Genii was taken over first by
> Dante Larsen (the son of Irene and John Daniel), and later by Erika
> Larsen. The magazine faltered and it appeared that it would end in
> 1998 when it appeared only three times.
> In October 1998, the Larsen family sold Genii, The Conjurors�
> Magazine, to a new company headed by famed author, illustrator, and
> publisher, Richard Kaufman. Since the first issue published by The
> Genii Corporation appeared in January, 1999, Genii has been on time
> every single month and grown to over 100 pages an issue with much of
> it in color.
> With a fresh start, Genii has once again become the premier magazine
> in the field of magic and has a long future ahead of it in the 21st
> century. The entire history of magic for the last three-quarters of a
> century is contained in the pages of Genii.
> IN CHRIST allways fat bill page
> illusionist magician in fun
> your friendly neighbor hood spiderman

Bill, did you and Bob Scofield ever make up one of my marked decks? I
posted the secret here in the group several years ago. It's designed
for magicians as the marks are more in the center of the card,
whereras marked cards for gamblers are usually in the upper left hand
corner of both ends. All you need are a red or blue fine point
Sharpie marker and a deck of red or blue Bicycle cards. You can mark
a deck in about 15 minutes and the marks are all but invisible. I
used to sell these at the swap meet for $20 to $30 per deck. Hand
marked cards are usually more expensive than factory marked cards.
I'm working on a way to apply the Deland marked deck system to a
Bicycle deck using a single key card. I've always liked the Deland
deck but it's so well known that you can't even use it to perform
simple magic tricks-- I think every kid in the world has had a Deland
deck at one time or another.

bill page <> has sent you the following web link:
To:,,, Cc:
Subject: Fw: Comedy Mocking Jesus Christ Attachment:

in Christ allways fat bill page
illusionist magician in fun
your friendly neighbor hood spider man
same bat time same bat channel

look up trickbusters copperfield
look up breaking the magicians code
look up magician bill page of alt.magic
look up all the secrets of magic revealed
look up antigravity ufos
look up visual stealth airplanes
look up day time stealth airplanes
look up adaptive camaflauge
look up now you see me now you dont
look up cloaking
look up cloaking devices
look up tokyo professor invisible coat
look up ufo cloaking
look up cloaking ufo
look up nukelar ufos
look up magics biggest secrets finale revealed
look up williams poundstones books
big secrets, bigger secrets, biggest secrets
look up war illusionist
look up the art of war
lookup bob laser ufo
look up robert laser ufo

Save a copy of this e-mail to my Sent messages folder
Include original e-mail message

From: optional4
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:48 PM
To: ;
Subject: Comedy Central Mocking Jesus Christ

More insults and attacks against Jesus Christ and Christians.

Why is it that it is OK to insult, make fun of and damn
but oh no we can't say anything against the damnable Muslim hate
and murderous religious agenda.

Please read below and add your name to the petition.
Thanks and God Bless!

The Comedy Central network has a long history of denigrating
Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. Now, they are developing
A new series called "JC" that will openly mock Jesus and give
Comedy Central even more time and latitude to increase their
Attacks on a religion practiced by 80 percent of Americans.

Just weeks ago, Comedy Central censored a depiction of the
Prophet Mohammad after intense Muslim protest. But Christians
Are fair game!

I am outraged by this unabashed double standard, and I'm
Protesting against Comedy Central and its parent company Viacom
And their plans to air this show mocking Christians.

I have just added my name to a Media Research Center petition,
And I'm urging you to do the same by clicking here now:

We cannot allow the Hollywood Elite and the left-wing media
To continue to savage Christians. That's why I'm taking
Action and I hope you will do the same.

Thanks for joining with me.

Mr. Bob Simon

look up NASA did we really land on the real moon?

May 29, 2010, 10:38:05 PM5/29/10
On May 27, 7:20 pm, (bill page) wrote:
>  To:  

> Cc:  
>  Subject: lol hallow stairs cool bob scofied coolFw: Re: bob scoield
> needsFw: Now You See it...Books have just materialized out of thin
> air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass Attachment:    
>       hehehehe  pfft poof  lol cute bob scofield cool:)  zero hero
> song:)
> fragale rock cartoons
> on ABC
> tv channel
>   Prev    Next    Normal view To: bill page
> From: Robert Scofield
> Subject: Re: MLsays for bob s to emailhim to help bill page on ml ideas
> o marked cards concepts:) Fw: Re: yepmitch is right marked cards
> Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:46 PM
> channelhttp://www.wilds.orghttp://www.billriceranch.orghttp://www.biblehelp....
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­-----

> > From: optional4
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:48 PM
> > To: ;
> > Subject: Comedy Central Mocking Jesus Christ
> > 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----

> From: Robert Scofield
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:40 PM
> To: bill page
> Subject: Re: bob scoield needsFw: Now You See it...Books have just
> materialized out of thin air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass

> didn't notice??? I said, ...always LURKING for a good
> deal...hehehe...OK, Billy, I'm going back under the steps now...
> Bob S.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: bill page
> To: ; ;
> ; ;
> ; ;
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:48 PM
> Subject: bob scoield needsFw: Now You See it...Books have just
> materialized out of thin air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass
>   Prev    Next    Normal view To: bill page
> From: Robert Scofield
> Subject: Now You See it...Books have just materialized out of thin
> air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass
> Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010 4:45 PM

> Billy,
>     This is just a wild idea, and I don't know for sure what they're
> worth, or how they got here, but, now that I've found my two Bill Tarr
> books, Now You See It, Now You Don't, etc., see how much $$$ you can get
> for them online from someone (,
> he-who-must-not-be-named-in-my-house!!!) and I will split it with you
> fifty-fifty, for your B-Day, OK?
>     These guys must love books, right? ( know, real paper and ink
> thingy's...) if they're anything like me...always lurking for a good
> deal in the most unlikely belfries and dusty attics...hahaha!
> me...nobody from nowhere...hehehehe...
> Your friend,
> Bob S.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: bill page
> To: ; ;
> ; ; ; ;
> ;
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 12:39 PM
> Subject: mlFw: Re: Bottomless Glass
> On May 12, 12:05 pm, Al Hastings <> wrote:
> > I'm sorry for not listening to Leary earlier about this! I

> dismissed
> > it when he first mentioned it long ago, however; I tried it this
> > morning for a nursing home group and it surprised me how well it gone
> > over!
> > I reread LATER MAGIC by Hoffmann last week and it got my creative
> > juices flowing. After my egg bag routine (I used to french

> drop,
> > reproduce the egg from my hat), I dropped the egg into the glass,
> > cover it with a silk, steal the egg out to 'get my magic wand', put
> > the wand back into the case while stealing out a fakini golf ball to
> > replace in the glass for a billiard ball routine. What a
> On May 13, 11:33 pm, Al Hastings <> wrote:
> > At a Mike Close lecture about 10+ years ago, he used a stack and
> > performed card magic like a jazz piano player. He recommended Simon
> > Aaronson's book, BOUND TO PLEASE. I got the book, large
> On May 12, 9:39 pm, ""

> <> wrote:
> > I don't think there will ever be anyone with the intense focus of Dai
> > Vernon. I often think of this when I get depressed from being
> out of
> > work, or because of life in general. Things turned out just
> fine for
> > Mr. Vernon. And the less I worry about things the more they
> seem to
> > take care of themselves. Call it what you will, maybe it's
> Zen. Life
> On May 13, 4:51 pm, bill page <> wrote:
> > i have delands automatic playing cards
> > i bought at bush gardens
> > williamsburg virginia
> > that was called a wizard works

> > but now its called a pot of gold
> > bill page <> has sent you the following web link:
> >
> > MAY 2010
> > View Issue Contents
> > Genii Speaks
> > Editor Richard Kaufman shares his thoughts from a recent edition of
> > his monthly column, 'Genii Speaks.'
> > Tricks You Can Do
> > Are you new to magic? Click here to read some simple tricks that you
> > can learn in only a few hours and start your journey toward becoming a
> > magician
> > Genii: A Retrospective By David Charvet
> > The 1930s
> > When Genii burst upon the magic scene in September of 1936, Bill
> > Larsen, Sr. had put his heart, soul and pocketbook at stake in much
> > the same way that David did when he faced the mighty Goliath. But in
> > this case, Goliath was John Mulholland s

> Sphinx; long-established
> > independent journal of the art, brought to its zenith in the 1920s by
> > Kansas City physician, Dr. Albert M. Wilson.
> > Larsen, together with his close friend, T. Page Wright, were frequent
> > contributors to the Sphinx when it was under Wilson s hand.
> But after
> > Wilson s death in February, 1930, Larsen watched as the
> journal, in
> > his opinion, deteriorated under Mulholland s leadership, from
> the
> > factual presentation and reporting of the magician s art, into
> a
> > glossy Harper s Bazaarish (to use
> Larsen s own words) magazine.

> > Certainly, in New York City, the scholarly Mulholland felt in the fall
> > of 1936 that the small upstart way out on the West Coast would never
> > have the impact of the venerable Sphinx. But by 1937, when Genii
> > subscriptions increased and more kept coming in, John Mulholland must
> > have realized that the Genii would never again be restrained in its
> > bottle.
> > Magic, in the 1930s had seen little change from the days of Robert-
> > Houdin. Certainly, there were the large elaborate shows of Blackstone
> > and Dante, and the standout smaller acts such as Cardini, Jack Gwynne,
> > and Ade Duval. But these were the exceptions rather than the rule. In
> > general, the amateurs and semi-pros were content in presenting the
> > same magic that had entertained audiences in their
> grandfather s day.

> > But Bill Larsen, in his thought-provoking editorials, always
> > challenged the complacent magicians to modernize their ways of
> > thinking and bags of tricks to suit the new demands of the
> > entertainment buying public.
> > Readers responded to Larsen s editorials and his magazine,

> with its
> > qualified contributors and practical tricks; and by 1940, the
> > subscriptions had blossomed to several thousand throughout the world.
> > The 1940s
> > The first half of the decade of the forties found the world involved
> > in war. And Genii was there every month; to bring reassuring news of
> > home to magicians in the trenches, and words stateside from those on
> > the front lines, whose common link was the art of magic.
> > In 1942, the Larsen s purchased Floyd Thayer s Magic
> Company. Again,
> > Bill s desire to improve the art pervaded every part of the

> business.
> > He eliminated many effects from stock that he felt were antiquated in
> > favor of ones more suited to a contemporary audience. But, rather than
> > turn Genii into a house organ, the magazine remained

> entirely
> > independent. Bill limited the amount of advertising space given to
> > Thayer s and kept the interest of his readers foremost in his

> mind.
> > With the magic shop, shows, lectures, and later involvement with the
> > legal profession, Larsen was finding little time for Genii; but with
> > Gerrie Larsen as Business Manager and Bill as Editor of Magic, during
> > the decade the magazine prospered.
> > In 1941, the S.A.M. had shown their confidence by awarding Genii with
> > the contract to print their M-U-M. as part of the magazine; thus
> > taking away some of the Sphinx readership. Then, with the end of the
> > war in 1945, many soldiers who had taken Genii with them into the
> > battlefield were back home again as regular readers. And later, in
> > November, 1949, Genii absorbed The Conjuror s Magazine. All of

> these
> > things found, by the end of the decade, a boost in the popularity of
> > the magazine, and because of it, the art of magic.
> > The 1950s
> > The Larsens sold Thayer s in 1950. When the Sphinx passed its
> Golden
> > Anniversary mark in March of 1951, Bill s opinions of the

> magazine had
> > not changed from 21 years before; although possibly in the intervening
> > years, they had mellowed a bit.
> > Then, on July 5, 1953, Bill Larsen Sr. died suddenly at the age of
> > 48.
> > Many predicted it would be the end of Genii. But Gerrie, Bill Jr., and
> > Milt said No ! In stepped Bill, Jr. to take the
> reins.
> > When John Mulholland s health and other pursuits caused him to

> > discontinue the Sphinx in the Fall of 1953, Genii was firmly in
> > control of the magic scene; although magic was having a hard time
> > holding its own.
> > General interest in magic had begun to decline. With the 1950s postwar
> > baby boom, many fathers had traded their magic wands

> for diaper
> > pins. But subscriptions held steady, and Bill Jr. kept his
> father s

> > policies in effect: honest journalism, fair reporting, excellent
> > tricks and articles. They all helped keep Genii going through the lean
> > years.
> > The 1960s
> > The full impact of the medium of television was being felt in the
> > early 1960s. Bill and Milt both became involved in the industry. And
> > out of that box in the living room came a new magic

> superstar: Mark
> > Wilson, who with his Magic Land Of Allakazam shot a dose of life into
> > the art that some said was dying. And all the while, Genii was still
> > there.
> > Then, in 1962 a dream come true The Academy of Magical Arts
> and The
> > Magic Castle! Originally an idea of Bill Sr. s, the Academy

> had first
> > been formed in 1952 (at that time all Genii subscribers were
> > automatically members), but the project stood dormant after his death.
> > It took Bill, Jr. and Milt to bring their father s dream to

> full
> > fruition. And again, Genii did not become just a
> mouthpiece for the

> > Academy and the Castle, but fairly gave time to all magicians and
> > organizations with the betterment of magic in mind.
> > The 1970s
> > As Mark Wilson had done the decade before, in the 1970s Doug Henning
> > brought a renaissance to the art with his performance in The Magic
> > Show, and many network television appearances. And still, Genii was
> > there, keeping pace with the times informing magicians of the current
> > news and happenings. And, Bill and his bride Irene didn t just

