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[Hannity] The abusively biased press doesn't get it

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16.12.2016, 09:19:0516.12.16
And up next tonight on this busy news night right here on


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He did talk unity at his big rally in
Cincinnati. The problem was, you know, he kind of dissed Hillary
Clinton. The crowd chanted "Lock her up." The crowd was mostly


HANNITY: Oh, really? We'll have more on the liberal mainstream
media, their negative coverage of President-elect Trump. It is time
for America to drain the alt left radical media swamp? Michelle
Malkin -- she's join us.

And also coming up tonight...


JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: It is true that the earth is warming
even as we have climate deniers in the world today. It's true that
human beings are contributing to it at a rate that is absolutely


HANNITY: So the left have been whining about so-called fake news
since the election. But remember, it's those on the left constantly
pushing a fake narrative line to you about global warming. Billy
Cunningham, Monica Crowley -- they'll weigh in, discuss that blatant
double standard and much more tonight as we continue.


HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." So earlier today,
President-elect Donald Trump delivered a message to the mainstream
media, now this time, regarding his Twitter account. The president-
elect tweeted, quote, "If the press would cover me accurately and
honorably, I would have far less reason to tweet." Sadly, well, I
don't know if that will ever happen.

So doesn't the president-elect have a point? After all, you know,
for weeks right here on this program, we have covered the
overwhelmingly negative and unfair coverage of Donald Trump by the
mainstream media, including the excessive Trump bashing over at the
Clinton news network. For example, take a look at some of CNN's
coverage in just the past few days.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He did talks unity at his big rally in
Cincinnati. The problem was, you know, he kind of dissed Hillary
Clinton. The crowd chanted "Lock her up." The crowd was mostly

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Steve Bannon has a lot to answer for. He is the
senior adviser to the president of the United States. He has a Web
site that terrorists, white nationalist terrorists, consider to be
their home base.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have to be real and understand that the
populism around Donald Trump's campaign was intrinsically tied to

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When I first heard that was tweeting about
something that was on this broadcast, a number of tweets, again
factually incorrect tweets last night, I kept thinking, Doesn't he
have, like, a briefing book on ISIS to be reading?


HANNITY: All right, joining us now to discuss all the alt left
radical media's blatantly bias, syndicated columnist, the host of
the upcoming series, "Michelle Malkin Investigates" -- its on -- our -- I have not seen you. Today it's been so long. I
miss you.


HANNITY: I'm so happy about your daughter doing much better. And
it's great to see you.

MALKIN: Thank you.

HANNITY: And congrats on the new show.

MALKIN: Well, I appreciate that. I have a lot to celebrate this
holiday season, not only...

HANNITY: Yes, including Hillary.

MALKIN: ... the election results!

HANNITY: I know.

MALKIN: Right?

HANNITY: And your daughter is doing great.

MALKIN: And seeing you, it's a joy!

HANNITY: OK. So OK, CNN colluded with the Clinton campaign.

MALKIN: Yes, they did.

HANNITY: And they got caught.

MALKIN: Yes, they did.

HANNITY: Then they colluded with the DNC to screw Trump by getting
questions from the DNC for Trump.


HANNITY: Why did -- (INAUDIBLE) fake news. Isn't that fake news?

MALKIN: It is the textbook definition of fake news, manufactured
narrative! This is something I've been covering for as long as I
have been not only in mainstream journalism, I've worked in
newspapers, I've worked on TV, but also in new media. And that is
the key here.

You talked about Donald Trump using Twitter, using social media,
circumventing the rest of the liberal media to get his message


MALKIN: And they hate him for it.

HANNITY: Dick Cheney says they don't need -- Trump doesn't need



MALKIN: That's right. And there's always been this sort of dependent
relationship between most of these establishment politicians and the
Washington, D.C., press corps. They matter less and less now, and in
large part, it is because of citizen journalism and conservative

Hey, I was part of that generation of the first wave of a
conservative blogger...


MALKIN: ... with HotAir, with my own blog.


MALKIN: And you know what? We were the ones that called out the fake
news manufacturers at CBS, who made up...

HANNITY: If they would be honest...

MALKIN: Remember? Remember when they made up...

HANNITY: I remember.

MALKIN: ... the National Guard documents?

HANNITY: Dan Rather.

MALKIN: Right. And now this guy has the nerve and the chutzpah to be
lecturing us about fake news?

HANNITY: All right, so, look, I don't know what they think --
Christiane Amanpour was on PBS whining this weekend...


HANNITY: ... about freedom of the press is in jeopardy.


