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Bozo and TJ sent their dna sample to They got their pie chart, turns out they're 6 percent retarded

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Mar 5, 2017, 12:20:15 PM3/5/17

Mar 5, 2017, 11:42:09 PM3/5/17
On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 12:20:15 PM UTC-5, wrote:

Only 6 percent? You offend me!


Mar 6, 2017, 7:41:26 AM3/6/17
I love how gullible people are. The government is using ancestory . con to et everyone to voluntarily submit their DNA into a huge database. Now all the cops need to do is recover DNA at a crime scene and access and voilla!

Mar 7, 2017, 12:42:55 AM3/7/17
Good point. Of course DNA can also be planted if the cops want a guy bad enough. Every new invention has it's negative side, we all know that. People are idiots. Either that or the commercials are pure bunk. Like for instance, the one where a woman says she never knew she had French blood in her. She was a European of some sort to begin with. Jeezus Christ, it would not surprise me in the least to find I have negro blood in me, nor would I care. We all fell out of the same tree. And we're all going to be buried beneath it one day.


Mar 7, 2017, 7:26:25 AM3/7/17
The Nazi finds he is 1/6 jew. The Jew finds he is 1/3 German. The Negro finds they are 1/2 white the Mexican finds he is 2/3 dog.

Mar 8, 2017, 12:25:54 AM3/8/17
On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 7:26:25 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> The Nazi finds he is 1/6 jew. The Jew finds he is 1/3 German. The Negro finds they are 1/2 white the Mexican finds he is 2/3 dog.

Will the day come when we read or see a story on the news of a guy killing an '' agent for telling him he's got Negro blood. "Nobody calls me a nigger and gets away with it", he yells as bullets blast from his big 45, recording the killing on video for the youtube crowd to see.


Mar 8, 2017, 7:26:53 AM3/8/17
I don't want to know. I am happy in my blue eyed white skin world I have created for myself.

Mar 8, 2017, 11:35:22 PM3/8/17
On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 7:26:53 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> I don't want to know. I am happy in my blue eyed white skin world I have created for myself.

I don't care, I'm ok with who I am. Sure, I'd rather not be totally black in a majority white society, but I don't care if I have black blood in me, or Eskimo blood, or even the blood of a dog or cat or some other wild creature like a whale or elephant. We probably have that blood in us anyway to some degree. We are all related, all the germs of earth, all related in some way. Sickening and frightening yet ho hum that's the way it is and there is nothing we can do about it, so live and let live and just go with the flow baby.


Mar 9, 2017, 7:23:13 AM3/9/17
People use to take pride in their ancestry. Now they look for monkeys in the family tree.

Mar 11, 2017, 12:28:51 AM3/11/17
On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 7:23:13 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> People use to take pride in their ancestry. Now they look for monkeys in the family tree.

I take pride in finding monkeys in my family tree. After all, it is MY tree.


Mar 11, 2017, 9:19:27 AM3/11/17
Got enough monkeys as it is.

Mar 13, 2017, 12:03:56 AM3/13/17
Monkeys are strong and can tear a human apart. Only way to take them down physically is to grab their tail and swing them round and round centrifugal force style so their claws and teeth are kept away from your body, round and round, faster and faster until they are sufficiently dazed at which time, continuing the lasso-like motion while walking toward the nearest hard surface, a tree or the side of a building, you swing their body as hard as you can into the surface, face first, splattering their teeth out of their skulls and allowing them to sag to the ground where you watch them slowly writhe their way into the final dance of death.


My Pee-low ®, My Bee-atch ™ Muh Dick Ⓤ

Mar 13, 2017, 6:21:36 AM3/13/17
you better not grab a monkey's tail and lasso them round and round above your head centrifugal force style in a zoo in front of kids and mothers and dope smokers or disembowel a hippo either it ain't Kosher not to mention decent that's all i'm saying, wait till evening

Mar 13, 2017, 7:31:14 AM3/13/17
I got a monkey tail

Mar 13, 2017, 11:09:33 PM3/13/17
My Pee-low ®, My Bee-atch ™ Muh Dick Ⓤ wrote:
> you better not grab a monkey's tail and lasso them round and round above your head centrifugal force style in a zoo in front of kids and mothers and dope smokers or disembowel a hippo either it ain't Kosher not to mention decent that's all i'm saying, wait till evening

Actually, I revised my tail swinging method as it was initially invented for use against racoon gangs. They have sharp teeth and claws. Only way to keep them off you is centrifugal force. Whip em round and round, them slam them face fist against the nearest tree. And yes, I was talking about night time as they never attack in the day.