> wait
> > for news to come to them; they searched it out. Wherever magicians
> > gathered at major conventions or events around the world, Bill and
> > Irene were there, too, with note pad and tape recorder in hand making
> > sure Genii readers were informed readers.
> > The 1980s and 1990s
> > The rebirth of the large touring illusion show of the past, modernized
> > by the likes of Henning, Copperfield, Blackstone Jr., Reveen, and
> > Kramien, kept magic in the minds of the theater-going public.
> > Siegfried and Roy continued to thrill capacity crowds in Las Vegas.
> > Magic clubs and conventions find enthusiastic attendees. And still,
> > Genii was there.
> > That any magazine survives, and more importantly, prospers for more
> > than a half century, especially in such a closely-knit fraternity as
> > the art of magic, is testimony to one thing: dedication.
> > In this case, it is the dedication of the entire Larsen family to the
> > art that allowed Genii to continue and grow. Scores of magazines have
> > come and gone during the last fifty years. As Bill Larsen, Jr. became
> > ill due to alcoholism, the editorship of Genii was taken over first by
> > Dante Larsen (the son of Irene and John Daniel), and later by Erika
> > Larsen. The magazine faltered and it appeared that it would end in
> > 1998 when it appeared only three times.
> > In October 1998, the Larsen family sold Genii, The Conjurors
> > Magazine, to a new company headed by famed author, illustrator, and
> > publisher, Richard Kaufman. Since the first issue published by The
> > Genii Corporation appeared in January, 1999, Genii has been on time
> > every single month and grown to over 100 pages an issue with much of
> > it in color.
> > With a fresh start, Genii has once again become the premier magazine
> > in the field of magic and has a long future ahead of it in the 21st
> > century. The entire history of magic for the last three-quarters of a
> > century is contained in the pages of Genii.
> > IN CHRIST allways fat bill page
> > illusionist magician in fun
> > your friendly neighbor hood spiderman
> Bill, did you and Bob Scofield ever make up one of my marked decks?  I
> posted the secret here in the group several years ago.  It's designed
> for magicians as the marks are more in the center of the card,
> whereras marked cards for gamblers are usually in the upper left hand
> corner of both ends.  All you need are a red or blue fine point
> Sharpie marker and a deck of red or blue Bicycle cards.  You can mark
> a deck in about 15 minutes and the marks are all but invisible.  I
> used to sell these at the swap meet for $20 to $30 per deck.  Hand
> marked cards are usually more expensive than factory marked cards.
> I'm working on a way to apply the Deland marked deck system to a
> Bicycle deck using a single key card.  I've always liked the Deland
> deck but it's so well known that you can't even use it to perform
> simple magic tricks-- I think every kid in the world has had a Deland
> deck at one time or another.
> -Leary-
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----

> From: optional4
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:48 PM
> To: ;
> Subject: Comedy Central Mocking Jesus Christ
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----

> From: Robert Scofield
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 4:45 PM
> To: bill page
> Subject: Now You See it...Books have just materialized out of thin
> air...Fw: Re: Bottomless Glass

> Billy,
>     This is just a wild idea, and I don't know for sure what they're
> worth, or how they got here, but, now that I've found my two Bill Tarr
> books, Now You See It, Now You Don't, etc., see how much $$$ you can get
> for them online from someone (,
> he-who-must-not-be-named-in-my-house!!!) and I will split it with you
> fifty-fifty, for your B-Day, OK?
>     These guys must love books, right? ( know, real paper and ink
> thingy's...) if they're anything like me...always lurking for a good
> deal in the most unlikely belfries and dusty attics...hahaha!
> me...nobody from nowhere...hehehehe...
> Your friend,
> Bob S.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: bill page
> To: ; ;
> ; ; ; ;
> ;
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 12:39 PM
> Subject: mlFw: Re: Bottomless Glass
> On May 12, 12:05 pm, Al Hastings <> wrote:
> > I'm sorry for not listening to Leary earlier about this! I

> dismissed
> > it when he first mentioned it long ago, however; I tried it this
> > morning for a nursing home group and it surprised me how well it gone
> > over!
> > I reread LATER MAGIC by Hoffmann last week and it got my creative
> > juices flowing. After my egg bag routine (I used to french

> drop,
> > reproduce the egg from my hat), I dropped the egg into the glass,
> > cover it with a silk, steal the egg out to 'get my magic wand', put
> > the wand back into the case while stealing out a fakini golf ball to
> > replace in the glass for a billiard ball routine. What a
> On May 13, 11:33 pm, Al Hastings <> wrote:
> > At a Mike Close lecture about 10+ years ago, he used a stack and
> > performed card magic like a jazz piano player. He recommended Simon
> > Aaronson's book, BOUND TO PLEASE. I got the book, large
> On May 12, 9:39 pm, ""

> <> wrote:
> > I don't think there will ever be anyone with the intense focus of Dai
> > Vernon. I often think of this when I get depressed from being
> out of
> > work, or because of life in general. Things turned out just
> fine for
> > Mr. Vernon. And the less I worry about things the more they
> seem to
> > take care of themselves. Call it what you will, maybe it's
> Zen. Life
> On May 13, 4:51 pm, bill page <> wrote:
> > i have delands automatic playing cards
> > i bought at bush gardens
> > williamsburg virginia
> > that was called a wizard works

> > but now its called a pot of gold
> > bill page <> has sent you the following web link:
> >
> > MAY 2010
> > View Issue Contents
> > Genii Speaks
> > Editor Richard Kaufman shares his thoughts from a recent edition of
> > his monthly column, 'Genii Speaks.'
> > Tricks You Can Do
> > Are you new to magic? Click here to read some simple tricks that you
> > can learn in only a few hours and start your journey toward becoming a
> > magician
> > Genii: A Retrospective By David Charvet
> > The 1930s
> > When Genii burst upon the magic scene in September of 1936, Bill
> > Larsen, Sr. had put his heart, soul and pocketbook at stake in much
> > the same way that David did when he faced the mighty Goliath. But in
> > this case, Goliath was John Mulholland s

> Sphinx; long-established
> > independent journal of the art, brought to its zenith in the 1920s by
> > Kansas City physician, Dr. Albert M. Wilson.
> > Larsen, together with his close friend, T. Page Wright, were frequent
> > contributors to the Sphinx when it was under Wilson s hand.
> But after
> > Wilson s death in February, 1930, Larsen watched as the
> journal, in
> > his opinion, deteriorated under Mulholland s leadership, from
> the
> > factual presentation and reporting of the magician s art, into
> a
> > glossy Harper s Bazaarish (to use
> Larsen s own words) magazine.

> > Certainly, in New York City, the scholarly Mulholland felt in the fall
> > of 1936 that the small upstart way out on the West Coast would never
> > have the impact of the venerable Sphinx. But by 1937, when Genii
> > subscriptions increased and more kept coming in, John Mulholland must
> > have realized that the Genii would never again be restrained in its
> > bottle.
> > Magic, in the 1930s had seen little change from the days of Robert-
> > Houdin. Certainly, there were the large elaborate shows of Blackstone
> > and Dante, and the standout smaller acts such as Cardini, Jack Gwynne,
> > and Ade Duval. But these were the exceptions rather than the rule. In
> > general, the amateurs and semi-pros were content in presenting the
> > same magic that had entertained audiences in their
> grandfather s day.

> > But Bill Larsen, in his thought-provoking editorials, always
> > challenged the complacent magicians to modernize their ways of
> > thinking and bags of tricks to suit the new demands of the
> > entertainment buying public.
> > Readers responded to Larsen s editorials and his magazine,

> with its
> > qualified contributors and practical tricks; and by 1940, the
> > subscriptions had blossomed to several thousand throughout the world.
> > The 1940s
> > The first half of the decade of the forties found the world involved
> > in war. And Genii was there every month; to bring reassuring news of
> > home to magicians in the trenches, and words stateside from those on
> > the front lines, whose common link was the art of magic.
> > In 1942, the Larsen s purchased Floyd Thayer s Magic
> Company. Again,
> > Bill s desire to improve the art pervaded every part of the

> business.
> > He eliminated many effects from stock that he felt were antiquated in
> > favor of ones more suited to a contemporary audience. But, rather than
> > turn Genii into a house organ, the magazine remained

> entirely
> > independent. Bill limited the amount of advertising space given to
> > Thayer s and kept the interest of his readers foremost in his

> mind.
> > With the magic shop, shows, lectures, and later involvement with the
> > legal profession, Larsen was finding little time for Genii; but with
> > Gerrie Larsen as Business Manager and Bill as Editor of Magic, during
> > the decade the magazine prospered.
> > In 1941, the S.A.M. had shown their confidence by awarding Genii with
> > the contract to print their M-U-M. as part of the magazine; thus
> > taking away some of the Sphinx readership. Then, with the end of the
> > war in 1945, many soldiers who had taken Genii with them into the
> > battlefield were back home again as regular readers. And later, in
> > November, 1949, Genii absorbed The Conjuror s Magazine. All of

> these
> > things found, by the end of the decade, a boost in the popularity of
> > the magazine, and because of it, the art of magic.
> > The 1950s
> > The Larsens sold Thayer s in 1950. When the Sphinx passed its
> Golden
> > Anniversary mark in March of 1951, Bill s opinions of the

> magazine had
> > not changed from 21 years before; although possibly in the intervening
> > years, they had mellowed a bit.
> > Then, on July 5, 1953, Bill Larsen Sr. died suddenly at the age of
> > 48.
> > Many predicted it would be the end of Genii. But Gerrie, Bill Jr., and
> > Milt said No ! In stepped Bill, Jr. to take the
> reins.
> > When John Mulholland s health and other pursuits caused him to

> > discontinue the Sphinx in the Fall of 1953, Genii was firmly in
> > control of the magic scene; although magic was having a hard time
> > holding its own.
> > General interest in magic had begun to decline. With the 1950s postwar
> > baby boom, many fathers had traded their magic wands

> for diaper
> > pins. But subscriptions held steady, and Bill Jr. kept his
> father s

> > policies in effect: honest journalism, fair reporting, excellent
> > tricks and articles. They all helped keep Genii going through the lean
> > years.
> > The 1960s
> > The full impact of the medium of television was being felt in the
> > early 1960s. Bill and Milt both became involved in the industry. And
> > out of that box in the living room came a new magic

> superstar: Mark
> > Wilson, who with his Magic Land Of Allakazam shot a dose of life into
> > the art that some said was dying. And all the while, Genii was still
> > there.
> > Then, in 1962 a dream come true The Academy of Magical Arts
> and The
> > Magic Castle! Originally an idea of Bill Sr. s, the Academy

> had first
> > been formed in 1952 (at that time all Genii subscribers were
> > automatically members), but the project stood dormant after his death.
> > It took Bill, Jr. and Milt to bring their father s dream to

> full
> > fruition. And again, Genii did not become just a
> mouthpiece for the

> > Academy and the Castle, but fairly gave time to all magicians and
> > organizations with the betterment of magic in mind.
> > The 1970s
> > As Mark Wilson had done the decade before, in the 1970s Doug Henning
> > brought a renaissance to the art with his performance in The Magic
> > Show, and many network television appearances. And still, Genii was
> > there, keeping pace with the times informing magicians of the current
> > news and happenings. And, Bill and his bride Irene didn t just

> wait
> > for news to come to them; they searched it out. Wherever magicians
> > gathered at major conventions or events around the world, Bill and
> > Irene were there, too, with note pad and tape recorder in hand making
> > sure Genii readers were informed readers.
> > The 1980s and 1990s
> > The rebirth of the large touring illusion show of the past, modernized
> > by the likes of Henning, Copperfield, Blackstone Jr., Reveen, and
> > Kramien, kept magic in the minds of the theater-going public.
> > Siegfried and Roy continued to thrill capacity crowds in Las Vegas.
> > Magic clubs and conventions find enthusiastic attendees. And still,
> > Genii was there.
> > That any magazine survives, and more importantly, prospers for more
> > than a half century, especially in such a closely-knit fraternity as
> > the art of magic, is testimony to one thing: dedication.
> > In this case, it is the dedication of the entire Larsen family to the
> > art that allowed Genii to continue and grow. Scores of magazines have
> > come and gone during the last fifty years. As Bill Larsen, Jr. became
> > ill due to alcoholism, the editorship of Genii was taken over first by
> > Dante Larsen (the son of Irene and John Daniel), and later by Erika
> > Larsen. The magazine faltered and it appeared that it would end in
> > 1998 when it appeared only three times.
> > In October 1998, the Larsen family sold Genii, The Conjurors
> > Magazine, to a new company headed by famed author, illustrator, and
> > publisher, Richard Kaufman. Since the first issue published by The
> > Genii Corporation appeared in January, 1999, Genii has been on time
> > every single month and grown to over 100 pages an issue with much of
> > it in color.
> > With a fresh start, Genii has once again become the premier magazine
> > in the field of magic and has a long future ahead of it in the 21st
> > century. The entire history of magic for the last three-quarters of a
> > century is contained in the pages of Genii.
> > IN CHRIST allways fat bill page
> > illusionist magician in fun
> > your friendly neighbor hood spiderman
> Bill, did you and Bob Scofield ever make up one of my marked decks?  I
> posted the secret here in the group several years ago.  It's designed
> for magicians as the marks are more in the center of the card,
> whereras marked cards for gamblers are usually in the upper left hand
> corner of both ends.  All you need are a red or blue fine point
> Sharpie marker and a deck of red or blue Bicycle cards.  You can mark
> a deck in about 15 minutes and the marks are all but invisible.  I
> used to sell these at the swap meet for $20 to $30 per deck.  Hand
> marked cards are usually more expensive than factory marked cards.
> I'm working on a way to apply the Deland marked deck system to a
> Bicycle deck using a single key card.  I've always liked the Deland
> deck but it's so well known that you can't even use it to perform
> simple magic tricks-- I think every kid in the world has had a Deland
> deck at one time or another.
> -Leary-
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----

> From: optional4
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:48 PM
> To: ;
> Subject: Comedy Central Mocking Jesus Christ
> look up NASA did we really land on the real moon?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

The third book is titled 101 Easy-To-Do Magic Tricks, it's been out
for years.

