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Why We Bruthas Likes White Wimmen

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Shantavious Jones

Dec 10, 2009, 9:02:22 AM12/10/09
Don't you sistas be callin' me and Tiger no race traitors.

Yeah, and beside, it show that we niggas tryin' t better our bad
selves by sniffin' after white women 'stead of bein' content wif what
passes for women in our race.

I mean, befo I got the nerve to 'proach a white woman, I had t settle
fo round-nosed, thick-lipped, gap-toothed, kink-haired bitches. An'
those wifout kink hair loaded up they's heads with pomade that left
grease all over da pillowcases an' sheets. Even worser, most nigga
women have attitude. Furthermo, they don't shave they's legs.

White boys don't know how scary it be to wake up in de mornin'
and' stare into the face of a nigga lass. Woooooooo Weeeee!!
Gimme dem white women evah time. Even chink woman betta den nigga
woman. Yeah, dey got small tits but tight snatchs and no attitude at

And another thang, nigga women think it be sexy to breathe on yo after
they finish eatin'. Man, you can smell evahthang they ate. White
women breath smell fresh alla time. I axt muh mammy why for nigga
women do this. She say that it be part of our culture. We consider
it an afro-deez-i-ack. Pickaninnies learn 'bout it from an early age.
If a woman breath smell like food, it mean she a good cook and would
be a good mate.

Ahm sho nuff glad we no longer get lynched fo' sniffin' up white
women. Dey's betta lookin, smell betta, don't have no attitude, and
maybe best of all, willin' to work and bring home some money to da
crash pad. Black woman want lay around all day and spit out babies,
"Oh I can't work sugah, gotz to take care of muh welfare tickets."
Fuck dat, leave dat life behind; I be movin' on up.

And on top of all dat, you far mo likely to catch disease from nigga
woman: clap, syph, chyl, herps, Aides ... You dumb, man. You got get
away from nigga woman; she got nuthin goin f' her. Nuthin' at all.


Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 10:43:17 AM12/10/09

"Shantavious Jones" <LiberalsNemesis@usa> wrote in message

Good Lord!

A fine example of the severe mental disorder we
call republicanism. No damn doubt that this idiot
is only parroting what he heard on Rush Limbaugh
and FOX News.

Seek help dip-shit.

Message has been deleted


Dec 10, 2009, 12:30:40 PM12/10/09

LOL....this is a guy who lost his ho to a black dude and can't get
over it.

S. Olson

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 12:34:01 PM12/10/09

"fargo116" <> wrote in message

S. Olson

Are you kidding?
This idiot republican is going to die a virgin.


Dec 10, 2009, 12:57:54 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:03:29 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

>"Cog" <inac...@invalid.invalid> wrote in message

>> blacks voted 90+% for dums and Obie.
>Do you blame them?
>Read this post and then tell me why any black
>person should vote for republicans who think
>like this idiot. Do you really think black people
>should vote for republicans who hate them for
>being black?

Das raht. Republicnas have da nerve to tell us to take perosnal
responsibility and they want to cut off all the preferential treatment
programs of equality, such as giving us 20 extra points on college
admissoin tests fo being black.

Dems keeps remindin us taht we's perpetuial victims who needs
prefertial treatment.


Dec 10, 2009, 12:58:00 PM12/10/09

We is too smart to vote ror Repubs.

Borderline Retarded 70-75 IQ - Seligman p.151
Black Delinquents 74 Shuey p. 498
Africans (Africa) 75 Lynn as cited by Murray p. 288
Southern Black children 80.5 Shuey
Black Felons 81 Shuey p. 498
Black Females 82 Interpolated from SAT estimate
Black Average 85 IQ Seligman p.149
Colored From Africa 85 Lynn as cited by Murray p.
Dull-Normal 80-90 IQ Textbook by Wechsler
Border Black Children 87 Shuey, and SAT Tables, 1991
Northern Black Children 87.6 Shuey, and SAT Tables, 1991
Black G12 NAEP Math 89 (7)
Black US Northern Average 90 IQ Jensen(4)
Urban North Black 91.1 Shuey

Average Intelligence 90-109 IQ Textbook by Wechsler


Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 1:02:01 PM12/10/09

"Shantavious" <> wrote in message

Give me a fucking break.
Blacks don't vote for republicans because
of idiots like you.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 1:03:07 PM12/10/09

"Shantavious" <> wrote in message

My guess is, that's still a good 30 points
above your average idiot fucking republican.


