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Michael Moore Joins Chorus Of Defeated Democrats Panning "Frail, Forgetful" Mueller Testimony

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Home Guy

Jul 24, 2019, 8:26:14 PM7/24/19
Michael Moore Joins Chorus Of Defeated Democrats Panning "Frail,
Forgetful" Mueller Testimony

Wed, 07/24/2019 - 16:00

Robert Mueller's dual Wednesday testimonies were, by most accounts, a
total disaster for Democrats hoping to bolster the case for impeaching
President Trump.

Not only were there no smoking guns, Mueller's stumbling, fumbling,
confused performance alone was a massive backfire for Democrats looking
to spotlight the former FBI Director - whose 'stellar reputation' as a
career public servant melted away to reveal a befuddled old man who was
clearly unfamiliar with his own report.

Robert Mueller literally just said he wasn't familiar with Fusion
GPS. My Lord. My Lord.
- Mollie (@MZHemingway) July 24, 2019

Drug test everyone in Washington. Everyone!
- MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) July 24, 2019

Don't take our word for it. Filmmaker Michael Moore perfectly captures
the somber tone amongst Democrats panning Mueller's Wednesday

"frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer
basic questions...I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today,"
tweeted Moore, adding "All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who
told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller - just
STFU from now on."

A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to
answer basic questions...I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it
today - All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public
to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller - just STFU from now
- Michael Moore (@MMFlint) July 24, 2019

Moore was joined by the likes of Chuck Todd, Michael Isikoff, and
NeverTrumper Bill Kristol.

WATCH: Did Democrats get a dramatic moment from Robert Mueller's
testimony this morning? #MuellerHearings

"On substance, Democrats got what they wanted," says @chucktodd
"On optics, this was a disaster."
- Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) July 24, 2019

"On optics, this was a disaster," tweeted Todd.

On substance, Democrats got what they wanted: that Mueller didn't
charge Pres. Trump because of the OLC guidance, that he could be
indicted after he leaves office, among other things. But on optics, this
was a disaster. #MuellerHearings
- Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) July 24, 2019

"Impeachment's over," said ANC News Senior National Correspondent Terry

ABC News Senior National Correspondent Terry Moran on Democrats'
Robert Mueller hearing: "impeachment's over"
- Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 24, 2019

CNN's Oliver Darcey tweeted "Seems pretty clear at this point that
Mueller is not the best spokesperson for his own report."

Seems pretty clear at this point that Mueller is not the best
spokesperson for his own report.
- Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 24, 2019

Yahoo News' resident deep state conduit Michael Isikoff even agreed,
"Mueller seems increasingly befuddled."

Mueller seems increasingly befuddled.
- Michael Isikoff (@Isikoff) July 24, 2019

Even NeverTrumper Bill Kristol struggled to find a silver lining.

These could both be true: Robert Mueller isn't a dazzling or dynamic
or even a particularly compelling witness at a congressional hearing;
and his report, along with his testimony, is entirely truthful and
- Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) July 24, 2019

White House counsel Jay Sekulow sums it up:

...who, as hard as they tried, were unable to establish either
obstruction, conspiracy, or collusion between the Trump campaign and
Russia. It is also clear that the Special Counsel conducted his two-year
investigation unimpeded.
- Jay Sekulow (@JaySekulow) July 24, 2019

The American people understand that this issue is over. They also
understand that the case is closed."
- Jay Sekulow (@JaySekulow) July 24, 2019

Jul 24, 2019, 11:46:29 PM7/24/19
On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 20:26:59 -0400, Home Guy <Ho...@Guy.C0M> wrote:

>Michael Moore Joins Chorus Of Defeated Democrats Panning "Frail,
>Forgetful" Mueller Testimony
I guess next we will hear it was obstruction for Rosenstein to appoint
this frail old man in the first place.
Funny that a year ago the democrats were calling him a hardened crime
fighter in search of justice and anxiously awaiting his report, then
his testimony.
They really look like Wily Coyote after his Acme rocket exploded
today. I thought Jerry Wadler looked like he was in labor today.