The second Now-You-See it book has the best description of the 'second
deal' ever put in print...and I have every book on the subject ever


bill page

May 30, 2010, 3:13:26 PM5/30/10
cool mitch i will let bob scofield know

woa thats saying somthing i pray he was aved and i pray his whole
family tree gets saved
andeveryone onplanetearth anouter space nasa

fat bill page illusionist magician in fun

same bat time same bat channel

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Justice : Hey Copperfield! Watch Us Pull a Lawsuit Out of Our Hat!

Hey Copperfield! Watch Us Pull a Lawsuit Out of Our Hat!
Originally posted Nov 7th 2007 5:18 PM PST by TMZ Staff
Two promoters have filed suit against magician David Copperfield and his
company for canceling 48 scheduled performances.

The breach-of-contract suit was filed Tuesday in Los Angeles County
Superior Court by Viva Art International Ltd. and Maz Concerts Inc. They
say they fronted the illusionist roughly $2.2 million to cover his costs
before he canceled the shows.

The lawsuit claims Copperfield backed out of the deal because he didn't
want to face the press after he was accused of sexually assaulting a
Seattle woman.

The 21-year-old woman claims Copperfield raped her last July in the
Bahamas. An attorney for the magician has denied those allegations, and
no charges have been filed.

As TMZ first reported, Copperfield's attorney claimed the canceled shows
were as a result of a contract dispute with the promoters, and not
because of the criminal investigation.

Copperfield Secret Document -- How to Pick Up Chicks

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Reader Comments
(Page 1 of 2) | 1 | 2 | Most Recent | Next 15 Comments 1. first! ...and
who cares!!!

Posted at 5:44 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by john

2. NP.

Posted at 5:53 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by Rick

3. And like a house of cards it all comes tumbling down.

Posted at 5:57 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by Hollywood's a Hazard

4. Boo. He sucks anyway!

Posted at 6:01 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by Pap Hater

5. now ya see it now ya dont now ya see it no ya dont now ya see it now
ya dont. and for my final trick in a mere 9 months i will have created a
human from nothing

Posted at 6:01 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by eyeamtym

6. Does he thinks his problems are just gonna disappear?

Posted at 6:04 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by FlBiker

7. time to perfect his disappearing act.

Posted at 6:17 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by jonnyBgood

8. Let's see David Copperfield POOF his way out this Messwithout smoke
and mirrors!!!

Posted at 6:27 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by team2navyseal

9. I used to think he was so good looking - now he just looks creepy!

Posted at 6:28 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by Jane

10. And the hits just keep on a coming for dear ole Copperfield. LOL

Posted at 6:29 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by SinCity

11. FOUR freaking months ago and this chick just now is bringing it
up...Please can you smell the set up.....Oh and Oh I'm an aspiring
model..why are these gold diggers always aspiring models and actresses.

Posted at 6:42 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by JOrdyn

12. Maybe he can start another fake charity like Project Magic and bilk
his audiences out of thousands of dollars to pay for his lawyers. This
guy is even more fake than his illusions, lies like a rug and doesn't
give a fat frog's ass who gets hurt in the process. For all he people he
treated like crap for years, all I can say is 'whatsoever you put out
will come back to you threefold." Looks like the tables have finally

Posted at 6:56 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by KenaiWitch1

13. Gad, so many pathetic "superior" people posting tacky comments.

Posted at 7:02 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by Nani

14. Looks like Copperfield better whip up some magic on his career since
it's disappearing before his eyes. (ok too easy). He cancelled 48 shows
and he's claiming a contract dispute?? He again isn't acting very
Professional is he?? Geez Jane Seymore's MOM died and she went back to
work the next day. Whatever happened to "the show must go on"??? Now
only ladies that fall in love with men in jail should go to his show.
He's debased his audience.

Posted at 7:08 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by Tj

15. show us your disappearing act David take the self important
Kardashian sisters and their sell out mom with you

Posted at 7:11 PM on Nov 7, 2007 by mom

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bill page

May 30, 2010, 3:20:59 PM5/30/10
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Magic secrets revealedhome
Magic revealed
magic secrets
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street magic secrets

In the new series of Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed,
is the Masked Magician still Val Valentino?
Filed Under: Magic revealed by CraigApr.11, 2010
I know that in the first four specials that the Masked Magician was Val
Valentino, and the Street Special and the Fifth Special was someone else
with a different costume. Since the Masked Magician is wearing the
original costume in the new series, is it Val Valentino again?

Tags: masked magician, val valentino, valentinoComments RSS feed

April 11th, 2010 on 5:42 am
im not sure, but according to wikipedia, it is.

bill page
(Your comment is awaiting moderation...)

May 18th, 2010 on 12:12 am
it may be leanered montana val valentino aka the masked magician
ys there been new maskeds allthe time
yep val valentinio on fox 43
an now he is the producer of magics biggest secrets finale revealed
and i heard that lots of pro illusionist magicians at the magic castle
are helping this time around
in genie magazine
also history repetes it self
in the 1980s cbs/fox mystery magician
then on ABC books by william poundstone
big secrets, bigger secrets , biggest secrets
2 masked magicians on there one way to float a girl on a board some say
it might been johnathen pendragon
and the thin model sawing secret was diifently was illusonist magicians
franz harary
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bill page

May 30, 2010, 5:41:11 PM5/30/10
thanks mitch

let me see zimmermen base?
or roller shade mirrors?
or both ideas combine?
or like a doll house illusion?

Al Hastings

May 31, 2010, 5:14:21 AM5/31/10

> The third book is titled 101 Easy-To-Do Magic Tricks, it's been out
> for years.
> The second Now-You-See it book has the best description of the 'second
> deal' ever put in print...and I have every book on the subject ever
> written.
> -Leary-

I'll have to check that out, though the the easiest bottom deal is Dr
Dailey's bottom deal (the one in the Vernon book). It can be learned
in 10 minutes and perfected in about an hour! The handling looks
kinda akward, but it suits the presentatoin as I only use it for
Loryane's poker deal it kills AND it's impromptu!


bill page

May 31, 2010, 6:47:32 AM5/31/10
wow al hastings and neat now your doing mitch leary llines:)
Prev Next Normal view To:
From: bill page
Subject: What is Google TV? - Gizmodo
Date: Sunday, May 30, 2010 11:24 PM

bill page <> has sent you the following web link:

updated 3:16 p.m. ET May 23, 2010


Tech and gadgets

What is Google TV?
Hardware makers will need to step up

At its heart, Google TV is a platform.
By Mark Wilson
Google TV was announced today. But what exactly is it? Give us two

It's a software platform
You know how the Nexus One is a piece of hardware by HTC that runs
Android, a piece of software by Google? That's how Google TV will work.
At its heart, Google TV is a platform. It's software. Hardware makers
will need to step up to use it in their devices.

.. that Logitech, Sony and DISH will support ...
Right now, there are three places we'll see Google TV: a set top box by
Logitech, Sony televisions (and one Blu-ray player) and an upcoming DISH

Video: Google TV to merge broadcast, cable, Web

They all share the following common specs: An Atom (or better)
processor, discrete GPU, HDMI-out, Bluetooth, IR (with a transmitting
"blaster"), Wi-Fi, and Ethernet, all while supporting a keyboard and a
pointing device, as well as more traditional remotes such as Logitech's
Harmony universals.

From what we understand, all of these products will be available at Best
Buy in fall of 2010 (though it's possible DISH may be later).

.. that works with your existing cable/satellite box ...
Equipped with an IR blaster to change channels, Google TV can sit on top
of your existing infrastructure.

So while new hardware is in the works, it should be compatible with
whatever you're using now—cable or satellite boxes, with all
relevant subscriptions.

.. that works just like a Google search ...
When you start any Google TV device, you're greeted by a simple search
bar. You type what you'd like to watch. That can be a television
station, allowing you to select and tune that channel. Or it can be a
show, which will point you to places you can find the show—be
that through a cable subscription channel, Netflix or somewhere on the

.. that combines the web with TV ...
So say you want to watch something that only exists on Amazon's
streaming service. You'll be taken to Amazon's webpage through Chrome,
where the video will stream.

Random websites might look crumby on your television, of course, which
is why Google asks that sites optimize for Google TV (full SDKs
available in 2011). With this mix of web and television, you can also
view multiple sources of information in multiple panes. So you can watch
the Sox game on one part of your screen while reading Paul Konerko's
realtime stats in another.

.. that combines your TV with your phone ...
Thanks to required Google TV hardware specs like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi,
you'll be able to load a webpage on your Android phone and beam it to
your TV. You can also use your Android phone's voice recognition,
effectively making it possible to change channels or search for shows
just by talking.

.. that runs apps ...
Oh, Google TV includes complete access to the Android App Store. And
Google suspects that most any app will run fine on the platform, though
those designed with cellphone-specific hardware in mind might not work
with 1:1 compatibility.

But when the SDK is available in 2011, we can expect Google TV-specific
apps, too.

..that supports Flash ...
I'm pretty sure the audience cheered at this part. And when Google says
Flash, they mean the videos and the games.

.. that still has some tricks up its sleeve ...
As of yet, Google has barely scratched the surface of what this
seemingly unparalleled integration of TV and web can do, but they demoed
one wow-worthy function: firing closed captioning through Google
Translate—translating a program in real time. Just try to tell
us that's not neat. (We will translate any negative comments into a
language we don't understand—in real time.)

.. that is not Chrome OS.
Remember Chrome OS? Google TV and its apps have nothing to do with
it—not at the moment, at least.

You're caught up on Google TV! Now you can check out what's up with that
thing called Google Froyo.

Copyright 2010 by

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bill page

May 31, 2010, 10:47:45 AM5/31/10
A Journal for Magicians

Backstage, A Journal for Magicians was a monthly newsletter published
by Charles Windley for other magicians, both hobbyist and professional.
Patterned after the old Jinx and Phoenix magical newsletters of the
1940's, it informed, instructed and occasionally raised a little hell.
First issue was January 1982 after which it ran as a monthly for ten
years; then becoming an 'occasional' and, like many magic rags, became a
'what happened to?'. Frequent contributors included Mike Bornstein,
Bob McAllister, Billy McComb and many others. Backstage published its
118th and last issue in 1999. We were offering the compete set for $99
but we have run out. We are presently making a professional CD
containing all issues. This will be available soon for $48.00. We are
taking advance orders now for $36.00. Your credit card will not be
charged until the item is shipped which is expected to be towards the
end of 2009. You can use this order form or email

A sample print issue is available free if you e-mail us your name and
postal address.

Meanwhile, here are some sample articles from various issues:

(Please note that all artwork, photos and secrets to the effects have
been omited from the wesite)

The Amazing Masters of Magic and Illusion

(A review of Richardi)

We pulled into New York Sunday, Dec. 6th, just in time to catch the last
performance of Richiardi's 'AMAZING MASTERS OF MAGIC ILLUSION' show at
the Felt Forum in Madison Square Garden (the new square garden is now
round which is typical of New York). While backstage, we learned that
the sixteen day run had been spotty and in fact, almost closed but was
bailed out at the last minute by Chams De Baron, a designer jeans
company. This meant inserting a 20 minute fashion show in the middle of
the program which the audience didn't appreciate but there was no

The 2 1\2 hour show (including the 20 minute commercial and a 15 minute
intermission) opened with a young man billed only as 'Joseph'. A
discovery of Richiardi, he is the perfect opening act combining
excellent dove productions ( I stopped counting the birds after the
first dozen!) with card and ball productions. He stopped the show with
a floating dove that was about the bravest piece of magic this scribe
has ever seen. This Polish-born magi is only 22 and a real credit to
our profession.

Next was Alain Caboote with his creation, Ioni, which is supposed to be
a reproduction of Robert-Houdini's automaton known as " The Trapeze
Vaulter" which they claimed had vanished. ( They should look in the
Houdini Museum in Niagara Falls, Ontario where the original little
puppet still sits upon his perch and works as well today as when he was
invented over a hundred years ago ). This new version broke half way
into his routine and was unceremoniously carried off stage.

Emcee Mike Caveney now filled with a bit of hand juggling ( yes, he
actually juggled hands ) and a knife through coat that was a knock out.
Although mike would be great at a magic convention, his humor here was a
bit over the audience's head.

The first half closed with Richiardi's son, Ricardo, presenting his new
black art act. Not yet quite up to the standards of Omar, who
originated the act, but damn close and a kind of theatre not seen too
often these days. Timing is most critical for this most complex of acts
and the troupe had obviously done their homework. It was flawless.

After the intermission and the 20 minute fashion show, it was time for
The Master. Richiardi was better than ever, if that's possible, and had
the crowd completely under his spell. Nowhere in the world have I ever
seen an artist work with such complete concentration and dedication to
his craft. This was his third visit to Madison Square Garden ( he was
here in 1971 and 1973 ) as well as recently having done a long run here
at the Village Gate. He closed his thirty minutes with his now familiar
buzz saw illusion complete with all the blood and guts that this mystery
entails. The entire audience was invited on stage to view at close
range the remains of the girl ( his daughter ) who is never restored.

The show moves to Miami, then on to Germany. Because of the poor box
office, it may be a while before he tries the U.S. again.

Doug Henning

I flew to New York for a week in September to see the taping of Doug
Henning's next TV special. It will be shown in December to help promote
his new Broadway show. The special is called, appropriately enough,
DOUG HENNING ON BROADWAY and each illusion is themed to an area of the
Big Apple.

The actual taping was done at the Ed Sullivan Theatre with a live
audience. They taped two hours and will edit it down to the best 48

First night of actual taping was Sunday, 12 September. After a great
dress rehearsal, the cast went for a quick bite to eat and came back to
find the fire department had sprayed the stage with a fire retarding
material which made it too slippery to work on. After a couple dancers
fell during the opening number, the show was stopped while the stage
crew spent two hours trying to get the stuff off. Solution, finally,
was to pour Coke all over the stage. Ricky Jay entertained the studio
audience with card tricks during the two hour wait and the show began

Monday night presented a different set of problems. Doug was to
produce a million dollars in cash for the Wall Street segment and the
Brink's truck was an hour late showing up with the 10,000 $100 bills.
(This was real money and not from Ed Sparrow's printing press!!)