Dec 10, 2009, 1:32:23 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:12:34 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

>"Cog" <inac...@invalid.invalid> wrote in message


>> blacks don't vote repub because of blacks?
>> hello. the cat 'is' black.
>So tell me why a black person should vote for
>the party of racist idiots?
The most racist group in the U.S. is white "liberals" - who in fact
are illiberal - who view blacks as a homogenous group, and who treat
blacks as childlike clients who are unable to make their own way in
life without the patronizing help of white "liberals". Illiberal
white "liberals" do everything they can to keep blacks in a state of
"oppression", so the white "liberals" may be viewed as perpetually
trying to "free" them. Welfare dependency, dangerous and
non-functional urban schools, thorough destruction of the black
nuclear family - these are all acts of war and crimes of genocide
inflicted on American blacks by white "liberals".

Blacks in America should rise up and kill the entire Kennedy family
including the Shrivers, the entire Cuomo family, Norman Lear, Henry
Waxman, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Jimmy Carter, Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, Tom Brokaw, George Soros, Walter Mondale, the entire
administrations of Harvard, Yale, Stanford and Columbia, the senior
management of CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN, the publishers and editors of the
NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, the boards of the Ford and
Rockefeller foundations - in short, the entire white "liberal"
establishment. They should drag them out of their fashionable
Manhattan suites and dismember them in the streets. Then they should
move on to do the same to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Sonia Sotomayor,
Barack Obama and all the other trusties and overseers employed by the
white "liberals" they've already killed.

John Roberts famously and correctly said, "The way to stop
discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the
basis of race." When white "liberals" view blacks as *natural* and
perennial victims, they are discriminating on the basis of race. The
way for black victimization to end is to stop victimizing blacks.


Dec 10, 2009, 1:32:27 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:03:07 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

This "modern" phenomenon, this new minstrel show, is provided
courtesy of the whiggers, their new Massas. And if anyone is
delusional enough to think it's racists laughing at these pathetic
buffoons, I have news for them. These childlike ignoramuses are
dancing for their dinner to please that liberal crowd extorting tax
money from us to keep 'em drugged, stupid, on welfare and, most
important of all, voting en masse for them in every election. This is
how it works, the new racist model, and black behavior lends credence
to stupid label they deny. You cannot be very bright if you don't
recognize just who it is that's enslaving you and promoting those
social pathologies which are destroying your own people.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 1:35:16 PM12/10/09

"Cleo" <> wrote in message

> The most racist group in the U.S. is white "liberals"

Go down the page and see if you can count all the
times one of your ilk uses the word 'Nigger' or
"Jungle Bunny', whatever to describe blacks.

Blacks do not vote for republicans because
blacks don't vote for people who hate them
for being born black idiot.


Dec 10, 2009, 1:40:07 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:35:16 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>> The most racist group in the U.S. is white "liberals"
>Go down the page and see if you can count all the
>times one of your ilk uses the word 'Nigger' or
>"Jungle Bunny', whatever to describe blacks.

Repubs suck up to blax almost as much as dems do.

Only difference is that they tell them to get off the victim

>Blacks do not vote for republicans because
>blacks don't vote for people who hate them
>for being born black idiot.

Do repubs hate them for being born black idiots?

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 1:47:39 PM12/10/09

"Cleo" <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:35:16 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
> <> wrote:
>>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>>> The most racist group in the U.S. is white "liberals"
>>Go down the page and see if you can count all the
>>times one of your ilk uses the word 'Nigger' or
>>"Jungle Bunny', whatever to describe blacks.
> Repubs suck up to blax almost as much as dems do.

That's why I see all these posts that start with "Nigger This"
and "Nigger That".