Mar 13, 2017, 11:17:22 PM3/13/17
Another woman and children politically correct thing is buying pets at animal shelters. The pets are called saved. It makes the buyer feel important, like giving at the office. Saving a pet. But the truth is that any pet is a saved pet, whether it's found on the street or bought at a farm or dog factory. It's another sickening so-called non profit that does nothing but make money under the guise of caring. What difference does it make where a pet comes from if it has a nice cozy home to live in? Same applies to children, the human kind - you can adopt one before it goes to the orphanage or after, what fucking difference does it make as long as you don't buy it to abuse it. And even if you do buy it to abuse it, who is to say that your abuse won't be less awful than the abuse it suffered before you came along? The pet saving business is booming but it's also competitive. They have the non kill pet shelters now, touted as superior to the ones that euthanize them. I'm sick of all the non profit organizations and wish for the comeback of Jerry Lewis and his telethon to bring back the good old days when times were simpler and we had less channels to tune into to, less choices and less headache.

This was my pet peeve for the day,


Mar 14, 2017, 7:26:16 AM3/14/17
I remember watching the telethon because there was even worse shit on the other few stations and I lived in LA which had more channels than most places.

JL would get so punchy after 20 hours he couldn't even do his goofy shit he always did. How he came up with that telethon idea was genius.

Mar 15, 2017, 12:34:36 AM3/15/17
On Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 7:26:16 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> I remember watching the telethon because there was even worse shit on the other few stations and I lived in LA which had more channels than most places.
> JL would get so punchy after 20 hours he couldn't even do his goofy shit he always did. How he came up with that telethon idea was genius.

Can't give Jerry all the credit, I'm sure someone else thought it up and he was just the pitchman. But I always enjoyed the show, the teary embraces, the speeches, and sometimes there would even be some decent entertainment. Yes, I too enjoyed the way Jerry would melt down toward the end, like Springsteen in concert, giving everything he's got (just for us), until he's worn out and has to be helped on and off the stage, then breaking down in tears at the end while singing, "You'll never walk alone", for the umpteenth time. We were not alone, others watched it for the same reasons. But I remember once in L.A. laughing at the telethon and actually ticking a guy off who claimed, or pretended, to not understand the humor in it. They are showing the Jerry Lewis roasts on GetTV some nights, with Don Rickles and others, and it's not funny in the least, just a bunch of guys pretending to laugh at each other's stuff. But I'll still take it over the roasts of today, if I must watch them at all, as at least those guys knew each other, whereas today they have people on the roasts who don't even know the person being roasted, not just personally, but professionally. The idea of a roast is good if the truth comes out, really letting them have the truth square in their faces - and if they're funny and talented they should be able to take it and even invite it - the way I used to invite Chafey's critiques of me as long as they were based on truth. I love people tearing me down and exposing my flaws as long as they're not making them up. I love to be torn down by the truth because I am the truth - the light and the mother fucking way.


Mar 15, 2017, 7:46:42 AM3/15/17
What was the disease JL was trying to cure? Oh yes Muscular dystrophy. Has it been cured? Is that why there is no more telethon? One aspect of the telethon was the free advertising companies got for donating money. McDonalds would donate 10,000 and get a 100,000 of free advertising from it.

muh-dick ™®Ⓤ

Mar 15, 2017, 12:34:02 PM3/15/17
Through the headlines I can just see you rampaging at the zoo, Tommy, "Slackjawed dope smokers next to mothers with children in strollers all look aghast upon deranged man, a one Tommy Joseph, swinging monkeys two at a time above his head as if in a rodeo display letting them go to smash their skulls against the huge tree trunks that supported their galavanting carefree lifestyle in the canopy above just moments before" -- GET THE PICTURE TARZAN!