Seven real New York City cops lined the stage guarding the money and
the taping began. A red headed actress from CATS had one line in the
routine "Doug, I understand you are coming back to Broadway to do a
magical musical review" and she blew it. The illusion was reset and
started over. She blew the line again. The illusion was reset again.
On the eighth try, she got through the line correctly and the illusion

Suddenly a nut from the audience jumps on stage and shouts to the
camera that there is going to be a nuclear war. He became very violent
and the floor director quickly ushered Doug off the stage in case the
guy was armed.

It took all seven cops to hold the fella and carry him away. While
they were gone, we realized that suddenly no one was guarding the
million bucks! Everyone was on edge until the police finally returned.
The taping began again and again the girl fluffed her line. The taping
was to be over at 8:15. It was now 9:30 and the things hadn't even

This time the line was said correctly, the money was produced and Doug
set about to make the cash vanish. He was to stick a torch into the
box. He did. The stage hands, however, forgot to do their thing and
one of the cops politely pointed out that the money was on fire. It was
quickly put out and the taping started again. This time it went well.

When the show is aired in Dec., local magicians across the country
will see the finished product and think how easy it all is. They just
don't know.

Meanwhile, to follow up on the adventures of the Statue of Liberty.
Copperfield vanished it on Sept. 13th when no one was looking. It was
recorded on tape by CBS, however, and will be the feature of his next
special set to be aired in the spring of 1983. There was no trick
photography used although I don't think CBS will be able to convince the
audience of that fact.

New Lamps for Old

NOTHING can be more dangerous than a little knowledge. There is a group
of tricks that, although miracles in their day, have come down to being
little more than novelties to be found in almost every child's magic
set. I refer to the Imp Bottle, Ball in Vase, King Tut, etc. Tricks
which began most of us on our way to becoming wand wavers.

Although still fun, their secrets have become pretty much common
knowledge today and there is usually a wise guy in the group that
possessed these minor miracles as a child and, unfortunately for the
magician, has a good memory. This is the jerk that offers to tell
everyone how it was done.

Back in the early Sixties I worked for Al Stevenson* at a little
magic shop he had in the Times Square Subway Arcade called ' The Wizard
Shop'. I say ' at ' and not ' in ' because the place was only five
foot wide and four foot deep. The customers would stand in front of the
store and watch the demonstrations. Weird customers.

Anyway, I demonstrated and sold thousands of Imp Bottles, etc. and
in the process, put up with many wise guys that delighted in busting my
tip. The result of all this was that I came up with different ways t do
the tricks. Dig into your old magic set and let's get to work!


Discard the shell. To perform, pick up the top, show empty and place on
the table to the right of vase. Show ball and place in left hand via
the French Drop. Ball is now secretly in right hand in finger palm
position. With attention on extended closed left hand, right hand picks
up top with thumb and index finger and loads ball in top as it is being
replaced on vase. Ball now vanishes from left hand and spectator can
lift top to find ball has returned.


Discard the little metal genii and place a small bit of magician's wax
on lip of bottle. Bottle will now lay down because it sticks to table.
Rub off wax as you hand bottle to spectator.


This is almost mean. Line inside of lids with masking tape so 'trick'
doesn't work. Instead of having spectator remember top number on die,
have him note top AND bottom, add two numbers together and remember the
total ( always six ). Now let 'wise' spectator try to perform the

The Coney Island Fakir

At fourteen, I was playing Hubert's Museum in New York. On my first day
off - a Tuesday - I hurried over to 304 West 34th Street where I was
looking forward to meeting a legend..the great Al Flosso. I climbed the
long flight of stairs leading to " Martinka-Hornmann's Magic Emporium "
( Although Al had owned the store for over twenty years, he had never
bothered to change the name on the door ) and entered the dirtiest, most
cluttered room I had ever seen. The glass in the showcases were so
dusty that you couldn't make out their contents.

At first I thought the place was deserted but that was only because I
couldn't see Al standing behind the pile of books and papers on the

" Sit down, kid, and rest your mind, " said a little voice from
nowhere "But do be careful. That was once Houdini's chair. "

" I don't think he's still using it, " I replied.

" You never just never know, " stated the little man as
he rounded the counter and sat across from me.

" Mr. Flosso, my name is Windley and I've been looking forward to
meeting you for a long time, " I began.

Hell kid, you ain't been around for a long time yet, " he shot back;
then, " How you like working Hubert's? Charlie Lucas been treating you
all right? "

" How did you know I was playing hubert's? I just opened there two
days ago."

" Think you're my only customer? Some of the guys were up here
talking about you yesterday."

Thus began a conversation that chapters...for over twenty
years. I became part of a group of magicians that could never be in New
York without spending at least one day with the little man. Al knew
magic. He knew magicians. He had been personal friends with Thurston
and Leon Mandrake and Houdini. He and Dunninger had grown up together.
When the phone would ring, it was usually Kuda Bux or Cardini or any of
a hundred others just calling to say hello...or ask a favor...or seek

The last time I saw Al was April 1976. We both knew it was the very
last time we would see each other. We waited until after the last
customer had left and then we quietly said goodbye. He died a month
later. I understand I'm not the only one that can tell this story.

The shop is still there. It's run by Al's son, Jackie. The phone still
rings. But there is no Kuda Bux or Cardini on the other end. Just me or
vince Carmen or Stu Miller. The kids still come up on Saturday. It's
another time.


"Dedicated to the great magicians of the future...while they are still

Stevenson 75 Tricks With A WIZARD DECK, 1962

Al Stevenson was one of the most prolific magicians I ever met.

I was performing at Hubert's Museum in New York and would pass through
the 42nd Street subway arcade on my way to work. One afternoon I
noticed a crowd gathered around a stairwell and realized that one of the
street entrances had been replaced by a magic shop. The Transit
Authority had re-routed the exit and boarded up the area leaving a 10 x
8 foot alcove. An enterprising pitchman - quick to realize an
opportunity - had rented the small space from the TRANSIT AURTHORY for
$60 a week and turned it into a little store. He peg boarded the three
walls and placed and eight foot showcase across the front. Four feet
above the counter was a long mirror hung at a 45 angle so those in the
back could have a bird's eye view of the demonstrations. Above this was
a roll-down door so that the place could be locked at night.

Hung across the back wall was a sign that proclaimed " THE WIZARD SHOP
". The area was well lit. During both the morning and evening rush
hours, hundreds of stripper decks passed across the counter along with
dozens of other small pocket tricks. As the weeks went by, The Wizard
Shop grew in popularity and more expensive tricks were added although
the stripper deck always remained the chief rent-payer.

I voluntarily shilled his tip a couple of times and Al, the owner, and
I soon became good friends. Suddenly I found myself working behind the
counter every Tuesday (my only day off at Hubert's) for 10% of the days
gross. This not only paid MY rent but also gave Al a needed break for
other projects with which he was involved. It turned out that he was
not just another pitchman but was quite knowledgeable about magic.

He didn't like the term 'stripper deck' as he felt it gave away the
secret so he re-named it ' The Wizard Deck '(after the shop) and
designed a green wrapper with a drawing of a huge demon. I didn't know
then that the demon was real. The name became so widely used that it
was eventually adopted by Haine's House of Cards, the manufacturer, and
the name and green wrapper with the demon is still in use today.

Al then wrote 75 Tricks with a Wizard Deck which he published and sold
at the shop. This little $1.50 pamphlet has become a standard magic
shop item and today is sold around the world in five languages. The
demon also appears on the cover of the book. Al then wrote 75 Tricks
with a Svengali Deck which enjoys the popularity. His 3rd book, 75
Tricks with a Mene-Tekel Deck, was never completed.

In addition to his books, Al took over as editor of Hugard's Magic
Monthly upon Hugard's death and invented over 30 magic effects which he
manufactured and sold at his little shop. He created many professional
tricks including a Card On Ceiling with the cards IN their case so that
the magician doesn't have to play 51 pick up after the trick; a complete
black art act that could be performed anywhere under almost any
conditions and a chemical method of lighting cigarettes that was a boom
to the cigarette manipulator. He was also the first to use foam rubber
for sponge balls. At first he cut the balls by hand but later developed
a special heat process which is the method still used today. He made
foam balls, wands, fish, Coke bottles, carrots and an ice cream cone.

Al Seldom discussed his past, especially the demon, but once in a
while I would get him wound up and he would tell stories of his days as
manager of Dell O'Dell's Magic Studio in Hollywood or his adventures as
a professional soldier in the Spanish Civil War. He was involved at one
time with the C.I.A. developing methods of smuggling papers and
microfilm across international borders, he had spent time as a hypnotist
with U.S. Army Intelligence. Between all this, he had traveled most of
the world as a magician and/or pitchman.

I learned two important lessons from Al. he taught me that the method
is of very little consequence; the end result - a pleased audience - is
what counts. He also said, "Always Be a magician...don't just do

When not involved with magic, Al spent his time battling his demon.
He put up a strong fight but finally lost. One cold November night in
1964 as he was leaving the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the monkey bit too
hard and he quietly fell down and rolled over in the snow.

Magic lost a prize that night, that it never really knew it had.

Ashes to ASHES

It was in Olde New Orleans, the city of death; where MAGIC is not a
wonder but an accepted fact! A place where evil flourishes and voodoo
shops are tucked into every alley. Where the I.B.M. chose to have their
next convention !

Here! Shuffle these 52 cards while I speak and I will attempt to show
you from where their magic comes! On my last visit, I was presented
with this small vial of dust. Its powers are beyond belief. Let me
hold the cards for a moment for we must first remove the Joker...God
forbid it would become the chosen card. Good, it has already been
removed. Now while you cut the deck, I'll roll up my sleeves and we'll
go to work. Remember, I NEVER said voodoo was easy.

Now if you would take your right hand, and hold my left hand tightly.
Now with your free hand, pick up the card that you have just cut to and
concentrate on it. Please be careful that I don't see it as this would
influence the spell.

Now bury your card somewhere in the deck with the others and the magic
is done! You may let go of my hand now. I'll slowly open the lid to
this vial but I caution you to only observe as the dust has never been
touched by humans. Were I still a mere mortal I, too, would be
forbidden to attempt what you are about to see. I will remove a small
amount of the dust and place it on my arm and slowly rub. Although I
still do not know which card you selected, my blood knows
and...Look! slowly rises to the skin and...and...YES! I see it...a
form is must be...the death card...the Ace of
Spades!! I must say, you made an appropriate selection. Thank you.

(Secreat has been omitted from web site)

Le Grand David

What's all the excitement about? It's really not that great of a
show. It tries. The costuming is out of this world. The many props
are clean and well decorated. The old Cabot Theatre has been restored
to the point that it is, indeed, a real show place. The actors, from
Marco down th the ushers, are well rehearsed and exact. What then is
the problem?

The simple fact of the matter is that the show is just plain boring.
This writer remembers the Fu Manchu Show that Marco is trying to
imitate. True that the costumes and sets and props are all there. What
is lacking is the suspense. David Bamberg kept his audience on the edge
of their seats with one surprise after another. One didn't leave the
theatre remembering the costumes; they remembered the twinkle in his
eye and the way the corners of his mouth would suppress a grin at the
successful conclusion of one of the many mysteries.

Marco, on the other hand, prefers to hit us in the face with
spectacle. The curtain doesn't just rise in the beginning; a half
dozen curtains at a time. A dozen or more
assistants slowly descend down a long flight of steps center stage. It
reminds this writer of a funeral procession recently seen on the streets
of La Paz.

Like others in the magic fraternity, I applaud Marco's success. His
efforts and his contribution to the magic art are to be commended.
After all, the show is in its fifth year. I suspect, however, that the
success is due not so much to using eleven assistants for the linking
rings or the broom suspension ( what a great way to hid the inevitable
'click' ) as to an aggressive front office that knows how to book group
sales. The real MAGIC of this show is the long line of chartered buses
waiting at the door to take the audience back to their respective

There are few tricks in the Abbott Catalogue that are not paraded
across the stage in this two and a half hour production. The Super
Needle Balloon, the Zombie, Where Do The Ducks Go?...they are all there.

David Bamberg, Chang, and many other "Oriental" South American wizards
probably dreamed of the miracles they could have done if only they had
their own theatre. The DaKolta Chair, Okito's Floating Ball, the Kellar wonders why Marco hasn't taken advantage? He prefers
instead to offer us 86 costume changes.

We realize that the afternoon is about to come to an end when Marco
steps forward and instructs us on the art of applause. "It would be
nice, he adds; if you did it while standing." The audience obliges.


Bill Neff used to brag that he NEVER used confederates. (That is because
most of his shows were performed in the North!) The ending of his show
always had a member of the audience sneaking a peek inside the Spirit
Cabinet and having his trousers vanish. That gentleman from the audience
was always Bob Sherms. It was Bob's only job on the show.

I made the mistake of asking Bill about that one time. His reply was
that Bob wasn't a confederate, he was on the payroll. Hmmm.

Most magicians claim that they don't use stooges. They are either lying
or else they are missing out on a vast source of possible miracles. I
used to daydream about what it would be like to perform before 500
people paying customer and 499 stooges. The cost of the show
would be prohibitive but boy, would that one ticket-holder be amazed!!!

Ten years ago I had the chance to pull it off. It worked. My customer
would leave the performance talking to himself. Here's how it came

One morning I woke up and found myself the owner of a magic bar in Miami
beach. That, in itself, was a strange story. I had ended a tour in Miami
and was waiting around for the next adventure. I waited a long time as
nothing was happening and I couldn't seem to get a booking anywhere. The
days were turning into weeks and funds were getting low. My assistant,
Barbara, had grabbed a job at a McDonald's to keep us in groceries and I
was spending the days on the phone with agents trying to line something
up. Anyway, it got down to scanning the Help Wanted section of the Miami
Harold and I noticed that the Luzern Hotel needed a bartender. I had
never been a bartender but I had sure observed enough and it didn't seem
too hard. You just sloshed a few shots of this and that into a glass
along with a few ice cubes and collected money. I went down to apply for
the job.