Jul 25, 2019, 11:40:06 AM7/25/19
This turned out just like I predicted. I said everything has been pursued
on the Democrat get Trump side, we know it all, so if there is going to
be a surprise, it's likely that it would favor Trump, ie the GOP in
Congress would score a hit with their questioning. It was all over when
Mueller said that he didn't know who Fusion GPS was. That was beyond
stunning. Also, his answer that he didn't care if investigators he picked
were Republican or Democrat was a disaster. Sure, if you're investigating
John Gotti, it doesn't matter. But to avoid the appearance of unfairness,
it's very important in this investigation. That Mueller doesn't get that
is shocking. Then he said it was not within his scope to try to figure
out if Michael Steele was lying. But woooah! If anyone on team Trump lied
to the FBI, that's a crime. It was a total disaster for the Democrats.
Muellery turned out to be a real piece of crap. I favored the
investigation, but the above is as despicable as anything Trump has done.

Mike Oxberns

Jul 25, 2019, 12:33:27 PM7/25/19
Well now that President Trump has been totally exonerated, maybe the democrats can stop their perpetual witch hunt.  Yah, I know, not going to happen.


Jul 25, 2019, 2:03:05 PM7/25/19
Unfortunately those Democrats getting their information from secondary
sources like the main line media or Democrat leaders are not getting the
information known by those that went to primary sources. Headline in
our Gannet rag, for example, says Mueller said it was not a witch hunt.
I saw a somewhat befuddled senior citizen. I do not fell sorry for him
because he let the Hillary supporters take charge of the investigation
and was just a figurehead.

Jul 25, 2019, 4:32:07 PM7/25/19
I really expect they threw Mueller under the bus on purpose so they
could start a whole new investigation claiming incompetent prosecution
on the part of Mueller. They still have 15 months to kill before the
election. and this one hit a dead end.
I have been saying all along the real "beef" is going to be Trump
making money on his properties at tax payer expense. There is some
meat on that bone. They just have to stall around long enough that he
can't just pay it all back. If they had nipped it in the bud we would
only be talking about a megabuck or less but now he has racked up some
impressive numbers that he might not even be able to come up with on
short notice.
I imagine he will argue that he only owes his "profit" tho and the guy
does have a sharp pencil.


Jul 25, 2019, 4:42:18 PM7/25/19
to posted for all of us...
Has anything good ever come from Jerry?



Jul 25, 2019, 4:43:49 PM7/25/19
Frank posted for all of us...
Yeah, check out what he did in his past; like Chicago.



Jul 25, 2019, 6:56:24 PM7/25/19
What does this have to do with home repair? Nothing.

Vic Smith

Jul 25, 2019, 11:00:32 PM7/25/19
On Thu, 25 Jul 2019 08:40:01 -0700 (PDT), trader_4 <> wrote:

Mueller said of "Christopher" Steele, "I'll say again it is not my purview. Others are
investigating." That would be Trump's justice department, headed by Barr.
You wingnuts are doing a lousy job of defending Trump.
You'll be voting for Trump, because it's simply your nature.
Like Trump, you're insulted when things don't go your way.
You will routinely find anything this House does as "despicable as anything Trump has done"
- because it is controlled by "open border" Dems. Well, get used to it.
Just keep on supporting King Trump, master of lying and division. It's your nature.
Your railings against Trump can't conceal your animus for Dems and "libs."
You're a Trump guy when you have to choose. You've already said that recently.
That's ok with me.


Jul 26, 2019, 1:13:16 AM7/26/19
On 07/25/2019 09:00 PM, Vic Smith wrote:
> You'll be voting for Trump, because it's simply your nature.