HANNITY: Freedom of the press -- you can say anything you want. You
can be as opinionated as you want. You can report any way you want,
lie as often as you do, you have all the freedom. But that doesn't
mean you get access to every president, every vice president just
because you work for a phony news organization!

Here's what she said.


CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN: Never in a million years could I have
imagined myself on this stage in New York re-appealing for the
safety and the freedom of the American press. And I base that on,
obviously, Donald Trump's rhetoric against the press, calling us
dishonest, despicable and all sorts of other epitaphs that were
hurled around.

I have covered enough of my colleagues who have ended up, as I put
it, in cages in kangaroo courts in places like Cairo or in Moscow,
on trial for being inciters or sympathizers or associates or out and
out flat-out terrorists. So I feel I have to stand up for my own
tribe in the United States.



MALKIN: Her tribe?

HANNITY: Wow! Is she not -- is that not pompous and sanctimonious
and self-righteous?

MALKIN: Yes. And it's the condescending attitude that is rendering
them more and more irrelevant because, look, these people,
especially on the left, do not think that anybody who doesn't think
like them can practice journalism! It is not rocket science. It's
not rocket science. It's not brain surgery. All you have to do is
challenge authority. Question authority, isn't that what the left
always says. Ask the questions nobody else will ask.

HANNITY: Who is stopping her? Who is going to stop her? Why doesn't
she call out her own network for bias?

MALKIN: Exactly. These people have no intellectual honesty, no
integrity. The problem is never, in my mind, has ever been that
there are partisans in the press. It's when poseurs. It's when
they're fakers and phonies who have a pretense of objectivity --

HANNITY: You're so on your game tonight.

MALKIN: -- instead of copping to what their agenda is.

HANNITY: I am a talk show host. I'm a conservative. I don't hide it.
You don't hide it.

MALKIN: That's right.

HANNITY: They act like they're --

MALKIN: And they're colluding with the Democrats. They're always
been a satellite organization, and that's what we're doing what
we're doing at CRTV.

HANNITY:, "Michelle Malkin Investigates," four episodes
come out on Monday.


HANNITY: Congratulations.

MALKIN: Thank you so much.

HANNITY: Up next tonight right here on "Hannity."


JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: It is true that the earth is warming
even as we have climate deniers in the world today. It is true that
human beings are contributing to it at a rate that is absolutely


HANNITY: For years John Kerry and other self-righteous liberals have
been pushing a false global warming narrative. So why are they now
suddenly offended by this fake news on the interview that they talk
about? Monica Crowley, Bill Cunningham, a great American will all
weigh in next. And I go one on one tonight with the one and only
Geraldo Rivera over the Kate Steinle lawsuit as we continue.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So the left and the liberal
mainstream media are having a meltdown over what they call the rise
of fake news around the country, but they've turned a very blind eye
to real fake news, by global warming being pressed by the press and
the leftwing for years. Let's take a look.


KERRY: It is true that the earth is warming even as we have climate
deniers in the world today.

real, it's urgent, and America can take the lead in the world in
addressing it, right?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's one thing to argue about how to lessen
global warming. It's quite another to deny it's even happening.
There is overwhelming evidence that our climate is changing and that
we are in part to blame.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Climate change threatens to completely alter
the way that we live, from the way we produce our food to where we
live, how we live.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The debate is settled. Climate change is a

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We face a genuine planetary emergency. We cannot
just talk about it. We have to act on it. We have to solve it.


HANNITY: Joining us with reaction, nationally syndicated radio talk
show host out of Cincinnati Bill Cunningham, Fox News contributor
Monica Crowley. Bill Cunningham, according to Al Gore, wasn't the
earth supposed to have been destroyed by now?

Hannity, if you go back 15 or 20 years, Florida is under water right
now, Alaska would be like a jungle, and we know that this isn't the
case. What it fits is the simple principle. The Democrats want
control of the economy, they want control of the jobs. Through the
EPA they imposed a liberal orthodoxy. And if you or Monica or anyone
disagrees with them, you'll be marginalized, you'll be slimed and
called names.

A great newspaper, their motto really is "All of the news that fits
they print." They think abortion is a sacrament. They think the
southern border is fine. They think our relationship with China is
A-OK. Normal people understand global warming has been going on and
cooling for eons without human involvement. Earthquakes, sunspots,
avalanches, tsunamis all affect weather. It's not manmade global

HANNITY: Hey, Bill, if it's snows, global warming. If it doesn't
snow, global warming. If there's an earthquake, global warming. If
there's not one, global warming. It doesn't matter. They blame

But in the 1970s, Monica Crowley, they were saying in TIME magazine
the next ice age is coming. So we go from ice age to global warming
now to climate change. So no matter what the climate is, they've got
an excuse.