Mar 16, 2017, 12:34:56 AM3/16/17
On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 7:46:42 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> What was the disease JL was trying to cure? Oh yes Muscular dystrophy. Has it been cured? Is that why there is no more telethon? One aspect of the telethon was the free advertising companies got for donating money. McDonalds would donate 10,000 and get a 100,000 of free advertising from it.

Jerry helped create an industry that was his eventual undoing, not that he cares because he will forever be remembered as the Telethon God he was. Same with awards shows. Sure, the Oscars still rule, but other awards abound and competition is heavy. No, MD has not yet been cured, and I'm sure Jerry and his producers were hoping like hell it would never happen, but he bowed out at just the right time, when his show was still almost on top, before others overtook him and his legendary God-like Telethonic image.


Mar 16, 2017, 12:37:38 AM3/16/17
Meat, monkeys, motorcycles, and Tattoos wrote:

> Through the headlines I can just see you rampaging at the zoo, Tommy, "Slackjawed dope smokers next to mothers with children in strollers all look aghast upon deranged man, a one Tommy Joseph, swinging monkeys two at a time above his head as if in a rodeo display letting them go to smash their skulls against the huge tree trunks that supported their galavanting carefree lifestyle in the canopy above just moments before" -- GET THE PICTURE TARZAN!

I'm surprised no deranged loony has yet grabbed a child at the zoo and flung it into a lion's cage before moving on to another family and tossing their kid into the gorilla pit - moving quickly cage to cage, scene to scene, flinging children and interfering adults into animal cages before the cops arrive and either shoot him dead or subdue him and cart him off to a zoo built for humans we call prison.


Mar 16, 2017, 7:31:27 AM3/16/17
Prisons need to be open o the public for viewing the inmates. Watch them in their cages. While they eat, exercise, and have homo sex. Like Sea World. Maybe teach them some tricks. It would be great.

My Pillow ®, Muh Bee-auhtch ™ 'n Muh Dick Ⓤ

Mar 16, 2017, 7:50:48 AM3/16/17
you forgot to mention flinging them as he hollers "neener neener neener you can't stop me neither neener neener neener"

Mar 16, 2017, 7:56:16 PM3/16/17
On Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 7:31:27 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> Prisons need to be open o the public for viewing the inmates. Watch them in their cages. While they eat, exercise, and have homo sex. Like Sea World. Maybe teach them some tricks. It would be great.

Yeah, but if the inmates know they are being watched, won't that affect their behavior, depriving us of a true assessment of their methods? Maybe in time they'll get used to the cameras as if they don't even exist. But in the beginning I'm sure they'll play up to the cameras in different ways, some acting out their hostility (always a big draw for the audience), or perhaps acting overly friendly and non hostile in an attempt to fool the parole board. The idea is good but flawed. Perhaps hidden cameras would be needed, or one-way windows used so the prisoners can be seen but cannot see those watching from outside. I'll bet lots of women would be in the audience - even PETA people and other save the animal activists - waiting for some kind of big rumble to go down so they can see a bunch of people stomped and knifed all at once - things they can see in society if they had the balls to actually go to the neighborhoods where such behavior exists. So yes, the prisoners on revue concept is a good one. Maybe it will give the viewers enough violence to keep them from becoming violent themselves - and then on the other hand maybe it will spur them on to wanting to see more and more violence and never getting enough until finally they themselves need to go out and commit felonious acts. But probably not. Once they get a view of what really goes down behind the walls they will likely be 'scared straight for life'.

Oh, and while the unjailed population takes in the view of the prison zoo, they too are being watched by authorites to see who among them is showing too much of any type of emotion that might be deemed untrustworthy or some sort of precedent to becoming violent, so that the entire zoo concept is really a behind the scenes endeavor by the authorities to see who among the unjailed population really should be in jail and thus watched closely to safeguard society in much the way that people are lead into porno booths and 'accidentally on purpose' fed live streaming child porn to see who gets a hardon, and those that do get a hardon will be closely watched and monitored and perhaps eventually put in prison where they will become meat for the prison population, like feeding the lions at the zoo, as viewers stream in to watch the child molesters gang raped by gung ho pro-child inmates waiting for an excuse to kill in the name of justice and righteousness.