If I vote for Trump it will be because the Democrats have anointed
another loser. I would vote for a Gabbard/Yang ticket but we both know
that ain't going to happen. Unless they drop the rest, of course.
Buttplug seems to be having problems at home. Biden needs to be put out
to pasture, Harris is a non-starter, if Sanders shows signs of life
they'll sabotage him again, and Pocahontas has a lot of baggage in her
teepee. There may be some surprises in the pack. Maybe Bullock will be a
survivor although the Dems in this state begged him to run for Congress


Jul 26, 2019, 10:09:02 AM7/26/19
It shouldn't take a wingnut to realize that Mueller showing no interest into
the veracity of Steele and not even knowing who Fusion GPS is, shows that
there were very serious problems with his investigation. He certainly gave
a whole lot more credibility to those claiming it was very biased and a
witch hunt. If someone comes to the FBI and says that they have evidence of
a crime, the FBI/DOJ isn't interested in if that person is lying or telling the
truth? They don't want to know if that person has an ulterior motive?
Mueller was supposed to investigate Russian interference in the election.
How is whether what Steele put forth really came from Russia or was made up
by Steele, not within the purview? They fully investigated those on Trump's
team, including mostly for things not even related to Russia! And when they
lied, they were charged with felonies. But Fusion GPS funds Steele for the
Democrats, Steele puts forth his "findings" and Mueller says he doesn't know
who Fusion GPS is and whether Steele was lying or not was not in his purview?
WTF? Additionally, what moron picks investigators for what will be a highly
politically charged investigation, without asking if they are Republicans or
Democrats? Asking how much they have donated to either party? Mueller is
lower than pond scum now. The fact that he didn't see the need for the country
to make sure the investigation was balanced and fair is simply stunning.
And for you Democrats, the hearing sure turned into a disaster. Which I
predicted here. I said, we already know what Mueller found about Trump.
What we found out was strong evidence that the investigation was not fair
and that Mueller is a doddering dope.

> You'll be voting for Trump, because it's simply your nature.
> Like Trump, you're insulted when things don't go your way.
> You will routinely find anything this House does as "despicable as anything Trump has done"
> - because it is controlled by "open border" Dems. Well, get used to it.
> Just keep on supporting King Trump, master of lying and division. It's your nature.

Why not? You libs do exactly the same thing for your team. The Clintons
run a "foundation" where they are shaking down companies, foreign govts,
individuals that have business before the US govt. They rake in billions,
including that infamous $135 mil from FOREIGNERS connected to the sale of
20% of US uranium to the RUSSIANS, Bill takes $500K for one speech to the
bank doing the deal, and you say it's all peachy keen. Since you libs
routinely defend that pile of despicable shit, you have nothing to bitch
about when trumpets do the same.

Vic Smith

Jul 26, 2019, 12:24:15 PM7/26/19
On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 07:08:58 -0700 (PDT), trader_4 <> wrote:

>On Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 11:00:32 PM UTC-4, Vic Smith wrote:
>> On Thu, 25 Jul 2019 08:40:01 -0700 (PDT), trader_4 <> wrote:

>> Mueller said of "Christopher" Steele, "I'll say again it is not my purview. Others are
>> investigating." That would be Trump's justice department, headed by Barr.
>> You wingnuts are doing a lousy job of defending Trump.
>It shouldn't take a wingnut to realize that Mueller showing no interest into
>the veracity of Steele and not even knowing who Fusion GPS is, shows that
>there were very serious problems with his investigation. He certainly gave
>a whole lot more credibility to those claiming it was very biased and a
>witch hunt. If someone comes to the FBI and says that they have evidence of
>a crime, the FBI/DOJ isn't interested in if that person is lying or telling the
>Mueller was supposed to investigate Russian interference in the election.
>How is whether what Steele put forth really came from Russia or was made up
>by Steele, not within the purview? They fully investigated those on Trump's
>team, including mostly for things not even related to Russia! And when they
>lied, they were charged with felonies. But Fusion GPS funds Steele for the
>Democrats, Steele puts forth his "findings" and Mueller says he doesn't know
>who Fusion GPS is and whether Steele was lying or not was not in his purview?

WTF don't you understand about him not being able to discuss matters under investigation by
the Justice department?

