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America’s Secret Government

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Jun 21, 2010, 9:51:35 PM6/21/10
America’s Secret Government


Disclaimer: This website must be presented as fiction. What is
described on this website could never occur in America. Anyone stating
otherwise can be publicly discredited, imprisoned, institutionalized,
forcibly medicated, or murdered.

America has always had a secret government. The secret government
consists of prominent and powerful people in our society. The secret
government operates above the law and has no oversight. The secret
government is tasked with developing a domestic social agenda that
will guide and shape America for decades to come. The secret
government is a think-tank of highly educated people. Only a handful
of people in America know of this secret government.

The secret government of the past consisted of white people who
implemented a segregationist secret domestic agenda that favored white
people and segregated minorities into confined areas in society. This
segregationist domestic agenda lasted until the late 1960’s and a
transformation from a segregationist to a desegregationist domestic
agenda took place. The white’s only secret government members fell
from power and were replaced with multicultural members who opposed
any type of segregation based on race.

The desegregationist secret government faced an enormous task of
developing and implementing a new secret domestic agenda of
desegregating American society. Desegregating American society could
not be accomplished in a short period of time; it would take several
decades to accomplish.

With racial tensions peeking in the late 60’s, and 70’s, the secret
government decided that the only way to prevent the United States from
breaking apart and falling into civil war was to implement a domestic
agenda of social engineering.

There were two parts to this social engineering. The first part was
the publicly known agenda of desegregation. The United States
government would begin the process of desegregating the military,
workplace, and schools. Federal laws would be passed to prosecute
people involved in activities to deny minorities their basic rights as
an American citizen.

The other part of the social engineering is a covert domestic
operation that the public would never be made aware of. This covert
operation would involve the secret government authorizing the use of
classified surveillance technology to go after American citizens who
are in conflict with the secret government’s domestic agenda.

Government agents or a secret police force under the control of the
secret government are equipped with classified surveillance technology
to implement the secret government agenda. This secret police force
operates above the law and only answers to the secret government.

The secret government’s domestic agenda is the following:

1) Desegregation of communities across America.
2) Stronger state and federal laws enacted against the mentally ill.
3) The elimination of organized crime and gangs in America.

Who are the Secret Police?
The secret police force the secret government is covertly funding and
equipping with classified technology are local groups in states
throughout America. These groups favor the secret government’s
domestic agenda. Members of these groups are equipped and trained on
the use of the classified technology to implement the domestic agenda.

This tactic of funding and equipping a side engaged in a war or civil
war is not new to the United States secret government. In a foreign
conflict where a foreign country is in a civil war, the secret United
States government will covertly fund, arm, and supply intelligence to
the side in the civil war the secret United States government wishes
to be victorious. This is part of the United States government foreign

The secret United States government’s domestic agenda involves funding
and equipping the side in domestic battle that favors its domestic
agenda. For the last several decades the secret United States
government has been funding and supplying classified surveillance
technology to local groups in states across America that are working
behind the scenes to change and shape America into a society favored
by the secret United States government.

The secret United States government’s utopian society of tomorrow
The secret United States government is working to build a utopian
society in America where all races live together without conflict. The
mentally ill will be properly treated, medicated, and monitored in
this utopian society. Organized crime and gangs will also be
eliminated in this utopian society.

Classified Surveillance Technology
The United States government developed classified surveillance
technology that can electronically see and hear through walls. This
surveillance technology can see very detailed images of a person
through the walls of a house or building. There is enough detail to
identify a person by body detail. A person can be singled out and
identified through walls, even in a room with more than one person in
the room.

The classified surveillance technology uses the body heat of the human
body to see a person through a wall. This technology can see through
wood, stone, brick, and thin metals. Thick metals of a quarter inch or
greater will block the technology. There is no room in a typically
house that will block this technology from detecting a person through
walls of the house.

The classified surveillance technology can also hear a person through
walls. The technology is sensitive enough to hear a person breathing
through walls of a house or building. Any conversation in a house can
be heard through the walls with this technology.

The classified video and audio eavesdropping surveillance technology
can electronically see and hear a person through the walls of a house
or building. The technology is portable and can be moved into any
neighboring house or apartment to a household that is to be placed
under covert surveillance. From inside a neighboring house to a
targeted household, agents of the secret government can conduct
complete electronic video and audio surveillance of a targeted person
in his own house through the walls of his house.

There is no way to detect the technology. The secret government has
spent millions of dollars developing this technology. It was developed
to be undetectable and difficult to defeat. No detection equipment is
available to the general public to detect or prevent the electronic
video and audio eavesdropping that this classified technology is
capable of.