I went to the desk and told the clerk I had an appointment to see about
the bar. Actually, I didn't have an appointment at all but it is always
nicer to start that way as it often saves time waiting. The guy usually
figures he screwed up his appointment schedule and starts the interview

Frank DuPree was no exception. He immediately came out of his office and
apologized. "As I'm sure you already know," he explained," We've just
bought this hotel and things are not too organized."

I forgave him. He suggested that we talk in the bar so that he could
show me around at the same time. It was a beautiful club. It had a dance
floor, seated about 85 and there was a small bar off to the side. It had
been closed since the hotel was sold but was completely stocked right
down to the glasses. The only thing missing was the liquor. Frank wanted
the place open for his hotel guests but didn't want to get involved in
its operation. He wanted to lease the place. I had been highly
recommended. (Obviously, he had me confused with someone else.) He
wanted to know what I thought I could do with the place?

I told him that I was thinking of turning it into a magic-themed lounge
with a small trio for dancing and two floor shows nightly. There would
also be magic performed at the tables and at the bar between shows. I
don't know why I said that. It just made sense. Anyway, he loved the
idea. He offered to turn the place over to me. He would charge me 10% of
the gross. Otherwise, the expense and profits were mine. I told him that
he would also have to include a suite in the deal as I felt it would be
necessary for me to live in the hotel. He agreed and handed me the key.
I also told him he could take the ad out of the paper for a bartender as
I already had one. "Oh, that's not us," he replied. "That's for the
hotel next door!"

I went home and told Barbara to quit her job at McDonnalds. I also asked
her if she knew how to mix drinks? She did.

Anyway, back to the trick with the stooges. (Remember??) Between the two
nightly floor shows, I would do small magic behind the bar while Barbara
made drinks. Half of our customers were locals that hung around nightly
while the other half were guests at the hotel.

Over the months, I had clued the regulars in on this one trick. It would
start when a tourist would wonder aloud about how the magic was done? I
would explain that it was all very simple and based on intuition. "First
thoughts and impressions!" I would exclaim. "That's a magician's real

I would demonstrate by having the person select a card. He was
instructed not to let anyone else see it and to return it to the deck.
He would. I would then bring it to the bottom of the deck.

The spectator was asked to point to anyone at the bar. They would
usually select someone at the opposite end not paying any attention to
the miracles in progress. I would call over to the selected person and
ask them to please yell out the name of the first card that came to
their mind. I would, of course, hold the deck so that they could see the
bottom card and this is the one they would name. The spectator would
always be amazed. That miracle was just the beginning. This was
everyone's cue to cease their conversations and become interested in the

The spectator was invited to select another card and to point to someone
else. Again the card was named correctly. This was repeated half a dozen
times until the victim was complete dumbfounded. Each time, all my
stooges had to do was glance at the bottom card as I pointed to them. A
piece of cake! Now for the clincher. I would have someone else take a
card and show it around the bar. They would return it to the deck and
point to the victim. I would ask him to name the first card that came to
his mind. No matter what card he would name, everyone would act amazed
and pretend that it was correct.

Eventually the spectator would leave believing that he could perform
this card trick. I often wondered what happened when he got home and
tried to do it for his friends?

Years later, I found myself the owner of a bar in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
It was called the King's Head. I still own it. (Never mind how THAT came
about!) I sat up the same trick with the regular customers. It was here
that I came up with an improvement that made the thing more convincing.
After I had milked the routine as much as I could, I would end by
selecting a card myself except that I would not return it to the deck.
Instead, I would place it in my pocket. After the spectator named a
card, I would act surprised and remove it from my pocket and show it to
him. This made a cleaner finish.

My method was having a card index in my pocket. I would leave the
selected card in the pocket and remove whatever card he named from the

By the way, a nice side advantage to this closing was that I ended up
with a deck containing a duplicate card. There are many card effects
needing this and this was the perfect time to do them. Such as...

Scarne's Beer Mug

(This article not available on our Web site as it involves a secret. )


During the spring of 1969 I was driving from New York to Miami to do a
one-niter at the Boca Raton Hotel. I love the term 'one-niter'. The date
was costing me a week just in travel time.

I was only a few hours away and over a day early so it was with interest
that I noticed the huge green and white highway sign announcing that the
next exit would take me to Deland, Florida. I turned almost on impulse.
Bill Neff, Bob Sherms, Richard Himber, Al Flosso and the rest of the
older magicians that I had hung around with when I was a kid used to
frequently mention Burling Hull. They had always said that I should meet
him if I ever had the chance. I only knew that he lived in Deland.
Sherms and the rest had long since passed away but here was my chance
..if he were still alive.

I drove into the small, sleepy Florida town and located a phone book.
Deland was inland between orange groves. Not very interesting. It was
the home of Stetson university. That was about it. The way people stared
at me told me that strangers seldom stopped here.

Burling Hull was listed in the white pages at 109 West Beresford Road.
As the phone rang, I began wondering what I was going to say? After all,
I was calling a complete stranger.

After a few rings, Burling answered the phone. I introduced myself.
"Windley!", he exclaimed. "I was wondering when you would call. Come
right over."

He lived in a small, run down house in the center of town. There was no
sidewalk. The driveway was paved with mud. He was standing at the door
waiting when I drove up and began talking as I was getting out of the
car. It was like two old friends meeting after a long absence. He looked
nothing like his old publicity photos that I had seen. His walking cane
and baggy pants reminded me a bit of Chaplin. Although in his eighties,
his smooth skin made me wonder if he ever needed to shave. His hair was
pure white complimenting the sparkle in his blue eyes. His chin was held
high, a trait of all ex-vaudeville magicians. We stepped over piles of
papers and books in his living room and he cleared a space on an easy
chair across from the gas heater. The tea kettle whistled that the water
was ready to be poured. he never stopped talking unless it was to ask a
question and then he listened intently for my reply.

Somehow he knew as much about me as I did of him. I had the feeling that
everyone who visited experienced the same reaction. It was a nice, warm
conversation. We talked for what seemed to be an hour. I excused myself
to leave and realized it was three A.M. I had been there since noon.

He wanted to take me to the shed behind the house before I left. He had
a few things he said had been saving for me. I believed him. One was
Thurston's bathing Beauty Illusion. He felt it would fit in my show
between the Nama and my Chinese routine. I had not told him about my
show. He also gave me the props for Thurston's Obedient Ball Illusion.
(Burling was, after all, a good friend of Thurston's.) The third gift
was in his office. It was an innocent-looking tray used to switch a deck
of cards. I offered to pay him. He was offended. I felt bad about making
the gesture.

The bathing beauty is still in my show today ...between the Noma and the
Chinese. I loaned the Obedient ball to Robert Lund for his American
Museum of magic in Marshall, Michigan. The tray was lost in a fire a
couple years ago.

On another visit, he gave me an old loose-leaf binder that he said
contained some misc. notes and illusion plans. It was locked with a 29
cent padlock. I wasn't to open it while he was still alive, he
requested. I kept my word. For some reason, I wasn't even remotely
curious about its contents.

That first day began a correspondence that continued until this past
November. When I was in South America, he wrote me in Spanish. When I
was playing Martinique, he wrote in French. He was a brilliant man. The
old timers in New York had nicknamed him 'Hurling Bull'. They didn't
understand him. He claimed to have invented the Svengali Deck. They said
the Svengali Deck was around before even he was born. They were right.
It was only a toy. He added roughing fluid and invented over 50 tricks
with the deck. He was right, also.

After that first meeting, I would stop and visit whenever I passed
through Florida which wasn't too often. Once I was open for a week and
gave my show free to the Deland Sheraton just so I could be near him.
Whatever assistants were with me at the time would clean his house while
he and I sat and talked over tea; sometimes about tricks or other
magicians. Mostly about theory. He recited his acts to me word for word.
Sometimes I would stop him with a question and he would patiently
explain in detail why a particular word was used. He had thought about
each syllable and pause in great detail. When it came to HIS act, he
wasn't talking about theory but years and years of experience. He had
toured a 'think-a-drink' act long before Hoffman. Hoffman magically
poured different drinks from the same pitcher. Burling has pretty girls
serve the drinks while dressed in the appropriate costumes ...a
different outfit for each drink. He played the act during prohibition.
Drove the Feds nuts! He wanted to teach me the act. I didn't have time.
I'm sorry now.

As time went on, he lost his sight but it didn't get in his way. From my
side, his eyes continued to twinkle. He didn't let his blindness show.
He used it. He dusted off his old mental act and made new brochures
advertising the fact. "How can a blind mentalist cheat?" he chuckled.

Lisa was with me on one of our visits. During the evening he
complimented her on her dress even mentioning that beige was a becoming
color to her. He also commented on her pretty long, black hair. "You
must be Filipino," he had said.

She later asked me how he had known those things if he was blind. I
didn't know. He had also told Lisa about how Hollywood had discovered
one of the assistants in his show and made her a movie star. The
assistant's name was Carol baker. He walked over to one of his huge
filing cabinets, thumbed through a pile of 8x10's and produced a photo
of Carol baker working with him. Lisa also wanted to know how he knew
which photo to get? I didn't know that either.

Eventually Volta's age and lack of sight became too much. His good
friend, Bev Bergeron, helped him sell the house and move into a nursing
home. He wrote me that is was only temporary. His letters were now
written by his nurse. She would always add a P. S. that he was doing

When he died last November, he was working on his 53rd book. "I've
published 52 so far," he wrote. "That's almost a full deck. Now I'm
working on the Joker. Then it will be time to quit and I shall retire."

At 93, he quit too soon. There was still the yellowed notebook, however.
The other night I finally brought myself to pulling it off the shelf. I
realized that he had not given me the key. It didn't matter. For the
first time, I noticed that the padlock was not pushed shut. As I began
to read,, I realized that I was holding the Joker ...his 53rd book.
Magicians did not listen to Burling when he was alive. They will not
listen to him now that he is dead. I will print its contents in
BACKSTAGE anyway. After all, who among us was ever more backstage for so

Around the World by Bill Tadlock

I think of Bill Tadlock as being a hundred years old. That's because I
knew him when I was a kid. I forget that he was a kid then, also.
Anyway, he has been in magic a long time. He has a good background and
tremendous knowledge on the subject. He has an amazing ability to take
basic ingredients and blend them into a fine recipe. Here is one of his

Bill showed me five of his business cards. Written on the backs were the
names of different countries. "What's the first thing you do when you
travel out of the country?" he asked.

"Find a girl," I replied.

Bill didn't think that was funny. "Most people say 'get a passport',"
he continued.

"I already have a passport."

"Anyway, that's what normal people would say." he went on, ignoring
my remarks. "The second thing you do is change your money."

Bill had placed the business cards on the table face up so I couldn't
read the countries. He was casually tossing a half dollar from hand to
hand. Finally he asked me to point to a card. I did. he invited me to
turn it over and I learned that I had selected China.

Bill smiled (He has a very sneaky smile) and slowly opened his hand. The
half buck had changed into a Chinese coin! He slowly turned the coin
over and asked me if I knew what the Chinese characters meant? I didn't.

"They say Have A Nice Trip," he said with a grin. I didn't grin at
all. I turned over the other four cards. They read

My next line was one that I have come to use often when I witness a
miracle. "Can I give that to the readers of BACKSTAGE?, I asked.

"Sure," he replied. Bill is a nice guy.

(The secret has been omitted from this website)

All of the above were taken from the first 12 issues of BACKSTAGE. There
are 118 issues in all.

bill page

May 31, 2010, 12:42:12 PM5/31/10
cool marthon of harry potter movies and on tvland a marthon of elesebeth
mongomery in bewitch

bill page <>,,,,,, Cc:
Subject: Re: al says to ml bill tar h wil check but di vener dea for
bottom deal is alt.magic.secrets Attachment:

To:, Cc:
Subject: Fw: dc thirteen analized - alt.magic.secrets | Google Groups

hey at
we do same idea abd even on military day the whole branch and ther song
that goes with the flag they are holding plus mark taylor the Christian
youth driector has junIours and teenagers doing the whole nation flags
each boy and girl hold a nation flag
plus firmen and police man have ther suits on too all people are
neverforget 911
means never forget spetember the ,1 2001
the world trade cenet builders bombed to bits by rockets aka
jetairplanes with passgersaboard
intresting the new abc tv seris "V"
ues same ideas in this war thats hoing on now
even the new A team is based on todays war
the oringal tv serius on NBC "V"
is based on hitler info
and the oringa tv seris A team
is based on long atime ago wars
To:, Cc:
Subject: Fw: Johnny's: Breaking the Magician's Code - Magic's Biggest
Secrets Finally Revealed (5 episodes) Attachment:

To:, Cc:
Subject: Fw: Become an Expert Mind Reader like David Blaine Today!