> Additionally, what moron picks investigators for what will be a highly
>politically charged investigation, without asking if they are Republicans or
>Democrats? Asking how much they have donated to either party? Mueller is
>lower than pond scum now. The fact that he didn't see the need for the country
>to make sure the investigation was balanced and fair is simply stunning.
>And for you Democrats, the hearing sure turned into a disaster. Which I
>predicted here. I said, we already know what Mueller found about Trump.
>What we found out was strong evidence that the investigation was not fair
>and that Mueller is a doddering dope.

Yep, I figured you were in complete agreement with Donald Trump. LOL.
>> You'll be voting for Trump, because it's simply your nature.
>> Like Trump, you're insulted when things don't go your way.
>> You will routinely find anything this House does as "despicable as anything Trump has done"
>> - because it is controlled by "open border" Dems. Well, get used to it.
>> Just keep on supporting King Trump, master of lying and division. It's your nature.
>Why not? You libs do exactly the same thing for your team. The Clintons
>run a "foundation" where they are shaking down companies, foreign govts,
>individuals that have business before the US govt. They rake in billions,
>including that infamous $135 mil from FOREIGNERS connected to the sale of
>20% of US uranium to the RUSSIANS, Bill takes $500K for one speech to the
>bank doing the deal, and you say it's all peachy keen. Since you libs
>routinely defend that pile of despicable shit, you have nothing to bitch
>about when trumpets do the same.

Blah, blah, blah. For - what is it, the hundredth time?


Jul 26, 2019, 9:33:05 PM7/26/19
On Friday, July 26, 2019 at 12:24:15 PM UTC-4, Vic Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 07:08:58 -0700 (PDT), trader_4 <> wrote:
> >On Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 11:00:32 PM UTC-4, Vic Smith wrote:
> >> On Thu, 25 Jul 2019 08:40:01 -0700 (PDT), trader_4 <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Mueller said of "Christopher" Steele, "I'll say again it is not my purview. Others are
> >> investigating." That would be Trump's justice department, headed by Barr.
> >> You wingnuts are doing a lousy job of defending Trump.
> >
> >It shouldn't take a wingnut to realize that Mueller showing no interest into
> >the veracity of Steele and not even knowing who Fusion GPS is, shows that
> >there were very serious problems with his investigation. He certainly gave
> >a whole lot more credibility to those claiming it was very biased and a
> >witch hunt. If someone comes to the FBI and says that they have evidence of
> >a crime, the FBI/DOJ isn't interested in if that person is lying or telling the
> >truth?
> >Mueller was supposed to investigate Russian interference in the election.
> >How is whether what Steele put forth really came from Russia or was made up
> >by Steele, not within the purview? They fully investigated those on Trump's
> >team, including mostly for things not even related to Russia! And when they
> >lied, they were charged with felonies. But Fusion GPS funds Steele for the
> >Democrats, Steele puts forth his "findings" and Mueller says he doesn't know
> >who Fusion GPS is and whether Steele was lying or not was not in his purview?
> >WTF?
> WTF don't you understand about him not being able to discuss matters under investigation by
> the Justice department?

WTF don't you understand about Mueller not giving that answer? He did not
say I can't speak about Fusion GPS because it's under investigation.
He said he didn't know what GPS Fusion was! He didn't say he could not
speak about whether Steele was lying, he said that was not the purview of
his investigation. So, someone on team Trump lies, about ANYTHING, bingo
they get investigated to the ends of the earth and charged. But those
bringing the accusations to the FBI, whether they lied or not, that didn't
matter, didn't even register with the doddering old fool Muller. He's sure
ending his public career on a high note.