Dec 10, 2009, 2:13:56 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:47:39 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:35:16 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>>>> The most racist group in the U.S. is white "liberals"
>>>Go down the page and see if you can count all the
>>>times one of your ilk uses the word 'Nigger' or
>>>"Jungle Bunny', whatever to describe blacks.
>> Repubs suck up to blax almost as much as dems do.
>That's why I see all these posts that start with "Nigger This"
>and "Nigger That".

The overwhelming majority of whites don't use those terms but some
people are so frustrated because they see that despite all the gains
that blacks have made since the Civil Rights struggles, their crime
rates, STDs, and out of wedlock rates are worse today -- far worse--
than during Jim Crow. Not only didn't they improve, they got worse.
And they still whine and moan for more preferential treatment.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 2:15:02 PM12/10/09

"Cleo" <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:47:39 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
> <> wrote:
>>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:35:16 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>>>>> The most racist group in the U.S. is white "liberals"
>>>>Go down the page and see if you can count all the
>>>>times one of your ilk uses the word 'Nigger' or
>>>>"Jungle Bunny', whatever to describe blacks.
>>> Repubs suck up to blax almost as much as dems do.
>>That's why I see all these posts that start with "Nigger This"
>>and "Nigger That".
> The overwhelming majority of whites don't use those terms

But from the posts I see here, the idiot fucking republicans
sure as hell do!


Dec 10, 2009, 2:23:31 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:15:02 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:47:39 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:35:16 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>"Cleo" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> The most racist group in the U.S. is white "liberals"
>>>>>Go down the page and see if you can count all the
>>>>>times one of your ilk uses the word 'Nigger' or
>>>>>"Jungle Bunny', whatever to describe blacks.
>>>> Repubs suck up to blax almost as much as dems do.
>>>That's why I see all these posts that start with "Nigger This"
>>>and "Nigger That".
>> The overwhelming majority of whites don't use those terms
>But from the posts I see here, the idiot fucking republicans
>sure as hell do!

Maybe they're not as sneaky as the frustrated Democrats who think it
but don't say it.

Truth is that everytime a Dem politician says that blacks cannot
survive without special treatment, he is in effect saying that blacks
are not good enough to make it on their own. And that is pure

Same thing when he makes excuses for black crime. He's saying in
effect "Oh well, they're only niggers so what can you expect from

His underlying goal of course is to get black votes and by pampering
them with such talk, he gets those votes, sadly.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 2:24:55 PM12/10/09
You know what the problem is...
When other idiot fucking republicans post "Nigger This"
and "Nigger That"... You idiots never say a word.

But when I come out and say how disgusted I am with
you idiot fucking republicans for posting this racist bullshit...
You idiots come out of the woodwork to tell me how wrong
I am for being disgusted with you idiots!

little horny

Dec 10, 2009, 2:28:17 PM12/10/09
M-m-m-m-m .. me like me some undahage!


Dec 10, 2009, 3:01:35 PM12/10/09

So tell me, do you condemn blacks for using terms like cracker,
honkie, chalky, peckerwood....?

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 3:06:41 PM12/10/09

"Nobama" <> wrote in message

> So tell me, do you condemn blacks for using terms like cracker,
> honkie, chalky, peckerwood....?

I got no problem badmouthing idiot blacks who use
those terms. If a black person uses those terms he's
every bit the idiot that you are.

There, does that make you happy dip-shit?


Dec 10, 2009, 3:26:44 PM12/10/09

Well how about these double standards. Let's hear your comments.

How Not to Get Fired for Racist Comments

"You know, back in the day."

By J. B. Cash

Michael Irvin, the former Dallas Cowboy receiver, ex-con, and current
sports announcer, got into some hot water recently for comments he
made about Tony Romo, the new starting quarterback for the Cowboys,
who is white.

On Dan Patrick's ESPN radio show, Irvin, who is employed as a
broadcaster by ESPN, laughingly suggested of Romo: "He doesn't look
like he's that type of an athlete. But he is. He is, man. I don't know
if some brother down in that line somewhere, I don't know who saw what
or where, his great-great-great-great-grandma ran over in the 'hood or
something went down."