To:, Cc:
Subject: Fw: Magic is No Longer Illusion: The Duel of Magicians in
Revealing the Secrets to Longstanding Magic Tricks - Associated Content
- Attachment:


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From: Donna Story
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 9:38 AM
Subject: Magic is No Longer Illusion: The Duel of Magicians in Revealing
the Secrets to Longstanding Magic Tricks - Associated Content -

Donna Story <> has sent you the following web link:
Associated Content Home Arts & Entertainment
Home » Arts & Entertainment » Books
Magic is No Longer Illusion: The Duel of Magicians in Revealing the
Secrets to Longstanding Magic Tricks
Adjust font-size: + – Published August 10, 2007 by:
Greg Brian (Gregoriancant)

View Profile | Follow | Add to Favorites More: Magic Tricks David
Copperfield Magicians Made of Honor Uri Geller
In the Question of Whether to Reveal or Not to Reveal the Secrets to
Traditional Magic Tricks...the Issue Has Evolved into a Deep
Philosophical and Legal Debate
You've just seen a rare traditionalist stage magician do the old
mainstay illusion of sawing the woman in half in an old theatre in your
hometown. You may be one of the few people left on planet earth who
doesn't know how that illusion is done and you ask the magician later
(while getting his or her autograph backstage) how it's done. "Very
well," the magician says wryly. You think it's a corny reply--but it's
an old (nearly Vaudevillian) standby response when asked how a magic
trick or full-scaled illusion is done. And wake up and
realize that you were just dreaming being at this show. It's probably a
product of something you experienced in your past--because old-school,
traditionalist magicians really don't exist much any more. Nevertheless,
some new-school magicians still hold the traditional magic tricks and
illusions in high regard. They just upgrade them by making them look
modern--but still use the same longstanding principles. These are the
ones who adhere to the old magician's code to never give away the
secrets. And these are the same ones who are a part of an intense
artistic battle that gets louder every year. It's the battle of old
secrets being revealed by younger and hipper magicians who think that
the art form of magic needs new ideas and the old ones don't matter any

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Did Uri Geller Win the $1,000,000.00 Criss Angel Promised on National
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Learn Magic with These Easy Card Tricks!
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11/26/2008"t's the battle of old secrets being revealed by younger and
hipper magicians who think that the art form of magic needs new ideas
and the old ones don't matter any longer. " Not true. They expose to
make money. Anyway, I'm a magician and I have hundreds of books in both
physical and electronic format, and there's no way the MM can expose
them all Mwaaa-haaaa-haa-ha!!!bill page

05/02/2008the plat glassbecomes the mirror as dc walks thru clear
platglass addlightiung change idea real mirror swings back to the left
like a door on a house does on hinges and as dc breaks yellow retangle
paper as he gives cool illusion of walking thru a plat glass mirror that
jim styein myier inventd the real mirror pushhs dc out an looked in
place as crew guy scretly reaches under frame to unlock mirror to be abe
to slide out and tap on it to show its a real solid mirror bill page

05/02/2008cool hey no offense but history repets it self there fore
illusion secrets and some who like to keep illusion secrets an
illusionist stealing each others tageillusion ideas its a catch 22 food
for thought type in how to
gain ilusion secrets type in dc secrets in a nutshell type in outside
inside stage illusion ideas type in trickbusters type in trickbusters
copperfield type in copperfield revealed type in visual stealth type in
all stage illusion ideas type in
trickbusters type in trickbusters copperfield type in copperfield
revealedWilliam Pinn

08/11/2007Magical! Kassidy Emmerson

08/11/2007Very interesting and enlightening piece! Comments 1 - 5 (of 5)
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Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 9:27 AM
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Dear bill,

To learn some amazing mind
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as David Blaine, check out
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From: Donna Story
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 9:32 AM
Subject: Johnny's: Breaking the Magician's Code - Magic's Biggest
Secrets Finally Revealed (5 episodes)

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November 04, 2008
Breaking the Magician's Code - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed
(5 episodes)
at 7:14 AM Labels: TV Series Reactions:

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Breaking the Magician's Code 1 - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally

Breaking the Magicians' Code

If you’ve ever wondered how a magician can survive getting
buried alive or having his head chopped off by a guillotine, you can now
set your curiosity at ease.

Under the guidance of a masked magician, Breaking the Magician’s
Code takes you behind the scenes of some of magic’s most
perilous illusions.

As he exposes the secrets of these dangerous acts, resist the temptation
to try these tricks at home!

This list covers only large-scale illusions. Other tricks were exposed.

Show 1:
1. Lady to Tiger,
2. Levitation,
3. Chinese Lantern,
4. Zig Zag Girl,
5. Exploding Packing Crate,
6. Sawing a Woman in Half (Selbit's Sawing),
7. Sword Basket,
8. Metamorphosis,
9. Vanishing Elephant

Breaking the Magicians' Code 2 - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally

Breaking the Magicians' Code

If you’ve ever wondered how a magician can survive getting
buried alive or having his head chopped off by a guillotine, you can now
set your curiosity at ease.

Under the guidance of a masked magician, Breaking the Magician’s
Code takes you behind the scenes of some of magic’s most
perilous illusions.

As he exposes the secrets of these dangerous acts, resist the temptation
to try these tricks at home!

This list covers only large-scale illusions. Other tricks were exposed.

Show Two
1. Crusher,
2. Teleportation,
3. Lady of Steel,
4. Suit of Armor,
5. Shooting an Arrow Through a Woman,
6. Switching Places,
7. Box of Pain,
8. Water Torture Escape

Breaking the Magicians' Code 3 - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally

Breaking the Magicians' Code

If you’ve ever wondered how a magician can survive getting
buried alive or having his head chopped off by a guillotine, you can now
set your curiosity at ease.

Under the guidance of a masked magician, Breaking the Magician’s
Code takes you behind the scenes of some of magic’s most
perilous illusions.

As he exposes the secrets of these dangerous acts, resist the temptation
to try these tricks at home!

This list covers only large-scale illusions. Other tricks were exposed.

Show Three
1. Table of Death,
2. Stretcher,
3. Knife Throwing,
4. Haunted House,
5. Bullet Catch,
6. Mismade Girl,
7. Vanishing Tank

Breaking the Magicians' Code 4 - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally

Breaking the Magicians' Code

If you’ve ever wondered how a magician can survive getting
buried alive or having his head chopped off by a guillotine, you can now
set your curiosity at ease.

Under the guidance of a masked magician, Breaking the Magician’s
Code takes you behind the scenes of some of magic’s most
perilous illusions.

As he exposes the secrets of these dangerous acts, resist the temptation
to try these tricks at home!

This list covers only large-scale illusions. Other tricks were exposed.

Show Four
1. Car Crusher Escape,
2. Cremation,
3. Spike Torture,
4. Guillotine,
5. Buried Alive,
6. Death Trap
7. Unmasking the Magician

Breaking the Magicians' Code 5 - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally

Breaking the Magicians' Code

If you’ve ever wondered how a magician can survive getting
buried alive or having his head chopped off by a guillotine, you can now
set your curiosity at ease.

Under the guidance of a masked magician, Breaking the Magician’s
Code takes you behind the scenes of some of magic’s most
perilous illusions.

As he exposes the secrets of these dangerous acts, resist the temptation
to try these tricks at home!

This list covers only large-scale illusions. Other tricks were exposed.

Show Five
1. Sawing Trough a Woman with a Buzz Saw,
2. Making an Assistant Disappear,
3. Broom Suspension,
4. Going Through the Portal,
5. Disappearing Dumptruck,
6. Frozen Alive


Anonymous said...
Wrong password ???

January 13, 2009 11:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Wrong Password ???

January 13, 2009 12:18 PM
bill page said...
hey they odered 13 new breaking the magicians code magicics biggest
secrets revealed
type in youtube and google search engines in images and groups and
type in
new masked magician march2,2009 9pm8c mondays mondays 8pm7c masters of
illusion mynetwork tv channel
trickbusters copperfield
masked magician
breaking the magicians code magics biggest secrets revealed elephant
appears indaytime parking lot walkon on water in day time walking thru
steel like dc china wall idea buzz saw kinda like dc death saw illusion

February 25, 2009 6:05 AM
Anonymous said...
try again mynetworktv
message board and google and youtube search engines
type in
new masked magician 2009
type in
trickbusters copperfield

February 25, 2009 6:09 AM
Anonymous said...
13 allnew masked magician secrets revealed specials march 2, mondays
9pm8c 8pm7c masters of illusion magic castle illusionist magicians are
helping out the new secrets revealed specials een behinde the scenes

February 25, 2009 6:15 AM
Anonymous said...
The Magician is actually a famous female magician.. not a guy

July 14, 2009 11:23 AM
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More options Feb 26 2008, 2:51 pm

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From: bill page <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:51:46 -0800 (PST)
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my ideas is on regular stage out the back and radio controlled
lights look like peoples flash lights while all the people go out
the back curtain on a plank and get ready for there cool appearnce
in audience with flash lights in hans on waving theme havin fun :)
as for in the round version i haven seen that one everyones
talking about?
myguess is maybe a mirror tunnel

your welcome porter:)

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MagicFingers Posted: Oct 27 2007, 10:00 AM


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At least one of the people in the "thirteen" is a stooge (maybe two).
They stay behind as the others leave and they operate the flashlights.
They then hide in the base before the curtain is removed.

It's interesting to notice how the steel balls never go behind him -
meaning the audience behind him don't get to participate (or even see
the show, if you think about it). I'm not sure what the deal is with

As far as the escape is concerned - it doesn't seem as if the same
method is used as in his live performances. My theory is that there is
a mirror tunnel that runs through the stage-left leg assembly (right
side as we see it). That part of the cage just happens to be in
exactly the same place as the millenium cabinet and the voyeur vanish.
And we know there is a trap door right there.


Illusion plans and eBooks - instant download...

Magic Max Posted: Oct 27 2007, 10:44 AM


Group: Master Magician
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I think in "thirteen" there is only one stooge. I think he is the one
who comes on with the deflated ball. It is difficult to tell how many
silver balls are originally thrown out to the audience.

In the video, take note that the lady is wearing pink, and the guy
beside her, a dark color. When they reach out the sides for the large
flashlights (not both at once), they both have dark sleeves.

I also think that the people don't turn on their flashlights until
their appearance at the back of the auditorium. When I saw this
illusion live, the bar the holds the curtains up has a section in it
(on the back bar) that is transparent.

The method for getting the people off the platform must be quick, and
easy for the people to use because they have not rehearsed the
illusion beforehand.


What ever it is... I didn't do it.

KevinE2X Posted: Oct 27 2007, 11:35 AM


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This thread is getting further and further away from how it is
actually done...the guesses are getting much colder.

There are NO stooges. The guy with the deflated ball HAD a regular
silver he is coming up on stage, one of the assistants takes
his inflated ball and gives him the deflated ball. It is all for a
joke...also the assistants look over the volunteers and determine who
is NOT going to vanish...based on how big they are, how tall, physical
limitations, whether they look like a magician or not...of which that
question is often asked of the volunteers.

All the people that go up on the platform actually vanish and reappear
in the house...NONE of them stay behind. NO intelligent lights are
used in the platform, no mechanical hands or arms are used.


porter Posted: Nov 2 2007, 10:00 PM


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Thank you Bill Page that was really nice from you.

Fasto Posted: Nov 3 2007, 04:17 PM


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Well, I've just read this thread, and the few pages about the troupe
I've watched it a couple of times, and I think I have an idea as to
what the psychological principle that was mentioned might be.
Due to the discussion about exposure, I think I'd better ask first -
can I mention my guess here, or shall I keep it to myself? I haven't
bought the illusion yet, so I'm not sure whether I'm right or wrong.

pae Posted: Nov 4 2007, 09:23 AM


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QUOTE (Fasto @ Nov 3 2007, 04:17 PM)
I've watched it a couple of times, and I think I have an idea as to
what the psychological principle that was mentioned might be.
Due to the discussion about exposure, I think I'd better ask first -
can I mention my guess here, or shall I keep it to myself? I haven't
bought the illusion yet, so I'm not sure whether I'm right or wrong.

fine by me to speculate-afterall there area lot of illusions i know
the workings to and a great deal MORE that i don't

general methodologies are discussed all over this section but in depth
workings and the subtleties very rarely-so speculate away



"trust me I'm Doctor Who"!!

Fasto Posted: Nov 4 2007, 04:20 PM


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Well I'm curious whether the illusion works for the people standing
behind the platform...
Maybe the dancers simply ran past them in full view.

BLACKshadow Posted: Nov 5 2007, 07:06 PM

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Ok first i would like to say hi i was a long time member on the
original SOMF website until mike took over. i have been so busy for a
long time magic just left me i then have more time now and have
started it back up.

now for this whole post to come to an end. Julian bond is perhaps the
best magican i have seen in duplicating illusions for the famous DC.
his methods are so amazing yet simple. i can be honest and say i
personally never bought ne of his pdf files but were given free by him
i used them all at my magic show. these included an opener apperance
of me on my uncles harley bike in a box. i used his home video
prediction and his troupe vanish. i did this show infront of about 250
audience members. at the end of the show all they were taking about
were these 3 illusions. magicians were baffled that i recreated some
of DC popular illusions and were stunned. i told julianthat i would
get clips of these 3 performances but my moms camera died on her about
10 minutes into the show and unfortuinatley the angles she was
standing at were poor.

all i have to say is that julain bond is a master at illusions and
designs that u can build for less than 100$

this is how much it costed me to build these illusions

troupe vanish 185$ using a 2.5 inch platform heavy enought to hold 1
ton ( 2000 lbs) and 2 inch aluminum steel pipes. extremely upgraded
materials but non the less can be built with a normal platform and pvc
pipes. i went the extra mile and made mine more professional. i used
the same mathod as julian bond did however presentation and how i
performed it was different.

bike in box 100$ for this julian since i was on a stage i used a
differnt method but same principal as the troupe vanish but instead of
audience memebrs leaving thats how i got the bike on. for people who
know what i am talking about u would understand. of course this was
surrounded. great idea from julian although not really same method as
bike in box same principal as the troupe vanish.

lastly home video prediction doesnt really cost much besides that
props like a force bag and force deck and what not. i used differnt
items but still great effect.

anyways i love to do illusions but hate the price of them. julian bond
creates illusions which can be desned for cheap.

anyways iwill not reveal the secrets to ne of these tricks unless
permission from julian bond myself. but would really recommend u
purchasing the effects and creating new magic with the methods just
like i did.




QED Posted: Nov 5 2007, 10:47 PM


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That's fantastic Blackshadow...
It just goes to prove what we've been saying about Julian's
they teach you a lot and with some creativity you can turn them into
something totally different...


do or do not, there is no try....