Mar 16, 2017, 7:59:37 PM3/16/17
On Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 7:50:48 AM UTC-4, Monkey meat motorcycles 'n Tattoos wrote:

> you forgot to mention flinging them as he hollers "neener neener neener you can't stop me neither neener neener neener"

I didn't forget it, I left it open so you could add it. I did it for you Bozo. I want you involved in my stories, a co-writer so to speak. I need your input. I need everyone's input. I need other people. I admit it. Oh God I finally admit I am lost and alone and deeply in need of human contact. But let's not get too close please.


Mar 17, 2017, 7:50:47 AM3/17/17
Several shows on TV about prisons. Movies about prisons are usually successful. Usually the protagonist is 'innocent' or they are a good person that got in a jam and made a mistake and the mean justice system came down hard on them.

I Escaped from a Chain Gang was one of the earlier ones. Birdman of Alcatraz. Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Escape from Alcatraz.

Mar 17, 2017, 11:51:35 PM3/17/17
On Friday, March 17, 2017 at 7:50:47 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> Several shows on TV about prisons. Movies about prisons are usually successful. Usually the protagonist is 'innocent' or they are a good person that got in a jam and made a mistake and the mean justice system came down hard on them.
> I Escaped from a Chain Gang was one of the earlier ones. Birdman of Alcatraz. Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Escape from Alcatraz.

I don't like the prison documentaries, they bore me the same way documentaries from the great outdoors bore me, like Ice Truckers or Alone and Naked or whatever, because I know there's a camera involved, which means there's a camera crew, which means, 'how are out in the wilderness and lost and alone and naked can they really be'? But the prison ones bug me most because they represent the ignorance of most people who have never been to prison or even near the inside of one and want to be shown or educated to them by the so called experts. I hate those shows as well as pretty much any cop show I've ever seen. I do not include shows like Columbo as being in the cop genre. I do however include anything dealing with authority on many levels with cops shows. I consider anything to do with DEA or CIA or FBI or any of that shit, which is pretty much the bulk of what's on TV these days, to be cops shows. I don't watch them, ever, any of them.


Mar 17, 2017, 11:53:10 PM3/17/17
Oh, pardon me, didn't mean to imply that I don't like a good prison movie, I was talking about the TV documentaries or the movie ones, not fictionalized stuff even if based on something real, I'm ok with those as long as they're good or bad enough to be good.


Mar 18, 2017, 11:11:54 AM3/18/17
One of my favorite movies is Stalag 17 with William Holden. It is a German POW camp. The Great Escape is fun to watch. But that is a combo - war movie plus prison movie.

Mar 18, 2017, 11:08:15 PM3/18/17
On Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 11:11:54 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> One of my favorite movies is Stalag 17 with William Holden. It is a German POW camp. The Great Escape is fun to watch. But that is a combo - war movie plus prison movie.

I doubt if there is a movie of any kind that you have seen that I have not seen. I enjoyed Stalag 17, including Holden's performance. But just about anything Willie Wilder had his hands in was decent.

One thing about prisoner of war movies that I can't overlook: It is hard for me to dismiss the likely truth that no matter how bad a German POW camp may have been for captured Allies, it is hard to believe that so many would want to escape, at least until the end when Germany is getting bombed out and food is hard to come by. Unless tortured on a daily basis I would prefer to ride it out in a POW camp rather than jump back into the fight. But at least with Stalag 17 they made the captives air force guys, mostly officers, or guys who may have had some form of patriotic loyalty fueling their desire to escape. But on the whole, no one is ever going to convince me that most Americans or Limeys or any of the Allies who were conscripted into service, which was of course the vast majority, would want to escape when they can just ride it out in the camp till the conflict is over. Other than that, yes, I liked Stalag 17. I've seen it numerous times.