CROWLEY: Well, of course, because what this is for the left, and
this has been the case now since they started to make this argument
three decades ago plus, is a massive wealth redistribution scheme.
It's also a critical part of secular progressivism --

HANNITY: This is important. How does this --

CROWLEY: -- where they turn the environment into God. So it's a way
of separating Americans and westerners from God and organized
religion --

HANNITY: Let me ask you this. Isn't it predicated on the belief that
we're raping and pillaging the planet for profit and if we cut down
a tree to build a house, somehow somebody is going to make a profit?

CROWLEY: Yes. But again, this is part of the secular progressive
agenda and has been for a long time. It does turn the earth into God
and replaces God. But more importantly, Sean, as I tried to say,
it's about taking wealth from wealthy individuals in the western
world and wealthy countries and transferring that wealth to the
third world and elsewhere according to how the global elites see
fit. This has nothing to do with the climate. This has nothing to
do with the environment.

HANNITY: This was Al Gore. Al Gore met with President-elect Trump at
Trump Tower today and Ivanka Trump, and here's what he said


AL GORE, VICE PRESIDENT: I had a lengthy and very productive session
with the president-elect. It was a sincere search for areas of
common ground. I had a meeting beforehand with Ivanka Trump. The
bulk of the time was with President-elect Donald Trump. I found it
an extremely interesting conversation, and to be continued.


HANNITY: OK, so he still believes in this. Bill Cunningham, in 2007
"Hannity" hidden cameras caught the big phony hypocrite getting off
his Gulf Stream 3, which is one of the worst polluting planes in the
sky, and there were two people on a 14-seat jet, him and Tipper.
They get off the jet and they go right into their chauffeured
limousine. Take a look. There he is, there's Al Gore gets off of
his private plane all the way from Tennessee to San Francisco, Bill
Cunningham, off of it into his chauffeur driven limousine. How many
carbon emission were released during that trip. And I'm like, if
it's so bad, why don't you lead by example.

CUNNINGHAM: Monica and I understand one simple thing. There's no
money in global cooling. There's money in global warming. Like in
Watergate, follow the money. Think of the billions of dollars
transferred from wealthier nation to poorer nations. Think of the
control of fossil fuels and natural gas and pipelines. Pipelines are
great. They're safe. No matter what happens in North or South
Dakota, either transport the stuff by rail or by truck or pipeline.
Pipelines are great. They should be used more often. There's no
money in global cooling. The money is in global warming. And ching-
ching-ching, Al Gore is now a billionaire because of manmade global
warming. It is a farce. It's not true. Sean Hannity, normal
Americans know what's going on, and I'm normal.

HANNITY: Got to let you both go. Love you both. Bill Cunningham,
you're a great American. God bless us and God bless the United
States of America.

CROWLEY: Absolutely, Sean.

HANNITY: I stole your line, your goodbye line. All right, thank you.

Coming up, outrage growing tonight over a federal judge now
considering dismissing a lawsuit that was filed by the parents of
Kate Steinle over her death. I'll go one on one with Mr. Immigration
himself Geraldo Rivera and much more, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Outrage growing tonight over a
federal judge who is now considering dismissing a lawsuit filed by
the parents of Kate Steinle over her death last year. You remember
Kate was allegedly shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in San
Francisco, a sanctuary city. The family is suing the city and two
federal agencies, accusing them of wrongdoing.

Joining us now, FOX News senior correspondent Geraldo Rivera. I'm
going to appeal to the guy I know, my friend, Geraldo. And you are
the best family guy I've ever met. Even your ex-wives, seriously,
they love you.

the family.

HANNITY: Everybody -- you love your children. If this was your child
or family member and you found out this guy had been sent back five
times, just released from jail, not deported, and in front of you
killed your family member, you'd go nuts.

RIVERA: I would. I'd want to kill him with his own hands.

HANNITY: You would.

RIVERA: I would. I'd want to kill him. I'd a literally want to kill
him. But that's not the issue.

HANNITY: That is the issue.

RIVERA: You hurt me when you appeal to me with my heart than rather
than me as a lawyer. I'm a lawyer also, and the essential question
here -- and our heart -- it is so -- what happened to this young
girl --

HANNITY: So you're going to freeze your heart and be a lawyer.

RIVERA: Because this family is facing a legal dilemma. They have
sued the two federal agencies and they sued the sheriff of San
Francisco for what happened to their beautiful, beautiful Kate. What
happened to her was absolutely intolerable.

HANNITY: Is the government negligent? Here's the question legally.
Are they partly responsible for that young woman's death? The answer
is yes.