Patrick tried to suggest to Irvin that he shouldn't go there, but
Irvin was having none of it, continuing:

"If great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandma pulled one
of them studs up out of the barn, 'Come on in here for a second,' you
know, and they go out and work in the yard. You know, back in the

Irvin?s treatment so far is illustrative of the double standard that
applies to black and white people in America. Whenever a white
broadcaster or public personage brings up sports and race, even in an
innocuous way, they usually end up fired.

Imagine if a white announcer was to say something like, ?Boy that
Donovan McNabb sure is smart, he might have some white in his
background, maybe his great, great, great grandmother went behind the
shed and invited one of the local white 'braniacs' to partake of some
brown sugar.?

Now that would be a controversy! The media outcry would be deafening.
Al Sharpton would have to clone himself so he could simultaneously be
at the scene of that crime and those of all his other racial

Here are some comments about sports and race over the last couple of
years. Notice a pattern?

Rush Limbaugh: observation about the media?s love for black QB?s.
Result: universal chastisement and firing.

Paul Hornung: says Notre Dame has to lower academic standards to
attract more blacks. Result: fired.

Steve Lyons: innocent remark about "Hispanics." Result: fired

Talk-show host Larry Krueger: says Giants manager Felipe Alou has
?cream of wheat for brains? and the Giant hitters are Caribbeans that
?hack at slop nightly?. Result: fired.


Joe Morgan: says the Houston Astros are too white. Result: media

Eric Dickerson says that running back position belongs to the black
man. Result: media adoration.

Bryant Gumbel: says Winter Olympic athletes aren?t really athletes.
Result: media adoration.

Charles Barkley: a lot of white guys are in the NBA just because
they're white. Result: media adoration.

This absurd double standard and chilling effect on free expression has
had the effect of creating an extreme difference in how the media
covers athletes of different races. The double standard is rigidly
enforced and bizarre in its application. What it means is that the
expectations for white athletes and the interpretation of their skills
has been completely colored by the sports media?s fear of accusations
of racism.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 3:38:56 PM12/10/09

"Nobama" <> wrote in message

They're all idiots.
But them being idiots does not absolve you from being
as fucked in the head as they are. Does it?

Now read the original post in this thread again.
Gumbel saying 'Winter Athletes aren't real Athletes"
is no where near as offensive as the original post in
this thread that you refuse to say anything bad about.


Dec 10, 2009, 3:43:39 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 13:38:56 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

So if I were a fan of the highly athletic field of gymnastics and said
that basketball players aren't real athletes, that wouldn't be
offensive to bleeding hear Afrophiles such as y'self?

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 3:48:01 PM12/10/09

"Nobama" <> wrote in message

I knew you couldn't comment on the original thread.
All you can do is pretend that I didn't say Gumbel
was as fucked in the head as you are.

Now lets see you comment on the original thread.

I'll tell you what your comment will be.
You will agree with it 100%. If you don't, you
will be apologizing to Rush Limbaugh in the Morning.


Dec 10, 2009, 3:48:43 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 13:38:56 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

You say they're all idiots but say nothing about the double-standard

We know where you're coming from, ya left-wing cupcake.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 3:50:47 PM12/10/09

"ObaMao" <> wrote in message

I called them as big an idiot as you and you accuse me of
a double standard? What the fuck?


Dec 10, 2009, 3:53:46 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 13:48:01 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

You seem to have not responded to my last question regarding the
analogy between gymnastics athletes (primarily white) and BB players
(primarily black).

Also, please define original thread. You mean the satire by the
original poster?

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 3:57:32 PM12/10/09

"Cleo" <> wrote in message

> Also, please define original thread. You mean the satire by the
> original poster?

The original thread is not 'Satire'.
That's exactly the way every last one of you
idiot fucking republicans really think!


Gumbel is an idiot for what he said.
The double standard is bullshit.
And the original thread that you agree with
is bullshit too.

Tell me again about my double standard
compared to yours idiot.


Dec 10, 2009, 4:09:54 PM12/10/09

The original post satirized the penchant of many black men for white

You get twisted over the coarse language but ignore the larger problem
of the double std.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 4:13:54 PM12/10/09
I love you idiot fucking republicans.
I really do.