The Great Escape was boring to me. I have no desire to watch it twice. And of course, as you know, Stalag 17, although mentioning the Germans and trying to make them look buffonish to some extent, did not go overboard on the propaganda and stuck to the story which was not so much a war story as a story of guys forced to live and work together. Same with Attack starring Jack Palance. I liked that movie as well. You could tell it was about Korea from the uniforms and so forth, but they didn't dwell on the propaganda aspects of it - I hate all propaganda films - as that movie also was about conflict within the ranks of the Americans themselves, an actual story. I enjoyed some of the dialogue and the way Palance at the end was actually praying to God to keep him alive after he's been torn up by bullet, just stay alive long enough to get back to base and kill his commander played by Eddie Albert who kept sending Palance's men on dangerous missions without caring whether they lived or died. It was funny even if not intended. I like good writing and directing and acting, all things reined in. Whatever I like is good. I have good taste. What more can I say?


Mar 18, 2017, 11:17:59 PM3/18/17
On Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 11:11:54 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> One of my favorite movies is Stalag 17 with William Holden. It is a German POW camp. The Great Escape is fun to watch. But that is a combo - war movie plus prison movie.

I like at the end when Neville Brand, the guy who most believed Holden to be the traitor, finds out it wasn't Holden at all, it was Peter Graves, and Holden uses an old school match to light his cigar by scrolling it down Brand's scruffy two day old beard and Brand smiles even though he doesn't like it because he's glad to find out he was wrong about Holden. The dialogue was good. I still say anyone who chooses to escape from a POW camp in which they are not being tortured or dramatically mistreated is a fool (or a character in a movie). The greatest generation they call these ww2 assholes. Come on, admit it, were it not for the draft I would guess at the very least 80% of those who served would not have been there. Whatever the percentage of volunteer military assholes exist today, that would likely the percentage that would have served then regardless of how justified history tells us that war was. To those who say a high percentage would have served, I say bullshit, absolute boulderdash!


Mar 20, 2017, 7:52:54 AM3/20/17
Most were drafted. Armies should be of draftees. They will want to get it over with so they can go home.

Mar 20, 2017, 9:19:35 PM3/20/17
On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 7:52:54 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> Most were drafted. Armies should be of draftees. They will want to get it over with so they can go home.

As far back as I can remember I was opposed to the draft. Then one day I saw a letter to the editor in some newspaper, can't remember which - about 2 decades ago, some point after the draft was ended and the middle east conflicts were underway - and the letter was intelligently written, with the writer not claiming to be for the draft, but pointing out that the all volunteer forces lack the diversity of the drafted forces - something I already believed myself but he expressed nicely. So while I am opposed to the all volunteer assholes who make up OUR armed forces, I cannot in all honesty say, "Let's bring back the draft", because I don't believe in that. I don't even care if the armed forces are all volunteer, I just can't stand any group of people in any field, from fire fighters to cops to teachers to the military, who join to make a career for themselves and then complain that they don't get paid enough and that we somehow owe them not only more money but our gratitude and beyond for their 'sacrifices'. I hate people like that in any field, not just the military, and always believed - always knew - that when I drove a cab I needed my customers more than they needed me. I applaud my outlook and despise those who the opposite way of looking at things - selfish fucks.


Mar 20, 2017, 9:23:48 PM3/20/17
On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 7:52:54 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> Most were drafted. Armies should be of draftees. They will want to get it over with so they can go home.

Well, I'll say one more thing, a true thing - that whether the drafted guys will want to get it over with quickly or not, or whether in fact they can get it over with more quickly - the reality is that when they start bringing them back in body bags there will be a bigger outcry as the relatives are not ex military assholes as is the case with lots of the volunteer assholes. There will be a bigger outcry as with the Vietnam war. I think that is why they have the all volunteer force. But what will happen if we have to go to war with another military giant, other than losing big time, which is fine with me, as, while I would rather live under American leaders rather than those who speak another language, truth is, any country that is overtaken by another deserves to go belly up, us included. Fuck the troops. I also hate people who feel they have to say they support the troops before criticizing the way they are being used. I hate that.