RIVERA: The answer is maybe.


RIVERA: And ironically the immigration aspect of it is the weakest
part of the family's case. The strongest part -- and by no means is
it strong. It hangs by a thread, but at least the judge is
considering it, is whether or not the bureau of land management guy
who left his loaded gun in his car was grossly negligent to the
extent that the federal government would be liable. If he was, if
the gun, for instance, was in plane site when Lopez Sanchez --

HANNITY: I don't want to get distracted. I want to ask you as a
father, as a guy I know. This is important. If you were there and
you found out it was illegal and he killed your daughter, you would
lose it.

RIVERA: And I would lose it. I would lose it because he's a creep.
He's the dirt under my feet.

HANNITY: He doesn't belong here.

RIVERA: He's a total scumbag.

HANNITY: He didn't belong here.

RIVERA: He didn't belong here, he should have been out of the
country, all of that is true, Sean. But this is the issue of a
lawsuit. Why does the lawsuit fail if it fails? And now as I said
maybe the cop leaving the gun in the car is grotesque negligence
enough. But now the sheriff released Lopez Sanchez despite the fact
that the federal government said, hold this guy for us. He gets out
of jail, a felony, repeat undocumented immigrant, so he goes to
jail, does four years in the federal pen. He gets out. He gets
involved in a marijuana beef. The cops bust him. Then they decide to
drop the charges.

So here he is jail, he is in local jail, they drop the charges
against him. Let me just finish, 15 more seconds. So they drop the
charges. Now they have no legal reason to hold him. The federal
government said wait a second, wait a second, detain him because
he's an illegal immigrant. But they have no arrest warrant. They
never say to the sheriff we have an arrest warrant on Lopez Sanchez.

HANNITY: If they knew he was illegal.

RIVERA: Right, he's totally illegal.

HANNITY: But they are accomplices to what happened because of the
negligent --

RIVERA: Emotionally yes, morally yes, legally no.

HANNITY: Legally yes.


HANNITY: The law says you have to go.

RIVERA: Remember, there's no warrant. ICE's issuance of detainers to
seek to detain individuals without a warrant goes beyond its
statutory authority to make warrantless arrests. It is illegal. It
is illegal.

HANNITY: A sanctuary city by definition is violating, they're
aiding, they're abetting, they're accomplices in breaking the law.
Wait a minute. That in and of itself makes them liable, culpable.

RIVERA: It may make them schmucks, but it doesn't make them

HANNITY: Excuse me.

RIVERA: You are going to see an explosion of sanctuary cities,
towns, colleges --

HANNITY: And you know what --


HANNITY: Let me secede from the union if they don't want to obey the

RIVERA: If you don't like it you have to try to pass a new law.

HANNITY: The law is what it is today that we send by illegal
immigrants. That's what the law states.

RIVERA: The law states according to three different federal judges
that if you want a state or a city to detain an undocumented
immigrant --

HANNITY: You have to have a warrant.

RIVERA: You must show them a warrant. Without a warrant you have no
power to make them hold them.

HANNITY: He said 25 times he didn't have the constitutional
authority for executive amnesty, and he went against his own
interpretation of the constitution, the rule of law, separation of
powers, coequal branches of government, and he did what he himself
said is false because he knows he couldn't get the law changed.

RIVERA: You are one of the most decent people I know and you have a
strong moral compass. But moral compasses and decency are not what
we're talking about here. We're talking about the law. There is no
way to require a sanctuary city to detain someone without an arrest
warrant. If the federal government wanted the city of San Francisco
to hold this guy, they should have gotten an arrest warrant.

HANNITY: Who did you vote for?


RIVERA: That is not what we're talking about.


HANNITY: Did you vote for Trump? Did you vote for Trump?

RIVERA: You know I love Donald Trump. You know I love him.

HANNITY: Do you love Hillary.

RIVERA: No, I have a totally different relationship with Hillary.

HANNITY: So you love Trump.

RIVERA: I love Trump. You and I are like brothers. And I defend him
now, give Trump a chance. Who I voted for, my business.

HANNITY: Share it.


HANNITY: Share it with the world.

RIVERA: Buy with another drink.


HANNITY: I'll give you the gift certificate. You want it? Go eat.

Coming up, we need your help. A very important "Question of the Day"
straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right, time for our "Question of the Day." Who should
President-elect Trump pick now as his secretary of state? A lot of
people out there. We want to hear from you. Go to, @SeanHannity on Twitter, let us know what
you think.

Crooked Hillary demands a vote recount--except in states she barely
won. Apparently, those were accurately tabulated.

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