> > Additionally, what moron picks investigators for what will be a highly
> >politically charged investigation, without asking if they are Republicans or
> >Democrats? Asking how much they have donated to either party? Mueller is
> >lower than pond scum now. The fact that he didn't see the need for the country
> >to make sure the investigation was balanced and fair is simply stunning.
> >And for you Democrats, the hearing sure turned into a disaster. Which I
> >predicted here. I said, we already know what Mueller found about Trump.
> >What we found out was strong evidence that the investigation was not fair
> >and that Mueller is a doddering dope.
> >
> Yep, I figured you were in complete agreement with Donald Trump. LOL.

I'm not a Trump supporter, I despise him. But unlike you, I'm still an
American and concerned about fairness in the justice system. Thanks for
showing again that just like Micky, you're just a partisan hack.

> >
> >
> >
> >> You'll be voting for Trump, because it's simply your nature.
> >> Like Trump, you're insulted when things don't go your way.
> >> You will routinely find anything this House does as "despicable as anything Trump has done"
> >> - because it is controlled by "open border" Dems. Well, get used to it.
> >> Just keep on supporting King Trump, master of lying and division. It's your nature.
> >
> >Why not? You libs do exactly the same thing for your team. The Clintons
> >run a "foundation" where they are shaking down companies, foreign govts,
> >individuals that have business before the US govt. They rake in billions,
> >including that infamous $135 mil from FOREIGNERS connected to the sale of
> >20% of US uranium to the RUSSIANS, Bill takes $500K for one speech to the
> >bank doing the deal, and you say it's all peachy keen. Since you libs
> >routinely defend that pile of despicable shit, you have nothing to bitch
> >about when trumpets do the same.
> Blah, blah, blah. For - what is it, the hundredth time?

Have to keep saying it, because you libs keep saying that what the Clintons
did was perfectly swell, A-OK and nothing at all wrong there. Like Micky,
you're just a diehard partisan Democrat hack.


Jul 26, 2019, 10:50:53 PM7/26/19
On 07/26/2019 10:24 AM, Vic Smith wrote:
> WTF don't you understand about him not being able to discuss matters under investigation by
> the Justice department?

Could you repeat the question? I lost the thread abut ten words in.

Vic Smith

Jul 27, 2019, 7:34:11 AM7/27/19
On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 18:33:01 -0700 (PDT), trader_4 <> wrote:

>> >
>> >Why not? You libs do exactly the same thing for your team. The Clintons
>> >run a "foundation" where they are shaking down companies, foreign govts,
>> >individuals that have business before the US govt. They rake in billions,
>> >including that infamous $135 mil from FOREIGNERS connected to the sale of
>> >20% of US uranium to the RUSSIANS, Bill takes $500K for one speech to the
>> >bank doing the deal, and you say it's all peachy keen. Since you libs
>> >routinely defend that pile of despicable shit, you have nothing to bitch
>> >about when trumpets do the same.
>> Blah, blah, blah. For - what is it, the hundredth time?
>Have to keep saying it, because you libs keep saying that what the Clintons
>did was perfectly swell, A-OK and nothing at all wrong there. Like Micky,
>you're just a diehard partisan Democrat hack.

Your hatred for "libs" and "Democrats" shines brightly. Can't help you with that.
I suppose all who don't agree with you are "libs' and "Democrats."
Hey, here's your chance to rail on about the Clintons and the "open border Democrats."
And parrot Donald Trump. It's your job as a "Reagan conservative."
Get to it.


Jul 27, 2019, 10:06:01 AM7/27/19
On Saturday, July 27, 2019 at 7:34:11 AM UTC-4, Vic Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 18:33:01 -0700 (PDT), trader_4 <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >Why not? You libs do exactly the same thing for your team. The Clintons
> >> >run a "foundation" where they are shaking down companies, foreign govts,
> >> >individuals that have business before the US govt. They rake in billions,
> >> >including that infamous $135 mil from FOREIGNERS connected to the sale of
> >> >20% of US uranium to the RUSSIANS, Bill takes $500K for one speech to the
> >> >bank doing the deal, and you say it's all peachy keen. Since you libs
> >> >routinely defend that pile of despicable shit, you have nothing to bitch
> >> >about when trumpets do the same.
> >>
> >> Blah, blah, blah. For - what is it, the hundredth time?
> >
> >Have to keep saying it, because you libs keep saying that what the Clintons
> >did was perfectly swell, A-OK and nothing at all wrong there. Like Micky,
> >you're just a diehard partisan Democrat hack.
> Your hatred for "libs" and "Democrats" shines brightly. Can't help you with that.