Mar 20, 2017, 9:42:33 PM3/20/17
On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 9:23:48 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 7:52:54 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> > Most were drafted. Armies should be of draftees. They will want to get it over with so they can go home.

Not trying to be funny, I am a firm believer in surrender. Just give up, let the new guys have it, what's the fucking difference? If things get bad we can always make a fight of it later. The military should be used for cleaning up natural disasters and so forth, nothing more. Any war is a bad one. And any war we lose, we deserve to lose - so why waste time with a fight when it's easier to just give up and get where we're going faster.


Mar 21, 2017, 7:32:13 AM3/21/17
Those with guns and armies will fuck those without either. It sucks but I don't see how it is going to change. Even animals will fight over pussy and territory. It is an animal thing. Most of us are lucky these days in we won't have to get involved directly in a war. Lately the only war activity affecting anyone is terror attacks. Most of those can be shut down if we profiled. You will still have crime to deal with. War is just criminal activity on a national scale.

Mar 22, 2017, 12:27:37 AM3/22/17
On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 7:32:13 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> Those with guns and armies will fuck those without either. It sucks but I don't see how it is going to change. Even animals will fight over pussy and territory. It is an animal thing. Most of us are lucky these days in we won't have to get involved directly in a war. Lately the only war activity affecting anyone is terror attacks. Most of those can be shut down if we profiled. You will still have crime to deal with. War is just criminal activity on a national scale.

No argument there. But I'm talking about a major country coming in and taking over. I'd just surrender, maybe take up some kind of battle later. I'm telling you, if the people overtaking us spoke English, same as us, same inflections, same lingo, etc., I doubt we'd struggle so hard to turn them back. I don't care who runs the show as long as there's enough food and some form of freedom, which I believe exists even under the worst conditions, in places where so-called freedom of speech does not exist. I say in those places that people may not speak out loud, but what they have to say probably carries more weight. Even if you're being tortured you have freedom of speech. Or, more accurately, freedom of screech.


Mar 22, 2017, 7:32:27 AM3/22/17
I have come to believe we should have stuck with England. An example is Jamaica. When the British ruled it was a pleasant country. Now that they are self ruling it is a shit hole. The English know how to administer a country. I think we would all be better off with England ruling us. But then again fuck them all.

Mar 22, 2017, 10:09:57 PM3/22/17
On Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 7:32:27 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> I have come to believe we should have stuck with England. An example is Jamaica. When the British ruled it was a pleasant country. Now that they are self ruling it is a shit hole. The English know how to administer a country. I think we would all be better off with England ruling us. But then again fuck them all.

Tell that to Captain Bly. As I was reading your post I thought a few times of interjecting some kind of disagreement here and there, as I believe Jamaica was a shithole for poor people even when the British had it, they just did a good job of hiding it. But then you redeemed yourself nicely at the end when you said, "But then again fuck them all." Ah yes, perfect, fuck them all. Right on daddy.


Mar 23, 2017, 7:43:38 AM3/23/17
You can find good and bad in any situation. Usually subjective. Rarely objective.

Mar 25, 2017, 1:40:22 AM3/25/17
On Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 7:43:38 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> You can find good and bad in any situation. Usually subjective. Rarely objective.

With me it's usually objective as I consider myself one of the most honest human beings who has ever lived. I was in Jamaica twice in my teens, 3 months each time, staying with my aunt, an artist who married a known Jamaican artist who was brought up in New York. His name was Karl Parboosingh. They let me stay with them twice for 3 months each time. It was paradise for me. But I took a few bus rides in Kingston and I could see the poverty. My first night there I arrived to surprise my aunt, that's the way I was back then. No warning. I came to the address of the art gallery she and Parboo gave as their address, but it was only their gallery address in Kingston, not their living address which was 60 miles away on the North coast.