Any ordinary citizen this technology is used against is at an
incredible disadvantage. Government agents secretly move into a house
neighboring a targeted person and setup the classified surveillance
technology and begin 24 hour a day surveillance of the targeted
person. All the targeted person’s movements and conversations in his
own house can be observed and recorded from inside the neighboring
house used to conduct surveillance. From outside the house used to
conduct the surveillance, no visual evidence of the surveillance is
possible. Anyone just passing by will notice nothing out of the
ordinary. The targeted person will never know he is under complete
surveillance in his own house with this technology.
Who is placed under surveillance?

The secret government’s domestic enemies are placed under
surveillance. People who conflict with the secret government’s
domestic agenda can be targeted for surveillance. The secret
government’s domestic enemies include public and private citizens.
People who are interfering with the desegregation process of white
communities can be targeted. Politicians who are using their position
in government to block or interfere with the secret government’s
domestic agenda can be targeted. Members of law enforcement engaging
in racist activities can be targeted. Groups or individuals can be
placed under surveillance.

The person placed under surveillance will never know he is under
surveillance unless the government agents want him to know. The agents
will move into a neighboring house to the targeted person and begin
electronic surveillance of the person completely without his

In addition to home surveillance of the targeted person, agents will
attempt to place him under surveillance at his workplace. The agents
have the organization to setup in a business suite near the targeted
person’s business, workplace, or office. If the targeted person works
in a large business, agents may attempt to gain employment in the same
building to conduct some type of low level surveillance. An example of
a politician being targeted for office surveillance may be agents move
into an office suite in the same complex to conduct the electronic

The agents will also conduct road surveillance of the targeted person.
The person will be followed to and from his workplace or office. The
person will be followed in stores and anywhere else he may go. Any
contacts with other people will be noted and checked out.

What do they do with all the surveillance information?

The secret government agents will use the surveillance information to
bring down its domestic enemies. An example is a politician who is in
conflict with the secret government’s agenda may find politically
damaging information gained from the surveillance secretly leaked to
news media by an anonymous source.

The agents will learn a significant amount of information about the
targeted person. Conversations, public and private relationships will
be studied by very smart and powerful people so finding a way to bring
down a domestic enemy is easily accomplished. A compromising situation
can even be used by the agents to blackmail a politician.

Agents can use the surveillance intelligence to setup and bring down a
person. Illegal contraband can be planted on the targeted person’s
property and an anonymous source can inform the police. The targeted
person can find himself in prison scratching his head and wondering
what happened.

An influential powerhouse in America

The United States secret government is a powerful influential force in
America. They have the ability to conduct covert surveillance of
anyone who opposes their domestic agenda. Anyone who stands in the way
can be eliminated. Once a person or group is targeted for
surveillance, agents will swarm in and covertly setup for electronic
surveillance. With no method of detecting the surveillance, the
targeted person or group will have no defense against the
surveillance. This is just like Watergate but no break-in is

The manipulation of the American people

The secret government has mastered the art of manipulating the
American people. The secret government has used TV, movies, and news
media to manipulate the American people over the last several decades.
The secret government has created hoaxes over the decades and
convinced a few that the hoaxes are true. These innocent citizens
believing these hoaxes are true have convinced other people that these
hoaxes are true and created a snow ball effect that has the masses of
American citizens convinced that the hoaxes are true.

The secret government most valuable asset
The secret government’s most valuable asset is a person who is
convinced that a hoax orchestrated by agents of the secret government
is true and he devotes a significant portion of his life convincing
others that what he experienced really occurred. The secret government
has spent millions of dollars orchestrating these hoaxes but the
return of having their hoaxes evolve into the most popular conspiracy
theories, urban legends, and supernatural events known by most
American is well worth the price tag.

The weapons
The secret government has spent millions of dollars developing non-
lethal weapons that can be used to attack people through walls. These
non-lethal weapons are a method of terrorizing people through walls.
The ability to attack a person through a wall and no physical evidence
after the attack is a very powerful way to project the might of the
secret government. A person can be singled out in a room with more
that one person in the room and attacked with a non-lethal weapon. The
secret government has the technology to point a device at a wall of a
house or building and attack a single person in a room.

Through wall targeting
The same technology that allows agents of the secret government to see
through walls has been incorporated into a thru-wall targeting scope
that can target a person through a wall with great precision. This
thru-wall targeting scope attached to a non-lethal weapon will allow
targeting of a person through a wall. A targeted person can be
identified, targeted, and then attacked through a wall with this
technology and no physical evidence of the attack will remain.