"A conjurer is nothing if he only amuses and fails to inspire wonder."
- Thomas Frost

MagicMan Posted: Nov 6 2007, 09:54 AM


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Hey up BS, and welcome back. Now I can respect your not wanting to
disclose the ACTUAL writings of Julian Bond, but since you have
reworked the manuscripts and built DIFFERENT illusions, how about some
tuts on what you have done. This is after all a secret sharing site.
Thanks in advance.

BLACKshadow Posted: Nov 6 2007, 05:58 PM

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well the thing is if i explain the secret as to how i accomplished
david copperfields bike in box shadow illusion i will be kinda
revealing the basic idea/ method of the troupe vanish. even if i were
to give u the secret it would not explain the whole trick entirley so
even with the method u still have to wonder how do u do it surrounded
how is it accomplished so fast and even though the simplicity of the
trick/ method it takes great showmenship to perform.

i understand that this is a revealing site and i will reveal how i did
my version of bike in the box i do want u to know that i dedicate this
to julian bond who inspired me to go the extra distance and rather
than just perform a trick tocreate new inovative ones.

| <------- curtain
AUDIENCE <------------- BOX RAISED | motocycle is on 2x 8 board
ON PLATFORM |----------------------------------
______________ |


now for the explanation i created a somewhat shadow box except with

what happens is the box is raised on a platform to show no trap doors
or possable way for loading behind the curtain stage. what hapeens is
that the box is opened all the way round and shown to be completley
empty i invite about 15 people on stage only 5 are stooges those r the
ones benhind the box that see everything. they all join hands then box
is closed on three sides only back and 2 sides leaving front open.
( this is simmilar to dc version). once those sides are closed a board
is fed thru the back of the curtain and placed on the back of the
platform. i left about 3 inches around the platform. then bike is fed
thru on board awaiting to be loaded from behind box, keep in mind that
no audience memebrs c this as the back side is closed. this is all
down as i say stuff magical stuff lol. then the final front is closed
and bike is fully loaded.board is taken away and walah.

so that is my method hope u understand any questions id be sure to ask
sry for rough diagram.

MagicMan Posted: Nov 6 2007, 06:28 PM


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Thanks Man, I think this is what we are all about.

billpage Posted: Nov 28 2007, 09:57 AM


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bill page <> has sent you the following web
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how did lanceburton
how did franz harary
you get the idea
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billpage Posted: Feb 17 2008, 02:25 AM


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GOOD INFO PAE,Q and mee and magic fingers:)
fake feet as for jothen pendragon 25 show girls vanish on worlds great

billpage Posted: A minute ago


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my ideas is on regular stage out the back and radio controlled
lights look like peoples flash lights while all the people go out
the back curtain on a plank and get ready for there cool appearnce
in audience with flash lights in hans on waving theme havin fun :)
as for in the round version i haven seen that one everyones
talking about?
myguess is maybe a mirror tunnel

your welcome porter:)

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MagicFingers Posted: Oct 27 2007, 10:00 AM


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At least one of the people in the "thirteen" is a stooge (maybe two).
They stay behind as the others leave and they operate the flashlights.
They then hide in the base before the curtain is removed.

It's interesting to notice how the steel balls never go behind him -
meaning the audience behind him don't get to participate (or even see
the show, if you think about it). I'm not sure what the deal is with

As far as the escape is concerned - it doesn't seem as if the same
method is used as in his live performances. My theory is that there is
a mirror tunnel that runs through the stage-left leg assembly (right
side as we see it). That part of the cage just happens to be in
exactly the same place as the millenium cabinet and the voyeur vanish.
And we know there is a trap door right there.


Illusion plans and eBooks - instant download...

Magic Max Posted: Oct 27 2007, 10:44 AM


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I think in "thirteen" there is only one stooge. I think he is the one
who comes on with the deflated ball. It is difficult to tell how many
silver balls are originally thrown out to the audience.

In the video, take note that the lady is wearing pink, and the guy
beside her, a dark color. When they reach out the sides for the large
flashlights (not both at once), they both have dark sleeves.

I also think that the people don't turn on their flashlights until
their appearance at the back of the auditorium. When I saw this
illusion live, the bar the holds the curtains up has a section in it
(on the back bar) that is transparent.

The method for getting the people off the platform must be quick, and
easy for the people to use because they have not rehearsed the
illusion beforehand.


What ever it is... I didn't do it.

KevinE2X Posted: Oct 27 2007, 11:35 AM


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This thread is getting further and further away from how it is
actually done...the guesses are getting much colder.

There are NO stooges. The guy with the deflated ball HAD a regular
silver he is coming up on stage, one of the assistants takes
his inflated ball and gives him the deflated ball. It is all for a
joke...also the assistants look over the volunteers and determine who
is NOT going to vanish...based on how big they are, how tall, physical
limitations, whether they look like a magician or not...of which that
question is often asked of the volunteers.

All the people that go up on the platform actually vanish and reappear
in the house...NONE of them stay behind. NO intelligent lights are
used in the platform, no mechanical hands or arms are used.


porter Posted: Nov 2 2007, 10:00 PM


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Thank you Bill Page that was really nice from you.

Fasto Posted: Nov 3 2007, 04:17 PM


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Well, I've just read this thread, and the few pages about the troupe
I've watched it a couple of times, and I think I have an idea as to
what the psychological principle that was mentioned might be.
Due to the discussion about exposure, I think I'd better ask first -
can I mention my guess here, or shall I keep it to myself? I haven't
bought the illusion yet, so I'm not sure whether I'm right or wrong.

pae Posted: Nov 4 2007, 09:23 AM


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QUOTE (Fasto @ Nov 3 2007, 04:17 PM)
I've watched it a couple of times, and I think I have an idea as to
what the psychological principle that was mentioned might be.
Due to the discussion about exposure, I think I'd better ask first -
can I mention my guess here, or shall I keep it to myself? I haven't
bought the illusion yet, so I'm not sure whether I'm right or wrong.

fine by me to speculate-afterall there area lot of illusions i know
the workings to and a great deal MORE that i don't

general methodologies are discussed all over this section but in depth
workings and the subtleties very rarely-so speculate away



"trust me I'm Doctor Who"!!

Fasto Posted: Nov 4 2007, 04:20 PM


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Well I'm curious whether the illusion works for the people standing
behind the platform...
Maybe the dancers simply ran past them in full view.

BLACKshadow Posted: Nov 5 2007, 07:06 PM

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Ok first i would like to say hi i was a long time member on the
original SOMF website until mike took over. i have been so busy for a
long time magic just left me i then have more time now and have
started it back up.

now for this whole post to come to an end. Julian bond is perhaps the
best magican i have seen in duplicating illusions for the famous DC.
his methods are so amazing yet simple. i can be honest and say i
personally never bought ne of his pdf files but were given free by him
i used them all at my magic show. these included an opener apperance
of me on my uncles harley bike in a box. i used his home video
prediction and his troupe vanish. i did this show infront of about 250
audience members. at the end of the show all they were taking about
were these 3 illusions. magicians were baffled that i recreated some
of DC popular illusions and were stunned. i told julianthat i would
get clips of these 3 performances but my moms camera died on her about
10 minutes into the show and unfortuinatley the angles she was
standing at were poor.

all i have to say is that julain bond is a master at illusions and
designs that u can build for less than 100$

this is how much it costed me to build these illusions

troupe vanish 185$ using a 2.5 inch platform heavy enought to hold 1
ton ( 2000 lbs) and 2 inch aluminum steel pipes. extremely upgraded
materials but non the less can be built with a normal platform and pvc
pipes. i went the extra mile and made mine more professional. i used
the same mathod as julian bond did however presentation and how i
performed it was different.

bike in box 100$ for this julian since i was on a stage i used a
differnt method but same principal as the troupe vanish but instead of
audience memebrs leaving thats how i got the bike on. for people who
know what i am talking about u would understand. of course this was
surrounded. great idea from julian although not really same method as
bike in box same principal as the troupe vanish.

lastly home video prediction doesnt really cost much besides that
props like a force bag and force deck and what not. i used differnt
items but still great effect.

anyways i love to do illusions but hate the price of them. julian bond
creates illusions which can be desned for cheap.

anyways iwill not reveal the secrets to ne of these tricks unless
permission from julian bond myself. but would really recommend u
purchasing the effects and creating new magic with the methods just
like i did.




QED Posted: Nov 5 2007, 10:47 PM


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That's fantastic Blackshadow...
It just goes to prove what we've been saying about Julian's
they teach you a lot and with some creativity you can turn them into
something totally different...


do or do not, there is no try....

"A conjurer is nothing if he only amuses and fails to inspire wonder."
- Thomas Frost

MagicMan Posted: Nov 6 2007, 09:54 AM


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Hey up BS, and welcome back. Now I can respect your not wanting to
disclose the ACTUAL writings of Julian Bond, but since you have
reworked the manuscripts and built DIFFERENT illusions, how about some
tuts on what you have done. This is after all a secret sharing site.
Thanks in advance.

BLACKshadow Posted: Nov 6 2007, 05:58 PM

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well the thing is if i explain the secret as to how i accomplished
david copperfields bike in box shadow illusion i will be kinda
revealing the basic idea/ method of the troupe vanish. even if i were
to give u the secret it would not explain the whole trick entirley so
even with the method u still have to wonder how do u do it surrounded
how is it accomplished so fast and even though the simplicity of the
trick/ method it takes great showmenship to perform.

i understand that this is a revealing site and i will reveal how i did
my version of bike in the box i do want u to know that i dedicate this
to julian bond who inspired me to go the extra distance and rather
than just perform a trick tocreate new inovative ones.

| <------- curtain
AUDIENCE <------------- BOX RAISED | motocycle is on 2x 8 board
ON PLATFORM |----------------------------------
______________ |


now for the explanation i created a somewhat shadow box except with

what happens is the box is raised on a platform to show no trap doors
or possable way for loading behind the curtain stage. what hapeens is
that the box is opened all the way round and shown to be completley
empty i invite about 15 people on stage only 5 are stooges those r the
ones benhind the box that see everything. they all join hands then box
is closed on three sides only back and 2 sides leaving front open.
( this is simmilar to dc version). once those sides are closed a board
is fed thru the back of the curtain and placed on the back of the
platform. i left about 3 inches around the platform. then bike is fed
thru on board awaiting to be loaded from behind box, keep in mind that
no audience memebrs c this as the back side is closed. this is all
down as i say stuff magical stuff lol. then the final front is closed
and bike is fully loaded.board is taken away and walah.

so that is my method hope u understand any questions id be sure to ask
sry for rough diagram.

MagicMan Posted: Nov 6 2007, 06:28 PM


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Thanks Man, I think this is what we are all about.

billpage Posted: Nov 28 2007, 09:57 AM


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bill page <> has sent you the following web
type in
lance burton b2 stealth vanish secret
type in
lance burtons herd of elephants vanish secret
or type sameidea but say how at the end of info
dc lear jet vanish how
how did copperfield
how did lanceburton
how did franz harary
you get the idea
type in
walking thru walls
type in
houdini walking through a brick wall
type in
howards thruston mirror tunnel

billpage Posted: Feb 17 2008, 02:25 AM


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GOOD INFO PAE,Q and mee and magic fingers:)
fake feet as for jothen pendragon 25 show girls vanish on worlds great

billpage Posted: A minute ago


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stage illusion secrets
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dc secrets of illusions
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walking through a brickwall
type in
dc secrets in a nutshell
type in
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From: bill page
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 6:50 AM
Subject: al says to ml bill tar h wil check but di vener dea for bottom
deal is alt.magic.secrets

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bill page

May 31, 2010, 12:48:32 PM5/31/10
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Good News Baptist ChurchHomeHome AboutAbout Our Staff Our Missionaries
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On Wednesday, April 12, 1972 a group of 18 people met in the living room
of Jerry & Libby Yarbrough’s home to make plans for a new church
to be born. Good News Baptist was selected as the name by a majority of
one vote. The first service was held four days later on Sunday, April
16, at the Tall Cedars building on the corner of Bart and Caroline
Streets in Portsmouth, VA. The church was officially chartered on that
same Sunday as 19 dedicated people attended that first service and
contributed $241.36 in the offering. Rev. Dallas Ainsley was the
founding Pastor. The following week sixty-five attended with an offering
of $469.36.

The first official business meeting was held Wednesday night, April 19,
1972 and the church’s first officers were elected. This little
church began with no money or land, but the very next month, May of
1972, twelve acres of land was purchased from a couple who would sell
their property only to a Baptist church. It is the sight of our present
facilities on the corner of Taylor and Bruce Roads. The church soon
outgrew the Tall Cedars building and moved into Western Branch Jr. High
School in August. It continued to meet there until the original church
building was completed. Pastor Ainsley acted as general contractor for
the new construction using subs only for electrical, masonry, concrete,
heating and air conditioning work. All the rest of the work- the
trusses, roofing, ceilings, carpentry, cherry paneling, block
partitions, plumbing, trim work, windows, doors and painting –
was done by the men and women of the church. On July 1, 1973 the first
service was held in the new facilities (which is now our chapel and
nursery wing). The building was dedicated on July 8, 1973. Rev. John
Halsey was the guest speaker.

In June of 1974 the fellowship hall was constructed and the first
Missions Conference was held. By April 1975 church attendance was 330
and in May the bus ministry was started.

The educational wing was completed in December of 1975 . The church
membership was 400 by April 1976. Six months later was a “Record
Breaking Sunday†with an attendance of 621! With the increased
growth, came an increased burden and Good News Christian School opened
its doors in 1979 and was active until 1985. With the church averaging
364 by 1980, construction of a new auditorium was required. The church
moved into the existing auditorium on October 17, 1982. A larger and
more functional fellowship hall was built in 2002 to accommodate over
600 people.