In you're mentally deficient pea-brains,
you idiots think the original post in this
thread is not racist in nature. You think

Gumbel saying 'Winter Athletes aren't

Real Athletes' is far worse than the original
post here. You're pissed because Gumbel
didn't get into any trouble for what he said.
and yet you can't think up a single bad
thing to say about the original post.

Exactly how fucked in the head are you
idiot republicans?

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 4:16:13 PM12/10/09
I knew you could not, and would not, say a single
bad word about the blatant racism in the original

And the reason you can not, and will not, say
anything bad about it is because that would
be a shot at the very heart of republicanism.


Dec 10, 2009, 4:18:58 PM12/10/09

The orig. post stereotypes black males as sniffing after white women
while ignoring their own.

Gumbel stereotyped whites as not being athletes. He has a history of
such things, against whites and women.

Your own President sat for 20 years hearing anti-white diatribes from
his preacherman.

Stop looking at the world with tunnel vision.


Dec 10, 2009, 4:21:03 PM12/10/09

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 4:22:29 PM12/10/09

"Nobama" <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 14:13:54 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
> <> wrote:
>>I love you idiot fucking republicans.
>>I really do.
>>In you're mentally deficient pea-brains,
>>you idiots think the original post in this
>>thread is not racist in nature. You think
>>Gumbel saying 'Winter Athletes aren't
>>Real Athletes' is far worse than the original
>>post here. You're pissed because Gumbel
>>didn't get into any trouble for what he said.
>>and yet you can't think up a single bad
>>thing to say about the original post.
>>Exactly how fucked in the head are you
>>idiot republicans?
> The orig. post stereotypes black males as sniffing after white women
> while ignoring their own.
> Gumbel stereotyped whites as not being athletes. He has a history of
> such things, against whites and women.

And I posted that Gumbel was an idiot, didn't I.

> Your own President sat for 20 years hearing anti-white diatribes from
> his preacherman.

I voted for Bob Barr because unlike you
ignorant republicans, I actually do support
the Bill of Rights.

> Stop looking at the world with tunnel vision.

Just as soon as you pull your head out of your
ass dip-shit.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Dec 10, 2009, 4:24:16 PM12/10/09

Cut and paste as many times as you like dip-shit.
It will not hide the fact that republicans are all
racist sacks of pig shit.



Dec 10, 2009, 4:42:46 PM12/10/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 14:22:29 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
<> wrote:

>"Nobama" <> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 14:13:54 -0700, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
>> <> wrote:
>>>I love you idiot fucking republicans.
>>>I really do.
>>>In you're mentally deficient pea-brains,
>>>you idiots think the original post in this
>>>thread is not racist in nature. You think
>>>Gumbel saying 'Winter Athletes aren't
>>>Real Athletes' is far worse than the original
>>>post here. You're pissed because Gumbel
>>>didn't get into any trouble for what he said.
>>>and yet you can't think up a single bad
>>>thing to say about the original post.
>>>Exactly how fucked in the head are you
>>>idiot republicans?
>> The orig. post stereotypes black males as sniffing after white women
>> while ignoring their own.
>> Gumbel stereotyped whites as not being athletes. He has a history of
>> such things, against whites and women.
>And I posted that Gumbel was an idiot, didn't I.

Idiot won't cut it.

I wanna hear you say "racist" and "sexist" for Gumbel.

>> Your own President sat for 20 years hearing anti-white diatribes from
>> his preacherman.
>I voted for Bob Barr because unlike you
>ignorant republicans, I actually do support
>the Bill of Rights.

You're a leftist.

>> Stop looking at the world with tunnel vision.
>Just as soon as you pull your head out of your
>ass dip-shit.

You need to see that libs are the true racists, not conservatives.


Dec 10, 2009, 4:43:24 PM12/10/09

Repubs as a political party are wimps or as conservatives say, RINOs.

Patriot Games

Dec 12, 2009, 1:53:42 PM12/12/09
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 14:02:22 GMT, LiberalsNemesis@usa (Shantavious
Jones) wrote:

Shut your monkey ass up!

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