Agents of the secret government can move into a house neighboring a
targeted person and attack the person through the walls of his own
house and there is nothing the targeted person can do about it.

The Sonic Laser
The secret United States government began development of non-lethal
weapons that fire a beam of sound in one direction. This beam of sound
can be thought of as a sonic laser. The sonic laser is a long duration
focused beam of sound continuous for a second or more. This beam of
sound can be used to attack a single person in a room with more than
one person in the room. The beam of sound can only be felt by the
person who is attacked and no one else around the targeted person will
feel a thing.

Sound can be ultrasonic (above the human hearing range), infrasonic
(below the human hearing range), and audible (within the human hearing
range). Sonic laser can be ultrasonic, infrasonic, or even audible.

The secret government agents use sonic non-lethal weapons against its
domestic enemies because the weapon can be used to attack a person
through a wall and not affect anyone else around the targeted person.
After the targeted person is attack with a sonic weapon, no physical
evidence of the attack will remain so the targeted person has no
physical evidence to support a claim that he was just attacked. This
is a very powerful attack tactic that the secret government agents
will use to terrorize the domestic enemies of the secret government.

The sonic lasers travel through air, brick, stone, wood, and metals.
The agents can fire a sonic laser through a targeted person’s house to
attack him. A sonic laser will travel through walls, ceilings, floors,
furniture, and anything else in the way. If a person is struck with a
sonic laser while traveling through a house, he will feel it. Sonic
lasers create different sensations that a person will feel. The
frequency and strength of the sonic laser will directly determine what
the targeted person feels.

These are some of the symptoms people complain of when attacked with
non-lethal weapons that fire sonic lasers:
1. Burning sensations in the legs.
2. Areas of pain including top of the head, back of the neck, and
other areas of the body.
3. Ringing of the ears and/or severe ear ache.
4. Hearing strange noises or voices that no one else can hear.
5. Strange dreams or nightmares.
6. Sleep depravation caused by the above symptoms while sleeping.

Sonic Bullets
Sonic lasers are long duration focused beams of sound but sonic
bullets on the other hand are very short duration beam of sound or a
burst of acoustic energy lasting for less than a second. Sonic bullets
are fired through a house just like sonic lasers. Sonic bullets are
usually more powerful burst of sound that can also be ultrasonic,
infrasonic, and audible.

Sonic bullets can be fired through a house, just like a sonic laser.
Sonic bullets are usually more powerful than sonic lasers. Non-lethal
weapons that fire sonic bullets through a house use the thru-wall
targeting scope to accurately target a person in his house through

These are some of the symptoms people complain of when attacked with
non-lethal weapons that fire sonic bullets:

1. Jolts to limbs of the body.
2. Fingers or hands unexplainable jolts or twitches.
3. Impacts felt on parts of the body.
4. Gasping for air when fired into the chest of a targeted person.
5. Sleep depravation caused by the above symptoms while sleeping.

You can feel them but not see them
Sonic laser and sonic bullets can’t be seen. Sonic laser and bullets
are focused beams of sound that are usually out of the human hearing
range. Most people think of music, birds singing, or people talking
when they think of sound. But what most people don’t know is that
sound is an incredibly effective weapon to use against a person. In an
explosion, the force created travels in all directions as pressure
waves. These pressure waves from an explosion can knock a person to
the ground or even kill a person.

Sonic non-lethal weapons created a beam (or burst for sonic bullets)
of sound that is focused. A focused beam of sound is a beam of sound
that travels in one direction. This focused beam of sound acts just
like a light laser. The beam of sound can be ultrasonic, infrasonic,
or audible. The main advantage to the secret government is that sonic
weapons can be used to attack a person through walls and leave no
physical evidence of the attack behind.

Basically sonic non-lethal weapons give the agents of the secret
United States government the ability to attack a person in a house or
building through walls. Since the beam of sound is focused, it can be
used to attack a single person in a room, even in a room with more
than one person in the room.

A beam of sound that can’t be seen or heard can be used to attack a
person through walls to send that one person a message. The secret
government can basically reach out and touch you. Since no physical
evidence of the attack remains, there is no way for the targeted
person to prove the attacked occurred.

A covert domestic war against segregation
The secret United States government began equipping groups that
favored its domestic agenda of desegregating American communities
across America decades ago. In the late 60’s and early 70’s small
groups of American citizens risked their safety organizing and
protesting against segregation. The National Guard was dispatched to
allow minority American citizens to attend a school. Racial tensions
were reaching a critical point of erupting into a civil war.