A Jamaican kid about my age, 16 or so at the time, took hold of me and took me to his parents place. They were eating a meal at the dining table. It is the tropics. There were gigantic cockroaches all over the walls, that's the way it was. Some fell down on the dining table. Even at my aunt's place on the North shore it was that way. They had a beautiful old place, but without sealed in air conditioning like the big hotels you're going to have those big bugs. Even large crabs made their way into the house. Spiders too. Creepy stuff, but paradise otherwise. No snakes in Jamaica, they were done in by mongeese imported from Australia. Later the mongoose became an annoyance when there were no snakes left and they went after chickens instead. Anyway, on those buses in Kingston and at that kid's place I could see the massive poverty. I loved the buses. They were old with open windows and there was the smell of sweat which was nice and human, not the homeless variety, just natural human sweat - and the open windows with the tropical breeze coming through. No drinking age down there. I drank every day. I know I was getting on their nerves living for free off of them and I don't blame them now looking back. I had to come back for the selective service thing when I was about to turn 18 or I might have stayed and gotten a job. Of course I beat the selective service as I had planned years before when I was just 13. Anyway, one time my uncle, Parboo, too me to one of his regular watering holes, a shack with metal roofing, and asked me what I wanted to drink. This is when I first went down there. I said, "I'll take a gin and tonic", and the whole place burst into laughter. I was embarrassed. I didn't know why they were laughing until the bartender said, "No tonic here, just drinks - what will you have?", and I said, "Gin with some ice", and they laughed again as there was no ice. Just drinks, that's it. Parboo died relatively young as he drank literally a fifth or more of 150 proof jamaican rum every day and it finally got to him. When he was younger he did a stretch in Lexington Kentucky, I believe, for heroin addiction. I wish he were around today, as I do with lots of people who died when I was young, so I could know them as adults.


Mar 25, 2017, 1:53:08 AM3/25/17
Forgot to add - how could I possibly forget? The Jamaican kid I met also took me to a poolroom which had no pool tables, only snooker and billiards, and later I was drunk and he took me to a whore house I'm guessing where I woke up early the next day not remembering how I got there, only that I fucked one of the women even though I had no money, I remember that, and when we were done she got down on a small pot of some kind and took a long piss, her way I guess of cleaning herself out - and I woke up the next day in her bed with the other women sleeping all around. I couldn't figure out why she let me stay. I remember her looks. She was straight out of Africa, a buzz cut, a really broad face with huge lips, but of course all I cared about was the body. I was probably a pain in the ass to her, slobbering all over her, drunk as I was, plus young and dumb. But that's where the kid took me and dropped me off, and the next day I called my aunt and she came along with Parboo in his tiny convertible sports car and picked me up for the 60 mile ride from Kingston to the North shore which took about 3 hours as there is no highway, which is nice, and I was absolutely blown away by the huge green hills with goats and other animals grazing on them with peasants walking the sides of the roads carrying machetes. It was something else, something new to me. And yes, at that time the currency was English as they still owned the land. But it was poor back then as now. At that time, sure it hasn't changed much, the population of Jamaica was 97% black. A few chinks here and there along with some Brits and a few white Americanos. But in the city, aside from some of the business owners, it's all black. I got some looks, even had one guy ask me what I, a white guy, was doing in a black bar one night. But I had the same thing happen to me in South Central where a white buddy of mine co-managed an all night bar that was mostly black. I was in the rest room when a black guy at the urinal tried to assert his authority by saying, "Don't creep up on me, man", and when I assured him I wasn't, he demanded to know what I was doing in his bar, an all black joint except for my buddy who co managed the joint. I felt pretty out of place there and not at all comfortable, talking about South Central, not so much Jamaica. By the way, my aunt was of the artsy fartsy crowd. She hung mainly with people with cash, relative to the poor who lived on the island. One woman we went to see quite a bit was a Brit who was part Chink. Like most people with money, didn't even have to be rich, just relatively well off compared to the rest, to have a maid. I saw her one day actually slap the maid. I couldn't believe it. She also commanded the maid to get me some water and I said, "No, I'll get it", and she ordered me to "SIT DOWN", before ordering the maid to bring it. The slapping was over a piece of jewelry that supposedly went missing. It was something else. That kind of stuff still goes on. I guess it's part of the perk of being a maid in a relatively wealthy white person's home. Just the way it was, uh, is.

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