The outreach of Good News Baptist Church has continued to expand. The
nursing home ministry began in 1984. In 1988 the Awana program was
added. Rev. Mac Palmer became the Pastor in 1984 and served until 1991.
In June of 1991, Dr. Walt Coles became the Pastor. In 1992 GNBC became
the home of Armed Forces Baptist Missions. In the fall of 1995, the
foyer, chapel and nursery wing received a much-needed renovation. Other
outreach ministries of Good News Baptist Church include a monthly
ladies’ fellowship, a weekly Coast Guard Bible study, a monthly
men’s prayer breakfast, military ministry, weekly public school
Bible club, teen ministry, summer Vacation Bible School, and a
bookstore. Recently, a Spanish ministry began with weekly Wednesday
night Bible studies. Our vision is to plant a church in the Western
Branch area of Chesapeake for Spanish speaking people.

The impact of what those 19 pioneers started in 1972 is still going
strong today. †Great things HE hath done.â€
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bill page

May 31, 2010, 1:04:41 PM5/31/10
Good News Baptist ChurchHomeHome AboutAbout Our Staff Our Missionaries
Our Beliefs Our History MediaMedia Albums Sermons MinistriesMinistries
Children Ministries Youth Ministries Adult Ministries Musical Ministries
Military Ministry Deaf Ministry Latest NewsLatest News Calendar Events
Contact UsContact Us Our Staff

DR. WALT COLES was called to preach under the ministry of Dr. Bob Jones,
Sr. while a freshman at college. God has used him for 38 years
successfully pastoring five churches in North Carolina, Indiana, and
Virginia, one of which he founded and pastored for eight years. He is
currently the Senior Pastor of Good News Baptist Church in Chesapeake,
VA. Pastor Coles attended Bob Jones University where he received a B.A.
degree in 1962, a B.D. degree in 1964. He holds honorary Doctor of
Divinity degrees from Puerto Rico Baptist College (1991) and Bob Jones
University (2001).

In addition to years of pastoring, Dr. Coles has taught on the Bible
faculties of Indiana Baptist College in Indianapolis and Atlantic
Baptist Bible College in Chester, VA. He has served on the Board of
Armed Forces Baptist Missions for 19 years and has been Chairman of the
Executive Board since 1983. Dr. Coles is associated with several other
Christian organizations, such as, the Virginia representative for the
Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, board member of Gospel
Fellowship Association, Ambassador Baptist College, and Baptist Home
Missions, and secretary-treasurer for the Virginia Assembly of
Independent Baptists.


DAVE MROS joined the pastoral staff of Good News Baptist Church in April
of 2008. After serving 21 years in the US Army and retiring as a
Captain, Dave answered God’s call to full-time Christian work in
1994. He assisted in pastoral duties and studied for the ministry for 5
years at Palmetto Baptist Temple, Columbia SC until God called him and
his wife, Kathy into military missions with Baptist International
Missions Inc. In 2001 and just days after 911, they arrived in
Heidelberg Germany and planted Lighthouse Baptist Church where they had
an extensive ministry for 7 years to American servicemen and their
families. In 2008 God led them to Good News Baptist Church where Dave
serves as the Assistant Pastor in charge of Sunday School, Outreach, and
Children’s Ministries. Dave and Kathy are parents to three
adult children and 4 grandchildren. Their son, Casey, is a recent Bob
Jones University graduate working in Greenville SC as an accountant and
their two daughters, Erin, is a Youth Pastor’s wife in Asheboro,
NC, and Julie is married to an assistant pastor in Highpoint, NC.


MARK TAYLOR joined the United States Coast Guard in 1975. Because of
the influence of Christ-centered Coast Guardsmen and the ministry of
Good News Baptist Church he came to know Christ in 1981. God opened the
door for full-time Christian service in 1987 to minister to teen and
military men and women. He has a great desire to see military men and
women come to know Christ and to disciple them for the glory of God.


KEN HEDRICK, is our most recent addition to the pastoral staff. For the
past fifteen years, Ken has ministered in Illinois, Maryland, Georgia,
and Virginia primarily in the area of music. He received his B.A. degree
in music in 1993 and M.M. degree in music in 1995 from Bob Jones
University. He and his wife Jodi have three children. Their names are
Kenney age 9, Morgan age 7, and Trent age 4. Ken will be in charge of
our music and our young married’s group. Ken has always had a
burden for music and people. It is his prayer that God will use Christ
honoring music to praise our Savior, draw hearts to God’s Word,
and encourage believers in their walk with Him.


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Al Hastings

May 31, 2010, 7:20:25 PM5/31/10

Hey Bill,

Since your posting everything from your 14 year old nefu's cell phone
number and the church website password, can you do us a favor and post
bob scoffield's home address and phone number? thanks


May 31, 2010, 11:21:07 PM5/31/10

Bill, I take it Bob isn't allowed to even speak my name in his
household? Probably has something to do with that e-mail I sent to
Rev. Lovejoy about Bob's wife, "Moody Judy". Google has her birthday
as October 30, 1961. Born on Halloween Eve, that figures. And I've
also never met a scorpio woman who wasn't a total raging control freak
and whack job. The nut house is full of them.


bill page

Jun 1, 2010, 2:51:12 AM6/1/10
14 year old nieace bobbies her cel phone number i made a type o al
and my nefu william marcel page he is 11 years old and my older nieace
toni page she is 19 years old and my older nefu eugene smith his is 20
years old i think?
i do know he is older then toni page and they both have children
toni page has a 2 year old daughter named desseriie
dez a ray
and she got a tatoo name of her dughter right on her arm
and she hangs out with her boy friend philip and his boy and girl i
forget there names
and dez ray dad is jesse paine
and eugene smith had a boy with his girl friend amanda they named ther
chubbybaby boy eugene smith the 4th
i have not got to video camer eugene smith and his girl friend amand n
thre son eugene smith the 4th i mean whn eugene ws teenager and a
juinoiri go on vhs video camra
but eugene smith mooved far away
that he neverr there for christmas or thank giving just his parents
stacey smith and raymond smith jr

and bobies dad joey fausdick
he lives far away to
but bobeie rcnt thr cell pone and textg and sening each other phto extc
is haing fun counctionwith her real dad
ps john teal is not a hapy campr about thiscause he said where was he
when bobbie was born extc extc folks :)
you get the idea :)
john tealraised nd took care of his son william marcel page and also
ook cae and rsiedbobbie page too:)

bill page

Jun 1, 2010, 3:06:57 AM6/1/10
yep you guess it mitch
i need nw battoeris in this key very badly
ps my guess is bob scofield says that his daughter leslie looks at his
email and delets any hing that his bill page in it and she then goes to
her side of the compouter and emails and chats aay to all her friends
and then his wife juy takes over the computer rtoo do ame ideas
ps judy scofiled has trouble with her throat
and has to have a air tank to breath she hides it well bob says she
goes to church at
and swhe talks, cahat hears the LORDS JESUS CHRIST SOUL WINING MESSAGES
like i said bill page she hides it well

ps mitch and eveyone he sure does
she has a hard time sawling food to
and has to take a rubber tube to help food down
she was born without a sufficicsause
i cant spel it right folks
im not got in spelling
but my11 year old nefu william marcel pge is
ps meand his mom and his sisters extc ask hey william how you spell such
in such
and he allways spell it correct
and i say hey wiliam your marter then the average bear
he then says cool im smarter then yogi bear
and when i say hey william bobbi page is soo much into her mp3 player
listeing to her music or her cell phone music then if a goverment ufo
flew buy she would not even hear it lol hehehe
and lol william marcel page says
bill page she can not hear ufos cause they fly slienley they make
no sound
then i say lol you smarty pants:)

bill page

Jun 1, 2010, 3:24:01 AM6/1/10
robert and judy,leslie,peter scofield phone number is
(757) 465-8283
208 lakeside drive
portsmouth, virginia

my parents phone number is
(757) 397-3881
marcel franklin page jr and darlene page
3211 brighton street
portsmouth, virginia

ps my sister stacey smith lives there now too
marriage problems but there working it out
but as of recently she lives up stairs at my parents house she dtives
yelow sporst car
works at food lion some where
there lots of food lion stores here

Al Hastings

Jun 1, 2010, 10:53:17 AM6/1/10


you crack me up, is nothing sacred?

why does your sister get to live with your parents and you don't?


bill page

Jun 1, 2010, 1:50:23 PM6/1/10
today my dad marcel franklin page jr and my mom darlene page stayed
here in virginia beach virginia with me to keep an eye on 2 year old
tonipage daughter dessrrie while cheryl teal took jesse paine and oni
to court and john teal took bobbie page to school
i knew my ad was gonna talk about stuff:)
so i let it fly i could not hold back i let him know the whole nine
yards that goes around here wth 14 year old bobbie page, 11 yearold
wiliam marcel page
and i let him know i pots this in google and thru emal im the author i
right all that goes down and dvd video recoder too
and my dad says i have a computer what if i did the same about you bill?
that your lazy you dont have a job you have to sponge off the govement
ps i said i tiold all bout i get sssi and food stanmps and mr miss
medaod children hoime my brothers and sisters adopted somplce else extc
i tell every thing bud not just bobbi and william and then my mom
darlene said he got into toni pages busses too i told him to stay out of
toni bussnse justjust stick do doping your magic tricks and learning
copperfield illusions
and i said yep thats why i let the whole inter net and planet earth my
doctwr and nurses al about tonipage illusion ingoogle search engines and
they says thnks bill page i didnt know about this goes on i willbe more
watch full for my daugters

then my dad said i heard from more then one person that you hate me bill
you dont like me
then i said i dont hate you i just talk about the past t6hen bud says
the past is the past live it alone
then i says what about the hisrtory channel? and the history of mgaiuc
bill what that gotta do about beeing nosy in other peoples lifes?
and i say i dont know
wel bill ive tried cheryl is gona by cheryl and her children are gonna
do what ther gonna do and desree is gonaa do what she gonaa do cause its
the terrible twos butbobbie and willia well either learn from therr
mastkes or
or win up in jail somwhere have my own problem to deal with your mom
ceryl and other people owe me lots of money
i got bills to pay your mom doesnt work
and cheryl stil hasnt rown up neihter has toni page and her boy
friends they say they have good jobs then bill where is the money?
wherr is it at? they always have to ask me formoneye bill when i
wa there age i maried had a house to live n and had a job and had
children then i said all i know is when they get money they go out
and boy video games for there xbox 360
then my dad bud marcel franklin page jrsays
does that make any sense? sonds childish to me bill but ou lgo do wha
you want i give up on you guys when your all out on the street
maybe you all will wake up

bill see i dont see why anyone buys vhs movies on vhs tapes ? and buy
all theese dvd tvshows on dvd and movies on dvd
when you can watch them on tv?
lots of money that could of paid the bills
why would any one want to watch a tv show or movies lots of times when
all you need is to watch it once and thats it
and who carres about how its made
just show the tv show or movie

william said you gonna make him a chees cake?
is that true? and bud sai what this gonna do with what im talking
about bil?
then i said i dont know its just the way im am raambple on all i know
like the poicheryl teal yeasterday at 6pm called the police and lots of
police ad abmpluch cam casuse bobbie page had to run to break up a fight
wth nas and desal mom that bobbie call her as mom too or any nighbor her
mom even on her cell phone? and cheryl teal she cause cheryl even on the
cell phone for her mom cell phne number cheryl said tae cheryl teal out
bobbie you put me as mom under my cell pohne bumbr how does this make me
feel bobbie im you mom!
and bobie says ok ok
and my dad said why are you telling me this ?
if you have the amswers tell me whay are you soo up set is cheryul
treating you right is the placve you are at now is it soo terrible
bill no one perfect
then i said i know i know cheryl says this nd wiliam says rthis to me
and i say i know im no prefect either only JESUS IS

ps thats my day today whos everyones else?

bill page

Jun 1, 2010, 9:47:31 PM6/1/10
thers only o much room and at the time they had room for me and i was
gonna stay at my parents house but cheryl found out that info and said
i will take bill page and i said ok my nieaces and nefus like me doing
magic tricks extc learn magic tricks
so it was no brainer plus other factors
that my dad said bil the past the past leave it in the past and i said
my dad was more stricker with me
like a drill sargent plus go get food for him andcook fioiod for him
and get his tea and coffie make it do work non top and if he came
home from work he said is that all yo diod is did the dishes ? and you
hon bill gets no super to nite and bill go to our room and hun dont
seakea him food
if he doesnt earn his keep around here he does not neat to eat it
eaither as long as he under my room he gota work if he doewesn he wil
have to rome the streets that or leave
so later on i turn 20 years old and the stories took me in

even if i idnt have home work when we went to see ou realtives in
lancaster ohio i had to have my teacher make up some home work for
me cause its only fair to cheryl lynn page, and stacey elesbeth page
ps they gota go off with my parents to see realives that nite and next
day cause i had to stay at his parntes house our granma and grandpa
pages house cause istiull didnt have my home work done and when iut was
done bud said do it over its sloppy
and way before thaqt my dad in his bed room woul allways yell at me
and say i just told you how to do this math you dont under stand it? as
he yellingb door closed and i know my mom darke pages right next tro the
door hearing him yell and pich my arm and me craying and abnd
studdering extc i coulnt think
and trying to teach me how to tell time and count money and how much
change to get back he would yell and picn my arm again
and he would be somad like the incrdible hulk
and like the skipper on giglans island as for me im a dumy stupid
and like giligan a clutch clumsy
and he made me get up way in the moring with all my magic illusion
plans book and i would walk the streets all the time could not eat no
breafst extc and toni stop talkin to your unckle bioll he has to go walk
the streets and if he is home at 8pm he can come in andgo up to bed up
stiors in his room and doit over and over until he learn either earn his
keep or keepwalkiing the streets
or go live with his friends
and says im leaving the house he says i love you

that erked hurt me as im walking to mid city area

14 year old nieace bobbies her cell phone number i made a type o al

john tealraised and took care of his son william marcel page and also
took care and rasied bobbie page too:)

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