Civil rights groups were given assurances starting in the late 60’s by
high level ranking officials in government that public and covert
methods of desegregation were being undertaken to begin the
desegregation of America.

The public methods are the well known desegregation of the military,
pubic schools, and workplace. The covert methods of desegregation
would only be known to a few very influential and powerful people in
our society, the secret government of the United States.

The desegregationist secret government at the time chose to conduct
cover domestic operations inside the United States to begin the slow
process of desegregating American communities Classified surveillance
technology, training, and funding were given to small groups inside
the United States that favored the desegregation of American
communities. These small groups or secret police would for the next
several decades be tasked with infiltrating white communities to begin
the desegregation of the communities. People, groups, and real estate
companies that stood in the way would be brought down.

The secret police force (or group) is multi-cultural (consisting of
many races of people). The majority of the group is white with mostly
Hispanic forming the minority. They are committed to the desegregation
process. They despise any form of segregation and believe that covert
action by the government is necessary to bring down the segregationist
policies and practices brought about by the past discrimination by
white America.

We can see you but you can’t see us

The classified surveillance technology gives these secret police
agents the ability to electronically see and hear through walls of a
house or building. The surveillance equipment is portable and can be
easily moved into and out of a house or apartment. White communities
across American would be targeted for desegregation. Agents would
target a white community and begin the desegregation process by moving
agents of the same race as the community into houses in the community.
These agents will move the classified surveillance technology into the
houses to begin the electronic surveillance of the community.

Once the agents are setup in the houses in the targeted white
community, electronic surveillance off surrounding neighbors is
carried out. The agents are looking for the power structure of the
white community. The power structure is the people who are the
influential and organizers of the community. These people are the
community members who are fighting to keep the community segregated
and organizing other community members. The agents will seek out the
power structure with electronic surveillance. The agents will learn as
much as possible with electronic surveillance and then attempt to
befriend targeted members of the community.

What the secret government is engaged in by targeting white
communities is very similar to how the United States government sends
agents into foreign countries to infiltrate their governments and spy
to collect intelligence and possibly cause harm. This is foreign
espionage. What the secret United States government is doing in white
communities can be considered domestic espionage. The agents
infiltrating white communities are there to collect intelligence and
cause harm to those who are keeping the community segregated. They are
there to basically bring down the white power structure.

Secret government agents will attempt to befriend targeted members of
the white community. The white community members will never suspect
that agents have moved into the community to begin the desegregation
process. The classified surveillance technology is operated from
inside the agents’ houses and no visual evidence of the surveillance
is possible from outside the house. There is no way for the white
community members to tell they are under electronic surveillance.

The secret government agents will appear friendly to the community
members. The agents will attend church and other community events. The
agents will act as if they are best friends of the people they are
targeting. The agents will attempt to become part of the power
structure of the community.

The friendship to the targeted community members is only temporary.
The agents are there to do a job and when it time to bring down the
targeted community members, the agents will without hesitation to
bring down the targeted person.

The secret agents are specially trained people. They are trained on
the use of the classified surveillance technology and trained to
infiltrate the white community without raising suspicions.

For decades, the secret government has been studying how white
community members keep minorities out of their communities. The secret
government knows all the tricks and tactics used by white people to
put up roadblocks for minorities. The secret government has developed
strategies and tactics to breakup white communities so the
desegregation process can begin. With the incredible advantage offered
by the classified surveillance technology, a white community can be
broken up and desegregated in a few years.

One tactic used by the secret government agents is to move a minority
agent into a house in the community.

A covert domestic war against the mentally ill

Get in the way of the secret government and you’ll be taken down
The secret government has a vast network of agents across America.
Anyone who is in conflict with the secret government’s agenda can
easily be taken down. An ordinary citizen, public figure, politician,
elected official, or group who opposes the secret government’s agenda
can be covertly be placed under surveillance and ultimately taken

An example of this is a politician who is blocking efforts to block
desegregation. This politician can be placed under surveillance at his
home, office, and anywhere else he may go. A strategy to take the
politician down is easily found from examining the surveillance
intelligence. The politician’s family, friends, romantic
acquaintances, and anyone who associates with the politician can be
placed under surveillance looking for information to be used against
the politician.

One by one until their all gone
The secret government agents are of a small number compared to the
population as a whole. But the classified surveillance technology and
funding from the secret government allows them to really make a
significant change in society. It may take several more decades for
the secret government’s goal of a utopian society to be achieved but
the secret government agents will continue to knock the domestic
enemies out one by one until there all gone.

[Under Construction]

To learn more of the United States secret government, please read the
website listed below.

Please post this information in other newsgroups and lists.


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