ROFL. What the Clintons did was the worst case of pay-to-play in
American history! As soon as Hillary became Sec of State, Bills speaking
fee prices skyrocketed as did the volume. Just a coincidence, eh?
The foundation raked in billions, taken from foreigners, businesses,
individuals, that had business before the US govt and wanted to buy
influence. The uranium deal, as reported by the NY TIMES, was their
crowning example. And you say that's hate? The NY Times then hates
the Clintons too. You, Micky, Bob F and all the other diehard Democrat
hacks are just the mirror image of the Trump supporters, yet you complain
about them for denying reality. It's just a team sport for the lot of you,
the country be damned.

Vic Smith

Jul 27, 2019, 12:33:10 PM7/27/19
Hey, here's another chance to rail on about the Clintons and the "open border Democrats."
And parrot Donald Trump. It's your job as a "Reagan conservative."
Get to it. Good boy.


Jul 27, 2019, 12:47:54 PM7/27/19
What exactly would you call it, if not an open borders policy, when
you Democrats won't

Fund the wall or fence.

Reform the asylum laws.

Create sanctuary cities,

Create sanctuary states.

Call ICE thugs

Call for the elimination of ICE

Claim that ICE trying to round up illegal aliens who have had their circle
jerk through the courts, have been ordered to be deported, and instead
they refuse to report

Call for free healthcare to extend to illegal aliens

Calls for DACA to be legalized

Calls for amnesty to be extended to most illegals.

Refuse to acknowledge any difference between LEGAL immigration and a bunch
of disrespectful, law breaking illegal aliens who give us the finger?

Complain about ICE stopping caravans of illegals, but not the caravans
or those criminals organizing them.

Refuse to address any of this, even as 140K a month are bum rushing the border.

Big mouth, big balls lib, WTF is that, if not an open borders policy?

Vic Smith

Jul 27, 2019, 4:35:10 PM7/27/19
On Sat, 27 Jul 2019 09:47:50 -0700 (PDT), trader_4 <> wrote:

>> Hey, here's another chance to rail on about the Clintons and the "open border Democrats."
>> And parrot Donald Trump. It's your job as a "Reagan conservative."
>> Get to it. Good boy.
>What exactly would you call it, if not an open borders policy, when
>you Democrats won't
>Fund the wall or fence.
>Reform the asylum laws.
>Create sanctuary cities,
>Create sanctuary states.
>Call ICE thugs
>Call for the elimination of ICE
>Claim that ICE trying to round up illegal aliens who have had their circle
>jerk through the courts, have been ordered to be deported, and instead
>they refuse to report
>Call for free healthcare to extend to illegal aliens
>Calls for DACA to be legalized
>Calls for amnesty to be extended to most illegals.
>Refuse to acknowledge any difference between LEGAL immigration and a bunch
>of disrespectful, law breaking illegal aliens who give us the finger?
>Complain about ICE stopping caravans of illegals, but not the caravans
>or those criminals organizing them.
>Refuse to address any of this, even as 140K a month are bum rushing the border.
>Big mouth, big balls lib, WTF is that, if not an open borders policy?

I knew you could parrot Donald Trump well, but you've outdone yourself.
Nobody here has a mechanized motor-mouth like you do. Have to look to the White House for
that. Donald Trump is President, not a Democrat. Obama seemed able to handle the border
pretty well.
And none of the above is in the Democrat platform for 2020, which hasn't yet been written.
You'll have to wait for that. Of course you can't do that.
Your Trump-like motor-mouth will run on and on and on and on. Have at it some more.
I'm having a bit of fun seeing you parrot Donald Trump. Just a bit.

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